Vaccination measles rubella mumps imported analogue. What to do if side effects occur? Temperature after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Today it is becoming fashionable to refuse vaccinations. While some do this out of conviction and for motivated reasons, others express disagreement due to fashion trends. In business children's health You can’t do as “everyone else does.”

Each parent should study the issue, consult with specialists and decide whether to refuse or vaccinate. Let's try to understand the essence of the issue and outline all the pros and cons of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

Why are these diseases dangerous?

Measles, rubella, parotitis(colloquially “pig”) are not as innocent as they might seem. The consequences of these diseases can be very dangerous! They belong to the order of acute viral diseases which are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Measles and rubella are transmitted even over long distances; the carrier does not necessarily have to sneeze nearby; his presence even in the next room is sufficient, or the virus can enter through the ventilation system. In the case of mumps, if the child is isolated, the virus will not pass further than the room.

Symptoms and consequences of this “troika” of diseases


Measles is accompanied by high fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis and rash. If a child has had contact with a carrier and does not have vaccinations, then the probability of catching the infection is very high - 95-96 percent. main feature measles - the appearance of a rash on the skin. The rash first appears on the upper body, only then spreading to the arms and legs.

When a rash appears, you first need to rule out an allergy. Perhaps they introduced a new medicine and there was a reaction to this medicinal product. In any case, to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist.

It is worth noting that children under one year of age rarely get measles. Infants are protected by antibodies that they received from their mother. But by one year the protection wears off, so according to the national calendar, the measles vaccine is given in the same year.

Complications that measles can lead to are otitis media, pneumonia, blood damage, convulsions, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).


Rubella, unlike measles, occurs in children in mild form. After incubation period(from 10 to 20 days) the disease manifests itself with high fever and severe headache.

A special feature of rubella is enlarged lymph nodes, most often on the back of the head and behind the ears. Also, during rubella, a rash appears, sometimes with poor immunity Conjunctivitis is also possible as a consequence of infection.

Usually this disease in children occurs without consequences, only in in rare cases(1 in 1000) inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) may develop.

Despite the fact that rubella is not dangerous for children, it can harm an adult.

Pregnant women should be especially sensitive to this disease. It can cause miscarriage or lead to blindness and deafness in the unborn child.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should definitely think about getting vaccinated against rubella. Vaccination provides 100% protection against the virus and lasts for 20 years.


Mumps (“mumps”) attacks the parotid and submandibular salivary glands. Under the influence of infection, they swell and the face becomes round.

This disease is not characterized by high fever, due to swollen salivary glands It becomes difficult for the child to chew and swallow.

At risk are teenage boys and men, in 30% the testicles become inflamed (in medicine called “orchitis”), which can lead to infertility.

Are you familiar with them? Every mother should be able to diagnose this disease, because if the child is not hospitalized urgently, the consequences can be very dire.

What if a child suddenly has a temperature below normal? Do you know why this happens? we published an article devoted to this problem.

Vaccination "measles, rubella, mumps" today

Domestic or imported?

If you choose free vaccination, then at one year old your child will be offered a double vaccination against measles and mumps with a domestic vaccine and a separate Indian vaccine against rubella. Revaccination is provided at 6 years of age.

Some parents are not satisfied with free vaccines; in such cases, you can purchase an imported paid vaccine - three viruses in one dose.

List of foreign-made vaccines approved in Russia:

  1. Ruvax (against measles)
  2. Triple vaccines:
    • MMR-II
    • Priorix

All of these vaccines are based on weakened viruses that will not cause the disease itself, but will help develop immunity.

It may be difficult to purchase a vaccine on your own, so if you want to purchase imported drug worth contacting paid clinic. The cost of the procedure (price from 1000 rubles) also includes a consultation with an immunologist.

In general, before any vaccination you should consult a specialist. He will help you choose the most suitable option for your baby.

Consequences of vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella

Provided that the vaccination was done absolutely healthy child, acute post-vaccination reactions there shouldn't be.

  1. Redness and swelling at the injection site will last for two days.
  2. Fever, mild runny nose and cough may also occur.
  3. Usually, all pediatricians advise giving the child a painkiller on the day of vaccination, which will help smooth out all these consequences and help the child survive all the unpleasant sensations.
  4. The site of swelling can be treated with troxevasin ointment to improve blood circulation.

It is worth noting that imported vaccines are more likely to cause allergies than Russian ones, since domestic ones contain quail protein, and foreign ones contain chicken protein.

To avoid allergic reactions, the child can be given an antihistamine the day before.

When should children not get the vaccine?

  • Anaphylactic reactions to gelatin or neomycin
  • Immunity problems (hematological and solid tumors; congenital immunodeficiency; long-term immunosuppressive therapy, HIV infection)


  • Recently used immunoglobulin (last 3 months)
  • History of thrombocytopenia
  • Positive skin test or tuberculosis
  • Simultaneous tuberculin skin test
  • Lactation
  • Recipient's mother's pregnancy
  • Household contact with immunocompromised family members
  • Infections with HIV (except for severely immunocompromised persons with HIV infection)
  • Non-anaphylactic reactions to chicken eggs or neomycin
  • Anaphylactic and non-anaphylactic reactions to chicken eggs

Vaccination calendar measles-rubella-mumps

The vaccination schedule for children is as follows (this determines the validity of these vaccinations and when they are given):


  • So, there is no cure for measles, rubella and mumps.
  • The only protection against these infections is vaccination.
  • Vaccination against mumps is mandatory for children (especially boys) because the disease can lead to infertility
  • Therefore, before writing a refusal to vaccinate, you need to think carefully about the reasons that force you to do this.

The decision should be balanced, rational and beneficial to your baby. After all, only parents are responsible for the health of their child!

If you have vaccinated your child against whooping cough, but he still gets this cough, then read our material about its treatment.

If your baby's cough sounds like a dog barking, then read our about barking cough.

Cough can occur in children simply due to common allergies: In this case, by eliminating the allergen, you can get rid of the cough itself.


Dr. Komarovsky talks about the pros and cons of preventive childhood vaccinations and how important they are:

Childhood infections measles, rubella and mumps (also known as mumps) are viral diseases and therefore highly contagious. These ailments are often severe and can also lead to dangerous complications. To prevent them, children are vaccinated. By using complex vaccination for measles, rubella and mumps are administered to the child's body immunobiological drug, which promotes the development of immunity to these three infections. Let's look at when the vaccine is given, what are the possible reactions and complications after it.

When and how are PDAs made?

It is very important to vaccinate MMR in childhood. In people who have had these diseases in adolescence, there may be problems with reproductive function. This especially applies to boys. Adults have a very difficult time with childhood illnesses and often get serious complications, such as myocarditis, meningitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia.

Children are vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps twice: the first time at 1 year and the second at 6 years. The vaccine is administered twice, since some children do not develop full immunity to these infections after the first vaccination.

Then, at the age of 15-17 years, a revaccination of MMR is given. This prevents young men from becoming infected with the mumps virus, which is most dangerous at this age. In addition, MMR revaccination prolongs protection against rubella for girls who may become expectant mothers in the coming years. As is known, rubella is very dangerous during pregnancy, since its causative agent has a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

MMR vaccine injections are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. As a rule, children under three years old are given an injection in outer part hips, and for older children - into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. The vaccine is not injected into the muscles of the buttocks.

Reaction to the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine

MMR refers to vaccines with a delayed vaccination reaction. This is explained by the fact that the drug contains live, but very weakened pathogens of measles, mumps and rubella. After hitting human body these viruses begin to develop, provoking a reaction immune system, the peak of which occurs 5-15 days after the injection.

Reactions to vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps are conventionally divided into local and general. Local symptoms include tightness and pain at the injection site, light infiltration fabrics. Usually local reactions after MMR vaccinations develop within a day and go away on their own after 2-3 days.

General reactions to the MMR vaccine occur in 10-20% of children. Most often they are manifested by an increase in body temperature, skin rashes, cough and runny nose. Sometimes there is an increase or pain in the cervical, jaw and parotid lymph nodes, pain in joints and muscles, redness of the throat.

After vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, the child’s body temperature can rise to high values, sometimes reaching 39-40ºC. However, in most cases it rises to low-grade levels. In this situation, the fever does not help the child’s immune system, so it is better to bring it down. As an antipyretic for small child You should choose drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, preferably in the form of syrups or rectal suppositories.

Skin rashes after PDA are most often localized on the face, neck, behind the ears, arms, buttocks and back. At the same time, the rash spots are very small, Pink colour. As a rule, the rash does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Complications and consequences of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps

Experts note that the only possible consequence of the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine is reactive arthritis. It usually develops in the presence of a predisposition, which is formed after rheumatism suffered in early childhood.

Complications of MMR vaccination are rare. They can manifest themselves in the following conditions and diseases:

  • Allergic reactions (large swelling at the injection site, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, exacerbation of existing allergies);
  • Pneumonia;
  • Aseptic serous meningitis;
  • Encephalitis (develops in children with weak immunity or with pathologies nervous system);
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • Acute toxic shock syndrome.

It should be noted that such a complication of vaccination against measles, rubella and otitis media as acute toxic shock syndrome is usually caused by contamination of the vaccine material with microorganisms (most often staphylococcus).

To avoid complications of MMR vaccination, some precautions should be taken. Thus, children who are prone to allergic reactions are prescribed antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs simultaneously with the introduction of vaccinations. Children with damage to the nervous system are recommended to start taking medications on the day of vaccination to prevent exacerbation of the disease. If your child is often sick colds, to prevent vaccination complications, the doctor may prescribe general strengthening drugs, for example, Interferon.

Contraindications to the MMR vaccine

All contraindications to vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps are divided into temporary and permanent. Temporary conditions include those conditions or diseases, after normalization (cure) of which vaccination can be carried out. This is, first of all, acute periods diseases or administration of blood products. 4.8 out of 5 (23 votes)

Infections such as measles, rubella and mumps are contagious diseases of viral etymology (origin) that affect only one biological species on earth - a person.

The route of infection is through airborne droplets or direct close contact with the patient. All three diseases are typical for young children (under 10 years of age).

A child between five and seven years old is at risk. The article gives brief information about these diseases and vaccination against them.

One of the most contagious diseases, which in the last century was the most common childhood disease.

The danger is the development in many cases of complications:

  • pneumonia;
  • encephalitis;
  • even death in the absence of treatment in severe cases.

For a pregnant woman who did not have measles as a child, this increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight of the newborn, and some pathologies of its development. The disease is also dangerous for older people.


Infection (mumps or mumps) spreads to the brain and spinal cord, sometimes testicular tumors develop in men, and even more rarely, unilateral hearing loss.


This disease is also called “German” measles. Typical for everyone age categories. Appears as skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, rarely accompanied by fever. The disease is dangerous for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester - the fetus may develop heart abnormalities, cataracts, mental retardation and deafness.

Indications for measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

To carry out vaccination in the Russian Federation, a special, time-optimal national calendar has been developed.


  • When the child reaches one year.
  • At the age of six, to strengthen immunity against higher listed diseases.
  • From 15 to 17 years old.
  • In the period from 22 to 29 years.
  • Adults are from 32 to 39 years old.
  • Every 10th anniversary (after the specified optimal timing for vaccination).

What should be done if a child does not have any vaccinations upon reaching the age of 13?

Vaccination is carried out at the age of thirteen, and revaccination in the future is carried out based on the schedule national calendar, as described above.

How are vaccinations carried out?

The injection should be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Before three years old injection zone – outside surface hips.

After three years - in the shoulder.

Help for parents. Reports of numerous neurological adverse effects from all over the world as a result of mass vaccination have caused great public concern.

Discussion of this topic and the demands of parents to carry out more serious medical research the safety of the vaccines used has significantly reduced the number of vaccinations, for example, in Britain. The trend (declining immunization rates) was especially observed in the most economically developed regions (from 92% to 83% over twenty years).

Official position on mass vaccination

The reason for the percentage increase in measles incidence is a drop in the level of vaccination of the population.

People are afraid that the risk negative manifestations from universal immunization exceeds possible consequences from the measles itself. Official statistics indicate that this disease claims 745,000 children's lives a year, primarily in third world countries.

About the Calendar.

How to conduct vaccination courses?

  • Year of birth before 1957 - do not need due to the fact that they have already had these diseases.
  • People without vaccinations with a year of birth after the above date (1957), who have not had these diseases, receive two vaccinations with a minimum interval of one month (in adolescence).
  • One vaccination is enough (for adults).

The result of immunization of adolescents:

  • Females receive extremely necessary protection against rubella for yourself and your future children.
  • All vaccinated children achieve lasting immunity.
  • A barrier is created for mumps (in males), which is important in terms of preventing risks to reproductive function.

Measles-rubella-mumps. Types of drugs for vaccination

It is generally accepted that modern drugs for vaccination against the listed diseases are practically safe and have a high effect with a minimum side effects negatively affecting health. Chickenpox vaccination is usually added to this set of vaccines. Live viral vaccines (or its analogues) are prescribed based on all risk factors present.

There are several types of drugs. Their effect directly depends on the presence of certain types of weakened viruses in them. IN modern means Only those viruses that can provide high results are used.

Vaccinations can be:

  1. Three-component.
  2. Two-component.
  3. Monocomponent.

This factor indicates a certain degree of interchangeability of means for mass vaccination. All drugs are consistent with the list of requirements (from World Organization healthcare).


  • Three-component, including all three weakened viruses (measles, rubella, mumps). The benefit of using such a drug is the administration of one injection.
  • A two-component product uses a combination - measles-rubella or measles-mumps. This requires additional administration of a monocomponent agent that is not included in the main injection. This drug is injected into another part of the body.
  • Monocomponent product – barrier for only one species infectious agent(or measles, or mumps, or rubella). Such vaccinations (necessarily by separate injections) should be administered to different areas of the body.

Domestic vaccines and foreign analogues. What are the differences?

  1. The single-component drug (for rubella) "Ervevax" produced in Belgium is a live attenuated drug. The task is to form protection for fifteen days after the procedure. The period of influence is sixteen years. Counts the best drug for children from one year of age, girls up to thirteen years old, adult women in reproductive period. Ervevax is allowed to be administered together with DPT, DPT, polio, measles and mumps vaccines, but separately and with different syringes (for each injection - a different area of ​​the body). All other vaccinations are recommended only after a month or more. Vaccination is not permitted if you are allergic to neomycin, or for women during pregnancy. For females childbearing age It is recommended to vaccinate only if protection from conception is guaranteed (pregnancy is allowed after three or more months). Contraindications also include immunodeficiency, taking endogenous immunostimulants (some time before vaccination), diseases in acute form and exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  2. In France, the drug Rudivax is produced with a live attenuated vaccine against rubella. The protective effect develops within two weeks and lasts for the next twenty years. Contraindications to the use of the drug are the same as for the Ervevax vaccine.
  3. Three-component vaccines are produced in many countries. They are an immune protective complex against measles, rubella and mumps and have gained popularity all over the world due to their versatility. With the help of one injection, the issue of prevention as a whole is resolved. The disadvantage of vaccines is their high cost and unavailability in regular clinics.

Temporary contraindications to measles-rubella-mumps vaccinations:

  • acute phases of diseases to a characteristically stable state (for all);
  • gestation period (for adult women);
  • at least a month after the administration of one of the blood products (gamma globulin and others, for all groups of vaccinated people);
  • a period of up to 40 days after or before the introduction of the tuberculosis vaccine (not all doctors agree with this point, since studies have not proven a negative effect on the development of tuberculosis due to the use of three-component vaccines).

Unconditional contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to substances such as neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin (antibiotics);
  • the body's rejection of egg whites;
  • others heavy allergic manifestations, including Quincke's edema;
  • neoplasms (tumors) of any nature and location;
  • negative reaction to a previous vaccination and the presence severe complications after her;
  • insufficient levels of platelets in the blood (detected during laboratory tests);
  • presence of HIV infection (not in all cases; sometimes such a vaccine, on the contrary, is prescribed to people with HIV);
  • weakening immune defense after surgery or intensive care.

How to properly prepare for the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine?

If basic health parameters are normal, special preparation for the injection is not necessary.

There are a number general requirements before vaccination to eliminate the risk of possible complications:

  • If there is a tendency to allergies, children are prescribed one or more antiallergic drugs. The course must be completed three to four days before vaccination.
  • In order to prevent exacerbation of a chronic disease and to prevent damage to the nervous system, the child is prescribed a special two-week preventive course of therapy (beginning on the day of vaccine administration).
  • It is prescribed to frequently ill children against the activation of certain pathological processes, for example, sinusitis or adenoiditis. restorative treatment(a few days before vaccination and two weeks after it).
  • Eliminating contacts of the vaccinated child with carriers of the infection for fourteen days after vaccination is a necessary condition her success.
  • The child should be protected from long walks and travel in nature or on public transport for five days after vaccination.

Side effects of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

To clarify this issue, we first explain the principle of vaccinations. Artificially weakened but live viruses are specially injected into humans. It is undoubtedly easier for the body to fight them, and the fight itself leads to the development of stable immunity against “real” viruses.

Due to the “weakness” of the virus in the drug, the reaction to it is usually very late, which is why it is called delayed. The body usually reacts to the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine on the fifth to fifteenth day (as the peak of manifestation). The individual factor plays a role here.

List of possible side effects:

  • Attacks of minor coughing and slight sore throat, which disappear on their own after a few days.
  • The appearance of a rash (localization - the whole body or individual areas on it, including the face and neck, arms and buttocks, back and abdomen). Dimensions pink spots different shades - microscopic. Leather processing medicinal ointments or powders does not make sense. This is just a temporary manifestation of the body’s reaction to the weakened viruses of the drug, which does not pose a danger to the vaccinated person and the people around him.
  • The live attenuated mumps virus in the preparation is a factor in the enlargement of ear lymph nodes.
  • Manifestations of allergies, especially in people with a reaction to bird eggs and neomycin.
  • Signs lung development infections.
  • Pain in the joints - this symptomatology is more typical for older people. Duration possible pain– from one day to one month.
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura - extremely rare pathology(blood clotting disorder). Symptoms include the appearance of bruises on the skin, changes in color, bleeding from the nose and red microscopic spots. Availability additional infections– an increased risk factor for ITP after vaccination.

The picture shows the first symptoms of measles, which may resemble some side effects vaccinations against it.


The above signs official medicine refers to the natural and active formation of immunity against specific types of infections. Each of these reactions is not considered a pathology, and therefore does not require special treatment. Leveling of symptoms over several days or weeks indicates the body’s correct response to weakened viruses.

What can be considered a complication?

Negative reactions after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella are not an obligatory and characteristic phenomenon. Complications must be distinguished from the intense manifestation of symptoms of side effects in a severe form, for example, a profuse painful rash throughout the body, as much as possible. high temperature bodies, severe runny nose and cough.

  • anaphylactic shock or rarely - toxic shock from contamination of the vaccine by microorganisms:
  • hives;
  • myocarditis;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • a significant increase in swelling at the injection site;
  • increased allergies;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • encephalitis, as a factor in the development of pathology of the nervous system against the background weak immunity– occurs in one case per million vaccinations;
  • symptoms of aseptic serous meningitis;
  • severe pneumonia;
  • a small number of platelets in the blood compared to the generally accepted norm, which shows laboratory test, but in itself does not manifest itself symptomatically.

Conclusions. There has been much controversy over the possible connection between vaccines (in particular MMP) introduced in medical practice in the late eighties, and one of the forms of autism, which forms inflammatory processes in the intestines and causes serious violations mental development.

Each of the opponents has his own point of view on this issue.

We are talking about a rather serious scientific split, significantly strengthened with the help of the world media. Many argue that the benefits of taking the vaccine outweigh the potential risks of side effects. It is argued that measles, mumps and rubella, being serious diseases, lead to complications and even disability, and sometimes to death.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

May manifest as cough, rash and fever. Usually this does not lead to serious disorders and goes away on its own within a couple of days. In cases where the body encounters an infection after vaccination, the reaction goes into the category post-vaccination complications.


Indications and contraindications

Vaccination is indicated for all children aged 1 year who are healthy at the time of vaccination. Later revaccination is carried out at 6 years. Contraindications are serious health problems.

A child cannot be vaccinated if he/she has:

  • anemia;
  • cancer;
  • congenital and acquired immunodeficiency conditions;
  • acute picture of tuberculosis;
  • decrease in blood platelets;
  • extensive allergy to previous vaccination.

Vaccination can be postponed if at the time of planned vaccination there is a acute illness. When the child recovers, he is vaccinated.

In addition, postponing vaccination is necessary in the following cases:

  • high temperature on the eve of vaccination;
  • hormone therapy, which requires subsequent waiting for several weeks;
  • blood transfusion or receiving immunoglobulin, requiring a delay of vaccination for two weeks.

A doctor's supervision to decide on vaccination is required for children with the following underlying diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • food allergies;
  • rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • congenital defects;
  • diseases of the nervous system with persistent symptoms.

Such conditions under the supervision of a doctor allow vaccination. It is desirable that the child is in remission. In this case, prior to vaccination, additional consultations are carried out with specialized specialists.

How to prepare for vaccination?

Pre-vaccination actions depend on individual characteristics the child's body. The evening before and on the morning of the vaccination day, you must take your temperature.

It is advisable to conduct a preliminary examination by passing general tests blood and urine. A visit to your local pediatrician is mandatory. 2-3 days before vaccination, sensitive or allergy-prone children are recommended to take antihistamines in age dosage.

Breastfeeding women should refrain from introducing new foods into their diet 7 days before and 7 days after vaccination. IN baby food There should also be no new dishes for this period. When preparing a child for vaccination, parents should try to protect him from unnecessary contacts in order to avoid the risk of infection.

Reaction to vaccination

The consequences may appear 2-5 days after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. The response to a vaccine is usually individual and depends on the level of immunity. The age of the child does not matter.

Normal reaction

In most cases, the vaccination is tolerated satisfactorily, however, local or local reactions are possible. general. To the locals post-vaccination manifestations include: redness, thickening or swelling. These signs occur in one percent of children. Redness and swelling go away within a few days, but the swelling can remain for up to two months.

There may be general malaise and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication such as:

  • headache; headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • moodiness;
  • nervousness;
  • decreased appetite.

Possible complications

Based on the frequency of occurrence, unpleasant post-vaccination phenomena can be divided into groups. Most common respiratory manifestations from the upper respiratory tract and rash. The latter can appear from 5 to 13 days after vaccination. Then she disappears without a trace. The rashes have characteristic appearance as with rubella. An example is shown in the photo.

Rubella rash Rash due to a reaction to a vaccine

Signs that sometimes appear:

  • allergic reaction (urticaria);
  • convulsions;
  • otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • loose stools;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • bronchitis;
  • mild mumps.

May occur during mass vaccination:

  • neuritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • arthralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Individual reactions:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

According to the Russian Union of Pediatricians, vaccination complications can be:

  • encephalomyelitis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The theoretical frequency of the listed post-vaccination complications is extremely low and differs by a factor of thousands of times compared to the frequency of complications from infectious diseases themselves.

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky discussed post-vaccination reactions and complications in his program.

How to help a child after vaccination?

If a reaction appears in the form of a rash, it is necessary to organize observation; there is no need to treat its manifestations. The rash usually does not cause much discomfort to the baby, so special ointments are not prescribed. If a child begins to cough after vaccination, it is necessary to provide him with a sufficient amount of fluid and ventilate the room.

The basic rules of conduct after vaccination are to avoid hypothermia and overheating, and not to walk in public places or areas where children are crowded. Clean air, sufficient fluid volume, especially if the child began to cough after vaccination, as well as adapted nutrition will be beneficial. The level of play activity depends on the child’s well-being. It is advisable to start bathing your baby within 24 hours, although a quick shower is possible directly on the day of vaccination.

What to do if side effects occur?

If you observe questionable post-vaccination reactions on the part of the child’s body, parents should inform the local nurse or contact a pediatrician. Only a doctor can decide how to help a child.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If you see that the child is getting worse, a high and uncontrollable temperature has risen, then mandatory Call a doctor. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Disease after vaccination

If a child gets sick after vaccination, then take into account the fact that he could catch the infection in public place, and the vaccination aggravated the impact of an existing disease.

As for rubella itself, it is worth noting that vaccination does not protect a child from the disease 100%. To a greater extent, this depends on the individual characteristics of children's immunity. When encountering a live strain, a weakened child’s body may not produce enough antibodies and become ill. However, the course of the disease will be much milder than in an unvaccinated person.

Have you had a reaction to vaccinations against measles, rubella, mumps?


Health-saving channel POLISMED. COM presented a recording of a video interview with a pediatrician highest category T. M. Mikhailova, which lists reactions to vaccination in children against rubella.

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  1. Specialist Krohababy

  2. Among the currently most popular vaccination procedures are vaccinations against infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, and mumps. The vaccine is administered to children subcutaneously in accordance with the generally established periods specified in the vaccination. Most suitable age: children from 1 to 6 years old. How is the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine tolerated? Which unwanted reactions can appear in a child after vaccination?

    The dangers of measles, rubella and mumps

    A child can become infected with these diseases in utero. If future mom caught one of the listed infections, the final outcome can be quite serious:

    • With rubella and measles, intrauterine death of the child most often occurs. Numerous developmental defects are possible (deviations from physical development And visual functions, deafness, heart defect).
    • In the epidemic form of mumps, development occurs inflammatory process in the area of ​​salivary and parotid glands. The development of an inflammatory process in the brain and testicles (in boys) is often observed. Among rare complications nephritis, joint damage and congenital inflammation pancreas.
    • Measles causes the child in utero and the pregnant woman to weaken the protective functions of the body. Most often this ends with joining bacterial infection. With measles, the development of such abnormalities as tracheobronchitis, hepatitis and damage to the membranes in the brain area is noted.

    If a pregnant woman gets sick with such infectious diseases, like measles, rubella or mumps, the child develops immunity in utero. Unfortunately, it is unstable. Its effect ends after 2-3 months. This is why every child needs a vaccine.

    Vaccination calendar

    Vaccination of measles, rubella and mumps is done according to the scheme adopted in the CIS:

    • the first vaccination is administered - from one to one and a half years;
    • The second vaccination is introduced - from four to six years.

    In the case where the vaccination is not carried out at a standard age, it is allowed to be administered in adolescence. Even adults are vaccinated against these infectious diseases. It is advisable to have time to vaccinate before the child goes to a preschool educational institution.

    Important! Vaccination can be done in combination with DTP. However, it is strongly not recommended to combine this drug with the tuberculosis vaccine.

    Contraindications for use

    • Permanent – ​​poor tolerability of other vaccines, presence of impaired protective functions of the body, allergic reactions for egg and chicken whites.
    • Temporary – undergoing a course of chemotherapy, a period of exacerbation chronic illness, colds, administration of immunoglobulin and other blood components.

    If there are even seemingly minor contraindications to vaccination, the vaccine should not be administered. This approach to vaccination can cause the development of sad consequences, which in most cases are not subject to medical correction.

    Normal reaction to a vaccine

    After the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine has been administered, children's body protective immunoglobulins are produced. With this process, as a rule, a number of certain reactions occur, which are considered the norm and do not require taking any serious measures:

    • Compaction and swelling of soft tissues in the injection area (you can make an iodine mesh).
    • Promotion temperature indicators body up to 38-39 degrees (it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic).
    • An allergic rash that is similar to signs of measles (you can give the child an antihistamine).
    • Runny nose, diarrhea and occasional vomiting (to relieve the condition, use drops for rhinitis, Regidron and Smecta).

    Undesirable consequences

    The development of complications after the introduction of the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine appears very rarely. Among the most common adverse reactions are allergies and an increase in low-grade fever. Negative effects after vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, they manifest themselves as independent pathological processes in the body as:

    • pneumonia and respiratory dysfunction;
    • aseptic form of meningitis and toxic shock;
    • glomerulonephritis and myocardial inflammation.

    During development undesirable consequences against measles, rubella, mumps vaccinations, it is recommended to go to an appointment with experienced specialist. Self-administration of the vaccine and treatment of complications from vaccination is unacceptable.

    Preparing for immunization

    To reduce the likelihood of developing negative reactions for vaccination, you need to prepare:

    • Before the procedure, you should measure your temperature and rule out a cold;
    • You need to avoid contact with people who have respiratory diseases;
    • and the diet should be removed for 2-3 days allergenic products nutrition.

    After vaccination, you should stay in the clinic for half an hour. Swimming on the day of vaccination is not recommended.

    Site of drug administration

    The measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine is administered subcutaneously. The first time, as a rule, the procedure is performed at the age of 1 year, and the second time – at 6 years.

    Vaccination for adults: for or against?

    If the vaccine is not administered on time, it can be done at any age. In this case, there is no risk of reducing its effectiveness.

    However, the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine requires early administration. You should not postpone this procedure for long. IN otherwise a person deliberately increases the risk of infection infectious diseases, which are very difficult to tolerate and cause the development dangerous reactions. As a rule, this is not observed after vaccination.

    Vaccination during pregnancy

    Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps is a mandatory criterion for a safe pregnancy. It is best to do it before conception. Only after the expiration of the 3-month period is the woman allowed to try to conceive. But what if the vaccination procedure has not been carried out and the woman is already pregnant?

    To begin with, the doctor prescribes a test for the pregnant woman to determine the stability of her immunity to viruses of this type. If there is no resistance, then the doctor recommends undergoing vaccination, which uses a vaccine.

    Types of vaccines and basic rules of immunization

    In the CIS countries, the use of single-component and multicomponent vaccines from measles, rubella, mumps.

    Single-component vaccines

    In case of severe reactions to vaccines, it is recommended not to use them, especially when we're talking about about vaccinating boys. For girls, this measure is mandatory because it makes it possible to exclude the possibility of developing mumps, rubella and measles in women during pregnancy.

    • Measles vaccinations – L-16 ( live vaccine). The drug is produced in Russia by the Microgen company. The drug is considered one of the best. It is based on protein quail eggs. The vaccine is not recommended for those people who have high sensitivity to aminoglycoside.
    • Measles vaccination – “Ruvax”, France. A mono-vaccine, which has lost its popularity and is currently not supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • Mumps vaccine – live (L-3). Domestic drug, which is produced on the basis of the protein found in quail eggs. The vaccine promotes the formation of stable immunity in only 60% of patients. Protective functions are preserved for 8 years.
    • Vaccination against mumps "Pavivak". Produced in the Czech Republic by the Savafarma company. The drug is developed based on chicken protein. Absolute contraindication to its use is the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition.
    • The drug SII (Serum Institute of India) is a vaccine against such a disease. Like rubella, which is often used in a generally accepted program. The drug is not recommended for use in vaccinating children with health problems. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing adverse reactions.
    • Ervevax vaccine (England) - the vaccine is widely used to develop immunity to rubella. Protective antigens remain in the human body for 16 years.
    • The drug "Rudivax" (France) - the vaccine promotes the production of antibodies that remain in the human body for 20 years. The drug includes gentle components that make it less reactogenic compared to analogues. The development of adverse reactions after the procedure is minimal. After the procedure, if it is performed in reproductive age. Recommended to take birth control pills to eliminate the possibility of conceiving a child. This measure is necessary for 3 months.

    Multicomponent drugs

    Complex vaccines measles, rubella, mumps:

    • The drug "Priorix" is manufactured in Belgium. The most popular and safe vaccine in Russia. It is used mainly in private clinics. The drug simultaneously protects the body from measles, rubella and mumps. The vaccine is based on chicken protein.
    • Mumps-measles (live) – manufacturer Russia. After administration of the drug, immunity to mumps is developed in 91% of cases, and to rubella - in 97%. The drug has low reactogenicity, therefore adverse reactions do not occur often.
    • The drug MMP-II is manufactured in Holland. Promotes the production of antibodies to measles, rubella and mumps in the body. Immunity lasts for 1 year. For some time, experts believed that this vaccine is the cause of the development of autism, but this opinion was wrong. Thanks to research, this fact was refuted.


    Many parents refuse to vaccinate their children, citing the fact that they do not have contact with infected people and monitor their child’s health better than others. Don't tempt fate. The drugs used for vaccination have been tested by numerous studies and time. Isolated cases of adverse reactions are negligible compared to the incidence of infectious diseases. The consequences in this case are very sad.