Lymph node cancer symptoms. Metastases of malignant tumors. Symptoms of damage to internal organs

Lymph node cancer is one of the types oncological diseases, in which tumors form in the lymphatic system and in its individual nodes. The lymphatic system is responsible for protecting the body from viruses and infections. Lymphocytes formed in the lymph nodes form the basis immune system person. Most nodes are concentrated in the neck, groin and armpits. Malignant tumors form in one or several lymph nodes.

Lymph cancer sometimes goes beyond lymphatic system and manifests itself in the form of metastases of distant organs.

There are two main types of lymphoma:

  1. Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis).
  2. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Symptoms of lymphogranulomatosis

Lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's lymphoma includes about 30% of all known lymphomas. For this type of cancer characteristic following symptoms:

Symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas make up the remaining 70% of all known cancers of the lymphatic system. This type of cancer is detected exclusively by histological examination of tissue samples of a possible neoplasm. TO primary symptoms non-Hodgkin type lymph node cancers include:

  • enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes;
  • a feeling of constriction of organs and squeezing of vessels located in close proximity to the compaction;
  • enlarged lymph nodes do not cause pain, remain overly compacted for a long time, do not connect with nearby tissues and skin.

In case of outflow disturbance venous blood from upper sections the torso develops superior vena cava syndrome, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • proliferation venous network and swelling of veins in the neck;
  • swelling of the neck, face, arms and chest;
  • cough and hemoptysis;
  • dyspnea;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • drowsiness, dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • nasal congestion and nosebleeds;
  • bluish complexion.

Manifestation of lymph node cancer in various parts of the body

When cancer affects lymphoma of some organs, the following symptoms appear: symptoms in such parts of the body as:

Among common symptoms Lymph cancer incidence is highlighted loss of appetite. The consequences of malnutrition are usually disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems, as well as anemia blood vessels, weight loss.

Exists a number of factors, increasing the risk of cancer of the lymphatic system. These include:

Four stages of lymphatic system cancer

Stages of lymph cancer development characterized by four stages. Each stage is distinguished by certain features of the development of the disease, which depend on the level of damage to the lymphatic areas and adjacent organs.

First stage of cancer

Cancer occurs in one part of the lymphatic system. For example, in the armpits, neck or groin. The following signs of the disease are characteristic: painless enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck, mediastinum, armpits, groin and abdominal cavity. The tumor begins to actively grow. Arises heavy sweating at night, general fatigue of the body increases, resistance to stressful situations, itching of the skin appears.

Second stage of cancer

Malignant formations involve two or more parts of the lymph nodes on the side of the diaphragm chest cavity. Happening damage to one organ or tissue outside the lymph node system.

In terms of symptoms, the second stage differs from the first by an even greater increase in lymph nodes and an intensification of existing symptoms. In most cases, the patient experiences increased depressive state, fever begins. Due to refusal of food, body weight decreases sharply.

Stage three cancer

The affected lymph nodes grow into both parts of the diaphragm (thoracic and abdominal). The disease affects one organ or tissue outside the lymph, the spleen becomes infected. For third-stage cancer, the diagnosis depends on the general condition of the patient’s body. The prognosis may be significantly worse if infection or immunodeficiency virus is present.

Fourth stage

One or more organs outside the lymphatic system are affected. At this stage of cancer, the lymph nodes may not be affected by the tumor. Obvious symptoms of stage 4 cancer include:

How long do people live with lymph cancer?

The first stage of cancer of the lymphatic system with suitable treatment 100% curable. IN otherwise survival rate is 82%.

At the second stage, the five-year postoperative survival rate is within 88%.

An average of 63% of patients survive the third stage.

The survival prognosis for patients with stage 4 cancer is unfavorable. The percentage of tolerance ranges between 10 and 50.

Patient survival depends on several determining factors:

  • age category;
  • indicators of the level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH - an enzyme that is part of all cells of the body);
  • general state sick;
  • cancer stage;
  • the number of affected lesions outside the lymphatic system.

Individual tolerance to chemotherapy and the effectiveness of its effects play a special role in patient survival.

The choice of treatment method for lymph node cancer is individual for each person. individual case. The diagnosis depends on the general health of the patient and several other signs.

The most effective method treatment is surgical removal of tumors. Nearby lymph nodes and some tissues must be removed. This is done to prevent recurrent manifestations of the disease.

After removal of the lymph nodes, a course is usually prescribed radiation therapy. The procedure lasts 3–4 weeks.

A course of chemotherapy is used as universal method tumor treatment. It is used both before surgery and during postoperative period. Chemotherapy is sometimes given in conjunction with beam method treatment.

IN modern medicine Innovative methods for treating lymphomas are also used. For example, donor transplant bone marrow.

Diagnosis of lymph node cancer

If cancer of the lymphatic system is suspected, a diagnostic examination, including:

The lymphatic system is natural immune defense against unfavorable factors . In any organ, cells may appear that can transform into cancer cells and begin to divide uncontrollably. They lead to cancer.

Having noticed the symptoms of lymph node cancer in time and having started adequate treatment , you can count on complete cure from illness.

What is lymph node cancer?

Lymph node cancer or lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. At its core, it is a disease that affects the cells of the body, like other types of oncology.

Among all cancer patients, lymphoma occurs quite often and accounts for about 4% of all cancer diseases.

Lymph nodes are located in different parts our body. Disease can begin in almost any organ. Quite often, damage to organs such as lungs, bones, and liver is observed. But the most common type of lymphoma is lesion.

The disease can also affect the lymph nodes of the chest cavity, abdominal, axillary, and inguinal in adults.

Forms and stages of the disease

The name lymphoma includes about thirty types of tumors.

Patients with this diagnosis also feel pressure in the neck and face. It is also possible that skin itching. Body temperature often rises. Heavy sweating may occur at night, and fever may often occur.

These symptoms can be identified in the first stages of development diseases. And it is not recommended to ignore all the listed signs.

As the tumor grows, the symptoms worsen:

  • breathing may be difficult;
  • digestion will be disrupted;
  • weakness appears;
  • the patient loses weight and appetite;
  • anemia develops;
  • fungal and viral infections are added;
  • depression and apathy begin.

If lymph node enlarged, as in the photo above, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor.

Delaying diagnosis until the third and fourth stages is very dangerous. The chances of recovery in such patients are significantly lower. than those who consulted a doctor in a timely manner and went through everything necessary research. Therefore, the first rule is timely diagnosis!


Modern medicine provides every opportunity for precise and timely diagnosis lymph node cancer. Basically, several methods are used.

The main methods for diagnosing lymph node cancer are:

The prognosis for recovery and further treatment patient.

Treatment options

Modern methods of treating lymph node cancer are effective and successful. Eighty percent of patients it is possible to achieve a 5-year remission. Relapses are about 30 - 35%.

Development of lymph node cancer depends on the location of the tumor, size, stage, and the presence of metastases. To treat cancer, one or several techniques can be used, depending on the course of the disease.

The main methods of treatment for lymph node cancer:


All types of cancer are quite insidious. But still it should stick to certain rules that will help avoid lymph node cancer:

Lymph node cancer is one of the most common cancers. According to the degree of cure this type cancer rates are quite high.

The last stages of cancer are quite dangerous and the survival prognosis is low.

Every person who has at least two symptoms should consult a doctor promptly. Today there are several effective ways treatment, so lymph node cancer is not a death sentence!

Today, cancer is a disease that leaves virtually no chance of survival. In addition, it does not show any symptoms for a long time, so it is detected already at late stages. Four percent of cancer patients are diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck. How long do people live with this pathology and what does the prognosis depend on?

Cancer of the lymph nodes (otherwise known as lymphoma) is a dangerous and intractable disease, the main characteristic of which is rapidly progressive malignancy lymphatic system. There are two types of such oncological diseases - lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (up to 25 types). The first is detected in 12% of cases and is currently successfully treated.

Most often, such oncopathology is found in people 15-30 years old and in patients over 50. Diagnosing it is not so difficult. To suspect trouble, examination, palpation and a conversation with the patient are usually sufficient.

Signs, examination and treatment

The development of cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes. At first they do not cause concern and are mobile; after a short time they become dense and merge with each other. The skin over them turns red;
  • discomfort (and then pain) in the neck;
  • increased sweating (especially at night);
  • increased temperature over a long period of time;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • malfunction of the digestive tract;
  • itching all over the body;
  • cough, shortness of breath.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for a general and biochemical blood test. From instrumental examinations CT, ultrasound, MRI and biopsy (the most accurate method) are used.

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The treatment is carried out comprehensively: it is used operative method (surgical removal affected and regional lymph nodes), radiation therapy (a course of 2-4 weeks, helps to consolidate the result of treatment), chemotherapy (before or after surgery to eliminate malignant cells and prevent metastasis).

Briefly about the main thing: average survival prognosis

The first thing that the patient himself and his relatives think about is what time fate has given him for such a diagnosis. In short, it goes like this:

  • if you managed to “catch” the disease at the first stage, when cancer cells have not spread throughout the body, then the disease is considered curable;
  • in most cases, the patient is diagnosed with stage 3 lymph node cancer, since at this stage alarming symptoms appear. How long do such patients live? 40 to 50% have a 5-year survival rate;
  • With stage 4 lymph node cancer, the prognosis is much worse. How long do they live if the disease has progressed this far? Usually, in such patients, almost all lymph nodes are affected, malignant cells have invaded other organs: they are found in the liver, bone marrow, and kidneys. The disease is already very difficult to treat. Only 10% manage to survive.

However, these are only general statistics. To give more accurate forecast, several factors must be taken into account.

How much is left?

The answer to the question of how long they live if cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck is diagnosed, as with other types of lymphomas, depends on the following factors:

  • the level of LDH (lactate dehydrogenase - a special enzyme without which the process of glucose oxidation and the production of lactic acid is impossible). If a person is healthy, then it does not accumulate in the body. When tissue is damaged, its blood level is increased 2 or more times;
  • age;
  • the patient's condition;
  • stages of the disease;
  • number of lesions outside the lymph node.

All these values ​​are summed up, and the doctor can make a prognosis. For example, a favorable outcome can be predicted in a patient under 30 years of age, whose general condition is assessed as 1 point (limited work ability), LDH is not elevated, stage 1 lymphoma.

Important! If histological examination revealed a poorly differentiated tumor, which means its sensitivity to chemotherapy will be low, which negatively affects the prognosis.

Survival rates by stage of lymph node cancer are:

  • at stage 1 - 82%;
  • by 2 - 78%
  • by 3 - 63%;
  • by 4 - 49%.

The prognosis also depends on the gender and age of the patient. Thus, among men 15-39 years old, the survival rate is 84%, over 80 - 36%. In young women - 87%, in older women - 41%.

For non-Hodgkin lymphomas, survival rate ranges from 62-65%. But there are several factors that worsen these indicators. These include:

  • age over 60. The forecast is reduced by 30%. The 5-year survival rate is about 32%;
  • stage. At 3 and 4, only 15-18% of patients have hope for a favorable outcome;
  • high level of LDH in biochemical analysis blood. Will reduce the forecast by 74%, that is, only 10-12% will be able to survive;
  • very poor general health.

To make a forecast, you should take into account all these factors, and not each separately. And this is what happens:

  • Cancer patients who have only one of the listed factors are at low risk. Given that proper treatment and the absence of chronic diseases that would prevent them from undergoing surgery and chemotherapy, 70% of such patients live 5 years after diagnosis. Statistics show that their life expectancy is on average 6-10 years;
  • intermediate risk. This category includes patients who have 1-2 factors. The five-year survival rate reaches 49-50%. Up to 70% of patients in this group die due to modern methods treatments are ineffective and the disease cannot be treated, or because relapses occur after 2 years. The chance of surviving a relapse is 5-10% if chemotherapy is given;
  • high risk. If 4-5 factors are present at once, then the probability of living 5 years will not exceed 26%. Death usually occurs within 1-2 years from the time cancer is detected.

Lymph node cancer accounts for 4% of all oncological pathologies. The disease is characterized by the formation of a primary tumor in the tissues of the lymphatic system and the rapid appearance of metastases. Despite the severity of the course, oncologists managed to achieve good results in the treatment of lymphoma. But the choice of methods and methods depends on the stage of the disease.

U healthy person The lymphatic system is responsible for the formation of immunity and produces white blood cells - lymphocytes. They stop the development of viruses and bacteria, protecting the body from infection by dangerous pathogens. But on various reasons a malfunction may occur in which the lymphatic system begins to secrete atypical cells, the growth of a malignant tumor begins.

Lymphoma or lymph node cancer is an oncological disease in which the primary tumor appears in the lymph nodes.

There are two main pathologies:

  1. or lymphogranulomatosis. It accounts for up to 30% of all diagnosed types of lymph node cancer. A characteristic feature is the presence of characteristic granules - Reed-Sternberg cells.
  2. . A larger and more diverse group, uniting more than 30 subspecies. Primary tumors often form in organs through which lymphatic vessels pass. They have a more aggressive course.

When diagnosing species, the appearance of a tumor from small or mature large cells, B lymphocytes or T lymphocytes is taken into account. This is important for drawing up the correct treatment plan and selecting chemotherapy drugs.

Ways lymph node cancer spreads throughout the body

The lymphatic system in the human body has a structure similar to the circulatory system. It has several hundred lymph nodes connected by vessels. Lymph flows through them, washing the internal organs, cleansing them of the accumulation of toxins and pathogens. When a tumor appears, atypical cells can break off from the tissue affected by the disease and be transported with the fluid to nearby organs. Therefore, many types of lymphoma are characterized by rapid progression and early metastasis.

Main forms of lymphoma

All lymphomas are conventionally divided into two types depending on the intensity of spread and course:

  1. Indolent or sluggish.
  2. Aggressive.

The prognosis for stage 2 lymphoma is often favorable. The best results are in patients under 50 years of age who do not have a lesion internal organs. With a low degree of sensitivity to chemotherapy, survival rates reach 49–63%. For Hodgkin's lymphoma, a combination of drugs and radiation therapy gives stable remission in 88% of patients.

At stage 3 of the disease, the average 10-year survival rate is 63%. With a sluggish and non-aggressive form, doctors manage to achieve only 10% of relapses after the first year of remission. With an aggressive tumor, the disease develops again in every 4 patients after 1–2 years.

The prognosis for stage 4 lymphoma depends on the type of tumor. If the bone marrow is damaged without transplantation, the patient can live 3–5 years with maintenance therapy. With proper treatment and minimal involvement of internal organs in the pathological process, up to 60% of patients cross the 5-year survival line.

Lymph nodes are collectors into which fluid, metabolic products, toxins and microbial particles flow from organs and tissues. Lymph nodes are involved in various pathological processes, including those susceptible to malignant lesions. Inflammation of the lymph nodes during cancer can be caused by the development of a tumor in the lymph node itself or the introduction of metastases.

For examination of affected lymph nodes, except visual inspection and palpation, the following methods are used:

  • puncture (puncture) followed by histological analysis of the contents;
  • radiography;
  • tomography.

Neoplasms that originate from lymph nodes and lymphocytic cells are called lymphomas. The most common lymphomas are lymphosarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease).

Lymphomas more often affect the male population. Painless enlargement lymph nodes on the background full health is the leading of . Both deep and superficial nodes can be affected, but most often with the following localization:

  • on the neck;
  • under the arm;
  • above the collarbone;
  • on the elbows;
  • in the groin area.

They are painless to the touch, have a compacted consistency, and move easily under the skin. Starting in the lymph nodes of one group, the tumor process spreads to almost all organs and tissues. At the fourth stage of the disease, metastatic cells are found in the lymph nodes and tissues of the lungs, pleura, mammary gland, and move to the liver, large intestine and rectum.

At primary lesion mediastinal lymph nodes initial signs illness may include cough and chest pain. Inflammation blocks blood flow through the superior vena cava and causes the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the face;
  • swelling of the veins in the neck;
  • shortness of breath;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

With lymphoma, the affected lymph nodes can merge with each other, forming voluminous conglomerates. The disease is complicated by liver enlargement, damage to nervous system and frequent fevers.

Metastases of malignant tumors

The process of transfer of tumor cells in the body with the formation of secondary foci of the disease is called metastasis. Exactly for cancerous tumors Characterized by metastasis through the lymphatic system. The first to be affected are the regional lymph nodes, those closest to the diseased organ. Lymph nodes play a protective role, preventing the spread of metastases throughout the human body. At good condition immune system, cancer cells may not transform into pronounced metastases or even die.

The degree of damage to lymph nodes by metastases is used to assess the stage of the cancer process:

  • Stage 1 – no metastases;
  • Stage 2 – single metastases are detected in regional lymph nodes;
  • Stage 3 cancer – the presence of multiple metastases in nearby nodes;
  • Stage 4 – metastasis to distant nodes, tissues, organs.

Often a person notices inflammation of the lymph nodes even before the main signs of cancer appear. The most accessible and diagnostically significant lymph nodes are:

  • on the neck;
  • under the arm;
  • inguinal

Cervical lymph nodes

Frequent inflammation and metastases are associated with its anatomical features. Passes here a large number of circulatory and lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers.

In a state of health, the lymph nodes in the neck are not detected. In oncology, superficial cervical lymph nodes look like protruding formations with rounded contours. When palpated, they have a dense, elastic consistency, are painless, and move slightly when pressed. Inflammation of the deep lymph nodes may not be palpable, but areas of asymmetry are visually noticeable on the neck.

Metastases from cancer of the following organs are found in the lymph nodes in the neck:

In addition, malignant cells from tumors of the lungs and esophagus are often transferred to the right supraclavicular lymph node in the neck. Complaints of inflammation of the left are observed in patients with malignant diseases, localized in the abdominal cavity and pelvis:

  • liver cancer;
  • stomach cancer;
  • colon or rectal cancer.

Axillary lymph nodes

Under the armpit there are several powerful lymph nodes in which metastases are found in breast cancer - the most common cancer in women. This type of cancer begins as a small, painless lump in the breast and can go undetected for a long time.

By the time breast cancer is diagnosed, 50% of patients already have developed metastases.

At the beginning of the disease, the lymph nodes under the armpit on the affected side are slightly enlarged, painless, and mobile. During this time, patients may feel foreign body in the area of ​​the lymph node. As the breast tumor progresses, multiple metastases under the armpit are fixed among themselves and with surrounding tissues. Externally, the lymph nodes look like lumpy formations. Compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers by metastases leads to numbness and swelling of the hand, accompanied by severe pain.

Damage to the lymph nodes under the arm significantly aggravates the prognosis for breast cancer. To avoid further dissemination metastases, doctors have to remove breast tissue along with regional lymph nodes. In addition to breast tumors, metastases from skin cancer of the arm, shoulder and back are transferred to the lymph nodes under the armpit.

Inguinal lymph nodes

Lymph from the skin subcutaneous tissue lower limbs and external genitalia first enters the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. The deep inguinal lymph nodes, together with the vessels of the thigh, are located under the layer of muscles; they carry lymph into the abdominal cavity. Enlargement of the lymphatic vessels of this group is observed in malignant tumors of the following organs:

  • large intestine;
  • rectum;
  • uterus;
  • liver;
  • ovaries in women;
  • prostate and testicles in men;
  • Bladder.

Externally, lymph nodes with metastases resemble inguinal hernia. Lymph node large sizes puts pressure on surrounding tissues, causing pain and swelling of the leg on the affected side.

Deep lymph nodes

In the chest, abdominal and pelvic cavities there are a large number of deep lymph nodes, which receive lymph from the internal organs. Some nodes are located along the walls of cavities, others are located near the membranes of internal organs (lungs, heart, esophagus, liver). A lot of lymphoid tissue present in the fiber around the small and large intestines, rectum.

Damage to deep lymph nodes by metastases may not produce any results for a long time. external symptoms. Enlarged nodes are detected by chance during an examination (x-ray, ultrasound) for another disease.

Often found in neglected form Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Lung tissue does not have pain receptors, and the tumor develops asymptomatically for several years. When the bronchial lymph nodes are affected, lung root You may experience shortness of breath, cough, and sputum mixed with blood, which is mistaken for inflammation.

Another late diagnosed disease is colorectal cancer, including damage to the rectum and large intestine.

Colorectal cancer has the third highest incidence rate in the world. Metastasis of the anal lymph nodes located on the lateral surface of the rectum is accompanied by the release of blood and mucus with feces. Therefore, the disease is often mistaken for hemorrhoids. Metastases to the lymph nodes of intestinal fiber cause symptoms similar to inflammatory processes:

  • bloating;
  • colic;
  • indigestion;
  • soreness.

Cancer metastases to the liver lymph nodes can compress portal vein and provoke blood stagnation and swelling in the lower half of the body, causing fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Due to the increase blood pressure dangerous diseases develop in the vessels of the stomach and esophagus internal bleeding. Enlarged lymph nodes at the porta hepatis can cause jaundice.

Important diagnostic sign may be the identification of an enlarged and dense umbilical lymph node in the navel area. Metastases to this node most often pass from malignant tumors stomach, liver, ovary and rectum.

Long-term inflammation of the lymph nodes - alarming symptom, manifested in many serious illnesses. Therefore, if compactions are detected in any lymph node a person should definitely consult a doctor.