Treatment of thrush with a special diet. Diet menu for the week. What to exclude from your diet if you have candidiasis

Thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Treatment with medications may not give the desired result. Only A complex approach, medications and diet will help get rid of this infection. A diet for thrush is needed even after the symptoms of the disease disappear, to prevent relapse of the disease.

Set up proper nutrition Product knowledge will help. Many will have to be excluded from the diet. For food lovers sad news: You can’t do without restrictions.

What you can’t eat if you have thrush are sweets.

The first step is to completely avoid foods containing sugar. The Candida mushroom loves sweets and multiplies intensely when eating sweets, jams, and preserves. The list of prohibited foods includes those containing simple carbohydrates:

  • all types of sugar (brown, beet, refined sugar, malt);
  • confectionery;
  • potato dishes;
  • polished rice;
  • corn grits, cereal, popcorn;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • starch and products containing it;
  • sweet fruits (pineapple, banana, persimmon, dates, mango, watermelon, melon);
  • carbonated drinks.

If you have thrush, you should avoid industrially produced sauces. Ketchups and mayonnaises contain preservatives that are necessary to protect products from harmful bacteria. They successfully cope with this, but at the same time they also inhibit beneficial intestinal bacteria. This is bad for the immune system. Reduces the fight against fungus.

Homemade marinades from vegetables and canned meat and fish sold in stores should not be consumed if you have thrush. They contain vinegar, which has a bad effect on the intestinal microflora. We'll have to forget about fast food and semi-finished products.

Yeast creates a favorable environment for candida. You will have to forget about bread, buns, kvass, beer, prepared with yeast. Dried fruits and nuts are often contaminated with fungus, so women with thrush should not eat them.

Cheeses, smoked meats and all types of pickles will have to be forgotten, as well as all types alcoholic drinks both with low alcohol content and strong drinks. The list of prohibited products is quite long. It will take a lot of willpower. Strict refusal is necessary during treatment and a month after it. Then minor relaxations are possible.

What can you eat?

Thrush is serious problem For women's health, not only doctors, but also nutritionists are involved in solving it. It has been proven that the diet for thrush should be low-carbohydrate. Based on this, products are selected for it.

Considering that many products with high glycemic index, was removed from the menu, it’s hard to imagine what you can eat if you have thrush. The basis of the future diet will be:

  • fish low-fat varieties(cod, blue whiting, pollock, navaga, haddock, river perch, pike, burbot, pike perch);
  • lean meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, horse meat);
  • vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • dairy, fermented milk products;
  • beans, peas, lentils;
  • unsweetened juices made from vegetables or fruits;
  • bread made without yeast;
  • buckwheat;
  • oats

A low-calorie diet will not only get rid of fungus, but also:

  • improves overall well-being;
  • normalizes weight;
  • will increase immunity.

Diet for candidiasis should be varied; eating the same foods every day will have a bad effect on your health. Variety is not difficult to maintain. For example, cabbage is useful, and there are many types of it. One day you can prepare a dish from white cabbage, on another from broccoli, on the third from cauliflower. Both benefit and variety.

Diet for thrush requires live yogurt containing active cultures. This is the supplier beneficial bacteria.

By eating yogurt, a woman increases their content in the body, thereby preventing the fungus from multiplying. Scientists have proven that by consuming yogurt containing an active culture every day, a woman reduces the development of thrush by almost 38%. One thing to remember is that the yogurt should be unsweetened. Sweetened foods accelerate the growth of fungus.

All fermented milk products are useful for candidiasis. They have a healing effect, slow down putrefactive processes in the intestines. Eating cottage cheese reduces activity pathogenic flora. The bacteria contained in fermented milk products fight fungus.

What foods are the enemies of the fungus?

Products with antibacterial and antifungal properties help fight fungus. It is especially important for women diagnosed with thrush to eat foods that boost immunity.

  1. Garlic.

Strong natural antibiotic is garlic. It is necessary to use it daily not only for sick people, but also for healthy people for prevention. Many years of research by Israeli scientists have shown that garlic extract has a detrimental effect on Candida fungus. Its reproduction stops completely.

  1. Cinnamon.

Chinese scientists studied the effect of cinnamon oil on fungus. We tested its effect on patients with thrush. The cure rate was high. After just two weeks, 72% of patients got rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Cinnamon should be added to food daily. If you have yogurt for breakfast, you can add it to it. Hot toast sprinkled with cinnamon is delicious. You can add the spice to the dough for pancakes or pancakes, or sprinkle it on fruit salads. There are many options for use.

  1. Apple vinegar.

IN apple cider vinegar contains substances that kill candida. A diet for candidiasis may include this type of vinegar. This could be an element of a salad dressing or a component of a sauce.

  1. Ginger.

Substances with antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties were found in ginger root: gingerol, shongaol. Ginger has a beneficial effect on the liver and makes it easier to fight fungus.

How to eat properly?

Only properly prepared foods bring health benefits. Some useful tips:

  • You need to eat regularly.
  • Food is best cooked by steaming.
  • Boiled, oven-baked or grilled meat, fish, and vegetables are not prohibited.
  • Combine products correctly. If you have meat or fish for lunch, then prepare vegetables for a side dish. In this case, cereals are not served as a side dish; the benefits will be less.
  • Use vegetables and fruits to make salads. A good salad dressing is unrefined vegetable oil. It is useful to use flaxseed or olive oil, they contain large quantities of polyunsaturated acids.
  • Serve with pasta and boiled brown rice vegetable stew. Rice and pasta do not go well with meat.
  • Do not drink while eating. Take water an hour before meals or an hour after meals. Drink a lot during the day. The liquid helps remove toxins from the body - a waste product of the fungus.

Dish recipes

A salad of fresh carrots and apples will have an extremely beneficial effect on the body.

To prepare you will need:

  • Green apples – 2 pieces;
  • Medium carrots – 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream 10%.

Wash and peel the carrots. Peel the apples and cut out the middle. Using a fine grater, grate both carrots and apples. Add a few spoons of sour cream, mix and serve.

Fish with sour cream sauce - easy and tasty!

Products for cooking:

  • boneless fish fillet – 100 g;
  • flour for dredging 1 tbsp. l;
  • melted butter for frying – 1 tbsp. l;
  • sour cream 10% - 20 tbsp. l;
  • fish broth;
  • salt to taste.

Cut the fillet into strips. Add salt. Spice up. Bread in flour. Simmer in a frying pan. While the fish is frying, prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream with broth, add salt and stir. Pour the sauce over the fish. Boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Preventive measures

After completing treatment and getting rid of thrush, there is no need to abandon the diet. A properly formulated diet will help to avoid repeated fungal infections. There is no need for a strict diet, with big amount restrictions.

You can avoid relapses if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take probiotics in the form pharmaceutical drugs or natural yogurt, kefir, soft cheese, buttermilk.
  • Include in the menu products containing fatty acid Omega3. Consuming them several times a week will strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of infection. Foods rich in fatty acids: salmon, tuna, linseed oil, Cedar oil.
  • Enrich your diet with foods containing vitamin C, it prevents the growth of fungus.
  • Sweet and fatty foods consume as little as possible, maximum three times a week.

The main cause of thrush is weak immunity. Knowledge about products that can increase it will help you make correct menu and prevent disease. You must follow a preventive diet for a year. Twelve months is a period sufficient to completely eradicate the infection. When planning your diet, you should consult your doctor; he can adjust some points.

Most people who become supporters healthy eating, achieved recovery with the help of a diet. I had to give up tasty, but of little use and even harmful products.

Natural, fresh products helped:

  • boiled meat;
  • stewed or steamed fish;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • garden greens.

Women who have had thrush note that drug treatment did not produce results. After completing the course, the symptoms disappeared, but after a short period of time they appeared again with renewed vigor.

Only after the diet was revised, a number of foods were excluded, did the immune system become stronger. This allowed the body to completely cope with the fungal infection. The “right” foods created conditions in the body that were unacceptable for fungus and favorable for beneficial bacteria. The infection is not scary for women who adhere to a diet and eat simple, high-quality food.

Candidiasis, or thrush, is a fairly common disease. Its treatment is carried out with the help of drug therapy. But in most cases this is not enough. That is why a special diet for candidiasis was developed.

What is candidiasis

Candidiasis is a disease that primarily affects the epidermis and mucous membranes. If it is detected in a timely manner, treatment occurs quickly enough, and the disease itself does not become the cause. unpleasant consequences. But if the disease is in neglected form or there was no complete treatment, there is high risk the appearance of complications. The fungus may begin to attack internal organs, and the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract will be the first to be affected.

Why do you need a special diet?

During candidiasis, a specially designed diet is one of the most important components of treatment. Thanks to it, the symptoms of the disease disappear as quickly as possible, since the foods included in the diet help stop the development of the fungus.

In addition, such a diet helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and people with overweight- get rid of several kilograms in a short time.

One important detail, which is worth paying attention to in any form of candidiasis: it is necessary to adhere to a special diet not only until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, but also for about two more weeks after its end. This must be done in order to avoid possible relapses illness.

Thrush in women and appropriate diet

The causes of candidiasis in women can be varied, starting with non-compliance with the rules intimate hygiene and ending with wearing uncomfortable underwear or decreased immunity. It is worth starting to get rid of the problem in the first days of its occurrence in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.

As mentioned above, treatment includes not only taking medications, but also special food. A diet for candidiasis in women prohibits eating foods such as:

  • fatty foods;
  • bakery;
  • mushrooms;
  • spicy, spicy and marinated dishes;
  • mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sugar, chocolate products;
  • fruits that are too sweet.

All of them help accelerate the proliferation of the fungus, which in this case not necessary at all. To this list you can also add canned food, smoked meats, citrus fruits (in particular grapefruit, lemons and oranges), alcoholic drinks (especially beer), kvass, coffee, tea.

Despite a large number of restrictions, many useful and delicious products, which will not only help eliminate the problem as quickly as possible, but will also simultaneously improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. For candidiasis, it is recommended to use:

  • stewed fruits and vegetables;
  • berries: sea buckthorn, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries;
  • fresh herbs;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • eggs;
  • olive or linseed oil;
  • buckwheat and rice porridge;
  • seaweed;
  • carrot juice;
  • and sesame seeds;
  • kefir, bio-yogurt;
  • herbal teas with rose hips, plantain, oregano, chamomile, hawthorn.

The diet for the treatment of candidiasis should be followed for at least 3-4 months.

Candidiasis in men and dietary features

In men, thrush is much less common. But when it occurs, it is also necessary to adhere to a special diet.

A diet for candidiasis in men may look something like this:

  1. Breakfast: eggs, vegetable salad, meat soup, crackers, fermented milk drink.
  2. Lunch: rice or spaghetti, liver salad, herbal tea.
  3. Afternoon snack: tomato or carrot juice.
  4. Dinner: meat, stew, salad with vegetables and garlic, berry juice.

Nutrition for oral thrush

The diet for candidiasis differs slightly from the previously discussed options. In this case, all food consumed should be gentle on damaged mucous membranes.

The diet for candidiasis of this type completely excludes from the patient’s menu:

  • sweets;
  • baked goods and other dishes containing yeast;
  • hot spices;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty meats;
  • spices;
  • sour foods;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • fruits.

During the treatment period, you can eat vegetables, cereals, herbs, fish and varieties, and fermented milk products.

At the same time, everything ready meals should be softened or pureed, and salads should be finely chopped or grated to avoid unnecessary irritation oral cavity.

Diet for intestinal thrush

The diet for intestinal candidiasis involves consuming sufficient amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and microelements, as well as essential amino acids. This reduces the level of carbohydrates in food.

The patient should temporarily exclude from his diet:

  • sweets;
  • sugar (you can use aspartame instead);
  • wheat products (except pasta);
  • bakery products (except for black bread);
  • pickled, salty, hot, spicy, fatty dishes;
  • potatoes;
  • fruits rich in glucose (for example, grapes);
  • sausages;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • low alcohol and alcoholic drinks.

In addition, you should limit your consumption of tea and coffee as much as possible.

Your diet must contain foods that contain probiotics. These include soft cheeses, yoghurts, fermented milk products, sauerkraut and so on. No less important are prebiotics, which are found in legumes, asparagus, oatmeal, Jerusalem artichoke, maple syrup, bananas. All of the above products help reduce the growth of yeast bacteria and activate the activity of beneficial microorganisms.

The diet for candidiasis involves sufficient consumption of foods with high content vitamins B, C, A, E, flavones, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

What to eat if you have esophageal candidiasis?

This type of disease is quite rare, making it very difficult to diagnose. Candidiasis of the esophagus can cause difficulty in swallowing food, so in this case it will not be possible to do without drug treatment. At the same time Special attention, as in previous cases, it will be necessary to pay attention to proper and healthy nutrition.

First of all, it is important to remove from the patient’s diet foods that promote the growth and reproduction of the fungus. These are yeast, sugar and mold. In addition, it is undesirable to eat large amounts of carbohydrates, which are found in sweets, honey, sugar, jam, and baked goods. It is worth giving up whole milk for a while, as it contains lactose, which is an excellent habitat for fungi. The diet for esophageal candidiasis prohibits the consumption of any types of alcoholic beverages.

It is important to include such in your menu natural products, such as fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, as well as dishes containing fiber.

As for drinks, great benefit brings tea mushroom. Therefore, if possible, you should not refuse to use it.

When following this diet, it is important to be prepared to feel weak and tired during the first few days. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive usual dose carbohydrates. There is no need to be afraid, as he will soon get used to the new diet and the situation will stabilize.

Features of nutrition for skin thrush

The diet for skin candidiasis is practically no different from the diet for other forms of the disease. In this situation, it is also important to exclude alcoholic drinks from your menu and limit the consumption of carbohydrates - sugar, sweets, lactose and fructose, honey. In addition, you need to give up juices own production, yoghurts with additives, glazed cheese curds, sweet lemonades and carbonated drinks.

Meat is also allowed various cereals, vegetables without starch and greens.

Menu for pregnant women with thrush

The disease occurs quite often in pregnant women. The difficulty of its treatment lies in the fact that there is no possibility of carrying out full-fledged drug therapy. Therefore, diet for candidiasis in pregnant women is a very important component on the path to recovery.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  1. Breakfast: porridge, egg, fermented milk product, carrot juice.
  2. Lunch: a glass of berries or a couple of green apples.
  3. Lunch: meat soup, vegetable stew, pasta, egg, vegetable salad, herbal decoction.
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit juice or
  5. Dinner: buckwheat or rice, meat or fish side dish, salad, fermented milk product or berry juice.

It is important to note that the dishes described above can be changed at your discretion. The main thing here is that they must consist only of approved products.


So, we looked at such a concept as a diet for candidiasis: what you can eat and what you can’t, which foods help stop the process of fungal proliferation, and which only aggravate the situation.

But, be that as it may, before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor. He will help you find everything necessary medications and will create an individual menu, taking into account not only the form of the disease, but also the nature of its course, as well as the condition general health patient. After all, diet is only one of the components of treatment, and not its basis.

After the illness has gone, it is important to do everything possible to ensure that it does not return. Prevention measures primarily consist of observing personal hygiene rules, increasing immunity, and consuming healthy food and so on.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

- one of the most annoying female ailments. Even after successful treatment Fungal infection often returns again and again. As effective prevention and help in the treatment of this disease, doctors advise special diet.

The main characters of the diet for thrush

The diet for thrush is based primarily on foods that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as foods that increase protective functions immunity. One of the most powerful antibacterial natural remedies- this is garlic, and therefore it should be constantly present in the diet, regardless of whether you are trying to prevent the disease or are already in the treatment stage. The effectiveness of garlic has been proven by Israeli scientists, who have recorded that the presence of garlic extract completely stops the growth of fungi.

Another must-have diet product for thrush is yogurt with active cultures. The point is simple: the more beneficial bacteria in a woman’s body, the more difficult it is for yeast to develop in this environment. It has been proven that daily use yogurt with active cultures reduces the risk of developing thrush by 38%. However, there is a nuance: you should avoid sweet yoghurts, since sugar, on the contrary, aggravates fungal infection. In addition to yoghurt, any foods and dishes rich in probiotics are welcome in the diet for thrush

What to exclude from the diet?

First of all, from the diet for thrush - especially if the disease is in active phase– Sugar and sweet foods should be excluded. After all, thrush is a yeast fungus. Like any other yeast, the fungus of the genus Candida (which causes thrush) thrives and multiplies due to sugar. Eliminate sugar from your diet and you will simply starve the hated fungi. Quitting sugar doesn't just mean stopping eating cake and drinking soda. For a while, you will also have to forget about fruit juices, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and even especially sweet fruits and berries, such as cherries, grapes, watermelons, and apricots. When the burning sensation and whitish discharge characteristic of thrush stop, you can resume taking fruits and berries. But you should be careful with sugar-containing desserts even when external signs diseases do not manifest themselves.

There is also no place in the diet for thrush white rice, white bread and white potatoes. These refined foods increase blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose is what fungi “feed” on, including those that cause thrush. Instead of refined foods, it is healthier to eat foods high in fiber: brown rice, whole grain bread, and others.

And finally, the last taboo in the diet for thrush is yeast products, especially baked goods made from yeast dough. If thrush has already made itself felt, consuming these products will aggravate the disease; if not, it will sharply increase the chances of its occurrence.

Treatment of thrush involves not only taking medications, but also following a diet. Since fungi of the genus Candida are normally present in every person, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the body. Strict adherence to nutritional rules will help you get rid of the disease faster and more effectively.

How to eat when you have thrush: what you can, what you can’t

The diet for candidiasis is prescribed by a doctor and requires strict adherence until full recovery. Nutrition for thrush includes unlimited consumption of low-carbohydrate and non-starchy foods. At the initial stage, food should contain a minimum of carbohydrates. Because fermented milk products excluded from the human diet, it is recommended to consume yogurt and lactose-free kefir for thrush. Food during treatment should not provoke thrush.

Fruits and vegetables

Can you eat if you have candidiasis? unsweetened fruit. Fruits that are high in sugar and fruit juices should be excluded for the time being. Diet for candidiasis should include fresh vegetables:

  • white cabbage, can be replaced or combined with cauliflower;
  • cucumbers;
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic.

Meat fish

The diet for the treatment of candidiasis allows you to consume meat and seafood in unlimited quantities. The main rule is meat dishes must be steamed without adding any spices or sauces. It is recommended to include chicken or turkey meat in your diet. You can also eat pheasant meat or lamb. Low-fat cottage cheese is usually used as a sauce. Lactose-free kefir for candidiasis is well suited for adding to meat dishes as a dressing.

What not to do if you have thrush

The diet for candidiasis should completely exclude foods that contribute to the development of the fungus. If you have candidiasis, you should not eat foods containing sugar, such as ice cream, chocolate or candy. Sweets only provoke the development of the disease more strongly, creating in the human body favorable environment for fungal development. Also foods that should not be eaten if you have thrush include milk, sour cream and other products containing lactose.

You should temporarily avoid foods that increase stomach acidity. High level acidity is one of the factors in the development of thrush. Cannot be used if you have thrush various sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard. You should also avoid adding vinegar or soy sauce to your food. Products should not be heavily fried or smoked. Pickles and marinades are prohibited from being eaten during the treatment of candidiasis.

How to have a sweet tooth

The diet for candidiasis excludes the consumption of sugar in any form. Therefore, lovers of baked goods, sweets and other sweets will have to be patient a little. After all, even sweet fruits or vegetables should not be present in the diet. This is probably why the diet for thrush in women is especially difficult.

Menu for 5 days

The anti-candida diet should be carried out simultaneously with drug treatment. In addition, meals should be regular. So what foods can be added to the menu when following a diet for candidiasis.

1 dayBreakfast1 green apple, tea without sugar. Porridge without milk from cereals
SnackLactose-free kefir or yogurt
DinnerSoup on chicken broth, for example, cabbage soup. Boiled meat. For a side dish, you can cook porridge in water. A glass of juice from sour berries
SnackA sour fruit, such as pomegranate or citrus
DinnerMeat or fish cutlets steamed. Herbal tea
Day 2BreakfastCereal porridge. Oatmeal or millet, cooked in water. Tea without sugar
SnackApple juice, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese
DinnerSoup made from legible vegetables, such as peas. 200 g boiled meat. Vegetable salad. Tea or juice from unsweetened fruits
SnackYogurt or vegetable salad
DinnerSteamed multi-egg omelette. Herbal tea
Day 3BreakfastCheese pancakes made from low-fat cottage cheese. Tea with lemon, without sugar.
SnackCrisps or crackers with vegetable juice.
DinnerVegetable soup, 200 g steamed fish, herbal tea
SnackSour apple
DinnerBoiled meat or steamed fish. Herb tea
4 dayBreakfastBarley porridge on water. Tea without sugar
SnackSour berry jelly
DinnerCauliflower soup. Steamed meat or slave. Vegetable salad. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice
SnackRyazhenka, kefir or yogurt, bread.
DinnerCasserole and tea
5 dayBreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese, you can add some sour berries, for example, sea buckthorn.
SnackLactose-free kefir
DinnerFish soup. Stew. Kissel
SnackCitrus fruit, orange or grapefruit
Dinner1 boiled egg, salad fresh vegetables, tea.

This diet will help speed up the healing process of the body, as well as get rid of several kilograms.

Exiting the diet for thrush

After it has become clear what you can eat with candidiasis, you need to decide how to return to usual diet. After following a diet, sudden addition of excluded foods to the diet will cause stress not only in the organs digestive system, but also the whole organism. This may lead to recurrent illness. Therefore, after treatment, it is necessary to introduce foods that were prohibited gradually, 3-4 weeks after the diagnosis was removed.

Questions and answers

Why is it important to eat right?

Eating right and following the diet prescribed by your doctor is extremely important. Balanced diet will help restore stomach function faster. Diet is especially important for thrush in women. The foods and diet prescribed by your doctor will help restore women’s immunity and avoid serious complications with vaginal candidiasis.

How long should you follow the diet?

The diet for candidiasis must be strictly followed throughout the course of treatment. You should not eat prohibited foods until thrush is completely cured. IN otherwise, the duration of treatment increases. After full course, you need to stick to the diet for another month so as not to provoke a recurrence of the disease.

Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have thrush?

Candida fungus is a yeast infection. Therefore, all foods that can be consumed during a diet for thrush are anti-yeast. Alcohol, on the contrary, is a yeast drink and only promotes active growth fungus. Also, most alcoholic products contain sugar. Candida fungi can multiply faster in the presence of high blood sugar levels. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol together with medicines. Their interaction can have a detrimental effect on the body as a whole. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to various diseases organs of the digestive system, which also serves as a factor in the development of primary candidiasis or provokes its relapses.

A common disease is thrush, which if left untreated can lead to serious consequences. top scores gives complex therapy, which includes special medications, diet for thrush and other procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Do you need a diet for thrush?

In organism healthy person fungi are present on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines, which under the influence unfavorable factors multiply, causing thrush. During treatment, diet for candidiasis is important, since to achieve good results without exception fast carbohydrates menus that provoke the proliferation of fungi cannot be avoided. The following products are prohibited:

  1. Alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks contain sugars that cause candida to overgrow. This also includes sweets.
  2. The diet for thrush excludes the consumption of smoked, fatty, fried and pickled foods. In this junk food Lots of “hidden” sugars.
  3. Vinegar, soy and store-bought sauces should be removed as they increase the acidity of the body, and this leads to the progression of the disease.

After the treatment gives results, it is recommended to follow a number of rules and change your diet.

  1. It is important that the menu contains, which can be obtained thanks to fermented milk products, for example, yogurt, kefir, soft cheeses and so on.
  2. Include foods that have Omega-3 fatty acids in your menu. It is recommended to do this at least 3-4 times a week. They are found in red fish, nuts and oils.
  3. Both the diet for thrush and the diet after successful treatment should include foods rich in ascorbic acid which prevents the development of fungus.
  4. You should significantly minimize the consumption of sweets and fatty foods. It's best to choose healthier options.

Diet for thrush in women

  1. You need to eat regularly, that is, no long fasting. Give preference to fractional meals.
  2. A diet for candidiasis in women involves avoiding frying, boiling and baking; it is best to steam permitted foods.
  3. It is important to drink plenty of water, but not during meals. The liquid helps remove toxins from the body.
  4. It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits that contain a lot.
  5. Food should be warm, but not hot.
  6. The diet for thrush should be gentle, so as not to affect the problematic mucous membrane in any way.

Diet for intestinal candidiasis

This is the most popular type of thrush and for treatment it is important that the body receives a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins. The diet for intestinal candidiasis for every day is based on the above rules. For all types of thrush, the list of useful and prohibited foods is similar. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the amount of foods with a lot of starch, such as bananas and potatoes. Diet for esophageal candidiasis involves refusing to eat in public places, since the dishes may contain harmful products.

Diet for oral candidiasis

In a healthy person, the oral cavity contains different types fungi, which is considered normal. If immunity decreases, there are chronic diseases or you had to take medications for a long time, then the risk of developing thrush increases significantly.

  1. Diet for oral candidiasis involves the consumption of dairy products, dietary varieties meat and fish, eggs and vegetables.
  2. Cereals are allowed, but it is better to give preference to buckwheat.
  3. IN small quantities You can eat nuts and unsweetened fruits.
  4. Food on a diet for thrush should be warm and ground.

Diet for skin candidiasis

This serious illness, requiring careful diagnosis, since in appearance it is similar to other dermatological pathologies. If such thrush is detected, the diet for treatment is not much different from other forms. The most important rule is to normalize blood sugar levels, so sweets are strictly prohibited. Consider the list of healthy and unhealthy foods, giving preference to foods containing antibacterial and antifungal substances.

Diet for vaginal candidiasis

In women in at different ages This disease may be detected and can be treated. As with any other type of candidiasis, vaginal thrush It is important to avoid foods that are rich in yeast and sugar. You can't drink milk, alcohol or coffee. The diet for the treatment of thrush in women recommends including the following products in the menu as often as possible:

  • garlic;
  • natural yogurt;
  • seafood;
  • Brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • herbal teas;
  • broccoli;
  • greenery.

Diet for respiratory candidiasis

A disease in the throat area can occur as a complication of vaginal and intestinal thrush. Diet for the treatment of candidiasis respiratory tract no different from other species. Connecting drug therapy and proper nutrition you can achieve good results. The duration of the diet directly depends on the severity of the pathology, but in the future, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to minimize the amount of junk food.

Diet for thrush during pregnancy

Many pregnant women have candidiasis, and this is explained by reduced immunity. Since the reception medications should be minimized, the diet for thrush in women during pregnancy is ideal solution. On the day, a pregnant woman should eat 100 g of fish or poultry, 200 g of main courses, 0.5 tbsp. fruits or berries and 150 ml of drinks. Legumes, cereals, citrus fruits and seaweed are useful.