Pomegranate peels for diarrhea recipe. Use of pomegranate peels for children and pregnant women. Possible side effects

Digestive upset accompanied by diarrhea can be caused by several factors. Pathogenic microorganisms, intoxication, helminths, poisoning medicines, viral infections, autoimmune diseases cause diarrhea and create dehydration. The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy, since with the loss of fluid, mineral salts necessary for the development of the child are washed away. Depending on the etiology of the disease, it is most often prescribed conservative treatment, which involves taking medications. There are contraindications to the use of such drugs, so doctors recommend using traditional recipes.

The medicinal properties of the fruit depend on the composition of trace elements and vitamins, which are contained mainly in the peel:

1. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thiamine, present in pomegranate peels, helps with neuritis and vitamin deficiency. Pantothene stimulates metabolism. Folic is necessary during pregnancy, as it reduces the likelihood birth defects during child development.

2. Flavonoids help fight allergic diseases which children often suffer from. Polyphenols protect the body from carcinogens, preventing the appearance of cancer, can lower cholesterol by actively breaking down fats, and reduce the growth of dysentery bacillus during diarrhea. Catechins regulate glucose levels and prevent cell destruction.

Effectiveness of pomegranate

Water infusion cures serious infectious diseases and expels pathogens in a very short time:

1. Cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever subsides within five to six hours after the first manifestations. This allows us to prevent the epidemic factor in large crowded places. This is especially important when the child visits kindergarten, school or is on vacation at a summer camp.

2. Dysbacteriosis, stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers and colitis, often accompanied by diarrhea, are cured within a week and a half with regular intake decoction of crusts.

3. You can do without surgical intervention at acute appendicitis with diarrhea using an infusion of the peel.

4. Pomegranate during pregnancy prevents iron deficiency and anemia. Alimentary fiber fruits are not absorbed by the body, but are able to remove everything harmful substances. A recipe made from crusts will be useful for diarrhea, which often affects expectant mothers. early stages. But the peel contains a certain amount of alkaloids, so an overdose of the solution is considered a contraindication during pregnancy.


A fruit with a slightly dry peel is suitable for preparing the medicine. Ripe pomegranate has a thin crust that covers the grains. There should not be a green tint at the site of the inflorescence; this color indicates immaturity. Soft fruit is also not worth buying, as it was damaged during transportation or frozen. Operating principle useful infusion is correct use recipe and decoction preparation:

  • Fresh peel must be peeled from the white pulp, which is very bitter, and then dried well. To speed up the process, place it in the oven for two hours at low temperature. Place 15 gm of shell in a glass container or thermos and pour in 250 gm of boiling water. After 30 minutes, you can begin treating diarrhea.
  • Another recipe is as follows: dried pomegranate peels are crushed into powder using a blender. A spoonful of the substance is poured cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, the composition needs to be heated in a bathhouse.

Treatment regimens

1. During diagnosis intestinal viruses and appendicitis, do not strain the infusion of pomegranate peels for diarrhea and drink about half the dose. If after ten minutes the body began to recover, the diarrhea disappeared, the patient felt better, stop taking the decoction. IN otherwise You need to drink the rest of the medicine after three hours.

2. For more long-term treatment with dysbacteriosis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, accompanied by frequent diarrhea, the infusion is taken four times a day on an empty stomach. You need to drink 25 g of pomegranate peel product on odd days throughout the week. In case of relapse, the course can be repeated.

You should be especially careful when giving the medicine to children with diarrhea: it is important not to violate the dosage and use the medicine after a doctor’s prescription.

  • It is not recommended to use pomegranate peels for constipation, nephritis, hematitis and hemorrhoids.
  • It is not allowed to use the infusion along with medications or combine it with alcoholic beverages.
  • Alkaloids have a strong allergenic effect, so it is important to control correct mode intake and avoid overdose.

It is quite difficult to explain to children the benefits of a decoction of pomegranate peels, since the child perceives it as a medicine, so you will have to resort to tricks.

1. During attacks of diarrhea, the solution is drawn into a syringe and poured into the baby’s cheek, while it is necessary to pinch the nose so that he swallows. After this, you can give some water.

2. As a rule, ordinary diarrhea in a child is cured with one dose of infusion from the crusts. Minerals normalize water and alkaline balance, and flavonoids improve immunity.

3. The white partitions of the pomegranate should not be thrown away; they make an excellent tea that promotes good sleep and relieving overexcitation.

4. To ensure that the medicine is always at hand, it is better to prepare it in advance: dry the peels and grind them. The resulting powder is stored in a fabric bag in a dry place.

The decoction is especially remarkable because it is allowed to be given to children and pregnant women. Any discomfort in the digestive system is quickly eliminated with the help of folk medicine. Even with very minor disruptions in the functioning of the intestines and stomach, it is better to consult a doctor, since not everyone can take the solution. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage to avoid excessive consumption of alkaloids present in pomegranate.

For the ancient Greeks, pomegranate fruits personified abundance, earthly joys, beauty and youth. The Egyptians served red granular fruits to the table of the pharaohs and considered them a symbol of rebirth in afterlife. The pomegranate left its mark on the cultures of many peoples - the Chinese, Jews, Romans, Persians, Spaniards, Indians. Unique tastes and medicinal properties fruit. Even the pomegranate peel is used as a fixative and antiseptic with diarrhea.

Composition of pomegranate peel

The healing qualities that make pomegranate peels effective against diarrhea are contained in the chemical composition of the raw material. In addition to cellulose, which forms the framework of the fruit shell, pomegranate skins contain:

  • tannins tannins constitute 25-28% of the weight of the peel. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, proteins are deposited, forming a protective film on the surface of the organ. Large doses of tannins inhibit the functioning of the stomach, reduce appetite, dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • antioxidants catechins, the main role which - inhibit oxidation reactions, protecting the body from early aging, oncological diseases;
  • Anthocyanin dyes cause the color of fruits from red to purple. Reduce inflammation in the intestines, prevent cell damage from excess oxidation;
  • ursolic acid is in a ratio of 0.6% to the other components. Accelerates muscle growth, reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, aluminum. They are part of vital biologically active compounds - enzymes, mediators, hormones.

The astringent effect that pomegranate peels have against diarrhea is achieved due to high content tannins. There is evidence from researchers from China who claim that pomegranate peels contain many times more vitamin C than the pulp of the fruit. Even if this is so, then ascorbic acid is destroyed heat treatment. A decoction of pomegranate peels will not be a source of vitamins.

Indications for use

Someone G.I. Glubokoy considers pomegranate decoction a panacea for all diseases: cancer, viral immunodeficiency, dysentery, ulcers, salmonellosis. I would like to believe in the truth of the conclusions of the brave researcher, but, unfortunately, official medicine So far the encouraging information has not been confirmed. Pomegranate for diarrhea is used in limited cases:

  • as part of complex therapy diseases with the knowledge and approval of the attending physician;
  • if unavailable in this moment others effective means stopping diarrhea;
  • diarrhea caused by poor eating habits;
  • help with poisoning without clear signs intoxication;
  • diarrhea of ​​neurogenic origin.

Natural remedies, just like pharmaceutical drugs, have a number of contraindications. You should not use medicines made from pomegranate peels in the following situations:

  • children up to 12 years of age. Adviсe " good people“Giving a decoction of pomegranate peels to infants for diarrhea makes no sense and is harmful. Tannins will cause the coagulation of mucosal proteins in the small stomach, covering it with an insoluble film, which will worsen the already unstable digestion process;
  • intolerance to pomegranate components, allergy to the fruit;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, colitis, enteritis;
  • constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intestinal bleeding;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Pomegranate peel can be used for diarrhea in a pregnant or lactating woman if there are no other restrictions (allergies, liver, kidney, intestinal diseases). In this case they will serve a great alternative pharmaceutical drugs, will eliminate the symptoms of mild diarrhea.

To avoid undesirable consequences There is no need to exceed the recommended dose of infusions and decoctions.

Side effects

In adults dangerous consequences can be expressed in nausea, vomiting, appetite suppression, skin rashes. It is necessary to follow the dosage and duration instructions. course treatment. Systematic exposure to tannins will lead to atrophy of the gastrointestinal mucosa, a decrease in digestive functions, education stagnation in the stomach. Enemas with pomegranate decoction promote constipation and anal fissures.

Procurement of raw materials

Pre-prepared dry raw materials from pomegranate skins will allow you to always have it “on hand” emergency remedy from diarrhea. Before eating fresh fruit rinse its shell thoroughly hot water, you can use a solution of baby soap. Try this method to “bloodlessly” clean the fruit. Cut off the top of the pomegranate and make several shallow longitudinal cuts. Take a deep, spacious bowl filled with cold water. Peel the pomegranate under water: the heavy grains will settle to the bottom, and the light peel will float to the surface. Catch the peel, strain the water with the grains through a colander.

Separate the washed peels from the white fleshy partitions. Slice small pieces. Place on clean white paper in a dry, ventilated place, but not in direct sunlight. Stir the raw materials periodically. You can use an oven at 50 0C for 20-30 minutes or a modern berry dryer. After drying, break the fragile crusts and place in a heated glass jar, cover with a paper lid.

Medicine prescriptions

Basic recipes for using pomegranate peels for diarrhea are based on three dosage forms: water infusions and decoctions, alcohol tinctures:

You should know that you cannot drink medicine from pomegranate peels for more than 3 days. If, after the specified period, diarrhea does not stop, and the patient’s well-being worsens, then stop treatment with pomegranate peel and seek qualified medical help.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Pomegranate peels for diarrhea are quite unique means. This medicine has been known for many years, but it still remains popular.

It can be used by both adults and children. However, you need to know moderation in everything and not overdo it with such therapy.

Why do peels help?

Why are pomegranate peels so good and why do they help with intestinal disorders?

Pomegranate is a fruit that has a large number of useful properties. It contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for humans. Moreover, everything about this fruit is useful - its juice, seeds, and peels.

If you eat one pomegranate every day, your immunity will increase and there will be no problems with hematopoiesis. In addition, such people have fairly good resistance to various diseases.

However clean pomegranate juice Those who have any stomach or intestinal diseases should not drink. In this case, it is best to dilute it with water. This is what concerns the fruit itself.

Pomegranate peels make up only one-fourth of its entire weight. It is quite dense to the touch, almost dry in a ripe fruit.

List of nutrients in pomegranate peel:

  • ellagic acid – has anti-carcinogenic properties,
  • catechins,
  • vitamins,
  • tannins,
  • polyphenols,
  • various microelements.

Prepared from dry peel medicinal powder, called exgran. This remedy is used for diseases of the intestinal tract caused by infections. Brewed pomegranate peel is used for diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, and cholera. At the same time, the recovery process occurs quite quickly if treatment is started on time.

In addition, a decoction of pomegranate peels has astringent action. When it enters the intestines, excess water is removed, which causes the stool to become denser. The result is the cessation of diarrhea.

Pomegranate peel contains alkaloids that have a beneficial effect on helminthic infestations.

The action of such a drug occurs as follows: it appears in the intestines Negative influence on pathogenic organisms, while beneficial bacteria do not suffer and continue their activities.

As you can see, a decoction of pomegranate peels is quite useful and helps with various intestinal disorders. However, you need to know how to prepare it correctly to get as much benefit as possible.

How to prepare an infusion and decoction of the peels

The recipe for making medicine from pomegranate peel is quite simple, but all proportions must be observed to get a truly healthy drink.

How to brew

Some rules should be followed:

  • The pomegranate peel that will be used for brewing must be cleared of white pulp. There is no benefit in it, and the taste of the drink will become unpleasant.
  • Raw materials need to be dried in natural conditions, you can also use the oven.
  • Store the peel in a closed glass container, making sure there is no moisture in it.
  • Before preparing the medicine, the crusts are crushed.
  • Infuse the product in a closed container.

If you follow these tips, the drink will be prepared correctly and will benefit the body.


How to make a decoction of pomegranate peel? This is done as follows:

  • Pour one large spoon of pomegranate raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  • Then the container is placed on water bath and cook everything for about twenty minutes.
  • Cool and filter.

As a rule, powder made from the peel is used to prepare the decoction. By the way, it can also be used in its pure form.


Preparing the infusion is also quite simple:

  • You need to take whole dried crusts, about a tablespoon,
  • Pour a glass of boiling water,
  • Leave for about half an hour or forty minutes.
  • You don't have to strain it. Traditional healers they claim that then the drink becomes more useful.

As you can see, the recipe is very simple, so anyone can prepare such a medicine.

How to take this medicine. So that it brings only benefits?

If you have intestinal upset and diarrhea, take half the prepared decoction or infusion. As a rule, improvement occurs quite quickly.

Decoction and infusion can be given to children, but the age of the child must be taken into account.

Infants are allowed to take one small spoon no more than three times a day.

Child from one to seven years old They give the medicine in the same dosage, but up to five times a day.

Teenagers can take a tablespoon of the decoction three times a day.

In the presence of intestinal infection A single dose of the drug will not help, so you need to continue taking the medicine. To do this, first drink half of the prepared medicine, and after three hours drink the rest.

One of the advantages of pomegranate peel decoction is that it can be consumed during pregnancy. If an intestinal disorder occurs, a pregnant woman can also be treated with this medicine.

Pomegranate peels for diarrhea: contraindications

A decoction of pomegranate peels is a folk remedy. Therefore, it must be used with caution. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

When treated with this medicine Be sure to follow the dosage to avoid unpleasant consequences.


  • haemorrhoids,
  • constipation,
  • acute nephritis,
  • hepatitis.

Side effects when taking a decoction or infusion may include headaches, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and vomiting.

By the way, during the treatment period it is necessary to refuse alcoholic drinks And antihistamines. To give up alcohol, we recommend reading.

Pomegranate peels for diarrhea are an excellent folk remedy that can quickly help and relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, its use must be accompanied by caution to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Video: what pomegranate peels help with

According to World Organization Health care, diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality. This statement applies to a greater extent to countries with low level life. However, families with small children living in prosperous conditions should not let their guard down. Available modern parents a wide arsenal of drugs, both synthesized and natural. Natural remedy- pomegranate peels - will help children with diarrhea, quickly eliminating the symptoms of intestinal disorder.

What's good about pomegranate peel?

The most useful contents of pomegranate peel are tannins, which include gallic acid with isomers and catechins. A quarter of the mass of the hard outer shell of the garnet comes from them. The role of tannins is to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, thanks to them the pomegranate does not rot. Tanning and astringent properties pomegranate peel for diarrhea in children.

Tannins, getting on the mucous membrane, react with proteins and form insoluble compounds with them. Collapsed (coagulated) proteins are deposited on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. An elastic film is formed on the surface of the inflamed organ. The tannins of pomegranate peels do not have selectivity, so they perfectly coagulate the proteins of the microbial membrane, exhibiting antiseptic qualities.

How pomegranate peel helps with diarrhea

The brewing diagram looks like this:

  1. Place a teaspoon of dry raw materials in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let stand for 20 minutes, then strain and bring the volume of the resulting decoction to 300 ml using warm boiled water.
  3. The resulting product is less concentrated, its effect on the baby’s stomach will be gentle and soft.

Give the decoction to a child aged 6 months to one year, 10 ml between feedings, pour into a bottle, drinking cup or from a spoon. The crust preparations are bitter, if the baby refuses to drink them, sweeten the medicine with sugar (a teaspoon per 100 ml). Give the child up to 50 ml of decoction throughout the day. You should inform your pediatrician about the presence loose stool in a baby and the decision of the parents to treat it with a herbal remedy.

When is it better to discard pomegranate peel?

It is not recommended to use pomegranate peel for diarrhea in infants under 6 months of age. They are contraindicated for children prone to allergies, skin rashes, constipation, children with fragile blood vessels for congenital pathologies.

If the child categorically refuses to drink the decoction, spits it out, winces, or vomits, immediately abandon the idea of ​​treating with pomegranate peel. Pick up suitable medicine, good assortment modern drugs very wide. Also, you should not rely on an infusion or decoction of the crusts as a source of vitamins and useful microelements, there are very few of them there.

Pomegranate peels are used in the treatment of diarrhea in children according to a prescription, following the dosage. Keep verified information on hand emergency it will help stop your baby's diarrhea and avoid dehydration.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Diarrhea is a signal of digestive problems. Usually leads to diarrhea food poisoning, penetration of bacteria into the body, malfunction gastrointestinal tract. This disease is usually treated with pharmaceuticals and folk remedies. A popular and effective example of the latter is pomegranate.

The common pomegranate (lat. Púnica granátum) belongs to the genus Pomegranate of the Derbennikov family. The plant is distributed in Western Asia, North-West India, Afghanistan and on the southern borders of Central Asian countries former USSR. The peel of the pomegranate fruit makes up 25% of its weight, and in some varieties this value reaches 50%. The pomegranate pericarp (its rind) is a hard shell for the grains, which becomes drier as the fruit ripens.

Composition and beneficial properties of pomegranate peel

The ability to help a person with intestinal upset is explained by rich chemical composition pomegranate skins:

  • cellulose;
  • tannins (in particular, tannins, which account for 28% of the product’s mass), capable of forming a protective film on the surface of the mucosa;
  • catechin, which works as an antioxidant and slows down oxidation reactions;
  • anthocyanins, which are responsible for the color of crusts and can relieve inflammation;
  • ursolic acid, which reduces cholesterol levels if they exceed the norm;
  • potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, aluminum.

The presence of tannins in the composition contributes to the occurrence of an astringent effect, which is primarily responsible for the treatment of diarrhea.

It is useful to have dried pomegranate peels in stock to cook with. medicinal products in any season. When buying a pomegranate fruit, you need to remember some points:

  • the fruit should already have a slightly dried skin;
  • if the pomegranate has a smooth surface, then it is most likely immature and therefore cannot be used for therapeutic purposes;
  • the fruit should be firm to the touch, since softness is an indicator of staleness;
  • The part of the pomegranate where the flower should be located should be dry and not separated into parts.

Before removing the peel from the fruit, it should be thoroughly washed in hot water, and you can use baby soap. Next, you need to start cleaning: cut off the top with a knife, make several longitudinal cuts, taking into account the location of the pomegranate segments. Then you need to dial cold water V big basin and peel the fruit under water. In this way, you can ensure that all the grains sink down and the crusts float to the surface. The skins should be collected, and the water with the grains should be placed in a colander. Next, the crusts must be freed from the inner layer and all partitions and cut into small pieces.

To dry pomegranate peels, you can use one of two methods:

  • Place the raw materials on white paper and leave in a well-ventilated area (without direct access sun rays). From time to time you should stir up the crusts and turn them over.
  • Place the raw materials on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 50 °C. Drying should take half an hour. Vegetable dehydrators are also suitable.

Peels are considered sufficiently dried if they become brittle. The finished raw material must be crumbled and stored in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.


Exist various ways preparing pomegranate peels to treat diarrhea.

Infusion. The crusts that have just been removed from the fruit should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left until the solution becomes saturated burgundy color. There should be no sediment formed, so the infusion will not need to be filtered. The prepared product must be consumed in full at one time. The remaining crusts can be brewed again.

Infusion in a water bath. 1 tsp. Dried pomegranate peels must be placed in an enamel saucepan and filled with 200 ml of warm water. All this needs to be put in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, and then removed from the stove and left for 45 minutes. Before use, the infusion must be filtered through several layers of gauze. The dosage is 3 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.

Decoction. Grind 1 handful of dry peels in a coffee grinder or blender. 2 tsp. The resulting powder should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, the broth should be filtered and drunk warm. The resulting powder from the crusts can be prepared in reserve and stored in thick paper bags and always in a dry room.

Alcohol tincture. 2 tbsp. l. Fresh pomegranate peel carefully chopped with a knife should be placed in a jar and filled with 200 ml of vodka. Next, you should close everything with a lid and leave for 14 days in a warm place. dark room. The finished tincture must be filtered and taken in the morning and evening, 5 drops diluted (with 1 tablespoon of water). This tool contains alcohol and is therefore not suitable for pregnant, nursing women or children.

Use of pomegranate peels for children and pregnant women

To treat children with pomegranate peels, a special recipe should be used.

Infusion for children. Grind 25 g of dry peels with a coffee grinder or by hand, pour into a thermos and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 3 hours of infusion, filter to remove sediment. The dosage regimen depends on age:

  • up to 1 year 1 tsp. 3 times a day;
  • 1–7 years – 1 tsp. 5 times a day;
  • from 7 years – 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

For pregnant women who often suffer from digestive disorders, pomegranate peels are suitable as a safe and effective remedy from diarrhea.

Product for pregnant women. Grind 25 g of dried peels and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Then boil in a water bath for 30 minutes and filter. Ready product add in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water and drink like regular tea.

All categories of patients should strictly adhere to the dosage of taking products based on pomegranate peels, since they contain many toxic alkaloids. An overdose can lead to poisoning, convulsions and dizziness.


  • Allergy to pomegranate;
  • acute kidney diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • simultaneous treatment with antihistamines;
  • serious pathologies digestive system for whom diarrhea is only external symptom(sign this case serves as a significant increase in temperature, attacks of vomiting, intestinal colic).

Home therapy for diarrhea can be carried out for no longer than 3 days. If after this period there is no improvement, you should immediately contact a specialist.