The smallest dog breeds. Small dog breeds

Not everyone can afford to have a large dog in the house, because it requires a lot of time and high maintenance costs. Don't be sad, we have compiled for you the top 20 smallest dogs in the world! So what are the smallest dog breeds in the world?

  • Bichon Frize

  • Height at withers –23-30 cm

    Weight – 2.5-5.5 kg

    A small dog with curly silky hair. They really love it when people pay attention to them. They love to perform, take part in shows and circuses. Excellent companions if you have a family that loves an active lifestyle.

    1. Chinese Crested

    Height at withers –23-33 cm

    Weight – 2-5 kg

    This dog always attracts the attention of others. It differs from other dogs in that it has sweat glands, so it does not need to pant as often to regulate its body temperature. known for going to sea with Chinese traders and catching rats and other pests there. They are small and fragile dogs that are easy to recognize in any shape or color. Hair in dogs of this breed is found only on the paws, tail and head. There is a legend about this that once a Chinese crested cat found a baby in the forest and donated its fur to him and thereby saved his life.

    1. Shih Tzu

    Maximum height at withers –27 cm

    Weight – 4.5-8 kg

    They have fascinated everyone for a very long time, they were originally bred in Tibet as lap dogs. The eyes of this breed can melt any heart, you just need to look into them a little longer. They are always joyful and satisfied, they will welcome any guest who comes to your home. This breed loves to be at home, they don’t like to be taken anywhere, except perhaps to an exhibition, they feel good in their own company.

    1. toy poodle

    Height at withers –24-28 cm

    Weight – 2-3 kg

    If you want to adopt a dog that will look amazing, then take it. This dog will hear what you told him half an hour earlier. The breed has proven itself very well as truffle hunters. Toy poodles were bred exclusively as companion dogs and are now carried in small purses.

    Miniature dogs are expensive to keep, but have several advantages over their larger counterparts. Here are some reasons why you might consider getting one of the smallest dog breeds:

    • Lifespan: The smaller the dog, the longer it can live. Many “toy dog” breeds live for more than 15 years.
    • They can do without mandatory daily walks. If you train a small dog to use a litter box or a disposable diaper, you don’t have to take your pet out in bad weather or frost.
    • Space Saving: Small dogs are ideal for living in a small apartment.
    • Love and devotion: even the smallest dog in the world is a true friend who adores his owner.

    We present you the names of the breeds and photos of the dogs.

    The Chinese name "Shih Tzu" translated into Russian means "lion cub". The long, silky hair around the Shih Tzu's head truly resembles a lion's mane.

    Shih Tzus are one of the oldest breeds in the world, with a history dating back to 8000 BC.

    A Shih Tzu can be a wonderful companion for a child who understands that a dog is not a living toy. These furry babies are very gentle, sociable, temperamental, smart and not at all aggressive.

    9. Papillon – 3.6-4.5 kg

    Small, friendly and affectionate dog. The name "papillon" means "butterfly". The breed received this name in honor of its funny ears covered with thick hair, reminiscent of butterfly wings.

    Papillons are very temperamental, affectionate and clean dogs that need daily walks. Daily brushing is important to maintain the beauty of your animal's long, silky coat.

    8. Bichon Frize – 3-5 kg

    A small breed developed in France. The name “bichon frize” means “curly lap dog”.

    Bichon Frizes are incredibly fun, friendly, playful, and intelligent. They have a compact body with a dense coat. This dog can easily be confused with a white poodle.

    A cheerful temperament is a distinctive quality of the breed. In addition, they are very patient and friendly with children and other pets in the family.

    7. Japanese Chin – 2-4 kg

    In Japanese, "hin" means "jewel". It is not difficult to guess that the dogs that were given this name were companions of high-ranking persons. However, the exact homeland of the Japanese Chin is unknown. It may have entered Japanese territory from China.

    This long-haired, sociable and devoted little thing is an excellent dog for a city apartment. Chins are moderately active indoors and will do well without a daily walk, especially if it is cold or hot outside.

    Their coat requires regular grooming with a brush and comb (twice a week).

    The breed is very friendly towards other pets, but can be jealous of children. The ideal option is if the puppy and child grow up together.

    6. Russian Toy – 2-3 kg

    One of the most unpretentious of all miniature dog breeds. Toys are undemanding when it comes to food, get along well with other animals, and do not need long walks.

    There are two varieties of Russian Toy: one is smooth-haired, and the other is long-haired. Moreover, the long-haired Toy's ears are covered with long and soft hair, hanging down like a fringe.

    Despite its fragile physique, the Russian Toy will fearlessly rush into an attack even on a large dog if it considers its owner to be in danger.

    5. Pomeranian Spitz – 1.9-3.5 kg

    This is one of the smallest dogs in the world. Photos of the breed look more like a beautiful toy, but they are very active, intelligent, social and playful dogs.

    Pomeranians have long, beautiful fur that makes them look like cheerful balls of fluff.

    This is not the best dog for small children because even the largest of the breed is not big enough to handle rough play.

    Pomeranians are one of the most capricious breeds to keep. Daily brushing and combing of teeth is a necessity to maintain the beauty of your dog's appearance.

    4. Maltese – 1.8-3.2 kg

    This tiny dog ​​with long snow-white fur is native to the Mediterranean island of Malta.

    Maltese dogs don't shed much and are therefore a good choice for people with dog allergies.

    Despite their small size, Maltese dogs are very active and stubborn creatures, and may not be suitable for those who have not dealt with dogs before. Training them adequately requires patience and persistence.

    3. Toy Fox Terrier – 1.5-3.5 kg

    The long-eared, athletic-looking dogs with short, shiny coats were bred from the small, smooth fox terriers. A fearless, active and easily trained puppy, despite its modest height and weight, can “sit on the neck” of its owner. So if you decide to get a toy fox terrier, you should show him from a young age who’s boss.

    During the molting period, these babies lose a surprising amount of fur. Therefore, they are unlikely to be suitable for allergy sufferers. But caring for the coat is not difficult, and Toy Fox Terriers do not bark too loudly. This makes them excellent companions for older people.

    2. Yorkshire Terrier – 1.3-3.2 kg

    A popular miniature breed that is well known for its long, silky hair. Yorkies have a small head, black eyes and pointed, erect ears.

    The temperament of these dogs depends on the training and socialization they receive as puppies. Well trained dogs will be calm and brave. They are not suitable for outdoor activities because they cannot withstand conditions that are too cold or too warm.

    Yorkshire Terriers are good watchdogs. They will bark at anything they consider strange or threatening to their owners.

    1. Chihuahua – 0.9-2.7 kg

    Here is the answer to the question of what breed of dogs is the smallest. With a maximum weight of 2.7 kg, Chihuahuas are by far the smallest dogs in the world. Photos of these tiny beauties are even in the Guinness Book of Records.

    • The size of the dog named Millie, which belongs to a resident of Puerto Rico, Vanessa Semler, is only 9.65 cm at the withers, and weighs 400 grams. She is the smallest of all dogs on Earth.
    • And the record holder in the “shortest dog” category is a chihuahua named Brandy, whose length is 15 centimeters.

    The Chihuahua breed originates from Mexico. They are named after the state of Chihuahua, where dog breeders found amazingly miniature dogs. These dogs have a small round head, straight ears and large wet eyes that seem to be about to pop out of their sockets. There are both short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas in the world.

    As with any breed, early socialization and training are essential for Chihuahuas. They are very smart and curious, and learn quickly. These animals are devoted to their family, although they tend to become especially attached to one person. Chihuahuas also love to follow their owners wherever they go.

    Despite their tiny size, they are very good watchdogs; they will always bark a warning if someone approaches the front door. In general, Chihuahuas love and know how to bark. They will bark at strangers, strange noises, and other dogs. Chihuahuas should not be left unattended outdoors as they may get into fights with larger animals.

    Funny and serious, loudly barking and silent, timid and very brave, fluffy and smooth-haired - different dogs that have one thing in common - compact size. There are many small breeds of dogs, some act as pets, while others have working qualities. Which small dogs are more popular, and how do they bribe their future owners? It is worth considering the most common breeds.

    The face of this funny dog ​​looks like a monkey or the grimace of an imp. At the same time, the dog is very positive and cheerful. There is some similarity between the Affenpinscher and griffins, but these two breeds still differ from each other.

    In ancient times, these dogs performed an important function - they exterminated rodents, but today they are classified as dogs, and they are mainly companions. Affenpinschers have a tough temperament. Sometimes pets show mischief and stubbornness, but at the same time they remain family favorites. The maximum height of the breed reaches 28 cm, and they weigh up to 4.5 kg.

    Representatives of this young breed are called Biewer Yorkies for short. These are cute pets that are active, playful and agile. The dogs are so balanced that they can calmly endure any hygiene procedures. They can be trained using play form.

    Biewer Yorkies are great fashionistas and it is not surprising, because they have a long, silky coat that allows them to create different hairstyles. Wool also requires special care, which it is better for future owners to learn about in advance. The height of the dogs is 24-27 cm, they weigh up to 3.5 kg.

    These small curly dogs are native to France. The unusual name of the breed translates as “curly-haired lapdog.” Outwardly, they resemble a soft toy with a snow-white fur coat. Bichons appreciate attention, affection and a friendly attitude. And their curiosity and desire to learn make it easy to master even the circus program.

    Suitable for active, purposeful people who love to travel - such a pet will be happy to keep company. At the withers, Bichons reach 29 cm, and weight varies from 2.5 to 5.5 kg.

    Brussels Griffons are mischievous little ones; their funny appearance and bright character allow them to be not only favorites, but also practically members of the family. You can get such a pet if you already have animals in the house; they also get along well with small children and show amazing patience and endurance.

    Their main qualities are kindness and devotion, they love communication and are not averse to being the object of everyone's attention. People who have not previously had dogs as pets can get such a pet. The height of these babies reaches 28 cm, and griffons weigh no more than 4.5 kg.

    This little snow-white toy dog ​​has literally angelic patience. It is very easy to teach various tricks, and her intelligence allows her to master even a complex program. By taking this amazing creature into your home, a person gets an excellent companion who only requires attention and special care for the coat.

    You can have a lap dog as a friend for a child; they will definitely find a common language. Also, such a pet can accompany its owner almost everywhere - both on trips and when going out. The height of the dogs does not exceed 30 cm, and the maximum weight reaches 4 kg.

    Perhaps one of the most common breeds. Many socialites appear at social events. They were once used to control rodents, but today they are exclusively decorative pets. One can say about these dogs that they are very loyal, affectionate and positive. They feel great both in apartment conditions and in country houses.

    It is very easy to train such a baby, especially if you conduct classes in a playful way. Yorkies are devoid of aggression and get along well with other animals. Yorkshire terriers weigh no more than 3.2 kg, and their height at the withers does not exceed 23 cm.

    It will be interesting:

    Like all spaniels, cavaliers have a pleasant, attractive appearance and a very docile character, but at the same time they do not lose their dignity. The latter is not surprising, because once upon a time dogs of this breed were the favorites of royalty.

    Modern Englishmen consider representatives of this breed to be “anti-stress” dogs that can create comfort. And to this day, it is the Cavalier Kings who are kept at the Dutch and English royal courts.

    Such dogs are not guards or watchmen, but they are true companions who can waste away without communication. Dogs of this breed weigh no more than 6.5 kg, and their height reaches a maximum of 27 cm.

    It is the smallest of the dachshunds, but has the same hunting instincts and skills as its larger counterparts. It’s not unusual for such a pet to rush after a passing cat, mouse, or bird, or to make an excellent hole out of homemade blankets.

    The rabbit dachshund is an overly mobile, active animal that often shows character, so the future owner should know that the upbringing of this little one should be approached with the utmost seriousness.

    The pet will be incredibly devoted to its owner, and a long separation can cause irreparable psychological trauma. The height of rabbit dachshunds is 17 cm or less, and their weight does not exceed 5 kg.

    The official name of the breed is more complex - continental toy spaniel, and translated from French it means “butterfly”. Despite the presence of the word “spaniel” in the name, Papillons are not hunting dogs, and their funny appearance once again confirms this. Yes, there really were spaniels in their family, but apart from some external characteristics, they did not particularly affect their working qualities.

    Such a dog is worth getting for your soul; it knows how to listen, happily participates in joint activities and is good-natured towards everyone around you. But the butterfly dog ​​is a thunderstorm for rats and mice, and therefore can be of great benefit. The height at the withers reaches 28 cm, Papillons weigh up to 4.5 kg.

    A representative of the oldest Chinese breed, who lived at the court of the emperor for a long time and was a sacred person, which could not but affect his character. These compact, long-haired dogs have self-confidence and independence, which somewhat complicates the process of training and education. However, knowing the characteristics of the breed, it is not difficult to find an approach.

    They are unobtrusive and will not demand attention, however, they are not averse to basking in the rays of glory. They get along with younger family members, but will not tolerate bullying or neglect. The dogs weigh from 3.2 to 6.5 kg, and the height at the withers does not exceed 23 cm.

    Like all Spitz dogs, it has a pretty appearance and a rich, fluffy coat. If you need a little bell in your home that will notify you of expected and unexpected visitors, then you can safely get a Pomeranian puppy. This pet will not let you get bored, and if there are children in the house, it will successfully join a small noisy company.

    Representatives of this breed are not recommended for older people, since the Spitz requires not only constant attention, but also activity. In addition, their rich coat requires special care. The height of oranges is only 20-22 cm, and their weight is no more than 3 kg.

    Excellent companion dogs come from Belgium with very expressive faces. The owner only needs to look at the pet once to understand what mood it is in.

    Representatives of this breed are very good-natured, playful and get along with almost everyone, including other pets. The dog loves affection very much, is trainable and, with the right approach, can perform even complex tricks. The height of such babies is a maximum of 22 cm, weight – 4.5-6 kg.

    The breed is relatively new, its appearance is associated with the fashion for dwarf dogs. And to this day, ladies have a weakness for these cute, graceful dogs with thin legs - compact and good-natured. The toy terrier will keep company on any trip; they do not require complex care and a lot of space.

    Despite their modest size, these are brave dogs that will definitely rush to protect their owner. But at the same time, they are quite flexible, obedient and non-conflicting. An important aspect is mandatory communication with your pet. Toy terriers weigh up to 3 kg, and their height at the withers reaches 25 cm.

    A representative from America who, although not very popular, deserves attention. This little dog is not averse to lying on the sofa with his owner, going on a hike with him and taking part in joint games. The Toy Terrier is very easy to train, especially if it receives praise for certain achievements and successes, is non-confrontational and good-natured.

    Finds a common language even with cats, and at the same time is quite fearless. With such pets you can safely go to sporting competitions - they show excellent results. Fox Terriers are no taller than 25 cm at the withers, and their weight does not exceed 3.5 kg.

    The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. Their homeland is Mexico. These are truly tame pets that can literally be carried in a lady’s clutch or pocket, but how can you leave this amazing tiny creature unattended, alone?

    But their toy appearance is deceptive; in case of danger, they can show their teeth and, without thinking about the size of the enemy, rush to attack. But, in general, these are good-natured pets that can win over even non-dog lovers. Kids of this breed can be 15 cm tall, but some individuals reach 23 cm, weight varies from 0.5 kg to 5.5 kg.

    A native of Tibet, the Shih Tzu has almost completely retained the original appearance of those ancient dogs that lived on the territory of monasteries. They are also called chrysanthemum dogs for their luxurious, silky coat. In those distant times, these beautiful dogs performed excellent guard duty, raising their voices when they saw impending danger. Today, such actions are not required from them.

    Representatives of this breed are smart, beautiful and have their own dignity. They love to greet guests and participate in small talk. Yes, they need attention and care for their luxurious coat. And yes, Shih Tzus are not very active - they prefer to lie around at home than run and jump outside.

    This miniature dog with a harmonious appearance and a funny face is touching. But there is a protective instinct in its genes, and such a pet is very wary, and often aggressive towards strangers.

    Like all Spitz dogs, this baby is highly trainable and is even capable of showing excellent results in competitions. The height of the Japanese Spitz can reach 39 cm, but the weight varies from 4.5 to 10 kg.

    This is an oriental beauty with luxurious fur and intelligent, slightly bulging eyes. He is kind to both people and other animals, and does not like conflicts and disagreements. Such a pet does not like to sit in one place, participates in all household chores and is not averse to frolicking in nature.

    It is vital for him to be with his family, and loneliness for such a pet will be real torture. Japanese Chins do not exceed 25 cm in height and 4 kg in weight.

    Representatives of small breeds are different dogs with charisma. Some are true homebodies, while others are unable to sit still for even a minute. Therefore, when choosing a representative of this or that small breed, you should take into account their characteristics, and then the little dog will become a true friend and an excellent companion.

    In the photo: King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Lapdog.

    Miniature pets have been popular for several centuries. And only at first glance do they seem like toys. Each small dog has its own individual and unique character.

    Such “babies” become true friends and life partners for millions of owners. In this material we will tell you about all the advantages of miniature pets. You will find out what the smallest dog in the world is.

    The demand for pocket dogs is growing every year. Pets have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of children. Tiny creatures are devoted to those who care for them. Despite their size, they are lively and brave. We are always ready to defend ourselves if the owner is in danger.

    Friendly, cheerful creatures lift your spirits. Looking at them, only positive emotions appear. Abroad they are considered four-legged doctors.

    Positive creatures have an incredible healing effect on humans. Pets don't require a lot of space. They feel comfortable in a small living space, there are many positive aspects.

    The main advantages of mini dogs:

    Compact size. Despite his small height and weight, the pet has a big heart. Such a tiny animal will give its owner his love and become a full-fledged member of the family. No fear of heights. Fearless animals bypass their larger counterparts: they are not afraid of heights, and, it seems, are even ready to make a parachute jump.

    They eat little. The small pet, although picky about food, eats little. They go to diapers. When there is no time to walk with her, she easily learns to go to the tray or diaper. They love affection. Few people would think of coddling a Great Dane or a Rottweiler.

    With small dogs you can afford such familiarity. They love to be in the arms of their owner and are always happy when they are petted. Minimum dirt. There is little smell or fur in the home from a miniature dog.

    Portability. The world's tiniest dogs fit in a purse. You can take it with you on a visit or to the store, or transport it in transport without any hassle. Long-lived. Such “babies” have a longer life expectancy than their larger relatives.

    Rating of small breeds

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with 20 of the cutest miniature creatures and find out which is the smallest dog breed:

    20 – Pug

    A cheerful animal of the oldest breed. The pug loves to be the center of attention, is active, and will become a faithful companion. It is enough to look into his eyes and understand that he is not only smart, but can also adapt to his owner.

    If you like to lie in bed in the morning and watch TV, a pug will not interfere with that. He will be happy to spend time with you or wait for you when you return from work. Weighs up to 10 kg. Height - up to 35 cm.

    19 – Chinese Crested

    An extremely active and loving pet that strives to accompany its owner everywhere. An ideal option for keeping in a small apartment. Easy to care for.

    Chinese Crested dogs love active games and attention to themselves. They love to wear clothes. The average weight is from 4 to 6 kg. Height at withers is from 23 to 33 cm.

    18 – Petit Brabançon

    The smallest dog breeds, including Petit Brabançon, delight owners with positive characteristics. The mini dog is kind, loves to play, and is affectionate. Brabançon is emotional, you can easily read her mood from her face.

    Gets along with other pets. Submits to training and follows commands. Weight ranges from 4.5 to 6 kg. Height at withers up to 22 cm.

    17 – Japanese dwarf spitz

    Cheerful mini dog. Distrustful of strangers, sometimes aggressive. Attached to the owner, does not like loneliness. Excellent for training, can take part in speed competitions. The coat is easy to care for. Weighs from 4.9 to 10 kg. Height - up to 39 cm.

    16 – King Charles Spaniel

    The ancestors of the breed at the beginning of the 16th century went hunting with the lords. Cheerful, devoted English aristocrats are distinguished by their boundless love for their master. King Charles Spaniel with shiny coat and devoted eyes. Weight ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 kg. Height up to 27 cm.

    15 – Bichon Frize

    A small animal with a printed curly fur coat. Loves attention to a person. Can take part in the circus and various shows. The Bichon Frize is ideal for people who love an active lifestyle. Weight ranges from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. Height up to 29 cm.

    14 – Rabbit dachshund

    The dwarf variety of dachshund was originally bred for burrow hunting. The dachshund becomes attached to its owner and loves children. The dog will not miss a mouse or bird that is in its field of view.

    Active and energetic, she requires a special approach to education. A small animal with a loyal character. Weighs from 3.4 to 5 kg. Height up to 17 cm.

    13 – Shih Tzu

    A charming little dog, bred quite a long time ago in Tibet. When you look into the large eyes of a Shih Tzu, you fall in love with the breed forever. A friendly, cheerful baby is glad to all the guests who come to your home.

    Domestic, does not like movement, prefers to stay at home rather than go on a hike. Shih Tzu weight ranges from 4.5 to 8 kg. Height at withers up to 27 cm.

    12 – Pekingese

    Originally from China. Self-confident and independent representatives of toy dog ​​breeds can create difficulties in training.

    Difficulties arise with them in the process of education. Pekingese do not get underfoot, they are patient. They are wary of children. Weight – 3.2 to 6.5 kg, height up to 23 cm.

    11 – Italian lap dog

    Small dogs have a patient nature. They easily learn new things and are trainable. They get along with other pets. The Italian lapdog is discreet and intelligent. Can become a faithful companion for the owner.

    Special, simple coat care is required. Height at the withers is up to 30 cm, and the average weight is up to 4 kg.

    10 – Beaver York

    Sweet, calm and active miniature “baby”. She loves active games and is balanced, so it is easy to carry out hygiene procedures with her (haircut and manipulation of fur). The Biewer York, despite its cheerfulness, is unobtrusive. Height at the withers is up to 27 cm, standard weight is up to 3.5 kg.

    9 – Japanese Chin

    The friendly baby is able to get along with all family members. Favorable towards other pets. Energetic, but also considered a reliable companion.

    Thanks to its face, thick padded coat and high-set tail, the Japanese Chin is attractive. The average height is approximately 25 cm, and weight is up to 4 kg.

    8 – Papillon

    This decorative miniature dog gets its name from the French word papillon (translated from French as butterfly). Funny, artistic and active animals, few will leave anyone indifferent.

    They love to run after the ball and scare away rodents. You won't be bored with these animals in your house. Height is up to 28 cm, and weight is up to 4.5 kg.

    7 – Yorkshire Terrier

    The miniature pet is distinguished by its positive behavior. The terrier is affectionate and loyal. It is ideal for keeping both in a city apartment and in a country house.

    Smart, quickly follows commands, easy to train. Yorkie weight is up to 3.2 kg, and height is no more than 23 cm.

    6 – Pomeranian Spitz

    The loud, restless dog will not let its owner get bored. An energetic Pomeranian with a funny face and a stuffed coat will become a family pet.

    The dog's fox ears and funny habits make it one of the most popular breeds among miniature dogs. Suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and do not sit still. Height is up to 22 cm, and weight is up to 3.% kg.

    5 – Russian Toy Terrier

    Small dogs have been known since the 19th century, at that time they were in demand among fashionistas. Today, many society ladies choose this breed for its pretty face and modest size. This terrier does not have an explosive character; they are calm and loyal. Height at the withers is up to 25 cm, and weight is about 3 kg.

    4 – Affenpinscher

    A rare specimen among the smallest dogs, it captivates owners with its cheerfulness and interesting appearance. The flattened face is similar to a griffin, but there is a difference. The Affenpinscher's eyes are deep-set.

    Special care for the coat is required. The pet will become a loyal friend and protector. Height is from 20 to 28 cm, and weight is 4.5 kg.

    3 – Brussels Griffon

    Mischievous little ones with bright personalities. Energetic and at the same time calm, balanced. Get along with other pets. They love walks in the fresh air. Loyal and kind.

    Show patience with small children. The height at the withers of the Brussels Griffon is up to 28 cm, and its weight is 4.5 kg.

    2 – Toy Fox Terrier

    Positive and funny animals can lift your spirits. By nature, they are hunters who catch rodents. Restless and energetic people love constant attention. Unpretentious in care.

    Smart, they participate in sports competitions. The fox terrier weighs 3.5 kg and grows up to 25 cm.

    1 - Chihuahua

    The smallest dog breed in the world originated in Mexico. Chihuahuas love to be carried. They are incredibly popular in all corners of the globe. Kind, not capricious and patient little ones, with the habits of a real watchdog.

    The smallest dog does not like to be punished. Chihuahua is a reliable guard for a lady's handbag. A breed with long and short hair, different colors. Height varies from 15 to 23 cm, and weight ranges from 500 g to 5.5 kg.

    What is the smallest dog breed in the world?

    The world's smallest Chihuahua dog, whose results are included in the book of records. The little one named Millie is only 6.53 cm tall. The weight of the smallest dog in the world is 170 grams.

    Caring for baby Millie is not easy, but the owners, a married couple from Puerto Rico, dote on her. The main difficulty for them is losing their baby in the garden or at home. Most of the chicks, despite their tiny size, are aggressive towards strangers.

    Who doesn’t dream of having a devoted friend with an understanding and loving look, always ready to help? A dog is just such a friend, but the square footage of modern city apartments dictates its own strict conditions, making you forget about your dream. Fortunately, there are thousands of dog breeds in the world, some of which are undemanding of free space. The smallest dog in the world will remain a perky puppy until old age, loyal to its owner and ready to rush into battle if he is in danger. What breed claims this title?

    Small dogs are a great option for those who are not ready to get a large dog. Children really like these mini-pets; they can be taken with them everywhere. The main thing is to become familiar with the character of the future pet and the characteristics of the breed. We offer a rating of the top 3 most popular babes.

    3rd place: Russian Toy

    • Origin: Russia.
    • Height: 19-29 cm.
    • Weight: maximum 3 kg.

    Previously, the breed was called Russian Toy Terrier. This decorative dog was bred by Russian breeders in the mid-20th century as a replacement for the English Toy Terrier. There are two varieties: shorthaired and longhaired Russian Toy.

    Longhaired Russian Toy

    This is an active animal, distinguished by its miniature size, elegant appearance and love for its owners. A devoted friend and companion for all family members, who happily plays with children and gently communicates with the elderly.

    Today it is the smallest variety of terrier in the world, which is allowed into most public places, and, thanks to its size, the dog can be taken with you everywhere. She herself will happily follow her owner wherever he goes.

    The Russian Toy also gets along well with other pets, including other dogs. Thanks to his balanced character, he is easy to train. But due to their small size, dogs run the risk of injury even if they simply fall from a chair.

    Still, it is important to understand that despite its size, it is a full-fledged dog and you cannot treat it like a toy, even regardless of the translation of the word “Toy” (‘toy’ – “toy”, English). Otherwise, the dog may get the so-called Napoleon syndrome and begin to aggressively demand satisfaction of all its whims.

    2nd place: Yorkshire Terrier

    • Origin: UK.
    • Height: Varies depending on the variety.
    • Weight: 2.3 - 3.1 kg.
    • Life expectancy: 12-15 years.

    This decorative long-haired breed was bred at the end of the nineteenth century in the English county of Yorkshire. Any photo of the breed of this smallest dog in the world is deceptive: behind the miniature, cute creature there is a large-character dog with a Napoleon complex from birth. The breed was originally bred as a rat exterminator.

    Yorkies have repeatedly received the title of the smallest dog on the planet. These kids are regular participants at dog shows. This is bad, because the cheerful disposition and a lot of energy emitted by these wonderful animals is spent sitting in a curler. Therefore, happy is not the Yorkshire terrier who has to show off his luxurious coat in front of the judges, but the one who has the joy of frolicking for his own pleasure and receives maximum love from his owners. This is a wonderful friend, and also a real hunter, living by the instincts of his ancestors.

    Despite its modest size, it boldly rushes to the defense of its owner and follows on its heels throughout the day. This is a very affectionate breed, whose representatives easily make friends with strangers, but Yorkies do not get along with other dogs.

    They love it when they are given a lot of time and attention, but left to their own devices they will not be bored either. For this reason, you need to keep an eye on them: due to their perky nature and natural courage, these kids can get into all kinds of trouble.

    1st place: Chihuahua

    • Origin: Mexico.
    • Height: 15-23 cm.
    • Weight: 500g-3.5kg.
    • Life expectancy: more than 10 years.

    Record holder for miniature size and officially the smallest dog breed in the world. In addition, the Chihuahua is an important participant in the history of dog breeding: the small dog influenced the emergence of other dwarf breeds, and its Techichi ancestor was mentioned back in the 2nd millennium BC.

    In the 16th century, the ancestors of modern Chihuahuas experienced a real nightmare: the Spanish conquistadors, who found themselves in conditions of famine, ate small dogs for food. This sometimes happened before the era of conquest. The smartest Techichi fled to the jungle, where already in the 19th century the Mexicans discovered them and opened a business selling adorable animals to tourists from the United States.

    Modern Chihuahuas, which have a variety of colors, are very different from their ancestors. It is believed that they are the result of crossing with Chinese hairless dogs, which were brought by the Spaniards from Europe. The first Chihuahuas appeared in Russia in the late 50s of the 20th century. The Russian pedigree of the breed comes from two dogs donated by Fidel Castro to the Soviet leadership.

    Chihuahuas can be long-haired or smooth-haired. There is a lot of debate about the differences in their personalities. In any case, it is not easy for these dogs and the people who once became sworn enemies for small animals are to blame for this. This breed is not suitable for those who have restless children at home, and Chihuahuas do not like strangers. But among people dear to him and loving him, this brave dog, out of size, with developed empathy, will have fun and play fervently. Although he is not averse to simply observing the activities of the owners. It is important to make maximum consistent but gentle efforts to socialize your pet.

    Some interesting facts

    There are several interesting facts about miniature babies:

    1. The smallest dog in the world may look like a cute and defenseless creature in the photo, but in reality the fearless spirit of a wild bear may be hiding in its miniature body: giving in to difficulties is not about these kids.
    2. Small dogs for the most part practically do not shed, and therefore even allergy sufferers get along with them.
    3. The title of the smallest dog on Earth in 2013 was given to a Chihuahua named Miracle Millie: her height was only 9.5 cm and her weight was just over 400 grams!

    Miracle Milly is the smallest dog in the world

    Why do people choose small dogs?

    Now you know what the smallest dog in the world is. The popularity of miniature breeds is caused by fashion, which is especially susceptible to the weaker sex. Remember how many famous ladies are captured by journalists with cute dogs in their arms. This does not mean that miniature dogs are women's pets. A small dog can easily become a full-fledged member of the family. But you need to understand that this is not a living toy, but an animal with its own characters and habits.

    If you decide to have one of the smallest dogs in the world, you need to carefully study the issues of keeping, training and proper behavior with this breed. In addition, one should not forget about predispositions to diseases and other important features of decorative dogs.

    For example, a Yorkshire Terrier needs to wipe its eyes daily with a cotton swab moistened with water, otherwise the dog may develop conjunctivitis. You also need to comb him properly, trim his fur in certain places and brush his teeth with a special brush so that they do not fall out in the first years of life due to dental diseases.

    And these are just some of the rules for caring for a Yorkie. Even the smallest dog is not a small responsibility. But with proper care and handling, even the smallest animal can live up to 20 years, delighting loved ones with its ringing bark.