Obesity in British castrated cats. Obesity in cats: when love is not good. Maintaining your cat's optimal weight

The problem of excess weight in pets last years is one of the most relevant for owners and breeders. The excessive obesity of the furry couch potato also causes concern among veterinary specialists, who diagnose this condition in every second patient with a mustache.

Misconception “ healthy cat– fat cat” leads to the fact that pets with overweight begin to experience health problems. Cat obesity is considered a disease for which treatment is prescribed. special diet and physical activity.

Read in this article

How to determine excess weight and degree of obesity

Before sounding the alarm about extra pounds on a furry pet, the owner should know how to determine the animal's level of fatness and signs of obesity.

First of all, a visual examination will help determine the degree of fatness. To do this, you should carefully look at the cat from top to bottom when it stands calmly. If the body contour resembles an elongated rectangle, with a length 2 - 3 times greater than width, then the animal has signs of exhaustion. In short-haired and hairless breeds, protruding ribs, pelvic bones, and sternocostal joints will be visible.

Under normal weight conditions, when viewed from above, the owner will find the shape of a rectangle, in which the length will not be much greater than the width. The ribs and pelvic bones are not visible at normal weight.

Signs of obesity when visual inspection

If the outline of the body contours resembles an oval or approaches the shape of a circle, the owner should sound the alarm. An overweight pet has a greatly increased abdominal volume.

Most in an informative way Determining the fatness of a cat is by palpating it. For this purpose, the pet should be picked up and its body sequentially felt. If you are underweight, the bones protrude, and fat deposits on the chest and abdomen cannot be felt.

In normal condition, the ribs can be easily felt, pelvic bones and sternocostal joints. Feeling the abdomen, the owner notes small fat deposits in this area.

In the case where the animal’s ribs, spine, and pelvic bones are difficult to palpate, one may suspect the presence of excess weight. If the ribs and spinal column cannot be felt under a thick layer of fat, in the area chest, back and abdomen there is a well-defined fat layer, then we're talking about already about obesity.

The behavior of an obese animal also changes. The pet becomes lethargic, inactive, and does not take part in games and entertainment. The cat has a heavy gait and sometimes develops shortness of breath.

You can judge whether your furry couch potato is overweight by weighing him. To do this, the owner should know the average live weight of a cat at a certain age and its breed.

For example, if a Maine Coon weighs 5-6 kg per year, this indicates insufficient conditioning. The same weight in an Abyssinian cat is an indicator of obesity.

Floor scales are most convenient for the weighing procedure. You can put the animal on the scales yourself or stand on the scales with it, then excluding the owner’s own weight.

Why did obesity occur in cats?

The reasons leading to the emergence of pet extra pounds, a lot. The main factors include improper feeding, inactive lifestyle, chronic pathologies, hormonal disorders.

After sterilization

There is a widespread belief among owners that operations such as castration of males and sterilization of females lead to excess weight in animals. Scientific research indicate: these operations are just a mechanism for triggering metabolic disorders in a small percentage of domestic cats.

Removal of the gonads leads to hormonal imbalance in the body in some pets. Violation of the production of sex hormones provokes an increase in appetite, stimulates a decrease in energy needs and the predominance of assimilation processes over dissimilation processes.

Low activity

Physical inactivity is not only a problem modern man, but also pets. Furry homebodies find themselves hostage to the urban lifestyle. Being predators by nature, representatives of the cat family need active image life.

In a city apartment, animals experience a shortage physical exercise, which leads to reduced energy costs. Against the background of overfeeding or an unbalanced diet, physical inactivity inevitably leads to obesity in cats.

Chronic diseases

A number of diseases internal organs is often a factor that provokes excess weight gain. First of all, the risk group includes cats that are sick diabetes mellitus. Insulin deficiency leads to disruption of the metabolism of one of the main carbohydrates - glucose, which is accompanied by obesity in the pet.

Diseases thyroid gland, accompanied by reduced production of hormones, lead to the fact that the processes of accumulation and synthesis of adipose tissue begin to dominate in the body over the processes of breakdown of food nutrients. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland - common reason obesity in cats.

Glands internal secretion in cats, dysfunction of which can lead to obesity

Can also lead to obesity various diseases pancreas, gall bladder and liver, organs gastrointestinal tract.


Factors that trigger excess weight gain in people furry pets, refers genetic predisposition. Owners and breeders note that if the parents were overweight, then the offspring often show signs of obesity.

As an animal ages, its physical activity decreases, which also contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds.

To learn about the reasons for gaining extra pounds and determining the degree of obesity in cats, watch this video:

Why is obesity dangerous in cats?

Unfortunately, not all pet owners realize that excess weight the pet has a disease. Veterinary experts around the world are sounding the alarm about the increasing trend among representatives feline kind individuals with signs of obesity.

Excess weight poses a serious threat to health and well-being for a furry couch potato. Fat deposits are postponed not only in subcutaneous tissue, but also in internal organs, disrupting their functions. The list of negative consequences of obesity is quite extensive:

In addition, fatty deposits in the form of atherosclerotic plaques reduce the lumen blood vessels and disrupt normal blood flow in the body. The cat has oxygen starvation in organs and tissues.

  • Risk of developing diabetes in obese individuals increases by 4 - 5 times compared to their counterparts who are in normal condition physical fitness. Increased content in the diet of carbohydrates leads to overload of the pancreas and a decrease in the production of the hormone insulin.
  • Problems with internal organs. The liver is most often affected by obesity in pets. Fatty degeneration of the organ occurs, which is accompanied by the development of dysfunction. The liver cannot cope with toxins, digestion is disrupted.
  • Joint diseases. Excess weight puts a significant strain on musculoskeletal system animal. An obese cat often experiences lameness associated with difficulty moving, joint injuries and sprains of the ligaments become more frequent.

According to veterinary statistics, obese animals live 2 - 3 years less than their counterparts who do not have problems with extra pounds.

The owner should know that obesity affects almost all organs and systems of the body, having an adverse effect on the health and well-being of the pet. In advanced cases overweight often become the reason early death animal.

Treatment of obesity in cats

Having realized that excess weight in a furry couch potato poses a serious threat, the owner should seek advice from a veterinarian. After clinical examination As a rule, an obese pet is prescribed dietary nutrition and physical activity.

Diet and feeding rules for obesity

In the fight against excess weight, the main treatment is diet. Some owners go to extremes and begin to literally starve the overweight cat. This is strictly forbidden. A hunger strike will lead to dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, heart and will only worsen the pet’s condition.

If a cat eats natural products, then first of all the owner must reduce their fat content. Completely excluded from the diet fatty varieties beef and dairy products with a high percentage of fat. Feeding with lean beef, chicken, and turkey is allowed. Fish should also be of low-fat varieties. Among lactic acid products, kefir, low-fat natural yogurt, and low-fat cottage cheese will be useful. Vegetables that are useful for an obese pet are: carrots, pumpkin, turnips.

The therapeutic diet involves not only reducing the calorie content of the diet as a whole, but also reducing the serving size. The animal should be fed frequently, at least 3 times a day, to avoid overloading the pancreas and liver. Feeding should be dosed and controlled. There can be no talk of any free access to food in case of obesity. Required condition dietary nutrition is only the animal's free access to clean water.

What food to choose if your pet is obese

If the cat is accustomed to eating ready-made food, on the advice of a veterinarian, it is necessary to switch to a low-calorie diet. The new kind The therapeutic diet should be introduced gradually. The line of well-known manufacturers includes specialized feed for the treatment and prevention of obesity in cats.

The owner must strictly monitor the amount of food eaten even in this case and not exceed the daily amount specified by the manufacturer. It is most convenient to use a measuring cup for these purposes, measuring the portion indicated on the package. This will not lead to overfeeding and will wean the animal from overeating.

Increased activity in cats and kittens

In addition to a therapeutic diet to combat excess weight, the owner needs to pay attention to the physical activity of the furry couch potato. Great solution There will be training for the animal to wear a harness and walks in the fresh air.

In apartment living conditions, you should purchase an entertainment training complex for your pet. Its advantage is that the animal can play even in the absence of household members.

Domestic cats love active games and take part in them with pleasure. The owner should purchase various toys: teasers, balls, remote-controlled mice.

Will interest the cat and force it to expend energy various ways training: jumping through a hoop, fetching objects.

Change in owner behavior

An important point in the treatment of obesity is stereotypical behavior owner. Under no circumstances should you follow the lead of the animal and treat it with a treat from the table, or add food to the bowl after the recommended amount of food has been eaten. You should not show love to your pet through food. The best way Taking care of the animal will be play, entertainment, communication.

Obesity in domestic cats is becoming a serious problem for owners and veterinarians. Excess weight leads to many health problems and worsens the well-being of animals. In effective ways treatment of the disease is a therapeutic diet prescribed by a veterinarian and increasing motor activity pet.

Useful video

About what negative consequences leads to obesity and how to deal with excess weight in cats, watch this video:

A fat cat is not happiness, but a problem. Find out how to fight obesity in cats.

Why does obesity occur in cats?

The problem of excess weight in cats and kittens has become one of the most pressing among owners of these animals in recent years. Gaining weight above normal, the pet acquires health problems. Obesity is a disease that needs to be treated. However, it is best to prevent its occurrence.

There are many reasons why cats gain excess weight. Let's talk about the main ones.

Improper feeding

Most often, cats get fat due to an incorrect diet. Owners simply overfeed their pets without following nutritional standards. High-calorie foods, large portions, and unlimited access to dry food lead to overeating and, accordingly, weight gain.

Obesity is also caused by the predominance of fats and carbohydrates in the pet's menu against the background of a lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Your pet will gain weight if he is given sausage, smoked meats, fatty fish and meat.

Inactive lifestyle

Domestic cats that do not go outside suffer from physical inactivity. They are limited by the space of the apartment, so they lack physical activity. Such pets spend little energy. The situation is aggravated by an unbalanced diet and overfeeding.

Metabolic disease

Metabolic disorders lead to obesity and hormonal changes in the pet's body. For example, with a lack of pancreatic and thyroid hormones, fat metabolism is disrupted. Because of this, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs of the pet.

Breed predisposition

Certain cat breeds tend to gain weight quickly. The most susceptible to obesity are Persian, Scottish and british cats. If you are the happy owner of such a cat, train your animal to proper nutrition from childhood, do not encourage begging, monitor your pet’s activity.

Chronic diseases

Some diseases of internal organs provoke excess weight gain in a pet. Animals with diabetes are at risk. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas lead to obesity.

Obesity in cats after sterilization (castration)

After castration, the animal's body experiences hormonal disbalance. Changes in the production of sex hormones help slow down metabolism and increase the cat's appetite. Typically, a neutered pet sleeps more and moves less, and energy expenditure decreases. Overfeeding and physical inactivity contribute to rapid accumulation overweight bodies of a castrated pet.

What are the dangers of being overweight for a pet?

Most cat owners do not recognize that cat obesity needs to be treated. However overweight poses a serious threat to your pet's health. The disease affects all organs and tissues of the animal, has Negative influence on his well-being.

Negative consequences of obesity in cats:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Excess weight affects the functioning of the heart. The organ is forced to pump more blood. The heart muscle works hard. Fat is deposited in blood vessels in the form of plaques. They narrow their lumen and disrupt normal blood access to tissues. The pet develops oxygen starvation.

  • Diabetes

    Obesity can trigger the development of diabetes. Great content Eating carbohydrates increases the load on the pancreas, disrupting the production of the hormone insulin.

  • Joint diseases

    In overweight animals, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases and arthritis and arthrosis develop. Obese pets have difficulty standing up and move less.

  • Diseases of internal organs

    If a cat is overweight, fat is deposited not only under the skin, but also in the internal organs. The liver is most often affected. It has difficulty coping with its function and does not remove toxins well.

A fat pet increases the risk of developing cystitis and urolithiasis. This is associated with decreased physical activity and impaired mineral metabolism substances. Well-fed animals are more likely to suffer from constipation and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Obese animals live several years less than their counterparts who do not have problems with excess weight.

How to determine if a cat is overweight. Obesity level

To determine the level of fatness of a cat, look at the pet from above when it is standing. At normal weight, the body resembles a rectangle shape. The ribs and pelvic bones do not protrude.

If the animal is overweight, then the top shape of the body resembles an oval, the back becomes wide, and the belly hangs down. In an animal with overweight the ribs and spine cannot be felt.

Weighing will help determine if your pet is overweight. To do this, you need to know what body weight a cat of this breed should have. If a pet weighs 15-20% more than the average for breed and age, it means the animal is obese.

Symptoms of obesity in cats and cats:

  • Low activity and fatigue
  • Fat deposits on the sides
  • Saggy belly
  • Dyspnea
  • Wandering gait

How to treat obesity in cats

Once you determine that your pet is overweight, contact your veterinarian. He will identify the cause of obesity and help you choose a diet for your cat. The cat should lose weight gradually. The pet also needs sufficient physical activity.

Diet and rules for feeding a pet with obesity

A properly formulated diet will help in the fight against obesity. Remember, you cannot starve your cat. A hunger strike will negatively affect your pet's health. The cat should lose weight gradually. If your cat eats natural foods, reduce their fat content. Use low-fat varieties meat, fish, dairy products such as kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without additives. For vegetables, give carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. Reduce the serving size, feed your pet 3 times a day. There should not be free access to food.

If your cat eats ready-made food, choose a special food for the treatment and prevention of obesity. It will tell you which food is right for your pet. veterinarian. Be sure to follow the feeding guidelines indicated on the package.

Prevention of obesity in cats

To prevent your pet from gaining weight, follow these rules:

Obesity is a widespread problem among spayed and neutered cats. However, the owner has the opportunity to avoid surgery to castrate the animal, giving preference to drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Today, the problem of obesity in pets is very relevant. It causes concern not only among owners, but also among veterinarians, who notice that obesity in pets is becoming more common.

Many cat owners believe that a cat’s fatness is not a problem at all. But that's not true. Excess weight in a pet can lead to the development of diseases.

How to tell if your cat is overweight

Before you start worrying about your cat getting fat, you need to determine how different her weight is from normal.

First, the condition is assessed visually. Look at the animal from above as it stands. If the body is elongated, and its length is several times greater than its width, this means that the cat is emaciated. In cats with short hair or bald, protruding bones will be visible. If the cat normal weight, then upon visual inspection from above you will see that the body has a rectangular shape, but at the same time the animal is slightly shorter in width than in length. The pelvic bones and ribs will not protrude.

If the body shape is oval and close to round, then this means that the pet is obese. To better determine the extent of the problem, it is necessary to feel the animal. Pick up the cat and feel it. If the weight is too small, then you will not feel fat deposits on your chest and abdomen, and the bones will protrude.

If the cat is of normal weight, you can easily feel only the ribs, sternum and pelvic bones. When palpating the abdomen, small deposits of fat are detected. If the spine, ribs, and pelvic bones are difficult to palpate, then most likely the animal is overweight. If there is such a large layer of fat on the ribs and spine that they cannot be felt, then the animal suffers from a significant degree of obesity. In this case, there is a layer of fat on the chest, abdomen and back.

An animal whose weight is significantly higher than normal exhibits changes in behavior. The cat becomes lazy, moves little, and does not want to play or run. Sometimes there is shortness of breath, and it becomes difficult for the animal to even walk.

To accurately determine the presence and degree of excess weight in an animal, it is necessary to weigh it. In this case, you need to know what the normal weight for the animal is. of different ages and this particular breed.

It is important to remember that cats different breeds They weigh completely differently. For example, for a Maine Coon cat to weigh 6 kg at just over a year old would be a sign of underweight. However, for a cat of many other breeds, this weight will mean that it is obese.

In order to weigh a cat, it is most convenient to use ordinary floor scales. You can put the animal on the scales, or stand on them, taking the cat in your arms. And then subtract your own weight from this.

Causes of obesity

A cat can become overweight for many reasons. The main ones are improper feeding, lack of mobility, chronic diseases, violations hormonal levels.

After sterilization
Many cat owners are sure that excess weight occurs in every animal that has undergone such surgery. But in fact, it is the cause of metabolic disorders and obesity in only some animals. This is due to the fact that the pet may experience a hormonal imbalance. After all, during this operation, hormonal glands are removed. Sex hormones are not produced correctly, as a result of which the cat’s appetite level increases and the need for energy decreases.

A slow metabolism affects not only the reactions in the cat’s body, but also its physical activity. She begins to sleep more, run less, so much less energy is spent. If the owner does not take any measures, an increase in appetite and a decrease in activity will lead to the cat gaining excess weight quite quickly.

Improper feeding
Many owners simply adore their pets, so they try to please him in everything. This also applies to nutrition. Often, the owners themselves are to blame for the cat's weight gain. This is the most common cause of obesity in cats. They are simply overfed.

Experts recommend following certain standards when feeding. To do this, you need to know how much food a cat should eat at a given age. The breed of the animal also influences the need for food. If you feed your pet prepared food, you can usually read information about it on its packaging. daily norm. These standards must be followed.

If the pet has unlimited access to food, or the owner gives too large a single portion, this will lead to an increase in stomach volume. The cat will overeat more and more often, and will quickly gain excess weight.

But obesity can occur not only due to overfeeding. A pet can gain weight due to an improperly planned diet. If the feed contains too much fat and carbohydrate products, protein deficiency and others necessary substances, then adipose tissue in the cat’s body will be synthesized very actively. Don't feed your pet too much fatty meat, sausage, pastries. This will lead to indigestion and also to excess weight.

Physical inactivity
This problem affects not only people, but also animals. It especially affects those cats that do not go out for walks, but constantly sit at home. Cats naturally need movement, as they are predators.

If your pet constantly sits at home and eats ready-made food, at the same time, without going outside to run and play, he practically does not waste energy. If physical inactivity is aggravated by excessive and improper feeding, your pet will gain weight very quickly.

Chronic diseases
Sometimes even an active cat that eats right can gain weight. Most likely, this is due to some kind of disease. The most common cause of obesity is diabetes. Lack of insulin leads to obesity, as the cat's metabolism is disrupted.

Another common cause of obesity in cats is an underactive thyroid gland. Adipose tissue accumulates, and substances are broken down more slowly.

In addition, obesity can cause problems with the intestines, liver or pancreas.

Other reasons
The cause of weight gain in a pet may be heredity. Many breeders notice that if a cat’s parents suffered from excess weight, then he may also have such problems.

Obesity can also develop with age, as the animal stops actively moving.

What is the danger

Many owners do not pay attention to the fact that their beloved cat is starting to gain weight. But this is a disease. Veterinarians all over the world say that more and more pets are showing signs of obesity.

Being overweight in a cat can cause a lot of serious problems with health. After all, fat accumulates not only under the skin, but also on organs. This leads to disruption of their work. What could this lead to?

  1. Effect on the heart and blood vessels. When a cat gains excess weight, the workload on the heart increases significantly as it pumps more blood. In addition, atherosclerosis develops. And this leads to a lack of blood supply to the organs. They receive less oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Increases the likelihood of diabetes. U full cats you are much more likely to get this disease. This is especially true for those whose obesity is caused by poor nutrition. When consumed large quantity carbohydrates, the pancreas is subjected to stress.
  3. Diseases of internal organs. The liver is most often affected. It stops coping with toxins entering the body.
  4. Obese cats often develop problems with joints and ligaments that suffer from increased stress.

Fact! Veterinarians say that obese cats live on average several years less than animals of normal weight.

It is important to remember that this problem affects almost all organs and will significantly impair the pet's quality of life.


If you find that your cat has gained excess weight, contact a specialist. He will recommend how to properly change the diet and increase the animal’s activity.

In order for a cat to get rid of the problem of obesity, it is necessary to provide it with dietary nutrition. You should not go to extremes and force the animal to starve. This will further worsen your health condition. Heart or liver problems may develop.

If you feed your cat not dry food, but natural food, then it is worth paying attention to how fatty foods you give it to her. Remove fatty meat and dairy products from your pet's diet. Let the meat be lean. It could be turkey or chicken. Give your cat more vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

It is necessary not only to reduce the calorie content of the feed, but also to reduce the single portion. To prevent the animal’s organs from being overloaded, divide the diet into three parts. Make sure your pet can drink as much fresh water as he wants. And free access to food must be eliminated without fail.
Choosing food correctly

If you are feeding a cat ready-made food, consult your veterinarian about what kind of food you can choose. A new type of food should be introduced gradually. Many manufacturers produce special feed that will help your cat lose weight.

It is important to follow the recommended norms and not give your cat a large portion, even if the pet shows signs of hunger. Over time, the cat will get used to normal nutrition and will eat up the portion you give it. Use a measuring cup to make it easy to measure out the right amount of food.

Increased activity
In addition to dietary changes, you need to increase your cat's activity. If you do not let her go on independent walks, walk her with a leash. If you don’t have time for walks, buy a special complex with which your cat can play alone. You can buy more toys. Domestic cats love such entertainment very much.

In addition, it is very important that the owner himself changes his behavior. If you want your cat to lose weight, you should not give him food from the table. The diet should consist only of those products that are approved for the animal’s dietary intake. Their number should not exceed the norm. It's better to show your love for your cat in another way. Play, cuddle her, take her for a walk.

It is very important that the owner realizes in time that his pet’s obesity is a serious problem that can lead to a number of others. Therefore, measures must be taken immediately.

Video: what to do if the cat gets fat?

Excess fat in cats accumulates in the body due to various reasons, more often the culprit is excessive feeding and lack of exercise. Or, the cause of obesity in cats may be a metabolic disorder due to a lack of certain pituitary hormones.

At first, the cat’s quite healthy, but fairly plump body gradually acquires a mass of various serious violations, and it’s quite difficult to understand the consequences and causes (a cat is sick because it’s fat, or it’s fat because it’s sick). It is worth remembering that castration also greatly changes the life of animals and their behavior.

Cats move little, but they eat a lot, and if the animal is not exercised, cats and kittens become very fat. Imagine that your beloved pet just eats and lies in a chair, dozing day and night. Feeling hungry, he goes to check on his plate. If it is empty, it will lead the owner to the kitchen, but will beg for its next portion of goodies. How can you not get fat from such a satisfying, recumbent life?

Symptoms of obesity in cats

Symptoms of cat obesity are visible to the naked eye. Fat deposits can be distributed evenly or deposited in different places: on the neck, chest, abdomen, perineum. She experiences increased thirst and appetite, shortness of breath, increased fatigue, and possible heart failure.

Obesity prevention

What should you do first? You need to change the nutritional pattern and diet of your pet: significantly reduce the calorie content of food, the dose, and the frequency of feeding. It would be nice to organize fasting days.
Try to combat the animal's physical inactivity by any acceptable means. Try to determine what physical shape your pet is in and whether he can withstand the selected load. Any of your undertakings should take into account the capabilities of the animal, be friendly and gradual.

Of course, everything should be done in the form of a game. A cat will never do anything that does not fascinate her and is not interesting to her. Sometimes, when someone is clearly overweight, laxatives and diuretics are used. Your veterinarian may also recommend hormonal drugs.
Fighting physical inactivity and healthy image the life of your ward is the key to success in the fight against obesity. Nutritious food, balanced diet and fasting days will help you avoid overfeeding. Animal obesity develops gradually and it is important here timely diagnosis. Do not be touched if the cat is clumsy and fat.

This condition is by no means a sign of health. It doesn’t occur to us to admire a fat person. Why should a well-fed, obese animal cause tenderness? But it causes surprise and even genuine delight! Wow, what a cat! Wow, kitty! Sound familiar? Almost competitions are now held among “heavyweights”.

Just imagine, cats, just like people, can also suffer from diabetes. Increased fatigue, heart failure, hypertension. What did you think, a cat really has 9 lives?

All these diseases can be a consequence of being overweight. Please note that everything is the same as with people. Obese “characters” accumulate a similar bouquet of ailments by middle age. Obesity in cats is undoubtedly a sign of disease and the alarm should be sounded about this: gradually limit the amount of food given or consider a low-calorie diet for the cat.


Why isn't your cat losing weight?

Broad bone is a myth. If a cat or dog suffers from obesity, there can only be two reasons: medical and owner. With medicine, everything is simple and complicated at the same time. If the doctor said to treat, you need to treat and do it not yourself, but according to the doctor’s recommendations. Drops, pills, diet, everything that was prescribed.

Everything is more complicated if the cause of obesity in a cat or dog is the owner’s laziness. Too lazy to choose a diet, too lazy to go to the store, too lazy to run with the dog. Yes, a plump cat looks cute, but he lives less than a slender one.

Do you want your pets to live happily ever after? Start with yourself.

How to understand that it's time to lose weight

The healthy weight of a cat and dog is determined by eye and touch.

In adult dogs and cats of normal weight, it is easy to feel the ribs and spine. The waist and the transition from the belly to the hips are visible to the eye. The animal is active and plays a lot.

In obese animals, protruding bones are covered with a layer of fat. The cat waddles around, his belly sagging. The animal sleeps a lot and does not walk unless necessary.

There is a simple method to check whether a cat or dog is overweight or not. Just look at them from above. The chest, waist and hips should be visible, and not merge into one plump marrow.

Important: adult cats usually have a fold of skin hanging in the abdominal area. In obese animals, the fold turns into a fat sac.

Obesity in cats and dogs - causes

The reasons why a cat gains weight can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Nature is to blame: heredity, hormonal disorders, age. The important thing here is not to wait for nature to take its course. Treating obese cats is the job of a veterinarian. At the first signs of obesity, you must first. If it's not just about nutrition, you need to get treatment.
  2. The owner is to blame: poor nutrition, sterilization, insufficient physical activity. Here the chances of recovery are much higher, but you will have to do the work, not the doctor.

Excess weight puts extra stress on the heart and joints. Therefore, regardless of the reasons, obesity in cats and dogs must be combated.

Cats and dogs gain excess weight when their owners are lazy.

Obesity in cats

By nature, cats are predators and get their own food. At home, the food itself ends up in the bowl, so the owner must waste the cat’s energy. If this does not happen, the cat gets used to being idle and mostly sleeps on the sofa. As a result, the cat receives more calories than it has time to expend, and the weight increases.

Another problem is non-system power supply. If sometimes the owner throws sausage to the cat because he is too lazy to go get food, it will soon become a habit. It is important to understand that the cat must have its own nutrition, and there is no need to dilute it.

Cat breeds prone to obesity: Persian, British.

Diet for an obese cat: lean beef, chicken, rabbit, dairy products, low-fat sea ​​fish. Eliminate all flour and sweets. Or dietary cat food from a veterinary pharmacy.

Obesity in dogs

Dogs gain weight if they don't exercise enough. Mainly due to the fault of the owner. Short walks on a leash around the house are not a substitute for exercise. You need to run a lot, walk, play with other dogs. Decorative breeds dogs often gain weight because they are carried most of their lives. Even a small dog needs exercise, so give it plenty of exercise.

But there is another problem. Dogs hardly feel full when they eat. Few of them can move away from the bowl if there is still something left there. Therefore, you need to feed carefully and accurately measure the required portion.

Dog breeds prone to obesity: Labradors, dachshunds, beagles, cocker spaniels, basset hounds, pugs, bulldogs.

Diet for dogs with obesity: natural food consists of approximately 40-50% meat, 30% fermented milk products and the rest is fiber. This can be cottage cheese and kefir with bran in the morning and meat in the evening. Or dietary food for obese dogs from a veterinary pharmacy.

Obesity in cats after sterilization

Obesity in a castrated or neutered cat is often associated with hormonal changes. It sounds like it can't be helped, but that's not true. After surgery, cats generally become calmer, and their metabolism slows down. Therefore, the owner’s task is to stir up the baby so that she does not lie on the sofa all day.

With regular physical activity And balanced diet sterilized cats stay in shape and do not gain excess weight.

Why can't I lose weight?

  1. It’s not enough to create a diet and be outside more often. This should become a habit, because one-time injections cannot instill a healthy lifestyle. We need systematicity.
  2. It is necessary to create conditions under which losing weight becomes easy and becomes a habit. Yours.
  3. Is it difficult not to give your dog a treat when he asks? Treat him, but not with sausage, but with dog treats. They should be on hand in the kitchen. Choose ones that have fewer calories.
  4. Stock up. If you feed food, keep a supply at home. This way you won’t have to decide whether to run to the store in the rain or give the cat sausage. Natural food can also be stored. Freeze the meat and cook the porridge for several days in advance.
  5. Set aside time to exercise with your cat or dog. Let it be 10 minutes, but intensively and every day.
  6. You can’t just reduce the diet and give the same products. It may not be the quantity of food, but its quality.
  7. Don't expect too much. The fat on your sides won’t go away in a week, and you won’t get used to walking more often or more. There is a long road ahead, so give yourself room for error. The main thing in losing weight is systematicity, and a one-time failure is not a big deal.

What to do if your cat or dog is gaining weight

  1. Go see a veterinarian. Weight gain can be a symptom of diabetes, arthritis, and gastrointestinal diseases. Make sure there is no medical condition behind your weight gain.
  2. Make a diet. If you feed food, buy dietary food for cats and dogs. If you feed natural nutrition, research which foods are healthy.
  3. Move more.
  4. Do not place food in front of your eyes. The packaging always says what size the serving should be.