How often should your dog be treated for worms? Treatment of dogs for helminths. How to give your dog a deworming tablet

Both street and apartment dwellers may need anthelmintic drugs for dogs. Pet owners are mistaken when they think that the dog that lives with them in the apartment cannot have worms. Most people think the same and are deeply mistaken. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 dogs that live in an apartment have worms.


Why does it seem at first that it is not so easy to remove worms from a dog? Worm eggs are covered with a special shell that even gastric juice. After the eggs enter the body, they turn into larvae and can “walk” throughout all organs. They infect every organ in their path.

This signals that you need to urgently treat your pet.

Important points

Anti-worm medications for dogs are presented in various forms. It can be a suspension, drops or tablets. Any owner can begin treatment after choosing a deworming remedy for dogs. Signs that indicate that treatment needs to be started urgently include: characteristic symptoms infection.

But this does not mean that you need to immediately give puppies and adult dogs all medications in a row. Don't forget about a number of important rules:

  • for puppies whose age does not exceed 1.5 months, are contraindicated medications;
  • anthelmintic drug is administered before pregnancy;
  • It is not recommended to remove worms if dogs have fleas and ticks.

The most popular means

The most popular deworming medications for dogs are available in tablet form. Treatment with their help begins only after the animal has withstood special diet. It is better to give the medicine in the morning, while observing the dosage.

Veterinarians have compiled a list of the most effective medicines from worms for dogs. Experienced owners animals only confirm their results after application. So, the best dewormers for dogs.


This drug is effective in the fight against helminths and is suitable for adult dogs and small puppies. Tablets from French manufacturer are given according to the prescribed dosage. They can be crushed for better swallowing by the dog. They allow you to remove worms in a short period of time.


Deworming of dogs with Pratel is carried out only once. Small tablets yellow color are very toxic to the body and can cause various side effects.

Thanks to its wide spectrum of action, the drug almost instantly shows good result. Pratel can be given with food, after crushing the tablet to a powder.


To get rid of worms, you can also give your dog Prazicide. The drug is suitable both for primary treatment and as prophylaxis. It is administered to the animal only once. Prazicide can be mixed with food or dissolved in water. Prazicide can only be given in liquid form forcibly.

To introduce the drug into the dog’s body, you need to hold it and, with its mouth open, inject it into the root of the tongue from a syringe.

Drontal plus

Drontal plus - medicine wide range actions. It must be injected into the dog’s mouth at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. The drug can be given together with food in crushed form. To a little puppy Drontal plus is forced into the mouth.

The action of the medicine is directed against worms. It is very convenient to use, as it does not require adherence to a specific diet or use of laxatives. For the purpose of prevention, you can drink it every 3 months. It is necessary to introduce it into the body before soldering and vaccination.

A few more good drugs

Unfortunately, there is no universal trick on how to choose the best anthelmintic drugs. If a medicine works for one pet, it may not have any effect on another. When choosing a medicine, the weight, age, breed and even the character of the pet are taken into account.

Drugs that destroy helminths can be presented in the form of drops and suspensions.


Drontal Junior

Drontal Junior is a broad-spectrum drug. Presented in the form of a suspension. It can be given to small puppies as young as two weeks old. The medicine is well administered into the body due to its sweetish taste. Dosage – 1 ml per 1 kg of weight. For better swallowing of the medicine, it is recommended to go on a fasting diet before giving it to the baby.

For prevention, Drontal Junior is given at the age of 4 to 6 months. The substances in the medicine immobilize the worms, and after some time they are eliminated from the body.


Advocate – drops for dogs. An anthelmintic for dogs is used only once for treatment and once a month for prevention. The product is easy to use, since you don’t need to think about how to introduce it into the body. You just need to apply a few drops to the withers.

Criteria for choosing a medicine

You can cure your pet by various means. These can be drops, suspensions or tablets. The owner's choice is influenced various factors. Area of ​​residence, weight and age are taken into account.

For every owner there is the best remedy, which they have already tested and noted its effectiveness. It does not matter which remedy is chosen - drops or tablets. It's important to stick to a few simple rules.

  1. Before purchasing, find out as much as possible about existing drugs. You can consult with people who have a dog of the same breed.
  2. Study reviews of the drug from other users on the Internet.
  3. The drug for deworming dogs should only be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. You should pay attention to the expiration date and try to make sure that it is not a fake.
  4. Before you start administering the drug, carefully study the instructions. Act only according to it and do not neglect the recommendations.
  5. A deworming product for dogs should have as little side effects. At this stage, the breed of the pet is taken into account.
  6. It is important to approach the treatment itself correctly. Since there is no universal drug that will remove all types of worms, if possible, it is recommended to get tested. This will greatly facilitate the healing process.


Deworming dogs is a process that requires care and precision from the pet owner. It is possible to rid your pets of worms even with a massive infestation.

If you look after your pet like a person, he will always be active and cheerful.

How and what to give your dog for worms?

Those who keep dogs are well aware that this moment their pet wants to: play, eat, go for a walk. But there is something that no one, even the best dog breeder, can understand. It's about about helminths. Or rather, about how to understand when a dog has become infected with worms. This is the most common disease in pets, and if nothing is done, the animal can be lost.

Signs of infection

The following symptoms will indicate that your puppy has contracted worms:

  1. The animal hiccups after eating.
  2. He has difficulty swallowing.
  3. I began to suffer from skin diseases.
  4. I lost my appetite, although there is no reason for this.
  5. Vomiting appeared. Moreover, with severe infection, worms can be seen in the vomit.
  6. The chair became unstable.
  7. The general condition of the animal worsened.

Where can a dog get infected?

Everywhere! Worm eggs are found:

  1. On the area where dogs are walked.
  2. On the grass.
  3. In feces left by infected animals.
  4. On the sole of a shoe.

How often should pets be treated for helminths?

The frequency of deworming of puppies depends on the conditions in which they are raised. If puppies, for example, live in a city apartment, they are usually taken outside after they are 3 months old and treated with:

  1. At 3 weeks.
  2. At 5 weeks.
  3. Half a month before the puppy is vaccinated for the second time.
  4. At 6 months.
  5. Then every three months.

Adult pets need to be treated every six months. Every time - twice. The break between taking medications is 12-15 days. This is necessary due to the fact that any medicine effectively destroys only adult worms. Two weeks after taking the tablets, those individuals that were in the egg phase during treatment will turn into adults, but immature individuals. If you give the dog pills at this time, the helminths will die without having time to lay eggs.

Types and administration of medications

The products produced have different dosage form. Thanks to this you can buy:

  1. Tablets, powders or suspensions intended for oral use.
  2. Medicine for injection.
  3. Drops for external use (they are applied to the withers).

Experts recommend giving deworming medicine by mixing it with food. Moreover, it is advisable to take non-dry food, and not a large number of wet. Often the pet refuses to eat food with medicine. In this case, you will have to force the puppy to swallow the pill. To do this, you need to put it in the puppy's mouth.

Calculation the right dose very easy to do. Yes, for adult For every kilogram of weight you need 1.5 mg of medication.

Anthelmintic drugs

In order to properly treat your pet, you need to know not only the treatment regimen, but also the types of worms that affect dogs, as well as drugs that can effectively fight against helminths. What anthelmintic drugs for adult dogs and puppies are considered the most effective? About this and we'll talk below.


These are tablets for getting rid of helminths. Available in 1200 and 300 mg. Taken orally. The most active component The medicine is pyrantel. The drug can be given to puppies when they are 2 weeks old. Adult animals need to take the drug against helminthiasis once every six months. The product is also approved for females who feed puppies.

Febtal combo

It is the most effective and most easily tolerated remedy for helminths. The drug is effective against worms different types, affects not only adults, but also their larvae. Can be given to adults, including pregnant animals. Each tablet is calculated:

  1. For 1.5 kg of an adult animal.
  2. For a puppy weighing about 3 kg.

The drug should be given in the morning, mixed with food. Before giving the tablet to the puppy, it must be crushed. If calculated correctly, side effects are usually not observed. For preventive purposes, you can give medicine to animals quarterly, but not earlier than a month before vaccination.

Drontal plus

The anthelmintic agent is available in tablets. Effective against the following types of worms:

  1. Trichocephalosis.
  2. Diphyllobothriasis.
  3. Echonococcosis.

Main active ingredients:

  1. Fibantel.
  2. Praziquantel.

The drug requires calculation correct dosage. So, for every 10 kg of your pet’s weight you need to use one tablet. For puppies weighing less than 2 kilograms, no more than a quarter of the tablet should be given. Due to the fact that Drontal Plus is available in meat flavor, there is usually no question of how to give this medicine to your pet.

Side effects are extremely rare and can include:

  1. Abnormal stool.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Nausea.


The product is made in France and is used against tapeworms and roundworms. It can only be given to adults, including pregnant animals. One tablet is used per 1 kg of weight. No diet or laxatives are needed.

Active ingredients of the drug:

  1. Praziquantel.
  2. Milbemycin.

Side effects are not excluded. They may appear as:

  • paresis;
  • uneven gait.

If this occurs, then before giving your pet next dose, you should consult your veterinarian.


The drug is a combined anthelmintic. Effective against nematodes, cestodes. For adult pets, a tablet form of the drug is suitable, which should be given to the pet after morning feeding. Calculation – 1 tablet per 1 kg. For preventive purposes, pets need to be given the drug every 3 months.

You can buy a suspension for puppies, but experts do not recommend giving it to babies who are not yet two months old.

Main active ingredients:

  1. Pirantel.
  2. Fenbendazole.
  3. Pamoat.

If you treat puppies correctly and in a timely manner and monitor their condition, then you don’t have to be afraid that helminthiasis will harm their health and the health of the owners themselves.

It's worth reading

It is a common belief that people most often suffer from worms stray dogs, is fundamentally wrong. Without appropriate prevention, the risk of infection in domestic and stray animals is almost equal.

There is also a connection between immune system animal and the possibility of infection. Pets with low immunity more susceptible to helminthic infestations.

Many people are interested in the question: can a person become infected with worms from an animal? Some varieties of worms get along well in human body and are most often found in children. This is another reason to take preventive measures.

Infection with helminths can occur in two ways:

Almost all owners of four-legged friends, especially dogs, are interested in the question: is it possible to independently determine whether a pet has worms or not?

In fact, there are a number of signs that allow you to find out, and the symptoms depend on the type of pathogen and the extent of the damage.

The main symptoms of helminth damage are as follows:

The behavior of an animal during helminthic infestations may also change. Tapeworms cause pain syndrome– the animal becomes agitated, very often pets feel itching in the anus and try to get rid of it, as if dragging their butts along the ground.

A noticeable decrease in the pet’s activity should alert the owner that the animal may be infected with hookworm or whipworm.

Also in this case, it becomes difficult for the pet to breathe, or, conversely, breathing becomes too frequent. The danger is that when similar symptoms the animal cannot be saved.

For timely detection, we can only recommend regularly seeking diagnostics from a veterinary service.

As for puppies, all the listed symptoms apply to them too. If your baby's fur has lost its shine, he has stopped being active and gaining weight, you should immediately contact a veterinarian without waiting for more serious symptoms to appear.

What drugs to choose for deworming

Of course, any symptoms of helminthic infestation are a reason to seek treatment. medical care. And here self-treatment not recommended, as you may not only fail to achieve positive results, but also aggravate the pet’s condition.

For puppies similar drugs are prescribed only taking into account age, the most common of them are:

Effective anthelmintics suitable for adult dogs include the following:

Prevention of worms in dogs

You don't have to choose on your own prophylactic, it will be better if a professional does it. Medicines are purchased exclusively from specialized pharmacies and pet stores. It is strictly necessary to comply with the terms and conditions of storage.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility, this will reduce the pet’s ability to eat something from the ground, look into street trash bins, and communicate with homeless relatives.

The pet should not be allowed to communicate with wild animals or come into contact with carrion and feces. You need to be especially vigilant towards dogs, which, due to their natural instincts, roll around in carrion and feces in order to remove their own smell.

When walking, it is better to stay away from places with high humidity and an abundance of insects, including mosquitoes. Preventive measures need to be reinforced by maintaining cleanliness in the home. The floor must be washed daily with detergent, use disinfectants two to three times a week. This is especially important for the place where outdoor shoes are left.

All dog accessories must be washed, and the bed must be washed regularly. Since helminthic eggs can be in food products, meat and fish should be purchased in stores, and under no circumstances at street markets. It can be frozen before serving, this will reduce the risk of infection. It is recommended that all by-products be subjected to thorough heat treatment. By adhering to simple rules, the owner will protect his beloved pet from helminthic infections.

Deworming is a set of measures for the treatment of helminthiases and protection from contamination by eggs and larvae of helminths (worms). Many pet owners are concerned about the question of whether their pet needs deworming and how to carry it out correctly? The animal must be dewormed regularly:

- if the animal is fed commercial food and lives in an apartment (and does not walk outside) - then it is enough to deworm it twice a year (in spring and autumn);

- if the animal is fed domestically or raw food(meat, fish, offal, vegetables) - then deworming is carried out once a quarter (every three months), this also applies to animals that eat industrial feed, but are walked;

In addition, it is necessary to carry out deworming in the following cases:

females must be dewormed before mating 10-12 days and 10 days before giving birth;

If before mating and giving birth the female was not given anthelmintic, then the cubs need to get rid of worms no earlier than 21 days after birth;

Puppies and kittens are dewormed at 3 weeks, then before each vaccination (this is necessary so that the body is not weakened by helminth toxins and develops strong immunity to the vaccine) at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 6 months;

In adult animals, the presence of worms is outwardly invisible, but in puppies and kittens helminthic infestation may cause death.

If a puppy is vomiting helminths, this indicates that the animal is highly infested; in this case, deworming must be carried out under the supervision of your attending veterinarian. Moreover, the first dose of anthelmintic is prescribed less than the norm, since during deworming, dead helminths release an exotoxin, which can negatively affect your pet (up to fatal outcome).

The Russian market has a large number of anthelmintic drugs ( Drontal, Drontal Junior for puppies, Milbemax, Kanikquantel Plus, Stronghold, Cestal, Prazicide, Prazitel, etc.) the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the pet, the release form (tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers) should be chosen by the owners themselves for the convenience of administering the drug. Animal owners need to understand that if protozoa (Giardia, isospora, etc.) are detected in their pets, they need to consult a veterinarian, since these diseases cannot be treated with anthelmintics.

P.S. Helminths infect not only animals, but also people: both adults and children. Some of them can lead to human death (echinococcus multilocularis - alveococcus). Regular deworming is simply necessary for a person. This reduces the amount of toxins in the body and has a beneficial effect on health. Vermox is considered the most gentle for the human body. Take care of yourself and your pets!

Materials used from the site

It is safe to say that most dogs that have not been dewormed are infected with worms. Helminth infections often occur virtually asymptomatically or unnoticed by an incompetent or careless dog owner.

But some worms in dogs are dangerous for humans. Indeed, if hygiene is not observed, some types of worms are transmitted from dogs to humans. For example, roundworms. Therefore, once or twice a year it is worth carrying out preventive deworming of your pet and protecting your family from the risk of infection.

Both adult dogs and puppies can become infected with it. Worms can settle in various internal organs and cause many diseases. First of all, they deplete the body, but can affect the brain, lungs, liver, hematopoietic organs, digestive system, leather, etc.

A puppy infected with worms does not grow well and is susceptible to various infections and often gets sick and may even die.

The hard way

In addition, not all helminths immediately settle in the intestines. For example, in nematodes, larvae hatching from eggs penetrate through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream and travel through the vessels to the lungs. There they grow. Then, when you cough, they leave the lungs and enter the esophagus again. Returning to the intestines, adult larvae transform into roundworms.

Is it dangerous!

Puppies and kittens suffer the most severe helminthiasis. Worms curl up in the tiny intestines, causing an obstruction. If you do not remove it in time, a rupture may occur.

Veterinarians recommend deworming every quarter.

Moreover, it is more convenient to do this not strictly according to the calendar, but to associate it with certain moments in the life of the animal. For example, a dog can be given anthelmintic drugs after estrus twice a year, as well as at the beginning and end of the summer season.

But there are circumstances when deworming should be carried out, even if the previous one was performed not so long ago. Prevention against worms must be carried out 10 days before the female is mated, as well as a week before and after birth. Newborn babies are wormed monthly until they reach 3-6 months. And finally, deworming treatment must be carried out two weeks before vaccination.

Symptoms of worms in dogs and puppies

How to determine if a dog has worms? There are a number of signs that can indicate with almost 100% probability that an animal has helminths:

Prevention should be calculated so that it occurs 10 days before annual vaccination, as well as for the bitch before mating and then 2-3 weeks after giving birth.

Tablets for dogs against worms, other medicine and preparations

In earlier times, the deworming procedure was more complicated than it is now. The dog was not fed for 24 hours before using the medicine. And for greater effect, they also gave laxatives. Now, to completely defeat worms, a single dose of the product is enough without any auxiliary procedures. And within 24 hours almost all the worms die.

Universal medications are used for regular prevention of helminthiasis. And specialized products are prescribed by a veterinarian based on the results laboratory tests which are carried out in case of severe infection.

For puppies should be used special drugs by age, since some drugs cannot be given to puppies at all. It is also important to carefully observe the dosage, since exceeding it not only causes toxicosis, but can also lead to the death of the puppy.

Preparations and tablets specifically for worms in puppies:

  • Drontal Junior,
  • Prazitel,
  • Dirofen.

For adult dogs, the following medications are chosen:

  • Azinox plus,
  • Drontsit,
  • Vermox,
  • Helminthal,
  • Kanikvantel and others.

The success of deworming cannot be judged by the presence or absence of worms in the feces. Therefore, if the instructions for the drug recommend using it repeatedly, you must follow this prescription. It is better not to mix the tablet into food; the dog may refuse to eat if it smells a different smell. The tablet should be placed deep on the root of the dog’s tongue and immediately.

For a puppy, you can crush the tablet and separate the required part of the powder according to the baby’s weight, dissolve it in water and insert it into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.

Forms of preparations for worms in dogs

Modern remedies for worms in dogs not only act quickly, but also have an easy-to-use form. For example, medications for dogs are available in the form of sugar cubes.

When deworming yourself, remember the contraindications. For example, the same drops on the withers are not suitable for pregnant, weakened and newborn animals, as well as for pets with kidney and liver diseases.

Monitor the dosage carefully. Most drugs are safe: if you give just a little more medicine, nothing will happen to the pet. But if the animal receives a dose less than necessary, then the therapy may be ineffective.

In general, often when deworming old and weakened pets, more soft drugs or herbal medicines. In this case, the worms die gradually, which means that the risk of intestinal blockage when they exit is reduced. Sometimes oil-based laxatives are also used to help such animals.

When it's serious

Weight loss with normal nutrition and allergies, nervous behavior, dull coat, poor appetite, gastrointestinal upset - all this appears with severe infection. In addition, these symptoms may indicate other diseases.

This applies to everyone

Sometimes after treatment you have to do repeated deworming. This is due to the peculiarities of the life cycle of worms. Medicines act only on adult individuals, and do not affect larvae, which may be located in other organs.

  • What you need to know about helminthiasis in dogs?
  • How to properly deworm dogs?
    • How are puppies wormed?
    • What drugs are used to treat puppies?
    • What medications are preferable for adult dogs?
    • It is important to know!
  • Prevention of helminthic infestation in dogs

The dog's body is the definitive host for most worms. Many types of helminths are also dangerous for humans, especially for children. The carelessness of some animal lovers costs their families dearly. Conscientious breeders are well aware of the importance timely prevention and treatment of pets under the supervision of a veterinarian who will help you choose the right remedy from worms for dogs.

What you need to know about helminthiasis in dogs?

  1. decreased or, conversely, increased, sometimes perverted appetite;
  2. poor weight gain, puppies grow poorly, they develop rickets;
  3. dull coat, may fall out in places;
  4. bloating, especially in puppies;
  5. unstable stool - constipation or frequent diarrhea with particles of blood and mucus;
  6. often hiccups, unexpected vomiting after eating;
  7. lethargic behavior, the dog gets tired quickly;
  8. decreased immunity, the addition of various infections;
  9. pallor, yellowness of mucous membranes;
  10. allergic diseases (dermatitis and other skin manifestations);
  11. difficulty swallowing food, cough;
  12. the dog crawls on the floor on its butt due to severe anal itching;
  13. detection of worms in feces or vomit upon visual inspection.

If you suspect possible infection It is recommended to monitor the animal and submit stool tests to the laboratory three times daily. At strong degrees infestation, the dog develops anemia, it can happen intestinal obstruction, occur mechanical damage and rupture of the intestines, which will lead to the inevitable death of the animal. If some of the listed symptoms It is necessary to contact a specialist for anthelmintic treatment.

The most common helminthic infestations in dogs in our country are toxocariasis and toxascariasis (from the group of nematodes), dipylidiosis (from the group of cestodiases). In the northern regions of Russia, opisthorchiasis from the group of trematodes is found. Ascariasis is dangerous for people.

How to properly deworm dogs?

Deworming tablets for dogs or medicine in another form are prescribed for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Prevention is the only method of reducing or avoiding the risk of an animal becoming infected with worms. Treatment with tablets, suspension or drops on the withers is carried out for young and adult dogs according to schemes taking into account age characteristics and type of worms. The funds are widely represented in veterinary pharmacies, the price may vary slightly in different regions of Russia.

How are puppies wormed?

For getting healthy offspring from purebred dogs need to give necessary medicine bitch before mating. Deworming of newborn puppies begins for the first time at two weeks of age, then repeats after 2 or 4 weeks and then follows the veterinarian’s recommendations, be sure to give an anthelmintic 14 days before vaccination.

What drugs are used to treat puppies?

1. Drontal Junior – effective against nematodes ( Toxocara canis– the most common causative agent of diseases in dogs in Russia). The drug is dosed at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of dog weight, the suspension is mixed with a small amount of food or forcibly injected into the mouth using a syringe dispenser. It is advisable to give the drug on an empty stomach once without using a laxative. Prevention is carried out at the age of 14 days, then once a month until six months or according to another scheme as prescribed by a veterinarian.

2. Dirofen – suspension and tablets, effective remedy when puppies and kittens are infected with nematodes and cestodes. The recommended dose is 1 ml of suspension or 1 tablet per 1 kilogram of animal weight. Apply once in the morning on an empty stomach with a small amount food or injected into the mouth with a dispenser syringe. A laxative is not required. For the purpose of prevention, it is used at the same time as drontal.

It should be noted that it is necessary to follow some simple rules for greater effectiveness of dog deworming:

Preventive measures come down to several basic principles:

Responsibility for all those who are tamed lies entirely with the owners of the animals.

Compliance with simple rules of prevention and timely treatment- a guarantee of the health of pets and all members of the dog breeders’ family.


How to find out that your dog has worms and start treatment on time?

Why are helminthiasis dangerous for dogs?

All dogs are susceptible to helminth infection. age groups, regardless of breed. Worm infestations are especially dangerous for small puppies under the age of three to four months, animals with a weakened immune system, older dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches.

Severe helminthic infestation can cause serious pathologies and diseases. Injured tissues become a “gateway” for penetration pathogenic flora. Feeding on blood, lymph, nutrients, entering the body of animals, worms deprive the owner vital energy, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

For puppies, decorative dogs, miniature breeds helminthiasis can cause death. IN veterinary practice There are known cases where, for example, worms in a Yorkie caused the death of a loved one pet. For this reason, dog owners and breeders must promptly deworm their four-legged friends.

Infection with helminths is possible in a transplacental manner. Newborn puppies become infected with worms while inside the womb. For this reason, before mating, it is recommended to worm the bitch no later than a month before the planned event.

Types of worms in dogs

  • flat tapeworms(cestodes);
  • roundworms (nematodes);
  • flukes (trematodes).

Each of the above types of helminths has its own characteristics, structure, causes certain diseases with characteristic symptoms, localized in certain organs.

Lung, subcutaneous, liver, and heart helminths are no less dangerous for dogs and other animals. Lungworms (roundworms, esophageal helminths) can migrate with the bloodstream throughout the body, localizing in the most favorable places, the organs of the respiratory tract. Animals suddenly lose weight, pneumonia and bronchitis develop, and growth and development slow down in young dogs and puppies. Helminths violate the integrity of tissues and provoke internal bleeding.

Heartworms, cardiohelminths, are localized in the arteries, aorta, atrium, and right ventricle. Most dangerous disease dogs have dirofilariasis. The carriers of heartworm larvae are blood-sucking insects - fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes. The main clinical symptoms of helminthic infestations caused by cardiohelminths include severe intoxication of the body, lethargy, shortness of breath, fatigue, disruption of the central and peripheral systems.

Symptoms of helminthiases

  • general exhaustion, lethargy, apathy, decreased activity;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • weight loss, slowdown in growth, development;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of favorite treats, difficulty swallowing;
  • vomit, frequent attacks nausea, diarrhea followed by constipation, flatulence;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes.

Dogs are diagnosed allergic reactions, dermatitis ( skin diseases). Animals often “ride their butts”, trying to relieve the itching in their anus. Coughing attacks, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing are noted. Cough is most often caused by pulmonary types helminths, roundworms.

In puppies, helminthiasis is manifested by bloating, noticeably protruding ribs, rickets, slow development, absence, or vice versa. increased appetite. Worms in puppies can cause food deviations. Dogs begin to eat inedible objects. Even with a normal appetite, the dog does not gain weight and becomes inactive. The dog looks lethargic, gets tired quickly, and reacts poorly to external stimuli.

It should be noted that the symptoms of helminthiasis may be similar to clinical manifestations infectious, viral, respiratory diseases. It is quite difficult to determine whether a dog has worms on your own. In case of deterioration general condition, the appearance of the first clinical symptoms, immediately show your pet for preventive examination to the veterinary clinic.

Treatment and prevention of helminthiasis in dogs

To treat helminthic infestations and worms in dogs, anthelmintic drugs are used, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian based on the diagnostic data obtained. Universal antihelminthics does not exist, so it is very important to determine what type of helminths your pet is infected with.

Anthelmintics and tablets at home are given to dogs in the morning, 30-40 before feeding the pet. For adult dogs, the tablet can be given along with their favorite treat. If the animal refuses to take the medicine, the tablet can be crushed into powder or placed on the root of the tongue, squeezing the jaws with your hands. Puppies are given antihelminthic suspensions. For puppies, you can also crush the tablet into powder, mix it with a small amount of water, and carefully pour it into the mouth with a syringe.

During treatment, after taking an anthelmintic, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dog’s condition. If immediately after taking the tablet the animal begins to vomit, it is necessary to give the pet an absorbent and immediately contact a veterinarian. Further treatment carried out strictly under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

To prevent worms in dogs, the same drugs are used as for treatment. Puppies are dewormed for the first time at the age of three months, two weeks before preventive vaccination. In the future, deworming should be carried out once a quarter, after consulting with veterinarian. It is optimal to worm your dog once every three to four months, strictly adhering to the indicated dosage.

If the pet looks healthy, there are no signs of helminthiasis infection, in for preventive purposes Antihelmintics can be given to dogs for worms once every five to six months.

When choosing anthelmintics read the instructions. Some deworming medications may be contraindicated in breeds such as Sheltie, Collie, Yorkshire terriers. During and after treatment, it is recommended to give dogs hepatoprotectors, sorbents (Enterosgel), since anthelmintics contain toxic substances.

For the health of your pet, it is important to monitor the dog’s diet, hygiene, provide proper care, optimal conditions content.

How to properly give a dog a deworming tablet?

  • Basic rules for deworming
  • How to give a dog a deworming tablet?
  • Video: how to give a dog a pill

Basic rules for deworming

Advice: you can vaccinate an animal 10-14 days after deworming.

To remove worms from humans, you need to use special drugs, for example, Vermox, Dekaris, Nemotsid, etc. They are different for animals and humans.

How to give a dog a deworming tablet?

You can read about how to properly administer a specific medicine in the instructions for it. The tablets are added to food, crushed into powder, or placed on the root of the tongue. For small puppies, they can be diluted in water and injected deep into the cheek using a syringe without a needle. Also, almost all drugs for worms are produced in the form of a suspension, and some - drops. This makes the method of giving the medicine much easier.

Advice: if the dog has a severe helminthic infestation, there are many helminths in the feces, the animal’s condition is poor, deworming should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It may be necessary to relieve intoxication additional measures(cleaning droppers, sorbents).

If you need the animal to swallow the tablet, you need to carefully fix it in one position, holding it by the chest. The pill is fixed with the index finger and thumb With one hand, with the other they take the dog by the muzzle and slightly tilt it back, opening the jaw slightly. Then, with your free finger, gently press on the root of the tongue, release the tablet, but do not push it down your throat. You need to hold the jaws a little and lightly stroke the dog on the neck to cause swallowing reflex. To make the medicine easier to swallow, the pill can be lubricated butter. How to give deworming pills to cats? They do it according to the same principle. You need to hold the animal either with its back to you or ask someone about it. Medicines for worms for cats are produced based on the same active ingredients, as for dogs - fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel, etc.

Advice: antihelminthic drugs should not be given to animals in the first half of pregnancy and to puppies up to 3 weeks.