How old do mongrels live? How many years do dogs live and what does it depend on? How many years do mongrels and purebred dogs live?

A dog almost always becomes an almost full-fledged member of the family. And the owners in this case are always interested in the life expectancy of the dogs. After all, losing a pet, for whom you become the center of the Universe, is very painful. Today we’ll talk about how long animals live and what their life expectancy depends on.

Choosing a puppy

If you decide to have a dog in your home, then choose not a puppy, but a breeder. Remember that babies are funny and affectionate, but not all of them can boast of good health. But it is this factor that determines how long the dog will be your most devoted friend.

A properly selected diet also plays a big role. High-quality food with a balanced composition will add a couple of years of happy life to your pet.

It is not only the individual who must lead. The dog is no exception in this regard. Long walks and good nutrition increase the lifespan of your pet. Veterinary examinations will help prevent the development of many fatal diseases for the animal.

What is the life expectancy of a homeless mongrel?

Street dogs, unfortunately, die before reaching old age. Many factors contribute to this. And this, first of all, is poor nutrition, since animals obtain food by rummaging in garbage containers.

A stray dog ​​is outdoors all year round, regardless of the time of year, and this also does not add to the dog’s health.

Dogs leading a street lifestyle get sick very often. Especially many animals die due to plague infection. This is a dangerous disease that causes the death of many people who are vaccinated against it.

A stray dog ​​is, as a rule, or it would be more correct to say, a mestizo, obtained from crossing different breeds. And the average number of years lived by a mestizo depends on the breed of his parents.

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

When choosing a future furry family member, you need to remember that appearance is not the most important thing. Purebred dogs, which have an appearance closest to natural anatomy, live longer than their outwardly non-standard relatives.

But there are exceptions to all rules. So, Chuhuahua babies are real long-livers. Their life expectancy reaches 15 years. Of course, it all depends on the owner and the conditions he creates for the dog.

A dog of the Akina Inu breed (the role of Hachiko was played by a dog of this particular breed) will delight the owner from 10 to 14 years.

Miniature toy terriers, which girls love to dress beautifully and carry with them everywhere, like a beautiful handbag, can live up to 15 years. But with proper care and good heredity, they sometimes set records, living up to 25 years.

Purebred Husky dogs, even at 14 years old, remain in excellent physical shape and can live for a full quarter of a century. But boxers have a rather short life - only 10 years.

Note to future owners

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the breeds that are closest to the natural appearance. So, a flat muzzle, huge eyes or crooked paws will add unusualness to the animal, but will shorten its life.

Life expectancy can also depend on such little things as eye color. Dogs with beautiful blue eyes may be completely deaf, and while walking, the dog will not be able to hear a car approaching him. The result is death.

How to extend the life of your pet

The lifespan of dogs depends primarily on the animal's diet. It is necessary to feed the dog correctly, and for this it is necessary to take into account the weight, age, and also the rhythm of his life.

As for the food itself (natural food and dry food), you need to consult a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then we must remember that a sudden transition from one type of food to another is unacceptable.

Sweets, fatty and fried foods are completely prohibited for dogs.

Long walks will also help extend the life of dogs. After all, movement is life. In addition, the animal will always be in good shape.

For a dog, the family in which it lives automatically becomes its pack. It is important that the animal does not feel like an outcast. Let your pet take part in your life: play with it, take it with you on vacation. The psychological state of the animal also plays an equally important role as good nutrition.

And, of course, a loving owner needs to monitor the health of his pet. The dog needs to be taken for preventive examinations to a veterinary clinic, vaccinated, etc.

Remember that representatives of large breeds already become real old people by the age of 7-8 years. But even at this age they love you no less than when they were puppies. Therefore, be just as attentive to them.

In general, you just need to love an animal - and then it will live a long and happy life.

People often get a dog without thinking about how long it can live. But the life of our beloved pets is very short, especially compared to ours. Sometimes real tragedies happen, because over time they become full-fledged members of the family, and their death deals a serious blow to the household, especially children. Let's try to figure out which dog lives for how many years. After all, it depends on the breed, the size of the animal, and living conditions.

We must know that this animal matures very quickly. directly depends on factors such as nutrition, environment, breed and predisposition to disease. And the opinion of some people that you can equate a dog’s age to a human’s by multiplying the first by seven is erroneous. It's not like that at all.

Let’s answer a specific question: “How many years does a dog live?” The average duration ranges from 12 to 15 years. Peak development occurs at 3-5 years. And old age for our beloved pets begins at 7 years. At the same time, their lifestyle changes. How it varies depends on the breed. Small animals prefer silence to games and try to sleep more. Hunters' hearing and sense of smell noticeably deteriorate. Males begin to experience all this affects their character, often for the worse.

Many people are interested in specific breeds of animals. For example, shepherd dogs? They are not long-livers; their average lifespan is 9-11 years. But small Chihuahuas live 15-17 years, lap dogs - 18-20. That is, the size of the animal and its breed are directly related to our question. It turns out that nature has allocated more time to small dogs than to large dogs.

To a large extent, how long the dog will please you depends on the conditions of detention. How many years he lives is determined at the beginning of his life’s journey. Care, care, provision of nutritious and high-quality nutrition - all this is of great importance.

Most often, pets leave this world without haste and fuss, quietly. But it happens that they become seriously ill and suffer greatly. In this case, it is recommended to euthanize the animal. This will only make things better for everyone. This is even to some extent our duty.

And now about how many years people live. We all understand, no. Mongrels are a community of dogs that consists of a variety of breeds. That's why they are all so diverse and different from each other. They differ in character, color, size. They have one thing in common - gratitude. After all the wanderings, the yard dog especially appreciates human participation.

How many years has she lived in her difficult conditions? The average physiological capabilities are no different from others - 9-12 years. Some centenarians, with normal nutrition and good conditions, live up to 20 years. But the majority of mongrels eat from garbage containers and have constant contact with sick relatives, and not only with them. As a result, dogs often suffer from distemper: just one contact is enough. Pets are vaccinated, but domestics are deprived of this, so they rarely live to old age.

When getting a small puppy, few people think about the fact that it won’t be that long, compared to human standards, when they have to say goodbye to their pet.

In order for an animal to live as long as possible, it needs to be looked after properly care for him and give him love and care.

So how many years do dogs live and what factors influence their lifespan? Let's try to figure this out.

If the age of the animal is converted to human parameters, the following data is obtained:

  • a one-month-old puppy corresponds to a six-month-old child;
  • two dog months are equal to 14 human months;
  • at 6 months the animal is as developed as a 5-year-old child;
  • one and a half years of a pet corresponds to 20 years of a person;
  • 2 years equals 24 human years;
  • 4 years are equal to 36 human years;
  • at 6 years old the animal is as developed as a 42-year-old person;
  • 8 years corresponds to 56 years;
  • 10 years is 65 human years;
  • 12 years equals 75 years;
  • at 14 years old, a dog is comparable to an 84-year-old person.

The animal develops most intensively in the first two years of life. The animal must be raised until the age of three. From this age he begins to mature. The dog has already formed its character and habits. This age is characterized by peak energy and intellectual capabilities.

Old age in a dog comes at age 8 – 9 years. The animal no longer becomes so active, so its daily routine should be adjusted. A dog of advanced age prefers to lie on a warm rug for a long time. She is no longer so willing to follow commands and play. Those pets who are over 14 – 15 years old, are considered long-lived. They need to be cared for, respected and treated with care.

How long do dogs live on average? It depends on the following factors.

Size and living conditions

Large breed dogs live on average about 10 – 12 years, but small breeds can please their owners for 14 – 15 years. This is explained by the fact that in small pets the heart wears out much more slowly, since it pumps a small volume of blood than the heart of large animals.

When a dog has no home and lives on the street, it has little chance of living for a very long time. The animal is surrounded by an aggressive environment and is constantly exposed to such unfavorable factors, How:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • dehydration;
  • various infections;
  • lack of food, etc.

Dogs live much longer at home, especially if their owners take proper care of them.

Features of appearance, weight and constitution

Sometimes a pet's unusual appearance affects its life expectancy. This is explained by the fact that some traits lead to a shortening of life as a result of the development of pathologies. Such appearance features include:

  • flattened muzzle;
  • shortened paws;
  • violation of body proportions;
  • very big eyes, etc.

The fatter and more massive the dog, the faster all its organs and systems begin to wear out. Excess body weight leads to a significant burden on the body, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems begin to suffer, which leads to a reduction in life expectancy.


When an animal’s diet is balanced, it receives all the necessary nutrients that it requires for the full development and normal functioning of the body. If a dog has to look for food on the street or eat what is left after the owners' meal, then it often develops a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements. The life expectancy of dogs is significantly reduced due to the consumption of sweets, fried, flour, and fatty foods. Their presence in the diet in large quantities can provoke the development of diseases such as obesity or diabetes.

Lifestyle and psychological environment

The dog should be kept active. To do this, you need to constantly walk with her, and for as long as possible, and train body and mind. Those pets that experience daily exercise live much longer than representatives of the same breed.

If a pet lives in a family whose members love each other, then he feels calm. But if loved ones constantly swear and even take their anger out on the dog, then it is constantly in a state of stress, which negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, automatically reducing life expectancy.

Pregnancy and care

When a dog gives birth too often, its body begins to wear out quickly. In order for her body to fully recover, it requires both at least six months. Due to frequent changes in the hormonal system, the health of the animal is weakened.

With proper and complete care, the animal lives much longer. In this case, this means not only proper nutrition, but also other actions, for example, timely vaccinations, preventive use of anthelmintics, etc.

Upbringing and heredity

If an animal is ill-mannered, it often behaves unrestrainedly. This can lead to an accident, such as being hit by a car or being injured during a fight with other animals. But if the pet is well-mannered, then it will always obey the owner and understand the boundaries of what is permitted, that will allow him to live much longer.

If the dog's parents were long-lived, then the animal itself will probably live quite a long time. But if mom and dad had diseases, then they can be passed on to their offspring at the genetic level. Therefore, when choosing a puppy, it is necessary to find out the health characteristics of its parents.

How long do mongrel dogs and purebred pets live? It is generally accepted that mongrels are more adapted to life, which is why live longer. But veterinarians do not notice any special differences.

According to doctors, on average, mongrels live as long as dogs at home. In addition, homeless animals suffer from unfavorable living conditions.

They eat inadequate food, are often hypothermic, experience chronic stress, do not receive medical help when necessary, and are constantly exposed to danger. With this lifestyle, homeless mongrels rarely live to see deep gray hairs.

How long do mongrel dogs live at home? On average, their life expectancy is the same as that of purebred animals. Basically, a mongrel is a mixture of different breeds. The animal’s body took something different from each breed. But these are not necessarily advantages. Mongrels also suffer from the disadvantages of a certain breed. The only difference is that due to the mixing of several breeds at once, mongrels have several weak points. So, the average age of a mongrel living at home is is 10 years.

Thus, the question of how many years dogs live can be answered this way: the life expectancy of an animal is individual. There are many factors that influence this. But every owner has the power to make their pet’s life happy and long enough, regardless of breed.

If you once contract an incurable virus called “my dog”, your life will change forever. It’s a rare dog lover who doesn’t call himself “mom” or “dad” of his tailed child. And there’s nothing wrong with these people’s heads. This is how not only a feeling of love is subconsciously manifested, but also a huge responsibility towards four-legged friends. After all, their fate is completely in our hands. A responsible owner needs to know what factors influence their life expectancy, what to expect as they age, and how to extend the life of their pet. We tried not only to find answers to the most important questions, but also selected a number of practical recommendations for you.

Some statistics

An interesting study was conducted in November 1999 by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA). The results showed that dogs that resemble wolves in appearance (size, muzzle shape) live longer than representatives of the breeds on which selection has worked. At the same time, 46% of pets die from old age, and only 8% of them reach the age of fifteen. The cause of death for 64% of dogs is disease or euthanasia. Among the fatal diseases of older animals, cancer (16%) and cardiovascular diseases (8%) lead.

Is it true that mongrels live longer?

Disputes on this topic in veterinary circles do not subside. Some experts claim that purebred animals with good genetics are not inferior in life expectancy to yard dogs and mixed breeds. Other scientists cite an inexorable figure of 10 statistical years for purebred dogs and “give” two additional years (12 years) to mongrels and mixed breeds. But both opposing camps agree that, compared to other dogs, mongrels adapt better to life’s troubles and have increased immunity. Of course, we are talking about our beloved family dogs. With good nutrition and care, patios can please owners for 18-20 years, while homeless animals rarely reach maturity (3-5 years): too many dangers await the poor fellows on the street, from hunger to accidents and human cruelty.

What affects a dog's lifespan?

There are quite a lot of factors on which the answer to the question “How many years do dogs live at home?” depends. We will look at the main points you need to pay attention to.

Dog size

Small dogs live longer than their larger relatives, often celebrating their twentieth birthday. They can be called old only at 12-14 years old. While giant dogs are destined to live only 8-10 years (their decrepitude begins already at the age of six).

Breed of dog

In addition to size, a pet’s life expectancy is influenced by its exterior features. We are talking about the so-called “risk groups” (predispositions to certain diseases). The more unfavorable factors are combined in a breed, the less likely it is that the dog will cross the ten-year mark.

  • English bulldogs in old age often face obesity (the first factor), and the large head of puppies is a planned indication for a cesarean section in a bitch, which in the future also reduces life expectancy (the second factor).
  • Massive St. Bernards are prone to developing hip dysplasia, gastric volvulus, and bone cancer. The structure of the eyes of these noble dogs suggests diseases such as entropion, cataracts (several factors).
  • Dogs with a short muzzle (Pekingese, Chin) suffer from breathing problems, have less endurance and quickly overheat. Short-faced, massive dogs (bulmastiffs, boxers) are prone to fainting and heart attacks in hot weather. They are also at risk for eye injuries and narrowing of the nostrils.

Knowing the specifics of “breed” ailments, they can be predicted and avoided. Proper care and prevention throughout life, starting from a young age, will help with this.


The length and quality of life of a pet is largely determined by its genetic health. If the dog’s immediate ancestors lived a long life (in accordance with the breed), then most likely your pet will join the ranks of canine long-livers. Before purchasing a puppy, study its pedigree and talk to the owners' parents and grandparents.

There are a lot of dangers for dogs living in big cities, but most of them are easy to prevent.

  • Contact of a dog's paw pads with deicing agents can cause severe dermatitis. To avoid this, use a special protective cream or shoes for dogs.
  • Do not allow your dog to eat or lick city snow. It contains heavy metals that cause the development of cancer of the esophagus and larynx.
  • Try not to smoke in the presence of pets. It has been proven that passive smoking in dogs, as in people, leads to premature mortality and oncology of the respiratory tract.

Emotional Health

Stress has a detrimental effect on the health of four-legged friends. There are cases when a healthy animal began to become decrepit before our eyes after psychological trauma. Dogs do not tolerate loneliness and their own uselessness. Whereas pets that do not lack communication and attention remain active until old age.

How many years do dogs live at home: review of breeds

Our table provides summary data on the life expectancy of the most popular dog breeds. Let us immediately make a reservation that these are average indicators that can only serve as a guide. It is almost impossible to predict in advance how long your pet will live.

Number of years

Number of years

German, Dogue de Bordeaux

Golden retriever

English bulldog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

West Siberian Laika, Husky

Yorkshire Terrier

German Shepherd

Toy Terrier


Chinese Crested


Basset Hound

Saint Bernard


Giant Schnauzer

How to extend the life of an old friend dog

No matter how many years dogs live at home, their character and habits change. It is important for the owner to understand that the correct foundation laid from early childhood will be very important when your dog begins to age. In order for your pet to live a long, fulfilling life, you need to enlist the support of a veterinarian and adhere to simple rules:

  • Starting at the age of 7, undergo a routine medical examination twice a year. The specialist will prescribe general blood and urine tests, examine the dog’s lymph nodes, mouth, eyes, and evaluate the dog’s heartbeat and lung function. This will allow you to diagnose a possible disease in the early stages;
  • if the dog gets a viral infection in old age, there will not be much chance of a successful outcome. There is a dangerous misconception that after 5 years, dogs develop cumulative immunity, and there is no need for annual vaccinations. This is not true! An elderly pet also needs immune support, which vaccination can provide.

  • More than half of older dogs suffer from inflammation of the oral cavity, diseases of the teeth and gums, which spread the infection throughout the body. It is important to teach your dog to “brush his teeth” in advance. Modern veterinary drugs make this procedure simple for the owner and quite tolerable for the pet;
  • In older dogs, the coat becomes thinner, turns grey, and looks unkempt. Daily brushing with an ultra-soft brush will improve the condition. skin and coat. But you need to bathe an elderly pet as rarely as possible, using gentle detergents;
  • develop the habit of regularly feeling your dog for tumors and lumps. If a problem is detected, do not delay your visit to the clinic;
  • Sterilization (castration) can prolong a dog's life. Thanks to the operation, the animal will avoid “empty” heats, as well as the occurrence of cancer of the reproductive system;

  • aging dogs often become weather dependent(their well-being changes with weather conditions). This may confuse the owner. You need to monitor the condition of an old animal more carefully than a young pet. As the body ages, it loses its former ability to respond to treatment;
  • An elderly pet should be fed several times a day in small portions, completely excluding treats from the common table. The diet should be carefully balanced according to age (the older the dog gets, the slower its metabolism);
  • Follow a regimen of walking and moderate exercise. If you notice that your dog gets tired quickly, consult a veterinarian;
  • older pets become very conservative and react sharply to any changes in their usual lifestyle. Try not to change his habits, protect him from stress and anxiety;

  • useful for maintaining the health of an older pet multivitamin complexes or oil preparations. But their selection and dosage should only be made together with a specialist;
  • Owners of old dogs often face the problem of their pet being unclean. With age, reflex connections fade, and the dog may begin to get dirty in the house. Do not scold or punish the dog under any circumstances; it is not to blame for anything. Uncontrollable urination can be associated with both aging and kidney and bladder dysfunction. Try to change your schedule and take your pet outside more often or gently teach your dog to relieve himself on newspapers.

Giving your pet a dignified old age is the least a person can do in response to boundless love that lasts a dog’s entire life.

To always have a loyal, sympathetic friend nearby, get yourself a puppy. Perceive the world around you together, learn to love. You will experience moments of delight and happiness more than once; there is no need to fear the pain of loss in advance.

Yes, a dog's life is not that long by human standards, but this is not a reason to give up a pet. The main thing is to make sure that the animal lives the time allotted to it fully and happily. Every day spent with your pet should give the owner bright memories from the knowledge that he did everything he could for his shaggy friend.

Average life expectancy of dogs at home

It is impossible to apply average figures to each specific animal. Although dog experts say that, on average, they live about 12 years.

A variety of circumstances influence the longevity factor of dogs. Let's note the main points:

  1. Vitality greatly depends on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors certainly influence the greater susceptibility of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. The factor of heredity is even more important in determining how long a pet will live. If the puppy’s parents have reached a respectable age, then he will also live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of his pet’s body, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average of its breed.
  3. How long a four-legged pet will live depends on the animal’s quality of life. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health of the pupil, protects him from stress, and provides him with the necessary exercise, then it is possible to actually increase the dog’s life by several years.

Fighting breeds and Great Danes live shorter lives, but huskies, hounds, and dachshunds are long-lived.

Heredity cannot be discounted. The age of an Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a known case when the dog Blue lived without one month until he was 29 years old. All his life, like his parents, he helped shepherds herd livestock. Genetic predisposition, constant physical activity, being in the fresh air and the care of the owner worked a miracle.

In many ways, the length of a dog's eyelid depends on the living conditions of the animal. If the owner knows about his pet’s predisposition to certain diseases, then he can eliminate the irritants or use medications to reduce their effect on the animal’s body. Constant physical activity and a healthy diet give hope that a dog’s life will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the play of heredity.

How long do mongrels live?

There is a point of view that mongrel dogs live longer than purebred dogs, that they are healthier and smarter, but this is a myth.

Firstly, the habitat of homeless dogs shortens the time allotted to them. The fact that the strongest puppies survive despite rain, frost and cold does not at all guarantee that they will live long. Constant deprivation will very soon leave its negative mark even on the strongest organism.

Secondly, mongrels are much closer to their purebred cousins ​​than to independent wolves. But even if this were not so, the average life expectancy of wolves is still the same 12 years.

Yes, some mongrels are more independent, they have less tendency to train, like purebreds. But if you pick up a mongrel puppy on the street, surround it with attention, love, care, then, having turned into an adult, it will not differ from noble dogs.

The only factor that can positively affect the longevity of mongrels is that natural reproduction contributes to the culling of pathologies.

How old are shepherd dogs?

If you look at the averages, shepherds live slightly longer than other dogs. The lifespan of German Shepherds is typically 10-14 years. Although there are cases where some individuals reached 20 years of age.

But Caucasian Shepherds live up to 10 years. That is, the viability of these purebred service dogs does not deviate from the average statistical indicators.

It must be remembered that shepherds are service dogs. They need to be engaged in active activities in which the inclinations of each type can be fully revealed. Use some dogs in guarding, others in searching and rescuing people, and for others, shepherding will bring joy. Necessary exercise and proper diet are the key to a long and happy life for shepherd dogs.


Average longevity rates for individual breeds

Factors influencing lifespan

The life expectancy of dogs is influenced by certain factors:

  • physical development;
  • whether the animal performs loads appropriate to its age and breed;
  • complete rest;
  • a balanced diet enriched with nutrients;
  • sufficient communication, attention.

All these quality indicators of life depend 100% on the owner. The way he takes care of his pet shapes the animal’s resistance to stress and various diseases.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for the pet’s physical health for the rest of its life and even into old age. An older dog should be fed soft food to avoid problems with teeth and swallowing.

In old age, animals can suffer from various diseases, most often these are deterioration of hearing, vision, and disruptions in the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is excess weight. Its excess has a detrimental effect on the health of the pet, affecting the cardiovascular system and bone structure. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccinations, timely contacting a veterinary clinic in case of any problems - this is what will keep your pet in the right shape. Constant care for your pet throughout its life can significantly increase its life cycle.

How long do purebred animals live?

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between the breed and the years measured for the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

The vitality of representatives of different breeds differs. This is due to human breeding activities. When certain standards are developed, certain features, most often unnatural, are formed and reinforced in dogs.

Breeding a breed is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to medial dislocations of the kneecaps, elbow joints, and various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, pay with health for such a body structure. Hereditary pathology in dachshunds is intervertebral disc disease.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but also in all pets with skin folds, the disease entropion, which is essentially an entropion of the eyelid, is common.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible to hereditary diseases - aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikines. This ancient breed is distinguished by a special eye structure, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, and corneal ulcers.

Each breed has its own Achilles heel - dogs with flat faces have problems with the respiratory system, with skin without fur - they often suffer from allergies, and large pets are often diagnosed with diseases of the joints and bones.

Breeders allow for various situations that affect the life expectancy of dogs:

  • inbreeding;
  • exclusion of the factor of natural selection;
  • often the appearance of the offspring becomes a priority rather than health;
  • The lifespan of the progenitors of the offspring is not taken into account.

Dog breeds that live the longest are those that are less susceptible to selection changes, of medium size, without any special appearance. These are terriers, shepherds, huskies.

The presence of long-livers in the family is of great importance. If the pet's parents lived to a ripe old age, then it has every chance of a long life. If we talk about numbers, on average, dogs live about 12 years.

Long-lived dogs

Despite statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze; the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data about long-lived dogs that have survived more than twice their normal age.