Involuntary defecation. What medications help with the disease? Regular bowel movements

Toilet addiction

Encocution is a condition in which the process of defecation becomes uncontrollable. Incontinence of bowel movements in the rectum cannot be considered a disease, since it is not life-threatening. However, it is considered an organic pathology. Inaction leads to irreversible serious consequences.

A common problem is fecal incontinence in men; there may be several causes and treatment options. The intestinal system ceases to regulate the process of emptying. Nerve endings and anal muscles begin to work inconsistently. Feces are expelled involuntarily nerve plexuses the anorectal zone stops sending signals to the spinal part and the brain. Causes: trauma, hemorrhoids, oncology of the anorectal area. Why fecal incontinence occurs in men, causes and treatment. Kegel exercises. When required surgical intervention? Basic preventive measures, expert advice.

What does old age bring?

For many men, as they age, the urge to empty the intestinal walls becomes uncontrollable. Feces pass involuntarily, at any time and before visiting the toilet.

The mechanism of development of the pathology is due to a failure in the regulation of the brain center, which ceases to respond to conditioned reflexes, maintain intestinal tone, and retain feces in the rectum until the right moment comes.

It is in old people (as opposed to women) that pathology more often progresses when average sphincter pressure can reach up to 125 mm/Hg/st, remaining in tension constantly (during wakefulness, sleep).

Normally, mechanoreceptors stimulate the act of defecation in the rectal canal, causing the Valsava reflex and sending signals to the brain that it is time to go to the toilet. With encoporesis, fecal accumulations begin to pass involuntarily. Self-control over the process of defecation is partially (completely) lost. Affected men become unable to hold stones. As a result, gases and stools (hard, liquefied) begin to pass spontaneously.

The main provoking factor is defecation disorder, which is observed in men over 65 years of age.

Other reasons:

Weak from drugs
  • chronic constipation;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • coelenteric surgery undergone the day before;
  • impaired sensitivity of the rectal area;
  • hemorrhoids (terminal stage);
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • degradation nervous system.

Reference!Uncontrollable bowel movements often affect people who have suffered a stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease. The reason is congenital anomaly pelvic region, obesity, .

Sphincter incompetence and fecal incontinence in young men can be observed due to stress, fear, depression, and sudden changes in mood. In older people, this is a consequence of damage to the anal apparatus, dysfunctional disorder pelvic floor.

Anorectal diseases

Stool incontinence in men occurs with external hemorrhoids, when hemorrhoidal cones begin to fall out. The sphincter muscles no longer completely cover the anus. The result is spontaneous leakage of liquid diarrhea with mucus or at the wrong time before a planned trip to the toilet.

Other diseases of the anorectal area:

Intestinal disorders
  1. Tumor (malignant, benign) straight, sigmoid colon.
  2. Paraproctitis in case of formation of a fistula, abscess in the perianal area.
  3. Coccydynia is a consequence of injury to the sacrococcygeal region, causing severe pain in the gluteal region, crotches. A clear sign of the disease is paroxysmal pain, not associated with the urge to defecate.
  4. Proctitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectal canal, accompanied by pain syndrome. Forms of the disease: catarrhal, ulcerative, fibrous, purulent, necrotic.

Can cause stone incontinence infectious diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections, when patients begin to experience particular discomfort in the anorectal area, constipation alternating with diarrhea, or constant difficulties during bowel movements.

Sphincter muscle weakness

Fecal incontinence in men is often caused by damage to the anus, when even in a closed position men cease to hold feces.

Causes of sphincter weakness:

  • surgery to remove hemorrhoids;
  • oncology (cancer) of the rectal canal.

Decreased rectal muscle tone

Normally, in healthy men, the intestine stretches perfectly and retains feces within the limits of what is possible. If muscle tone decreases, the walls of the rectum become inelastic. The muscles no longer adequately stretch and hold stones, causing fecal incontinence.

Causes decreased tone muscles:

  • diarrhea, intestinal disorders;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative nonspecific colitis;
  • anorectal surgery;
  • radiation therapy.

Dysfunctional pelvic floor disorder

Stool incontinence in men can be a consequence of dysfunction of the muscles (nerves) of the pelvic floor. At the same time, the sensitivity and self-compressive ability of the muscles decreases.

Dysfunctional disorder is a whole complex of pathologies of the pelvic organs, the reasons why in older men:

Accompanying illnesses
  • atherosclerosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • brain tumor;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • weakness of the sphincter muscles;
  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • prostatitis;
  • trauma to the urinary system;
  • constipation

The result of provoking factors are false urges to defecation or uncontrolled passage of feces. The pelvic floor is constantly in a relaxed state or sags, falls out, and the rectum protrudes out of the anus.

Types of fecal incontinence in older people

Encocution in the elderly has several varieties, differing in symptoms and frequency of intervals of fecal leakage.

Doctors distinguish between incontinence:

  • partial, when feces pass out when excessive pressure is applied to the sphincter of the anorectal zone during moments of coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects;
  • regular and occurring in severe conditions in older people due to heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's disease.

Encocution has 4 stages of development:

  1. Stage 1 – failure to retain accumulated gases inside the rectum.
  2. Stage 2 - no retention of gases or loose stools.
  3. Stage 3 - failure to retain gases, liquid and even solid stones.

Reference! Each type of pathology occurs in its own way, so before carrying out therapeutic therapy Patients must undergo a thorough diagnosis.

We train the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor, Kegel exercises

Physical exercise

It is Kegel exercises that gradually begin to restore the lost functions of the rectal apparatus, train the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. The complex is developed together with a doctor. The essence of the therapy is squeezing and unclenching the anal sphincter after inserting a rubber tube lubricated with Vaseline into the rectum. The main goal is to train a weakened anal sphincter and muscle to retain feces before going to the toilet.

The course of therapy is 3-8 weeks. Duration of 1 session – 1-16 minutes. Doctors recommend performing up to 5 sessions daily. Additionally strengthen the muscles of the gluteal region and pump abdominal Press performing other physical exercises.

Treatment of stool incontinence

Encocution requires an integrated approach to treatment. On initial stage when there is slight gas incontinence, it is enough to empty the intestines regularly, review the diet to normalize the functions of the digestive organs and regularly physical exercise. At stages 2-3 of fecal incontinence, medications and alternative methods are prescribed. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.

Medicines can stop prolonged diarrhea, increase sensitivity in the sphincter, improve the condition of the anal muscles, and make men feel better with severe anorectal pain:

Doctor's recommendations
  • painkillers (Diphenoxylate, Codeine) to reduce intestinal motility and increase muscle tone;
  • drugs to minimize water in feces (Polysorb, Metamucil, Kaopectate);
  • anticholinergics containing belladonna, atropine to slow down peristalsis and reduce intestinal secretion;
  • tranquilizers, sedatives, sedatives to regulate behavior in psychological disorders in patients leading to uncontrolled bowel movements;
  • vitamin complexes (Furazolidone, Imodium).

Medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician based on the results of the diagnosis, general well-being patients, type of fecal incontinence.

Other non-drug methods of influence:

  1. Electrical stimulation
  2. Biofeedback is a technique using special devices with sensors. The patient begins to hold the external sphincter in a tense state. The received data is displayed on the monitor. The goal of treatment is to achieve long-term contraction of the anal muscles, conscious control over the process of bowel movements.

If medicated, non-drug methods effects become useless in case of fecal incontinence in men, then the only way out- operation. Especially if the incompetence of the anal sphincter is caused by oncology, a tumor in the rectum.

Surgery methods:

Surgical treatment
  1. Sphincteroplasty used for rupture (injury) of the muscle ring. The main thing is to achieve sphincter reconstruction.
  2. An operation by suturing the sphincter muscles to the anus.
  3. Installation of an artificial sphincter, in which a girdle cuff and an air pump are attached to the anus. The main goal is to keep the anus closed until you go to the toilet and have a bowel movement.
  4. Colostomy with excision of the affected colon, collection of stool into a colostomy ( special bag), bringing the anus and sewing it to the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

Psychotherapy plays a significant role in stone incontinence in the elderly, since in old age the pathology is often caused by psychological disorders. The technique is aimed at training a conditioned reflex that is responsible for events and signals the situation in which defecation should occur. Additionally, patients must strictly adhere to the regime of visiting the toilet, at approximately the same time: in the morning after sleep or after eating.

Fecal incontinence in the elderly

Unfortunately, fecal incontinence, cortical dysfunction, and psychiatric disorders are common in older men. This is an acquired condition when bowel movements become involuntary up to 5-6 times a day. To obtain beneficial results, the relatives of a sick man suffering from nervous disorders, reduced memory. The help of loved ones is invaluable in attention, hints, and commands when the patient needs to visit the toilet, adhering to the established regime.

Often, old people lose partial (complete) mobility and, for physical (neuroparalytic) reasons, do not feel the urge to defecate. It may be necessary to monitor diaper changes in advance and train them to show reactions to going to the toilet after eating, immediately after waking up.

A large role in stool incontinence is given to a diet with intake of foods with vegetable fiber to increase the volume of softened fecal accumulations. It is important to exclude alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee, milk, spices, salt, and smoked foods. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean liquid per day.

It is important to protect elderly patients from stress, anxiety, and negative situations. Constantly train the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles through simple exercises.

Fecal incontinence – serious problem elderly men, although it can be successfully treated if you consult a specialist in a timely manner. But with such a delicate problem, not many patients rush to the doctors, choosing a reclusive position, driving themselves into a corner.

Incompetence of the anal sphincter - unpleasant illness, which cannot be kept silent.

If you had to deal with encopresis, then experts advise:

Doctor and patient
  • Empty your bowels more often, avoiding overfilling with feces;
  • take diapers, a change of underwear, and wet wipes with you when going outside;
  • Find out in advance where the toilet is if you are going to be away from home for a long time;
  • keep with you medications to reduce the specific smell of stool in case of uncontrolled excretion.

Fecal incontinence is not dangerous in itself. Successfully adjusted to initial stage, is eliminated when integrated approach to treatment.

Often, pathology in old people is a consequence of stroke, ischemic crisis, spinal fracture, or oncology. Of course, the prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. That is why the first manifestations of sphincter weakness and fecal incontinence cannot be ignored. You should not try to correct the situation yourself by using folk recipes Houses. Keeping the sphincter in good shape means training it daily by squeezing and relaxing the muscles. For prevention purposes, doctors do not recommend restraining the urge to defecate. It is important to empty the intestines in a timely manner, to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and rectum (sigmoid) colon.

Bowel incontinence is fecal incontinence (incontinence), which usually occurs in patients with pelvic organ defects or brain injuries, spinal cord, disability. Incontinence is not considered a disease, but rather a symptom of the relationship between psychological stress and the body.

In males and children, encopresis is more common. It is normal to experience bowel incontinence at an early age, especially if there is a disability. A child under 4 years old does not understand full essence Problems. If encopresis appears after 5 years, then you should consult a specialist. Perhaps the reason lies in congenital pathology.

Encopresis is more common than enuresis (urinary incontinence), although there are situations when a child has both disorders. In children, encoembolism occurs even under stress, fear, resentment, punishment, jealousy, etc. In all cases, the disease must be eliminated.

Causes of the disease

What leads to incontinence:

  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Nerve failure;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Muscle damage;
  • Constipation;
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction;
  • Reduced muscle tone due to intestinal injury.

With diarrhea, the rectum fills with liquid stool more quickly, making it more difficult to keep it out. Diarrhea can cause fecal incontinence. Constipation weakens and stretches the sphincter muscles, which reduces the ability to retain stool. Muscle weakness or damage to both or one sphincter is often accompanied by incontinence. Weak muscles are unable to keep the anus closed, unable to prevent leakage. The damage is often caused by trauma or surgery.

When the nerves are incompetent, the sphincter muscles do not contract or relax properly. The nerve endings that control the muscles do not work correctly, causing encopresis. In other words, the nerve endings do not transmit the signal about the desire to visit the toilet. Nerve failure occurs in people after childbirth, stroke, inflammatory disease, injuries to the nervous system, after prolonged ignoring the urge to defecate.

A healthy rectum stretches to hold stool until a bowel movement occurs. Surgical operations, radiation therapy, inflammatory bowel disease lead to the formation of scars on the walls, which makes the intestine less elastic. Therefore, the rectum does not stretch well without retaining feces. Encopresis occurs. With external hemorrhoids, the anal sphincter does not completely close the anus, and loose stools, along with mucus, leak out.

Pelvic floor dysfunction in humans (improper functioning of nerves and muscles) leads to incontinence because:

  • The sensitivity of the rectum decreases;
  • The compressibility of muscles decreases;
  • The rectum prolapses;
  • The bowel wall bulges into the vagina (rectocele);
  • The pelvic floor relaxes.

Dysfunction appears after childbirth, especially if used obstetric forceps, or an episiotomy (cut of the perineum) was performed. Fecal incontinence occurs both immediately after childbirth and years later.

What studies are being carried out

The doctor diagnoses encopresis based on the results diagnostic test, medical history, result medical examination. The specialist offers the following studies:

  1. Anorectal manometry;
  2. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  3. Transrectal ultrasound;
  4. Proctography;
  5. Sigmoidoscopy;
  6. Electromyography.

Anorectal manometry uses a sensitive tube to test function. Also this procedure will test the sphincter muscles for the ability to provide the required compression force, the reaction of nerve signals, will help establish an accurate diagnosis, and the causes of fecal incontinence will become known. MRI diagnostics are carried out electromagnetic waves, which provide detailed images of soft tissues as well as internal organs.

To perform a transrectal ultrasound, a sensor (transducer) is inserted into the anus. It's painless safe procedure, which will help check the condition of the sphincter muscle structure. Proctography shows the amount of feces that can be contained in the rectum, how the stool is distributed, whether the intestine performs bowel movements well, and whether encopresis is present.
During sigmoidoscopy, a flexible tube with a light is inserted into the anus, through which the causes of fecal incontinence are examined. This is a tumor, scars, inflammation of the internal walls, due to which encopresis appears. Electromyography of muscles is performed to determine the correct functioning of the nerves that control these muscles.

Childhood involuntary stool

Typically, the disease affects 1-2% of school-age children. This causes shame and a feeling of inferiority, which significantly affects the psychological state and leads to severe stress. Encopresis (incontinence) is neurotic, which is accompanied by a slight discharge of stool, without visible to that reasons. Boys suffer from this disease more often than girls.

The reason for this is emotional deprivation, strict requirements, conflicts, disagreements between parents and child.

The main symptoms of childhood encopresis:

  • A small amount of feces without the urge to defecate;
  • Depressed mood;
  • Tearfulness of children;
  • Irritability;
  • Neurotic enuresis.

Most often, encopresis occurs due to chronic constipation or disability. Constipation occurs because stagnant feces greatly stretch the rectum, which leads to weakening of the sensitivity of muscles and nerve endings. They stop responding adequately and cannot retain feces, which can cause encopresis. It happens that persistent attempts to potty train children lead to similar problems.

Less commonly, the cause of fecal incontinence is psychological stress. After a strong fright, encopresis appears suddenly, even if before this the ability to retain feces was present. Sometimes the problem occurs due to intestinal diseases. Then special treatment is required.

In order to establish encopresis, a number of examinations need to be carried out. The examination begins with the collection of data about the children’s illness, which parents must provide to the doctor. The pediatrician will palpate the abdomen and assess the condition. The next step is tests that will assess the condition of the digestive tract and exclude the causes of pancreatitis or dysbacteriosis. Ultrasound of organs, biopsy of the intestinal mucosa, and rectoscopy are rarely used.

We cure encopresis in several stages:

  1. Behavioral therapy, psychological rehabilitation;
  2. Treatment of constipation;
  3. Toilet skills training;
  4. Diet;
  5. Medications.

Often parents perceive urinary and fecal incontinence as the consequences of poor parenting. But this happens rarely. Usually this problem typical for nervous children. This happens more often during the day when traumatic situations occur. But there is also involuntary stool discharge at night. Over time, the patient's condition improves, and after 15 years, encopresis is rare.

The arsenal of therapeutic effects is quite large. It may include acupuncture, physiotherapeutic procedures, psychotherapeutic techniques, the use of herbs, and medications. Ambulatory treatment must be carried out regularly, consistently and patiently. It is advisable to treat encopresis in specialized sanatoriums where the child will feel comfortable.

Sometimes the disease appears due to injury. There are situations when children like to hold in feces, and they simply do not have time to go to the toilet. Encopresis has a striking feature - a combination of stool incontinence with unusual disgust and impatience with the untidiness of other people. Children may demand special care and sterility from their parents, while they themselves remain in dirty linen for a long time.

Cure for involuntary stool loss

Parents must take a step towards curing their child. The longer encopresis exists, the more difficult it is to get rid of it, especially if a schoolchild is sick. The first thing you need to do is explain to your child how the intestines work and how to strengthen the nerves and muscles responsible for their work. You cannot use words of accusation that lead children to insecurity, decreased self-esteem, and a feeling of guilt before their parents.

The goal of treatment is based on four main components:

  1. Establishing regular bowel movements in the child;
  2. Reducing stool retention;
  3. Restoring bowel control;
  4. Smoothing out conflicts in the child’s family.

In achieving these goals, attention should be focused not only on the physiological causes that cause encopresis, but also on the psychological ones. The treatment stage begins with bowel cleansing.

The first week may be accompanied by the use of enemas, laxatives, and suppositories to make the intestines shrink. The child is given a schedule for visiting the toilet. Children should take enough fiber and liquid in their food. This will soften the stool, which will prevent constipation. Treatment must take place under the strict supervision of a doctor, otherwise it can cause harm.

The pediatrician will prescribe an exact time frame for getting rid of the problem, which can reach several years. Encopresis is treated not only with the participation of a doctor, but also of parents. The child should know that he is supported and not judged. You cannot shame or reproach him, otherwise inferiority will appear, which is even worse. Fecal incontinence is a problem for many, and children should understand this without being ashamed of their condition. Encopresis cannot be cured if you ignore doctors' recommendations. The first steps need to be taken together.

Nutrition for treatment is special. Children should not eat caffeine, chocolate, and especially alcohol, which causes fecal incontinence. You need to consume more protein, fluid, 30-40 grams of fiber per day. The child should not eat spicy, fried, or too fatty foods. Your doctor will help you plan your diet. Moreover, regardless of age, proper nutrition very important. Adults or elderly people especially need this.

Encopresis is becoming a common problem in society. Men are affected even more often than older people, adults, children or women. good timely treatment allows you to get rid of the disease much faster. Childhood encopresis requires special attention, because we are talking about the disease itself and psychological state. And, as you know, nerve cells do not recover. Fecal incontinence affects a person's self-esteem, so treatment of the disease is simply necessary.

Encopresis (fecal incontinence) is a disorder of the sphincter muscles in which the patient loses the ability to control bowel movements.

Most often this problem is encountered at a young age. The occurrence of encopresis in adults, as a rule, indicates the presence of pathologies, internal or external damage to the body.

In this article we will look at what fecal incontinence is, what causes it, and how to cope with the disease with the help of traditional medicine.

General description and characteristics of encopresis

As we noted above, encopresis is pathological condition an organism in which a person loses control over the process of defecation. Also this state possible not only in cases where fecal incontinence occurs immediately before defecation, but also in cases where defecation occurs during the process of gases leaving the body.

In most cases (up to 70% of cases clinical practice), occurs up to 5 years. Often this phenomenon is preceded by a long stool retention. If a similar phenomenon is observed in a child under 2-3 years old, then it cannot be called pathological, due to incomplete formation child's body and physiological weakness of the rectum and the entire intestine as a whole.

In cases where fecal incontinence is observed in adults, the typical portrait of the patient is - as a rule, this is Old man over 65 years old. Note that in males, encopresis occurs 1.5 times more often than in women (fecal incontinence in women is more a pathology than a consequence age-related changes organism). In most cases of the disease in adults, it is not so much involuntary stool eruption that occurs, but stool smearing - a phenomenon characterized by a slight release of feces during gas or an initial urge to go to the toilet.

Etiology of the disease

It is widely believed that similar problem typical for elderly and senile people. Despite this, there is no clinical diagnostic evidence of this fact. This is also evidenced by statistics showing that in 50% of cases, fecal incontinence does not develop in old age, and among people of the middle age group (from 45 to 60 years).

At the same time, the disorder can develop in old age against the background of progressive senile (hydrocyanic) dementia. Such a violation negatively affects the lives of patients, being a kind of trigger leading to social isolation.

Mechanism and reasons for the development of encopresis

Before considering the causes of fecal incontinence, it is necessary to consider the mechanism by which this disease develops. In turn, knowledge of the mechanism will allow us to accurately characterize the reasons why encopresis progresses further.

Physiological mechanism defecation is based on the coordinated work of nervous and muscular system human - in the rectum contains a large number of nerve endings and muscles that are responsible for holding or expelling feces. The sphincter is of key importance in the process of defecation. Determined that normal pressure in the sphincter area is 50-120 mm. Hg Art., and the average value is about 80 mm. Hg Art. This indicator in men it is higher than in women, and therefore with a significant change in pressure, a number of pathologies may appear, including fecal incontinence.

The sphincter is in a state constant tone, which is supported by smooth muscles inside the rectum, as well as by the autonomic nervous system - which is why it is impossible to consciously control or control this muscle.

The physiologically normal process of defecation occurs as a result of an irritating effect on the mechanoreceptors of feces, which accumulates in the ampulla after passing through the sigmoid colon. Next, the Valsalva reflex comes into play, in which simultaneous tension of the abdominal wall and glottis is observed. As a result of this reflex, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases significantly, which, in turn, causes segmental contractions in the intestines and, as a result, the release of feces. At the same time, the muscles of the pelvic floor relax and it lowers, which allows feces to pass out of the body more easily.

Causes of fecal incontinence

Above we looked at the physiological process of defecation and how it occurs normally. Accordingly, the cause of disturbances in the fecal eruption process may be hidden behind a violation of one or more phases preceding the process itself. Let's take a closer look at the main causes of fecal incontinence:

  • Physiological and functional disorders. This category includes such phenomena as constipation (70-80% of all cases of fecal incontinence), muscle weakness or damage resulting from mechanical or organic trauma to the anus, pathology of the nervous system, functional disorder muscle tissue, in particular - in the pelvic floor and rectum.
  • Neurological and psychophysiological disorders. In some cases, fecal incontinence can be caused by a problem of a neurotic nature - it may be a previous strong fear, stress or other psychological trauma, which, in turn, provoked nervous system disorders. Since neural regulation is also involved in physiological process fecal eruptions, disruption of its functioning or the development of pathologies can also provoke the development of encopresis.

Among other reasons, it is also worth noting colectomy (intestinal surgery), decreased sensation of bowel movements, as well as diseases of different nature, in which encopresis is one of the symptoms of the clinical picture.

Fecal incontinence as a concomitant symptom

We noted above that encopresis may not be an independent disease, but a symptom that accompanies other ailments. In particular, fecal incontinence can occur as a result of hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, due to a violation nervous regulation and pathologies of the higher nervous system, as well as dysfunction of the pelvic floor organs. IN the latter case Fecal incontinence acts as a concomitant symptom of Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, and various defects genitourinary system, tumor phenomena and neoplasms, uterine prolapse, prostatitis and other diseases.


The diagnosis of fecal incontinence is preceded by clinical laboratory studies and general studies, which allow the doctor to determine the causes of the disease. Further research only allows us to confirm or refute the alleged cause of the disease, as well as establish the most suitable and acceptable treatment method. Among the diagnostic methods used to establish encopresis, the following should be noted:

  • Anorectal manometry. This technique is based on determining the sensitivity of the rectum by determining the internal pressure and compression force of the sphincter, as well as the correspondence of the sphincter’s reaction to provoking nervous reactions.
  • MRI. It is used in most cases because it allows you to obtain detailed images of the area being studied, in particular the rectum, sphincter and part of the intestine.
  • Proctography. This type of diagnosis allows you to determine the actual capacity of the rectum. It also makes it possible to establish exactly how feces are located in the intestines, as well as the mechanism of passage of feces from the moment it arrives from the sigmoid colon and to the sphincter.
  • Rectal ultrasound. A painless and commonly used procedure that allows you to determine the condition of the rectum and sphincter using ultrasound examination.
  • Myography. Allows you to determine the condition and tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor, anus and smooth muscles of the rectum, as well as nerve conduction muscle fibers within the study area.
  • Rectomanoscopy. Special view a study that involves placing a probe with a camera into the rectum. Allows you to study in detail internal state rectum and establish the possible causes of the development of encopresis, in particular, it allows us to determine the presence of cancer, inflammation and other neoplasms in the intestine.

As a rule, for diagnostic purposes, only a few types of studies are performed, based on the available medical history.

Treatment of fecal incontinence with folk remedies

As a rule, treatment of encopresis with folk methods consists of using drugs that help strengthen the patient’s immunity, as well as restore normal physiological function defecation. The most effective are following methods and methods traditional treatment:

Note that it is advisable to use traditional medicine only after preliminary consultation with a doctor - the patient cannot know for sure the causes of fecal incontinence, and therefore may choose the wrong or inappropriate method.

Disease prognosis

In the vast majority of cases, with timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is positive. A correctly chosen technique allows you to eliminate the disease in 90% of cases, while avoiding relapse of the disease in the future. Despite this, prevention is mandatory measure to achieve a positive prognosis.

Prevention of the disease is based on an elimination technique that involves eliminating the influence of triggers that provoked the development of encopresis. In other words, as preventive measures, the patient is recommended to carefully monitor his own diet, avoid trauma to the intestines and rectum in particular, and also do prescribed exercises and training aimed at strengthening the psycho-physiological state of the body.

Each disease has symptoms, based on which and based on laboratory research it is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis. The degree of regression or severity of symptoms can be used to judge the effectiveness of treatment methods and predict recovery. One of the most unpleasant symptoms Urinary and fecal incontinence are considered to be conditions that dramatically worsen the patient's quality of life and jeopardize the social perception of others.

In the vast majority of cases, fecal incontinence is not independent disease, but only a manifestation of an existing pathology. In this case, the doctor needs to find out the cause of the disease and select the optimal treatment so that as soon as possible relieve the patient from moral and physical suffering. This symptom, of course, does not threaten the patient’s life, but it creates a lot of problems both for himself and for the people around him.

In medicine, fecal incontinence is called encopresis or incontinence. It occurs when the patient, for some reason, ceases to control the act of defecation, and quite often there is parallel incontinence of urine and feces. This is due to the fact that both processes are regulated by nerve centers that are similar in nature. However, according to statistics, fecal incontinence is 15 times more common than uncontrolled urination and often affects men.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of these symptoms: the absence of mechanisms that contribute to the appearance of the defecation reflex, the delayed formation of this reflex, or its loss due to provoking factors. That is, fecal incontinence can be either primary, that is, congenital in nature, or secondary, resulting from damage to the brain or spinal cord, a disorder mental state, pathologies of the excretory system or trauma.

Most often, doctors are faced with fecal incontinence of psychogenic origin, that is, this symptom lead to hysterical and neurotic psychoses, such pathocharacterological disorders as dementia or mental illness– schizophrenia and epilepsy. Much less often, incontinence occurs against the background of diseases of the digestive tract (anal injuries, rectal prolapse) or other diseases (decreased tone of the perineal muscles, severe forms, tumors of the anus and birth injuries pelvis).

Diagnosing fecal incontinence is not at all difficult, because specific patient complaints allow a diagnosis to be made in 100% of cases, but to determine the causes of the symptom, doctors take tests and conduct studies that allow them to prescribe the necessary therapy.

Treatment of fecal incontinence with parallel urinary incontinence largely depends on identifying the causes of the disease, the age and condition of the patient. Quite often, doctors recommend surgical intervention for such patients, which falls into the category plastic surgery and has been used in practice for quite some time. This solution to the problem is resorted to when the cause of incontinence is a sphincter defect.

However, in cases where the sphincter muscles are not damaged and incontinence is not associated with mechanical disorders, it is much more difficult to cope with the disease. Most often, doctors resort to non-surgical methods: medication and non-drug therapy. Treatment with drugs is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, as well as increasing the tone of the anal sphincter muscles. Among non-drug methods, biological methods have become widespread. Feedback, psychotherapeutic methods, acupuncture and dietary measures. Take care of your health!

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Causes of fecal incontinence

The content of the article:

Fecal incontinence is a condition that requires comprehensive survey. Encopresis rarely occurs hereditary disease. If you experience several episodes of involuntary bowel movements over the course of 1 month, you should immediately consult a doctor. Finding out the cause without the intervention of a specialist and self-medicating is impractical and unsafe.

Causes of fecal incontinence in children

Involuntary defecation, like urination, in a child is justified only in infancy. As we grow older, the functions of the digestive tract and the ability to respond to physiological urges also develop. Uncontrolled bowel movement ceases to be a normal phenomenon - it becomes a pathology.

The task of parents is not to justify the fact of the development of fecal incontinence, not to explain it by any factors, but to rush to the pediatrician. After examination and questioning, he will refer you to pediatric gastroenterologist or independently prescribe the necessary, and most importantly, competent treatment.
Childhood encopresis (as well as enuresis) is most often detected in preschool age, at the stage of the child undergoing a medical examination before entering educational institution. Since upon reaching 6-7 years of age, children should already be able to control digestion and know how to behave correctly when they have the urge to defecate, the question of the psychological climate within the family is raised. They find out how favorable the situation is and whether violence is occurring there. Treatment of pathology requires the mandatory participation of a psychologist.

One of the reasons for fecal incontinence in a child:

Infection suffered in infancy (mainly associated with intestinal damage);
maternal illness during pregnancy;
smoking, alcoholism, difficult psychological conditions and exhausting work of a woman bearing a child;
intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

The listed factors have a detrimental effect on the body into which organs are just being laid. Underdevelopment of sphincters alimentary canal– in this case, an understandable complication.

Also, children born as a result of a problematic condition are more predisposed to encopresis. labor activity. Its course can be complicated by entanglement with the umbilical cord, malpresentation and the position of the fetus in the womb, the need to use obstetric forceps. It was revealed that children born during physiological labor more often suffer from fecal incontinence, rather than caesarean section.

Additional reasons:

Conflict situation in the family;
social and pedagogical neglect;
suffered fear, emotional shock;
congenital or acquired mental disorders - epilepsy, schizophrenia, neuroses, psychoses, hysteria, as well as combinations of these pathologies;
a tendency to shock - fecal incontinence in childhood is one of the manifestations of protest.

Taking into account these factors, at the stage of consultation and examination by a specialist, you need to inform about the features and difficulties that arose during pregnancy and/or childbirth.

Causes of fecal incontinence in adults

The etiological factors of fecal incontinence in children and adults are not particularly different. The only difference is that a child, due to his age, is more prone to demonstrative behavior, and therefore defecation can serve as a response even to a parental prohibition. In adults, encopresis occurs due to the following reasons:

Malignant neoplasm of the rectum. Growing into the sphincter tissue, the tumor affects nerve fibers. As a result, intestinal sensitivity and the patient’s ability to timely control the urge that arises are reduced. Removing a tumor (even if it is operable) does not promise an improvement in the process of defecation. And therefore best option for the patient - creating favorable conditions, first of all, the use of diapers, especially if they are going to be away from home. Considering the specifics of the pathology, it is preferable for the patient to minimize his stay in public places.

Digestive tract diseases. In gastroenterology, there are pathologies that lead, among other things, to scarring of rectal tissue. These include nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Pathologies affect the loss of elasticity of the rectum - it cannot withstand the urge to defecate and the influence of feces.

Constipation, disturbance metabolic processes . A predisposing factor is a chaotic diet, the presence in the diet of an excessive amount of cereals, baked goods, potatoes, and fatty milk. Insufficient blood supply tissue also leads to insufficiency of the digestive tract. First, constipation develops, then stretching of the intestines with feces, weakening of the sphincters and, as a result, it becomes difficult to restrain the urge to defecate.

Severe intoxication, condition after drug use. Alternate relaxation of all muscle groups leads to involuntary bowel movements.

Condition after complex surgical interventions, especially if the patient has drains removed.

Spinal cord injuries, previous stroke, condition after a spinal fracture, lack of sensitivity in hip area. The patient does not feel the urge, cannot respond to them, defecation occurs involuntarily.

Fecal incontinence in women in half of all studied cases is the result of a difficult birth, more often if an episiotomy was performed. Weakness of muscles pelvic day occurs due to multiple pregnancy, large volume amniotic fluid. Involuntary defecation in women occurs due to prolonged pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines, which creates a load on the sphincters and worsens their tone.

Also, encopresis in women occurs as a result of unprofessional tactics of obstetricians. Sometimes only during labor does the need for a caesarean section arise. However, gynecologists with little practice are not ready to admit what is required surgery, and continue to supervise the birth process. Then, due to the discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the proportions of the woman, her perineum is damaged.
Despite suturing directly in the delivery room, in the future there is a high probability of incontinence of urine, feces, and intestinal gases. In addition, recovery takes a very long time (up to 1 year).

The development of fecal incontinence in men, in addition to the tumor process and transferred operations on parts of the intestine, the following factors contribute:

1. Hemorrhoids severe forms. Inflammation of hemorrhoids, in turn, can be a consequence of excessive physical activity. Therefore, fecal incontinence also occurs among men. Also increased exercise stress acts as a separate risk factor for fecal incontinence.

2. Excessive use of laxatives. Especially common reason involuntary bowel movements in men over 60 years of age, when it is necessary to stimulate bowel function with medications.

3. Frequent administration of enemas also causes involuntary defecation in men and women. Constant irritation of the intestinal walls negatively affects the motility of the digestive canal. As a result, it becomes more difficult to control it.

Abnormalities of intestinal development– a less common, but also relevant cause of fecal incontinence. Predisposing factors include disturbances in the structure of the brain and spinal cord. Also among the causes of uncontrolled bowel movements is diarrhea due to food poisoning or intestinal infection. The impact on the pathological condition comes down to eliminating the root cause - immediately after relief of diarrhea, episodes of fecal incontinence do not occur.

Causes of fecal incontinence in older people

Among older people, fecal and urinary incontinence is the most common disorder physical condition. Encopresis develops due to 3 main problems associated with the natural aging of the body.

1. Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract. The main cause of fecal incontinence in older people is associated with disruption of intestinal metabolic processes. Low gastrointestinal motility contributes to the accumulation of food mass - constipation develops. Favorable conditionsedentary lifestyle life. Constipation is a precursor to fecal incontinence. Elderly people have difficulty influencing the sphincters - feces move and are evacuated involuntarily. Often - after the release of intestinal gases.

2. Mental disorders. In every 10 elderly people, irreversible changes occur in the centers of the brain. They entail disorders of memory, thinking, and coordination of movements. Also in the background mental disorder, disruptions occur in the innervation of the intestine. However, the primary reason is problems with brain activity. Such pathologies include Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile dementia, manic-depressive syndrome, schizophrenia, marasmus. Relatives need restraint in providing care for such a person, since encopresis is accompanied by other, no less severe symptoms.

3. Atrophy, weakness of the muscular system, characteristic of the aging process, leads to sphincter insufficiency. It becomes difficult to hold back your bowels during the urge.

The list of the most common causes of fecal incontinence in old age can be supplemented by impaired elasticity of the rectal muscles, its prolapse, chronic diseases intestines throughout life.

A specialist can reliably establish the causes of fecal incontinence in a patient of any gender and age, based on the results of instrumental and auxiliary types of research.