List of what to put in your first aid kit at sea. What medications and supplies do tourists need in their first aid kit? Rules for completing a first aid kit

Not only mothers, but all people, when going on vacation, always wonder what they will take with them to the sea. This is not surprising, because when you get to a new place, there is a high risk of infection with local microbes, which may be familiar to local residents and unbearable for tourists. The most common poisoning occurs, mainly from new water, which is part of any food. Reason feeling unwell maybe even clean sea ​​air, which enters the human lungs in much greater quantities than in a dusty city. In summer time around sea ​​waters tourists can also expect such ailments as sunburn, bites of various insects and even fever. Therefore, it is important to know in advance which ones are best to take with you to the sea, so that your vacation is pleasant and joyful.

To begin with, we will discuss the main categories of medications that you need to have with you. Among them, we will name the following: from scratches and abrasions, from insects and their bites, from flu and colds, to normalize intestinal function (antidiarrhea, from stomach cramps, and so on) , as well as anti-allergy medications. Now, knowing what medications to take with you to sea in such general groups, let’s consider a more expanded list, which indicates specific medications and the specifics of their effect on the human body.

In the first category (remedies for wounds and abrasions), we highlight alcohol (or some other alcohol tincture), hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine, cotton wool, bandage, bactericidal patch. This is the “backbone” of any first aid kit, which is necessary at sea, regardless of the person’s age and state of health. After all, from mechanical damage no one is insured. From local bug bites an excellent remedy is "Psilo-balm". You can buy this product at any pharmacy at a very affordable price.

Now let’s look at what medications to take with you to the seaside so that your vacation isn’t spoiled by the common cold and runny nose. First of all, it is important to have Streptocid tablets with you as a kind of homeopathic remedy. For antipyretics, take Paracetamol in tablets or suppositories. If your baby is going on vacation with you, children's fever and cough syrups are a must. Talk to your pediatrician in advance about which one is best for your child. Don't forget to also take a thermometer with you to avoid false alarms.

Next, let's protect our own stomach. The ideal painkillers are Enterosgel and Smecta, which should definitely be added to your list of medications. At sea you also need to take the medicine “Regidron”, which will help normalize water balance in cases of poisoning. Don’t forget about such products as “No-Shpa”, “Sorbex” and other drugs that calm down sharp pain and stabilize work gastrointestinal tract.

Knowing in advance what medications to take at sea is very important. It is also advisable to purchase all these drugs at home, and not at a resort pharmacy, because their composition there may differ slightly from what will be offered in your city. And don’t forget to take allergy medication when packing your first aid kit. The most effective remedy is Claritin, which is suitable for both adults and children.

Now you know exactly what medications to take with you to the seaside so that your vacation is not overshadowed by unnecessary illnesses. All that remains is to wish all readers a pleasant holiday and long, long health.

In order not to spoil your pleasure from your planned trip, you need to take with you such an important item as a traveler’s first aid kit. It is very convenient when all important medications are nearby, especially in a foreign city or even country. Due to the tightening of transportation rules pharmaceuticals, introduced at airports, you need to familiarize yourself with the restrictions in advance.

Any first aid kit should be filled with a minimum set of dressings, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal drugs, as well as analgesics.

What rules should you follow when putting together a first aid kit?

Interesting! In another country, it will be difficult to navigate the local pharmacy. The same remedy different countries may have a different name. It's worth checking out the list of titles Russian medicines in an international language.

When deciding how to pack a first aid kit for a trip, it’s worth studying the basic rules for packing it:

  • The first aid kit is selected taking into account age; some drugs are selected for children and others for adults;
  • In addition to the mandatory medicines, you need to take medications used in this moment that were prescribed by a doctor;
  • Those funds are taken that can provide the required storage. For some medications, you will need to take a thermal bag or mini-fridge when traveling by car. To reflect thermal energy, the bag is lined with foil;
  • Glass jars will need to be packed in a cardboard box;
  • If you have chronic diseases, you need to take with you a supply of medications prescribed by your doctor. Supplies must exceed the planned duration of the trip by at least a week;
  • It is necessary to select medications that have already been used in order to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction;

  • It is worth writing instructions for yourself indicating all the necessary dosages, including the time of administration, prescriptions from the doctor and the amount of a single dosage. This will allow you to quickly navigate in unforeseen circumstances.

Advice! If you plan to travel by sea, then you should take medications for motion sickness. This could be Avia-Sea or cheaper validol.

What medications should I take?

When completing a traveler's first aid kit, it is worth knowing that the list of necessary medications does not depend on age, country or other factors.

The following medications are required:

  • Painkillers: Analgin, Nosh-pa, Baralgin and Ketanov;
  • Antipyretics: Ibuprofen and Paracetamol;
  • From disorder digestive system: Activated carbon, Smecta and Mezim;
  • Anti-allergy: Claritin, Suprastin or Tavegil;
  • Cold medications: Coldrex or Antigrippin;
  • Dressings: plasters and bandages;
  • Antiseptic solutions: brilliant green, peroxide or iodine;
  • Ointments for bruises: badyaga.

Special attention It’s worth paying attention to completing a traveler’s first aid kit necessary medications for small children.

For children under three years old, it is worth taking Cefekon suppositories or Ibuprofen syrup. For older children Paracetamol and instant medications like Codlrex.

For small children, you will need a teething gel, special colic drops and baby powder. Menthol lozenges or air-sea will help against motion sickness and its prevention. Also, don't forget about sunscreen.

Advice! Definitely need to stock up drinking water at the rate of 30 ml per kg of weight during the day.

What should be in your first aid kit when traveling abroad?

When you plan to take long walks, for example, in Europe, it is worth stocking up big amount plasters. Long walking can cause wet calluses. To do this, you need to purchase special plasters, as well as means for disinfecting the wound. In this case, chlorhexidine and miramistin are used. If the skin is rubbed into blood, you will need a bactericidal patch.

It is also worth supplementing the traveler’s first aid kit with mixtures for the treatment of edema and varicose veins.

When traveling to Asia, you need to stock up on a lot of remedies for intestinal disorders.

You definitely need to take allergy medications. Especially if you plan to consume exotic fruits.

In case of poisoning, several groups of drugs may be needed:

  • To remove toxins from the body, you will need sorbents: sorbex, white coal, smecta and enterosgel;
  • With vomiting and loose stools We need medications to stop dehydration. These are rehydron and orsol;
  • Antimicrobial drugs including nifuroxazide and bactisubtil;
  • Probiotics and enzymes.

Interesting! Wasps and bees react to strong perfume odors, so you should not wear perfume while hiking. But the ethereal scents of lavender or eucalyptus are believed to repel mosquitoes.

What to put in your first aid kit when traveling to the sea?

If the trip is related to long stay in the sun, then the traveler's first aid kit should be equipped with sunscreen. It is necessary to take with you medications for burns Spasatel or Panthenol. Sun cream should have SPF 30-50 protection. It can be used during excursions. For example, smear the shoulders and nose.

It is also worth taking the following funds:

  • Sunburn may be accompanied by rashes, so it is worth taking antihistamines with you;
  • Remedies for motion sickness during sea voyages;
  • During an active holiday, it is recommended to stock up dressing material and remedies for sprained ligaments and muscles;
  • Solutions and ointments for insect bites.

It is worth taking mosquito repellent with you. These can be creams, plates and fumigators.

Advice! A traveler's first aid kit should contain products that protect against bites from sea animals. Burns received from contact with an anemone or jellyfish should be lubricated with an alcohol or vinegar solution. These components suppress the activity of stinging cells.

Features of transporting a first aid kit!

The first aid kit can be packed in your luggage. If certain drugs taken regularly, you should keep them on hand.

There are certain rules when transporting on an airplane:

  • When transporting several packages of the same product, you must obtain a doctor’s certificate;
  • Restrictive rules for transporting liquids must be taken into account. You can take 10 containers of 100 ml each, with a total volume of a liter.

All liquids are placed in one ziplock bag.

Important! Airlines prohibit transportation mercury thermometers. Scissors and knives with blades up to 6 cm are permitted.

What is better not to take?

You cannot take medications on a trip strong action, which contain narcotic substances. It is not recommended to select different antibiotics. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

There is no need to purchase medications for malaria. Such funds differ in a large number side effects. In addition, at the first symptoms of this disease, you should consult a doctor.

In many countries it is located high level, therefore, in case of any ailment, you should consult a specialist and not practice self-medication. Before your trip, you should take care of the correct insurance.

In this article you will find full list medications we take on trips. Medicines for both children and adults. The list is pediatrician approved. It has everything necessary medications, which can be useful on the road and there is nothing superfluous.

Our daughter, who is not yet three years old, has already visited eight countries around the world. We lived for a long time in Egypt, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and traveled around Malaysia and Hong Kong. With each trip we took less and less medicine. And now the entire first aid kit fits in this cosmetic bag.

Here is my list of medications. First in short version, which is convenient to print.

1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, analgin

2. Medicines for digestive problems

Saline solution, sorbents (smecta, enterosgel), suppositories with glycerin, Nifuroxazide, tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults. You can take, but not necessarily, enzymes, dry bacteria.

3. Ointments and drops for allergies

Fenistil ointment, fenistil drops or Erius, Zyrtec will also do

4. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Bepanten, alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

5. Ointment for eye inflammation

Tetracycline ointment or hydrocortisone

6. First aid for otitis media

7. For babies

Infacol or Espumisan, gels for teething

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicine

9. On the plane

Saline nose drops vasoconstrictor drops, suppositories for reducing fever, tablets for motion sickness, Smecta.

And now about why do I take all this and how to use it in more detail. If you experienced mother and most of the medications are already familiar to you, then you can immediately move on to the next article:. It talks about the experience of going to doctors, how to buy necessary medications in foreign pharmacies. You will also definitely find this article useful. This is very important, because you will need to prepare for feeding in advance so that you don’t waste time and energy searching for food while on vacation.

  1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

My experience shows that you need to take several drugs with different active ingredients. If paracetamol does not help, then ibuprofen should help. Diclofenac sodium is also used in Egypt. They sell wonderful Dolphin candles. I also take candles with analgin with me. In fact, analgin is prohibited in many countries of the world, because... may cause even more serious illnesses. But I take it to the extreme extreme case, if nothing else helps, and the temperature is very high.

  1. Medicines for digestive problems

Other water and food can cause all sorts of intestinal disorders. This could be diarrhea, vomiting, or vice versa - constipation. Undoubtedly, you yourself know that it is better to see a doctor in this case. But still, you should always have a minimum arsenal of medications on hand.

Saline solution to avoid dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting

Sorbents to remove poison from the body

Suppositories with glycerin for children (in case of constipation), tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults

You can also take with you enzymes and dry bacteria that restore the digestive flora, but in my opinion, this is not at all necessary. If necessary, a doctor will prescribe them, and he will tell you the name of the local medications.

  1. Ointments and drops for allergies

Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, it is not a fact that you will be able to avoid this scourge abroad. An insect bite or reaction to an exotic food or plant. You never know what else. I take with me antihistamines in several variations: ointment and suppositories.

4. Ointment for eye inflammation

Such ointments are usually sold in tiny tubes and do not take up much space. And when traveling, they can become an indispensable medicine, because children often touch their eyes with dirty hands and can cause infection.

5. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Children are so restless. He ran and fell, hurt himself on coral, pricked himself sharp object or just sunburned. One good healing ointment will help cope with all the consequences of these troubles. Also, do not forget about the emergency rescue kit - alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, band-aid.

6. First aid for otitis media

This happens at sea. Water got in, the wind blew it, and my ear became inflamed. Before you see a doctor, you can relieve pain with special drops. Which ones are best to take, ask your local doctor.

7. For babies

When Arina was just a baby, I took her espumizan in syrup for a “revolution” in her stomach, as well as gels and tablets for painless teething. Now that I have all my teeth and my digestion has improved, I leave it at home.

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicine

9. On the plane

Saline nasal drops are also very useful. The air on the plane is very dry, so I periodically put drops in Arina’s nose to prevent excess bacteria from sticking to the dry mucous membrane. To avoid unpleasant pain in the ears, before departure, place vasoconstrictor drops in the child’s nose. Also, during long flights on airplanes, you may need medications to lower your temperature and regular Smecta.

As for antibiotics, just imagine yourself in this situation. You and your sick child are abroad. Well, will you really take responsibility and give antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription? Because no. Then don't take them. If they are really needed, then it is the doctor who will decide which drug to prescribe. In addition, each country has its own diseases and the cures for them are also different.

The baby goes on vacation with his parents to the sea for the first time. What awaits him– vivid impressions, fun and entertainment or unpleasant surprises in the form of ailments, poisoning, overheating and other misfortunes?

Much depends on the preparedness of adults for long trip with a baby in a hot climate. Special attention You should pay attention to completing the “correct” first aid kit for your child.

First aid kit for a baby: list of essentials

Even on the road and on vacation adult is not insured from a sudden illness, not to mention a small traveler. On the road, and even on the coveted sea coast, there is not always a doctor nearby who can provide first aid. In addition, sometimes there is simply no time to look for the nearest pharmacy: immediate action is required.

Therefore, prudent parents prepared in advance a first aid kit containing medications and protective equipment for both the baby and themselves.

Important! It is better to stock a first aid kit with proven, previously used medications to which the child is not allergic.

So what may be needed on the sea:

  • Painkillers and antipyretics medications: paracetamol or nurofen, diclofenac gel, nise and similar medications.

    On the beach or in a local cafe, many temptations await vacationers: delicious pies and aromatic pasties, exotic dishes and tempting fruits. How to refuse a little capricious person who is not averse to enjoying all this variety?

    Even if parents are sure that they gave the child clean, washed fruits and unspoiled foods, the baby’s intestines may “revolt” due to the penetration of unknown food into it. Therefore, you cannot do without the above-mentioned funds.

  • Antihistamines: Zyrtec or Suprastin, Fenistil gel, other products, age appropriate child.

    Allergies during travel and vacation can occur to literally everything: from insect bites to food. First Mates vs. dangerous reactions These drugs will become necessary for the body.

  • Wound healing and first aid products: hydrogen peroxide, “Rescuer” balm, bepanten, panthenol, brilliant green, bactericidal patch, regular sterile and elastic bandage.

    You shouldn’t rely on a miracle: even the most calm child will not be able to sit still for more than half an hour - he wants to frolic, run along the shore and swim in the sea. The consequence of such mobility is inevitable abrasions, wounds, cuts that must be quickly treated.

  • Medicines against runny nose, otitis media, cough: proven nasal drops (xymelin, tisin), vasoconstrictors, polydex spray, otipax, sofradex or garazon (containing an antibiotic), chloramphenicol, tantum verde spray.

    A cold, sand getting into the eyes or ears can cause conjunctivitis and otitis, and sore throat. The following medications will help relieve your child of pain.

  • Means of protection and prevention: sunscreen with vitamin E (it is advisable to check it before traveling to allergic reaction), electronic thermometer(it is safer than mercury when traveling), cotton pads and swabs, wet wipes, Sunglasses, Panama.
  • Advice: dosage forms in the form of tablets and tubes of ointments and gels is preferable to suppositories and syrups, since the latter are not recommended to be stored at high temperature air.

    What you need to take on the road: remedies for motion sickness in transport and more

    The danger of disease, poisoning and illness awaits a family of travelers not only at sea, but also on the road. That's why in addition to collected medicinal products you should stock up:

    Those with chronic diseases It is necessary to take with you medications that prevent or stop attacks of the disease. Of course, allergy sufferers, asthmatics and heart patients know about their health problems, but it would be useful to remind them to take their medications with them on the road.

    Cannot be checked into luggage or hidden at the bottom travel bag So-called “emergency” medicines - disinfectants and wound-healing agents, medications against allergies, high blood pressure, and heart pain should always be at hand!

    On vacation with a baby: medicines for the little ones

    Certainly, until the baby is three months old It is advisable to forget about long journeys completely - the baby is not yet used to living, let alone leaving his home somewhere.

    Due to imperfections of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and many other systems of the baby’s body overcome easily and quickly all sorts of ailments, diseases and disorders. Isn't it better to survive difficult period at home, where the mother is calm and confident in the ambulance of relatives and the pediatrician?

    However, circumstances may be different, and beliefs may also be different. modern parents they don't always match either with the wishes of the doctors. Brave parents who decide to go on vacation to the sea with a baby who is not yet one year old should pack a children's first aid kit with complete seriousness and taking into account all possible negative factors.

    To the list of medications and protective equipment mentioned earlier (painkillers, wound healing, antihistamines, to combat intestinal disorders and others), young parents should add:

    • dill water against colic;
    • drugs to relieve pain during teething;
    • anti-constipation medications;
    • baby cream and powder that help with diaper rash and prickly heat.

    Before your trip, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the addresses of clinics and telephone numbers of local pediatricians so that you can quickly contact them if your child falls ill. You can also arrange an urgent consultation call with your pediatrician.

    How to prepare children for travel?

    Plan medical training baby for travel:

  1. visiting a pediatrician with questions about possible complications in the state of health of the child;
  2. more frequent and long walks in the fresh air;
  3. a month before the trip course of vitamins to improve the performance of the immune system;
  4. 3 - 4 days before departure and within a week upon arrival - taking medications that support intestinal microflora(Linex and similar).

If a child becomes ill before travelling, the trip must be canceled or rescheduled until full recovery baby.

What drugs cannot be transported across the border?

When creating a children's first aid kit you need to remember the ban to transport some medical supplies across the border. In most cases, the list of medicines for a child does not contain prohibited items. However, you need to know that They won’t let you go abroad if The first aid kit contains:

  • strong painkillers;
  • hypnotic;
  • antidepressants and other drugs that affect the nervous system;
  • means for weight loss and appetite reduction;

A mobile first aid kit is an essential attribute of every traveler. Medical assistance It can be difficult to get one far from home, so you can only rely on yourself. How to properly collect your pharmaceutical “baggage” so that it turns out to be as useful as possible?

A first aid kit for travel should be compact, so it should contain only the essentials:

  1. antiseptic hand gel,
  2. chlorhexidine solution or Miramistin,
  3. dressing materials,
  4. drugs for intestinal poisoning,
  5. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
  6. No-shpa (or Drotaverine),
  7. allergy remedy,
  8. cold drops,
  9. cough medicines.

If the traveler suffers from any chronic disease, which means you need to stock up on special medicines in case of exacerbations.

Hand gel or spray

Application: anywhere (in the car, in the forest, in a cafe... complete absence water, you can completely disinfect your hands). You need to apply a drop of the product to your palms and rub. That's all.

Hand antiseptics (Sannitel, Dettol, Lizhen-Bio) are indispensable during long trips on transport and when visiting public places. These products contain antibacterial and antifungal components that effectively disinfect the skin. The drugs are active even against tuberculosis. Another advantage is that they are all used quite economically. Products are applied as needed.

Chlorhexidine and Miramistin

Application: treatment of wounds, abrasions, scratches and burns. Unlike drugs of the same group in terms of action (iodine, brilliant green...) they do not have a pronounced odor or color.

Both antiseptics are different wide range antimicrobial activity, in addition, stimulate protective reactions at the site of application.

They can be used not only to disinfect wounds, but also for inflammation of the gums or mucous membranes of the throat. There is no need to dilute the drugs. Solutions are applied directly to the skin or used as rinses.

Dressing materials

Cotton wool, a bandage and an adhesive plaster can be useful on the road. It is better to place the cotton wool sterile. To prevent the bandage and plaster from being torn by hand, the first aid kit should be equipped with small scissors.

It is better to take two types of adhesive plaster: bactericidal and fixing. A fixing adhesive plaster will help you fix a bandage, a compress, a tampon... A bactericidal one will help with chafing of the feet, small scratches, and wounds.

Medical thermometer

It is important! While on the road, you will not always be able to assess the condition of yourself or your fellow traveler. And since the situation increased danger due to remoteness medical institution, it is important to determine in time increased level body temperature and apply the necessary medications.


This drug can be useful especially when traveling during the hot summer months. Everyone knows that there are people who find it difficult to tolerate heat, and if they find themselves in a situation where they are forced to stand for a long time or be in a static position, they may faint. And this is where ammonia (or ammonia solution) comes in very handy.

At home (or at a recreation center), if you don’t have it on hand, vinegar essence can help.

Medicines for intestinal poisoning

According to statistics, intestinal disorders are the most common trouble that happens to travelers. In such cases, adsorbents are very useful. Regular charcoal or preparations packaged in sachets are suitable: Smecta, Neo-smectin, Polysorb.

The product is mixed with 1/2 glass of water and drunk (the coal is pre-crushed). The dose is repeated every 4 hours.

At frequent stool and abdominal pain, therapy includes intestinal antiseptics - agents that selectively affect the mucous membranes digestive tract(phthalazole, furazolidone, Enterofuril). They quickly kill the infection, significantly speeding up recovery time.

You can replace medications with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. True, you will have to drink at least 1 liter.

Fluid losses due to intestinal disorder, are replenished with the help of rehydrants (Gastrolit, Regidron). In the absence of drugs, you will have to drink large volumes of mineral water to avoid dehydration.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

Will help with:

  • head,
  • muscle spasms,
  • temperature rise.

For children, NSAIDs are available in the form of syrups (Panadol, Nurofen, Efferalgan). It is more convenient for adults to take tablet forms on the road - these can be any products based on ibuprofen, paracetomol or acetylsalicylic acid. It is recommended to take the drugs no more than 4 times a day.


Intended to eliminate:

  • intestinal colic,
  • renal colic,
  • liver colic.

The action of the drug is based on relaxation of the smooth muscles of the organs. You are allowed to take no more than 6 tablets per day.

For spasms of the digestive tract, an alternative to No-Spe can be a decoction of mint leaves.

For travel, it is better to purchase herbal remedies in filter bags.

Allergy remedy

An allergic reaction can occur in response to an insect bite or upon first encounter with overseas delicacies.

That's why antihistamine(Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil) should become a mandatory traveler's companion. You should take the drug immediately if a rash, itching or swelling appears.

Cold drops

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops will help cope with both allergic and cold rhinitis. It’s better to choose for a long time active remedies(Nazivin, Nazol, Noxprey), then they will not have to be instilled too often.

Cough preparations

Colds are often accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi.

Expectorant medications will help improve sputum discharge and ease breathing: mucaltin, cough tablets, ambroxol, bromhexine. They need to be taken 3-4 times a day.

Adherents of herbal medicine instead synthetic drugs They can take coltsfoot grass, licorice or violet with them.

List of medications

We have developed for you a complete list of first aid kits for travel, indicating the name of the drug and what it is used for. You can print out such a list and put it in your first aid kit, or take it with you to the pharmacy to purchase and put the necessary medications into your first aid kit.