Medicinal roots of white cinquefoil: uses and contraindications. Useful properties of white cinquefoil. What does it treat and how to use it

Phytohormones are actively used traditional healers in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. Beneficial features white cinquefoil has been known for hundreds of years, but to normalize hormonal balance, official medicine has approved its use healing root not so long ago.

It is important to know how to prepare and use herbal remedies based on this useful plant like white cinquefoil. Using the root for safe and effective treatment thyroid gland requires adherence to the recipe, proper preparation tinctures and decoctions. The treating physician must approve herbal medicine as an adjunct to diet, medications, and other therapies.

The benefits of herbal remedies

Physicians have identified a large percentage of iodine and valuable iodous acid in the composition of cinquefoil. These components have a positive effect on the condition of the thyroid gland, support the correct course of metabolic processes, and reduce the risk of malignant lesions.

Potentilla root contains a complex useful substances:

  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • tannins;
  • iridoids.

General rules of treatment

You cannot cancel your doctor’s prescriptions on your own. hormonal drugs, try to restore the functionality of the endocrine system with the help of herbal medicine. Medicinal plants, including white cinquefoil, are not a panacea.

For mild forms of disease, if HRT is not required, herbal compositions show high efficiency. In case of severe pathologies, active tumor process, malignant lesion thyroid tissue, avoiding synthetic compounds can be costly. Only a combination of decoction and tincture of white cinquefoil root with a complex of drugs and diet helps in the treatment process.

For prevention pathological changes V thyroid gland After treating hyperthyroidism, herbalists advise taking a decoction or tincture twice a year. The duration of each course is a month. In case of persistent hypotension (low blood pressure), the doctor will select another medicinal plant to prepare useful compounds.

Go to the address and read about what cortisol is responsible for in women, the causes of deviations and options for correcting hormone levels.

Potentilla root tincture

How to proceed:

  • grind the rhizome (50 g is enough), place in a bottle (optimally made of dark glass), pour good vodka(500 ml is enough);
  • Shake the liquid well and place it in a cool room to prepare the herbal remedy so that light does not fall on the bottle;
  • periodically you need to shake the container for more active action plant components;
  • After 20 days, the white cinquefoil tincture is ready. Strain the liquid, pour into a clean container, remove natural remedy in a cool, definitely dark place;
  • at nodular goiter, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, drink 30 drops of the herbal remedy every day (half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner). Important point- dilute the alcohol tincture a little warm water in an amount of 150 ml;
  • Duration of treatment is three months. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can continue the course of therapy, but you need a break for a week. Be sure to consult with an endocrinologist throughout herbal treatment.

Natural decoction


  • Finely chop the rhizome of the pentapal, take a tablespoon, pour the plant material (dried or fresh) into a thermos;
  • add boiling water (half a liter is enough), seal the container, and leave overnight. In the morning healing infusion ready;
  • strain the herbal remedy, place it in a clean jar or bottle, and put it in a cool room;
  • twice a day, before meals (20-30 minutes) drink ½ glass healing decoction. The duration of therapy is 30 days. Further use of cinquefoil decoction must be agreed upon with an endocrinologist;
  • proven, safe herbal remedy suitable for coursework prophylactic intake after normalization of the functions of the weakened thyroid gland.

A decoction of pentacle root (cinquefoil), unlike an alcohol tincture, can be taken by children with the permission of an endocrinologist. The herbal remedy acts “softer” than synthetic ones hormonal compounds, but the effect in hyperthyroidism is quite pronounced. You should always consult a pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist before starting herbal treatment in young patients.

A perennial plant belonging to the Rosaceae family is white cinquefoil. The generic name is Cinquefoil (Potentilla). People often call it: five-ring, five-fingered, five-fingered.

Description of the plant

A herbaceous plant that can grow up to 25 cm. Potentilla has a thickened rhizome that has a black-brown color. The plant is covered with silky hairs pressed to the stem. Leaves are palmate, with bottom side silky, consisting of five dark green leaves, there are lanceolate stipules. Flowering stems with 1-2 leaves, which can bear up to 5 flowers. Petals are notched, white, longer than the sepals.

It is not by chance that cinquefoil was called white; during the flowering period it is covered with white flowers, which create a magnificent white blanket that can be seen from afar. Its flowers are very reminiscent of wild strawberry. The root is creeping and can reach 100 centimeters in length. This medicinal plant reproduces by root shoots.

Where does it grow

White cinquefoil has a very large growing area. It extends from the Volga to Central Europe. Its northern border is Germany. This species is absent in the Scandinavian countries and the British Isles. The western border of the range passes through the Ardennes and Vosges. Finally, in the south, cinquefoil is native to northern Italy, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Ukraine.

Easily takes root on any soil - wet and dry, sandy, clay. It grows especially actively in light-colored, especially oak and pine forests, copses, edges and meadows. There are several more varieties of cinquefoil - caterpillar cinquefoil and erect cinquefoil (kalgan).

Usage history

This plant has been known to man since ancient times. In the 15th century, the famous treatise “On the Powers of Herbs” was published in Italy, which describes white cinquefoil - the use and healing properties of the plant. A medieval author writes that this herb is beautiful, but has a very bitter taste and is a good healer. various damages, quickly heals burns, helps well with abdominal pain and even with snake bites.

Medicinal properties and composition

Bloodroot white application found it first in folk medicine, and then its healing properties were recognized by traditional doctors. This was facilitated by her unique chemical composition. This very fragile plant contains almost all the elements from the periodic table.

Researchers of this plant found that white cinquefoil, the use of which by a group of patients was about a month, primarily normalizes salt and mineral metabolism, then levels hormonal balance, as a result of which all are restored metabolic processes. Scientists have concluded that this is indeed unique plant. White cinquefoil, the use of which should be carried out after mandatory consultation with a doctor, can stop or slow down the development of many types of tumors.

The plant contains tannins, in particular gallotannin. His greatest content recorded during the flowering period. In addition, it contains phenolcarboxylic acids, starch, saponins, and flavonoids - rutin. Its leaves contain kaempferol, quercetin, cyanidin, elemental iodine, great amount microelements.

The main part of the active (biologically) substances is found in the underground part of the cinquefoil. If preparations from aerial cinquefoil stimulate the central nervous system, then extracts from the root effectively normalize the balance of hormones and the functioning of the thyroid gland, and significantly increase diuresis. Such drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract. The use of white cinquefoil for the thyroid gland, stomach ulcers, rheumatism and gout, dysentery and jaundice gives a positive effect.

It is used as a weakly lowering blood pressure, wound healing and antiseptic, astringent and antitumor agent. It is also known what beneficial “collateral” effects white cinquefoil has in the treatment of any disease. The use (patient reviews suggest this) of this amazing herb promotes the resorption of nodes, soft tumors, and improves the structure of nails and hair. Many people who have taken this wonderful herb note the high effectiveness of the treatment.

IN last years Many people are interested in white cinquefoil. The use of drugs based on it in medicine gives excellent results in the treatment of the thyroid gland. It is noteworthy that when treating any disease, patients note that their nails stop peeling, their hair becomes stronger - it does not split or break, and acquires a healthy, rich shine. Scientists believe that white cinquefoil is especially important in areas with iodine deficiency. The use of drugs that are based on the root of this plant can help people with problems with the endocrine system. But you need to remember that the course of treatment is quite long.

White cinquefoil: use for thyroid problems, reviews

Cinquefoil is known as a unique natural remedy. It effectively affects the functioning of the entire endocrine system. Indications for use include thyrooxycosis, euthyroidism, goiter, and explasia of the thyroid gland. At serious problems in the work of the thyroid gland, cinquefoil preparations are prescribed for a fairly long period. Patients note significant improvements in well-being and there are even cases of complete healing. It is important that the non-toxicity of this plant has been officially proven. It can be used as an iodine-containing agent for the prevention of iodine deficiency and general health improvement body.

It is noted that it quite quickly normalizes the balance of hormones, improves the functioning of many the most important organs and body systems white cinquefoil. Use for thyroid problems (reviews from patients and doctors speak about this) provides high clinical effectiveness due to the presence of unique biological iodine compounds in it.

Strokes and heart attacks

White cinquefoil has been justified in its use for the thyroid gland (or rather, for its diseases) for a long time. And using it after such serious and dangerous diseases, like heart attack and stroke, began to be practiced recently. After a person has suffered such diseases, it is very important for him to restore blood circulation and normalize cholesterol levels. And in this case, white cinquefoil comes to the rescue.

The use of drugs based on it is used for increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, this remedy has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, removes toxins and waste, and cleanses the blood. In addition, cinquefoil helps reduce overweight, since it accelerates the breakdown of fats, stimulates digestive system and normalizes metabolism.

White cinquefoil: use in folk medicine

Official medicine paid attention to this plant relatively recently, while traditional healers have been treating it since ancient times. In particular, they widely use cinquefoil in the treatment of gynecological diseases- fibroids, uterine prolapse, cysts. Taking infusions and decoctions of cinquefoil establishes a stable menstrual cycle and relieves pain during menstruation.

Doctors have long known how white cinquefoil acts on tumors. Its use in folk medicine has repeatedly proven its amazing ability to resolve nodes and significantly increase the defenses of the human body. Traditional healers claim that when taking cinquefoil it completely disappears increased sweating, shortness of breath decreases and then completely disappears, manifestations of gout and rheumatism are reduced.

The herb white cinquefoil, the use of which is very effective in the treatment of kidney diseases, provides diuretic effect and pain relief.

White cinquefoil: how to use

Traditional healers prepare various drugs based on cinquefoil. Today we will introduce you to some recipes. We would like to remind our readers that before using any medicinal herbs, you must consult your doctor. Today, white cinquefoil is freely sold in all pharmacies. Instructions for use are indicated on each package. It must be followed very strictly.

Tincture of roots with vodka

You will need 50 grams of dry roots. They should be finely crushed with a hammer, placed in a glass container and filled with white vodka (500 ml). After this, the container is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for four weeks. Don't forget to shake it periodically. After the specified period has expired, it should be filtered and you can start taking 30 drops, no more than three times a day. The tincture should be diluted in a small amount of water.

Infusion of white cinquefoil

Prepare one and a half tablespoons of crushed and dry roots and herbs, they should be taken in equal quantities. Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material. It is better to infuse the product in a thermos for 8 hours, after which it must be strained. It is recommended to take one tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day. This composition is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland.

It is advisable to prepare infusions using melt water. Great value It has right choice therapeutic dose. It is always individual and must be selected by a doctor. The dosage depends on the stage at which this moment the location of the disease, and the condition of the patient’s heart. For children, the dose is halved. To the group potent drugs refers to the tincture of white cinquefoil. Its use should be under the supervision of a physician. As a rule, treatment of almost all chronic diseases(including the thyroid gland) are carried out in courses. They are 4 weeks. After this, you need to take a break for 2 months. Potentilla preparations are not toxic.


Pour crushed cinquefoil roots into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes over low heat. The broth should sit for at least four hours, then strain. The composition should be taken according to the following scheme. On the first day - one tablespoon five times a day, on the second day the dose is increased to 2 tablespoons, on the third - to 3 tablespoons, on the fourth - 4 tablespoons. Then follows a three-day break, and the course is repeated. Duration full course- 30 days.

White ointment

Anyone who suffers from joint inflammation, radiculitis, or osteochondrosis should benefit from this ointment.

Grind the cinquefoil roots (5 grams) to a powder. Fill them with 200 grams of melted pork fat or oil and simmer over low heat for seven minutes. You can rub it into sore spots white ointment or make compresses.


Contraindications for the use of white cinquefoil include:

  • some heart diseases ( ischemic disease, rhythm disturbances, increased heart rate);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure).

Preventative treatment

Today many people are iodine deficient. Therefore, the use of cinquefoil in for preventive purposes quite justified. This will help improve metabolism and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Iodine deficiency can be reduced by using white cinquefoil in combination with infusions from other plants - cocklebur, green walnut, Icelandic moss etc.

Today we will discuss white cinquefoil, its beneficial properties and contraindications, and, of course, its use in folk medicine, in particular, its incredible benefits in the treatment of thyroid pathologies, and we will talk about preparing a tincture of the root of this wonderful plant.

White cinquefoil - where it grows, what it looks like, photo

White cinquefoil is a perennial plant. Its stems are erect, herbaceous, their height reaches 30 cm. The root is thickened and can be up to half a meter long. The leaves are lanceolate, similar to a foot-five. And, probably, it is for this similarity that the plant is called cinquefoil.

And people also call it five-fingered, five-fingered, perstach and five-leafed. Potentilla flowers have five petals and closely resemble strawberry flowers.

This plant blooms in mid-spring and continues flowering until the end of June. There are many types of cinquefoil, they are similar to each other, but the main difference between the white cinquefoil and all the others is that it only blooms with white flowers.

Potentilla grass grows in the forests of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. But due to deforestation, expansion of farmland and other human activities in last decades It is becoming less and less common in wild forms. And therefore, in many regions it has the status of a protected plant.

Due to the small number of quinquefoils in natural conditions You can rarely find cinquefoil in pharmacies. There is no need to buy herbs or tincture of white cinquefoil in untested places like the market or from grannies in the metro, as you will not be completely sure of the quality.

White cinquefoil - planting and care

It is best to grow it on your own personal plot Moreover, this plant is undemanding to soil, and also has a decorative appearance.

The easiest way to propagate this wonderful plant is by dividing the bush, but the bush should not be younger than a year. The distance between the planted bushes should be approximately 35-40 cm; young plants are usually well accepted and grow quickly. It is important not to forget about timely watering of seedlings.

You can feed it with urea: one tablespoon per bucket of water is needed. If there is a choice, then it is better to give preference to areas with slight shading when planting, since plants are a little worse accepted in full sun.

Collection and preparation of cinquefoil

The medicinal properties of white cinquefoil appear only in plants older than 3 years.

The aerial parts of the plant are usually harvested at the time of abundant flowering, since the level of albinin, the active substance, is highest during this period. The raw materials are dried in the open air, but not in the sun, stirring occasionally.

The roots of white cinquefoil accumulate maximum amount useful substances by autumn, so they begin to be harvested after the above-ground parts of the plants dry out. Having dug up, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, then dried at a constant temperature of 40-43°C. Electric dryers are most suitable for these purposes.

The harvested roots and herbs are stored in a dark and dry place for two years without losing their medicinal properties.

Composition of white cinquefoil

What this plant has healing properties, people noticed a long time ago. And it’s not surprising, given such and such a composition of useful substances. These are flavonoids, tannin, essential oils, resins, organic acids, amino acids.

As for microelements, you can find almost the entire periodic table in cinquefoil! Iron, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, and manganese were found in the roots and leaves of Potentilla alba.

Thus, even when used for preventive purposes, the lack of necessary substances in the body is compensated.

Beneficial properties of white cinquefoil and use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, white cinquefoil is used in the form of decoctions and tinctures at the most various diseases. But traditional medicine I also appreciated the magnificent abilities of the medicinal plant.

Currently, in pharmacies you can find several drugs for, where the main active substance white cinquefoil appears - Endocrinol in the form of capsules and gel, Endorm, Zobofit, Tireovit, Alba...

White cinquefoil - treatment of the thyroid gland

ABOUT The main direction for using white cinquefoil root is a solution to health problems caused by work disorders. Moreover, the benefits of white cinquefoil will be both for and for the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis.

The use of white cinquefoil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire endocrine system.

But that is not all medicinal possibilities Potentillas. The list of diseases for which this herb is effective is very extensive.

  • People suffering from problems notice an almost instant effect when using a decoction of cinquefoil. The pressure decreases within half an hour after drinking the decoction, and after completing the course of treatment it completely normalizes.
  • Headaches go away. This effect is associated with a general positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • The composition of the blood improves, the blood vessels restore their elasticity. That is, our miracle cinquefoil will provide positive influence and for diseases of the heart and blood vessels! Arrhythmia, tachycardia and many other heart problems will disappear.
  • And if you apply compresses, then after a while they will become less noticeable, and the pain and heaviness in the legs will go away.
  • Cinquefoil contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, and thanks to this it is effective for various lesions skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. Rinsing for gingivitis and stomatitis will relieve inflammation, and rinsing with a decoction of cinquefoil will help improve microcirculation and blood supply to tissues, and therefore improve the condition of the gums.
  • Lotions and dressings using cinquefoil infusion or oil infusion provide excellent healing effect for abscesses, different types eczema and other skin problems. Heals wounds well.
  • This oil infusion can also be used as additional remedy for lotions on the thyroid gland area.

How to cook it? There is nothing complicated about this. You need to fill fresh cinquefoil grass with high-quality sea ​​buckthorn oil, leave for three days. Then squeeze through several layers of gauze or a clean cloth and filter. This product is stored in a dark place for up to 6 months.

  • In treatment women's diseases white cinquefoil also top notch. It helps to establish hormonal balance. This means that hormone-dependent fibroids and fibroids decrease and then disappear altogether.
  • Works effectively when uterine bleeding, removes inflammatory processes caused by a woman's hypothermia.
  • Regular use of cinquefoil infusion for diabetics will help reduce sugar, and will have a diuretic effect in case of edema.
  • As prophylactic will increase its own protective forces body, normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels.
  • Contains strong antioxidants, slow down aging and cleanse the body of toxins.

White cinquefoil tincture - instructions for use

Tincture of white cinquefoil root is most often made with vodka, better quality, because it will still be used internally and long time.

To prepare, take 50 grams of dry roots and a standard half-liter bottle of vodka, leave in a dark place for three weeks, after which you can begin treatment. Shake periodically during the process so that the raw materials better release beneficial substances to ethanol.

How to take cinquefoil tincture with vodka

Drink tincture 30 drops before meals 20 minutes three times a day, dripping into a small amount of water (100-150 ml). The recommended preventive course of treatment for minor changes in the thyroid gland is 1 month, for a pathology that has existed for years and progresses - a course of three months. After month break. Afterwards the courses can be repeated.

Treatment with cinquefoil root tincture can be combined with taking thyroid hormones, which are often prescribed to patients with problematic thyroid glands.

Treatment with cinquefoil allows, after 1-3 courses (depending on the severity of the disease), to significantly reduce the dose of hormones or completely abandon them. Every six months, it is advisable to perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 (triiodothyrotine), T4 to monitor changes.

Contraindications for white cinquefoil

Almost everyone medicinal herb there are certain contraindications. Potentilla also has them, albeit in small quantities.

  • This herb is contraindicated for hypotensive patients, as it has the property of lowering blood pressure.
  • There is also evidence that in some cases, cinquefoil preparations caused constipation, that is, this herb can harm people with such a problem.
  • Due to the fact that this plant has the property of constricting blood vessels, it is necessary to consult a herbalist for those people who have blood clots or thick blood.
  • Or it may simply be an individual intolerance or an allergy. In this case, the use of this medicinal herb should be abandoned.

White cinquefoil has a lot of useful properties, and at the same time has almost no contraindications. But any treatment with the gifts of nature should be approached thoughtfully and wisely. This way you can help yourself heal and avoid new problems.

Good afternoon. For the topic of today’s article, I chose one of my favorite medicinal plants, which is called white cinquefoil, the use of which in folk medicine we will discuss in this article.

Even in official medicine appreciated her medicinal properties and began to actively use them, for example, based on the root of the white cinquefoil, they make a super popular drug for the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland “Endonorm”, capsules and cream “Endocrinol”, which in addition to the root of the cinquefoil also contain its leaves, tablets based on the powder of the root of this plant - “White cinquefoil plus.”

The fact that our pharmaceutical industry actively uses this plant and its medicinal properties speaks volumes. Still, our medicine is not very kind traditional methods treatments, all kinds medicinal plants and so on.

White cinquefoil - let's get to know each other better

This plant has been known to man since time immemorial. No one can say exactly how many hundreds of years ago people noticed the healing properties of cinquefoil and learned to use them in medicinal purposes.

At all times, in different places this plant was called by different names. Of course, in our time, cinquefoil is most often called this way, but you can also find other exotic names in remote villages and hamlets of our vast country:

  • five ring
  • five-fingered
  • cinquefoil
  • five-fingered
  • interdigital
  • perstach white
  • pentacle
  • Dubrovka white

All these names should not confuse or mislead you; in fact, they all mean one plant - white cinquefoil. By the way, here's what she looks like.

Medicinal properties of white cinquefoil

This plant contains a whole storehouse of useful substances, micro and macro elements. The most valuable medicinally are the roots of the cinquefoil. They are the ones most often used in folk medicine.

The rhizomes of this plant contain:

  • starch
  • a variety of amino acids
  • glycosides
  • tannins
  • iron
  • nickel
  • silver
  • cobalt
  • aluminum
  • zinc, etc.

There is no point in talking about how important it is that the body does not have a deficiency of any trace elements or minerals. Their absence will certainly affect the normal functioning of certain organs, and ultimately lead to illness.

One more positive thing The use of white cinquefoil is its unique ability to restore and improve all metabolic processes in the body and improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

In addition, the use of white cinquefoil or preparations based on it has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, the functioning of the liver and intestines.

For what diseases is white cinquefoil used in folk medicine?

So, we have gradually come to the most important thing - for what diseases can this wonderful plant be used? IN alternative medicine white cinquefoil is used:

  1. For diseases of the thyroid gland (most often!)
  2. Atherosclerosis
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases
  5. For liver problems (cholecystitis or hepatitis) Hypertension Female diseases (fibroids, disorder menstrual cycle, cyst, uterine prolapse)

Use of cinquefoil for thyroid problems

Of course, the main purpose of cinquefoil is the treatment of thyroid diseases. This is where she excels most. I had a whole series of articles devoted to this topic:

  • Treatment of hypothyroidism
  • a preparation based on the root of the white cinquefoil

The use of cinquefoil for thyroid diseases Be sure to read if you have never heard of such a drug as “Endonorm”. You will discover a lot of useful information.

Instead of “Endonorm” (it doesn’t cost much, although it is very effective), you can use a tincture based on the root of the white cinquefoil, but for this you will need to purchase this very root. The tincture is prepared simply:

  • Pour 50 grams of root into a bottle of vodka and put it in a dark place for exactly 21 days.
  • After 3 weeks, the tincture will be completely ready and you can begin treatment without delay.

Use of cinquefoil for atherosclerosis

To prevent atherosclerosis or treat it, you can use the following recipe:

  • Prepare an alcohol tincture: 50 grams of dry white cinquefoil root, crush and add a bottle of vodka. Leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally.
  • Take 30 drops, dissolved in 50 ml. water 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • The course is 1 month, after which a break is taken for 7 days and repeated.

Infusion of white cinquefoil herb for atherosclerosis

Of course, the herbal infusion has a weaker medicinal effect than alcohol tincture, but when alternating infusion and tincture, with a mandatory break between them of 1 - 2 months, a good effect is achieved in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry cinquefoil leaves is poured into a thermos with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 8 hours.
  • You need to take 100 grams of infusion 3 times a day.
  • After a month of taking it, take a 7-day break.

White cinquefoil for hypertension

  • Infuse 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil herb into 2 cups of boiling water in a thermos for at least 10 hours.
  • After which you can strain and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • The course of treatment is a month, after which a 7-day break is needed.

After taking this infusion, you can very quickly notice how the pressure drops (in about 20-30 minutes). Will disappear headache and heaviness in the temples.

White cinquefoil for diseases of the cardiovascular system

For the treatment and prevention of heart disease vascular diseases You can use both a tincture of this plant in alcohol and its infusion. The use of cinquefoil in one form or another improves heart function, relieves the patient from arrhythmia, and significantly changes the better side blood composition, lowers cholesterol.

The recipe for making tinctures and infusions is the same as what I described above. The course of treatment is also standard – a month, followed by a week-long break.

The use of cinquefoil for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)

For problems with the stomach or intestines, the following infusion will help:

  • We take a mixture of roots and herb white cinquefoil in equal parts(20 grams in total), pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour.

Drink 250 ml of this infusion. 3 times a day for a month for the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis
  • intestinal colic
  • dysentery
  • colitis
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers

What will happen to you after taking the infusion of white cinquefoil? The stool will return to normal, digestion will improve, if previously there were unpleasant symptoms, then they will gradually disappear.

Use of cinquefoil for liver diseases

For liver diseases, it is best to use erect cinquefoil (not to be confused with white, although some recommend using it too!). A decoction based on it can help you with cirrhosis, urolithiasis or if you have problems with gallbladder. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • Take 30 grams of cinquefoil root and 600 ml. boiling water, the infusion is placed on water bath and stays on it for exactly 1 hour.
  • Then the infusion can be filtered and taken in 50 ml doses. warm, always 2 hours before meals.

Use of cinquefoil for fibroids, uterine prolapse, menstrual irregularities

To treat female diseases, you will need to prepare a tincture of white cinquefoil in vodka according to the following recipe:

  • We measure out exactly 30 grams of cinquefoil root, grind it with a coffee grinder and fill it with 300 grams of vodka.
  • You need to insist for exactly 1 month! After this, the tincture is filtered and taken 3 times a day, 30 drops.
  • It is best to do this before meals, about 30 minutes.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of 10 days is required, and then another 1 month of treatment.


When treating a particular disease with cinquefoil, one should not forget that it also has contraindications. In order not to write the same thing, I will simply give you a link to the article - “”. Everything is very clear and detailed there. Before use, be sure to read.

Did white cinquefoil help you (answer honestly)?


Conclusion – my opinion as a herbalist

In conclusion of the article, I want to express my opinion as to whether or not it is worth using a plant such as white cinquefoil for medicinal purposes. I’ll say right away that this is my opinion, I don’t impose anything on anyone and you have the right to do as you please.

In my practice, there were quite a few cases when tincture of white cinquefoil root actually helped with thyroid diseases. Therefore, I believe that this is precisely its main purpose!

It was the treatment of the thyroid gland that glorified the white cinquefoil and made it famous! About her beneficial influence on endocrine system Even doctors will not argue.

Very little is said about the use of this plant to treat other diseases. Opinions here, as a rule, differ and it is quite difficult to form a complete picture. Therefore, make your own decision about whether to use cinquefoil or not.

White cinquefoil is a unique perennial plant of the Rosaceae family. It is also called five-leaf, five-fingered, five-fingered or five-fingered. It is black-brown on the outside and light on the inside. Potentilla reaches a height of 25 cm. It begins to bloom at the end of May, and fruit ripening ends by the end of June. The fruits disintegrate into hairy nuts.

The shrub grows in Ukraine, Russia, the Balkans and the Caucasus. It can be seen in mixed and pine forest thickets and meadows. The plant prefers loamy and sandy loamy fertile soils.

Since ancient times, white has been used in alternative medicine for treatment. various diseases. Yes and now it is medicinal plant has not lost its popularity, it can be purchased at the pharmacy.

For medicinal purposes, all parts of this herb are harvested and collected as a whole. This is done during the flowering period, specifically from May to June. Then the plant is divided into thin layers and dried well. white is well cleaned from the soil, and after drying, infusions are made that are consumed internally.

White cinquefoil: composition and beneficial properties

It contains the maximum amount tannins(gallotannins), saponins, phenolcarboxylic acid, iridoids, starch, flavonoids. The leaves themselves contain especially a lot of rutin (kaempferol, quercetin, cyanidin). The plant is also rich in iodine and useful microelements(magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc).

White Potentilla Root: Applications

It should be noted that in the rhizome there is less active substances than in the leaves. White cinquefoil is used to treat diuresis. And from the leaves and fruits they prepare herbal infusions that stimulate nervous system. Scientists have been studying this plant for a long time, or rather its healing properties. It turned out that white cinquefoil can be used to treat the thyroid gland. Doctors themselves also favor this shrub.

His clinical effectiveness has been confirmed more than once. The roots of white cinquefoil have antibacterial, astringent, wound healing, antiseptic, hemostatic and hypotensive effect. They regulate and restore metabolic processes in the body.

Cinquefoil is actively used for diarrhea, dysentery, gastrointestinal disorders, illness duodenum and stomach ulcers, rheumatism, gout and hypertension. It is recommended for women

To treat all of the above ailments, the root is used, made in vodka with the addition of dry rhizomes. They are placed in a glass vessel and filled with vodka (500 ml of liquid per 50 g of plant). The tincture is stored for a month. It must be filtered and shaken periodically. Drink the finished mixture half an hour before meals 3 times a day, 25 drops with water.

For thyroid disease, another infusion is prepared. You will need 20 g of crushed dry rhizomes and grass - all this is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos for at least 8 hours, then strain. Take the medicine twice a day. The dosage is determined by the doctor. For children, the dose is several times less. If necessary, therapy is carried out in several courses, since the drug is absolutely non-toxic and will not cause harm. The infusion is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.