Antihelminthics. What? To whom? When? List of broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for humans

It is difficult to find a child who has not suffered from helminthiasis, or, more simply put, who has not become infected with worms. is recorded especially often, because they are not used to carefully observing hygiene requirements, they are constantly in contact with the environment where helminth eggs are located (sand, soil, etc.), and in large groups of children, any disease spreads very quickly.

More often than other helminthiases, doctors diagnose ascariasis in children, caused by pinworms and roundworms, respectively, and less often - toxocariasis and echinococcosis. must be effective and harmless.

Pinworms are the most common worms in children

The World Health Organization (WHO) and national health committees in developed countries recommend the least toxic substances for the treatment of helminthiasis in children. This group includes drugs based on the active ingredients albendazole, levomisole, mebendazole piperazine, pyrantel.

However, treatment for worms is effective if it occurs in a comprehensive manner. It includes not only taking anthelmintic drugs, but also cleansing the body of toxins released by helminths.

You should not give your child medicine on your own without a doctor’s recommendation. Even a safe anthelmintic for children has some toxicity and many side effects.

An important element of complex treatment is diet. The diet should include sufficient amounts of protein and fermented milk products.

Consuming olive oil helps cleanse the liver of fats. Fiber is needed for regular bowel movements. Fast carbohydrates are excluded from the menu: bread, pasta, sweets.

Worms die under the influence of drugs, releasing toxins, as a result of which the child may begin to become intoxicated. To alleviate the condition, a day after taking anthelmintic drugs, sorbents and cleansing enemas are prescribed.

They are not taken at the same time, because sorbents will reduce the effectiveness of the main treatment. Parents should note that when prescribing deworming medications, the age and weight of small patients are taken into account.

Anthelmintic drugs

  • Nematodes . This group includes pinworms, roundworms, and whipworms. Occurs in preschool children. Tablets for pinworms for children: Levamisole, Albendazole.

1-trematodes, 2-cestodes

It is permissible to use more toxic drugs to treat children only if the above remedies are ineffective. During treatment, monitoring of the child's condition is required.

A fairly narrow range of medications is used to treat patients of younger childhood. Young children are prescribed drugs such as pyrantel, piperazine, vanquin. These medications have virtually no toxic effects. In addition, they are produced not only in tablet form, but also in the form of a suspension.


Among the sorbents prescribed to babies:

  • White coal;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polyphepan.


Among the popular drugs with antihistamine action:

  • Suprastin, Tavegil – act gently, are quickly eliminated from the body, require repeated doses per day;

  • Zyrtec, Claritin – fast-acting tablets, can be taken once a day, have few side effects;

  • Luffel, Rhinital – homeopathic tablets, have no side effects, it is necessary to select a homeopathic doctor.

The best anthelmintic drugs for infants up to one year old

There are not many anti-worm medications for children under 1 year of age. The most popular among them are the safest and most effective deworming remedies for children.

There is a discount now. The drug can be obtained for 197 rubles.

Each of these helminths is sensitive to a specific type of drug. Therefore, the prescription of an anthelmintic drug is based on:

  • recognizing the type of helminth;
  • patient's age;
  • the patient's current health status;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • state of the immune system;
  • individual sensitivity to the substances included in the composition of the anthelmintic drug.

Why is there a need for broad-spectrum drugs?

Medamin (carbendazim)

The medicine cures:

  • enterobiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • hookworm
  • necatoria.

The course of treatment and dose are selected individually for each specific case. But usually take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Telmox (mebendazole, vermox, vormin, talmox 100, mebesc)

These drugs are completely eliminated from the body without harming it. The dose is prescribed by the doctor; it must be strictly proportional to the age and weight of the patient. The drugs are taken 1 tablet, 1 time per day.

Decaris (clevamisole)

This drug is the most effective in the fight against roundworms. Moreover, it copes with the following diseases:

  • trichostrongyloidosis;
  • necatoria;
  • hookworm;
  • Strongyloidiasis.

Grandal (niclosamide, biomesan, cestocid, athene, devermin)

These drugs effectively destroy tapeworms (pork and bovine tapeworms). Prescribed for treatment:

  • hymenolepiasis;
  • teniarynchosis;
  • diphyllobothriasis.

The course of treatment and dose are prescribed individually in each specific case.

Pyrantel (helmintox, comantrin, nemocid)

The drugs are used in the treatment of:

  • enterobiasis;
  • hookworm;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • necatoria.


The medicine is used for diseases caused by cestodes. The action of the drug blocks the penetration of glucose into helminth cells, and without glucose their vital activity and development are not ensured.

Narrow-spectrum drugs are very effective in the fight against extraintestinal helminths.


Features of anthelmintic drugs include the following factors:

The class of roundworms includes:

  • roundworms;
  • pinworms;
  • whipworm;
  • toxocara;
  • trichinella.
  • albendazole tablets;
  • nemozol tablets;
  • Wormil suspension;
  • levamisole tablets;
  • helminthox tablets.

Drugs that kill tapeworms or cestodes

aa Bull tapeworm

The class of cestodes includes:

  • echinococcus;
  • dwarf tapeworm;
  • bovine tapeworm;
  • pork tapeworm;
  • wide tape.

Pharmacological drugs that effectively destroy diseases caused by tapeworms:

  • niclosamide (phenasal);
  • mepacrine(akrikhin);
  • albendazole (nemozole);

The first drug on the list is used against intestinal tapeworms. Mepacrine (akrikhin) effectively neutralizes bovine tapeworm, broad tapeworm, and pork tapeworm. Albendazole (nemozol) is effective both for extraintestinal cestodias and for mixed helminthic infestations.

Medicines for flukes or flatworms (flukes)

The class of flatworms includes:

  • opisthorchiasis (cat fluke);
  • liver fluke;
  • Chinese fluke;
  • blood fluke;
  • pulmonary fluke.

When treating diseases caused by flukes, the following medications are used:

  • chloroxyl;
  • bithionol;
  • perchlorethylene;
  • praziquantel (biltricide).

The first two drugs are used in the presence of extraintestinal trematodes. Praziquantel (biltricide) and perchlorethylene are effective against intestinal flatworms.

As already mentioned, most anthelmintic drugs affect only adult individuals, but do not affect their eggs and larvae. In addition, when treating enterobiasis, re-infection occurs quite often. Therefore, it is advisable to repeat the course of treatment after two weeks.

Modern anthelmintic drugs are used to treat people who suffer from various forms of helminthiasis . All antihelminthic drugs used for humans are divided into drugs for broad-spectrum helminths and drugs for worms that selectively affect certain types of worms.

But truly effective pharmaceutical anthelmintic drugs appeared relatively recently, and previously, mainly herbal products were used, such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, male fern extract, etc.

But now there are truly effective and safe anthelmintics , which demonstrate antihelminthic activity.

How are nematodes or roundworms treated?

If infection with extraintestinal nematoses occurs, treatment of helminths in adults and children is carried out with the following drugs:

  • (Diethylcarbamazine);
  • (Ivermectin).

The list of helminths belonging to this class is very wide: these are fascioliasis (liver fluke), opisthorchos (cat fluke) clonorchiasis (Chinese fluke), Watsoniasis (liver fluke), paraganimosis (pulmonary fluke), cercariasis (swimmer's itch). Also included in this group are methorchiasis , G etherophyosis, nanophyetosis, gastrodiscoidosis, fasciolopsidosis, schistosomiasis and etc.

The following tablets are effective against all the types listed above:

  • Bithionol , effective against extraintestinal trematodes.
  • Perchlorethylene used for intestinal trematodes.
  • Tsesol , Biltricide , Azinox , Cysticide (active component Praziquantel) - broad-spectrum drugs that act against different types of worms.

If one of the family members has been infected with pinworms, then preventive methods are necessary for everyone. The level of pinworm infection among preschool children and primary schoolchildren is very high. Worm eggs spread very quickly - this happens through household objects, a handshake, the clothes of infected children, etc. Therefore, questions arise very often about the preventive use of drugs for adults and children.

However, there are other opinions. Some experts argue that people whose families have small children and primary schoolchildren should take it every six months for prevention. After all, in children's groups there is a high level of infection, and the symptoms of infection are sometimes very mild.

In addition, a child is only able to maintain proper hygiene around the age of 6, so children can constantly become self-infected, just like other family members.

If a negative result was obtained from scraping for enetrobiosis, but the baby still complains of itching in the anus, abdominal pain, nausea, then it is better to take the child for analysis that morning, when he slept poorly at night and was bothered by severe itching. You should scrape again three times, after one day and after two weeks, then you can get a more reliable result.

If the expectant mother has become infected with pinworms, there is no need to worry about this. Provided that the woman strictly follows the rules of hygiene, self-healing can occur. After all, the life span of pinworms is short - a few weeks. Therefore, you need to steam your underwear and wash more often to avoid reinfestation. To prevent infection or re-infestation, you should wash your hands very thoroughly with soap and water:

  • after visiting the toilet;
  • after changing linen;
  • after contact with animals;
  • before eating.

You should also be sure to wash all fruits and vegetables.

The most effective anti-worm tablets for humans

In no case should you be guided only by the fact that user reviews on the forum indicate that this or that drug is a good tablet for worms. You should not buy medications knowing only the name of tablets for worms in adults and children.

Active ingredient – Levamisole .

Indications: for roundworms, pinworms, necator, hookworm, whipworm, intestinal eelworm, toxoplasmosis, trichostrongylosis.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, with agranulocytosis. 150 mg tablets should not be used to treat children. Decaris should be used with caution by people who suffer and liver failure , as well as patients with suppressed bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Instructions: adults are prescribed one 150 mg tablet once, after meals, in the evening. Children from 3 to 6 years old – 25-50 mg once. Children from 6 to 10 years old – 50-75 mg once. Children from 10 to 14 years old - 75-100 mg once.

The course is repeated after 2 weeks. Diet or laxatives are not necessary. Side effects: after use, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, allergic manifestations, confusion, stomatitis, etc. are possible.

Price – from 80 rub.

Helmintox, Pyrantel, Kombantrin, Nemotsid

Active ingredient – pyrantel.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, tablets should be prescribed with caution to children who are not yet six months old, nursing mothers, and people with liver failure.

Description of instructions: for adults in case of ascariasis, pinworm infection or mixed infestation, a single application in the morning, after breakfast, is sufficient. The dose is taken at the rate of 10 mg/kg. Children from six months to 2 years old are recommended to take 125 mg, children from 2 to 6 years old - 250 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 500 mg.

If a patient is diagnosed with mixed invasion, then the drug must be taken for 3 days at a rate of 10 mg/kg per day, or for two days at a rate of 20 mg/kg per day. If isolated ascariasis is noted, you need to drink the drug once at a rate of 5 mg/kg. It should be noted that Pirantel are chewable tablets, so they should not be swallowed, but chewed.

Side effects: after administration, vomiting, nausea, , hyperthermia, paresthesia, etc.

You can buy Helmintox at a price of 80 rubles, Pirantel - from 50 rubles.

Vermox, Wormin, Vermakar

Active ingredient – mebendazole .

A medicine for worms for humans with this component is indicated for enterobiasis, ascariasis, multiple nematodes, strongyloidiasis, capillariasis, trichinosis, echinococcosis, taeniasis, alveococcosis, gnathostomosis trichuriasis.

These are effective medicines for worms in adults and children, each of which is especially good for infection with pinworms and roundworms.

You should not take these tablets during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with ulcerative colitis, liver failure, Crohn's disease, and do not prescribe medications to children who are under 2 years of age.

Method and regimen of use: Vermakar, Vormin, Vermox suspension or tablets are taken with a small amount of liquid. To recover from enterobiasis, children from 2 to 10 years old should drink 25-50 mg of the drug once, adults - 100 mg. You need to take the product again after 2-4 weeks.

If a patient is diagnosed with strongyloidiasis, taeniasis, trichuriasis, hookworm, ascariasis or mixed helminthiasis, deworming is carried out as follows: for 3 days, take 100 mg twice a day.

In the case of trichinosis - 200-400 mg three times a day, then, from 4 to 10 days - 400-500 mg three times a day.

When infected with echinococcosis, take 500 mg three times a day for 3 days, then the dose should be increased to 25-30 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Side effects may occur in the form of dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pain. If the drug is used for a long time, vomiting, headache, anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia, cylindruria, etc. are possible.

The cost of Wormin is from 140 rubles, Vermox – from 100 rubles.

Vormil, Nemozol, Aldazole, Gelmodol-VM, Albendazole, Gelmizole

Active ingredient – albendazole .

These anthelmintics are indicated for nematodes, toxocariasis, strongyloidiasis, echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum, if the causative agent is the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, as well as for giardiasis and other protozoa, mixed invasions, neurocysticercosis, if the causative agent is the larval form of Taenia solium.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, hypersensitivity, retinal damage, and for children under 2 years of age. Caution should be taken during breastfeeding if hematopoiesis or liver function is impaired.

Directions for use: Nemozol, Gelmodol-VM, Vormil should be taken during meals.

Nemozol for nemazodes is taken once: treatment of helminthiasis in adults involves taking 400 mg of the drug, children over 2 years old - 20 ml in the form of a suspension.

If the patient is infected with echinococcosis or neurocysticercosis, adults weighing more than 60 kg should drink 400 mg twice a day, if weighing less than 60 kg - 15 mg/kg/weight twice a day. The course of therapy for neurocysticercosis ranges from 8 to 30 days, the course of therapy for echinococcosis is three courses of 28 days, with breaks between courses of 2 weeks.

If Nemozol is prescribed to children for giardiasis, then a dose of 10-15 mg/kg should be used once a day for a week.

If a child has toxocariasis, then patients under 14 years of age are prescribed tablets twice a day, 10 mg/kg. Adults weighing up to 60 kg receive 200 mg of the drug twice a day; if the weight is more than 60 kg, then the patient receives 400 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Nemozol costs from 175 rubles in pharmacies. Aldazole – from 100 rub.

Worms that are common in Russia

In addition to the drugs described above, there are other anthelmintic drugs and agents. Means Ivermectin - These are broad-spectrum deworming tablets for people. However, Ivermectin is most effective in treating infections caused by roundworms. Also used in veterinary medicine.

Metrifonat used in the treatment of genitourinary schistosomiasis.

A drug Medamin , containing the active component Carbendacim, is an anthelmintic agent active against intestinal nematodes. Medamin is used if a person has trichuriasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease, enterobiasis, necatoriasis. What side effects does this drug cause? Allergic manifestations, weakness, nausea are possible.

Ditrazine (Ditrazine citrate) is used to treat filariasis, a disease caused by filarial worms. It works for ascariasis, but is less effective than other drugs.

Sometimes it is necessary to use additional topical agents. For example, cream Dermokas used for dermatoses, if complications caused by secondary infection are suspected. Dermokas is also used for fungal skin diseases.

Homeopathic remedy Antihelmin taken sublingually for 1-2 months.

Capsules Antihelmos include eucalyptus leaves, yarrow grass, and cloves.

Telochist is a biological supplement, which, however, also cannot be used without the approval of a doctor.

Thus, despite the abundance of remedies, a doctor should explain how to get rid of worms in adults and children by prescribing the correct treatment regimen, taking into account the compatibility of the drugs.

Those who are trying to find the best remedy for worms in adults and children should know that in some cases treatment at home with folk remedies also helps. The doctor will recommend what exactly you need to take and how to treat it. But the main folk remedies are well known: pumpkin seeds, garlic, onion, cloves.

Sometimes the answer to the question of how to get rid of helminths at home is simple: eat as many pumpkin seeds as possible. However, there are different recipes. For example, add honey and soda to ground pumpkin seeds: for 1 cup of seeds - 1 cup of honey and 1 tsp. soda The product is infused for 10 days and consumed 1 tsp. in the morning before meals.

Some sources claim that by regularly consuming pumpkin seeds, you can get rid of tapeworm at home. To get rid of tapeworm, you need to eat two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds every morning, and an hour later drink a good laxative. How long to practice this treatment depends on the body. But it is better to first consult with a specialist.

How to fight worms at home using onions? To do this, prepare an onion infusion by cutting a medium onion and pouring warm boiled water over it overnight. In the morning you need to strain and drink the liquid on an empty stomach.

For treatment to be effective, it must be carried out according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, and then follow all the rules of prevention.

There are a large number of worms that can live in the human body. You need to know them all and understand how you can fight them, since it is almost impossible to insure yourself against worms.


Roundworms are named after their shape. The body of such worms can reach from 5 mm to 40 cm. Initially, this species is locally located in the intestine, but can move to other tissues. This species enters the body either from unwashed vegetables and fruits, hands, or from person to person.


They have a grayish body 5-10 mm long. The disease caused by them is called enterobiasis. Infection occurs through the mouth. In two weeks, the individual matures and lives in the body for up to 2 months. At this time, a person begins to lose weight, his body becomes exhausted.




Wide tapeworm

Pork tapeworm

Bull tapeworm

A large worm, the size of which reaches 18 meters. It depletes the body and nervous system, and also leads to intestinal obstruction. The worm is localized in the small intestine, and infection occurs from pork.

Treatment of the disease should occur only after tests and an accurate diagnosis made by the doctor. Drugs can be selected for people with a wide spectrum of action, or they can be selected for the treatment of a specific type.

How does an anthelmintic affect worms?

  • the components included in the medicine can paralyze the muscles of the helminth, thereby stopping its vital functions;
  • medications block helminth feeding, thereby stopping its growth and existence;
  • chemicals that enter the body of the worm stop the synthesis occurring in the intestines, which prevents the worm from developing;
  • The cuticle of the worms is destroyed, and they begin to be digested by the body, rather than existing in it.
  • toxicosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects:

  • itching, urticaria,
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakness, insomnia, drowsiness, dizziness, hallucinations.


  • chronic fatigue of striated muscles,
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to components;
  • during lactation, breastfeeding should stop three days before taking the medicine;
  • The drug should not be given to children under 6 months of age. This is due to the fact that the effect of pyrantel has not been fully studied.

Nemocid conflicts with drugs such as levamisole and piperazine. Nausea, diarrhea, and rapid heartbeat may occur. Therefore, without a doctor’s prescription, you should not choose a drug on your own, much less combine it with other drugs.

Reviews indicate that the drug is well tolerated by adults and causes side effects in children.


Pyrantel - the active substance of this drug for worms in humans is pyrantel. The release form of the medicine can be a suspension or tablets. The medicine copes well with both mature individuals and destroys the larvae.

You can take this medicine from 6 months. Adults can also take this drug. The dosage of the drug depends on age. The effect of treatment can be determined by a doctor after passing tests.


Helmintox is effective against helminths with a wide spectrum of action. Specifically, the drug is intended for the treatment of ascariasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, trichuriasis. The main active ingredient is pyrantel embonate. Therefore, contraindications and side effects are similar to anti-helminth drugs that are developed on the basis of pyrantel.

The range of diseases caused by tape pathogens is quite wide. It is important to start taking medications prescribed by your doctor correctly and on time.

The daily course and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease that has arisen. Depending on the diagnosis, the dosage will fluctuate.

Side effects

Mostly anthelmintics This group is well tolerated by patients, but side effects can also occur, so you need to know them:

  • appearance of a yellow tint to the skin. This phenomenon may persist for 1-2 weeks while taking the drug; it is not dangerous to humans;
  • disturbance of motor and speech activity. Occurs in case of overdose and can go away on its own after 3-4 hours;
  • nervous disorders. They can manifest themselves through hallucinations and loss of orientation in space. This symptom may bother the patient for 7 days.

If the described symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the medications and seek medical help. The doctor must be informed of the dosage taken and describe your condition.

The drug is active for taeniarinchiasis, taeniasis, hymenolepiasis, diphyllobothriasis.

Both adults and children can take the drug. The dosage will depend on the degree of infection, as well as the duration of the disease. The dosage will be selected by the doctor individually.

Taking medications is also best combined with a strict diet, which will ease the work of the intestines and digestive tract.

Adverse symptoms

  • nausea;
  • reaction to light;
  • allergy;
  • rash;
  • stomach upset.

If the drug causes the symptoms described above, then you need to seek help from a medical specialist.

The drug may be taken in the second and third trimester of pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor. The medication can be taken during breastfeeding without causing harm to the baby's health.

Medicines for worms do not have to be taken as a preventive measure. For preventive measures, it is enough to maintain personal hygiene, change bed linen, and use personal utensils. Taking toxic drugs, even once, can cause harm, so it is better not to use them unless necessary. This is especially true for children. It is better for them not to give any medications without tests and a doctor’s prescription. The same applies to an adult. It is best to choose harmless medicines for worms, which can be garlic and raw pumpkin, as well as its seeds.

In addition to everyday life, you can become infected with worms if you work:

  • in a children's group;
  • work with animals;
  • vacation in exotic countries where there is unsanitary conditions;
  • private exposure to nature and fishing;
  • work in the ground.

When to take universal remedies

These drugs include cysticide, biltricide, and azinox. Such drugs are active against 50 types of worms and can neutralize both adult individuals and those that are in their infancy.

Despite the effect on a wide variety of worms, it is best to take drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

Modern medicine offers various anti-worm tablets for humans. However, in order not to get confused in this diversity, you should familiarize yourself with the main categories of drugs. The presented classification of medicines is compiled by type and principle of prescription.

Classification of anthelmintic drugs




  1. Pirantel.
  2. Praziquantel.
  3. Mebendazole.

Thus, what kind of tablets for worms are not on the market. However, their choice should be approached especially carefully because of the danger they pose.

Why are antihelminthics dangerous?

Any anti-helminth drugs contain toxins. Therefore, before taking a tablet or drinking a spoonful of syrup, make sure there are no contraindications. Remember that deworming is most effective under the guidance of a doctor and based on the diagnosis made as a result of the examination. Self-medication, on the contrary, can further aggravate the patient’s condition, even if you choose good anti-worm tablets.

The danger of all types of anthelmintic drugs is as follows.

It turns out that deworming medications can pose a serious danger not only to the helminths themselves, but also to humans. Therefore, only a doctor knows how to treat a patient with the least negative consequences.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of medications available in tablet form. Anthelmintic drugs for humans differ not only in price, but also in the indication for use, the presence of side effects, and contraindications. So before buying deworming tablets, it is better to consult a doctor for an exact prescription.

There are broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs. However, not all anti-worm tablets are so universal. Therefore, in order not to get confused by the variety of instructions, consult your doctor.

Deworming drops

Most often, anti-worm medications, which are not contraindicated for children, are also available in the form of a suspension. Sweetened syrup will not cause protests from the child. Also, unlike a tablet, the drops will be much easier to swallow.


Thus, there are quite a lot of options for enema. But, despite the apparent harmlessness of these procedures, it is still better to obtain the consent of the attending physician.