If your elbows itch and peel. Itchy elbows: causes of redness, itching, rash, how to treat. Rashes on the outside

Often, people pay little attention to their elbows, since they are almost always hidden under clothing and cannot be seen in the mirror.

But one day, a moment comes when the problem with dryness and flaking of the elbows becomes urgent. This issue becomes especially acute at the beginning of the summer season.

The elbow area is most often susceptible to injury and contact with surrounding objects.

Unpleasant sensations on the elbows can be of the following nature: peeling, itching, cracks in the skin and, of course, dryness.

This can happen for several reasons:

1. Due to skin diseases;

2. Due to lack of vitamins;

3. As a result of wearing clothes made from non-natural fabrics for a long time;

4. Due to hormonal imbalances;

5. Due to swimming in water with a high content of chlorine;

6. Insufficient amount of water in the body;

7. Due to severe nervous shock;

8. Due to a sedentary lifestyle;

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9. As a result of anemia.

If you have flaking or the skin on the fingers is cracking, why and treatment This disease can be viewed by clicking on the link.

Skin diseases on the elbows

If there is itching, cracking, dryness and flaking skin on the elbows, the reason for this may be different, but most likely it is a skin disease:

1. Dermatitis.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows: redness, accompanied by rash and peeling; most often it occurs throughout the body, but manifestations are possible only in its areas.

The development of this disease is possible in the case of:

- severe stress;

- hypothermia;

- as a result of burns;

- various allergic reactions.

Symptoms of dermatitis are as follows: redness, accompanied by rash and peeling

Most Dermatitis often occurs in acute form, but without proper treatment it can become chronic. Depending on the form, dermatitis has different symptoms.

In acute dermatitis, the following are possible: itching, rarely - fever, swelling and redness, and depending on whether it is allergic or infectious dermatitis, a runny nose and rash may occur.

During chronic dermatitis, the symptoms of inflammation are not very pronounced, but a rash may appear, which, without timely treatment, develops into complications in the form of ulcers, cracks with the presence of pus.

If the skin on your elbows is peeling, another disease may be the cause:

2. Psoriasis .

This disease is characterized by red spots that are covered with scales; the area of ​​the spot is pronounced. After the scales have passed a little, the stain turns into a dry plaque.

If timely treatment does not occur, the disease spreads to the nails and joints.

Psoriasis is characterized by red spots that are covered with scales, the area of ​​the spots is pronounced.

The most common people affected by psoriasis are:

- lumbar region;

- elbow and knee areas;

- genitals and the area around them;

- palms;

- the skin on the head where the hair is located.

Psoriasis is a fairly serious disease b, which occurs for several reasons: heredity, reduced immunity, severe stress, trauma, the use of medications that have strong side effects.

Causes of pain in the elbows

The skin on the elbows may peel off due to diabetes mellitus. With this serious disease, in addition to peeling, there may be thinning of the skin and pain when touching it and when bending and straightening the limbs.

Peeling skin on the elbows may be due to diabetes.

During diabetes mellitus the disease can be of two types .

In the first type of this disease, symptoms develop very quickly and the onset of a diabetic coma is also possible quickly.

Symptoms of possible presence Diabetes mellitus is not at all difficult to determine:

- a constant feeling of thirst and dry mouth, even though the person often drinks water;

- a fairly large intake of food, but at the same time the person begins to rapidly lose weight;

- bad breath, reminiscent of acetone;

- if even the smallest wounds heal very poorly;

- skin rashes often occur that are very itchy;

- very often I want to go to the toilet at night.

Types of diabetes.

Symptoms of the second type has a very slow development, which occurs over several years:

- deterioration of vision and memory;

- excessive fatigue;

- slow healing of wounds;

- constant thirst;

- urinating too frequently at night;

- the occurrence of ulcers on the lower legs;

- in the case of women, frequent manifestations of thrush are possible;

- During the last stage, severe weight loss begins.

Find out now: What folk remedies are the most effective in treating nail fungus? How to quickly treat fungus.

Uncommon causes of dry elbows

There are cases when the skin on the elbows peels, and hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland, can also cause this.

There are cases when the skin on the elbows peels off, and the reason for this may be hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland. In addition to peeling, this disease is accompanied by:

- dry hair and, as a result, it begins to fall out;

- severe weakness;

- cold and pale skin;

- anemia;

- shortness of breath and pain in the sternum;

- convulsions;

- too frequent bronchitis;

- problems with digestion;

- depressive state.

Goose bumps in the elbow area

This problem can arise as a result of an acute lack of vitamins A and C.

To find out the cause of goose bumps, you need to contact a specialist who will first prescribe a complex of vitamins A and E, and only then, if necessary, vitamin C.

The problem may arise as a result of an acute lack of vitamins A and C.

It must be taken into account that Vitamin A can only be absorbed from fats. Vitamin C is quickly destroyed during exposure to air, light and high temperature.

If the skin on your elbows is peeling, the cause can be eliminated not only with the help of vitamins, local influence is also necessary. These may include procedures such as baths with pre-brewed herbs and exposure to a special nourishing cream.

Causes of darkening of the skin on the elbows

The cause of darkening of the skin is not as easy to eliminate as the cause of flaking skin on the elbows.
This reason occurs as a result of improper functioning of the adrenal glands. The body has two adrenal glands, which are located symmetrically above the kidneys.

This organ is responsible for the production of adrenaline, sex hormones and norepinephrine.

Elbow treatment

If the skin on your elbows is peeling, the cause can be eliminated with timely treatment and daily procedures aimed at maintaining the condition of the elbow area. Such procedures include:

1. Proper consumption of the required amount of fluid;

2. Replacing taking a bath with a shower;

3. Taking multivitamins, especially with the onset of winter and spring;

4. Do not wear synthetic things;

5. Do not use cosmetics that cause allergies;

6. When the first problems arise, you need to start using a product that has anti-inflammatory properties.

Depending on the existing disease, the specialist will prescribe a special treatment suitable for a particular case. Self-medication is not worth it , you can only use home and folk methods of treatment with the permission of a specialist.

Peeling. For elbow peeling, you need to use gentle products, such as scrubs.

In cases where there are no serious diseases, you can use standard general recommendations for elbow care:

1. Peeling. For elbow peeling, you need to use gentle products, such as scrubs. Frequent use of such products is not possible, once a week is enough, and products such as pumice are generally not acceptable.

Scrubs can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself:

- ground coffee and honey gently removes dead cells;

- previous ingredients plus fine salt and sour cream, all this should be in equal proportion;

- it is possible to use a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice, after drying, rinse with cool running water.

After such procedures be sure to apply nourishing cream to the elbow area.

To maintain an attractive appearance of your elbows, you need to periodically use skin masks; they will help make it soft and have an additional nourishing effect.

2. Mask. To maintain an attractive appearance of your elbows, you need to periodically use skin masks; they will help make it soft and have an additional nourishing effect.

- one of the most used means is lubrication with aloe juice;

- simple oil is also used olive oil compress, as an alternative, you can use sesame, almond, corn and peach oil;

- another remedy is a mixture of lemon juice, sour cream and hydrogen peroxide;

- this composition can be used quite often; to prepare it you will need: tincture of calendula and chamomile, as well as a spoonful of butter and honey. All this must be mixed and used;

mix grated potatoes with honey, spread and leave for half an hour, then rinse your elbows;

- can be applied simply high fat sour cream;

chamomile tincture and sea buckthorn oil will also help make your elbows soft enough;

mixture of yolk and cottage cheese in equal proportion.

Any of these masks must be kept for 10 minutes to half an hour, It’s better not to get carried away with these procedures , otherwise it may lead to a negative effect.

With timely skin treatment, visible results will be noticeable within two weeks, but after that you must continue to periodically care for your elbows by applying a nourishing cream after a shower and masks once a week.

To eliminate problems such as dry and flaky skin on the elbows, you need to adjust your diet, adding more variety to your diet in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables, oils, eggs, fats, liver, and so on.

This is especially true for children and pregnant women, since the latter must have enough vitamins for both, which means they need to take care of their health during pregnancy especially carefully. Children especially need to be given a varied diet to prevent many of the problems associated with vitamin deficiency.

In order not to hide red and cracked elbows under clothes, it is worth finding out why the elbows itch and peel, whether the reason comes from the outside or from the inside. And as soon as the answer to this question is received, you need to immediately begin to fix the problem. Peeling of the elbows is not uncommon today, so many means have been developed with which you can forget about this inconvenience forever.

Causes of peeling skin on elbows

Few people pay attention to their own and other people's elbows. It would seem that what could happen to them and why attach great importance to this part of the body? In fact, everything is much more serious than it seems at first glance. Sometimes harmless, barely noticeable flaking skin particles are replaced by a serious rejection of hardened epidermal cells, which may indicate serious diseases.

There can be many reasons for bottom deviation, the most common of which are:

  • insufficient care or lack thereof;
  • use of inappropriate hygiene products (alkaline soap, antibacterial alcohol-containing compounds that dry out the skin);
  • the specifics of the work, which involves being in a sitting position for a long time (by focusing on the elbows, placing them on the surface of the table, people themselves add to the problem in the form of coarsened and subsequently flaky dermis);
  • lack of vitamins and microelements (A, D, E, iron, magnesium), which is especially noticeable in the spring;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies);
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • disruption of the adrenal glands and pancreas;
  • anemia;
  • emotional overload, stress, depression;
  • poor nutrition;
  • unsuitable clothing material;
  • regular exposure to high humidity conditions;
  • fungus;
  • hereditary factor.

In the fight against peeling, when elbows often itch and peel, the first step to victory is to correctly identify the cause: after all, this is the only way to choose a targeted remedy and eliminate the disease in a short time.

Why do white and red spots appear?

Many patients in their complaints focus on spots on the elbows that precede flaky spots. There may also be several reasons. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor, after a visual examination, prescribes a comprehensive laboratory test.

The color of the spot also influences the identification of the causes. White and red spots can be caused by different reasons:

If the impetus is that spots form , caused by any disease, the doctor prescribes individual treatment and monitors the progress of its implementation, conducting examinations and referring for additional tests.

The most common cause of such spots is psoriasis. This is a chronic disease that can take an acute form or be in remission. The disease is recognized by spots on the body: from pale scarlet to deep red with dry plaques on the surface, they can cover the entire body. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, they are accompanied by itching.

Attention! It is impossible to completely cure psoriasis; you can only temporarily “muffle” the activated lesions with the help of tablets. Therefore, it is worth starting treatment immediately in order to slow down the process of development and progression into a severe stage.

When the elbow turns red and itches, and subsequently peels off, this may be the cause of a hormonal imbalance, so a visit to an endocrinologist is a mandatory step in the initial stages of problems with the elbows.

Cosmetologists also often face the problem of peeling elbows and recommend that clients familiarize themselves with all the individual characteristics of their body in order to select the right cosmetics, food, clothing, household chemicals and other items.

The main rules shared by leading cosmetologists in Russia are several steps to prevent the appearance of peeling. The recommendations apply to everyone:

  • proper hygiene care (refusal to alcohol-containing products and cosmetics with parabens, dyes, enhancers and preservatives);
  • regular moisturizing of dry skin of the hands - from the shoulder to the fingers (creams, lotions, milk);
  • periodic visits to the doctor and tests;
  • for people with a predisposition to allergies, exclude from the diet foods that provoke such a reaction;
  • cleansing the body with the intake of absorbents (strictly after agreement with the attending physician);
  • white spots on the elbows, where the skin is already peeling, may not contain any danger - in this case, this flaw can be easily gotten rid of with the help of special cosmetic whitening products;
  • in many cases, giving up alcohol completely eliminates the problem;
  • in case of stress and nervous breakdown, sedatives and sedatives will be useful;
  • adherence to diet and proper nutrition;
  • use of moisturizing and nourishing creams after peeling and scrubbing;
  • the use of exfoliating products based on fruit acids.

Red spots almost always accompany the elbows, which itch and flake, and also cause difficulty in “disguising” them (especially in the hot season). Therefore, cosmetologists recommend a working express method for getting rid of redness: wipe your elbows with a slice of lemon or other citrus fruits. A cotton pad soaked in rice water or grapefruit juice is also suitable for wiping. After rubbing, mashed white cabbage leaves are applied to the treatment area.

It is important! Often red spots indicate an allergic reaction of the body and may be accompanied by similar irritation on other parts of the body (neck, back, legs, feet).

How to get rid of flaking and spots

Once the diagnosis is made, the only unconditional belief is to conscientiously follow the doctor’s instructions. Only after a full course of treatment and taking all necessary medications can you expect results. For more information about the causes of peeling and spots on the elbows, as well as methods of treating them, watch the video:

If the cause of white or red spots on rough and cracked elbows is not a disease, then there are many ways to get rid of them. The most effective means:

  • Sugar peeling is prepared on the basis of sugar and sour cream, combined in equal proportions (20 g each). Mix well and rub into the elbow area for 5 minutes. This will speed up blood circulation, activate metabolic processes and remove external keratinized plaques;
  • A herbal compress will soften and moisturize the dry skin of the elbows and the peeling will disappear in a matter of hours. To do this, you will need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula and string. 10 g of each plant is poured into 50 g of boiling water, left for 3 hours, 3-5 drops of essential oil are added and elbows are wrapped overnight;
  • potato compresses are left for an hour on the peeling areas; all that is needed for this is grated raw potatoes and a cloth to fix the product;
  • Compresses made from orange slices and sea salt have proven themselves as cleansers. After 15-20 minutes, cleanse the skin with a massage washcloth.

Advice! If a product based on salt, citrus fruits or other substances gets into the cracks and causes a burning sensation, immediately rinse it off with clean water. Treat your elbow with a soothing cream.

As for pharmaceutical products, Citrine, Exoderil, Suprastin, Flucanozol, Claretin, Markin, Rybakov, Makeev ointments have proven themselves in the fight against flaky elbows with spots.

Repairing dry skin is not always easy. Therefore, this process requires a lot of time and patience. You should not skimp on medicines and cosmetics so that the problem of cracking elbows is not compounded by allergies. And any treatment can be supplemented with a harmless baby cream, which will always provide the skin with the necessary level of moisture without harming its appearance and health.

The causes of skin itching on the elbows can be insect bites, improper care of delicate skin, various skin diseases: ringworm, scabies, etc. At the first signs of excessive discomfort, you should consult a dermatologist. Until then, you need to stop using cosmetic products or try to relieve the itching yourself with medications. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the cause of the condition. In some cases, you just need to change your lifestyle, in others, a long-term therapeutic course is indicated.

Causes of itching

The “culprit” of this condition may be a genetic predisposition. In this case, a person’s skin is very thin and delicate, and any touch of the fabric causes irritation. These reasons also include wearing clothes made of rough and synthetic materials.

If a person daily engages in activities that require emphasis on the elbows (sedentary work, where the employee props his head with his hands or leans on a hard surface), then the skin in this area begins to become rough. This leads to peeling, microcracks, and pimples.

People who do hard work in the garden, cutting meat and fish products, prefer to wash their hands with antiseptics up to the elbow at the end of the working day. This removes natural sebum and dries out the area.

This condition is called xerosis - increased dryness of the skin that occurs due to exposure to aggressive agents. Thus, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity due to improper and inadequate care. This phenomenon can occur on both the outside and inside of the elbow joint.

Rash on the inside of the elbow

The predominance of harmful foods in the diet negatively affects the functioning of the body's systems, which causes peeling of the skin, including on the elbows. This is especially true for the deficiency of tocopherol, retinol, cholecalciferol, and iron. Other causes of itching include:

  • insomnia;
  • prolonged exposure to water;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • depressive states.

During pregnancy, severe itching of the skin of the elbows is possible. This condition goes away after the baby is born. It can be called:

  • metabolic disorders due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • problems with tactile sensitivity (paresthesia);
  • the occurrence of allergies due to increased sensitivity in pregnant women.

Elimination of provoking factors

If the cause of itchy elbows is a genetic predisposition, wearing rough fabric and xerosis, it is enough to start properly caring for the skin of this area. You should make it a rule to apply moisturizers (for example, rich cream) every day, and do baths and compresses once a week.

It is useful to make special baths for the elbows with castor, almond oils and glycerin. For compresses, lotions made from honey, alcohol and vinegar, tomatoes, and starch are used.

If there is a lack of nutrients, to eliminate discomfort in the elbow area, you need to take complexes of vitamins E, A, D and iron.

If the cause of itching is problems with the nervous system (anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, etc.), taking light sedatives based on the herbs valerian and motherwort is indicated. If you stay in water for a long time, the itching will stop some time after reaching land. For treatment of hormonal imbalances, you should consult a doctor. For dysbiosis, you need to take Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, i.e. probiotics.

Allergies and skin diseases

If red spots or a rash appear on the elbows, then the cause is hidden in acute or chronic inflammation of the skin - eczema. Other symptoms of the disease include peeling, itching, and crusting. The cause of eczema is inflammation of the dermis layer, which often occurs when the immune system is not functioning properly. The initial signs of the pathological condition are the appearance of the listed symptoms on the elbows. The pathology then spreads throughout the entire body area.

The cause of itching may be a chronic disease - atopic dermatitis. The disease is accompanied by itching and rash. Skin pathology is a consequence of food allergies, poor diet or medication. In this case, the components are not perceived by the human body and are rejected as foreign.

One of the types of dermatitis, when the elbows itch, is urticaria. The external manifestations of the disease resemble a nettle burn. In addition to small red dots, severe itching is observed.

Psoriasis or psoriasis causes itching in the elbow area. When the disease occurs, crusts with white scales and pimples appear. Such formations are observed on both elbows.

Treatment of skin diseases

To treat eczema, local use of antiseptic solutions, hormonal ointments, corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, cytostatics, and antihistamines is necessary. The latter drugs include Suprastin, Zyrtek, Tavegil, Claritin. If the blisters on the skin of the elbows begin to open, then lotions with antiseptics (2% solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate) help.

Hormonal drugs should be approached with caution, as they cause a number of side effects. These ointments include:

  • Lokoid;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan;
  • Triderm.

If external use does not produce results, then systemic treatment with corticosteroids, injections and taking Dexamethasone and Prednisolone tablets is indicated. In severe cases, cytostatics are prescribed - drugs that slow down cell division. Cyclosporine A and Methotrexate are suitable for the treatment of eczema on the elbows.

Non-hormonal drugs are topical calcineurin inhibitors. Their mechanism of action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and itching of the skin. Names of popular drugs: Protopic, Pimecrolimus.

For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, taking tablets, injections, and using moisturizers is indicated. Urticaria disappears on the 10th day of therapy after taking antihistamines. The use of antibiotics for this disease is prohibited, as the drugs can cause allergies. Psoriasis is caused by malfunctions in the functioning of body systems, so therapy consists of taking vitamins and topical medications. Treatment with drugs depending on the cause of the condition:

Skin disease Group of drugs Names of funds
Atopic dermatitismoisturizing ointmentsproducts based on thermal waters, lanolin based
glucocorticosteroidsHydrocortisone, Fluticasone, Mometasone
immunosuppressants macrolidesTacrolimus, pimecrolimus
antihistaminesLoratadine, Suprastin, Clemastine
Hivesantiallergenic agentsTavegil, Zyrtek, Telfast
injectionsFenkarol, Diphenhydramine
vitaminsvitamins B12, C, nicotinamide, beta-carotene, magnesium
sorbentsActivated carbon, Polysorb
PsoriasiscorticosteroidsHydrocortisone, Flucinar, Prednisolone ointment
vitaminsTacalcitol, Daivonex, Calcitriene
pills and injectionsPsoralen, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate

Infectious pathologies

The cause of itching is a fungal infection that spreads from the fingers or head to the elbows. The disease is called “mycosis”.

Symptoms of infection:

  • redness;
  • severe itching;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • oval spots.

Scabies is characterized by the appearance of red spots containing black dots inside. If there is itching in the elbow crease, you can determine that the mite has not had time to spread to other areas.

Elbows may itch due to lichen planus. With this disease, red bumps appear with a depressed center. If you drop water or oil on the affected area, the subcutaneous mesh will become visible.


For the treatment of mycosis, the use of various groups of antifungal drugs, such as polyenes and azoles, is indicated. The first include:

  • Natamycin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Amphotericin B.

Azoles include Clotrimazole, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Miconazole. Other drugs that help treat mycosis include:

  • Amorolfine;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Naftifin.

Scabies are treated with acaricides. Benzyl benzoate, Medifox, and Sulfuric ointments are extremely effective. Treatment of lichen planus occurs in a comprehensive manner using drugs:

  • Immunosuppressants: Cyclosporine A, Chloroquine.
  • Hormones: Metypred, Prednisolone.
  • Synthetic interferons: Ridostin, Neovir.
  • Vitamin A derivatives: Acitretin, Neotigazon.
  • Antihistamines: Fenkarol, Diazolin, Clemastine.

Antibiotics from the group of macrolides and tetracyclines are prescribed. The first include Sumamed, Erythromycin, and the second - Metacycline, Tetracycline.

The inflammatory process of the skin is always accompanied by various manifestations that can occur in any part of the body. Elbows are no exception.

General description of the problem

Itching and peeling of the skin on the elbow joints occur quite often. Many people suffer from similar manifestations, but they are not always treated with due attention.

When caring for the skin of the face and neck, hands and nails, few people spend time on their elbows. As a result, the skin in these areas quickly changes its structure. It becomes rough, compacted and overdried. Over time, cracks appear on it, which cause not only discomfort, but also pain.


Itching that occurs in the elbow area is not a disease.

This is a painful condition of the skin that occurs as a result of internal pathologies. A dermatologist will help determine the causes of the manifestations, and you should contact them if a problem arises.

One of the main factors that provokes inflammation in the elbow joints is too dry skin in this area.

Due to lack of moisture, the elbows peel off and unpleasant itching occurs. Such manifestations can appear as a result of improper body care or poor nutrition.

The causes of inflammation of the skin of the elbow joint may also lie in more global problems that are associated with human health.

These may be allergic, infectious diseases or diseases associated with pathology of internal organs.

Allergic diseases


The cause of skin disease is a chronic allergic reaction of the body. It is characterized by redness of the skin and the formation of small blisters that burst over time. The affected areas peel off and a thick crust forms. When scratched, the skin becomes covered with a clear liquid. Deeper damage must be treated with an antiseptic, as bloody discharge appears.

The first manifestations are usually observed on the elbows, which can later spread throughout the body. People who have a weak immune system are more susceptible to the disease. Treatment of eczema is carried out with topical medications, which are prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient.

Atopic dermatitis

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are itching that occurs on the elbow joints. When scratching, the inflamed areas become covered with a rash.

Various reasons cause such a reaction in the body. This can be cosmetics or medicines, animal hair, the smell of plants, room dust, food and much more. Dermatitis occurs when substances enter the human body that are not absorbed, but are perceived as foreign. As a result, antibodies are produced, which cause skin rashes.

Treatment is carried out using tablets or injections of antihistamines. Ointments are also used that help relieve itching and cleanse the skin of rashes.


A type of dermatitis in which symptoms appear in the form of red rashes, and the affected areas are very itchy. Visually, the manifestations on the elbows and other parts of the body resemble a nettle burn. A course of therapy with antihistamines usually lasts about 10 days.

Infectious diseases


This disease refers to fungal infections of the elbow joints. The skin on the affected area turns red and begins to itch very much. It becomes dry, which leads to severe peeling.

Infection with a fungal infection can occur from a sick person through his clothes or personal hygiene items. Treatment of the fungus should begin at the initial stage of its development, because the disease can spread to other parts of the body.


The disease is caused by the scabies mite. The disease manifests itself as skin lesions between the fingers, which extends to the elbows.

The inflamed areas become covered with red spots that have dark spots and itch. The patient is bothered by unpleasant itching, which intensifies at night.

An infectious disease that is easily transmitted through personal contact with a patient or through his personal belongings. Treatment consists of using topical medications, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Lichen planus

An infectious disease that is typical for older people. The inflamed skin on the elbow joints becomes covered with red spots. They have a slight elevation on the skin and look like tubercles, and their center is slightly depressed. Such manifestations can be cured on their own.

Other reasons

The cause of itching on the elbows can be other reasons, including:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • Various disorders in the functioning of internal organs.


Manifestations are expressed by bright red plaques, which are covered with dry silver or white scales. They appear not only on the elbows, but throughout the body. Cell death causes severe flaking of the skin, which resembles dandruff. The skin on the affected areas becomes covered with blisters, which burst and painful cracks form.

Most often, psoriasis is a hereditary disease. It is almost impossible to become infected through personal contact with a sick person.

Joint diseases

There are many diseases that affect the structure of not only the elbow joints. This can be bursitis, arthritis and many other inflammatory processes that are accompanied by itching in the affected areas. Inflammation can be complicated by purulent formations, which subsequently lead to the appearance of fistulas.

Pathology of internal organs

Itching on the elbows can occur as a result of a malfunction of the internal organs. These can be various diseases associated with kidney failure, bile outflows, inflammation of the thyroid gland and others.

The causes of the manifestation must be determined by a doctor. He examines the patient and prescribes treatment.


It is not recommended to get rid of skin manifestations on your own. Treatment should not consist of getting rid of symptoms, but of eliminating the cause of their formation. For this you need to consult a dermatologist. The specialist examines the affected areas using special tests that are designed to examine the skin.

If the skin of the elbow is inflamed as a result of an allergic reaction, you first need to identify the irritant and protect its effect on the body. Allergen determination is carried out by a specialist. Treatment is prescribed with antihistamines. Most often used "Loratadine", "Cetirizine", "Fenistil", "Suprastin".

Complex therapy is used to get rid of lichen planus. The patient is prescribed an antibiotic to relieve general inflammation.

Itching of the skin on the elbow joints is relieved by wiping the affected areas with alcohol. After this, treatment with the prescribed ointment is needed.

Itching caused by a fungal infection is treated with topical medications.

Having determined the type of virus, the doctor prescribes treatment. Mycosis is treated with antifungal ointments, which simultaneously relieve itching.

The patient’s condition can also be alleviated using traditional medicine methods. But first you need to consult a doctor.

As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons, so you should not waste time on self-diagnosis, and even more so on self-medication. Take care of your health and trust it to professionals.

If a problem such as peeling skin on the elbows occurs, the causes and treatment may be different. How to restore health? This is one of the main questions that interests many people who are faced with this problem.

Unfortunately, the skin on the elbows is not always carefully examined by women and men. Some believe that this area of ​​skin is quite strong and thick, and is not very vulnerable to various damages, so it does not need any additional care. In most cases, this area attracts attention when it itches and causes discomfort. Only then does a person begin to wonder what is happening and why his elbows itch.

Every person should understand that the skin on the elbows can crack and peel not only because of dryness. Such a symptom may be evidence of the development of a serious disease.

Etiology of the disease

Unpleasant sensations can be eliminated only if the cause is correctly identified. It is worth remembering that the reasons can be different, including banal ones: incorrect or insufficient cosmetic care.

The most common reasons why the skin on the elbows peels are:

  1. Incorrect or inadequate care for these areas of the body. Many people believe that the body and skin on the hands do not require special care, and use harsh or antibacterial soaps, which simply dry out the skin, destroying the protective sebum. This leads to impaired skin elasticity.
  2. Systematic emphasis on the elbows. When a person very often uses his elbows as head supports or simply places them on a table, this causes rapid hardening of these areas, which leads to their peeling.
  3. Various skin diseases. This may be atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reactions.
  4. Unbalanced diet. In order for the skin of the whole body to be beautiful and elastic, you need to balance your diet. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, D, E and iron.
  5. Frequent exposure to water.
  6. Changes in the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus.
  7. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system: constant stress, depression, frequent physical overexertion.
  8. Hereditary factor.
  9. Wearing clothes made of rough fabrics.

As practice shows, in most cases office workers, teachers, and doctors suffer from this problem.

Possible diseases

Peeling skin may indicate the development of a serious disease. If all of the above reasons are completely excluded, then we can talk about the development of such serious diseases:

  1. Improper functioning of the adrenal glands or pancreas. In such cases, not only the skin peels off, but also dark spots appear on the elbows.
  2. Avitaminosis. This problem is more typical in the spring and is more often recorded in women.

If you manage to find out why your elbows are peeling, then you need to contact a dermatologist for professional help. The doctor will definitely prescribe a set of tests and examination by other specialists in order to exclude or confirm the development of serious diseases.

Therapeutic measures

When it was possible to find out why the elbows itch and peel, and the cause turned out to be improper cosmetic care, you should reconsider the products intended for the skin: creams, herbal extracts, essential or vegetable oils. If you notice a reaction to store-bought products or there is no opportunity to buy expensive pharmaceutical cosmetics, then you can prepare healing mixtures at home. Treatment of skin on the elbows will be effective if natural therapy is used, which will consist of several stages.

Cleansing rough skin. You need to be very careful here, since an elbow with cracked skin should never be cleaned. This procedure can only worsen the condition and introduce infection into small microcracks. In such cases, a treatment course is performed with compresses so that the skin recovers and becomes thinner. To soften thick and dry skin, you can prepare the following compresses:

  1. Ointment made from table salt and shower gel. If after application you feel tingling and pain, you should immediately remove everything and rinse your elbow with water.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Nourishing cream, preferably regular, for children.
  4. Orange or grapefruit slices.

When any of the proposed compresses have been on the skin for 15-20 minutes, you need to take a washcloth with soft bristles and rinse everything thoroughly with warm water. If the skin does not lend itself to such cleaning, then you can use warm oil baths. To achieve quick results, you can steam your elbows in plain water before immersing yourself in the oil solution. Any peeling should not be carried out more than once a week. Doctors recommend combining such activities with taking a bath, and then be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Compresses to soften the skin. If the skin on the elbows is rough, flaky, cracked, then it is necessary to carry out procedures to soften it. One of the best and cheapest is a mixture of glycerin and cologne. The components are taken in a 2:1 ratio. Salicylic ointment and olive oil also help soften the skin perfectly.

In order for the effect of these products to be stronger, it is necessary to apply any of them to a cotton pad and apply it to the elbow, wrap it with film on top and secure it with a bandage. Such mixtures can be kept for up to 3 hours, and if convenient, then all night.

A compress of honey and almond oil helps a lot. It is necessary to mix these two components in equal proportions, apply to the skin and cover with cling film. Experts recommend using all of the above mixtures in turn, arguing that the effect will be better.

Proper skin lightening. Many people know that such elbows will not only peel off, but also have a red or dark spot that will be noticeable to everyone around them. One of the stages of putting the skin in order is its discoloration. To do this, you can use lemon slices, which you simply rub on your elbows, or use the following compresses:

  1. Potato juice or pulp. It is enough to grate one potato tuber, squeeze out the juice (if it is used as a treatment) or leave the resulting pulp. The selected composition is applied to a bandage and applied to the elbow for an hour.
  2. Liquid soap and ammonia. These components are diluted in equal proportions and applied to a cotton pad. This product is used as a compress for 30 minutes.
  3. Liquid soap and vinegar. The preparation principle is completely identical to ammonia. For best results, use apple cider vinegar. After each of these sessions, you need to lubricate your elbows with a nourishing cream.
  4. Nourishing creams and baths.

As a lasting procedure for the elbows, you can use creams or baths with natural herbs. For this you can use chamomile, mint, sage.

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Drug therapy

  1. Psoriasis. If a person has been diagnosed with psoriasis, which is the cause of redness and peeling of the skin on the elbows, then a dermatologist will prescribe special treatment. Such patients are immediately warned that a complete cure and relief from unpleasant symptoms will not occur. This disease is incurable, it can only be suspended for a certain period of time. Antihistamines, antiallergic drugs, hormonal or non-hormonal ointments for local use are prescribed as drug treatment.
  2. Problems in the functioning of the endocrine system. At the slightest suspicion of such a problem, an endocrinologist prescribes tests and finds out which hormone in the body is causing the problem. In most cases, in addition to problems with the skin of the elbows, problems with the thyroid gland are accompanied by increased sweating, constant weakness and chronic fatigue, and cold extremities at any time of the year. Some patients also indicate memory impairment, rapid hair loss, facial swelling, and bradycardia. After a complete examination and comparison of the symptoms of the disease, the endocrinologist prescribes treatment and recommends medications for restoring the skin on the elbows. Very often, this skin condition is evidence of the development of diabetes mellitus. In this case, any cosmetic procedures or herbal medicine will not have any effect.
  3. Avitaminosis. If examinations of the body show that peeling and itching on the skin of the elbows is the cause of a lack of vitamins, then the patient is prescribed a multivitamin complex, which must include vitamins A and D. Most often, doctors do not start treatment with expensive vitamin complexes, but suggest turning to see a nutritionist and adjust your diet. The following products are included in the human menu in sufficient quantities: parsley, dill, green onions, vegetable and butter.

Pharmacy products

Traditional medicine and cosmetics are always effective and useful, but not all women can prepare new decoctions every day, and some are simply too lazy. In such cases, to solve the problem of flaky elbows, you can use creams, which are available in large quantities in the pharmacy chain.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the inscription. It should be marked “for elbows and heels.” The action of such creams has the same principle: they nourish, soften the skin, leaving a protective film on the surface.

For greater effectiveness, it is necessary to choose such creams containing mink oil, cocoa, urea and lanolin. These components are considered the most powerful moisturizers; their regular use makes the skin soft and elastic. Do not be afraid of urea as a synthetic component; it is completely safe for the human body.

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An excellent option would be creams containing the following oils, which can also be used in their pure form: cocoa, shea butter, mango, peach. All of these oils have a high glyceride content. They are sold in solid form, but upon contact with the skin, they instantly melt. As practice has shown, such oils have become simply indispensable in the proper care of the skin of the elbows.

Peeling of the skin on the elbows themselves is an aesthetic problem that worries many. You should not self-medicate or use traditional medicine unless you have received qualified advice from a dermatologist. It is worth remembering that this problem can be a clear symptom of a fairly serious disease.