You can tell a lot from the eyes. The most reliable method. Iridodiagnostics - diagnosis by the iris of the eyes

When you meet stranger the first thing you notice about him is his eyes: their shape, color and sometimes even the physical condition of their owner... Curious how? The fact is that eyes not only allow their owner to see. Doctors can diagnose a certain number of diseases and poor health based on the eyes. The state in which they are can help you understand the processes occurring in your body.

Through these windows into your world internal state 10 dangerous diseases can be diagnosed:

1. Cancer

There are several eye conditions that indicate cancer in some part of the body or even cancer in the eye itself. Lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women are often visible in the eyes even before the diagnosis is made. Quite often, basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) is found under the eyelids or in brown spots that appear on the eye.

2. Autoallergic disease

Photo caption: typical redness

An autoallergic disease such as tuberculosis of the skin, Crohn's disease, or even some forms of arthritis can be detected through an eye examination. If you constantly suffer from irritation or swelling of your eyes (and at the same time you do not drink and sleep long enough), red eyes may be a sign of an inflammatory process occurring in your body, which is common symptom for skin tuberculosis.

Other symptoms such as drooping eyelids or dry eyes may be related to Sjögren's syndrome. autoimmune disease which destroys skin glands bodies. In addition, drooping eyelid means gradual muscle weakness resulting from various autoimmune disorders.

3. High blood pressure

Symptoms of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases can be detected in the patient's eyes. According to the online publication Web MD, if the blood vessels in the whites of the eyes begin to twist, narrow, or, on the contrary, expand, then high pressure is the most probable cause this. High pressure is extremely dangerous to health as it can lead to a major stroke.

4. Brain injury

Horner's syndrome is a complication of a head injury, stroke, or aneurysm that causes the pupils to be different sizes. Different sizes pupils may indicate a blastoma or tumor in the neck area. The Internet publication Web MD provides a list of reasons that may cause this symptom. Regardless of this, if your pupils are different in size, this pathology is a sign that you immediately need to see a doctor, since a serious malfunction is occurring in the body.

5. Liver problems

Bile spillage causes yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Bile spillage is caused by excess bilirubin (a waste product from the liver) that travels through the blood. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) or other liver problems can be caused by a spill of bile when the liver tries to remove adequate amounts of bilirubin from the body.

6. Thyroid problems

Graves' disease is a disorder of normal functioning thyroid gland, which can cause the eyes to protrude and increase in size. This happens when thyroid begins to affect the tissue of the eyeball. Protruding eyes are the most typical syndrome of thyroid problems.

7. Diabetes

Diabetes not only affects your blood sugar, but it can also severely damage the blood capillaries in your eyes. High content Blood sugar (a major symptom of diabetes) can cause these vessels in the inner lining of the eyeball to become less elastic, which in turn will lead to an excess supply of proteins to the macula (the part of the eyeball that is responsible for focusing vision). If blood sugar levels are not monitored and maintained at the desired level for several years, severe vision impairment and even blindness can occur.

8. High cholesterol

The next one cardiovascular disease which can be diagnosed through an eye examination is high level cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can cause a gray ring to form around the cornea of ​​the eye. It can also lead to the formation of small fatty deposits in the form of blisters on the eyelids.

9. Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis often leads to inflammation of the optic nerve, which in turn leads to severely unfocused vision or sometimes no symptoms. More than 75% of patients suffering multiple sclerosis have this symptom and quite often it is the first symptom of the onset of this disease.

10. Anemia

If inner part yours lower eyelids is white or pale this may indicate a lack of iron in the blood. Iron-deficiency anemia is typical disease blood, which can be treated with dietary supplements, but it can also be a sign of internal bleeding.

The condition of your eyes should never reassure you. Individual symptoms of diseases are not at all easy to distinguish and early diagnosis of your health condition, carried out by a medical specialist will save you a lot of time and effort if symptoms are detected in a timely manner.

Those with green eyes are considered the most gentle on the entire planet. These are purposeful and sincere people. They perfectly combine charisma, stubbornness and a sense of justice. If green-eyed people have set themselves a goal, they will go towards it through all obstacles without stopping. They are authoritative, they are always trusted, they are unconditionally accepted in any company and loved. They tend to have a sense of intuition and ingenuity. Surprisingly, one person with green eyes combines firmness, generosity, integrity, kindness and a sense of humor. Such people can be very unpredictable.

Representatives of humanity, to whom nature has given blue eyes, are unusually sentimental. They have so much changeable mood that it is impossible to catch it. Such people cannot be offended, as they will suffer for a long time. These are very passionate, amorous and extremely romantic people. However, blue-eyed people are not without their drawbacks. For example, they don't like it when someone disagrees with them. These are fearless natures. But their courage and courage sometimes borders on madness and leads to unwanted actions. Holders blue eyes They can be overly dreamy and capricious. Meetings and partings are easy for them. They freely break off relationships and meet new people without suffering from remorse.

Many people are attracted to people with brown eyes. They always live with the desire to be “brand new”. Brown eyes give their owners initiative, a constant need to move forward and excitement. Such people should always be the center of attention. They are incredibly confident, incredibly sexy and incredibly charming. Sometimes they are aggressive and conflicting due to their temperament. They are very selective in choosing friends and partners. Brown-eyed people are incredibly amorous, but they also easily become cold.

A person with gray eyes is usually determined, inquisitive and very intelligent. The most important trait of his character is loyalty. Gray-eyed representatives of humanity are not afraid of problems and difficulties. They overcome them easily and quickly. Holders gray eyes are the luckiest, as they are born under a star. They are incredibly jealous, although they carefully hide it. But they themselves are monogamous, incapable of cruelty and betrayal.

People with blue eyes are residents of “castles in the air”, romantics and incorrigible dreamers. They are the most sensitive, kind-hearted, generous and vulnerable of all. Blue-eyed people can of course be callous, hard, cold and indifferent. But this is more for protection. These people have the ability to quickly adapt to external conditions, it’s easy to navigate new places. They are humble, purposeful and persistent. They can get irritated over little things, but it is easy to forgive them for this, since they are conscientious and responsible people. Blue-eyed people are characterized by a vivid imagination and flexible character.

Individuals with yellow or tiger eyes are extremely rare. And their character is also very rare and unique. Yellow-eyed people approach any task in an unusually original and creative way, which always causes admiration. Often such people have psychic abilities. In addition, they are artistic and creative. People with tiger eyes are extremely selective in their communication. They cannot be deceived; they feel and understand everything.

Gray-green eyes give people hard work and pragmatism. A cocktail of intelligence, feelings, intuition and common sense. This helps them to be mature and reliable. No one would refuse a caring, sincere and understanding friend with gray-green eyes.

Black eyes speak of powerful energy, passion and love. It is impossible not to notice such people.

Gray-green-brown eyes give rise to skeptics. They always doubt everything. It's difficult for them to decide. It is very important for these people to have a life partner nearby.

The size of the eyes also depends on the character. Big-eyed people more often strive for leadership, are more sensual and express their character more clearly. People with small eyes are more often closed, silent and stubborn.


Did you know that by looking into a person's eyes it is not so easy to determine whether he is lying or telling the truth? But, according to experts, there is great opportunity with a high degree of probability determine the level of cholesterol in the body of this person, the presence of liver disease or diabetes. To do this you need to know some secrets.

“The eye is truly a unique organ that makes it possible to determine the state of health, says Andrew Iwach, a representative of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (American Academy of Ophthalmology) and at the same time Executive Director San Francisco Glaucoma Center (Glaucoma Center of San Francisco). – This is the only part human body, looking at which, without any operation, we can see veins, arteries and nerves (optic nerve)".

The clarity of the eye explains why common eye diseases (such as glaucoma, cataracts and degeneration macular spot) can be easily identified on early stage development with regular eye examination. "Unfortunately, people are so busy that they put off not only eye examinations, but also other visits to the doctor. That's why when people finally visit an ophthalmologist, the ophthalmologist can determine the presence of certain diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. blood pressure" , - explains Ivach, advising to turn Special attention, first of all, on the following 14 nuances.

1. An alarming sign: eyebrows are thinning

What could this mean? It is clear that under certain circumstances eyebrows are thinned out on purpose (paying tribute to fashion, mainly). However, when about a third of your eyebrow hair (especially in the area closer to your ears) begins to disappear on its own, this may be a sign of thyroid disease– hyperthyroidism (increased activity of the thyroid gland), or hypothyroidism (decreased function of the thyroid gland). The thyroid gland is small, but extremely important gland, which helps regulate metabolism, and thyroid hormones are among those substances that play a vital role in hair growth.

Eyebrows are known to thin as a person ages. However, with thyroid disease, eyebrows thin unevenly; in fact, there is hair loss from the edges of the eyebrows. Besides, Hair loss can occur on any part of the body, although in the eyebrow area this phenomenon is most pronounced. A related signal indicating this problem is the appearance of early gray hair in the eyebrows. It is noteworthy that female body more susceptible to this phenomenon, which occurs most often in women aged 20 to 30 years.

What should I do? If you notice that your eyebrows are thinning, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist or at least consult with your family doctor. Most other symptoms, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, are very general character And can affect any body function. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it makes sense to pay attention to any other changes occurring in your body. These changes may relate to weight, lack of energy, digestive problems and/or menstrual cycle, mood swings, health skin and so on.

2. Warning sign: stye that does not go away for a long time

What could this mean? It's about a small purulent inflammation, usually having a reddish tint that stays on the eye most of the time. Styes, also called chalazions, appears on the inner or outer surface of the eyelid. Often this phenomenon does not cause concern, since ordinary stye, although it somewhat disfigures a person’s appearance, goes away quite quickly and without consequences. However, if the inflammation does not go away within three months, or periodically occurs in the same place, we may be talking about rare form cancerous tumor which is called carcinoma sebaceous glands.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. The presence of barley leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands of the eyelash follicles of the eyelid. Usually this type inflammation goes away within one month. However, the type of barley that has a cancerous nature, on the contrary, persists constantly. Sometimes it seems that such barley has passed, however, after some time, inflammation occurs in the same place. There is another alarming sign that should force you to pay special attention to this phenomenon. It consists of partial loss of eyelashes in the area of ​​inflammation.

What should I do? First of all, it is necessary to note what the nature of the inflammation is: that is, whether we are talking about quickly passing or constant barley. In case of persistent inflammation, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Usually, to confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy is performed (that is, a piece of tissue is taken from the inflamed area on laboratory research). Similar severe cases Styes are usually removed surgically.

3. Alarming sign: lumpy formations of a yellowish tint on the eyelids

What could this mean? Medical name similar yellowish inflammatory formations - xanthelasma of the eyelids. Typically, this phenomenon indicates high cholesterol levels in the human body. Very often such formations are called that - cholesterol plaques, since, in fact, these are just ordinary fat deposits.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this phenomenon. Some people confuse these cholesterol plaques on the eyelids with stye. However, when we're talking about about xanthelasma of the eyelids, mentioned above yellowish formations appear in the amount of several pieces, and each plaque is quite small in size.

What should I do? You should contact your family doctor, or immediately visit a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. The diagnosis is usually made based on physical examination. The easiest way for an ophthalmologist to notice these plaques is when examining the eye; for this reason, in fact, increased level Cholesterol levels are often detected during eye examinations.. This pathological phenomenon is usually painless and does not cause vision problems. Among other things, if this pathology is present, it makes sense to pay attention to the presence of signs of coronary artery disease.

4. Warning sign: burning sensation in the eyes and blurred vision when using a computer

What could this mean? First of all, of course, this may indicate that you are an ordinary workaholic who has suffered from the so-called syndrome computer vision. Lack of contrast on your monitor often causes eye strain. (compared, for example, with text printed on paper). In addition, the cause may be excessive prolonged concentration on some small illuminated area of ​​the screen. It is also known that as a person approaches middle age, his eyes lose the ability to produce a volume of tear fluid sufficient to lubricate the eyes. Eye irritation is observed, aggravated by blurred vision and discomfort.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Have you noticed that this problem Does it get worse around midday (when eyes become drier)? Does it also get worse when you read the fine print and your eyes strain more? If this is so, then we are talking about that same eye fatigue. Moreover, people who wear glasses suffer from computer vision syndrome more often than others. You should also keep in mind that the problem may be made worse by using a fan that blows directly into your face. At the same time, the eyes dry out even faster.

What should I do? It is necessary to eliminate glare on the monitor by closing the curtains or blinds on the window. You also need to make sure that your glasses (if you wear them) have a special anti-reflective effect. Adjust the contrast of your monitor as necessary. It must be remembered that the white areas on the screen should never shine as if there was some kind of light source. They should also not be overly darkened. Fortunately, flat screen LCD monitors, which have been actively switched to throughout the world over the past few years, cause less eye fatigue than older monitors. The documents you work with should be at approximately the same height as your monitor, which will save your eyes from having to constantly focus on different objects.

5. Alarming sign: inflammation and formation of specific plaque on the edges of the eyelids

What could this mean? Perhaps the cause is blepharitis ( inflammatory process, affecting the edges of the eyelids), which can occur for several reasons. And two of them, as surprising as it may sound, associated with problems affecting other parts of the body. We're talking about dandruff and dermatological disease, called rosacea (so-called rosacea). The latter pathology often also causes severe redness of the skin, usually observed in middle-aged women with pale skin.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. The eyes may also feel irritated, as if very small particles had come into contact with them. foreign bodies. Worries about burning in the eyes, increased lacrimation, or, on the contrary, excessive dryness of the eyes. Specific scales are formed, which tend to accumulate inside the corners of the eye, or directly on the edges of the eyelids.

What should I do? It is necessary to apply warm, damp cotton wool (after washing your hands first!). After five minutes of this procedure, most of the scales will be removed, and the skin will become somewhat softer. However, to resolve this issue However, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since the severity of this pathology varies significantly. Doctors often prescribe special ointments based on antibiotics and may even prescribe oral antibiotics, that is, for oral administration. So-called glycerin tears (special drops for moisturizing) can be used.

6. Warning sign: you observe a small “blind spot” that is surrounded by a whitish aura or specific wavy lines

What could this mean? Such visual disturbances can be caused by the so-called ocular migraine (also called scintillating scotoma), which can be accompanied by headaches (although not always). The cause of this phenomenon is believed to be a change in the intensity of blood flow to the brain.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Violations visual perception initially marked in the very center of the visual field. This process can be expressed in the appearance brown dot, several spots, or a line that seems to move and interfere with normal visual perception. There is a feeling that you look at the world through cloudy or cracked glass. This phenomenon It is painless and does not cause any irreversible damage. Ocular migraines can occur due to many reasons, ranging from consumption of chocolate and caffeine, ending with alcohol or stress. In some cases, headaches are also noted, sometimes severe enough to cause nausea.

What should I do? If the symptoms overtake you while you are driving, it makes sense to stop on the side of the road and wait for these unpleasant symptoms to disappear. This usually happens within one hour. If such violations last more than an hour, then necessary in mandatory consult an appropriate specialist. It is very important to exclude, for example, more serious problems, such as a retinal tear. You will also need a doctor if such disturbances in visual perception are accompanied by other symptoms that may indicate, for example, a stroke or heart attack. We are talking, for example, about an increase in body temperature, a feeling of weakness in the muscles, and impaired speech function.

7. Red flag: red itchy eyes

What could this mean? Eye irritation can happen for many reasons, but itching accompanied by sneezing, coughing, sinus congestion and/or nasal discharge may indicate that you have an allergy. If your eyes are affected, then the cause may be in the air around you (for example, pollen, dust or animal hair).

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Similar manifestations of allergies, felt only in one eye, may indicate that something is wrong with cosmetics or other medicines for eyes. Some people, for example, react strongly to certain preservatives found in some eye drops, which are used to moisturize dry eyes.

What should I do? Usually best advice in such cases, stay away from the source of irritation. Certain antihistamines can help relieve itching, and medications in the form of eye drops or gel are recommended, as they bring relief to the eyes faster. If the cause of the allergy is precisely eye drops, then it makes sense to choose another medicine that does not contain preservatives.

8. Alarming sign: the whites of the eyes become yellowish.

What could this mean? This phenomenon, which is known as “jaundice,” is observed in two groups of people: in newborns with underdeveloped liver function, and in members of the adult population who suffer from liver disease, gall bladder or bile ducts (including hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver). The appearance of a yellow tint in tunica albuginea eyes (sclera) is usually caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the body - a yellow-red pigment of bile, which is by-product red blood cells. A diseased liver is no longer able to process them.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. It is noteworthy that in in this case some other body tissues may also take on a similar yellowish tint. In any case, this yellowness is best captured exactly in the background white whites of eyes. In addition, the skin may also acquire a yellowish tint if the individual has consumed, say, too much beta-carotene contained in carrots. However, the color of the whites of the eyes does not change!

What should I do? Need about everyone alarming symptoms tell the doctor (unless, of course, the person is already being treated for any liver disease). A pathological phenomenon such as jaundice must be brought under control as quickly as possible; it is also necessary to identify and eliminate the causes that caused it.

9. Warning sign: inflammation or brown dot on the eyelid

What could this mean? Even those people who regularly closely monitor the health of their skin may not pay attention to a small dark point on the century. Meanwhile, such a point may be a harbinger cancer ! Most cases of malignant tumors arising on the eyelid are classified as so-called basal cell epithelioma. If a given cancer appears as a brown dot, then the likelihood is that this dot will develop into malignant tumor, significantly higher (this also applies to other types of skin cancer).

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Older people with pale skin are at greatest risk. Particular attention must be paid to bottom part century. The inflammation can be quite transparent with the finest blood vessels. If such a point appears in the area of ​​the eyelashes, some of the eyelashes may fall out rapidly.

What should I do? Always pay special attention to any spots on the skin or suspicious changes in the skin structure, and do not forget to consult with your family doctor, dermatologist or eye specialist. Essential has early detection of the disease, that is, before the disease spreads to the nearest lymph nodes.

10. Warning sign: enlarged eye

What could this mean? Most common cause an increase in the size of the eyeball is hyperthyroidism, that is, increased activity thyroid gland, which was already mentioned above. Moreover, the most common pathology is the so-called Graves' disease (also called Graves' disease).

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. In order to record an increase in the size of the eye, it is necessary, for example, to pay attention to the fact whether the white part is visible between the iris of the eye and upper eyelid. The fact is that in the normal state this white part of the eyeball is not visible. It is noteworthy that some people inherit this feature, having normally slightly enlarged eye sizes, however, in this case we are not talking about hyperthyroidism. Sometimes it seems that such a person hardly blinks and looks at you too intently. Since this pathology develops quite slowly, it is no wonder that very often this problem is noticed by those people who do not see such a person every day, but meet them quite rarely (or, for example, accidentally see his photograph).

What should I do? You should report your suspicions to your doctor, especially if there are other signs of Graves' disease, such as blurred vision, restlessness, fatigue, increased appetite, weight loss, body tremors, and increased heart rate. Usually a blood test allows you to measure thyroid hormone levels in organism. Treatment this state may include taking appropriate medical supplies or surgery.

11. Red flag: unexpected double vision, blurred vision, or loss of vision

What could this mean? When it comes to sudden vision loss, dimming visual images or double vision, there is a high probability that the person has had a stroke.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Other signs of stroke include sudden stiffness or weakening of an arm, leg, or facial muscles, usually occurring on one side of the body. There are problems with movement due to dizziness, loss of balance and coordination. Speech becomes impaired and sluggish, and severe headaches occur. In severe strokes (usually caused by a blood clot or bleeding in the brain), these symptoms occur immediately and simultaneously. In milder cases of strokes caused by narrowing of the arteries, some symptoms appear gradually over more than long period(within minutes or hours).

What should I do? In this situation, there can be only one advice - it is necessary that the patient be taken to the intensive care unit as quickly as possible to provide qualified medical care.

12. Red flag: dry eyes that are very sensitive to light

What could this mean? Perhaps this refers to an autoimmune disease of the body, which is called sicca keratoconjunctivitis or sicca syndrome (Sjögren's syndrome). This pathology disrupts the functioning of the eye glands and oral glands, which are responsible for moisturizing these areas.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. Sjogren's syndrome usually occurs in women over 40 years of age who suffer from such autoimmune diseases, How rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. More often, the eyes and oral cavity . Such patients may also notice vaginal dryness, sinus dryness, and simply dry skin. Due to a lack of saliva, problems with chewing and swallowing occur.

What should I do? Sjögren's syndrome is diagnosed through special tests. To protect the eyes, it is usually necessary to use artificial moisturizers (for example, such as so-called artificial tears). It is also necessary to take care of improving the quality of nutrition, while increasing the amount of fluid consumed.

13. An alarming sign: it is difficult to close one eye, in which there is increased tearing

What could this mean? Similar symptoms may occur with peripheral paralysis facial nerve(that is, the nerve that controls the facial muscles), causing temporary paralysis of half the face. Sometimes this pathology is accompanied viral infection (for example, shingles, mononucleosis, or even acquired immunodeficiency virus), or bacterial infection(for example, Lyme disease). Diabetics and pregnant women are at greatest risk.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. This pathology affects not only the eye area, but also half of the entire face. The severity of the condition varies depending on the patient, but in general the consequences are expressed in the form of a sagging and weakened half of the face. The eyelid may also sag therefore it is difficult for a person to control it– close completely and open. There may be increased lacrimation, or, conversely, the inability to produce tear fluid in this eye. Most often, this effect manifests itself unexpectedly.

What should I do? It is imperative to consult a doctor. In most cases, the effects are temporary and the patient recovers completely within a few weeks. In more rare cases this pathology tends to recur periodically. Physiotherapy treatment helps restore speech, the ability to control facial muscles (in particular, those functions that allow muscles to act in unison), and also helps to avoid facial asymmetry. Professional health care will help avoid eye damage and maintain the necessary moisture.

14. Warning sign: blurred vision in diabetes.

What could this mean? Diabetics are known to be at risk when it comes to various eye diseases, including glaucoma and cataracts. However greatest threat What affects the vision of diabetics is the so-called diabetic retinopathy, in which diabetes affects the circulatory system of the eye. In fact, it is the leading cause of vision loss in diabetics around the world.

Additional signs indicating the presence of this disease. In general, changes associated with diabetic retinopathy, most often appear in those people who suffer from of this disease for long period time than those who were only recently diagnosed with diabetes. The patient may often see blurry or with tiny dark spots in the field of vision. Sometimes diabetes can cause periodic small bleeding, which also blurs your vision. Painful sensations at the same time no. The worse a person is able to control their sugar levels, the more severe the symptoms of the disease.

What should I do? People who suffer from diabetic disease may be advised to undergo an eye examination annually, which will allow retinopathy to be detected at an early stage and controlled. this pathology. This will also allow us to identify glaucoma, cataracts and other problems before they manifest themselves in full force.

The eyes of any person can tell us something about his character, thoughts, feelings, mood, as well as about the person’s attitude towards you.

From our article you will learn how to understand by the eyes nonverbal expression human emotions. And by showing a little more attention to your interlocutor, in some cases you can even find out with a high degree of probability what he is thinking about.

How to understand a person by their eyes

So, the pupils are one of the most “honest” parts of our eyes. We cannot even control the process of changing the size of the pupils, which can in some cases give away your emotions. The soft and flexible nature of a person is revealed by large pupils that slowly dilate in stressful situations. Such a person in disputes will more often yield to his interlocutor to the detriment of his interests. The opposite situation occurs in a person with narrow pupils - they give out strong character. Such a person will not allow himself to be offended; on the contrary, he will attack and try to inflame the conflict even more.

By the way, have you ever thought about what tricks sellers go to when trying to sell you their product? So: some talented traders know how to read eyes. You may like a product, but not like the price, and, noticing this, the seller will begin to reduce the price. Your pupils will instantly become 4 times larger when the merchant offers interesting price, and, having caught this moment, he will stop reducing the price, and you may buy the product. If the pupils narrow again, this will mean that the product is no longer interesting to you, and an experienced trader may begin to reduce the price again.

Truth or lie?

When you experience joy, admiration, or simply look at someone dear or attractive to you, your eyes involuntarily brighten. In opposite situations, such as anger, grief or irritation, the eyes, on the contrary, become darker. Keeping this feature in mind, you can easily determine the attitude of a particular person towards you.

Another feature of eye movements by which you can understand whether a person is lying or telling the truth is this: when the interlocutor is trying to tell you a fictitious story, the pupils of his eyes will involuntarily slide to the left and up. And if the interlocutor is telling the truth or remembering something from the past, the eye movement is directed to the right and upward. True, it should be noted here that for left-handers everything is exactly the opposite.

Try to practice on yourself first and imagine something from the past, noticing in which direction your eyes move. Most likely, it will be to the right and up (if we are considering a situation for a right-hander) or to the left and up (for a left-hander). Now try to come up with a fictitious situation from life: you will notice that the pupils will move in the opposite direction. If you try to do the opposite by force of will, you will most likely find it uncomfortable. You can also practice on your interlocutor: ask him a question in response to which it is impossible to lie, and watch the movement of his eyes.

Features of eye color

For people who specialize in reading faces, not only the movements of the pupils are also very important, but also, for example, the color, shape of the eyes and some other features, which undoubtedly can tell a little more about a person.

  • Thus, owners of blue eyes are romantic and dreamy by nature. They often behave calmly, and very infrequent manifestations of irritation disappear very quickly.
  • Puzzle lovers and dreamers original ideas most often have gray eye. Such people are a little tough, persistent, they are decisive and independent, but they may turn out to be helpless in situations where they need to strain their minds.
  • Black-eyed people in crisis situations often irritable, hot-tempered and stubborn. But they have unusually developed intuitive abilities.
  • Holders brown eyes are often withdrawn and do not like to share inner experiences. Such people are independent and responsible and cannot stand being pressured.
  • Green-eyed people turn out to be excellent leaders - they are strict but fair. They always patiently try to find a way out of difficult situations - and they do.
  • People with blue eyes are most often very confrontational and impatient; moreover, they can be quite arrogant, love arguments and do not particularly try to understand the problems of their interlocutor and the people around them.
  • Those with a rare yellow eye color are usually very talented and love to study the occult. And some people with yellow eyes are said to be able to even read the minds of others.

Features of eye shape

  • Holders of large almond eyes very kind and perceive the world, so to speak, on a positive wave.
  • Large, elongated eyes can indicate a person’s restraint, as well as the presence of grandiose plans.
  • Eyes set close to the bridge of the nose reveal a pragmatist in a person who likes to achieve his goals.
  • Deep-set eyes occur in people with a very interesting type of character. These people are quiet, cautious, but not cowardly. It is better not to tease such a person, as you will fully feel his temperament.
  • People with bulging eyes strive for comfort, love to live in abundance, without denying themselves anything. They may also, like children, be surprised that not everything turns out the way they dreamed.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we recommend reading our other article

It has long been no secret that all people lie. They can deceive in small things or more important things. Those who do not want to become their victims need to be prepared for such a turn of events and learn to recognize lies. To do this you need to have great experience communicate with people and constantly train your own powers of observation. Learning to understand people is quite difficult, but still possible. Most often, lies are determined by the eyes, facial expressions and gestures.

Eyes are a mirror...

When a person lies, it is often his eyes that give him away. If you have the desire, you can learn to control gestures or facial expressions, or think through a story to the smallest detail, but it is unlikely that you will be able to control your eye movements. When lying, a person feels very insecure and uncomfortable, so he tries to look away. If the interlocutor does not look directly into the eyes, this can be considered as the first sign of deception.

But it's not that simple. Almost everyone knows how to detect a lie by looking at their eyes, so they use the “by contradiction” method. If a person looks straight with an unblinking gaze, perhaps he wants to justify himself. Too honest look often indicates the untruthfulness of the interlocutor’s words. It seems that he wants to penetrate the thoughts of his opponent and understand whether he believes him. And if a liar is caught off guard, most likely he will try to switch his attention or go to another room.

It is almost impossible to control, so the person who is lying changes his gaze. The pupil becomes much smaller than always.

Blood to the face...

Identifying a lie by the eyes is not the only way allowing you to recognize lies. When a person tells a lie, tiny wrinkles appear around his eyes. Sometimes you can even see them with the naked eye. If you have doubts about the sincerity of your opponent’s words, you should closely observe his skin around his eyes.

Four directions of the world

Thinking about the eyes, you can observe which direction the interlocutor is looking. If his gaze is directed to the right, then he is deceiving. When people look up and straight, it means that at that moment they are coming up with a picture or image for themselves. To imagine sounds or a phrase, a person will look to the right and straight ahead. When the script is ready, the deceiver will look to the right and down. But these rules only apply if the person is right-handed. A left-hander has the opposite eye position when lying.

If the gaze quickly moves from one object to another, then this is also a reason to think about how to determine a lie by the eyes.


Knowing the basic secrets, you can easily determine whether a person is deceiving or not. Many people, when telling a lie, experience: At this time, their eyes drop down, and sometimes to the side. To determine a lie, you need to compare movements eyeballs with the words spoken by the opponent.

"Fixed" eyes

Psychologists are sure that a frozen gaze is a sign that a person is telling a lie. To check this, just ask your interlocutor to remember some detail. If he continues to look straight and does not blink, most likely you cannot trust him. In the case when the opponent answers the question posed without thinking or changing the position of his eyes, one can suspect him of insincerity. When the number of blinks increases, this indicates that the person feels uncomfortable and wants to distance himself from the outside world.

But determining lies by the eyes in this way is not fair in the case when the events occurred ten to fifteen minutes ago. Also, you should not get hung up on a fixed gaze when a person communicates information that is very important to him, for example, an address or telephone number.

Abrupt glance away

When communicating with a person, sometimes you can notice how he quickly averts his eyes to the side during a story, and then looks again at the interlocutor. There is a very high probability that his actions indicate that he is trying to hide something.

If the interlocutor looked directly and openly throughout the conversation, and when touching on a certain topic began to look away or avoid direct contact, then this is one of the signs of how to recognize a lie by the eyes. But sometimes insecure and complex people behave this way if the topic of conversation makes them feel awkward. In this case, it makes no sense to talk about deception based on this sign alone.

Frightened facial expression

A person who deceives is always afraid of being exposed. Therefore, during a conversation he may feel a little frightened. But only an experienced psychologist will be able to distinguish this from ordinary embarrassment in front of an unfamiliar person or an unusual situation.

Eyes are not the only indicator of a lie. When analyzing the behavior of your interlocutor, it is worth assessing full picture: pay attention to gestures, posture and facial expressions. Any information about a person will be useful in order to correctly match the words and the “picture”. Therefore, it is not worth doing.

Facial expressions while lying

Knowing the position of the eyes when lying is important, but it is not enough. It is necessary to observe a person’s speech, movements and behavior. During a false story, changes will definitely be noticeable. It is necessary to evaluate facial expressions and gestures only in conjunction with speech and voice parameters.

Intonation and smile

When the other person is deceiving, his speech and intonation will change. The voice may tremble, and words are spoken more slowly or, conversely, faster. Some people experience hoarseness or high notes slipping through. If the interlocutor is shy, he may start to stutter.

A smile can also reveal insincerity. Many people smile a little when they tell a lie. The interlocutor should be wary if the smile is completely inappropriate. This facial expression allows you to slightly hide awkwardness and excitement. But this does not apply to cheerful people who always try to smile.

Facial muscle tension

If you look at your opponent very carefully, you can figure out whether he is cheating or not. It will be revealed by micro-tension of the facial muscles, which lasts for several seconds. No matter how “stony” the interlocutor speaks, instant tension is still inevitable.

The deceiver is revealed not only by the position of the eyes when lying, but also by uncontrolled skin and other parts of the face. The most common include: quivering lips, rapid blinking, or changes in skin color.

Gestures of lies

Well-known experts agreed that when a person cheats, he performs typical actions:

  • touches face with hands;
  • covers his mouth;
  • scratches the nose, rubs the eyes or touches the ear;
  • pulls the collar on his clothes.

But all these gestures can indicate a lie only if there are other signs of deception. Therefore, the most reliable thing is to determine lies by the eyes, facial expressions, movements and behavior. By learning to diagnose lies, you can avoid the fate of the victim and always feel confident.

As practice shows, the person who frequently communicates with other people is able to accurately recognize lies. He must also be able to soberly perceive the situation and events, be attentive and try to notice all the nuances and subtleties of their behavior. Rich communication experience and the ability to analyze will help you correctly perceive all information received and evaluate its reliability.