What to drink if you have an intestinal virus. Intestinal infection in a child - we treat it correctly

An intestinal virus is a common cause of illness. It provokes the appearance viral gastroenteritis. This disease is also known as intestinal or stomach flu. It is considered harmless, but leads to digestive disorders and dehydration.

1 Causes of the disease

The cause of this flu is rotavirus (in most cases) and enterovirus. If you look at them under a microscope, they resemble wheels. They have 2 protein layers. These viruses began to be studied systematically in the 1970s. At this time, they were found in the mucous layers of the small intestine in many patients with gastroenteritis.

Stomach flu transmitted from a sick person. For example, in young children, the source of infection is their mother. At an older age, a person can become infected from other people in the group. The carrier of the virus may not get sick, but he will still infect other people. The most dangerous period is considered to be the first 5 days from the onset of symptoms. At this time, the number of viruses in the stool will be maximum. No methods of infection of humans from animals have been discovered at the moment.

Typically, this flu is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. That is why very often it is also called a disease dirty hands. The virus is capable of infecting people en masse. For example, through food and water. Quite often, the spread of the microorganism occurs through dairy products. This is related to the development cycle of the microorganism and the nuances of processing dairy products. In addition, there is a possibility of a contact-household method of infection if the virus is located on objects that a person uses. The virus survives well in cold environments, even refrigerators, so it for a long time can stay there and cause illness in people.

The time of spread of the microorganism is approximately from late autumn to mid-spring. During the rest of the year there may be isolated cases. The disease is called intestinal flu, since the development of this disease is immediately preceded by an influenza epidemic.

When the virus enters the human body, it tends to enter the cellular structures of the mucous layers digestive tract, usually this thin section intestines. There it settles on the villi, and they take part in the production of enzymes for breaking down food, so the virus disrupts the process of food digestion.

2 Signs of stomach flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu can be divided into 2 groups. The first category includes those that are associated with the flu or cold itself. Symptoms of the second group are those associated with intestinal or stomach disorders. If both appear at the same time, then you need to think about such a disease.

The main symptoms of intestinal flu are as follows:

  • feeling general weakness in the body, aches, muscle pain;
  • dry cough;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting (but no clots of mucus or blood);
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • sore throat, sore throat, redness;
  • abdominal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, and feces liquid, foaming with an unpleasant aroma.

In addition, with a long course of the disease, symptoms of dehydration appear.

For intestinal flu incubation period lasts from a couple of hours to 5 days. It is during this time that the infection penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and then begins to multiply rapidly. The duration of the period during which the infection affects the organs depends on its amount in the human body. This factor also affects the severity of the patient’s condition. Child and old man The disease is most difficult to tolerate. In adults, the duration of the disease is about a week, but to fully recover, you need another 5 days after completion. acute stage. All this time, a person is a carrier of the virus, so you must remember about personal hygiene, especially in public places.

One of the complications of stomach flu is dehydration. Then characteristic symptoms appear. For example, there is dizziness, a feeling of dryness and stickiness in the oral cavity, thirsty, dry skin, eyes become sunken. In this case, you need to be attentive to your health condition and carefully select medications. Dehydration can be alleviated. To do this you need to drink warm water and decoctions. You are allowed to eat rice, crackers, and bananas. Helpful Apple juice. This all applies to an anti-inflammatory diet.

3 Treatment of pathology

Treatment of intestinal flu is based on integrated approach. The initial goal is to correct dehydration. There is no specific treatment, so therapy is aimed at eliminating intoxication and stabilizing water-salt balance, which is disrupted with diarrhea and vomiting.

To eliminate, the following is prescribed:

  1. Rehydration type treatment. Regidron is best suited. The drug should be taken every half hour.
  2. Enterosorbents. For example, Polysorb or Smecta is prescribed.
  3. For diarrhea and Furazolidone.
  4. If you manage to cope with vomiting, then you need to start using drugs with digestive enzymes. For example, Pancreatin and Creon are used.
  5. When all the symptoms go away, medications are prescribed that will help restore intestinal microflora. For example, Hilak-forte, Bifiform, Dinex are suitable.

If the virus causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in children, they should be hospitalized immediately. If a 15% loss of fluid from the body is detected in a child, then infusion therapy is carried out, that is, medications are administered intravenously to stabilize the water-electrolyte balance and metabolism. For example, Electrolyte, Oralin, Regidron, various colloidal solutions, etc. are used.

Treatment involves reducing infusion therapy by 70-80% if proper desoldering is carried out. It occurs in two phases. It first aims to eliminate rehydration. The intake of necessary fluid depends on its loss within 6 hours from the time therapy began. It is necessary to consume from 50 to 100 ml for every kilogram of a person’s weight. You need to drink every 15 minutes. If vomiting occurs, you need to take a break for 10 minutes, but then continue. The second phase of drinking assumes that the dose of liquid per day is 80-100 ml for each kilogram of the patient’s weight. The sooner desoldering begins, the better the result will be.

If the flu caused an increase in temperature to 38.5ºC, then there is no need to bring down the fever. The virus can survive low performance, however, at elevated temperatures it dies. If the readings become critical, then the patient should be wiped with a solution of water and vodka or water and vinegar. It is also allowed to take Paracetamol and Nurofen in the most severe cases.

Treatment involves a diet, since without it the patient’s condition will not improve. Nutrition should be gentle. If diagnosed intestinal disorder for a child up to one year, it is better to extend breastfeeding. Children over 2 years old need to remove carbohydrates and dairy products. If a person wants to eat, then low-fat is allowed chicken bouillon. Rice porridge, which is cooked in water, is also allowed. In order to do so, meals must be fractional.

4 Conclusion

Stomach or intestinal flu is a fairly common problem. The viruses that cause this disease cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy, because specific treatment not created. In addition, you need to fight dehydration. You should definitely adhere to a temporary diet.

Stop blaming your condition on the stomach flu and instead find out the true name of your problem: norovirus. It belongs to the family of viruses that cause gastroenteritis, although adenovirus and astrovirus can also cause it. But rotavirus infection is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis, especially in newborns, older adults and young children.

Norovirus can spread like wildfire - anywhere crowded place, causing outbreaks of epidemics in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and offices.

Fact No. 2. The flu shot will not help in this case.

When people say "stomach flu" they are referring to the influenza virus that circulates in the environment and attacks humans through the nose and throat every year. Flu shots can protect against this virus, but not the one that causes viral gastroenteritis.

Confusion between the regular flu and the stomach flu may be due to some symptoms common to both diseases. For example, this could be aches and pain throughout the body, nausea, low-grade fever, headache and muscle pain.

But among the symptoms of regular flu there is no such thing as abdominal pain (according to at least in adults).

Fact No. 3. It's very contagious!

Stomach flu distributed by " fecal-oral route", which is as dangerous as airborne, through which it spreads regular flu. Stomach flu viruses generally enter the body through contaminated stool or vomit. Constant and thorough hand washing is the best remedy defense against gastroenteritis.

Wash your hands especially thoroughly if you change diapers or clean up after a sick child, and adults in the family should constantly clean up after themselves and maintain personal hygiene.

Fact No. 4. You can get the stomach flu from food

Viral gastroenteritis is not quite the same as food poisoning, which can occur due to any illness caused by industrial pollutants, including dangerous bacterial toxins such as salmonella. But norovirus is the number one cause of all foodborne illnesses.

Viral gastroenteritis can be spread from person to person or from touching a contaminated surface. But you can also get viral gastroenteritis from sewage, contaminated food or water, or food prepared or handled by an infected person. Hence all these “wash your hands” signs in restaurants and hotel bathrooms.

Fact No. 5. Viruses that cause stomach flu are more resilient than regular flu viruses

Compared to other viruses, noroviruses can be surprisingly hardy and remain alive for several days. They remain on household surfaces even after cleaning, so they spread easily. Even small quantities viruses can cause infection.

To avoid contracting a stomach virus, wash your hands with soap and water, which is more effective than disinfectants for hands. Avoid cooking if you are sick (you may be contagious for 3 days or more after flu or gastroenteritis symptoms disappear). Wash clothes carefully, using gloves, to avoid contracting the stomach flu from contaminated clothing and bedding.

Use detergents based on environmentally friendly substances to kill the virus on hard surfaces.

Fact No. 6. Stomach flu symptoms come on slowly

Diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain will not appear immediately after the viruses reach gastrointestinal tract. Stomach flu symptoms usually develop gradually over one or two days.

But other types food poisoning can come on quickly and severely - just a few hours after you eat something stale. Their symptoms tend to be more severe, such as severe and prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.

Fact No. 7. Stomach flu goes away on its own

Both diseases - stomach flu and other types of food poisoning - are what doctors call "self-limiting", that is, these diseases go away on their own and rarely require treatment.

Be aware that norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne illness, but salmonella and other pathogens can lead to hospitalization or death.

If you have viral gastroenteritis, you should start to feel better after two or three days of being sick. Food poisoning, on the other hand, is caused by other things - it affects you more and more quickly, but it goes away faster and you can return to normal work in a day or two.

Fact No. 8. Dehydration is the biggest risk with stomach flu

It goes without saying that if you are losing a lot of fluid due to watery diarrhea and vomiting, you need to drink fluids. But in addition to fluid, you also lose sodium, potassium and other minerals known as electrolytes, and these also need to be replenished with proper diet. To replenish potassium reserves in the body, you need to eat rice porridge on water and bananas - they have a lot of potassium.

If you have severe diarrhea, you should drink oral electrolyte solutions containing salts and sugars, as well as water. Energetic drinks(especially for those who are interested in sports) - no the best choice, because they do not quite contain the right mixture salt and sugar to replace lost fluid.

Fact No. 9. If you have a stomach flu, sparkling water may not be the best choice.

Try to avoid drinking too much sugary soda or drinks such as juice that contain a lot of sugar. Exception - Orange juice, indicated for dehydration. The biggest mistake people with stomach flu make is simply trying to drink a lot of soda water. They know they need to drink something to keep themselves hydrated, but they don't do it correctly.

It is undesirable to consume dairy products, for example, kefirs and yoghurts, milk, since the virus milk protein converts it into a toxin, and your condition will only worsen. It is also undesirable to consume bread and sweets with soda, which are very difficult to digest and assimilate.

If you have lost a lot of water, you need to drink chamomile infusions, mineral water without carbon, green tea, blueberry jelly.

Fact No. 10. Do not treat stomach flu with antibiotics

Many people mistakenly think that stomach flu requires antibiotics. But there is really no treatment for viral gastroenteritis other than time and symptom relief. Antibiotics are useless in this case, so don't be surprised if your doctor doesn't recommend them.

But for stomach flu, antidiarrheal medications are indicated, which can also help relieve cramping and diarrhea. But you should avoid them if you have bloody diarrhea And heat, as this may cause symptoms to worsen.

Fact No. 11. Children and the elderly, as well as pregnant women, are at greatest risk

In children of primary preschool and school age the immune system is still weak enough to fight viral infections In addition, with the stomach flu, children and the elderly are at greater risk of dehydration. Older people are more prone to viral gastroenteritis and take longer to recover from the illness.

Any person with chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, cancer or kidney disease, people exposed to HIV or taking medications that suppress the immune system should always consult a doctor before taking anything for an upset stomach.

Fact No. 12. Don't rush your road to recovery

When the vomiting and diarrhea stop, you will of course feel very hungry. But you should not pounce on food, but wait a few days before throwing yourself a banquet. Eat in small portions and drink in smaller quantities. If you overload your stomach, you will feel sick again too soon. So don't include it in your diet just yet. fatty foods and give your stomach time to digest the food.

When should you see a doctor if you have the stomach flu?

If you see blood in your stool or vomit, see your doctor. Diarrhea in itself is not a cause for alarm, but call your doctor if you experience extreme lethargy, confusion, or changes in mental state, or absence of urine (or urine is dark and concentrated). These are all signs of severe dehydration.

In addition, you need health care, if you do not get better after three days of illness, you have prolonged vomiting that prevents you from drinking normal amounts of fluid, or if your temperature has risen above 38 degrees Celsius.

Stomach flu is quite dangerous disease, which requires proper treatment. And then you will recover very quickly.

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Stomach flu or a ghost in the world of infections

In medical circles, and even in medicine itself, the term “intestinal flu” has become established. Everyone knows that there are a number of diseases called intestinal infections. Well-known and “honored” representatives of this group include, for example: dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and salmonellosis.

If we open numerous authoritative monographs on intestinal infections, we will be convinced that neither the influenza virus nor parainfluenza are among the causative agents of intestinal infections. It is known that the influenza virus is designed in such a way that it has an affinity for the upper respiratory tract, more precisely, for the lining Airways epithelium.

In addition to the influenza virus, such a “weakness” to bronchopulmonary system feed adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and other representatives of these simple shapes life.

Where did this term “stomach flu” come from? This was followed by a series of other absurdities that became firmly entrenched among the people. Thus, at the pharmacy, the front desk workers are often asked for a hypothetical “cure for intestinal flu.” At the same time, you can sell a person anything - from interferon inducers to homeopathic medicines and glucose with ascorbic acid.

The thing is that before the advent of modern virological methods diagnostics, before the introduction of ELISA and PCR methods, there were many misconceptions that such a flu could really exist. In fact, there is no such form of influenza, and authoritative scientists established this long ago.

Some patients with real influenza sometimes have dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, mushy stool, vomit. They are associated with the appearance of toxins in the blood. In some cases, symptoms are a reaction to taking medications.

  • The incidence of dyspeptic disorders with influenza ranges from 1 to 5%. In case if similar symptoms are prevalent we're talking about not about intestinal flu, but about damage to the body by other viral diseases.

Therefore, most often “intestinal flu” is called rotavirus infection, which has signs of an intestinal infection, but can be combined with catarrhal symptoms. Let's look at this infectious disease in more detail.

Intestinal flu - what is it?

Intestinal flu (rotavirus gastroenteritis) is acute infection, caused by rotaviruses and often spreading in epidemics. Mostly outbreaks occur among children and are manifested by severe general intoxication, dehydration and predominant defeat gastrointestinal tract.

Etiology of the disease

What kind of pathogens are rotaviruses? The role of rotaviruses in the development of this disease was first identified in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. Rotaviruses are part of the reovirus family. Under a microscope, virions look very much like miniature wheels, which not only have a hub and rim, but also spokes - which is how they get their name. These viruses contain RNA.

There are also rotaviruses that infect animals, but they are not dangerous to humans. These viruses are quite resistant to such factors external environment like cooling, drying, ultraviolet irradiation. What can be said about the epidemiological properties of the pathogen and the contagiousness of the infection?


Of course, stomach flu is contagious. This disease is widespread everywhere. In countries with very low level economic development 50% of all intestinal infections in children are caused by this disease.

Even in this developed country, as in the USA, about 150 people die annually from the “stomach flu”, while total number cases are more than 1 million cases annually.

On the other hand, 40-50% of all cases of diarrhea requiring hospitalization are caused by these viruses. The contagiousness of the virus can be great: if a child in the family is sick with intestinal flu, then an elderly person, especially with a weakened immune system, can also become infected.

Every 4th case of so-called “travelers' diarrhea” is of rotavirus nature. In some cases, this infection is virtually asymptomatic. It is this asymptomatic course that protects babies from the disease in the future. The immunity is stable, but the antibody titer decreases over time, so cases are possible reinfection, but already in adulthood.

  • Therefore, such an asymptomatic course of infection in children is nothing more than a kind of “vaccine”.

The source of rotaviruses and the reservoir for their circulation is only humans. When a person falls ill, he secretes great amount virions with feces. Their number in one gram of feces is twice the number of people inhabiting our planet. This intense viral shedding continues for a week after the onset of the disease, and then decreases.

3 weeks after the onset of the disease, viruses cease to be released.

Another important difference between rotavirus infection and influenza is that the transmission mechanism is only fecal-oral, like most intestinal infections. It is this mechanism that ensures the presence of outbreaks, including water outbreaks. Young children become infected through the usual, nutritional route, simply because “they put everything in their mouth.” How does this disease develop?

Pathogenesis of intestinal flu

The virus mainly reproduces in epithelial cells duodenum. As a result, the epithelium dies, and the immature, young cells that replace it are simply unable to fully absorb water and nutrients, as a result, diarrhea of ​​an osmotic nature develops.

After accumulation in the mucous membrane as a result of diarrhea, viruses enter the intestinal lumen and are removed from the body, and the person develops dehydration, in some cases severe.

With this infection there is no colitis, there is no scanty stool with mucus and blood, as with dysentery. Thus, rotavirus infection causes manifestations of gastroenteritis. What are the signs of this disease in adults and children?

Signs of intestinal flu in adults fit well into standard frames infectious process.

The incubation period is often short (2-3 days), but can last up to two weeks. Symptoms increase quickly, especially in children, and within a day after the first signs of the disease, a complete, detailed picture of the disease can be observed.

Most characteristic symptoms intestinal flu in adults are the following:

  • There is a rise in temperature, in some cases up to febrile levels (up to 39 degrees), but more often up to 38 degrees;
  • Pain and discomfort appear in the epigastric region;
  • Nausea and vomiting occur (in 50% of patients). Most often, vomiting begins and ends on the first day of illness, and only in a small proportion of patients this condition continues for several days;
  • There is a sore throat, hyperemia in the pharynx, granularity of the mucous membrane appears soft palate, hyperemia of the sclera. Sometimes regional The lymph nodes(cervical);

Patients at the beginning of the disease really look like they have the flu. It is these symptoms that give reason to call the disease “intestinal flu,” but symptoms in adults and children, as a rule, end there and the main events unfold in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Copious, watery stool appears, without the presence of mucus and blood, with a sharp unpleasant smell and sometimes whitish in color;

Sometimes mucus may still be present in the stool, and sometimes blood. But this suggests that in addition to rotaviruses, there are also pathogenic Escherichia, Klebsiella and others pathogenic flora, causing “layering” different types gastroenteritis.

  • This infection is characterized by “rumbling” in the stomach;
  • There is no false urge to defecate, as with colitis. If you “want” to go to the toilet, then the urge is imperative, which must be satisfied immediately;
  • In 75-80% of cases (especially in children), dehydration occurs, but in most cases, it is expressed in a mild manner.

Features of intestinal flu symptoms in children

Most often, this infection affects children under the age of 3 years. Symptoms of stomach flu in children are the same as in adults, with the exception of dehydration.

A feature of rotavirus gastroenteritis is the rapid development of dehydration, which, although not common, may require timely hospitalization of the child in infectious diseases hospital, and even to the intensive care unit.

Although under normal conditions it is quite ordinary, oral rehydration or use special compounds, restoring water and electrolyte balance.

Dehydration can cause renal dysfunction in a child: cylindruria, hematuria, proteinuria.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

I usually make a diagnosis clinically, based on a mildly expressed flu-like syndrome, acute onset, presence watery stools with nausea and vomiting at low and moderate fever general intoxication.

Seasonality is of great importance, as is the tendency to group outbreaks. When examining stool analysis, pathogenic bacterial flora is usually not found.

Treatment of intestinal flu, drugs

There are no special drugs that rid the body of “intestinal flu”. Since the disease proceeds like a common intestinal infection, then antiviral drugs and interferons, as with the flu, are not indicated, since after a few days the virus leaves the body on its own.

  • In addition, rotavirus infection never causes complications, unlike regular flu.

It should be recalled that when viral diseases Antibiotics are not indicated because they do not act on viruses. The only time their use is justified is in the case of the addition of a secondary bacterial process.

Therefore, all treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children is based on a pathogenetic approach and the use of symptomatic therapy:

  • Lost electrolytes and fluid are restored; in most cases, it is enough to drink 100 ml every 10-15 minutes. for an adult. "Regidron", "Citraglucosolan" are used;
  • A diet based on the intestinal table with physical, chemical and thermal sparing of the stomach and intestines is indicated;
  • Enterosorbents are used (SUMS, Enteros-gel, Polyphepan);
  • To facilitate digestion, “Creon”, “Panzinorm”, “Festal” are used;
  • For persistent nausea, taking Cerucal is indicated; it is possible to use painkillers and antipyretics.

Despite the fact that antibiotics were not used, after the end of diarrhea it is necessary to prescribe eubiotics to correct dysbiosis (Linex, Baktisubtil).

sick rotavirus gastroenteritis need to be hospitalized for a period of 2 weeks, in a specialized or boxed department if severe course diseases. Patients with light forms are being treated at home.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Secondary prevention of intestinal flu comes down to routine disinfection, in which everything that the patient has excreted is disinfected and dishes are processed.

There are currently two vaccines, Rotarix and the multivalent RotaTek. Babies are vaccinated from 6 weeks of age, the effectiveness of vaccination is 90%.

In conclusion, it must be said that the “intestinal flu”, the symptoms and treatment of which we have examined, is not at all as terrible as the regular flu, from which the mortality rate (due to complications) is much higher.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis does not cause complications at all - this is quite rare property for an infectious disease. Immunity leaves behind many years, and rare cases of death due to severe dehydration occur only in weakened children and people who have not received timely treatment.

Stomach flu, intestinal flu is a simplified name for the disease, which in medicine is called gastroenteritis or, since this disease is not essentially the flu. The causative agent of gastroenteritis is various viruses, most often a virus of the Rotavirus order, as well as astroviruses, caliciviruses, noroviruses and adenoviruses, which, when multiplied, lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Children are mainly susceptible to this disease; intestinal flu in children lasts longer and is more severe, as well as older people. The symptoms of stomach flu are pronounced, but at the same time, in adults with a strong immune system, rotavirus infection can occur in a latent form, asymptomatic, while an apparently healthy person can be a carrier of the pathogen. Usually within a week acute period The disease ends and after 5-7 days complete recovery occurs; during this period the patient is still contagious.

How can you get the stomach flu?

The virus enters the human body through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period of this disease is from 16 hours to five days. The rate of development and severity of stomach flu depends on the concentration of the pathogen that has entered the body and the condition immune system person.

  • One type of transmission of infection is foodborne. That is, the infection enters the body through unwashed fruits, vegetables, and low-quality dairy products. Gastrointestinal flu can rightfully be called the “disease of dirty hands.” It is also possible to become infected through unboiled tap water, even during simple bathing.
  • The second route of infection is airborne. When speaking loudly, sneezing, or coughing, germs from a sick person spread into the air.
  • Contact and household transmission of the pathogen cannot be ruled out, especially in crowded places: in offices, kindergartens, schools, shops.

The causative agent of stomach flu is very viable; ordinary detergents are not able to destroy it. It is quite resistant to freezing and high temperatures, and can withstand heating up to 60 C. The intestinal virus is destroyed only by concentrated chlorine-containing disinfectants.

What happens in the body during infection?

When rotavirus penetrates the body, within half an hour the pathogen can be detected in the cells small intestine. Due to the attack of the virus, the structure of the intestinal mucosa is disrupted. This in turn leads to disruption of the production of digestive enzymes responsible for the breakdown of complex sugars. Thus, in small intestine Unbroken carbohydrates accumulate, which attracts excess fluid, causing diarrhea or watery diarrhea.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal flu

If a child falls ill, a pediatrician must be called to determine the possibility of treatment at home or hospitalization. As a rule, if vomiting is observed no more than 5 times, and stool no more than 10 times a day, then it is acceptable ambulatory treatment. The incubation period for stomach flu lasts about 5 days. Its symptoms appear quite acutely and violently.

The easiest way to avoid getting the stomach flu is to wash your hands thoroughly.

Literally a few hours before the onset of dyspepsia (gastrointestinal disorder), a slight cough, runny nose, and sore throat first appear, which quickly disappear. From others infectious diseases This is what distinguishes the gastrointestinal tract from intestinal flu, the symptoms of which begin not with indigestion, but with quickly passing catarrhal symptoms.
Main signs of stomach flu:

  • Sore throat when swallowing, redness in the throat
  • Catarrhal phenomena - slight runny nose, cough, sneezing, which quickly pass
  • Loose stools up to 5-10 times a day, profuse stools, gray-yellow, clay-like, with pungent odor, but without mucus and blood
  • Abdominal pain, rumbling
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • High fever or low-grade fever
  • Growing weakness
  • With severe development of stomach flu, it is possible).

Treatment of gastrointestinal flu

There is no specific treatment for rotavirus yet. The main treatment is aimed at reducing intoxication and normalizing water-salt metabolism, which is disrupted by diarrhea and vomiting. That is, treatment is mainly symptomatic, aimed at reducing negative impact virus on the body: prevent dehydration, reduce toxicity, restore urinary and cardiovascular systems, prevent the development of secondary bacterial infection.

  • First of all, rehydration therapy is necessary, for which 1 sachet of Regidron is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drunk every half hour during the day. If desired, you can make such a rehydration solution yourself - 700 ml boiled water (or weak chamomile infusion) + 300 ml decoction of dried apricots (carrots or raisins) + 4-8 teaspoons of sugar + 1 teaspoon table salt+ 1/2 teaspoon of soda. Indicated for repeated vomiting and diarrhea, drink in small sips. Adults, regardless of the severity of the condition, drink 200 ml after vomiting or stool. solution, since fluid losses must be replenished in the first 6 hours. Hospitalization is indicated for children with frequent vomiting and diarrhea.
  • When you can eat food, you must strictly follow a gentle diet and exclude all dairy and fermented milk products from your diet, as they contribute to rapid reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.
  • The patient should also take sorbents, such as Activated carbon, Enterosgel, .
  • At severe diarrhea with fever, doctors usually prescribe (70 rubles) (300 caps. 500 suspension) or, their use helps to stop protracted course diarrhea.
  • You should also take medications with digestive enzymes - Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim forte. IN in rare cases Fthalazol may be prescribed, but it can be used for no more than 3 days.
  • When the acute phase of the disease passes, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. For this there are many medicines, such as Linex, RioFlora-Balance, Bifidumbacterin Forte, etc. (see full).

A few facts about stomach flu

Does the flu shot help with stomach flu?

Don't confuse the two completely various diseases, two different pathogens. Of course, some symptoms of the common flu resemble those of the gastrointestinal flu - headache, manifestations of general intoxication, joint pain, fever. However, regular flu does not cause severe intestinal upset and vaccination against it cannot in any way protect against rotavirus infection.

Stomach flu is highly contagious

In the warm season, when there is a maximum spread of viral gastroenteritis, you should carefully observe the hygiene regime. Stomach flu enters the body through the fecal-oral route, that is, from a sick person through contaminated vomit or feces when touched healthy person with a contaminated surface. Moreover, often wastewater, bodies of water where vacationers swim, contaminated food and dishes prepared by an infected person contribute to the transmission of the intestinal flu pathogen. Only thorough hand washing before any food intake can protect against the development of gastroenteritis.

The gastrointestinal flu virus is quite resilient in the external environment

The causative agent of intestinal flu (norovirus) can remain alive for several hours on any surfaces in everyday life, even after cleaning, and even a very small amount of it is enough to infect a child. It is better to wash your hands with soap and running water; this is more effective than using other hand products (wipes, spray).

Symptoms of GI flu do not appear immediately

Such intestinal symptoms, like abdominal cramps, diarrhea and vomiting, occur only 1-2 days after the infection enters the body, since the virus must reach the gastrointestinal tract and multiply in it. However, pathogens such as salmonellosis, etc. can cause signs of food poisoning after just a few hours.

The most serious danger in children and adults is dehydration.

This is especially dangerous for children, since vomiting and diarrhea cause fluid loss that must be replenished. Moreover, with liquid the body is deprived of potassium, sodium and other minerals. Therefore, rehydration therapy (rehydron) is indicated. Best to drink mineral water without gases, green tea, chamomile decoction. During the acute period, you should not consume milk, fermented milk products, bread and sweets. During the recovery period, you should replenish potassium reserves by adding foods such as bananas and rice porridge to your diet.

Stomach flu is not treated with antibiotics

Since this intestinal disorder is caused by a virus, antibiotics cannot help, contrary to the beliefs of many. Intestinal flu is treated symptomatically and antibacterial drugs not shown.

The long-awaited summer time, long winter holidays, a charming and fragrant spring, a mesmerizing autumn with an abundance of colors and whirlwinds of leaf fall, can fade in the eyes of a loving mother because her baby is sick. According to statistics, one of the most common diseases in children younger age is a disorder of the digestive tract and intestines due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. Intestinal infection in children it is an all-season phenomenon. Adults are also not immune from it, but small children still suffer more often. Why is this happening? Where does this infection even come from? What is its danger? How does the disease affect the baby’s behavior? How to help a child with an intestinal infection? Is it possible to protect yourself from it? Now together we’ll put everything into pieces.

Intestinal infection represents serious danger for the child's health.

Why and where does an intestinal infection occur in a child?

There are 2 reasons for the occurrence of intestinal infection in people, and both of them are a consequence of the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the body.

In the first case, the disease is caused by intestinal viruses. There are about 10 groups of them. The most famous and common among them are enterovirus, adenovirus and rotavirus intestinal infections. Infants have a very difficult time with it, or as people call it “intestinal flu”.

Detecting a viral infection

The first signs of rotavirus can appear within 24 hours after infection, but more often they appear 3-5 days after the virus enters the body. Symptoms of the disease are acute and obvious:

  • rises sharply and strongly (up to 38-39 0);

High temperatures are dangerous for babies.

  • occurs several times a day (up to 3-6);
  • the general condition of the child is lethargic, apathetic;
  • begins often with a pronounced light yellow tint and an unpleasant sour odor;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat occurs.

Enterovirus is more difficult to identify because its symptoms are similar to many other diseases. Together with the manifestations of the disease described when rotavirus occurs, in the case of enterovirus infection may be observed:

  • fever;
  • pain in muscles and head;

During illness, children may experience headaches, drowsiness and apathy.

  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;
  • fear of light (photophobia);
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • pain in the heart muscle;
  • involuntary lacrimation;
  • increased heart rate.

Enteroviruses can cause complications on the heart, central nervous system, muscle and skin apparatus of the child.

Symptoms of adenoviral infection appear more often in the runny nose and conjunctivitis, however loose stool and lack of appetite can be found no less often. These symptoms are a consequence of damage to the baby’s small intestine. Their manifestation can be observed during the acute stage of the disease - about 2-3 days. A child is contagious for 10 days after the first symptoms of any type of viral disease appear.

In order for a child to grow up smart and healthy, parents must pay Special attention its development. They will help stimulate brain function and creative activity. Finger games will bring pleasure not only to kids, but also to their parents. The main thing is to work with your child every day.

The sooner you introduce your baby to the world of numbers, the easier it will be for him to add and subtract in the future. You can engage in computational operations from the first days of life; read how to do it correctly.

Differences between a viral stomach infection and a bacterial one

The second causative agent of intestinal infection in young children is bacteria. Bacterial infection is much more commonly known as:

  • coli infection;
  • salmonellosis and others.

The signs of a bacterial infection are similar to the manifestations of a viral infection - this is the same elevated temperature, but up to 37-38 0 C, vomiting (with viral infections it is always present, and with bacterial infections - in half of the cases), diarrhea (if with viral infections there is watery diarrhea yellow color, sometimes with foam, then with a bacterial infection it necessarily contains inclusions of mucus, has a greenish tint, sometimes small blood clots are found in the stool - in an advanced form.

Any intestinal infection is accompanied by loose stools.

The most dangerous things for a baby (especially an infant) are high fever and vomiting. Fever can provoke a violation of internal energy metabolism and convulsions, and vomiting can lead to.

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky in his video school says that the best way to determine dehydration in small children at home is an ordinary disposable baby diaper.

How does infection occur?

Pathways for viruses and bacteria to enter children's body some:

The source of infection can be not only poorly treated water, but also insects that are direct carriers of the infection - flies that feed on the feces of infected animals or people.

  1. Water- infection occurs directly through water in reservoirs, wells and due to improper hygienic and sanitation treatment at river water treatment plants.
  2. Food- the source of the spread of intestinal infections can be poorly washed fruits and vegetables, poorly cooked meat or minced meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, jelly, improperly stored sausages and much more.

Most often in a child intestinal infection occurs in summer. This is facilitated by warm and humid environment. Bacteria and viruses are not afraid low temperatures and survive quite successfully at sub-zero temperatures, but still prefer warmth and moisture. Children who have weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. The main risk group includes children from six months to 3 years old. During this period of life, the immune system is not yet strong enough, and the level of acidic environment in the stomach, which is a direct protector against harmful microorganisms, is much lower in children than in adults.

An epidemic of intestinal infection breaks out every year in summer at seaside resorts.

The sea coast is an ideal environment for the life of microorganisms that harm us, and if we add to this the inability to qualitatively and fully observe sanitary and hygienic measures on vacation, then an acute intestinal infection will definitely want to “make friends” with you.

How to protect yourself?

Is it possible to avoid contracting any type of intestinal infection? Yes, but only if you strictly follow preventive measures. Prevention of intestinal infection comes down to the following points:

  • limit a small child’s visits to crowded places;
  • frequently wash the hands of the baby and all relatives;

Cleanliness is the key to health.

  • keep the child’s personal items clean (pacifier, bottle, spoon, plate, etc.);
  • breastfeed the baby. Breast milk does not protect against intestinal infections, but significantly reduces the possibility of infection;
  • monitor the quality and shelf life of food products;
  • thoroughly process food thermally;
  • instill in your child the norms and rules of nutrition (do not eat food on the go and do not take it from the table without first asking);
  • give the child something to drink boiled water;

Clean boiled water prevents dehydration of the body.

  • isolate the sick family member from other relatives (if infection has occurred).

Treatment options

What to do if you couldn’t protect yourself from an intestinal infection? First of all, there is no need to self-medicate your child. Wrong treatment can lead to serious complications , which will take a long and difficult time to fight.

At the first sign of an intestinal infection, call to the house children's doctor. On your own in medical institution It’s better not to deliver the child because:

  • firstly, he may get worse during the trip;
  • secondly, by independently transporting a child infected with coli, you may expose others to the risk of infecting others.

In particular difficult cases call the ambulance.

Intestinal infections in children must be treated comprehensively. The doctor usually prescribes 4 components of treatment:

First aid from mom

What can be done before the doctor arrives? If the baby has very frequent vomiting and diarrhea, then you should try to prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated. How can I do that? It is necessary to let the child drink, but not in the usual way - as much as he drinks, he will drink as much, but in small, measured portions.

You need to avoid dehydration at all costs!

You can feed the baby with warm boiled water from a spoon, chamomile decoction, or give him a special one. The medicine is available in the form of a packaged powder. A single dose of Regidron should be dissolved in water (necessarily boiled) and the resulting solution should be given to the baby after each loose bowel movement or vomiting at the rate of 10 milliliters per kilogram of body. Before each subsequent drinking, the solution must be shaken. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator with temperature conditions no higher than 8 0 C for no more than a day.

Cottage cheese and cream will help restore strength.

After stool normalization, it is allowed to feed the baby with all food groups, but only heat-treated ones. In 2-3 weeks - that’s how long the process lasts full recovery- the child can go to his usual table.

Nina fully supports diet therapy:

“About 80% of parents experience CI in their child, and I was no exception. At the first signs of the disease, I urgently consulted a doctor, who competently and intelligibly explained the treatment regimen. I knew more or less about it, but I had no idea what to treat my sick child with during the acute period and during the decline of the disease. Fortunately, the doctor had a special nutrition table, written in the form: breakfast - this, lunch - this and dinner - this. Very good thing. If you find one somewhere, be sure to save it - it will greatly help both children and adults in the fight against CI.”

Is immunity developed?

If a baby gets sick with an intestinal infection for the first time, then after the disease ends, his body develops relative immunity. Relative because it is active only against one pathogen - the one that provoked the disease. However, after a dozen or a couple of decades, infection with the same virus can be repeated because by the time of growing up the level of acquired childhood antibodies decrease, but the disease will rage with much less force than the first time.

Main points of the article:

  • intestinal infection is a predominantly childhood disease;
  • pathogens may be of viral or bacterial origin;
  • in order to avoid getting sick, you need to follow a simple set of preventive measures;
  • a sick person must be isolated from others, since he is a carrier of infection;
  • initial treatment and subsequent correction of therapy is carried out only by a doctor;

Don't self-medicate! Strictly follow all doctor's instructions.

  • antibiotics in the fight against coli are used in exceptional cases;
  • the main task of parents is to prevent dehydration during illness;
  • sorbents and electrolytes - the most effective way fighting a microscopic enemy;
  • Diet during CI cannot be ignored.