Cinnamon - benefits and harms, beneficial properties and contraindications of ground spice. The spice that heals – the deliciously aromatic cinnamon and its beneficial properties

In this article we will look at such a common and popular product among spices as "Cinnamon", which I previously thought was only used in cooking as a spice, and as an ingredient for some perfumes, i.e. in perfumery, but, as it turned out, this is only a small part of how useful cinnamon is in various areas our human life.

So, what is cinnamon, what are its types, where is it used, and much more you can learn from this article.

The word cinnamon is used in two cases - the name of the tree and the name of the spice.

Cinnamon, or Cinnamon ( lat. Cinnamomum)- evergreen trees. Species of the genus Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) families Laurels (Lauraceae).

Cinnamon- evergreen trees up to 15 m high, in cultivation - shrubs. The leaves are opposite, on short petioles, oval-oblong, bluntly or briefly pointed, 7-18 cm in length, leathery. Flowers, collected in panicles, are greenish or yellowish-white in color, with quite unpleasant smell. The fruits are purple berries 1 cm in diameter with a single seed.

Cinnamon- it is also dried inner layer bark of the tree of the same name Cinnamon (Cinnamomum), which is used as a spice.

The homeland of cinnamon is China, Ceylon, South India, Laos, and Sri Lanka.

Cinnamon on store shelves

You can find two types of cinnamon on sale - in the form of tubes (pieces of bark rolled into tubes) and ground form (powder). For those who want to be sure that they are buying cinnamon, we can recommend buying cinnamon only in tubes, having the opportunity to clearly see the product. It is better to buy cinnamon in opaque packaging produced in Ceylon, China or Laos. You can count on a good quality product when buying cinnamon famous brands or countries that were former owners of colonies, for example, England, France, Holland. Cinnamon produced in the USA, Israel and Germany should be avoided - they do not have own production facilities or traditional ties with producing countries.

It is better to buy cinnamon powder in Not large quantities, as it quickly loses its aroma. The flavor of cinnamon sticks is much more consistent, although they are difficult to grind finely.

History of cinnamon

Wars have been fought over this aromatic spice, and the cinnamon trade has enriched or ruined countries. The aroma of cinnamon was known in Ancient China and Egypt long before the pyramids, which were monuments of the distant past even for the ancient Greeks. We can say that people learned to extract cinnamon at the same time as the main inventions of mankind, with which the beginning of the first civilizations is usually associated.

Cinnamon was mentioned in Chinese sources almost 5,000 years ago, and in Egyptian sources 3,500 years ago. Mention of cinnamon can be found in the Bible in Old Testament. Moses is told to take sweet cinnamon (Heb. קִנָּמוֹן, qinnāmôn) and cassia (Ex. 30:23). Elsewhere in the Bible it speaks of a woman who “scented my chamber with myrrh and cinnamon” (Prov. 7:17-19).

At that time, caravans were equipped for cinnamon, and a small army was called upon to guard them. In an Egyptian manuscript, a mention was found of how several ships were sent to a distant country, which returned with cargo a few months later. The cargo consisted of ivory, gold and cinnamon. Which part of the cargo was more valuable is unknown, since at that time cinnamon was comparable to gold. IN Ancient Greece 35 kg of cinnamon was valued at 5 kg of gold, and in some countries the price rose to 1 kg of gold for 1 kg of cinnamon. There were times when, due to difficult weather or wars, there was not enough cinnamon for everyone, and then the price rose even higher. Only rich people could afford cinnamon.

There are many legends about cinnamon. The reason for these legends was complete ignorance of what plant and how such an aromatic spice is obtained. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus described one of the ways to obtain cinnamon bark with the help of large birds of prey that settled in the crowns of cinnamon trees growing in places inaccessible to humans. The method was that the Arabs (the main suppliers of cinnamon at that time), knowing that birds had a weakness for meat, killed several animals, cut them into fairly large pieces, which the birds could carry in one flight. The birds took the pieces of meat into their nests; the fragile branches could not stand it, broke and fell to the ground, where the bark could be removed from them.

The Roman Emperor Nero, in addition to his atrocities, was remembered for using a year's supply of cinnamon on funeral pyres in honor of his deceased wife Poppea Sabina. This was in 65 AD, when cinnamon was worth a lot of money. In those days, the demand for cinnamon often fell due to low purchasing power and the prohibitions of church dogmatists on the famous oriental aphrodisiac, but then increased along with rising incomes and the desire to saturate one’s life with aroma.

In the Middle Ages, Venice held a monopoly on the sale of cinnamon in Europe, whose merchants bought cinnamon in Alexandria and prevented competitors. Cinnamon came to Alexandria by land with Arab caravans from India. The price of cinnamon could not be low, because in order for residents of ordinary European cities to buy it, many people had to risk their lives, making a long and dangerous journey, defending caravans from nomads and robbers. Gaining strength Ottoman Empire by the 15th-16th century, it complicated overland trade with India, and this served as a reason to search for new trade routes, bypassing dangerous territories. Change was inevitable, and at the beginning of the 16th century, Portuguese merchants found new way to India, discovering the island of Ceylon. In 1518, the Portuguese founded a fortress on the island to protect the cinnamon forests. For more than 100 years, the fortress withstood the onslaught of competitors, allowing Portugal to achieve the highest level wealth using colonies in America and Ceylon. In 1638, Dutch merchants, having concluded an alliance with the Ceylonese kingdom of Kandy, had the opportunity to drive the Portuguese out of the fortress. Already in 1640, the Dutch gained control of cinnamon processing factories and by the end of 1658 they finally ousted the Portuguese from the monetary territories. One Dutch captain of that time recalled that a very strong smell of cinnamon came from the shore, that it could be caught 8 leagues (44.5 km) from the shore if standing downwind. The Dutch not only collected cinnamon from wild trees, but also began cultivating cinnamon crops, which increased yields and lowered prices. In 1796, the Dutch were ousted by the British, but by that time cinnamon was not as expensive as before, and the English victory was the last in the millennia-long history of the struggle for the spice.

Types of cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum ceylanicum) or noble cinnamon, real cinnamon . It surpasses all other types in quality, which is why it is valued more than others. It got its name from its place of growth. In Ceylon, cinnamon grows wild and on plantations established in the second half of the 18th century. Today it is grown in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Guiana, Martinique and Reunion. It is very fragile, with a subtle delicate aroma. The taste is sweetish, slightly hot and warming.

Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia) or Indian, aromatic, simple, cassia or cassia-canel. Homeland - South China. It was known back in 2800 BC. - there is a mention of it in one of the monuments of Chinese writing. The taste is sharper than that of Ceylon, sweetish, tart-astringent and slightly hot.

Malabar cinnamon (Cinnamomum Tamala) or brown cinnamon, wood cinnamon . First appeared in India. Now it also grows in Burma. It differs from previous varieties in appearance and taste. Its thickness is up to 3 mm or more, the taste is even sharper, bitter and dark brown-brown in color.

It is not difficult to grow cinnamon at home. The cinnamon tree is propagated by seeds or semi-lignified cuttings, which are rooted in damp sand at a temperature of 20 0 C. Seeds for sowing must be taken freshly collected, since they easily lose their viability during storage. They are sown in an earthen mixture prepared from equal parts of turf, deciduous soil and sand.

After the appearance of the second leaf, the seedlings are planted one at a time into pots with a diameter of 7 cm into a substrate of the same composition as when sowing. Rooted cuttings are also planted in the same substrate. Plants need good lighting to grow.

In the summer, plants can be taken out to the balcony or buried together with a pot in partial shade in the garden. Watering is plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. IN summer period plants must be fertilized with a solution of organic or mineral fertilizers.

Plants are brought into the room before the onset of autumn frosts and placed in a well-lit place.

The cinnamon tree tolerates pruning well and is easy to form a crown.

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in cooking. Cinnamon has entered very deeply into the cooking of many peoples, firmly associating its aroma with pleasant childhood memories, warm pastries and aromatic southern dishes.

Cinnamon is mainly used in confectionery production for flavoring. Included in traditional English puddings, mulled wine, cocktails, chocolate drinks, jams, sweet pilafs, curd masses, charlottes and fruit salads. Cinnamon is very popular in Indian and Caucasian cuisines, where it is used in the preparation of chicken and turkey meat. In Europe, cinnamon is added to some beers. Cinnamon is also included in the recipe for the famous French cupcakes from Bordeaux. Cinnamon can be included in spice mixtures for marinades. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and meat are marinated with cinnamon. In Russia, cinnamon is used as a seasoning for cold soups, pancakes, porridges and jellied fish. In Belarus, cinnamon is added to the marinade for lingonberries, and in Ukraine when pickling cucumbers and marinating. In Caucasian cuisine, cinnamon is one of the mandatory seasonings for meat and soups, zucchini and eggplant dishes. In Greece, lamb stew is prepared with cinnamon, and in Italy, true connoisseurs do not drink cappuccino coffee without a pinch of cinnamon.

Cinnamon increases appetite, improves digestion, activates the work of many internal organs, is an excellent antiseptic and remedy for seasickness, destroys the tuberculosis bacillus and is a rare female aphrodisiac.

Cinnamon awakens not only appetite, but also desire in women. The combination of cinnamon and vanilla is especially effective. If a man wants to emphasize the impression created by a romantic atmosphere, he can prepare hot chocolate with cinnamon and vanilla. This combination is simply a tasty delicacy for men, but for a lady it is a decisive sign of attention.

Tips for cooking with cinnamon

Cinnamon powder should be added only at the very end of cooking (no more than 10 minutes before the end), since with prolonged cooking, cinnamon will give the dish an unpleasant bitterness.

Cinnamon Recipes

  • Cinnamon rolls



milk - 250 ml;
yeast - 13 g fresh yeast or 4 g dry;
sugar - 75 ml;
flour - 450-500 g;
butter - 75 g (room temperature);
salt - a pinch.


butter - 2 tbsp. spoons (soft);
cinnamon (powder) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
vanilla -1 teaspoon.

Preparation: Grind the yeast with sugar, add warm milk, stir well and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the sifted flour into the milk in parts, knead the elastic dough, add butter and salt. Knead the dough, roll into a ball and place in a buttered bowl, cover with film and leave to rise in a warm place (until the volume of the dough doubles - about 1 hour).

Mix cinnamon with sugar and vanilla. Knead the risen dough again and roll it into a 50x50 cm square. Grease the dough with soft butter, not reaching 1 cm from the edge and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Roll the dough into a roll, carefully pinch the edge and cut into equal pieces. Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with paper.

Cover and let rise for another 30-40 minutes. While we are waiting for the rise, beat the yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of water, and when they are ready, grease the buns and sprinkle with coarse sugar

Bake in a preheated oven at 225°C on a medium rack for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.

The buns for this recipe can also be frozen. Place the risen buns together with a baking sheet or tray in the freezer. When frozen well, transfer to a plastic bag, close tightly and put back in the freezer. Before baking, place in the refrigerator overnight and then leave at room temperature for 30-40 minutes before baking.

  • Cinnamon roll

The cinnamon roll can be made using the exact same recipe, just leave it as a roll and only cut into a few pieces instead of cutting into rolls.

  • Apples with cinnamon

Ingredients: apples, honey, cinnamon, butter.

Preparation: Wash and dry the apples. Using the tip of a knife, cut out the stem and core of the apple. Place a little honey (to taste) in the cavity and sprinkle with cinnamon. Preheat the oven to 150°C, grease a baking sheet with butter, lay out the apples and bake for about 10 minutes.

You can also put a piece of dried apricot or date inside the apple, the core walnut, almonds or hazel, a few raisins or a slice of lemon. Served baked apples warm, you can decorate with whipped cream on top.

  • Korean cinnamon tea "Kephichha"

Ingredients: cinnamon tree bark (cinnamon) – 25 grams; water – 1 l; ginger root– a little (to taste).

Preparation: Finely chop the cinnamon tree bark, rinse with cold water, add water and bring to a boil. Leave for 20 minutes on low heat. When preparing tea, you can add a little. Strain the finished drink and drink with added sugar or honey.

This cinnamon tea has a specific cinnamon taste and aroma. Not recommended at high temperatures and high pressure.

You can also add small pieces of cinnamon tree bark to regular green and black tea for taste, improved digestion and increased libido.

  • Coffee with cinnamon

Ingredients: ground natural coffee - 1 heaped teaspoon; sugar - 1/3 teaspoon; cinnamon - 1/3 teaspoon.

Preparation: Pour coffee into the pot and warm it up a little over the fire. Add cinnamon and sugar, add a cup of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the coffee boils, pour some of the coffee into the cup from which we will drink, then bring it to a boil again and pour a little coffee into the cup. We do this 3-4 times.

The result will be coffee with a very pleasant taste and foam. If you like your coffee sweeter, add sugar to the cup after preparation.

  • Coffee with cinnamon and honey

Ingredients: strong black coffee - 250 ml (1 cup); ground cinnamon - 2 pinches; honey - 1 tbsp. spoon; creamy ice cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: We brew strong black coffee. Add honey to it, put ice cream on top, and sprinkle the finished drink with cinnamon.

  • Cinnamon latte

Ingredients: instant coffee - ½ tbsp. spoons; sugar - 1/3 tbsp. spoons; milk - 200 ml; ground cinnamon - to taste.

Preparation: Brew instant coffee in 70 ml of water. Mix sugar and cinnamon with half the milk and heat, stirring constantly. Then pour in the second half of the milk, coffee and bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. As soon as the coffee boils, remove it from the heat. Serve warm in special fireproof glasses.

Contraindications to consuming cinnamon

Individual intolerance, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, bleeding, high fever (use may worsen headaches), in large quantities for older people.

Cinnamon during pregnancy

It is better not to use cinnamon during pregnancy, because... When consumed, women experience increased contractions of the uterus, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. early stage pregnancy (can cause miscarriage).

In medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic.

The alcoholic extract of Chinese cinnamon bark is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on tuberculosis bacilli and viruses.

Avicenna claimed that cinnamon oil miraculously helps with trembling limbs.

Also used in medicine and aromatherapy essential oil, derived from cinnamon. The bark contains 1-2% essential oil, consisting mainly of cinnamic acid aldehyde (about 90%), as well as some tannins. The smell of the bark is aromatic, pleasant, the taste is sweetish, spicy and slightly astringent.

Cinnamon essential oil is one of the main components in cold medicines; it is also added to warming ointments and medicines for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientists have proven that regular use cinnamon improves the absorption of sugar and reduces the level of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, cinnamon helps increase appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive system, stimulates the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, increases efficiency, strengthens nervous system, improves mood, and helps fight depression, has antiseptic, antibacterial, antipyretic and diuretic effects.

A few drops of cinnamon oil are added to water for inhalation or mixed with almond oil(1-3 drops of cinnamon oil per 5 ml of almond oil) and rub the mixture on the chest and back to eliminate colds.

Important! Sometimes essential oils can cause allergies, so before using cinnamon oil, apply the oil to your hand and wait a couple of hours. If no signs allergic reaction does not manifest itself, feel free to use cinnamon oil for treatment or cosmetic purposes, but, like any other essential oil, within reason.

Cinnamon and honey

Ancient medicine has used honey for centuries. Modern scientists also recognize honey as a very effective remedy for treating all types of diseases, without complications. Modern science says that although honey is sweet, taking it in a certain dose as a medicine does not harm diabetics.

The Canadian magazine World News Weekly, dated January 17, 1995, published a list of diseases for the treatment of which, according to Western scientists, a mixture of honey and cinnamon can be used.

Important! Honey must be natural, raw and unpasteurized. If the label says “pure”, it is most likely pasteurized. It is best to only buy honey that says “raw” or unpasteurized on the label. The difference is that pasteurizing honey neutralizes all the enzymes in it.

Cinnamon Honey Recipes

Weight loss or weight loss. Every morning, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before bed, drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon (powder), previously brewed in a cup of boiling water. If taken regularly, the mixture will reduce the weight of even the fattest person. Also regular intake This mixture does not allow fat to accumulate.

1 part cinnamon to 2 parts raw honey: ½ tsp. cinnamon for 1 tsp. honey. It is recommended to maintain the proportion 1:2. Boil 1 cup of water and add cinnamon. Cover for ½ hour to let it sit. Add honey when the mixture has cooled. Because high temperature destroys the enzymes and other beneficial properties of raw honey. Drink ½ part of the mixture before bed. Cover the other half with a lid and place in the refrigerator. In the morning, drink the remaining half, do not reheat it under any circumstances, drink only chilled or at room temperature.

Do not add anything to this recipe. Neither lemon nor vinegar. There is no need to drink the mixture more often. It only works on an empty stomach and especially at night.

As soon as your body is cleansed, weight loss will stop, so if your weight still doesn’t suit you, I suggest you read this article in the fight against extra pounds.

Other adverse reactions from cleaning may appear due to the release of toxins. If this happens, reduce the amount you take the mixture or take a break.

Heart diseases. Eat bread for breakfast every day, spread with a paste of honey and cinnamon powder instead of jam. This lowers cholesterol levels in the arteries and prevents heart attacks. Even those who have already had a heart attack can reduce their risk of having another heart attack.

Regular consumption of honey with cinnamon improves breathing and strengthens the heart muscle. In some nursing homes in America and Canada, regular intake of a mixture of honey and cinnamon by patients significantly improved the condition of their age-related veins and arteries.

Weakness. Studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is more beneficial than harmful to maintaining strength. Older people who take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions improve concentration and mobility.

The American scientist, Dr. Milton, who conducted the research, says that daily intake of half a tablespoon of honey with the addition of cinnamon in a glass of water, after the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon, at about 15:00, when vital functions the body begins to decline, increases vital functions within a few weeks.

Tags: cinnamon, cinnamon, cinnamon, cinnamon for weight loss, cinnamon to lose weight, cinnamon and honey, cinnamon properties, medicinal properties of cinnamon, cinnamon contraindications, cinnamon for hair, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon photo, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon in cosmetology

Cinnamon is an evergreen tree reaching a height of 15 m. Upper leaves opposite, lower ones - alternate, on short petioles, drooping. The leaves are leathery, broadly oval, entire. The upper side of the leaf is shiny green, with deepened veins, the underside is bluish-green with soft short hairs. Small, yellowish-white flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. Ovary superior. The fruit of cinnamon is a berry.
Back in the first century AD, Pliny the Elder described the taste of cinnamon and divided it into several types. Nowadays, 4 types of cinnamon have become popular: cinnamon, Chinese, Ceylon and Malabar.
Ceylon cinnamon (another name is cinnamon, noble cinnamon or real cinnamon) is superior in its properties to other types of cinnamon, which is why it is the most valuable. It got its name due to its place of growth. On the island of Ceylon, cinnamon grows wild, and since the second half of the 18th century it has been grown on plantations. Today, there are cinnamon plantations in Indonesia, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Guiana, Reunion and Martinique. This cinnamon is very fragile and has a subtle delicate aroma and a sweetish, slightly pungent taste.
Chinese cinnamon is also called cassia, cassia-canel, as well as aromatic, Indian and plain. The homeland of cinnamon is Southern China. Its taste is slightly hot, sweetish and sharper than that of Ceylon cinnamon.
Malabar cinnamon comes from India. Now it can also be found in Burma. Its other names are brown cinnamon, tree cinnamon and cassia vera, which differs from previous varieties in taste and appearance. Cinnamon has a dark brown-brown color, its thickness reaches 3 millimeters or more, and its taste is bitter and pungent.

Cinnamon or spicy cinnamon grows on plantations in Indonesia and the Moluccas. Cinnamon has a very pungent cinnamon smell and a spicy taste with a burning tint. Characteristics and origin:
Cinnamon is often mentioned in the Bible: the Lord secretly told Moses the recipe for myrrh (Christian lighted aromatic oil) for the rite of anointing of spiritual persons. According to this recipe, you should take the best fragrant substances: gravity myrrh 500 shekels, incense cinnamon 250 shekels, incense cane 250, cassia 500 shekels and olive oil - 1 gin.
Cinnamon should be purchased whole, as ground cinnamon is often counterfeited. You should not buy cinnamon whose packaging indicates countries such as Israel, Germany, USA, etc. These countries are not its producers. It is recommended to use cinnamon produced in France, England and Holland, which meets all quality requirements.
Cheaper ones are the dried fruits and seeds of the cinnamon tree, which are gray-brown balls the size of a pea. But you should remember that they are much worse in quality. The fruits are hard, have a sharper smell than cinnamon and are not pleasant taste. When counterfeited, they are often mixed with real cinnamon.
Cinnamon extract is artificial substitute cinnamon.
Cinnamon has been known since ancient times. Even in Chinese chronicles dating back to 2800 BC, there is a mention of it. Found in one of the Egyptian manuscripts, which dates back to 1500 BC. recipe. Along with cardamom, this recipe also included cinnamon, which in those days was called “kainamaa”. During the same period of history, the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut sent an expedition consisting of five ships to the country of Punt. After a successful voyage, the ships returned loaded with ivory, gold and cinnamon. At that time in Greece this spice was very highly valued - for 35 kilograms of cinnamon they gave 5 kilograms of gold. But this price was considered quite affordable, since in other countries cinnamon was 15 times more expensive! Therefore, one kilogram of gold was often given for a kilogram of cinnamon.
Only very rich people could afford to buy it. For the rich, cinnamon was used to freshen the air, bake flour products, and add it to wine. The thirst for money forced merchants to finance expeditions to Ceylon. Lorenzo do Alma was the first European navigator to discover cinnamon in Ceylon in 1505. Since then, the island of Ceylon found itself in colonial slavery, which lasted for many centuries.

Here's what Herodotus wrote about cinnamon:
“The Arabs do not know where cinnamon grows and where it comes from. Some claim that cinnamon is from the region where Dionysus was raised. And they are most likely right. The Arabs say that huge birds bring dry pieces of bark, which we call by the Phoenician name "kinamomon", to their nests. To obtain cinnamon, the Arabs resorted to such a trick. They bring to these places, cut into large pieces, the carcasses of fallen donkeys, bulls and other beasts of burden. Having placed the meat near the nests, they leave. Birds, "When they see the meat, they flock to it and take it to their nests, which cannot withstand the weight and fall to the ground. Then the Arabs go to the broken nests and collect cinnamon. Then they take this cinnamon for sale to other countries."
Cinnamon was also known to the ancient Jews. The Phoenicians brought this spice to them and called it “cassia” - Chinese cinnamon and “kikama” - Ceylon cinnamon.

Ceylon cinnamon trees grow in the subtropics at an altitude of one thousand meters above sea level. This tree is unpretentious and can withstand unfavorable factors environment. If the tree is not touched it can grow up to 6-12 meters. And on cultivated plantations it is a low-growing shrub. The bark is removed from the shoots, which are about 2 meters high, with a copper knife twice a year. A copper knife is not a tribute to tradition, but a necessity. Cinnamon contains a large number of tannins that can oxidize any other metal (exception: silver and gold). The bark is easier to remove and has a stronger aroma when the rainy season ends. It is cut into strips 1-2 centimeters wide and 0.3 m long. Cinnamon has an outer and inner bark. The inner bark is dried in the shade, after removing the outer skin. The drying period lasts until the bark becomes dark brown and will not curl into a tube. And the outer one is dried under the sun until it turns yellow-brown. After drying, the thickness of the bark becomes less than one millimeter. The best varieties are similar in thickness to a sheet of paper. Cinnamon tubes are placed one inside the other in the amount of 8-10 pieces.
Collect bark from the branches and trunk of a tree that has reached 7-10 years old. The next time the harvest is harvested only after 8-10 years, as the tree must regain its strength.
Cinnamon is obtained by cutting off the cinnamon bark, from which most of the top layer is removed. The remaining layers are dried to a beige color on the outside and yellowish-red on the inside. Before drying, the bark is cut into pieces 1-3 millimeters thick, 2-5 centimeters wide and up to 40 centimeters long. Cinnamon is easily recognizable. Its fragile pieces crumble from a light touch.

Whole cinnamon is added to first courses, and ground cinnamon is added to second courses and to dough. Place it in a hot dish 7-10 minutes before it is ready, and in the curd mass and fruit salad before serving. The amount of cinnamon added to dishes varies from country to country. It is used quite a lot in Indian, Oriental and Chinese cuisines - approximately 0.5-1 teaspoon per kilogram of cottage cheese, rice, dough, meat or per liter of liquid.
Ceylon cinnamon has a very delicate sweetish aroma, and therefore it is most often used in confectionery and culinary products. It is added to Easter cakes, cookies, gingerbreads, muffins, sweet fruit pies, as well as sweet pilafs, bullets, mousses, compotes, jellies, preserves and curd spreads. In modern European cuisine, cinnamon is used in fruit and even some vegetable salads. It goes well with carrots, spinach, milk corn and red cabbage, as well as with dishes made from pears, quince and apples. Cinnamon is also added to cold fruit soups.
In Transcaucasian, Eastern and Central Asian cuisines, cinnamon is used in the preparation of chikhirtme, kharcho, hot and cold poultry dishes, as well as in a wide variety of pilafs.
Cinnamon is also used in Indian and Chinese cuisines, where it is added to dishes in huge quantities. It is found in many spicy mixtures: for mushroom, meat and fruit marinades, massalas, curries, in the Yerevan mixture, etc. When preparing a classic Greek lamb stew or stuffed eggplant, it is simply impossible to do without cinnamon.
Not only the bark is used as an aromatic spice, but also the unripe fruits of cinnamon - “cinnamon buds”, which are collected immediately after flowering. By appearance they are very similar to cloves. Although the buds are less aromatic than cinnamon bark, their scent is gentle, clean and sweet. "Cinnamon buds" become especially fragrant when chopped very finely.
In Russia, milk soups, porridges, pancakes and jellied fish. In Belarus, cinnamon was used to season pickled lingonberries, and in Ukraine it was used for salting watermelons and pickling cucumbers. However, not only in Ukraine. The soft, delicate aroma of cinnamon goes especially well with chocolate, pears and apples, so gourmets always add a little grated chocolate and cinnamon to their cappuccino coffee.
Cinnamon is used to flavor grogs, liqueurs, punches, homemade desserts and drinks. Cinnamon, like a sorceress, can turn the most ordinary dish into a delicacy. For example, croutons sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar turn into cinnamon toasts, a treat that is a must at traditional tea parties at Cambridge and Oxford colleges. One of the finest French dishes considered a cinnamon cake (le canelle de Bordeaux). It was invented by nuns who collected the remains of cinnamon in the holds of ships delivering flour, mixed it with sugar and butter, and then filled molds with dough and covered them with the resulting mixture. When covered with glaze, the cupcakes turned out shiny and emitted a delicate aroma. An interesting detail: in some countries this spice is often used homemade beer. It is impossible not to mention the tradition of treating yourself to wine or beer warmed with spices at Christmas.

Medical use:
In medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
The ethanolic extract of Chinese cinnamon bark is effective against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has harmful effect for viruses and tubercle bacilli.
Cinnamon improves the functioning of the digestive system and can improve metabolism, increase appetite, activate the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, vascular system, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It is also recommended for “sugar” disease - diabetes.
Avicenna argued that cinnamon oil It helps very well with tremors in the limbs, and nowadays cinnamon is used in homeopathy as effective remedy for seasickness.

Chef's Tips:
Cinnamon is used for flavoring confectionery, sauces, compotes, marinades, jams, various curd dishes, etc.
Cinnamon gives a pleasant taste to Varents, yogurt, and kefir.
It should be remembered that cinnamon powder loses its aromatic smell very quickly, so it should be purchased in small quantities.
The taste of cinnamon sticks is much more stable, although it is very difficult to grind them finely.
Crushed cinnamon is added to the dish no more than 10 minutes before the end of its preparation, since with prolonged heat treatment cinnamon gives the dish an unpleasant bitterness...


Here you will find detailed information about what cinnamon is, what health benefits it has, what contraindications there are for use, how to use it in cooking and much more. Few scents are as seductive and warming as hers. Cinnamon is one of the highly valued spices that has been used since biblical times for its beneficial and culinary properties.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a sweet-tasting spice obtained from the inner bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree, which is dried and tightly rolled into thin tubular sticks (rolls) and used as a seasoning in sweet and savory dishes around the world.

This spice is common in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking to flavor meat, vegetable, rice dishes, curries and many others. Cinnamon is part of the garam masala spice mixture, widely used in Indian cuisine.

What does cinnamon look like - photo

general description

The cinnamon tree is a small evergreen shrub plant belonging to the Laurel family (Lauraceae or Laurel) of the genus Cinnamomum. This new spice is native to the island of Sri Lanka, but also grows in many other countries such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, China.

There are many different types of cinnamon, but the “real” one is Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamonum verum).

Chinese cinnamon, also known as Cassia, also belongs to the Laurel family and is named Cinnamomum cassia. It is coarser, spicy and hot, but less aromatic than Ceylon.

How to make cinnamon seasoning

Each cinnamon bush grows 8-10 side branches every year, and after three years they are collected during the rainy season. Leaves are removed from the branches. The outer layer of bark is then beaten off with a copper rod to make it easier to peel. The inner bark is removed - it is this part that becomes the spice after drying.

In processing devices, this layer is cut into long strips, which are then rolled into tubes by hand and dried in the sun. This is how you get cinnamon sticks. They can be ground to make powder.

The aromatic essential oil of cinnamon is also extracted from the same tree. In factories, this inner layer of bark is beaten out, soaked in sea water, and then quickly distilled into oil. It is widely used in Food Industry, in perfumes, aromatherapy, medicines (especially Asian medicines), disinfectants.

Smell and taste

The aroma of cinnamon is complex and is often described as sweet, woody, as well as warm and spicy. It has an absolutely unique delicate and sweet taste.

How to choose and where to buy cinnamon

The labeling of real cinnamon is Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Ceylon Cinnamom (Ceylon Cinnamon). If the spice is simply labeled as "Cinnamon", it is usually cassia.

There is a chance to find real cinnamon in large cities in the spice department of supermarkets and grocery stores. Good cinnamon It smells sweet even from a distance. Sold either in stick form or powder.

Buy whole sticks instead of ground cinnamon, as it can often contain adulterated spice powders or low-quality cassia. The sticks should be compact and light brown in color.

You can buy real Ceylon cinnamon in online stores healthy eating, IHerb has a good selection.

How to distinguish cinnamon from cassia

Cassia is also cinnamon, but from different parts of the world and a different type of tree.

True cinnamon (Cinnamonum verum) is the inner layer of the bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree. She has a uniform light brown color. Produced in Sri Lanka.

Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) is the outer layer of the bark of the Chinese cinnamon tree. Also called fake cinnamon, it is much cheaper than real cinnamon and is produced in countries such as Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

What Cassia looks like:

In the case of ground cinnamon, it is very difficult to distinguish between the two types at home unless you are an expert.

However, if these seasonings are in sticks, the differences between them are easier to identify. The following table highlights some differences to help you choose the right type.

Ceylon cinnamonCassia
Soft texture, easy to breakHard texture
Mild sweet aromaPungent and very spicy smell
Coumarin content 0.0004%Coumarin content 5%
Generally safeToxic if taken for a long time
Honey, you can't find it everywhereMuch cheaper, sold in supermarkets under the guise of real cinnamon
Made in Sri LankaProduced in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia
Light brown colorDark brown or reddish color
Soft, crumbly and easy to break into small pieces Tough
Several dense layers, the stick is rolled like a cigarRolled inward on both sides, like a scroll. Empty inside

The differences between cassia and cinnamon are clearly presented in the photo:

Harm to Cassia

The real problem with fake cinnamon is that it contains high levels of coumarin (almost 1,200 times higher than real cinnamon), so long-term consumption of cassia can cause serious health damage, particularly to the kidneys and liver.

How to store cinnamon

Store whole cinnamon sticks in a cool, dry, dark place in airtight glass containers for many months (more than a year). They can be ground as needed using a hand mill or coffee grinder.

It is better to store ground cinnamon in the refrigerator in airtight containers and use it as soon as possible (up to 6 months); it has a short shelf life, since in powder form it quickly loses its taste and aroma.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value of cinnamon (Cinnamonum verum) per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercent of daily norm, %
Energy value(calorie content)247 Kcal 12
Carbohydrates50.59 g 39
Protein3.99 g 7
Fats1.24 g 4,5
Dietary fiber 53.1 g 133
Folates6 mcg 1,5
Niacin1.332 mg 8
Pantothenic acid0.358 mg 7
Pyridoxine0.158 mg 12
Riboflavin0.041 mg 3
Thiamine0.022 mg 2
Vitamin A295 IU 10
Vitamin C3.8 mg 6
Vitamin E10.44 mg 70
Vitamin K31.2 mcg 26
Sodium10 mg
Potassium431 mg 9
Calcium1002 mg 100
Copper0.339 mg 38
Iron8.32 mg 104
Magnesium60 mg 15
Manganese17.466 mg 759
Phosphorus64 mg 9
Zinc1.83 mg 17
Carotene-ß112 mcg -
Cryptoxanthin-ß129 mcg -
Lutein-zeaxanthin222 mcg -
Lycopene15 mcg -

Physiological role

The active components in cinnamon have the following effects on the body:

  • antioxidant;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • stimulating;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant properties of any natural food source, even surpassing “superfoods” like garlic and oregano.

The spice contains healthy essential oils, such as eugenol, which gives it a pleasant, sweet aroma. Eugenol has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties and is used in dental and gum treatments.

Other important essential oils in cinnamon are ethyl cinnamate, linalool, cinnamaldehyde (cinnamaldehyde), beta-caryophyllene, and methyl chavicol.

Cinnamaldehyde (the main constituent of cinnamon essential oils) acts as an anticoagulant (blood thinner) and thereby helps prevent stroke and coronary artery disease.

The active substances in cinnamon increase intestinal motility and aid in digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice.

This spice stick is an excellent source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and magnesium. Iron is important for cellular metabolism as a cofactor. Potassium is an important component of body cells and fluids that help control heartbeat and blood pressure. Human body uses manganese and copper as cofactors for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Cinnamon also contains high amounts of vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine.

This is very good source flavonoid phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, zeaxanthin, lutein and cryptoxanthin.

Cinnamon for weight loss

One of the most sought after benefits of cinnamon is that it aids in weight loss. It reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism. However, this spice alone will not lead to weight loss, you need to maintain a balanced diet and physical fitness. Cinnamon just improves your weight loss program overall.

This is an excellent seasoning for improving immunity, while it contains all the necessary minerals, vitamins and fiber. Plays a big role in detoxification. Popular as a "cleansing" drink when added to a glass of water.

One teaspoon of cinnamon contains 1.6 grams of fiber, which increases satiety.

Cinnamon for diabetes

New research has shown that cinnamon controls blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It also reduces “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases “good” HDL cholesterol.

Add to this the fact that cinnamon has natural sugar-free sweet taste, making it a great addition to foods like plain yogurt or kefir. It can be included in the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem with numerous symptoms that need to be controlled, and cinnamon can help with this due to its properties.

Studies have shown that cinnamon reduces insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

This spice also softens heavy menstrual bleeding related to general conditions women's health such as endometriosis, menorrhagia and uterine fibroids.

Other Health Benefits

Here are some more medicinal properties of cinnamon that are confirmed by scientific research:

  • Ceylon cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. This means that it improves immunity. Research has shown that cinnamon enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes, hence may prevent or treat certain types cancer.
  • Cinnamon helps manage blood pressure. All its varieties contain cinnamic acid, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help blood flow and reduce stress on the heart, helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases...
  • This spice can stop the onset of Alzheimer's disease. It improves the brain's response to insulin. The metabolic effect also makes it useful in neurological problems.
  • Cinnamon helps fight bacterial and fungal infections. Essential oil effectively treats infections respiratory tract. The antimicrobial properties of this spice also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath.

In addition to the ground form, cinnamon can be purchased in capsules for oral administration. Some people boil cinnamon sticks in water, add honey or lemon and drink it as tea. It is also good for making healthy “cinnamon water.”

How much cinnamon per day can you consume?

After six weeks, it is best to take a week's rest before taking it again. During these seven days, you can consume turmeric, as it has similar beneficial properties.

Contraindications (harm) of cinnamon

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, diabetic patients, and those taking anticoagulants or undergoing surgery should avoid cinnamon in excess quantities.

Contraindicated if you have a food allergy to this spice.

Raw cinnamon can cause choking and respiratory distress syndrome (respiratory failure). Eating large amounts of cinnamon sticks can cause inflammation of the taste buds on the tongue, swelling of the gums and mouth ulcers.

Excessive doses of cinnamon can cause difficulty breathing, dilation blood vessels, but drowsiness, depression or even seizures.

To experience any dangerous side effects of cinnamon, you would have to eat very large amounts of this spice, but in normal culinary doses it is safe and beneficial.

Use of cinnamon in cooking

Here are a few interesting ways how you can use cinnamon in cooking and where to add it:

  • As an ingredient in homemade baked goods and cookies.
  • Sprinkle baked apples with ground cinnamon for a delicious flavor.
  • Use in a mulled wine recipe.
  • Add to yogurt or ice cream.
  • Sprinkle over milk cereal or hot chocolate.
  • Boil a cinnamon stick with warm milk for medicinal purposes.
  • Add to chopped fruit and rice dishes.
  • Cinnamon tea with honey is a popular drink for treating various diseases.
  • Use in fried meat dishes or Indian rice dishes.
  • This is a great addition to fruit desserts, which contain apples, prunes, pears and apricots.
  • Cinnamon French toast is a popular breakfast dish around the world. Sprinkle this spice on bread dipped in beaten eggs and fry.
  • Fried donuts and baked muffins take on an interesting flavor when seasoned with cinnamon sugar.
  • This is a popular marinade for beef or lamb.
  • Cinnamon sticks (whole or broken) are used in drinks, sauces, and stews.
  • In Arab countries, coffee is brewed with pieces of cinnamon or a pinch of powder.

Cinnamon is usually added 7-10 minutes before cooking or sprinkled on the finished dish.

Cinnamon Cookies - Recipe

These delicious cookies paired with a cup of tea will warm you up during cold season and brighten up your afternoon tea.

Ingredients (for 30 pieces):

  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 85 g chopped almond flakes;
  • 125g wheat flour;
  • 110 g butter, plus extra for lubrication;
  • 75g honey;
  • 150 g brown sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C and grease a baking tray.
  2. Mix cinnamon, salt and almonds in a bowl and sift the flour into it.
  3. Melt the butter, honey and sugar in a saucepan, bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and cool for a couple of minutes before combining with the flour and lemon juice.
  4. Stir and then use a teaspoon to scoop the dough onto the baking sheet, about 5cm apart.
  5. Bake until the cookies are light brown around the edges. Let cool slightly on the tray and transfer to a plate.

Recipe for Sinabon cinnamon rolls – video

How to replace cinnamon

If you're out of cinnamon or someone in your household is allergic to the spice and are looking for a substitute, consider these alternatives:

  • Allspice. Its aroma is similar to cinnamon, and also contains notes of nutmeg and cloves. It is spicier, so when using allspice as a cinnamon substitute, use 1/3 the amount called for in the recipe.
  • Cardamom is an aromatic spice that is used in many dishes along with cinnamon. For example, both spices can be found in curry powder. Replace cinnamon with cardamom in a 1:1 ratio.

So, cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthy spices on the planet. It can help lower blood sugar levels, reduce risk factors for heart disease, and has numerous other health benefits. Just make sure to buy real Ceylon cinnamon, consider the contraindications for use, stick to small doses and enjoy its intoxicating aroma.

Cinnamon is obtained by cutting off the inner layer of the bark of the evergreen cinnamon tree, which grows in Brazil, South. China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, Madagascar, Sumatra, and its homeland is Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The cut bark is dried, and it is rolled into tubes, which are cut into sticks up to 12 cm long. Cinnamon is sold in the form of sticks or ground into powder.

Also sometimes found on the market are dried flowers or clove-like cinnamon tree buds, which give tea and other drinks a clean, delicate aroma.

How to choose cinnamon:

What stores call cinnamon is not always what it is. The most useful and aromatic types of cinnamon are grown in Ceylon.

Cassia (“Indonesian cinnamon”) is often passed off as cinnamon; this is the bark of another variety of cinnamon tree cultivated in China and Indonesia; cassia has slightly different properties. To get high-quality cinnamon, cinnamon shoots that are 2-3 years old are selected, and the thinnest inner layer of bark is cut off.

Cassia is prepared from whole pieces of bark of 7-10 year old trees and quite successfully replaces cinnamon in many cases, however, this spice contains 100 times more of a substance harmful to human health - coumarin, which causes headaches and even hepatitis; this substance is used as rat poison. In 1 kg of noble cinnamon the coumarin content is about 0.02 g, in cassia - 2 g.

Knowing what cinnamon is, it will be easy for you to choose a high-quality spice.
How to distinguish real cinnamon from cassia.

1. Most often, it is not the high-grade valuable spice that is sold in ground form, but cassia or other low-grade cinnamon. If you need good spice, check the country of origin: preference should be given to cinnamon brought from Ceylon rather than from China, Indonesia or Vietnam. It is also not recommended to purchase cinnamon from Germany, the USA, or Israel - local production is not established in these countries, and they do not sell cinnamon from Ceylon.

2. True cinnamon is more expensive; the packaging may be marked “Cinnamomum zeylonicum”. Cassia is sometimes labeled as "Cinnamomum aromaticum".

3. The smell of true cinnamon is softer and more noble - soft, warm, sweet. Cassia smells weaker, but rougher and sweeter.

4. As for cinnamon sticks, the high-grade noble spice has a delicate, uniform light brown color; the color of cassia is not the same inside and outside and has a reddish-brown or gray-brown tint. Real cinnamon sticks are always curled at both ends, forming “ram's horns,” while cassia sticks may be slightly curved or not twisted at all.

5. The cut of cinnamon tree is thinner, the thickness of the cuts the best varieties comparable to the thickness of a sheet of paper. Cinnamon is easily crushed and is fragile, while cassia is stronger, thicker (3-10 mm), coarser and breaks into fibers.

6. You can check the quality of the spice at home. To do this, drop iodine onto a stick or a pile of cinnamon powder - cassia will turn dark blue with this interaction, and true cinnamon will turn slightly blue.
Storing cinnamon:

Keep the spice in an airtight container at a temperature no higher than 20°C and a relative humidity of no more than 70%. It is better to purchase cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder before use.
Cinnamon shelf life:

In sticks, the spice remains useful for 12 months, optimal time Storage of ground cinnamon – six months.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon.
Therapeutic effect:

Cinnamon stimulates, invigorates, improves mood, relieves depression, restores strength, improves memory, coordination and attentiveness.

It improves the circulation of fluids and thins the blood, lowers cholesterol levels, cleanses the liver and choleretic system.

Cinnamon is used to strengthen the heart and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Consuming cinnamon relieves a runny nose, cough - dry and with phlegm, removes mucus from the nose, removes congestion and congestion in the sinuses. It can soothe a sore throat, relieve cold headaches, cure flu and bronchial asthma.

Large amounts of cinnamon cause uterine contractions. The spice helps restore postpartum period and increases milk flow. This is a traditional Indian remedy to reduce the risk of recurrent pregnancy immediately after childbirth up to 20 months.

In addition, cinnamon freshens breath, relieves muscle spasms, relieves colic, helps with indigestion, facilitates digestion, removes gas accumulation, and helps normalize weight. By the way, it is recommended to use cinnamon with ginger for those who want to lose weight - the product normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calms the nervous system and reduces appetite.
What are the benefits of cinnamon and honey?

When combined with honey, cinnamon exhibits its beneficial qualities to a greater extent. The main thing is to choose truly healthy, high-quality honey.

These components of the flu remedy: 1 tbsp. Boiled water needs to be brewed 0.5 tsp. with a pinch of black pepper, let it brew, consume internally with honey.

For colds, coughs and congestion in the respiratory tract, take orally a mixture of half the volume of cinnamon with 1 volume of honey.

For weight loss, it is recommended to drink an infusion of spices with honey and water on an empty stomach, upon waking up and at night.

By mixing honey and cinnamon in a 4:1 ratio, you get natural mask for the treatment of skin rashes.

You should refrain from using the spice in case of bleeding, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion and increased blood pressure. Cinnamon should absolutely not be consumed by pregnant women.

Add half to 1 tsp to dishes and drinks. per 1 kg or 1 liter.

How to use cinnamon?

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and aroma. Another way is to lightly fry the sticks in the right vegetable oil until aroma appears.

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a frying pan with or without oil, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and smell.

Add cinnamon 7-10 minutes before a hot dish, such as buns, is ready. In cold dishes, such as salads or curd masses, the spice is added before serving.

The sweet warm taste and aroma of cinnamon makes it ideal for use in widest spectrum dishes, including preserves and jams, compotes and jelly, liqueurs, punches, coffee, tea and chocolate drinks, sweet pilafs, jellies, mousses, pies, curd pastes. The spice is great for salads made from carrots, cabbage, corn, cucumbers, spinach, quince, pears, vegetable side dishes and marinades, for example, with zucchini, tomatoes, red peppers.

Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples, balancing the natural sourness inherent in their taste in pies, salads, and when baked. The aroma and taste of the spice combine perfectly with citrus fruits such as tangerines, lemon, orange, creating a holiday mood.

Cinnamon with kefir:

Kefir, being a nutritious dietary fermented milk product, is perfect for fasting days. By adding cinnamon to it - half a teaspoon per glass - you make this drink more beneficial for digestion and promoting weight loss. Kefir with cinnamon is great for fasting days or as a snack.

The aromas of cinnamon and vanilla are familiar to many people from childhood. Favorite buns and cookies are what first comes to mind when you hear the word “cinnamon.” However, while devouring the next portion of a confectionery masterpiece, few people think about what path the exotic spice has to overcome before it ends up in lush, sweet, tasty baked goods. About everything in order about cinnamon, types and properties.

First, let's find out where this aromatic spice grows. India and Sri Lanka are considered the homeland of the plant. The seasoning is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It looks very unusual for our latitudes, and it is unlikely that anyone will recognize it, even if they encounter it among the landscapes on vacation in exotic countries.

Description of the plant

Trunks reaching 15 meters in height, with large leaves and colorful shades of inflorescences and berries - here a brief description of what cinnamon looks like.

IN different sources we encounter an ambiguous description of the tree. What's the catch? Is the information unreliable or is cinnamon easily confused with its neighboring species? Absolutely not. The whole truth is that there are different types of cinnamon. This means that depending on which zone of the tropical region the tree is cultivated, differences will be noticeable. Several types of cinnamon are differentiated based on their territorial growth.

The following types are especially popular:

  • Ceylon- considered authentic and valued by culinary specialists and healers healing properties flora.
  • - canel - it is also the so-called fake one, since the spice is made from Chinese cinnamon. This tree can often be found when traveling in China, Indonesia or when visiting Cambodia.
  • Cinnamon- this is a spicy cinnamon, it has a taste expressed in bright notes that gourmets will appreciate.
  • Malabar(brown cinnamon) - has a common name “cassia vera”.

Gallery: cinnamon tree (25 photos)

How to recognize a real cinnamon tree

It is worth paying attention: on store shelves in our area, what is commonly called cinnamon is mostly cassia. There is a colossal difference between these plants, and rarely would anyone think of conducting an experiment. And we will look at how important it is to distinguish between spices and not succumb to the tricks of sellers and marketers.

People in whose native latitudes the plant does not grow do not think at all: why, in fact, sell a powder called “cinnamon” in a bag, if there is nothing close to it in the package?

Income, money, profits - that's the simple answer. And if you delve into the study of the issue, it becomes clear that this happened historically. Real spicy cinnamon is an expensive and very popular product; there have always been connoisseurs of its piquant taste.

This delicacy among ancient peoples was presented as an expensive gift only to a select few; a limited circle of people could enjoy this delicate aroma - monarchs, kings or very rich segments of the population. Interesting historical facts Researchers find in the works of ancient writers and sages where this spice is glorified, and we can conclude that sweet cinnamon was a rather exclusive product and was worth its weight in gold.

So, over time, the value of cinnamon rises so much in the world that commercial dealers begin to grow the cinnamon tree not only in the original native territory and its natural conditions, but also in places where it is at least as possible as possible to grow something similar.

Over time, not only Sri Lanka and the southern part of India, but also the Seychelles, West Indies, and Asia in tropical locations become places where the royal spice grows. Wherever climatic opportunities exist - the island of Java, Sumatra, Vietnam and Brazil, attracting tourists Madagascar and popular Egypt - have become the second homeland for the spice.

Cassia: harm and benefit

When it becomes clear that instead of cinnamon, in 80% of cases from the supermarket the average buyer will receive a mixture of cassia cinnamon tree, then it is important to understand the properties.

The taste of cinnamon and cassia is similar, the spices have a similar color. However, experts say that this is only for the inexperienced gourmet, which is the vast majority of our consumers.

Therefore, it would be useful to learn the following facts about cassia:

The value of cassia powder

It would seem, what can you worry about if both spices satisfy the taste buds, emit a divine aroma and fulfill their culinary purposes? However, no spice has ever caused so much controversy and discussion. The thing is that experts managed to find not only the beneficial properties of cassia, but also to determine how the abuse of tasty powder for confectionery products can be dangerous.

The disadvantage lies in the coumarin content of the cassia tree. And this substance in large quantities is harmful to human health, and its use in the diet of children is especially undesirable. The cumulative effect of this substance in the body provokes liver and kidney diseases, and can also cause dizziness and weakness.

Don't panic, worry too much, or categorically refuse the spice. A dose of the substance in the amount of 2 grams per kilogram of product is not critical, but it is unlikely to be prudent to abuse it, knowing about the presence of not very useful components. Moreover, understanding what Ceylon and natural cinnamon looks like.

After a detailed analysis of information about where and how cinnamon grows in nature, it’s time to outline the beneficial properties of high-quality bark and how important it is for a person to receive them in the diet.

Application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking

The range of spice uses is very wide. It can be tasty, healthy, or completely unnecessary for each individual organism.

Food. Many are accustomed to using cinnamon in the confectionery segment - desserts, hot drinks, cocktails. Eastern cuisine suggests using the spice in meat dishes or as a mix with other seasonings.

In many countries, cinnamon is used in fruits, desserts and coffee drinks. Local residents in the habitat of this tree species use not only the bark, but also greens as a seasoning, like Europeans, for example, bay leaves.

This component can often be seen in the list of canning recipes for a rich marinade. Cinnamon also has antioxidant properties.

Cinnamon in drinks. Best known for its flavor in baked goods, the spice is also used in ginger and lemon infusions. For example, fans will like fragrant tea this recipe:

In addition to the fact that it is tasty and healthy, the resulting composition also has fat-burning properties. This mixture is used in weight loss diets as an addition to a set of activities with physical activity.

Health. The combination of “cinnamon + honey” is a storehouse of beneficial properties. Drinks and products containing this tandem can have a positive effect on raising vitality, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, normalize stool and intestinal function, hair growth and skin condition.

Caution should be used in food for some people with the following characteristics:

  • With high blood pressure.
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • For stomach problems, namely ulcers and serious ailments clinical manifestations(only with doctor's recommendation).
  • During periods of illness, when it is necessary to exclude the possibility of problems due to nutrition.

Beauty. Despite the fact that the true homeland of cinnamon is Sri Lanka, women all over the world can add this component to all kinds of masks or to ecological natural cosmetics as a flavoring ingredient. However, in addition to fragrance, it is also useful.

The antiseptic effect that Ceylon cinnamon has is indispensable in skin care products. It can be used in powder form and also as an essential oil in cosmetology.

Face mask - recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons honey.

Mix and apply to facial skin. If your skin tends to be dry, add a couple of drops to the mixture. vegetable oil- olive, jojoba or tea tree. For oily skin, it is recommended to add the white of a chicken egg to the honey-cinnamon mixture.

Mask for hair growth.

Cinnamon is also great for stimulating hair root follicles and nourishing the scalp. To maintain a healthy appearance, a simple but effective mixture is suitable:

  • 1 tablespoon of kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Rub the mixture into your head and massage at the base. hair follicles, then rinse. A cycle of regular procedures can improve blood circulation and stimulate the growth of lively and well-groomed hair.

It is worth remembering what not fake, but natural cinnamon brought from Sri Lanka looks like. Otherwise, all the recipes that talk about the beneficial properties of the component may not be so effective. It is best to give preference to cinnamon, soft and aromatic sticks, and if necessary, grind them into powder at home using a coffee grinder.