Staphylococcus aureus hemolytic. Symptoms and treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus

Hemolytic staphylococcus is a bacterium that can provoke inflammatory and infectious reactions in the human body.

This hemolytic microorganism acquired its name due to its ability to destroy or hemolyze.

For humans, hemolytic staphylococcus is a conditionally pathogenic bacterium, as it is capable of causing purulent processes. This streptococcus colonizes the skin and mucous membranes of humans.

It may not manifest itself in any way in the case of healthy condition body, but with a decrease in the protective functions of the body, weakened immunity, Hemolytic streptococcus immediately manifests itself in the form of diseases such as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • scarlet fever;
  • impetigo;
  • iosite;
  • endocarditis;
  • erysipelas;
  • postpartum sepsis;
  • pneumonia.

This kind pathogenic bacteria very common in pregnant women.

Streptococcal bacteria can be 1.3 microns in size and are found in groups that closely resemble a bunch of grapes. Quite often this bacterium can be found in groin area, as well as in the area armpits and in the perineal area. A feature of hemolytic staphylococcus is that it is very resistant to antibacterial drugs.

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Many doctors consider inflammation of the tonsils or sore throat as directly a type of staphylococcal infection. It is also known that in those who are often susceptible to this kind of disease, the presence of antibodies to staphylococcus is much higher than in healthy people. In half of patients with tonsillitis, a hemolytic staphylococcal infection is diagnosed, which most often manifests itself as pain during swallowing, redness and enlargement of the tonsils. The presence of this bacterium in children can cause inflammation lymph nodes, scarlet fever or otitis.

Hemolytic staphylococcus is transmitted through direct contact. This bacterium is very resistant by nature. They may remain dormant for quite a long period of time, even after a course of treatment.

Symptoms of saprophytic staphylococcus in men and women

Saprophytic staphylococcus is caused by the same bacteria as hemolytic. This type Staphylococcus often negatively affects the female genitourinary system. Men also encounter it, but less often. A man can become infected with saprophytic staphylococcus after sexual contact with a woman without appropriate protection, whose body contains this infection. After this bacterium enters a man’s body, diseases such as urethritis or impaired functioning may occur. genitourinary system.

This type of staphylococcal infection most often affects the genitourinary system in women. The main habitat of these bacteria is the mucous membranes of the genitals, internal organs the reproductive system is rarely affected. But if this happens, then how it will proceed and in what form may mainly depend on what kind of staphylococcus affects a particular organ. Saprophytic staphylococcus very rarely affects the body of children.

Most often, saprophytic staphylococcus in men lives on the skin near the genitals or on the wall of the bladder. Based on this, it is often the causative agent of a disease such as cystitis, to which women are more susceptible. This microorganism is statistically found in five percent of examined people, but causes illness in only a few. Most often it depends on the person’s immunity. If strong immunity, then a person can only be a carrier of this infection.

In the event that the protective functions are weakened for one reason or another, the microorganism begins to rapidly multiply. IN in this case symptoms saprophytic staphylococcus the following:

  • pain when urinating;
  • urinary disorders, frequent urges or for example urinary incontinence;
  • itching and burning pains in the perineal area;
  • general intoxication symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, nausea.v

In some cases, saprophytic staphylococcus in men causes inflammation in the kidneys, then along with cystitis it will also be necessary to treat pyelonephritis.

Treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus: highlights

In order to determine whether there are Staphylococcus hemolytic bacteria in the body, as well as to identify the lesion directly respiratory system person, it is necessary to take a swab from the throat in order to further conduct a bacteriological study.

The treatment process itself treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus is long-lasting and difficult, so it is not enough to use only aerosols that relieve sore throat.

You should choose the right drug antibacterial action, non-addictive. This is a rather labor-intensive moment, so it is sometimes necessary to use various antibiotic medications.

During the treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus, systemic therapy is most often carried out, during which, in addition to certain antibacterial drugs immunomodulatory agents are also used.

Consistent and correct treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus that has arisen in the throat and nose can ensure the absence of any significant complications in the future, such as rheumatism, nephritis or sepsis.

Treatment of hemolytic infection with one or another traditional methods is enough challenging task. But it is quite possible to be cured in this way by combining folk remedies With medicines on the recommendation of a doctor.

In this case, you just need to make sure that the bacteria does not become resistant to the antibiotic that is used. During treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus, a specialist may prescribe a sensitivity test to a specific antibacterial drug, and will also recommend systemic therapy, which will include, along with antibiotics, immunomodulatory agents that promote recovery normal microflora body. All medications prescribed by the doctor must be taken according to a specific schedule.

Staphylococcus is very common pathogen, a bacterium that causes various diseases in humans. Most often staphylococcal infection amazes respiratory system, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts, as well as skin. Without treatment, staphylococcus leads to damage to all organs, blood sepsis, bacterial meningitis and endocarditis, which often causes death.

In total, there are about 30 types of staphylococcus in nature, 14 of which interact with humans, 2 are hazardous to health, and another 2 are opportunistic microorganisms. Thus, with medical point The following types of staphylococcus are important:

  • Staphylococcus epidermidis- the most common type, which is always present on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. The pathogenic effect is observed only with reduced immunity - in particular, against the background of organ transplantation.
  • Staphylococcus aureus- most dangerous look, the cause of most infectious diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, and internal organs.
  • Hemolytic staphylococcus– a bacterium present in the blood healthy person, activated when immunity decreases.
  • Saprophytic staphylococcus– also a low-hazard species, in some cases it provokes cystitis in women and can contribute to the development of urolithiasis.

Among the diseases caused by staphylococcus are:

Symptoms of staphylococcus

The characteristic staphylococcal infection gives a bright clinical picture. Note:

  • Low-grade body temperature – above 39 degrees
  • Chills
  • Seizures and disturbance of consciousness
  • High blood pressure
  • Reaction from the outside gastrointestinal tract– vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain
  • Formation of ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes

What happens with a staph infection?

Staphylococcal infection causes various degenerative changes in tissues - from inflammation, swelling and suppuration to scarring and necrosis. The pathogenic effect of staphylococcus is explained by the various toxins that it releases in the life cycle: they cause both nervous reactions and a response immune attack. It is staphylococcal infection that causes rheumatism - a special strain of bacteria that have in their structure a protein similar in composition to the substances of heart tissue.

Complications of staphylococcal infection include:

  • Staphylococcal meningitis - an infectious lesion meninges, in which irreversible changes occur in the nerve fibers.
  • Endocarditis is an inflammation of the heart tissue, both as a result of the action of bacterial poisons and one’s own immunity.
  • Blood sepsis – general infection, in which toxic shock is observed.

Ways of infection with staphylococcus

Getting infected with staphylococcus is not as easy as it might seem. It is almost always present in the body in one quantity or another, but does not cause negative consequences. To activate staphylococcus, a combination is required various factors: reduced immunity, the presence of a focus of infection, a certain concentration of microbes. Most often staphylococcus is transmitted:

  • At direct contact with blood and soft tissues– through wounds, scratches, ulcers, upon contact with body fluids
  • Airborne droplets from a highly infected patient - this is especially true for hospitals where there is high concentration bacteria of different strains
  • With dust and in contact with the patient’s belongings, staphylococcus remains in a dried state for a long time.

Diagnosis of staphylococcal infection

When diagnosing staphylococcus, it is important to determine the type of bacterium and the specific strain - this way you can choose the most effective treatment method. Staphylococcus is visible on blood and urine cultures, and can be fairly accurately guessed based on the symptoms.

Treatment of staphylococcus

One of the features of different types of staphylococci is resistance to antibiotics. The bacterium quickly adapts even to initially effective drug, retains pathogenic properties when high temperature bodies. Unfortunately, our immune cells they are not always able to cope with staphylococcus - before the discovery of penicillin, this bacterium was common cause death of patients. Even now severe course staphylococcal infection is death in 5-30% of cases.

Pledge successful treatment staphylococcus – timely diagnosis. Staphylococcal infection is detected in most cases during tests, but it may not be given due importance, which is fatal for the prognosis. Today, there are effective methods of preventing staphylococcus - in particular vaccination.

Hemolytic staphylococcus is a bacterium that is widespread in nature and among the world's population. It is believed that about ¾ of people are carriers of this microorganism.

For people with strong immunity, hemolytic staphylococcus is not dangerous; it can be part of the opportunistic microflora of the human body and not reveal itself in any way. But under certain conditions, the bacterium is capable of exhibiting pathological activity, resulting in the likelihood of the development of negative processes. The main danger of this type of staphylococcus is that it causes purulent inflammatory diseases, for example, such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Hemolytic staphylococcus can infect almost the entire body, but most often the bacterium develops in the upper respiratory tract. It must be remembered that treatment of diseases caused by this bacterium is more difficult and lengthy.

The pathological effect of the bacterium mainly manifests itself in people with weakened immune systems, as well as against the background of an acute viral infection.

Routes of infection

The bacterium staphylococcus haemolyticus is transmitted through direct contact. The following routes of infection are distinguished:

  1. Contact, through household and household items, through a handshake. More likely become infected from people who have open purulent violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, abrasions).
  2. Airborne. The bacteria spreads to the outside environment when an infected person talks, sneezes or coughs.
  3. Food route, infection occurs through products. Food contamination is carried out by contact from the carrier of the bacterium, which can be a person or an animal.
  4. Hemocontact. This mechanism of infection transmission is due to the use of medical instruments; if they are improperly processed, the likelihood of infection increases.

Risk factors that increase the possibility of infection include:

Children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with immune diseases and chronic infections, representatives of the lower strata of the population.

It is quite easy for this microbe to penetrate the human body, but it is much more difficult to get rid of it. Hemolytic staphylococcus is also known for being highly resistant to antibiotics.

How does this type of staphylococcus manifest?

On this moment More than 20 types of staphylococcus are known, but only 4 of them can cause serious Negative influence on the human body. These include hemolytic staphylococcus. There are no specific signs of the presence of this bacterium, but there are various symptoms diseases that its active reproduction leads to. These include:

  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by pain, redness of the throat, purulent plaque on the tonsils, purulent discharge from the sinuses;
  • damage to the genitourinary system, cystitis, which manifests itself as “cutting” pain, frequent urination;
  • endocarditis caused by staphylococcus is characterized by inflammation in the area of ​​the heart muscle;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system, which manifests itself as discharge purulent sputum when coughing, there is heaviness of breathing;
  • damage to the epidermis is manifested by the appearance of ulcers, boils, and abscesses.

The above pathologies are also accompanied by varying intensity pain syndrome, general weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite.

Treatment methods for hemolytic staphylococcus

Treatment for this type of bacteria begins with medical examination. The patient needs to undergo tests. The main study is bacterial culture. This type of analysis allows you to detect hidden pathological microorganisms. As a rule, the result of bacterial culture can be assessed after a week. Materials for analysis can be:

  1. Skin swab. Material for research is taken from the surface purulent formations that arose on the surface of the epidermis.
  2. . Biological material taken from the patient's urethra.
  3. Oral and nasopharyngeal swab, before the procedure oral cavity and the nose is washed. The material is taken on an empty stomach or at least 3 hours after eating.
  4. Feces. It is recommended to collect the sample in special sterile containers.
  5. Urine. The material is collected in the morning; an average portion of urine is suitable for analysis.

If staphylococcus is detected in the culture, then its sensitivity to certain antibiotics is determined. After assessing the test results, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If therapy needs to be started urgently, before receiving the results of the study, then drugs from the group of protective penicillins are used.

It is prohibited to use antibacterial drugs without a doctor’s prescription and supervision; such an action can seriously harm your health.

If antibiotic therapy does not bring results, then a bacteriophage or toxoid is used against hemolytic staphylococcus. Also, in some cases it is necessary to carry out treatment not only active phase bacterial growth - it is recommended to immunize with a special toxoid.

Treatment of the disease includes the use of symptomatic medications, such as drugs to relieve inflammation and fever. Depending on where the bacteria is localized, other methods are used: rinsing the nose, gargling and mouthwash, treating ulcers and boils with special substances. It is worth noting that staphylococcus is treated with Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt.

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, and only the doctor can decide on completion therapeutic measures, based on analyzes and general condition sick.

Article about staphylococcus: diagnosis, treatment, symptoms of staphylococcal infection. The term staphylococcal infection includes a group of infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogenic staphylococci
Staphylococcus (lat. Staphylococcus, from the ancient Greek “staphylo” grapes and “coccos” - grain) is a genus of bacteria of the Staphylococcaceae family. Representatives of this genus are non-motile gram-positive cocci, the cell diameter of which ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 µm. Pathogenic staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus ) was found by R. Koch (1878), isolated from the pus of a boil by L. Pasteur (1880), described as the causative agent of many suppurative processes by A. Auguston (1881), and studied in detail by F. Rosenbach (1884).

Staphylococci are spherical in shape and are found in irregular clusters resembling bunches of grapes.

Pathogenic staphylococci produce exotoxin, which has hemolytic and necrotic effects.

The most famous types:
Staphylococcus aureus(Staphylococcus aureus), as the most pathogenic for humans. Named for its ability to form a golden pigment. It can cause purulent inflammatory processes in humans in almost all organs and tissues.
Staphylococcus epidermidis(Staphylococcus epidermidis) - quite often seen on human skin and mucous membranes, can lead to sepsis, endocarditis, conjunctivitis, purulent infection of wounds and purulent infections urinary roads.
Staphylococcus saprophytic(Staphylococcus saprophyticus) - may cause acute cystitis and urethritis.
Staphylococcus hemolytic(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)

In humans, staphylococci lead to a number of purulent lesions - abscesses, dermatitis, hydroadenitis, felons, boils, blepharitis, periostitis, carbuncles, osteomyelitis, folliculitis, dermatitis. sycosis, eczema, pyoderma, pneumonia, peritonitis, meningitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis.

Staphylococci cause the development secondary diseases for influenza, smallpox, postoperative suppuration, wound infections. Staphylococcal pneumonia and staphylococcal sepsis in children are terrible diseases.

In mixed infections, staphylococci play a huge role. Staphylococci are detected together with streptococci in diphtheria, wound infections, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, influenza, actinomycosis, parainfluenza and other forms of acute respiratory infections.

Staphylococcal infections reduce human immunity. Skin damage (poor hygiene, splinters, injuries, friction against clothing) - favorable condition to local staphylococcal infections, a decrease in the body’s immune forces due to other diseases, stress, hypovitaminosis, nutritional disorders are prerequisites for the formation of non-specialized staphylococcal infections.

Staphylococcus aureus produces an enzyme - coagulase - during its life. Staphylococcus enters the vascular bed from the surface of the skin under the action of coagulase and the blood begins to clot. Staphylococci turn out to form microthrombi - this leads to the formation of staphylococcal sepsis, and the infection can enter any organ and cause a purulent inflammatory process. In addition, staphylococcal infections can be a factor in the development of osteomyelitis. Staphylococcus can enter from the skin into mammary gland(a circumstance for the development of purulent mastitis), and with the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract - in paranasal sinuses nose, ear cavity, descend down into the lungs.

Staphylococcal infections are characterized by the diversity of pathogens. Often, infection occurs not with one, but with several or more varieties of staphylococcus.

Staphylococci are characterized by relatively high resistance to auscultation, freezing, and sunlight and substances. In a dried state they are viable for more than 6 months, in dust - 50-100 days. Repeated freezing and thawing does not kill staphylococci. They do not die for many hours from the action of direct sun rays. Staphylococci will be able to withstand heating at a temperature of 70 0 C for more than one hour. At a temperature of 80 0 C they die in 10-60 minutes, from boiling - instantly; A 5% phenol solution kills staphylococci within 15-30 minutes. Staphylococci are very sensitive to some aniline dyes, especially brilliant green. which is successfully used in the treatment of superficial purulent skin lesions caused by staphylococci.

The modern approach to the treatment of staphylococcal infections includes the following areas of treatment:

  • Use of modern antimicrobials and antibiotics;
  • Surgical methods of treatment;
  • Immunomodulation methods;
  • Normalization of the hormonal status and metabolic process of the body with the help of food additives(chitosan, cordyceps), mineral preparations, vitamins.

Most effective drug against staphylococci - bacteriophage staphylococcalimmunobiological drug, phage This is a lysate of phages that are capable of lysing staphylococcal bacteria isolated from purulent infections. Used for the treatment and prevention of purulent infections of the skin, mucous membranes, visceral organs caused by staphylococcal bacteria (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, purulent wounds, infected burns, abscess, phlegmon, furuncle, carbuncle, hidradenitis, felon, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis, gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, omphalitis, sepsis), and intestinal dysbiosis. The drug is a phagolysate filtrate, active against staphylococcal bacteria of the most common phagotypes, incl. Staphylococcus aureus. Serious condition Effective phage therapy involves a preliminary determination of the phage sensitivity of the pathogen (determination of the sensitivity to staphylococcal bacteriophage of strains isolated from the patient).
The staphylococcal bacteriophage is introduced into the source of infection. The duration of treatment is 5-15 days. Doses and method of administration depend on the nature of the source of infection (locally in the form of irrigation, lotions and tamponing; intradermally; in the cavity - abdominal, pleural, articular; in bladder through a catheter; per os and per rectum). In case of recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are likely.
Locally in the form of irrigation, lotions and tamponing with liquid phage in an amount of up to 200 ml, taking into account the size of the affected area, or lubrication with ointment.
Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions is advisable to carry out at once, both locally and through the mouth for 7-20 days.
For purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, staphylococcal bacteriophage is administered in a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day; used for rinsing, washing, instillation, introduction of soaked turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).
For boils and carbuncles, liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected directly into the lesion or under the base of the infiltrate, and near it. Injections are given every day, every other day, depending on the reaction, in successively increasing doses: for 1 injection - 0.5 ml, after that 1 - 1.5 - 2 ml. A total of 3-5 injections are performed per treatment cycle.
For abscesses, staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected into the cavity of the lesion after the puncture removal of pus is completed. The amount of the administered drug should be slightly less than the volume of removed pus. When opening an abscess, a tampon, abundantly wetted, is inserted into the cavity. staphylococcal bacteriophage.
In chronic osteomyelitis, staphylococcal bacteriophage is infused into the wound immediately after its surgical treatment.
To treat deep forms of pyodermatitis, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used intradermally in small doses of 0.1-0.5 ml in one place or, if necessary, up to 2 ml in several places. A total of 10 injections every 24 hours.
Introduction into cavities - abdominal, pleural, articular and others - up to 100 ml of bacteriophage. Capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is reintroduced every other day, only 3-4 times.
For cystitis, a staphylococcal bacteriophage is introduced into the bladder cavity through a catheter.
At purulent pleurisy, bursitis or arthritis, staphylococcal bacteriophage is injected into the cavity after removal of pus from it in an amount of up to 20 ml. and more, every other day, 3-4 times.
Orally in the form of pills, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used to treat urogenital infectious pathology- cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis, enteral infections and other diseases caused by staphylococcus bacteria.
At intestinal forms diseases caused by staphylococcus and intestinal dysbiosis, liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is used: orally 3 times a day on an empty stomach 1.5-2 hours before meals; rectally - once a day (liquid in the form of enemas or suppositories). For intestinal dysbiosis, treatment is carried out for 7-10 days under bacteriological control. For children in the first days of life, the staphylococcal bacteriophage is diluted in the first two doses boiled water 2 times. In case of absence adverse reactions(regurgitation, skin rash) in the future, use the undiluted drug. In this case, it can be mixed with breast milk.
For sepsis and enterocolitis in newborns, including premature babies, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through gas outlet pipe or catheter) 2-3 times a day. A combination of rectal (in enemas) and oral (by mouth) use of the drug is likely.
In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, and infected wounds in newborns, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of applications every day twice (a gauze cloth is moistened with staphylococcal bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or to the affected area of ​​the skin).
Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used for prophylaxis in an amount of 50 ml. for irrigation of postoperative wounds, etc.
In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in newborns with intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.
Staphylococcal bacteriophage in aerosol form is used for therapeutic and for preventive purposes in the form of irrigation of skin and mucous membranes infected with staphylococcus in case of burns, purulent-inflammatory diseases, infected wounds, with sore throat.
It is most advisable to use a bacteriophage in cases where the infection is caused by antibiotic-resistant strains. It is possible to carry out combination treatment staphylococcal bacteriophage in combination with antibiotics.
, if up to local application staphylococcal bacteriophage, chemical antiseptics were used, not counting furatsilin, the wound should be washed saline solution sodium chloride or 2-3% soda solution (sodium bicarbonate).
There are no contraindications to the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage.
Reactions to the introduction of staphylococcal bacteriophage have not been established.
With intradermal administration, rapidly reversible redness and inflammation are possible.
Liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is not suitable for use if it is cloudy or has flakes.
Use during pregnancy is likely as prescribed by a doctor, following the dose.
The use of staphylococcal bacteriophage does not exclude the use of other medicines. It is possible to create a combination treatment with staphylococcal bacteriophage in combination with antibiotics.

Silver preparations, aniline dyes, copper compounds, cranberry juice, allicin (a substance obtained from garlic) are effective against staphylococci.

Effective antibiotic against MRSA(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is ceftobiprole is the first drug of a new generation of cephalosporins with anti-MRSA activity.

In addition, according to some studies US scientists, against Staphylococcus aureus effective: hydrogen peroxide, tobramycin, chlorgrexidine digluconate and gluconate, levofloxacin and silver preparations.

There are various resistant strains, for example to vancomycin (previously effective antibiotic against staphylococcus until 1996) VRSA - effective against it (2012) combination drugTrimethoprim /sulfamethoxazole (bactrim, biseptol)

routine antibiogram for MRSA in Russia (2012):
Erythromycin - resistant
tetracycline - resistant
clindamycin - resistant
gentamicin - resistant
fluoroquinolones are resistant
rifampicin - resistant
Bactrim, Biseptol - resistant
vancomycin - sensitive
linezolid - sensitive
cubecin (daptomycin) - sensitive

So antibiotics are currently effective against resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): vancomycin, linezolid, cubicin (daptomycin), levofloxacin

Staphylococci are a large group of bacteria that cause various infectious diseases, which threaten difficult-to-treat complications. This group of pathogenic viruses also includes Staphylococcus haemolyticus, or hemolytic staphylococcus. These bacteria range in size from 0.7 to 1.1 microns. They belong to the so-called gram-positive cocci. The shape of the microbe is spherical. They are located in the male body in the form of uneven clusters, which resemble a bunch of grapes in their structure.

Their harmful effects based on the release of exotoxin, which has a necrotic and hemolytic effect on the body. Staphylococcus haemolyticus can cause the following diseases in humans:

  • various purulent inflammatory processes in various organs;
  • sepsis and defeat skin, endocarditis;
  • urethral lesions and cystitis.

Symptoms of men affected by staphylococcal infection

The main signs of the disease include the following factors:

  • boils appear;
  • possible purulent abscesses;
  • eczema manifests itself in various forms;
  • various types of dermatitis;
  • blepharitis and panaritium;
  • carbuncles appear;
  • symptoms of pneumonia or pyoderma appear;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • folliculitis is formed;
  • symptoms of periostitis or cholecystitis may appear;
  • sykozi occurs;
  • meningitis;
  • lesions of the appendix (appendicitis) appear.

Staphylococci can cause secondary lesions for diseases such as influenza, smallpox, postoperative complications in the form of suppuration, infection various wounds on the human body. In children, Staphylococcus haemolyticus causes symptoms of diseases such as:

  • staphylococcal pneumonia;
  • sepsis.

These diseases are terrible for young patients due to their complications and often result in death for them.

In case of a combined infectious lesion of a patient, staphylococci together with streptococci can cause the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • angina;
  • suppuration due to wound infection;
  • actinomycosis;
  • influenza and parainfluenza conditions;
  • various forms of respiratory tract damage.

Staphylococci, by their influence, sharply reduce the ability immune system men respond adequately to infectious lesions. For the development of these bacteria, damage to a man’s skin is the most favorable environment. This is facilitated by poor hygiene, friction of the skin against clothing, splinters and small wounds. Stressful situations, poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis and general decline immunity allow staphylococci to freely penetrate into various organs and tissues, infecting them. This can lead to symptoms of osteomyelitis. When entering chest these viruses cause men purulent mastitis. They penetrate from the mucous membrane of the respiratory system into the lungs, sinuses, and ear cavities. At the same time, staphylococci various types act in “cooperation” with each other, which causes simultaneous damage to the human body by various diseases.

Treatment of infections caused by staphylococci

Difficulties in combating these types of bacteria are determined by factors such as:

  • the persistence of these viruses before drying;
  • they feel very good when frozen;
  • these bacteria are not affected by sunlight;
  • they are resistant to many chemicals.

When dried, the bacteria retain their vital activity for a year; when exposed to dust, they live for up to 3 months. Staphylococci do not die either during the first or repeated freezing and thawing, and these viruses can withstand the effects of direct solar radiation for several hours.

Bacteria can tolerate heating up to 68-72 ° C for 1.5 hours. When the temperature rises by another 10 ° C, staphylococci can maintain their vital activity from 12 minutes to an hour, and when boiling, the microbes die instantly.

You can kill staphylococci in half an hour by using a 5% phenolic solution. This result can also be obtained by using aniline dyes - bacteria are sensitive to them. Especially affects these pathogenic viruses brilliant green, which is used to combat ulcers on human skin caused by staphylococci.

Modern medicine uses the following methods to combat these viruses:

  • course of treatment with antibiotics and antimicrobials;
  • different kinds surgical intervention;
  • using various food additives (cordyceps, chitosan), mineral preparations, vitamins to normalize hormonal status and optimize the metabolic process in the patient’s body;
  • immune modulation treatments.

Effective methods of treatment (use of bacteriophages)

The most effective method At this stage of development of medicine, the use of so-called bacteriophages for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococci is considered.

This is a community of phages that destroy bacteria of this species, which are released during purulent infectious lesions of the human body.

This method is used to combat diseases such as:

  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • sinusitis;
  • sore throats of various types;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • pleurisy;
  • various forms of pneumonia;
  • abscess;
  • suppuration of various wounds;
  • burns exposed to infection;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • hidradenitis;
  • phlegmon and panaritium;
  • mastitis and bursitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • cystitis and cholecystitis;
  • urethritis and pyelonephritis;
  • endometritis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • omphalitis;
  • sepsis;
  • intestinal lesions due to dysbacteriosis.

The drug used to treat patients is a filtrate of phagolysates, which exhibits particular activity against various types of staphylococcal bacteria. An important condition application of the bacteriophage selected for treatment is to determine its effect on the strain isolated from the patient; the bacteria must be destroyed. After a positive response to the phage study is received, it is administered to the patient. Typically, the course of therapy with this method lasts 7-16 days.

Methods for introducing phage into the patient’s body depend on the nature infectious lesion patient and are of the following types:

  • local irrigation, tamponing or lotions;
  • intradermal injections;
  • introduction via abdominal cavity, pleura or between joints;
  • administration via a catheter through the bladder.

If relapses of the disease recur, then courses of treatment with bacteriophages can be continued. For local irrigation (lotions and tamponing), the affected area is smeared (wetted) with liquid phage. For greater effect with such purulent lesions, it is advisable to simultaneously administer the phage through the patient’s mouth. The course lasts up to 20 days.

How to treat staphylococci with phages?

If inflammatory processes and suppuration have occurred in the ear, throat or nose and the involvement of staphylococci in them has been identified, then the bacteriophage is administered in the form of rinses, washes or instilled into the cavity of the diseased organ.

If boils (carbuncles) have formed, then the liquid phage is introduced directly into and around the site of the lesion. Injections are given daily, increasing the dose of the drug every other day. During the entire course of treatment, up to 5 injections are performed using this method. The duration of treatment is about a week.

When an abscess develops, the bacteriophage is introduced into the cavity of the lesion by injection, after the pus is removed from the patient's body by puncture. The volume of the injected phage should be less than the removed abscess. The abscess is opened and a swab soaked in liquid phage is inserted into the area.

If diagnosed chronic osteomyelitis, then the drug is poured into the wound after surgery. When using a bacteriophage against deep forms of pyodermatitis, intradermal infusions are made into one lesion site. With numerous lesions, the dose is increased and distributed to all places where a staphylococcal infection is detected. The patient is given a capillary drainage and phages are injected through it every other day. The norm is no more than 4 infusions.

If treatment for cystitis is prescribed, the medicine is administered through the bladder using a catheter. Purulent bursitis, pleurisy and arthritis are cured by introducing a bacteriophage into the cavity of the lesion cleared of pus. This is done every other day, but no more than 4 times during the entire course of therapy.

If damage to the genitourinary system and the development of urethritis are diagnosed, then phages are used in the form of tablets. The same is used for the development of pathology (cystitis, pyelonephritis and others).

If the intestines are affected and dysbiosis appears, then phages are used in liquid form, taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 2 hours before meals. You can do this once a day with enemas or in the form of suppositories. The course of treatment takes 2 weeks under strict bacteriological control by a doctor. If it is necessary to use medications to treat a newborn, then it is diluted in boiled water. If not negative reaction the child’s body (belching or rashes on the skin), then in the future you can give the undiluted phage by mixing it with breast milk.

If a newborn has enterocolitis or sepsis, then the bacteriophage is administered to the child (including premature babies) through a catheter or gas tube 3 times a day. This can also be done orally or with an enema. If there is a need to treat a child for pyoderma, omphalitis or an infected wound, then liquid phages using gauze napkin applied to the affected area of ​​skin or wound on the navel. This is done twice a day.

preventive treatment

For the prevention of postoperative wounds, bacteriophages are used in the form of irrigation.

If you need to carry out prevention intrauterine infection staphylococci, the drug is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day. The course of therapy lasts a week. The same standards are used for the prevention of sepsis and enterocolitis in newborns or in the event of a threat of nosocomial epidemic caused by staphylococci.

In the form of an aerosol, phages are used to irrigate the outbreak purulent lesion skin, burns, wound infections, purulent inflammation, for the treatment of sore throat.

The most effective is the use of bacteriophage for infection with an antibiotic-resistant strain of staphylococcus.

Then it is recommended to carry out combined treatment with antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and phages. You just need to take into account that before using the phage, you should wash the affected area with a 2% soda solution, if the patient was previously given antibiotics for treatment.

There are no contraindications or reactions to the administration of bacteriophage to a patient. During injection, local irritation in the form of redness is possible, but it passes very quickly. Sometimes inflammation occurs, but they are not dangerous and come in 1-2 days. This is the norm.

Staphylococcal infections are dangerous due to their consequences, so you should immediately consult a doctor.