We master relaxation. Practical guide. Relaxation. Exercises and methods

Relaxation methods

Since ancient times, man has learned to relax in every way available to him. Today, several groups of relaxation methods can be distinguished, each of which is distinguished by a rich content of various techniques, both individual and group.

Relaxation techniques related to the body

The most common group of relaxation methods includes numerous tension-relaxation systems of various muscles of the body. This is due to the fact that human nervous tension is one of the most energy-intensive processes during the period of activity. And since in the process of evolution nervous tension was in close contact with muscle tension, one of the methods of neuropsychic relaxation is muscle relaxation, i.e. complete relaxation of the body muscles.
E. Jacobson was the first to scientifically develop the method of muscle relaxation. He suggested that there is a direct relationship between skeletal muscle tone and various forms of negative emotional arousal (fear, anger, etc.). Jacobson created a system of special exercises, progressive relaxation techniques, which is a course of systematic training for voluntary sequential relaxation of all muscles of the body. Here, the relaxation effect is not only the removal of muscle tone, but also the achievement of a relaxed neuropsychic state.
Jacobson's method is based on the fact that relaxation can best be felt immediately after tension. Therefore, all exercises consist of alternating periods of maximum tension and quickly followed by maximum relaxation of certain muscle groups. During these exercises, a person learns to distinguish and then evaluate the degree of relaxation as a difference in tension.
In addition, active muscle contraction in itself is an additional impulse to achieve a deeper degree of relaxation than with various methods of self-hypnosis. By practicing muscle relaxation, we actually achieve neuropsychic relaxation, as we relax and calm a large area of ​​the cerebral cortex. That is why special attention in the Jacobson method is paid to exercises to relax the muscles of the face, hands and feet.
Today, the Jacobson method has become widespread in many relaxation systems, and based on it, numerous new relaxation exercises have emerged, which you can find on our website.

The second most important method of relaxation associated with the physical body, which is used by all people without exception, is sleep. Sleep is the body's natural way of neutralizing the activity and arousal that characterizes wakefulness, thereby protecting the cells of the cerebral cortex from depletion. Timely, adequate sleep could be called the best means of rest, relaxation and complete restoration of strength. By the way, exercises using the Jacobson method can be performed immediately before bed, which will ensure deeper relaxation of all body systems.

Excellent methods of relaxation related to the body also include all kinds of water procedures - swimming, sauna, and various types of massage.

Relaxation techniques related to breathing

Breathing is the most important process in the human body. Thanks to it, our blood is saturated with oxygen, then nourishing every cell. In addition, breathing is connected with the work of our nervous system, because almost always “calming down” means establishing deep, even and unhurried breathing.
In a state of stress, anxiety, fear or anger, our breathing becomes shallow and convulsive. We don’t have time to breathe properly because the whole body is blocked by negative experiences. Accordingly, the body does not receive enough oxygen, and various diseases develop, loss of strength, premature aging, etc. occur. Therefore, it is especially important for every person to master the technique of deep or full breathing, when not only the chest, but also the lower abdomen is involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation. With such full breathing, the body automatically reaches a state of relaxation, thoughts are organized, and anxiety disappears.
There is another important feature of breathing. Since ancient times, Eastern sages knew: the duration of breathing is directly related to the duration of human life. The longer the inhalations and exhalations, the longer we can live. Therefore, anyone who wants to stay healthy for many years needs to train their breathing using special techniques.
There are various breathing exercises, both those that came from eastern yogic systems and medicine, and those developed by modern specialists. Their common goal is to harmonize the breathing process, increase the access of oxygen to the cells of the body and, as a result, promote the health of the entire body.

Relaxation techniques related to mental activity

This large and popular group of relaxation techniques harnesses the power of human thought. The best known method is autogenic training or autotraining (self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis).
Auto-training is indispensable in our turbulent times and allows you to overcome nervous tension and stress, strengthen physical and psychological health. This method is especially suitable for those people who have rational thinking.
The main goal of auto-training is to reduce the emotional tension that underlies many neurotic conditions. With the help of auto-training, a state of deep relaxation (relaxation) and concentration is achieved, in which consciousness focuses on what you want to change. In a state of autogenic immersion, a person can control organs and systems that do not obey the mind in the normal state. Auto-training is carried out both individually and (more often) in groups of up to 10-12 people. The main technical technique of auto-training is the mental repetition of six verbal formulas that describe the state of relaxation. The first formula is related to heaviness (“my arms and legs are very heavy”). The second is with warmth (“my hands and feet are very warm”). The third formula is “the heart beats calmly and evenly” (for cardiophobia it is not used because it revives fears for the heart). The fourth formula is “breathing calm and even.” The fifth formula is “warmth in the solar plexus.” The sixth is “coolness in the forehead.”
Typically, an autogenic training course includes 8-12 sessions with a specialist, and then independent autogenic training continues. The most important thing in order to achieve success is to practice every day, combining perseverance with faith in your strengths and capabilities.

Recently, the method of verbal self-hypnosis (affirmations) has gained enormous popularity. Affirmations are verbal formulas compiled according to certain principles (they use only positive expressions, there is no “not” particle, the present tense is used, formulas are pronounced in the first person, etc.). With the help of affirmations that need to be repeated many times, you can achieve the effect of calm and relaxation of the mind and body.
For those who have a vivid imagination, the method of creating mental images is perfect. Images have great power: they can evoke completely different states, from sadness to joy, from complete relaxation to mobilization of all forces. It is important to find “your” image that will bring you to the desired state. Beautiful and bright pictures imagined by our minds help us to be filled with positive emotions, to relax and unwind our souls. The most effective images for relaxation are when you are basking on a soft feather bed, swaying on a fluffy cloud, lying on the seashore or in a warm, pleasant bath. Even a fleeting immersion in such a comfortable situation has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. When using an image, it is important to take a better look at all the details and feel all the sensations associated with it. With successful training, after a while you will only need to remember your image, and the body, at the level of muscle memory, will itself reproduce the state of relaxation.

Relaxation through affirmations or mental imagery works well with muscle relaxation techniques.

Relaxation techniques associated with art

One of the main tasks of art is to give joy and peace to the soul. The relaxation effect can be achieved by listening to specially selected music, viewing paintings, photographs of natural landscapes, videos, etc.
In addition, you can achieve relaxation by viewing special images to relax the eye muscles. Such pictures automatically calm neuropsychic activity, gradually leading the brain and the whole body to a state of relaxation.
All kinds of methods associated with dance movements also contribute to physical and neuropsychic relaxation. Moving to music along with pleasant communication supports positive emotions. The combination of music and lighting effects enhances the effect on the biocurrents of the brain. The Russian composer Scriabin began to promote color music as a method of relaxation and maintaining health and good mood.
These methods can complement each other - for example, using music and paintings or videos at the same time is very effective.
Singing is also an excellent anti-stress method - a singing person can be much more relaxed and harmonious. It’s especially good to sing when no one can hear you - this way you can more fully express the whole range of feelings associated with the song and with your own inner state. At the same time, tension goes away and peace comes in its place.

Relaxation techniques related to lifestyle and perception of reality

A natural and essential way to relax and maintain a positive attitude is laughter. Laughter therapy as a psychotherapeutic direction is rapidly developing today. Laughter causes a reaction in our body, which contributes to the healing of the entire body. All muscles first contract and then relax. Breathing and heart rate temporarily increase, which enriches the blood with oxygen. And brain cells reduce their sensitivity to pain. In addition, they produce endorphins - substances that eliminate pain and bring pleasure. Laughter therapy is directly related to our perception of ourselves and the surrounding reality: the more funny we find in ourselves or in the current situation, the more resistant we become to stress and adverse influences.
Also, being in nature has a beneficial effect on a person - on the seashore or lake, at the foot of the mountains, in a shady forest. If you can’t be alone with nature for several days, then you can at least recreate a corner of it at home or in your office - plant flowers and indoor trees, have an aquarium, arrange a mini-waterfall, etc. The sounds, colors and smells of living nature are one of the most powerful and effective means of achieving complete relaxation.

Relaxation techniques related to parapsychology and spiritual teachings

Today, many ancient spiritual teachings and healing techniques are being revived and gaining popularity. Correct adherence to one or another system of spiritual improvement contributes to the overall calm of the body, soul and spirit - after all, as a rule, work is carried out on three levels: physical, energetic and mental. The use of yogic exercises also leads to the achievement of comprehensive relaxation.

Relaxation plays a very important role in human life. Relaxation allows the body to go into energy recovery and regeneration mode. If a person does not know how to relax, he may subsequently have a large number of problems both with health and with the psyche (when a person is constantly tense, emotionally this ultimately leads to stress). Therefore, knowledge of relaxation techniques is mandatory. In this article I will describe one of the simplest and most effective relaxation techniques that anyone can master in a fairly short period of time.

At first, it is better to study this technique before going to bed, in a quiet, calm state. Ideally, the room should be dark, there should be nothing irritating (extraneous sounds, etc.) or causing discomfort. If you want to sleep, it is better to lie on the floor on a mat so as not to fall asleep while performing the technique (by the way, this technique is a great way to combat insomnia). If you are not completely sleepy, you can lie down on the bed. You need to lie on your back and take the most comfortable position. As a background, if you wish, you can turn on some calm music. It's not obligatory. After you lie down comfortably and relax, walk with your inner gaze throughout your body: concentrate your attention on your toes, rise higher - knees, hips, stomach and then up to your head. You don't need to dwell too long on each part of the body. As soon as you feel a slight warmth on the part where the concentration is being performed, the effect is achieved. Sometimes, in addition to warmth, you may experience a slight tingling sensation - this is very good. After you go through each part of the body in your mind's eye, you need to do the following (we will go from bottom to top, starting with the soles of your feet): imagine that you are mentally cutting off your feet. This needs to be presented as clearly as possible. After you have mentally cut off your feet, all sensations in them should completely disappear. Complete desensitization comes with practice. In the beginning, sensitivity will only decrease slightly. After you have “cut off” your feet, go higher - “cut off” your legs below the knees, then below the hips. After you reach the waist, you need to switch your attention to your hands. First, “cut off” the hands, then the arms up to the elbows, and finally, “cut off” the arms below the shoulders. Then we return to the body again. We continue to “cut off” - first “cut off” everything up to the solar plexus, then up to the chest, up to the neck. When you thus reach the head, there should be no sensation left in the body. If you want to maintain control, then you don’t have to “cut off” the head. And if you want to see how your body behaves in a completely relaxed state, you can “cut off” your head. I even recommend that you do this so that you can feel from your own experience the difference between a relaxed state and your usual one - it will be colossal. Only after this you will truly understand what relaxation is, and you will clearly see in what crumpled and tense state you were before.

Each time this technique will manifest itself better and deeper. As you practice, the technique will take less and less time - if at first you need from 20 to 30 minutes, then after a couple of weeks (subject to daily practice), you will need a maximum of 5 minutes to enter a completely relaxed state . After another 2 months, it will no longer matter to you where and in what situation you relax. Even sitting in a noisy office, you can achieve complete relaxation in less than a minute, because... your body will already be very familiar with this technique and the state of complete relaxation. Ultimately, you will be able to relax even in situations that, by definition, do not imply complete relaxation. While walking, for example.

In this article I described the simplest technique that works for all the people I recommended it to. Of course, there are other, more complex techniques, which are quite difficult to describe in article format (they need to be shown). But even if you fully master the cutting technique, you will never have problems with relaxation, stress relief and insomnia.

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Since ancient times, man has learned to relax in every way available to him. Today, several groups of relaxation methods can be distinguished, each of which is distinguished by a rich content of various techniques.

So, if you feel anxious, tired, stressed, we recommend that you use our relaxation techniques, which are easy to implement, simple, and do not require special preparation.

Relaxation techniques related to the body

The most common group of relaxation methods includes numerous systems of tension and relaxation of various muscles of the body. This is due to the fact that human nervous tension is one of the most energy-intensive processes during the period of activity. And since in the process of evolution nervous tension was in close contact with muscle tension, one of the methods of neuropsychic relaxation is muscle relaxation, i.e. complete relaxation of the body muscles.

The American physiologist E. Jacobson was the first to scientifically develop the method of muscle relaxation. He suggested that there is a direct relationship between skeletal muscle tone and various forms of negative emotional arousal (fear, anger, etc.). Jacobson created a system of special exercises, progressive relaxation technique , which is a course of systematic training on voluntary sequential relaxation of all muscles of the body. Here, the relaxation effect is not only the removal of muscle tone, but also the achievement of a relaxed neuropsychic state.

Jacobson's method is based on the fact that relaxation can best be felt immediately after tension. Therefore, all exercises consist of alternating periods of maximum tension and quickly followed by maximum relaxation of certain muscle groups. During these exercises, a person learns to distinguish and then evaluate the degree of relaxation as a difference in tension.
In addition, active muscle contraction in itself is an additional impulse to achieve a deeper degree of relaxation than with various methods of self-hypnosis. By practicing muscle relaxation, we actually achieve neuropsychic relaxation, as we relax and calm a large area of ​​the cerebral cortex. That is why special attention in the Jacobson method is paid to exercises to relax the muscles of the face, hands and feet.

Exercise “Relaxation of the arms” according to the method of E. Jacobson

  1. Sit down, get comfortable and relax as much as you can. Now, having relaxed, clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Squeeze them tighter and tighter, exploring the feeling of tension as you squeeze. Feel the tension in your hand, as well as the tension in your arm and forearm. Now relax. Let the fingers of your right hand relax. Notice the difference in sensations. Now allow yourself to relax even more. Clench your hand tightly into a fist again. Leave her like this. Feel the tension again. Now release the tension, relax, allow your fingers to straighten. Again, notice the difference. Now do the same with your left hand.
  2. Clench both fists tightly and tightly, feel the tension in your hands. Explore this sensation and relax. Straighten your fingers and feel relaxed. Continue to relax your hands.
  3. Now bend your elbows and tighten your biceps. Tighten them harder and focus on the feeling of tension. Now straighten your arms. Relax them and feel the difference again. Allow the relaxation process to continue. Now contract your biceps again. Maintain tension and study it carefully. Straighten your arms and relax. Relax to the maximum. Every time you tense and relax, pay attention to the sensations.
  4. Now straighten your arms, straighten them so that you can properly feel the tension in your triceps. Straighten your arms and feel the tension. Relax again. Allow your hands to find a comfortable position. Allow the relaxation process to flow freely. A feeling of pleasant heaviness should spread through your hands as they relax. Straighten your arms again so that you feel the tension in your triceps. Feel this tension and relax.
  5. Now focus only on relaxing your hands, withoutany tension. Allow your hands to take a comfortable position and relax - more and more. Continue to relax your hands.

The technique of muscle relaxation according to E. Jacobson is a whole science. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in more detail, as well as with other exercises of this technique, by clicking on the link: http://www.b17.ru/article/jacobson/

The second most important relaxation method associated with the physical body, which is used by all people without exception - this is a dream. Sleep is the body's natural way of neutralizing the activity and arousal that characterizes wakefulness, thereby protecting the cells of the cerebral cortex from depletion. Timely, adequate sleep could be called the best means of rest, relaxation and complete restoration of strength. By the way, exercises using the Jacobson method can be performed immediately before bed, which will ensure deeper relaxation of all body systems.

Excellent methods of relaxation related to the body also include all kinds of water procedures - swimming, sauna, and various types of massage.

Relaxation techniques related to breathing

Breath- This is the most important process in the human body. Thanks to it, our blood is saturated with oxygen, then nourishing every cell. In addition, breathing is connected with the functioning of our nervous system, because almost always “calming down” means establishing deep, even and unhurried breathing.

In a state of stress, anxiety, fear or anger, our breathing becomes shallow and convulsive. We don’t have time to breathe properly because the whole body is blocked by negative experiences. Accordingly, the body does not receive enough oxygen, and various diseases develop, loss of strength, premature aging, etc. occur. Therefore, it is especially important for every person to master the technique of deep or full breathing, when not only the chest, but also the lower abdomen is involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation. With such full breathing, the body automatically reaches a state of relaxation, thoughts are organized, and anxiety disappears.

There is another important feature of breathing. Since ancient times, Eastern sages knew: the duration of breathing is directly related to the duration of human life. The longer the inhalations and exhalations, the longer we can live. Therefore, anyone who wants to stay healthy for many years needs to train their breathing using special techniques.

There are various breathing exercises, both those that came from eastern yogic systems and medicine, and those developed by modern specialists. Their common goal is to harmonize the breathing process, increase the access of oxygen to the cells of the body and, as a result, promote the health of the entire body.

Exercise “5+5”

Take five completely free breaths, trying to feel your stomach move and your abdominal muscles relax. Then take a deep breath and exhale deeply. Over the next four, deepest possible breaths, tense the appropriate muscle groups and relax them as you exhale: leg muscles (second inhalation-exhalation), muscles of the arms and upper torso (third inhalation-exhalation), jaw and chewing muscles (fourth inhalation-exhalation) , abdominal muscles (fifth inhalation-exhalation).

You can perform this simple exercise any time you feel the need. People around you won't even notice what you're doing.

Exercise “Relaxation + breathing”

Take the most comfortable position, straighten your back, close your eyes. Your breathing should be spontaneous. Focus on your abdominal muscles. Imagine that air first fills the abdominal cavity, and then the chest and lungs. Take a full breath, then several calm exhalations in a row (not jerks). Now calmly, without straining, take a new breath.

Pay attention to which parts of your body are in contact with the chair, floor, bed or ground. In those parts of your body where the surface you are sitting on is supporting you, try to feel that support a little more strongly.

Imagine the chair (floor, bed, ground) rising to support you. Relax the muscles (hips, back, abdomen, buttocks) with which you support yourself.

Exercise “Twenty Healing Breaths”

Lying in bed or sitting in a chair, take a comfortable position - a position of maximum relaxation, releasing “clamps from the muscles.”

Then, in the rhythm of fading breathing, mentally say up to 20 times: “I... am calming down.” Moreover, as you inhale, you should say “I,” and as you inhale, “I calm down.”

Relaxation techniques related to mental activity

This large and popular group of relaxation techniques harnesses the power of human thought. The best known method is autogenic training or autotraining (self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis).

Autotraining indispensable in our turbulent times and allows you to overcome nervous tension and stress, strengthen physical and psychological health. This method is especially suitable for those people who have rational thinking.

primary goal auto-training - to ensure a reduction in emotional tension that underlies many neurotic conditions. With the help of auto-training, a state of deep relaxation (relaxation) and concentration is achieved, in which consciousness focuses on what you want to change. In a state of autogenic immersion, a person can control organs and systems that do not obey the mind in the normal state. Auto-training is carried out both individually and (more often) in groups of up to 10-12 people. The main technical technique of auto-training is the mental repetition of six verbal formulas (repeat each “formula” up to 7 times) that describe the state of relaxation.

  • The first formula is related to severity: “my arms and legs are very heavy”.
  • The second formula is with heat: “my hands and feet are very warm”.
  • Third formula “The heart beats calmly and evenly.”
  • Fourth formula - “breathing is calm and even.”
  • Fifth formula - “warmth spreads in the solar plexus.”
  • Sixth - “I feel coolness on my forehead.”

Typically, an auto-training course includes 8-12 sessions; it is possible to conduct auto-training under the guidance of a psychotherapist, and then continue independent autogenic training. The most important thing in order to achieve success is to practice every day, combining perseverance with faith in your strengths and capabilities.

Recently, the method of verbal self-hypnosis (affirmations) has gained enormous popularity. Affirmations - these are verbal formulas compiled according to certain principles (they use only positive expressions, there is no particle “not”, the present tense is used, formulas are pronounced in the first person, etc.). For example, “Everything is good in my life, I feel harmony and calm.” With the help of affirmations that need to be repeated many times, you can achieve the effect of calm and relaxation of the mind and body.

For those who have a vivid imagination, the method of creating mental images. Images have great power: they can evoke completely different states, from sadness to joy, from complete relaxation to mobilization of all forces. It is important to find “your” image that will bring you to the desired state. Beautiful and bright pictures imagined by our minds help us to be filled with positive emotions, to relax and unwind our souls.

The most effective images for relaxation are when, for example, you are basking on a soft feather bed, swaying on a fluffy cloud, lying on the seashore or in a warm, pleasant bath. Even a fleeting immersion in such a comfortable situation has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. When using a mental image, it is important to take a better look at all the details and feel all the sensations associated with it. With successful training, after some time you will only need to remember your image, and the body, at the level of muscle memory, will itself reproduce the state of relaxation.

Relaxation through affirmations or mental imagery works well with muscle relaxation techniques.

Relaxation techniques associated with art

One of the main tasks of art is to give joy and peace to the soul. The relaxation effect can be achieved by listening to specially selected music, viewing paintings, photographs of natural landscapes, videos, etc.

In addition, you can achieve relaxation by viewing special images to relax the eye muscles. Such pictures automatically calm neuropsychic activity, gradually leading the brain and the whole body to a state of relaxation.

All kinds of methods associated with dance movements also contribute to physical and neuropsychic relaxation. Moving to music along with pleasant communication supports positive emotions. The combination of music and lighting effects enhances the effect on the biocurrents of the brain. These methods can complement each other - for example, using music and paintings or videos at the same time is very effective.

A great anti-stress method is also singing - a singing person can be much more relaxed and harmonious. It’s especially good to sing when no one can hear you - this way you can more fully express the whole range of feelings associated with the song and with your own inner state. At the same time, tension goes away and peace comes in its place.

Relaxation techniques related to lifestyle and perception of reality

A natural and essential way to relax and maintain a positive attitude is laughter. Laughter therapy as a psychotherapeutic direction is rapidly developing today. Laughter causes a reaction in our body, which contributes to the healing of the entire body. All muscles first contract and then relax. Breathing and heart rate temporarily increase, which enriches the blood with oxygen. And brain cells reduce their sensitivity to pain. In addition, they produce endorphins - substances that eliminate pain and bring pleasure. Laughter therapy is directly related to our perception of ourselves and the surrounding reality: the more funny we find in ourselves or in the current situation, the more resistant we become to stress and adverse influences.

Also, being in nature has a beneficial effect on a person - on the seashore or lake, at the foot of the mountains, in a shady forest. If you can’t be alone with nature for several days, then you can at least recreate a corner of it at home or in your office - plant flowers and indoor trees, have an aquarium, arrange a mini-waterfall, etc. The sounds, colors and smells of living nature are one of the most powerful and effective means of achieving complete relaxation.

Relaxation techniques related to spiritual teachings

Today, many ancient spiritual teachings and healing techniques are being revived and gaining popularity. Correct adherence to one or another system of spiritual improvement contributes to the overall calm of the body, soul and spirit - after all, as a rule, work is carried out on three levels: physical, energetic and mental. The use of bioenergetic practices, meditation, and yoga exercises also leads to the achievement of comprehensive relaxation.

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Our world is dynamic, and sometimes it changes too often. Stress becomes a common part of everyday life. It is so familiar that we stop noticing it. But to maintain your own mental balance, you need to give yourself the opportunity to relax and relieve tension. Below are effective ways to help you do this. Many of them are quite ordinary, but some will seem a little unconventional to you. But use them, because you deserve a rest.

1. Keep moving

It will seem strange to you, but it works. Perhaps the only thing you want is to just lie down on the couch and relax, but believe me, movement will energize you and give you a good mood. Take a leisurely walk after a hard day at work and you will feel your fatigue go away.

2. Love tea

Especially green. It is rich in L-theanine, and this substance has been scientifically proven to help fight anger.

3. Use mental visualizations

This method helps you calm down. Just imagine yourself in your favorite place, such as the beach or a quiet cafe, and you will feel a sense of peace.

4. Turn to nature

The green color of leaves and grass is calming, in contrast to the similar shade of pixels on the screen.

5. Keep a diary

Well, or a blog, if this option suits you better. By throwing out your feelings and emotions on paper, you can analyze your actions and understand what to do next.

6. Don't run away from boredom

The next time you feel bored, don't go online to find a new movie or TV series. Think about the real world, your immediate material surroundings. What would you like to change about it? Take action! As you can see, boredom can spark creativity.

7. Make time for your interests

Do you like cross stitch? So do it. Do you like to cook? So bake a pie. Spend time on activities that bring you joy.

8. Take a nap

Sometimes, to calm down, you just need to sleep for an hour during the day. And then you begin to look at all the problems and troubles differently, and they no longer seem so daunting.

9. Get off the Internet

This will help you focus on what is happening here and now. And with constantly pop-up notifications about messages on social networks, peace of mind is unlikely to be achieved.

10. Meditate

This method of achieving harmony with oneself has been known for a long time. And it just works.

11. Do yoga

Yoga is the same meditation, but only supplemented with an important physical component. And it works too.

12. Clean up

Cleanliness and order around will bring harmony and peace to your inner world. It is hardly possible to achieve peace while in chaos.

13. Take a walk

A walk will give you a sunny mood, and at the same time stress will subside. Admire the city, the people around you and recharge yourself with positivity.

14. Read

Imagine an evening, a soft blanket, an interesting book... Is it calming? Then make it a reality this evening. By the way, you have now used the visualization technique described in point 3. Are you convinced that it works?

15. Dance when no one can see you

Sounds stupid? It is so indeed. But dancing helps to cope with stress, not only mental, but also physical.

16. Talk to yourself

Before you doubt the adequacy of the author of the article, just try this. You can talk to your reflection in the mirror about yourself, about the people around you, and even about how your day went. When we verbalize our own experiences and thoughts, it becomes easier to find a way out of difficult situations.

17. Hug your pet

This method will not suit you if you only have aquarium fish at home. And for owners of cats and dogs, such hugs with their pets help them cope with stress. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and calms you down.

18. Listen to music

You just have to like the melody. In this case, the emotions from listening to it will be extremely positive.

19. Chat with friends

Man is a social being. He can't be alone and still be happy. So invite your friends over and just chat.

20. Learn something new

Have you always wanted to learn how to shoot a bow or weave macrame? So why not do it today?

21. Say no

Helping people is okay. Moreover, it is noble and truly humane. But know how to refuse help if this altruism brings negative results primarily to you personally. And don't do anything that is beyond your strength.

22. Stretch!

Stretching will not only help relieve tension, but also gain flexibility. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the body’s circulatory and lymphatic systems.

23. Take a bubble bath

Warm water will help you relieve stress after a long hard day. And the bubbles are soothing.

24. Buy a special ball

A simple small ball is an excellent exercise machine for the muscles of the hands. It also helps relieve stress.

25. Look out the window

This is a great way to let go of worries and calm down in a short period of time for those who cannot get up and leave work right now.

Popcorn, a warm blanket and a good movie are one of the best ways to relax.

28. Eat chocolate

Scientists have proven that dark chocolate actually helps reduce stress levels. But remember to have a sense of proportion when relaxing in this sweet way.

29. Smile

Try to smile more often. Look for reasons for this in everything. Stress goes away if you look at the world with a smile.

30. Walk barefoot

You might be mistaken for a hippie. But this method really works, because by feeling the soil, grass or even warm asphalt on your skin, you strengthen your own unity with nature. And this is calming.

31. Sing to yourself

Channel your inner Beyoncé and sing along. This method is ideal when used with option 15 (“Dance when no one is watching”).

32. Treat yourself

It doesn’t matter what it is, a chocolate bar or a ticket to a concert of a famous rock band. Just allow yourself something that you really want for a long time.

33. Try aromatherapy

Some scents, such as jasmine or lavender, are soothing and romantic.

34. Find the reason

Knowing how to relax is very important. But sometimes you just need to find the cause of stress in order to cope with it. Do this, but remember: what escapes the gaze may actually be hiding in plain sight.

35. Chew gum

Yes Yes exactly. Chewing gum really helps cope with stress. Just put it in your mouth, what could be easier?

36. Find your relaxation mentor

This could be your colleague who steadfastly endures all the difficulties of work and personal life, or another hero from an American film who remains calm no matter what happens around him.

37. Be spontaneous!

No, this does not mean at all that you should quit your job, home and go to live in Tibet right now. Just add a little surprise to something quite ordinary. For example, take a different route to work or go to a store on the other side of town for something tasty.

38. Forgive yourself

Are you again tormented by incomprehensible emotional stress? Let go of the situation, forgive others and yourself. By staying in the past, we become “missing” in the future.

39. Breathe

This is perhaps the easiest way. No matter where you are, you can always just take a few deep breaths. And this will definitely calm you down.

40. Remember: everything is fine

We all make mistakes. Whatever it is, everything changes, and usually for the better.