White cinquefoil indications and contraindications. Useful properties and contraindications of white cinquefoil. White cinquefoil: reviews

The need for an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system and the body as a whole is justified by clinical confirmation of the effectiveness of the use of white cinquefoil. The beneficial properties and minimal contraindications of preparations from the herbaceous plant are explained by the high content of micro- and macroelements, high levels of iodine and minimal toxicity.

The healing effect of tinctures

The unique properties of white cinquefoil are known in folk medicine and pharmacology, and infusions of its roots have a miraculous effect and allow you to get rid of a number of ailments:

  • Urolithiasis.
  • Cysts and fibroids.
  • Acute inflammation of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Diarrhea (beneficial effects are achieved with the help of tannins).
  • Iron deficiency anemia, uterine prolapse and liver problems.
  • Prolapse of the uterus.
  • Dysentery. The astringent properties of tannins have a positive effect on reducing fluid loss during illness.

The use of herbal infusions

The beneficial properties of cinquefoil explain its widespread use as a diuretic that does not irritate the kidneys and does not cause side effects (there are contraindications for urolithiasis).

Herbal decoctions are taken for bronchial asthma and cramps, pain caused by menstrual cycles. Decoctions of white cinquefoil are widely used for washing ulcers and open wounds caused by impaired metabolism.

Herbal infusions have all the beneficial properties for quickly combating sore throat and inflammation of the oral cavity. An ointment based on pentadigitorum helps fight chapped lips.

Clinical indications

The beneficial properties of white cinquefoil are effective and safe in the treatment of thyroid problems:

  • Hyperthyroidism is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland due to an excess of thyroid hormones.
  • Hypothyroidism is an insufficient level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Drinking an infusion of white cinquefoil roots for hyperthyroidism can easily eliminate the main symptoms of weakness, sweating and neurosis. To achieve a better effect in case of hypothyroidism, an alcohol extract is used, used as an auxiliary drug that affects the reduction of the dosage of L-thyroxine or Mercazolil. White cinquefoil contains elemental iodine and iodide anion, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, but there are contraindications.

Effect on the body

The main effect of white cinquefoil is its hormone-like effect on the body, which ensures the normalization of the function of the thyroid gland and female genital organs, preventing dysfunction of the reproductive system. White cinquefoil is well used in the treatment of hypertension - galenic preparations of pentacle root help normalize high blood pressure. Separately, there have been cases of blood pressure stabilization in people suffering from hypotension.

An additional effect is to stimulate the body's protective properties during stress and adaptation. Taking the tincture improves the course of infectious diseases, improves well-being, adds strength and eliminates the occurrence of problems with unreasonable mood changes.

The antioxidant properties of white cinquefoil deserve special attention, that is, the ability to prevent skin aging by blocking the reaction of free radicals. Many women report significant changes in skin turgor after taking quinquefoil tincture. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of the plant are separately noted. Indications for the use of five-palm include elevated cholesterol levels.

Precautionary measures

The substances included in the infusions and decoctions are non-toxic and have virtually no contraindications. However, with pronounced hypotension, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and drowsiness may occur. In some cases, constipation occurs.

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White cinquefoil is a delicate low plant that blooms with white flowers. It is widely known for its medicinal properties. Unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to find it in the wild, but white cinquefoil is artificially grown in order to later harvest this plant and use it for medicinal purposes. “Popular about health” will tell you about the beneficial properties of white cinquefoil and contraindications, as well as how to use it.

Useful cinquefoil

White cinquefoil has a completely unique chemical composition. Rutin, kaempferol, and cyanidin were found in its roots. The leafy part of the plant is enriched with iodine, iron, some amino acids, vitamins and microelements. More recently, researchers have discovered another valuable substance in plant cells - albinin.
It has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Thanks to albinin, it became possible to use white cinquefoil for some diseases of the endocrine system, for example, goiter, hyperthyroidism. The rich composition of the plant makes it useful in many ways. What other beneficial properties does white cinquefoil have?

1. Parts of the plant exhibit antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Due to this property, cinquefoil is used to treat skin diseases, as well as infections of the oral cavity.

2. White cinquefoil is good for the heart and the entire vascular system as a whole. It strengthens capillaries and veins, giving them elasticity, thereby reducing the risk of hemorrhages.

3. The plant has the ability to lower blood pressure.

4. Restores the structure of liver cells.

5. Prevents the growth of pathological formations in the uterus and ovaries.

6. White cinquefoil removes harmful substances from the body, cleansing cells of radionuclides and thereby prolonging their youth.

7. The plant also helps the digestive system; infusions and decoctions of this herb are used for various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

8. Women can feel the positive effect of taking white cinquefoil, as it normalizes hormonal levels, regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation, and normalizes ovarian function.

9. This herb also helps eliminate swelling, as it has a mild diuretic effect, while the kidneys do not experience much stress.

10. White cinquefoil is useful for nervous and mental disorders - it improves mood, helps relieve feelings of anxiety and fear, relieves stress, and this plant also relieves feelings of fatigue and apathy and increases human performance.

11. This herb has a positive effect on joints and helps achieve good results in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

Indications for use of white cinquefoil

Based on the considered beneficial properties of the plant, it becomes obvious that it is indicated for a variety of pathologies and disorders. Let's look specifically at the cases in which this herb is used.

1. For diseases of the thyroid gland.

2. Hypertension.

3. Cardiac dysfunction.

4. Problems with blood vessels.

5. For colitis, gastritis.

6. For liver diseases, including hepatitis and cirrhosis.

7. For furunculosis, eczema.

8. As maintenance therapy after a stroke or heart attack.

9. For hemorrhoids.

10. For iodine deficiency.

11. To improve well-being during depression and stress.

Contraindications for white cinquefoil

As such, there are no contraindications to the use of this plant, except for an allergic reaction to its constituent components. Since the herb has the property of reducing blood pressure, it is contraindicated for people with hypotension.

How to take white cinquefoil?

Both an alcohol tincture and a water infusion are prepared from this plant. The first remedy is used only internally, and the second can be used externally to treat eczema or furunculosis.

Recipe for alcohol tincture from the root part of cinquefoil

A tincture is prepared from the roots of the herb as follows. The raw materials (10 grams) are crushed and placed in a glass container. Fill it with vodka or alcohol and cover with a lid. The container with the contents is left in a cool place for a month. Then the liquid is filtered. White cinquefoil tincture is drunk daily, 30 drops before breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can dilute the medicine with water.

White cinquefoil water infusion recipe

An infusion of this herb is prepared in a thermos. To do this, place 20 grams of dried cinquefoil in it and pour half a liter of boiling water. The lid is closed. After 3 hours, the infusion is poured through cheesecloth into a cup. It is recommended to take the medicine three times a day, 80-100 milliliters. It is best to drink it shortly before meals.

White cinquefoil belongs to a huge genus of plants, the name of which literally translates as “strong.” This definition perfectly characterizes this representative of the flora - this herb is really strong and powerful, because it helps in the fight against numerous serious illnesses, and it also gives strength to a sick person. The beneficial properties of this plant help improve the quality of life of people suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs.

Cinquefoil is a very large genus of plants, distributed in many countries. Its name comes from the Latin word “potents”, meaning “strong”, “powerful”. However, this name is not explained by the appearance of plants belonging to this genus. They are called this way due to the healing properties inherent in some of its representatives. One of these representatives, and the most striking, is the white cinquefoil. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

White cinquefoil is a beautiful plant with delicate white flowers. They are what distinguish it from other species. In addition, white cinquefoil can be identified by its relatively small height, which rarely exceeds 25 centimeters, and special leaves - consisting of five dark green leaves, somewhat reminiscent of fingers. That is why people often call this plant “five-fingered”, “five-fingered” or “five-fingered”. Potentilla blooms in April-June, forming a white blanket of flowers visible from a distance.

Most of the European territory is considered to be where it grows. As a rule, it grows in pine and oak forests, on grassy slopes, meadows, edges and copses, and it is suitable for completely different soil compositions - wet, dry, clayey, sandy, etc. However, despite the fact that white cinquefoil grass is quite unpretentious, today it is almost impossible to find it in natural conditions. The rapid development of agriculture and forestry led to a large decline in this species, as well as many other representatives of the fauna. Today, white cinquefoil is classified as a rare plant, but since it is endowed with, one might say, unique healing properties, people are not going to forget about it. That is why they are currently trying to breed it artificially.

Preparation of white cinquefoil

Most often, the rhizome and root of white cinquefoil are used for medicinal purposes. It is these parts of the plant that have the greatest medicinal properties. They are usually harvested in the fall, after the stems have withered. This is due to the fact that cinquefoil, in preparation for a long winter, accumulates useful substances in the roots, and during this period their concentration reaches a maximum. Moreover, the rhizomes of plants that have reached 3-4 years are considered the most valuable.

After digging, the rhizomes are cleaned of thin roots and dirt, thoroughly washed and dried. Properly collected and prepared raw materials can be stored without losing their properties for up to three years.

The ground parts of the cinquefoil are also used for medicinal purposes, but much less frequently than the roots. Above-ground parts are usually collected during flowering and growing season and then dried.

Why is white cinquefoil useful?

Pentipal is a herb characterized by a unique combination of substances that make up its composition. It is rich in tannins, amino acids, glycosides, flavonoids, iridiodes, saponins. Its roots contain rutin, its leaves contain cyanidin and kaempferol, the plant contains a lot of iodine, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. One of the most valuable components present in cinquefoil is considered to be albinin, a recently discovered substance with thyroid-stimulating activity.

  • Crush twenty grams of roots with a hammer or grind in any other available way and place them in a bottle. Pour two hundred grams of vodka there and close the container with a lid. Place the bottle in a dark place for at least a month, shake it periodically during this time. When the product is ready, strain it and pour it into a convenient container. Take thirty drops, diluting them in a quarter glass of water, about twenty minutes before meals three times a day.

Infusion of white cinquefoil

Those who for some reason cannot tolerate alcohol infusions can be treated with an infusion of cinquefoil root. It also helps with all the above-mentioned problems with the body.

  • Grind a tablespoon of root, place it in a suitable container and steam with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the product in a towel or blanket and leave for six to eight hours (you can also use a thermos to prepare it). Take a couple of tablespoons four times a day, about twenty minutes before meals.

White cinquefoil is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. Botanical name: Potentilla alba. Generic name: Cinquefoil (Potentilla). Popular names: five-finger, five-finger, five-finger.

White cinquefoil is a herbaceous, perennial plant with a height of 8 to 25 cm. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. White cinquefoil root is a thickened rhizome, black-brown in color. The plant is covered with silky, appressed hairs. The leaves at the root are palmate, silky underneath, with 5 dark green leaflets, the stipules are lanceolate.

Flowering stems with 1 - 2 leaves bearing 3 to 5 flowers. Petals are white, notched, longer than the sepals. Leaves are shorter than sepals, linear-lanceolate. Stamens - 20. Fruits - hairy at the base. The plant blooms in spring and the first month of summer.

It is no coincidence that the cinquefoil was called white; it blooms profusely with white flowers, creating a white blanket noticeable from afar. Its flowers are similar to the color of wild strawberries; there are up to 10 - 15 of them on one peduncle. The root of cinquefoil, which grows in nature, is creeping and can reach 70 - 100 centimeters in length. The plant reproduces by divisions - shoots from the root.

White cinquefoil grows in Europe. The range extends from Central Europe to the Volga. The northern border corresponds to the north of Germany. This species is absent from the forests of Scandinavia, Finland and the British Isles. The western border runs through the Vosges and Ardennes. In the south - through the northern part of Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria through Ukraine, then to the middle reaches of the Volga.

Grows in a variety of soils from dry to moist, nutrient-poor, sandy and clayey. Prefers light, especially oak and pine forests, copses, edges and meadows, grassy slopes and shrubs.

There are several more cinquefoils, most often cinquefoil anserialis and cinquefoil erecta or galangal.

Collection and preparation of white cinquefoil:

In folk medicine, the entire plant, leaves, flowers and roots are used. Leaves and flowers can be cut throughout the season, and roots can be dug in early spring or late fall.

Spread in a thin layer on fabric, the cinquefoil raw material is dried in the shade in the air, possibly in well-ventilated rooms. The rhizomes are well cleaned from the ground and the roots are removed. (only rhizomes without roots are harvested).

Composition and medicinal properties of white cinquefoil

The unique value of the plant lies in the fact that, despite its apparent fragility, it contains almost the entire periodic table of micro and macroelements. Therefore, when using cinquefoil, first of all, mineral and salt metabolism in the body is normalized, then the hormonal balance is leveled, as a result of which the metabolic processes of the entire body return to normal.

As you can see, white cinquefoil has the power of a giant, which is capable of stopping the development of any tumor process.

White cinquefoil contains tannins - gallotanin (its maximum content during the flowering period), phenol carboxylic acids, saponins, starch, iridoids, flavonoids - rutin (in leaves - quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin), elemental iodine, a large number of trace elements - Mn, Cu, Zn, Ce, Fe, Co, Si, Al. The underground part of the plant contains more biologically active substances than the aboveground part.

Preparations from the aerial part of the plant stimulate the central nervous system, and extracts from the root of the plant even out the hormonal balance in the body, normalize thyroid function and enhance diuresis, and are used to prevent or treat diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, in particular , stomach ulcers, for gout, rheumatism, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, as a slightly lowering blood pressure, astringent, antiseptic and wound-healing and hemopathic, antitumor agent.

It is also known that white cinquefoil exhibits antibacterial activity, promotes the resorption of soft tumors, nodular formations, and improves the structure of hair and nails.

These features make it possible to use white cinquefoil with great success for the treatment of thyroid goiter. In parallel with the treatment of any disease with cinquefoil preparations, the following changes always occur: nails stop peeling, hair stops splitting and breaking, it acquires a rich shine.

The use of white cinquefoil root is of particular importance in areas with a high incidence of thyroid diseases among the population, in regions with iodine deficiency in nature.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine

Tincture of white cinquefoil roots in vodka

50 g of dry roots (must be crushed with a hammer) are placed in a glass container and poured with 500 ml of vodka, sealed with a lid. Infuse in a dark place for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally, and filter. 30 minutes before meals, take 20-30 drops 3 times a day. per day, diluted in a small amount of water. The dosage is selected individually. The tincture is used to treat all of the above diseases.

Infusion of white cinquefoil

One and a half tablespoons of a mixture of dry crushed roots and dry crushed white cinquefoil herb, taken equally per glass (200 ml) of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours, filter. 30 minutes before meals, take from one to three tablespoons per dose of 2-3 r. per day when treating the thyroid gland. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

Infusion of white cinquefoil herb

2 tablespoons of dry crushed herbs per glass (200 ml) of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours, filter. 30 minutes before meals, take a third to half a glass of 3-4 rubles. per day to lower blood pressure. The pressure drops to normal. It is recommended to prepare infusions using melt water.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of therapeutic dose in the treatment of thyroid diseases (the dosage is individual, selected by the doctor, depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient’s heart). For children, the dose is reduced by 2 times.

If necessary, treatment of chronic diseases (including thyroid diseases) is carried out in courses - 3-4 weeks - admission, 2 months - break. Preparations of white cinquefoil are non-toxic.

Contraindications for white cinquefoil are low blood pressure.

is a rather rare plant. It is found only in the wild. This plant belongs to the Rosaceae family, genus Cinquefoil. People call it five-fingered, five-fingered, five-ringed. A perennial herbaceous plant, cinquefoil grows in height from 8 to 25 cm. The root is thickened, black-brown in color. The entire plant is covered with hairs, the leaves of the cinquefoil are palmate and silky underneath, with five dark green leaflets. Peduncles have 1-2 leaves and bear 3-5 flowers. The flowers have white petals. Thanks to the color of the flowers, the plant got its name - white cinquefoil. Flowering continues from spring to the first month of summer.

This plant has a number of unique properties. It can cure and improve the condition of a number of diseases. How and why this happens will become known after becoming familiar with the composition of the plant and its effect on the body.

Chemical composition of white cinquefoil

The chemical composition of white cinquefoil includes almost all elements of the periodic table and other useful substances:

  • trace elements – Zn, Mn, Si, Cu, Ce, Al, Fe, Co;
  • gallotannin – its highest content is observed during the flowering period;
  • saponins;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • iridoids;
  • flavonoids such as rutin, cyanidin, kaempferol, quercetin;
The underground part of the plant contains more biologically active substances than the aboveground part.

What diseases is white cinquefoil effective for?

White cinquefoil has various indications for use. It is effective for the following diseases:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • liver diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • jaundice;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery.

The plant has the effect of slightly lowering blood pressure. Also, white cinquefoil has found use as an antiseptic, astringent, wound-healing, and antitumor agent. This plant promotes the resorption of nodular formations, soft tumors, and has a beneficial effect on the structure of hair and nails.

Important!In regions where there is an increase in thyroid diseases among the population, in areas with iodine deficiency in nature, the use of white cinquefoil root is of particular importance.

Fivepalm is also a good diuretic that does not irritate the kidneys. Used as a pain reliever. The plant reduces capillary permeability and constricts blood vessels. It has expectorant properties and is used for colds.

Preparations based on white cinquefoil

Various preparations are made from white cinquefoil. Those made from the aerial parts of the plant stimulate the central nervous system. Various kinds of extracts and extracts from the root are effective in balancing the hormonal balance of the body. Normalization of thyroid function, increased diuresis, prevention and treatment of liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism and others.

Important!The use of any drug containing white cinquefoil is accompanied by an improvement in the condition of nails and hair. Hair gains shine, ends don’t split, and nails stop peeling.

Due to its properties, cinquefoil is included in medications that help cope with various diseases.

White cinquefoil is effective for the thyroid gland and is an active component in the preparations Alba and Endorm. These drugs are effective for thyroid pathologies - hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis. Also used for the treatment of thyroid hyperplasia, diffuse non-toxic goiter, nodular and multinodular goiter.

White cinquefoil extract is a drug in liquid form that is effective in treating stomach ulcers, lowering blood pressure in hypertension, accelerating the recovery process after strokes and heart attacks, increasing potency, and getting rid of radionuclides. It also increases immunity, improves various types of metabolism, and improves hormonal levels. Taking the extract improves your well-being.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine

White cinquefoil has been popular in folk medicine for a very long time. First of all, it is used to treat diseases of the endocrine system - hypo- and hyperthyroid conditions. It is used to replenish iodine deficiency, for ulcers on the skin, hemorrhoids, weeping eczema, gastrointestinal diseases, hepatitis, vascular and heart diseases.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine occurs in the form of decoctions, tinctures, ointments, and they also take baths with it.

Preparation of tincture of white cinquefoil

There are several recipes that can be used to prepare white cinquefoil tincture.

  • White cinquefoil tincture. To prepare, take 1.5 tablespoons of a mixture of dry ground roots and plant herbs. Combine with 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Strain the infusion. Take it half an hour before meals in the amount of 1-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day to treat the thyroid gland.
  • Tincture of white cinquefoil roots in vodka. For this, take 50 g of dried roots, previously crushed. In a glass container, fill them with vodka in an amount of 500 ml, close tightly with a lid. Leave the mixture in a dark place for four weeks, shaking occasionally. After this, strain and you can take it. Reception is carried out by diluting the tincture in water, 20-30 drops.
  • Tincture of white cinquefoil herb. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped dry herbs and combine with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours and strain, after which you can take the tincture to normalize blood pressure.

Did you know? It is recommended to prepare pentapalnik tinctures using melt water.

Preparation of a decoction of white cinquefoil

To prepare a decoction of cinquefoil you will need crushed plant root - 1 teaspoon and 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes over low heat and let it brew for 40 minutes. After which the broth is filtered and taken when cooled 1-1.5 hours before meals.

A decoction is also made from the seeds of the plant. Take 1 teaspoon of them, pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled, filtered and taken half a glass twice a day for gynecological diseases.

Preparation of ointment from white cinquefoil

In order to prepare ointment from white cinquefoil, you need to take 5 g of the crushed root of the plant and pour 200 g of melted pork fat or butter into it. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, maintaining a low simmer, then strain.

The ointment helps with joint inflammation, osteochondrosis, and radiculitis. It is applied to sore spots in the form of compresses or simply rubbed in.

Relaxing herbal baths with cinquefoil

To relieve nervous tension, baths with white cinquefoil herb are practiced. Such baths will help cope with overwork; they add a decoction of a mixture of herbs: white cinquefoil, mint, lemon balm, nettle, yarrow, knotweed. Taking such baths helps overcome insomnia, chronic fatigue, tension and a decrease in the overall tone of the body.

You can also take baths with the addition of a decoction of only pentipala.

Preparation and storage of cinquefoil

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used - the rhizome of white cinquefoil, seeds, flowers, leaves. For harvesting, plants are used that are three or four years old, when they have accumulated enough albinin, a substance with thyroid-stimulating activity.

The seeds of the plant ripen in June-July, after which they fall off easily. You need to have time to collect them before they fall off and place them in a box for storage in a dry place.

The herbaceous part along with flowers is harvested from late spring to late summer. For drying, place it in the open air under a canopy in a layer 3-5 cm thick. During the drying process, the raw materials must be carefully mixed. Store in boxes for two years.