Dried raspberry leaf: benefits and harms. Healing raspberry leaves: beneficial properties and recommendations for use. Ovarian dysfunction

From our article you will learn how to collect, dry and take decoctions from raspberry leaves.

Many of us associate raspberries with a tasty berry, the jam from which can be used to treat colds. Therefore, as a rule, we simply harvest from this plant and, in general, do not pay attention to its leaves.

Thus, we are making a huge mistake, because if we had prepared leaves for future use in the summer, then in the winter we would have had a remedy that would help us fight many ailments.

Raspberry leaf: beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications

Raspberry leaf

Raspberry leaves are practically no different in composition from berries. They also contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps fight colds. They also contain a lot of mineral salts and organic elements that help increase the body's defenses.

The presence of all these useful substances allows this product to be used to treat very young children and women in an interesting position. In addition, raspberry leaves can be used as a safe prophylactic agent that prevents the development of hematopoietic diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, this product contains a lot of copper, which helps fight nervous tension. Therefore, raspberry leaf tea can be used to relieve stress and reduce headaches.

Medicinal properties of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves have the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory (relieves irritation of mucous membranes)
  • Antipyretics (reduce high fever)
  • Expectorants (promotes the removal of sputum)
  • Healing (helps fight skin problems)
  • Antitoxic (remove harmful substances from the body)
  • Astringents (stop bleeding)

Raspberries can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • Colds
  • Bronchitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Colitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Endometriosis
  • Inflammation of the appendages
Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaves

But despite all its beneficial qualities, in some cases the use of raspberry leaves is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you cannot take a decoction made from this product either for treatment or for prevention.

Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaf decoction:

  • Kidney diseases
  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Asthma
  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance
  • Gout
  • Nasal polyps

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves for women: recipe and application

Decoction for douching

Raspberry leaves are a woman's indispensable helper in the fight for her health and beauty. From this product you can prepare teas, decoctions, tinctures and homemade ointments that will help fight colds, pathologies of the female reproductive system and skin problems.

In addition, the vitamins and minerals contained in this plant material have a beneficial effect on the nails and hair of the fair sex. But keep in mind that in order to get a positive effect, you need to take such a remedy for quite a long time.

If you take the prepared decoction literally a couple of times or stop drinking it as soon as you feel the first improvement, then with a high probability we can say that your problems will only get worse.

Benefits of raspberry leaves for the female body:

  • Reduce the manifestation of PMS
  • Relieve pain during menstruation
  • Promotes proper hormone production
  • Helps combat heavy periods
  • Relieves inflammation of the ovaries

Remedy for the treatment of thrush and candidiasis:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l of dry raw materials and fill it with 500 ml of water
  • Put it all on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Then turn off the stove and let the broth brew
  • Strain it, warm it up a little and use it as a douche.
  • For complete recovery, you will need to carry out two procedures per day for 7-10 days.

Means for normalizing ovarian function:

  • Take 3 tbsp. l raspberry leaves and 1 tbsp. l currants
  • Pour 600 ml of boiling water, wrap in a towel and let stand for 15 minutes
  • Strain the resulting liquid, divide it into 3 equal parts and drink throughout the day.
  • The course of treatment should last 10-14 days

What are the benefits of tea and decoction of raspberry leaves during pregnancy?

Raspberry leaf decoction during pregnancy
  • As mentioned a little above, raspberry leaves are not inferior to berries in their beneficial properties, so if a pregnant woman simply prepares and drinks tea from this product, she will at least saturate her body with useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Also, regular consumption of this tea will help her maintain the body’s defenses in a normal state. In the third trimester, raspberry decoction will help fight late toxicosis. But in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, this drug should be taken in the most minimal quantities.
  • Raspberry leaves contain a substance whose properties resemble acetylsalicylic acid. It can significantly increase the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to bleeding and termination of pregnancy. But still, there is no need to completely stop taking a decoction of raspberry leaves.
  • After all, it is this, simple at first glance, remedy that can saturate the expectant mother’s body with natural folic acid, which is necessary for the normal well-being of both the woman and her baby.
  • In addition to this substance, raspberry leaves contain a lot of iron, so if a woman regularly drinks not too concentrated tea from this product, then she will not be afraid of iron deficiency anemia.

What are the benefits of tea and decoction of raspberry leaves in the last stages of pregnancy before childbirth?

A decoction of raspberry leaves in the last stages of pregnancy
  • If we talk about the usefulness of tea in later stages, then, of course, it is worth mentioning its high diuretic properties. Women who are faced with the problem of edema can quite easily replace them with pharmaceutical diuretics, which, together with excess water, remove beneficial salts from the pregnant woman’s body. Also, taking raspberry decoction will help ensure that after giving birth the new mother will not have problems with lactation.
  • Typically, women who regularly drink such drugs produce breast milk in fairly large quantities. Do not forget that this plant material contains quite a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the baby to properly form the bone skeleton. But, perhaps, this remedy brings the greatest benefit to a woman just before childbirth.
  • It helps expectant mothers to establish proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves them of constipation and calms the nervous system. In addition, a decoction of raspberry leaves helps the female body to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to a baby. It helps the ligaments of the birth canal become as elastic as possible, which in turn helps to avoid the formation of painful ruptures.
  • In addition, such tea can help a woman start the process of childbirth. If in the last days of your pregnancy you drink 3 glasses of raspberry broth, then labor will definitely begin at the right time for you, and everything will go as smoothly as possible.

How to make raspberry leaf tea for immunity: fermentation

Fermentation of raspberry leaves

Anyone who has ever stored raspberry leaves for the winter knows that if you simply dry them in the sun, they will have a pronounced herbal taste and smell. In view of this, if you want to drink not only healthy, but also tasty tea, then try fermenting the collected raw materials.

  • Spread the fresh leaves in a thin layer on a clean sheet of paper and wait until they wither.
  • While this process is happening, do not forget to stir the mixture periodically so that it does not dry out too much.
  • When you see that the leaves have lost their density, begin to take them in small portions in your hands and roll them between your palms into small tubes.
  • If you do everything correctly, the preparations will darken slightly and release juice.
  • Then we again lay out the sausages in one layer on a clean sheet of paper, cover them with a damp towel and put them in a warm place for 10-12 hours.
  • After this time, the tubes will need to be cut with a knife into pieces 1 cm wide and placed on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper.
  • In this form, they will need to be placed in the oven and completely dried at a temperature of 80 degrees.
  • The finished product can be brewed like regular tea and consumed 2-3 times a day.

Currant and raspberry leaf tea: recipe

Tea from currant and raspberry leaves

If you want to make the most healthy and fortified tea, then prepare it from raspberry and currant leaves. This drink will effectively combat colds and pathologies of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and reproductive system.

It can also be a good prophylactic and anti-influenza remedy. A huge dose of vitamin C, which will be present in this drink, will be able to overcome almost all viruses and infections.

Recipe for tea from currant and raspberry leaves:

  • Pour some boiling water into the teapot and let it warm up.
  • Literally after 1-2 minutes, drain the water and add raspberry and currant leaves to it in equal parts.
  • Fill them with water, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • After this, you can pour the drink into cups, add honey to it and enjoy its pleasant taste.
  • If in this form the drink seems too concentrated to you, then add a small amount of hot water to it.

How to properly prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves?

Recommendations for preparing the decoction

Preparing a decoction, unlike tea, takes a lot of time. After all, if you want to get a truly useful product, then simply pouring boiling water over the raw materials will not give the desired result.

In order for the raspberry leaves to release the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils to the liquid, they must languish in it for some time. But you can’t boil them intensely either. With such actions you will simply kill most of the beneficial substances.

Tips to help prepare the right decoction of currant leaves:

  • Place 3-4 tablespoons of dried raw materials in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  • Bring everything to a boil and then transfer to a water bath.
  • Leave the product for a couple of 30 minutes, turn off the stove and let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  • If you want the leaves to give the maximum amount of nutrients to the water, then wrap the saucepan with a towel.
  • After the above time has passed, the liquid will need to be filtered and the decoction can be taken.

How to brew raspberry leaves for fever, colds, bronchitis, cough?

Tips for making medicinal tea

Raspberry leaf tea is an excellent remedy for treating colds, coughs and bronchitis. But in order for it to have the desired effect, it must be consumed warm and preferably freshly brewed. After all, if the finished drink sits for at least a couple of hours, then almost all of its essential oils will evaporate, and you will not get the desired effect.

Therefore, it will be better if you prepare this remedy immediately before use. In the summer, to prepare this drink, you can take fresh young leaves, and in the fall, use prepared and preferably fermented raw materials.

  • Hold the glass over the steam until it warms up
  • Put 1 tsp of dried raspberry leaves in it and pour boiling water over them
  • Cover the glass with a tea saucer and leave to steep for 10 minutes.
  • After this, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the tea, mix thoroughly and drink while still warm.
  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of bronchitis and cough, you can add 1 tbsp to a glass of liquid. l raw materials
  • You need to drink this tea 3-4 times a day

When is the best time to collect and how to properly dry raspberry leaves?

Dry raspberry leaf
  • If you want the raspberry leaf remedy to bring maximum benefits to your body, then prepare the raw materials for its preparation exclusively in the summer. The optimal period of time is considered to be the time until the plant intensively produces young shoots and blooms. During this period, the leaves contain the largest amount of useful substances.
  • And as soon as the first berries appear on the bushes, they literally immediately take on some of the nutrients. That is why it is not advisable to harvest raw materials during the fruiting period. Yes, and don’t pick off a large number of leaves at once.
  • Take only as much from the bush as you can dry. If you pick more of them than necessary, and they lie folded in a bag for several days, then their beneficial qualities will greatly decrease.
  • The collected leaves can be dried in the same way that our mothers and grandmothers used, or you can try fermenting them. Since we described the fermentation method a little higher, now we will introduce you to a simpler method.
  • So, pick fresh leaves and tie them in 5-7 pieces and hang them in a place where air circulates freely. Wait until they are completely dry, then break them up with your hands and put them in a sealed bag. Leaves prepared in this way should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Video: Fermented tea from raspberry and cherry leaves/do it yourself

Probably every person has heard about the healing power of raspberries in the fight against colds. Not all of them know about the beneficial properties of the leaves of the plant. Meanwhile, they have no less therapeutic effects, which is also recognized by official medicine.

Beneficial properties of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves are a natural remedy for the successful treatment of colds and various viral diseases, which can be used even by children and women during lactation. They have not only an effective antipyretic effect, but also the following properties:

  • sweatshops;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorants;

Raspberry leaves, like its berries, have healing properties

  • astringents;
  • hemostatic;
  • general strengthening.

The composition of the leaves is rich in organic acids, sugars, vitamin C. In addition, they contain:

  • mineral salts;
  • magnesium, iodine, manganese and potassium;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins K and E.

Raspberry leaves are also distinguished by their high content of folic acid and flavonoids - biologically active substances. They also contain a lot of salicylate, which in its action resembles a medicine such as acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin, as this drug is usually called.

Teas and decoctions are prepared from raspberry leaves

Benefits of raspberry leaves for treatment and health maintenance

The leaves of the plant are used to prepare healing decoctions, infusions, and lotions. They are also included in many medications. The unique properties of the plant are used in treatment:

  • colds and fever relief;
  • viral diseases - ARVI, influenza;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prolonged bleeding.

Advice. You should not self-medicate and drink raspberry decoctions uncontrollably. You should first consult a doctor on this issue.

Decoctions of raspberry leaves have a beneficial effect on the body in case of bronchitis, tracheitis, and other respiratory diseases. To relieve inflammation in the throat with sore throats, gargling is used. And to alleviate the condition of hemorrhoids or bruises, lotions are applied. Raspberry leaves are also effectively used to treat various skin diseases - eczema, acne, psoriasis and oral diseases, such as stomatitis and gingivitis. Fresh leaves are used to speed up the healing of wounds on the body. Raspberries are also in demand in cosmetology to improve skin condition and as an anti-aging agent. In addition, you rinse your hair with the decoction, it becomes stronger and grows better.

A decoction of raspberry leaves is good for the skin.

Separately, it is worth emphasizing the benefits of raspberry leaves for the female body. They are used for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases. Decoctions and infusions are used internally to successfully cure many female ailments. They are also used for sitz baths and douching. The medicinal properties of the leaves of the plant are used for:

  • reducing pain during menstruation;
  • relief of PMS, maintaining the body during menopause;
  • prevention, treatment of endometritis.

Raspberry leaves can also replace many medications for women during pregnancy and lactation. They may be recommended for use at the end of pregnancy, immediately before childbirth. Raspberries increase the tone of the walls of the uterus, speed up the process of childbirth, and make it easier. It is for this reason that it is undesirable to drink decoctions from the leaves during pregnancy, because this risks miscarriage.

Attention! During pregnancy, you should drink decoctions of raspberry leaves only after consulting your doctor and under his strict supervision.

Are raspberry leaves harmful to health?

Raspberries have unique health benefits. But, like any medical drug or medicinal plant, it also has contraindications, although their list is not too long.

Dry the collected leaves in the shade

It includes:

  • pregnancy periods up to the 32nd week;
  • chronic constipation;
  • nephritis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

Raspberry is a unique plant in which all its parts are healing. But, like other medications, it should be taken with caution, preferably after consulting a doctor. Any abuse rarely leads to a good result.

Raspberry leaf tea: video

Properties of raspberry leaves: photo

It is one of the most common folk remedies for strengthening the human immune system, as well as treating many diseases. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes: fruits, branches, flowers, roots and leaves. In this article we will talk about the unique healing properties of raspberry leaves, as well as about the method of preparing tea from raspberry leaves, the intake of which has a positive effect on the human body.

Chemical composition of raspberry leaves

In terms of their healing properties and beneficial composition, raspberry leaves are not inferior to berries, and in some ways they are superior to them.

Therefore, if we are talking about vitamin deficiency, then it is better to use the leaf for its treatment.

Vitamins: A, B9, C, E, K, RR.

Minerals: iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, phosphorus.

In addition, the leaves contain essential oils, caffeine, fiber, polysaccharides, saponins, flavonoids, antioxidants and salicylic acid.

Health benefits and harms

  • have diaphoretic and antipyretic effects,
  • have expectorant and astringent properties,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • treat colds and flu,
  • removes mucus from the respiratory tract,
  • help with sore throat and pharyngitis,
  • cancer prevention,
  • removes toxins and impurities,
  • improve digestion function,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • help with diarrhea,
  • prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • restore heart rhythm,
  • remove excess fluid from the body,
  • stop bleeding
  • neutralize the effects of poisonous snake bites,
  • relieve itching and redness from insect bites,
  • help with hemorrhoids,
  • relieve premenstrual condition and menstrual pain,
  • struggling with infertility,
  • treat stomatitis,
  • tone the body,
  • strengthen the nervous system,
  • help fight stress and depression,
  • accelerate wound healing,
  • improve skin condition,
  • fight acne and psoriasis,
  • have a rejuvenating effect.

Raspberry leaves are included in a large number of medicinal preparations, as they have a pronounced pharmacological effect. Moreover, scientists who study the effect of the plant on the human body have come to the conclusion that the ability of its decoction to stimulate sweating is higher than that of the well-known acetylsalicylic acid of the same aspirin. Thus, raspberries are a wonderful remedy for viral diseases. In addition, thanks to the pathogenic effect, the work of the heart and kidneys is greatly facilitated, since excess fluid is also eliminated through the pores.

In adulthood, as a rule, the rheological properties of blood change. In other words, it becomes thicker. This is associated with the occurrence of a number of diseases, for example, atherosclerosis. To prevent this disease, salicylates are often prescribed. They, like any acid, are irritating to the stomach. Raspberry leaves have similar biological properties, but unlike them, they do not irritate the digestive system. And in terms of their ability to thin the blood, they are significantly superior.

Raspberry leaves are especially valued among women who have been trying to get pregnant for quite a long time. Folic acid, which is part of their composition, helps them in this task.

Flavonoids, astringents and tannins in this raw material are famous for their ability to stop various bleeding.

The leaves also contain many organic acids, such as salicylic acid. Therefore, fresh crushed leaves are very suitable for preparing natural masks. This folk remedy helps cope with acne and disinfects the oral cavity.

Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Raspberry leaf is very beneficial for a woman’s body, including pregnant women. Regular consumption of tea helps strengthen the protective functions of the expectant mother’s body, as well as the proper development of the fetus. In addition, the drink prevents a number of unpleasant moments that may arise during this period: toxicosis, indigestion, swelling, leg cramps.

It is especially useful to drink teas from raspberry leaves and berries a month before giving birth. They help soft tissues become more elastic and childbirth more comfortable. The plant also copes with postpartum pain and increases lactation.

Take half a glass of leaf tea, brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials per 1 glass of hot water. You need to drink 2-3 times a day before meals.

Contraindications and harm of raspberry leaves

  • individual intolerance,
  • taking aspirin,
  • constipation,
  • gastritis,
  • history of asthma,
  • nephritis,
  • gout.

As mentioned above, pregnant women are recommended to drink raspberry leaf tea, but do not forget that moderation in its consumption is important here. Excessive intake of folk remedies can provoke premature birth.

When and how to collect raspberry leaves

The leaves are collected before or during flowering - early June - since it is during this period that the largest amount of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the human body accumulate in them. Leaves must be picked by hand, with or without petioles. The ideal weather for harvesting is sunny and dry.

Please note that not all leaves are suitable for making tea. The most useful and full of vitamins are the leaves that are located closer to the tops of the bush, so you should give preference to young leaves. But there is no need to pluck them completely from one bush, otherwise the plant will be severely depleted and may die.

If you decide to prepare raw materials from wild raspberries, then choose the collection location responsibly. Plant bushes should be located away from the city, roads, industrial zone, etc.

How to dry

Like most plants, raspberry leaves should be dried in a dry and ventilated place, away from sunlight.

Spread them in a thin layer on a baking sheet or tray and leave until completely dry. To ensure uniform drying, the raw materials should be gently stirred from time to time.

Store the leaves in a dry place, in a wooden bowl or paper bag.

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaf green tea is prepared from raw materials that are collected along with the flowers during flowering. The drink has a delicate and refined aroma and a light color.

Fermented raspberry leaf tea has a richer and brighter aroma and taste, with fruity notes. When brewed, the result is a dark drink.

Fermentation of raspberry leaf is a rather labor-intensive process that requires a certain skill and time, so the price of these types of tea is different.

Fermenting raspberry leaves at home

Before fermentation, carefully sort the leaves. They must be clean, dry and without signs of rotting. Then spread them out in a thin layer on some surface, and be sure to cover them with a cloth (canvas, linen, gauze, etc.) for a day so that they wilt slightly. How to check that the withering process has ended? You need to take a sheet and break it in half. If the central vein breaks, then you still have to wait. If the sheet bends freely, then the withering process is complete.

Place all the raspberry leaves in a bag and place them in the freezer for two days to break down the cell membrane to release a lot of juice. Many people skip this step. But it is believed that after freezing the tea turns out more delicious.

If you didn't skip the previous step, remove the leaves from the freezer and let them soften slightly. During the fermentation process, most people twist and roll the raw material between their palms - this is quite tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, to make preparing tea easier, you can use a meat grinder. Twist the raspberry leaves through its large holes and leave for a while. When they dry, they become “pellets.”

Place them in a deep pan, the layer should be about 3 cm. Cover them with a damp cloth. Monitor the moisture content throughout the fermentation process. It should always be raw. Place a saucer with a load on top (for example, a jar of water).

How long will the fermentation process take? It all depends on the temperature. The higher it is, the faster the process goes. As a rule, this takes about 6-8 hours. If the temperature is about 20°C, then about 10 hours.

After this, the raw materials should be dried. To do this, take a tray and pour tea into it, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. Turn on the oven, preheat it to 80°C and start drying. There is no need to close the oven door. This harvesting step takes about 1-1.5 hours. Do not forget to loosen the leaves during the drying process so that they are thoroughly dried on all sides.

How to brew raspberry leaves

There are several ways to make raspberry leaf tea. The easiest way: 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of hot water over the raw material and let it brew for 30-60 minutes. After this, the drink should be strained. To enhance the healing properties of the drink, it is recommended to add various herbs: currant leaves, mint, etc.

Raspberry leaves are an affordable and effective way to improve your health. When used correctly, you can get rid of many disorders in the body.

Many of us enjoy eating raspberries in the summer and storing them for the winter, because a jar of raspberry jam is the best remedy for a cold. Almost everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of this berry, but few know that raspberry leaves are no less beneficial for health.

The beneficial properties of raspberry leaves are explained by their unique biochemical composition. It is this that causes the diverse positive effects of raspberry decoction on the human body, which has been used as a medicine for a long time.

The composition of raspberry leaves includes:

  1. Vitamins E and K. The content of vitamin C is especially high - it has antioxidant activity, helps the body fight influenza and ARVI.
  2. Mineral salts – oxalates and salicylates. The latter are characterized by a pronounced antipyretic effect similar to aspirin, which also makes a decoction of raspberry leaves an indispensable aid in the fight against colds.
  3. Organic acids – tartaric, citric, folic.
  4. Flavonoids have a hemostatic effect, so a decoction of raspberry leaves in combination with traditional drug therapy helps with uterine and intestinal bleeding.
  5. Astringents and tannins have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects and are recommended for intestinal disorders.
  6. Microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body: iron, copper, calcium, potassium, iodine, sodium phosphorus.

In addition to fighting colds and bleeding, raspberry leaves are successfully used to treat acne, strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole, and remove toxins and waste from the intestines.

Rinsing with a decoction helps in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis or other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications are few, but they still exist. For medicinal purposes, the decoction should not be taken:

  • during pregnancy up to 35 weeks inclusive - it is believed that it increases the tone of the uterus;
  • for nephritis, stones or sand in the kidneys and bladder, gout - due to the high amount of oxalates, which can provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • in case of taking aspirin due to the content of salicylates in the composition of raspberry leaves, in order to avoid an overdose - these compounds have similar chemical formulas and have the same effect on the body;
  • for gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • for chronic constipation;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction.

Procurement rules

Raspberry foliage will show its positive properties only if it is correctly collected and stored. It is best to collect green raw materials from the first half to mid-summer, during raspberry fruiting. For harvesting, only fresh and healthy leaves are taken, not damaged by diseases and pests.

After collection, the leaves are dried, arranged in one layer so that they do not overlap each other. A shady (without direct sunlight), well-ventilated place is considered optimal for storage.

After drying, the leaves are placed in paper or cloth bags. You should not store them for too long, as their beneficial properties are lost over time. It is recommended to replenish your supplies every summer.

Now, knowing about the properties of raspberry leaf, as well as the rules for its collection and storage, you can add to your home medicine cabinet an excellent natural remedy for colds, bleeding and some other diseases associated with the weakening of the body's defenses.

Almost everyone knows that colds, flu and fever can be dealt with using raspberries. We fell in love with this absolutely unpretentious plant due to the amazing taste of the berries, as well as their beneficial effect on the body. But raspberry leaves also have healing qualities. and contraindications should be known to all adherents of alternative medicine. After all, the ripening period of the berries is very limited, and the possibility of using the leaves of the plant for medicinal purposes makes it more valuable to us.

medicinal properties

It turns out that the leaves of the plant are not much inferior to the berries. Naturally, we are not talking about culinary features, but about healing properties. Almost identical composition of useful substances: mineral salts, large amounts of vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids contain both berries and leaves and contraindications have been fully studied today, since the plant has been used for medicinal purposes for quite a long time. It does not even deny the mild antipyretic and diaphoretic effect on the body of a sick person. Raspberries contain a substance called salicylate. It has an effect similar to an aspirin tablet. Therefore, you cannot combine the use of these medications, otherwise your body temperature may drop sharply and severely.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves, besides the antipyretic effect? Due to the fact that the composition includes tannins and astringents, decoctions are successfully used for intestinal dysfunction. Taking a decoction or tea is recommended for bleeding (as an expectorant), as well as to relieve intoxication. Among other things, the enzymes included in the composition help strengthen the body’s protective functions in anticipation of various viral epidemics.

However, it is worth noting that you need to know how to properly prepare and use raspberry leaves. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of decoctions from the leaves of the plant are not the same. Compared to the medicinal properties, cases that exclude the use of raspberries are recorded in a modest list: individual intolerance, chronic constipation and pregnancy up to the 8th month. When a pregnant woman is already preparing for childbirth, raspberry decoctions (provided that the attending physician has not prohibited them) can be taken to maintain the tone of the uterus and stimulate labor.

To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in raspberry leaves, they must be collected after May 20 and the collection process must be completed on June 10. The grass is dried in the shade in the open air, and then placed in paper bags. You can prepare the decoction in the following proportion: 2 tbsp. l. for 2 stacks water. When the decoction boils, it should be infused for about three hours, after which it should be taken strained, half a glass 2-4 times a day.

As you can see, many drugs from the pharmacy can replace regular raspberry leaves. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of decoctions and teas from this medicinal plant are simple and allow their use even in the treatment of small children.