Paro gastroenteritis in dogs treatment. Gastroenteritis in dogs - hemorrhagic, coronavirus. Preventive measures in the fight against gastroenteritis in dogs

Young animals, whose digestive system is just developing, suffer more often. Numerous types of pathology are often called enteritis. They can develop as an independent disease, but more often they appear as symptoms of another disease. In most situations, a dog owner cannot help his pet on his own, so seeking veterinary help is a smart decision.


The following factors can cause gastroenteritis in a dog:

Food poisoning

A dog can be poisoned by spoiled food picked up from the ground, stolen from a trash can, medicines, or feed additives in case of improper use, household chemicals. Criminals throw poisoned baits at dogs.

Viral infections

The following are considered the most dangerous:

Bacterial infections

Leptospirosis occurs with signs of gastroenteritis.

With Sarcosporidiosis, red diarrhea is observed.

Chronic diseases

Pathologies of the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder occur with signs of gastroenteritis. Secondary digestive disorders occur when diabetes mellitus, renal failure, cancerous tumors.

Worm infestation

Helminths can cause vomiting and diarrhea - symptoms characteristic of gastroenteritis.


Digestive disorders occur when consuming foods that are contraindicated for dogs (chocolate, smoked meats, etc.), as well as individual components of the diet. Gastroenteritis is accompanied by other symptoms, mainly dermatitis.

Swallowing inedible objects

Accompanied by vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, is a reason for surgical intervention.


The main signs of the disease are:

  • Vomiting. For gastroenteritis of various etiologies indicates the presence of undigested pieces, green, yellow or white with foam color of the expelled masses.
  • Unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  • Diarrhea. Pay attention to the color of feces. With gastroenteritis they are gray, yellow or red.
  • Lost appetite.
  • Dehydration. The eyes become sunken, the skin becomes flabby.


Finding out the cause of the pathology begins with collecting an anamnesis. Information about the age of the dog, the date of the last deworming, when and with what vaccine it was vaccinated is informative. Has the dog breeder made any attempts to deal with indigestion on his own and what means have he used?

If the history and observed symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis, prescribe additional tests:

  • Feces.
  • Urine.
  • Blood.
  • PCR diagnostics.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal chamber.
  • Toxin analysis.
  • Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

First aid

If a dog breeder detects one or more symptoms of disease in a pet, he calls a veterinarian. Conducts thermometry. Independent struggle with dehydration consists of infusing the dog with Regidron solution.


The concept of treatment is to combat dehydration, eliminate the cause of the disease, supportive care, and restore digestion. Depending on the diagnosis, both directions are implemented in parallel, or preference is given to one. Unless the situation requires immediate surgery, the main goal is to stop vomiting, which makes it impossible to take oral medications and also threatens the dog with starvation.

Fighting dehydration

If you do not stop vomiting, all other therapeutic manipulations become ineffective. The doctor has little choice - administration of Metaclopromide subcutaneously or by drip or intravenous injection. When administered orally, the drug may not have time to be absorbed and will be expelled by the first attack of regurgitation.

A sick dog is unable to drink because water entering the stomach causes uncontrollable vomiting. Therefore, the liquid must be administered parenterally, preferably by drip, subcutaneous administration is allowed. Water cannot be absorbed if it does not contain salts, so specialized rehydration mixtures are introduced in combination with glucose.

Eliminating the cause

If an infectious nature of the disease is suspected, antimicrobial and antiviral drugs. It is known that viruses pose the greatest danger to the body in the first few days after their appearance. clinical symptoms. Subsequently, the fight against secondary microflora comes to the fore. Therefore, on the first day, hyperimmune serum or globulin containing ready-made antibodies against contagions is used.

Cardiac medications, hepatoprotectors, and anticoagulants are used.

Rehabilitation therapy

A recovering dog dietary nutrition is required due to the use medicinal feed prescribed by a veterinarian. Drug therapy destroys pathogenic and beneficial intestinal microflora. Recovery is carried out using probiotics - Bifitrilak, Vetom, etc.


Preventive measures consist of regular vaccination, quarterly deworming, organization balanced nutrition. The dog should not go out for a walk hungry; it should be taught not to take food from the ground.

Enterocolitis in dogs can be a complication after infection or poisoning, indigestion. The disease can have an acute and chronic form.

Symptoms of enterocolitis in dogs

Symptoms of enterocolitis are very noticeable and pronounced. These include:

  • Strong and frequent diarrhea, with strong mucus. Blood may be present if left untreated;
  • False calls in a dog;
  • Loose stools often provoke bowel prolapse and other irreversible consequences;
  • In some cases, vomiting is possible;
  • Since diarrhea and vomiting occurs long time, the animal noticeably loses weight;
  • The condition of the coat deteriorates greatly, it becomes more brittle and dull;
  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • There may be a fever, as well as severe elevated temperature bodies.

Besides these common symptoms, very often the animal behaves very sluggishly. The disease provokes apathy and refusal to eat, as well as the animal’s reluctance to go for walks. Symptoms can also be significantly influenced by various chronic diseases or characteristics of the animal. This could be an allergy or a reaction to one or another nutritional component.


If you suspect enterocolitis in dogs (not to be confused with colitis), you should immediately take him to the veterinarian. But, it is possible to carry out first aid. This means making sure your pet drinks as much fluid as possible, as diarrhea causes dehydration. IN home medicine cabinet There should always be Polysorb, which helps restore the water-salt balance.

The drug should be given in small doses for several hours in a row. Additionally you can use Castor oil, which can relieve some symptoms, cleanse the intestines, and enable the veterinarian to make a diagnosis. After arrival veterinary clinic, the doctor may ask the following questions:

  • What type of nutrition does the animal have, and was there a sharp transition from one diet to another?
  • Was there contact with other animals (this is important to exclude skaz and other infectious diseases);
  • Have there been long trips or trips abroad;
  • What walks happen most often (using a leash or not).

Depending on the answers, the doctor will already have some picture and possibly preliminary diagnosis, precisely from correct diagnosis treatment will depend.
It is also worth warning your doctor about possible allergies animal and chronic diseases, if any.

Important! The veterinarian must find out whether the dog is vaccinated. This may affect treatment in the future.

Such procedures must be carried out very carefully and carefully; you should not shout at the dog if it breaks out. Additionally, you can use sedatives, so the diagnostic process and Ultrasound will take place quickly and without stress for the animal. Ultrasound – absolutely painless procedure, which usually does not cause negative reactions in dogs.

Most frequent examination, which are used in modern diagnostics animals – there is endoscopy. The procedure, which is carried out under general anesthesia, and the doctor can conduct an examination and take tissue for a biopsy.
Only after all necessary tests and examinations, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment of enterocolitis in pets

Therapy and treatment of enterocolitis largely depends on the type of disease and what caused the enterocolitis. First of all, the veterinarian must prescribe proper nutrition for an animal. In this case, the pet should always have a supply of water and direct access to a bowl of water. Fasting may be prescribed for the first 1.2 days.

After this period, it is necessary to gradually introduce the food to which the animal is accustomed. Portions should be small and gradually increased. If the dog itself indicates that it is hungry, you can give food several times throughout the day in small portions.

If you gave your dog dry food, the doctor can replace it with dietary food, which will have a better effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to ensure that the food contains only natural meat and no protein. If you use natural products in your diet, the veterinarian will most likely give you a list of what you need, most often this is: chicken, turkey, rabbit meat (low-fat), low-fat cottage cheese, a decoction of cereals (rice or cereals), egg yolk. Vegetables are a must, can be steamed or boiled (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, cabbage).

Under no circumstances should your pet eat bones and fatty meat or fish, as well as foods that contain sugar. Diet food with enterocolitis, it can provoke a deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements, so the doctor should prescribe vitamin complexes, as well as various biological supplements, which will also improve the condition of the animal.

If helminths are detected, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic therapy. To completely eliminate the disease, antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Trimethoprim) can be prescribed. In cases where a tumor is detected, removal surgery and chemotherapy may be prescribed. There are significantly fewer cases of detection and they can cause other symptoms indicating the disease.

Each drug should be prescribed individually, depending on the type and nature of the disease, as well as possible breed characteristics animal.
In many cases, additional painkillers are prescribed, as well as various modulators that will help avoid constipation.

Enterocolitis in a dog is serious illness, which can lead to many complications, and even death. If the animal was at home for a long time without veterinary care, then most likely doctors will only be able to eliminate the symptoms, and the disease will become chronic.


Gastroenterocolitis in dogs is most often an inflammation of certain parts of the intestine, which provokes digestive disorders. In this case, severe intoxication of the body occurs and weakening immune system.

Dogs can get this disease different breeds and regardless of age.
The occurrence may be affected by: improper and irregular feeding, feeding junk food which is difficult to digest. Most often, this disease occurs due to improperly selected food, which causes allergic reaction. Symptoms:

  • As a rule, this is severe lethargy,
  • apathy, reluctance to eat food and go for walks.
  • There may also be a very high body temperature and possible diarrhea.
  • During palpation the animal feels unpleasant pain, and the abdominal walls are slightly tense.
  • Within a few days the dog noticeably loses weight.
  • The animal may often be in a twisted position, pressing its stomach.

Treatment in this case is carried out with general-spectrum antibiotics, and a diet is also prescribed. For the first 2 days the animal should be on a starvation diet with big amount water. Additionally, anti-diarrhea medications and various antiseptics may be prescribed. It is important to consult a doctor as early as possible, this will avoid the disease becoming chronic.


Preventive measures begin at the stage of properly selected food. Regardless of the breed or age of the animal, the diet must be correct. If pet eats natural products, then the meat should be lean and the broth light. Pork and fatty fish should be avoided.

Mandatory use of various vegetables and cereals in the diet. Which improve work gastrointestinal tract and speed up the recovery process if a disease has been detected.

To avoid infection, it is worthwhile to vaccinate in a timely manner and also carry out prophylaxis against worms (this must be done 3-4 times a year). When walking with your dog, do not allow him to pick up trash or dig in trash cans, and also avoid interacting with other animals that may have various diseases. Very important stage You can also schedule a visit to the veterinarian (this should be done at least 2 times a year).
It is very simple to prevent enterocolitis, but treatment can take a long time and does not always give a positive result.

Summing up the disease

Enterocolitis in dogs is a serious disease that is very easy to prevent. To avoid it, you just need to give it to the animal. proper food and take precautions. Remember about vaccinations and antibacterial agents. If complications arise and there is a suspicion of a disease, it is better not to self-medicate, but to contact a veterinary clinic, where, after preliminary tests, treatment will be prescribed. Regardless of the age of the dog, it needs to be protected and looked after.

Gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis are predominantly acute polyetiological inflammatory diseases parts of the intestine, accompanied by digestive disorders, immune response and intoxication of the body.

In dogs, gastritis is often combined with duodenitis. Inflammation is most severe when it is involved in pathological process all layers of the wall of the stomach and intestines.

Dogs of all breeds and ages are affected.


The causes of this pathology are divided into several groups. The main one is nutritional factors: irregular feeding, feeding of poor quality, spicy, rough, irritating food. Ingestion of salts in food heavy metals, annoying medicines, damaging the stomach and intestines. Common cause illness is food allergy for one feed or another.

Prolonged nervous overload (stress) also leads to the occurrence of these diseases.

Influenced etiological factor Inflammatory and dystrophic processes develop in the stomach, small and large intestines. Intestinal fermentopathy increases (congenital and acquired enzyme deficiency). This helps accelerate the processes of lipid peroxidation. Cavity and membrane (parietal) digestion is disrupted. The functions of the intestinal immune system and the immune system in general are reduced, and antibodies and sensitized lymphocytes damage the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines. Against this background, dysbiosis develops. The motor function of the stomach and intestines is upset: many food components are transported through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed. Growing general intoxication, dehydration occurs due to diarrhea, the functions and functioning of many organs are disrupted.

The mesenteric vessels are injected, the lymph nodes are hyperemic and enlarged. At serous inflammation swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane occurs, often accompanied by hemorrhages.

Acute catarrhal gastroenteritis is characterized by uneven hyperemia of the mucous membrane, its folding, loosening, and swelling.

In most cases, it is present in the stomach and intestines a large number of mucus. The contents are usually liquid, cloudy, sometimes mixed with blood.


Depression, decreased or lack of appetite. Body temperature is elevated or fluctuates at the upper limit of normal, and with gastroenteritis resulting from poisoning, or with prolonged diarrhea, below normal. Frequent and worsening diarrhea. Primary acute inflammation develops quickly.

Diffuse fibrinous, hemorrhagic and purulent gastroenteritis and gastroenterocolitis occur with sharp depression, an increase in temperature by 1-2 ° C. Colic occurs and intensifies. Appetite disappears, vomiting with mucus, blood and bile appears. Mucous membrane oral cavity covered with saliva, tongue white or gray plaque. Gastric motility and intestinal peristalsis weaken with increased intoxication and dehydration of the body. Defecation is frequent, stool is liquid. The feces contain a large amount of mucus and undigested food particles, and sometimes steatorrhea (fat in the feces) occurs.

Depending on the nature of the inflammation, thick films or compacted clots of mucus, blood (stool coloring red or brown color), sometimes pus, gas bubbles.

On palpation, tension in the abdominal wall and pain are noted. Intestinal loops inactive, painful.

Symptoms of dehydration increase: eyes become sunken, skin loses elasticity, hair becomes dull and dry.

The dog is losing weight. The paws, ears, nose and tip of the tail become cold. Visible mucous membranes are pale and cyanotic. Heartbeat broken. Pulse weak, arrhythmic.


At differential diagnosis exclude viral and bacterial infections and invasions. For this purpose, virological, bacteriological and scatological studies are carried out.

Eliminate factors that cause the disease.

Antibiotics wide range activities for complete disinfection of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Means for stimulating the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of drugs that stimulate intestinal enzymatic activity is indicated.



In case of diarrhea, anti-diarrhea medications. Astringents.


Heart remedies.

At chronic course illness complicated putrefactive processes in the intestines, the use of protein-poor feeds is indicated. If the processes in the intestines are fermentative in nature, food enriched with protein (eggs, meat, milk) is indicated.

Quite often dogs experience various inflammations gastrointestinal tract, associated with all sorts of reasons, ranging from poor nutrition to various infections. The most common is gastroenteritis, so in our article we would like to introduce you to this disease, its causes and symptoms, as well as treatment methods.

What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the small intestine and stomach of an animal. However, this is just general definition, since several types are known of this disease: ulcerative, catarrhal, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis and others.

Typically, gastroenteritis in a dog represents inflammation of the mucous membranes, submucosal and muscular layers of the small intestine and stomach, different types and severity. Basically this disease accompanied by, but other phenomena may also be observed.

The breed composition of dogs suffering from gastroenteritis is very diverse. This disease affects both small breeds (miniature pinschers, toy terriers) and large ones (great Danes, Rottweilers). As for age, it has been noted that the older the dog, the less often this disease occurs.


Symptoms of gastroenteritis in a dog can vary and depend on the location of the inflammation. If the disease is concentrated in small intestine, the animal's stool will be runny and black due to digested blood. In this case, the dog quickly becomes dehydrated and loses weight, which leads to severe weakness, this is especially true for puppies. If the disease has affected the area of ​​the large intestine, then in this case the animal’s feces are hard and covered with mucus. If blood is released, it is red.


Depending on the causes of the disease, there are five groups of gastroenteritis:

    Alimentary, that is, caused poor nutrition


    Gastroenteritis due to poisoning


First in popularity are alimentary gastroenteritis. Some foods are poorly digested by dogs' intestines and can cause inflammation on their own. This is lactose contained in milk, starch from legumes and rice, as well as tendon-rich meat. In case of diarrhea or vomiting These products must be excluded from the diet and enriched with fresh meat, vegetables, wheat bran, as well as vitamins and mineral salts. If changing your diet does not bring positive result, be sure to contact your veterinarian so that, after conducting appropriate research, he can accurately determine what type of gastroenteritis your pet has.

Bloody or nonbloody diarrhea can be observed in case of poisoning of an animal with toxic substances - insects, pesticides, anticoagulants. In this case, the dog is treated with antidotes, and droppers are also used to prevent dehydration of the animal.

Gastroenteritis bacterial origin, oddly enough, do not have a clearly defined seasonality. They are observed both in winter and summer.

Treatment of gastroenteritis in dogs

Treatment of gastroenteritis is prescribed by a veterinarian depending on the causes of the disease. The dog may be prescribed a corrective, antibacterial therapy, which includes the use of various antibiotics (nitrofurans or sulfonamides), antidotes, and specific antiviral drugs.

Prevention of gastroenteritis in dogs

IN a set of measures to prevent this disease includes timely immunization of the dog, adherence to the regime and rules of feeding the animal, and a balanced diet.

In conclusion, in most cases, gastroenteritis is a mild illness, but it can have a severe impact on your pet. negative impact. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to treat your dog yourself until veterinarian will not establish the true cause of the disease.

Remember: In case of bleeding, specialist intervention is mandatory!