Time to be careful (critical periods of pregnancy). Characteristics of discharge during embryo implantation

The most significant transformations of the fetus occur on early stages pregnancy. Within a few days from the moment of conception, it turns from one cell - a zygote - into a millimeter-sized embryo. Formation ovum begins immediately after the fusion of sperm and egg into fallopian tube. After this, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Is it possible to feel the moment of implantation of an embryo into a woman’s body?

How does conception occur?

In order for conception to occur, the participation of two gametes is necessary - a sperm and an egg. In the first half menstrual cycle The oocyte matures - under the influence of the gonadotropin FSH, it is formed in the ovarian follicle. Around the middle of the cycle, usually on the 14th day, dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg emerges. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

After leaving the ovarian follicle, the egg travels into the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse occurred on this day or 2-3 days before, then some of the sperm could reach the fallopian tube. It is there that the male gametes wait for the female gamete to fuse with her and fertilize her.

If there are no sperm in the oviduct, the egg continues its movement, descends into the uterus, dies and comes out along with menstrual blood. If male gametes are present, then they all together begin to attack the surface shell of the egg - the corona radiata. One sperm cannot destroy it; the effort of several is required. However, only the one who first manages to reach the inner layer - the zona pellucida - fertilizes the oocyte.

Zygote implantation during natural conception and IVF

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As a result of the fusion of a sperm and an egg, a zygote is formed. This is the one-cell stage of the embryo's existence, which lasts 26–30 hours. Then, as a result of mitotic division, the zygote begins to fragment. By the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo consists of 12–16 cells, and by the 5th day it already consists of 30. At this stage of development, it is called a blastocyst.

At what time does the blastocyst attach to the uterine wall? During the first 5–6 days, the embryo moves along the fallopian tube and descends into the uterine cavity. During this time, progesterone, which is secreted by the corpus luteum, manages to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg - it becomes more loose. The cells of the surface layer of the blastocyst - the trophoblast - throw out finger-like processes and cling to the endometrium. This is how the embryo is implanted.

Implantation at in vitro fertilization is carried out differently and is most often late. The transfer of a fertilized egg is done 3 or 5 days after the fusion of gametes. Due to this late transfer, the process of implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall is delayed. That is why, after the transfer of IVF embryos, late implantation of the embryo occurs. In this case, there are usually no symptoms such as spotting or implantation bleeding.

How to understand that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus?

Are there certain signs of implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium? Despite the fact that this stage of gestation may be asymptomatic, some women, based on certain signs, can determine that they are pregnant even before their period is missed. The process of embryo implantation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in basal temperature.

Bloody discharge not of a menstrual nature

Approximately 7 days after unprotected intimate contact woman notices spotting red-brown discharge on linen. Even before the delay of menstruation, this symptom indicates that fertilization has occurred and the implantation of the blastocyst has been successful.

The nature of the discharge during embryo implantation:

  • scanty, spotting bleeding;
  • last no more than 48 hours;
  • color different intensity– from pink to brown;
  • There is no unpleasant odor.

Why is the attachment of the embryo to the uterus accompanied by bloody smears? This is due to the fact that during the implantation of the blastocyst into surface layer the uterus, the smallest capillaries of the endometrium are injured. There is no need to worry, microtraumas heal very quickly.

Not all women experience implantation bleeding, but this does not mean that implantation of the fertilized egg did not take place. Women who have gone through the IVF procedure eagerly await these signs, but ultrasound diagnostics can more accurately determine whether the embryo has taken root.

Basal temperature

Another symptom of implantation of the fertilized egg is changes in basal temperature. Basal is the temperature of the body in a state of complete calm. It can be used to track ovulation. Basal temperature is measured immediately after waking up; women are advised to keep the thermometer by the bed so as not to get out of bed to get it. At the moment the value increases by 0.2–0.4 degrees, a woman ovulates, this is the most favorable period for sexual intercourse if the couple has a desire to conceive a child.

The same changes occur at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium. The thermometer readings are 37.0–37.3°C. Typically, a woman does not feel unwell, as with a fever during a cold, because the body temperature quickly returns to normal.

Nausea, weakness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen

Some women have very high sensitivity. They feel the moment the follicle ruptures, when the egg comes out of it, and they feel the separation of the endometrial elements. It’s the same with the attachment of the blastocyst - expectant mother physically feels how this happens.

Similar sensations during embryo implantation can manifest themselves in the form of aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, closer to the pubis. Some people note that they begin to pull in the lower back on the sides.

Usually toxicosis appears later, but despite the fact that there are general norms course of gestation, each woman's pregnancy goes through its own individual characteristics. That is why, immediately after fertilization, a pregnant woman will feel weak, drowsy, and lethargic. Some people begin to feel sick in the morning, and their taste preferences change.

Mood swings

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body changes hormonal background. After ovulation, progesterone begins to enter the blood, the concentration of which does not decrease after 2 weeks, as during the normal menstrual cycle, but continues to increase. After implantation of the embryo, the chorion begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin. Hormones influence all systems of the body, including the central nervous system, which affects emotional state women.

In the morning the pregnant woman is joyful and high mood, which without visible reasons gives way to anger and irritability, and towards evening she becomes whiny and sad. Such sudden changes moods can accompany a woman throughout her entire gestation, but may also go away after she adapts to her new state.

When will the pregnancy test show?

All existing pregnancy tests react to the content of hCG in the urine, which begins to be secreted only after the implantation of the fertilized egg. It is pointless to carry out home tests in the past; they will give false results.

How long is it better to wait before the test and on what day can it be done? A week after unprotected coitus, it is too early to do the test, because the concentration of hCG will not be sufficient to be detected by reagents. Depending on the type of test, it should be done 2-3 days before the expected delay or immediately after it.

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • Stripes. Cheapest and available test, at the same time it is one of the most unreliable. However, this does not mean that the strip gives false results; the probability of error is only 4–5%. It has low sensitivity; in order for the strip to detect hCG in the urine, the concentration of the hormone must be at least 20 mIU/ml, which is achieved 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse.
  • Tablets. This test consists of a cassette with a urinal hole and a window on which the results are displayed, and a pipette for collecting urine. This analysis is close to laboratory tests and detects the hormone at a concentration of 15 mIU/ml.
  • Electronic device. Considered the most precise method pregnancy testing at home. Susceptibility – 10–15 mIU/ml. It is allowed to carry out the analysis 10 days after intimate contact, but the more time passes between coitus and the test, the higher its accuracy.

Why might an embryo fail to implant in the uterus?

Some women encounter a problem when fertilization itself occurs successfully, but the embryo cannot consolidate in the uterus and is brought out. Reasons why the embryo does not attach:

  • Hormonal imbalance. For attachment to be successful, a sufficient amount of progesterone must be produced. It prepares the uterus to receive the baby, reduces the immune response to foreign organism so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. When there is not enough progesterone, conditions for attachment are not created, and the embryo comes out. The cause may be insufficiency corpus luteum or lack thereof. Similar condition treated with medications hormone therapy, for example Utrozhestan or Duphaston.
  • Endometrial changes. It happens that the embryo simply does not find a suitable place to implant in the uterus, because the surface of the endometrium is scarred. This condition of the endometrium can be a consequence of abortion with curettage, operations on the uterus, inflammatory, infectious diseases. Late implantation at the os of the uterus can be a consequence of such pathologies.
  • Tumor processes. New growths in the uterus - polyps, fibroids, fibroids - prevent the blastocyst from gaining a foothold in the cavity.
  • Genetic abnormalities. Due to mutations in germ cells during fertilization, a non-viable zygote is formed. For example, two sperm get inside at the same time, or one of the gametes does not carry genetic information. Such an embryo does not develop, cannot attach, and miscarriage occurs before its implantation.

After the IVF procedure, doctors carefully monitor whether the embryos have taken root. At this stage of medical development, not all embryos take root, so patients undergo artificial insemination again.

A woman can observe this at the very beginning of the plantation period. But it is far from a fact that a representative of the fair sex in an “interesting” position will feel all the changes taking place in her body from the first days of conception. However, many girls can confidently describe specific feelings during embryo implantation. We will present all the sensations that are observed during this period in the female body below.

General information

Experts believe that it is extremely important to know what signs of embryo implantation exist. This is due to the fact that such a moment of the birth of a new life is one of the critical and important periods pregnancy. This fact is explained by the fact that future fetus has a foreign gene composition for the mother's body. After all, as you know, half of the child’s genes belong to the father ( haploid set - 23).

The process and signs of embryo implantation into the uterus

After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and an embryo is formed, it is implanted into the uterine cavity, namely into its mucous surface layer. In this case, the villi located on the embryo, in the process of penetration into the uterine tissue, slightly injure it, resulting in the appearance a small amount of blood. Next, the embryo is finally fixed on the mucous wall and begins to gradually develop.

As a rule, such a moment for each individual woman occurs in different terms. But most often the implementation is carried out from the 8th to the 14th day after immediate conception.

It should be especially noted that by this time the embryo already has two, or rather - external and internal. From the latter element the fetus will subsequently develop, and from the outer one the so-called trophoblast, which is the basis of the placenta. It is the presented sheet that will play the most important role V normal course pregnancy and baby development. This is due to the fact that it is fully responsible for the production of special substances that prevent the mother’s body from first attacking and then rejecting the emerging fetus.

Features of embryo implantation

We will describe below what signs of embryo implantation into the uterus appear in women. Now I would like to more accurately describe how exactly this special moment occurs.

It is worth noting that the signs of embryo implantation after transfer are practically no different from natural conception. But the symptoms are quite great importance for the expectant mother. After all, they are the guarantee that the fertilization procedure was successful, and now the woman has every chance to bear a healthy and healthy child. strong child. In addition, clear signs of embryo implantation after IVF mean that a rejection reaction has not occurred, and the chances that the pregnancy will be terminated decrease more and more every day.

Not everyone knows that the main symptoms of embryo implantation into the uterine cavity are divided into two types, namely subjective and objective. Let us consider all the manifestations of the implantation of the embryo into the uterus in more detail.

Subjective signs of embryo implantation

These symptoms include the following:

  • piercing, pulling or cutting painful sensations lower abdomen;
  • nervousness, weakness, drowsiness and irritability;
  • feeling of scraping and itching in the uterine cavity;
  • feeling of general malaise and fatigue;
  • Quite often, the signs of embryo implantation remind the fair sex of the state before the onset of menstruation.

It should also be noted that one of the most common and first signs of implantation of the embryo into the uterus is the sensation of a metallic taste in the oral cavity, which is accompanied slight nausea. Remembering what was drunk or eaten yesterday, women do not even realize that in this moment The embryo is fixed in their body for further development.

Objective symptoms of embryo implantation

The presented signs include:

By the way, women often experience late implantation of the embryo. The signs of such a process and the quality of the embryo are no different from the early or normal implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

Other symptoms

It should be noted that body temperature does not always increase when the embryo implants into the uterus. Sometimes it may remain normal or even be slightly reduced. Also, not all women experience spotting. As for this sign Almost every representative of the fair sex notes this during embryo implantation. Moreover, these feelings can vary significantly in nature and intensity.


As a rule, during such a moment, women can observe spotting, which is much lighter in comparison with menstruation, and is also quite scanty. If you have profuse bleeding accompanied by, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, this condition may indicate termination of pregnancy.

It should be noted that during implantation the so-called “ natural selection" In other words, those incapable of development and defective are rejected by the mother's body, preventing the life of embryos with any disorders or pathologies.

Conceiving a new life is considered a complex manipulation. Initially, an egg is formed, then it matures, is fertilized, and is fixed. The task of the sperm is to reach the finished egg. All these processes occur under certain conditions. When there are problems with the ovaries, the readiness of the egg will be impaired. If sperm are not active enough, fertilization will not occur. Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus is possible with excellent tubal patency.


Implantation in gynecology is the introduction of an embryo into the uterus. Pregnancy often occurs between 7 and 10 DPO (days after fertilization). At positive result Providing the fetus with everything necessary will pass through the organs of the expectant mother.

Implantation is the onset of pregnancy. The young mother hardly feels it, but this step is very important for the subsequent development of the embryo. The fetus will not turn into an embryo without this manipulation.

Implantation takes place in three stages:

  1. accession. The egg clings to the queen as soon as it reaches her. After this, it is filled with fluid, which lifts the embryo to the endometrium;
  2. adhesion. The villi of the egg actively contact the epithelial cells;
  3. invasion. An embryonic bud is formed.

The coordinated interaction of the mother’s body and the fetus contributes to a positive outcome of the operation from pregnancy to childbirth.

Is it possible to feel the implantation of the fertilized egg? No. Often it goes unnoticed. The female representative does not hear everything that happens in the body. The first sensations come later.

Where is the fertilized egg attached? The place of attachment varies, depending on various circumstances. However, most often the connection is made to the front or back wall uterus.

When does the fertilized egg attach to the wall of the uterus? The period of division and movement takes a week. The egg reaches the uterus. Within 2–3 days after fertilization, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs.

The course of the implantation process

The implantation period of the fertilized egg lasts approximately 40 hours. The only symptom indicating the moment of attachment is scanty bleeding.

Pregnancy occurs 3–4 days after sexual intercourse. Thus, fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg are determined by day. From this time on, a certain hormone begins to form: hCG, and tests react to it, showing the period of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus, determining the onset of conception.

The birth of a new life occurs as follows:

  1. the egg is fertilized and begins to move in the uterus;
  2. during movement it divides, the number of cells doubles;
  3. outwardly it looks like a blackberry-type berry, with many grains;
  4. movement inside the uterus continues for up to three days;
  5. then the same amount of time is needed for her to move towards the implantation zone; the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus.

Having found a position convenient for itself, it transforms into a blastocyst. Its penetration into the wall of the uterus is implantation during pregnancy. This happens on the 7th day.

When a week passes after implantation, the result is large, determine it using this test easily. Invaluable role The cervix plays a role in bearing a fetus. It ensures that the fertilized egg is kept in its proper place.

Symptoms, signs

The attachment of the fertilized egg does not cause changes in well-being in most women. The process occurs without pain. The hormonal background does not change externally. However, a female representative who carefully monitors her health is able to notice changes.

Symptoms of implantation:

  • bleeding. The introduction of an egg into the uterus slightly damages the blood vessels. As a result, the discharge acquires a pinkish tint;
  • There is a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. In its manifestation it is not strong, slightly sensitive. The focus of its localization is where the egg is attached;
  • temperature rise. It is associated with the appearance slight inflammation in the area of ​​implantation. Sometimes this phenomenon is perceived as cystitis during embryo implantation;
  • Before the increase, the temperature may drop by a degree to one and a half. This phenomenon is noted as short-term;
  • When the embryo is implanted, dizziness, slight malaise appears, apathy and indifference to everything that happens around occurs.

Emotional instability often sets in. The state of health during embryo implantation may be characterized by mood swings. Tears, self-pity, and the need for excessive care appear.

The above listed signs are weak and specific. For some women, they go completely unnoticed.

Behavior during the implantation period. A woman planning to conceive a child considers it natural to reduce physical activity, even to the point of abandoning it completely. She switches to bed rest, providing the embryo with the opportunity to quietly attach to the wall of the uterus. However, such a judgment is incorrect. The restrictions apply to female representatives who have undergone fertilization using artificial methods. The rest can continue their normal lifestyle without fear.

The continuation of pregnancy is influenced by genetic factors, the readiness of the endometrium to accept the embryo, and the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, bed rest is not at all necessary. A patient who has undergone IVF is given a certificate of release from work for 7 days. However, this does not negate her full ability to work. This measure is a kind of insurance.

Conditions for a successful operation

The egg successfully ovulated. The sperm overtake her and begin to attack. When the most active one manages to fertilize the egg, it divides into two parts, turning into a zygote. Further division continues until 32 paired chromosomes, the moment of formation of the blastocyst. All these processes take up to 7 days. The fertilized egg, after 3 days, reaches its target: it attaches to the membrane. From that time on, she becomes a fetus, growing and developing inside the mother.

Highest probability implantation by day falls 8 - 10 after ovulation, it is associated with mobility, life expectancy of the egg, sperm. We can say with confidence that this determines how many days the implantation of the fertilized egg occurs after fertilization.

For the implantation process to be effective, certain conditions must be present:

  1. endometrial thickness;
  2. hormone levels.

The outer layer of the endometrium should be a certain thickness of approximately 13 millimeters. For normal development embryo requires maintenance required quantity nutritional elements. It is recommended to strengthen the body before pregnancy.

During implantation of the fertilized egg, the concentration of progesterone should be above normal. It blocks the onset of menstruation, clearing the way for conception.

If these conditions are not met, the attachment will not take place. How to understand that fertilization has occurred, but the fertilized egg has not attached:

  • monthly bleeding begins;
  • the embryo is rejected;
  • a new egg matures.

Pregnancy failure can be caused by:

  • thick membrane around the egg;
  • low progesterone levels;
  • serious abnormalities of the embryo.

If at least one of the above factors is present, the embryo will not attach, which means spontaneous abortion will occur. If implantation does not occur, menstruation begins after a short period of time. The onset of menstruation is considered its main sign.

How to help implantation of an embryo in the uterus? Doctors advise taking a Piroxicam tablet two hours before embryo transfer. It is believed that it increases the success of the manipulation.

Implantation with eco

To achieve pregnancy, some families turn to the technique: implantation of a human embryo during IVF. Differences in sensation between conceptions in a natural way and unnatural are invisible. The absence of symptoms of the introduction of the fertilized egg is considered absolutely normal.

But any differences should not be completely denied. An egg that has received fertilization outside the uterus needs time to adapt, which can last a long time; after implantation, it finds itself in a new environment. Quite often, the process of conception is unsuccessful due to the death of the embryo. In these cases, to increase efficiency, implantation of two embryos is necessary.

A significant difference is the time of implementation and the duration of the manipulation. Basically it takes longer with eco. Therefore, if future mom notices any signs, she will feel them longer.

To minimize the risk of the embryo not surviving, the expectant mother needs to be vigilant and careful:

  • have a good rest;
  • do not carry anything heavy;
  • do not engage in sexual contact;
  • do not take a hot shower;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • monitor your diet, it should be regular and correct;
  • spend a lot of time in the fresh air;
  • do not take long walks;
  • completely give up bad habits;
  • do not be in crowded places;
  • do not come into contact with sick people.

You should be especially careful in the period up to 20 weeks. After this time, the embryo receives additional internal protection, the placenta completes its formation. In obstetrics, it is believed that until this time the fetus was formed, during the further period of pregnancy it develops and grows.

Pregnancy occurs as a result of fertilization female cell sperm - male cells. Few people know about important process, which occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy - cell implantation. This is the process when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, and this is where the full process of pregnancy begins. The first signs of the birth of a new life appear. You need to know the main points about this phenomenon, because it is one of the most critical moments in bearing a child. We will look at the timing, sensations and signs of implantation.

What is implantation?

Implantation is an unusual phenomenon in which a fertilized egg, called an embryo, implants itself into the wall of the uterus. There is a gradual connection of the uterine mucosa and the embryo. This period is important, because it is during this period that the compatibility of two organisms and the woman’s ability to bear a child with such a set of genes are tested. If there genetic disorders, then the body rejects the cell and a miscarriage occurs at an early stage.

From the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, large-scale changes begin in a woman’s body. The cells of the embryo begin to change and develop rapidly, at the same time the placenta begins to form. The woman’s hormonal background changes completely, and the level of the hCG hormone increases. From this moment on, pregnancy begins.

Implantation process

There are several sequential phenomena that occur in a woman’s body after sperm enters.

  1. The first step is the meeting and fusion of the egg and sperm. From this moment on, the egg is covered with a membrane - a protective film, so that no other male cells can penetrate into it. The cell remains in such a protective film until it enters the uterus.
  2. A zygote is formed inside the egg, which begins to actively divide into many smaller cells. The fertilized egg is protected by moving through the fallopian tubes with the help of muscle contractions.
  3. As soon as the fertilized egg has penetrated the uterine cavity, the protective film comes off. At this time, a trophoblast is formed on the surface of the fertilized egg, which helps the cell attach to the surface of the uterus.
  4. If the resulting membrane around the egg is too dense and rigid, the implantation process may be interrupted. In this moment female body carries out selection and does not allow the attachment of cells with serious pathologies that can be determined at this stage.

When does attachment occur?

The female body is unique, and there are no mandatory rules and the provisions he must follow. This means that it is impossible to determine exactly how long it takes for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus, as well as to calculate when fertilization took place. Medicine distinguishes two types of attachment depending on time.

  1. Early implantation is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus 6-7 days after ovulation. It turns out that the fertilized egg moves through the female body for about another week, after which, after passing through the fallopian tubes, it enters the uterus, and attachment begins there.
  2. Late implantation is a longer process that takes up to 10 days after ovulation. It occurs during IVF, in women over the age of 40, when the endometrium of the uterus is thick.

How long does it take for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus? The process takes approximately 48 hours. It is accompanied by some symptoms, which we will discuss below. In general, this process is not very noticeable to a woman.

Factors influencing the duration of the implantation period

There are a number of factors that influence how long a cell will travel in the body before implantation. Here are some of them that determine when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus:

  1. Compatibility of male and female cells, which determine the strength of the fertilized egg. If it is strong, it will pass through the fallopian tubes with ease, but if not, it may die.
  2. If conception occurs naturally (not IVF, freezing), then the chances of quick and successful implantation increase significantly.
  3. The thickness and elasticity of the uterine lining influence the attachment of the egg. Women over 40 are predisposed to thickening of the endometrium. This can also occur in at a young age, being the reason unsuccessful attempts get pregnant.
  4. It is important to introduce fundamentally new genetic material, then the likelihood that the female body will reject it is low. That is why it is not recommended for relatives, even distant ones, to conceive a child.


In most cases, women listen to their body and try to feel the symptoms when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. Is it possible? Some experts say that this is impossible, because everything happens at the cellular level and cannot cause discomfort to a woman. In fact, practice and many doctors say that this is not so.

  1. Appear nagging pain lower abdomen, which may resemble pain before menstruation or during ovulation.
  2. Discharge is observed, it is spotty and scanty, it contains small admixtures of blood.
  3. A slight increase in body temperature, both general and basal. After the embryo has successfully attached, elevated temperature may persist throughout the first trimester. Promotion in in this case slightly - about 37 degrees.
  4. If a woman regularly measures basal temperature, she will notice the sinking. This is a decrease in temperature by about 1.5 degrees. Afterwards, gradual growth will begin, which will indicate pregnancy.
  5. Metallic taste in the mouth and the appearance of nausea without gag reflexes. They are not clearly expressed, so they may simply not be noticed by a woman.

Sharp pain, deterioration, bleeding, loss of consciousness, dizziness and other signs are symptoms of alarming phenomena. You should consult a doctor immediately, otherwise The woman's health will be seriously damaged.

It is important to notice such discharge - there should be very little blood in it. If there is a lot of it, this indicates deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. All discomfort They should not disturb the expectant mother too much, they are light and do not last long.

Heavy discharge and long-term pain they talk about the threat of miscarriage and the formation of pathologies, so you need to consult a gynecologist. By nature, implantation secretions are similar to natural ones, which are released during ovulation and during the cycle. They are transparent, may have a slight creamy color, yellowish tint. The only difference is a drop of blood.

Why does implantation sometimes fail?

There are cases where implantation is impossible. Why does the fertilized egg not attach to the uterus? Let's look at several factors influencing this process:

  1. Great thickness and density of the protective cover of the fertilized egg. Previously, we discussed the implantation process, in which we said that if the membrane is too thick, attachment will be impossible.
  2. Deviations and disturbances in the genetic makeup, development of the blastocyst ( First stage human development), that is, that small cell that began to divide.
  3. Damage or disease to the lining of the uterus, which is unable to accept an embryo.
  4. Small amount hormones, often progesterone, which creates conditions for the successful attachment of the fertilized egg.
  5. Low level of nutrition of the uterine tissue, which is not enough for the development of the fetus.

Attaching to the back wall

Expectant mothers are often concerned with the question of which wall of the uterus is the fertilized egg attached to? As practice shows, in most cases the embryo attaches to the back wall of the uterus. It is closest to the spine of the expectant mother. Obstetricians note that this is the most comfortable spot attachments for childbirth.

At the site of attachment, the egg begins to grow, develop, and move into another stage of life. The location may change, but only in the 3rd trimester, as the uterus grows. It is impossible to independently determine where the embryo is attached. Reviews from women show that if the cell is attached to the back wall, fetal movements will be felt more strongly.

Attaching to the front wall is not a deviation, it is normal phenomenon, just more rare. In this case, the child will be located on the side of the abdomen, and not the spine.

Attachment to the fundus of the uterus

The situation when the fertilized egg is attached to the bottom of the uterus is the most correct with physiological point vision. This arrangement creates all the conditions for the embryo to favorable development, makes the risk of miscarriage minimal. At the same time, many women claim that when the egg attaches to the fundus of the uterus, the belly grows faster and stronger. Please note that this is nothing more than a myth. The location of the embryo does not affect the growth of the abdomen. Moreover, during pregnancy, the child can change its location several times.

“Implantation” is a term that characterizes the initial stage of pregnancy. It is almost not noticeable by a woman, but is very important for the subsequent development of the embryo. After all, without implantation, the embryo simply will not become a fetus. So let's figure out what implantation is, how it happens and what are the features of this process.

What happens after the egg is fertilized?

In most cases, women do not feel when fertilization occurs in their body. Sensations () appear, as a rule, after implantation. And at first the process of giving birth to a new life looks like this. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus, while continuing to divide and double the number of cells. In medicine, it is customary to call such an egg a morula three days after fertilization, when its interior is filled with liquid and consists of 32 cells. That is, morula looks like a raspberry, a berry consisting of small grains. The egg moves into the uterine cavity for three days, then moves in it for the same amount of time to the place of implantation (attachment to the uterus). Now the morula turns into a blastocyst (from the Greek word blastos - embryo), consisting of 250 cells. The blastocyst is a trophoblast (villous surface) and an embryoblast (the embryo of the future baby). The blastocyst size is 0.15 mm. By the time it enters the uterus, the size of the blastocyst increases to 0.23 mm.

How does implantation occur?

The process of implantation of a blastocyst into the soft wall of the uterus is called implantation of the fertilized egg. It occurs on the seventh day after fertilization. How does this happen? Trophoblast villi help penetrate the uterine epithelium and fuse with blood vessels mother's body. The time is usually about 40 hours. Sometimes, during the process of implantation of the egg, there may be scanty bleeding - the only sign that signals the woman that the implantation of the egg is occurring.

That is, in terms of time, implantation occurs 3-4 days after sexual intercourse. From this period of time, the production of a special hormone begins, which appears in a woman’s body only during pregnancy. It is called human chorionic gonadotropin (). It is this hormone that pregnancy tests react to.

About implantation symptoms

Usually women want to know if there are any other symptoms of implantation and how to determine that it has taken place? Not all women may even experience scanty discharge at the time when the egg is attached to the uterus (4-7 days of unprotected intercourse). Sometimes these discharges can even be confused with symptoms of other phenomena. For example, uterine tumors, endometriosis.

As a rule, there are no other internal sensations, pain, or changes in well-being. After all, the implantation process occurs on cellular level, and there is no sensation when the egg penetrates the endometrium of the uterus. But the expectant mother can only see the tiny embryo through an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy.

All rules have their exceptions. And during the implantation process they also exist. This is about ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is attached not to the endometrium of the uterus, but to the fallopian tube. Then the pregnancy ends in self-abortion. To detect such pregnancies and prevent possible consequences(gap fallopian tube) you need to contact a gynecologist on time and register with the antenatal clinic.

Sometimes the fertilized egg may be empty, and implantation occurs according to the usual pattern. In this case, pregnancy does not develop.

It is worth remembering this possible point: if implantation occurs during late ovulation, that is, later than 16-20 days of the cycle, then the embryo can be seen on ultrasound much later.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK