Weak neural connections. Ways to create neural connections and train the human brain - as you think, so will you. Constant learning is the path to increasing brain neuroplasticity

The brain uses a lot interesting way making room to create new, stronger connections so you can remember more.

There's an old expression in neuroscience: neurons that fire together wire together. In other words, the more often a neural connection is used, the stronger it becomes. This is why another old saying is true: repetition is the mother of learning. The more you practice playing the piano, speaking another language, or juggling, the stronger these connections become.

Our ability to learn depends not only on building and strengthening neural connections

For many years, this was considered the main key to mastering new skills. But it turns out that the ability to learn depends not only on building and strengthening neural connections. Even more important than this is our ability to destroy old connections. This process is called "synaptic pruning". Here's how it works.

Your brain is built like a garden

Think of your brain as a garden, except that instead of growing flowers, fruits, and vegetables, you grow synaptic connections between neurons. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and others are transmitted through these connections.

Your brain also has gardeners—glial cells—that can speed up signals between certain neurons. At the same time, other glial cells remove everything unnecessary: ​​remove weeds, kill pests, sweep up fallen leaves. These gardener-cleaners of your brain are called “microglial cells.” They destroy synaptic connections. The question is how they choose which ties to break.

Researchers are just beginning to uncover this mystery, but they already know for sure that those synaptic connections that we use less often than others are marked by the C1q protein (and others). When microglial cells notice this mark, they react with the protein and destroy—that is, cut off—the synapse.

This makes room for your brain to make new, stronger connections so you can remember more.

For the same reason, short sleep breaks improve your cognitive abilities. Taking a 10-20 minute nap gives your microglial gardeners a chance to do some work—removing unused connections and making room for new ones to be built.

Engaging in mental activity without sleep for a long time is the same as cutting through a dense jungle with a machete. It's hard, slow and tedious. The paths intertwine and the light cannot penetrate. Mental activity after have a nice rest is a pleasant walk through a regular park. The paths are not blocked by anything, and you can clearly see their intersection points, the trees are tidied up, and you can see your path far ahead. It's inspiring.

Think about what you're thinking about

In reality, you have the power to decide which connections your brain will destroy while you sleep. Those synaptic connections that you do not use are subject to stripping. The connections you use are given everything they need to grow. Therefore, you need to control what you think about.

Still from the movie “Total Recall”

If you spend too much time reading fan theories about how Game of Thrones will end and only rarely think about work, guess which synapses will be marked for removal.

If you had a conflict with someone at work, and now you are thinking about how to punish this person, and not about how to cope with important project, your brain will generate great ideas for revenge and mediocre ideas for innovation.

To make the most of natural system clear your brain, think about what really matters to you. Your gardeners will strengthen these connections and remove unnecessary ones. This way you can help your brain blossom.

Change your old habits through restructuring neural connections.

Did you know that you can rewire your brain by creating new neural connections? Neuroplasticity is one of the abilities of our brain to rewire itself by forming new neural connections in response to external factors, changes in life, changes in environment etc..

Think of your brain as a dynamic, interconnected energy system. Billions of neural pathways are activated every time you think, feel or do something. Some of the paths are used more often than others - these are our habits. These habits are the basis of our way of thinking, it is what we feel and what we do. Every time we think a certain way, perform a task, or feel an emotion, we reinforce a certain neural pathway.
People can master absolutely any business or profession. You just have to keep doing the same action/process until the neural pathway becomes strong enough in the brain that you develop a habit. Think about it: for example, the more often you massage, the better you get. The more you communicate with a client on the phone or in person, the higher your communication skills, etc. In the same way, people can create strong neural connections in a negative way: poor nutrition or sedentary image life.

The good news is that we all have the ability to change our habits by rewiring our brains. If you have ever changed bad habit or did something in a new way, you created a new neural pathway in your head, which means you know firsthand about neuroplasticity. Every time we think about something differently, make a different choice, learn something new, or experience a new emotion, our brain creates a new neural pathway. If we continue to follow a new path over and over again, our brain will begin to use more new way and less often the former.
Soon this fresh way of thinking, feeling, or doing becomes more commonplace. This becomes second nature as the old neural pathway weakens. This process of rewiring your brain, forming new connections and weakening old ones, is the process of neuroplasticity in action. With self-awareness and repeated repetition of an action or feeling aimed at a desired outcome, you can rewire your brain and become a better person. Just take action!

An example of how you can restructure your brain.

  1. Determine which neural connections you want to weaken (for example, I want to reduce the percentage of palm work during a massage).
  2. Identify new neural connections that you want to strengthen (for example, I want to use my elbows and forearms more during massage).
  3. Place a reminder around your work area (for example, a sign on your desk that says “No Hands!”) so you can focus on it and keep track of your actions.
  4. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will stop forgetting about your elbows and forearms during a massage.

The stronger this connection, the stronger the neural network and the better our brain is able to manage cognitive processes. Including attention and memory.

You probably already know that habits such as reading, continuous study and intellectual exercise can normalize cognitive abilities and prevent brain aging.

But that's not all the brain needs. Therefore it is necessary pay close attention to what you eat.

The point is that for work the brain needs different nutrients . They stimulate nerve impulses, improve oxygen saturation of cells and normalize blood circulation different areas brain

In this article we will tell you what foods to include in your diet to stimulate education neural connections.

1. Improve Neural Connections with Turmeric

Despite the fact that turmeric is most common in eastern countries, it is becoming an increasingly popular seasoning every day.

Research conducted at the University of California in the USA proves that Turmeric helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, thanks to its curcumin content, it protects our brain from , stimulates nerve impulses and even improves our psychological agility.

You can take up to 500 mg of turmeric per day. Divide this amount into 3 doses.

2. Green tea, another gift for the brain

Everyone loves tea; it is even ahead of coffee in popularity. Among all types of tea, green is one of the most beneficial.

  • His main beneficial features are associated with two types of antioxidants: theaflavins and thearrubigins. These are anti-inflammatory substances that help fight cellular oxidation.
  • Besides, polyphenols contained in improve neural connections between the parietal and frontal lobes brain.
  • Green tea improves our memory and concentration in the short term, and also prevents the development of senile dementia.

Drink 1-2 cups of green tea a day and you will see how good you will feel.

3. Dark chocolate, a healthy source of pleasure

In our articles we have already mentioned several times that a few pieces of dark chocolate every day is synonymous with good health and well-being.

  • Dark chocolate without sugar - an irreplaceable source of antioxidants.
  • Its flavonoids activate blood circulation and blood flow to the brain, improve concentration and stimulate more quick response brain to stimuli.
  • Research published in the journal Science Direct explain that dark chocolate improves blood circulation and heals blood vessels.
  • All this optimizes the supply of oxygen to the brain and improves cognitive abilities.

4. Pumpkin seeds against brain diseases

Pumpkin seeds contain one of the most important minerals for neural communication: zinc. Also, do not forget that they contain great amount magnesium and reduce stress levels. This is due to tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin and a component of the “neurochemistry” that improves our mood.

5. Don't forget the broccoli

Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin K, a little-known vitamin that improves cognitive function and activates our intellectual potential.

  • Broccoli is so beneficial because our brain needs glucosinolates.
  • They slow down brain aging thanks to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which carries out neuromuscular transmission. Its deficiency largely determines the risk of development.

Try to eat broccoli at least 2 times a week.

6. Sage improves concentration

You can make a sage infusion or add it to salads. Essential oils, contained in it, improve memory, concentration and neural connections.

Especially sage good for women's health! You can buy it at any natural goods store or your local pharmacy.

7. Eat more nuts

Surely you knew from the very beginning that this list would not be complete without nuts. After all, all nutritionists and doctors unanimously It is recommended to eat nuts regularly.

Thanks to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, it became known that only 3-5 walnuts per day significantly reduces the risk of developing dementia. This happens thanks to vitamin E contained in nuts.

Also, do not forget about the benefits of products with high content Omega-3 fatty acids. This is very powerful substance. It helps to significantly improve cognitive function and slows down the development of negative changes associated with aging.

If you want to extract maximum benefit from nuts, eat four walnuts for breakfast along with a tablespoon of honey (25 g).

In conclusion, we will add that if you regularly eat these foods, your brain will be healthy and your mind clear until old age.

Also, don't forget that daily stress and negative emotions negatively impact our brain health.

Has a neural structure. It is fixed in the brain in the form of a neural formation.

The number of neurons is huge. Scientists put numbers between 10 and 100 billion. Neurons are nerve cells our brain, which conduct nerve impulses. Impulses travel at enormous speed: the distance from one neuron to another message travels in less than 1/5000 of a second. Thanks to this we feel, think, act.

When a person is born, he already has a large number of neural formations responsible for the work internal organs, respiratory systems, blood supply, removal of body waste and others. From birth to two years, the number of neural formations in a person increases significantly, as he learns to walk, talk, recognize objects and people, and gains experience getting to know the world around him. Resources that are external to a newborn person quickly become internal, inseparable from the personality.

How are neural formations formed?

Each neuron is similar to the root system of a plant, where there is one large root (axon), and there are branches from this root (dendrites).

Every time a message passes through the brain, many nerve impulses jump from one neuron to another.

The transmission of such messages does not occur directly, but through an intermediary. The intermediary is Chemical substance, called a mediator. When transmitting messages, one neuron accumulates transmitters at the tip of the “root” and then lets them “free float”. The task of mediators is to transfer a nerve impulse to another neuron through a certain barrier (synapse). Transmitters can only land at a specific location on a neighboring neuron. And the mooring point accepts only one type of mediators. But the transmitter itself can attach to more than one neuron.

Depending on the message carried by the neurotransmitter, the nerve impulse either continues on its way or stops right there. While the second neuron “reads” the message and “decides” whether to continue nerve impulse his way further, the mediator remains on the pier.

If the neuron “decides” what to do next, either the impulse travels further along the chain, or the information in the neuron is neutralized and the transmitter is destroyed. This impulse transfer system helps us filter truly important incoming information from irrelevant so-called “noise.”

If messages are repeated, mediators quickly and easily reach the mooring point on a neighboring neuron, and a stable neural connection is formed.

Since neurons have many dendrites, a neuron can simultaneously form many transmitters with different messages for other neurons.

Previously, scientists believed that the connections between neurons are fixed at birth and are not influenced by human experience. Today the opinion has changed. How many such connections will be created? nervous system, have a huge impact on the events of our lives - all the huge diversity of what we absorb into ourselves from infancy. When mastering new skills, when meeting new feelings in a difficult neural network We are constantly forming new connections. Therefore, the interneuron connections of the brain for each of us have a unique structure.

At the same time, we can rebuild the brain by creating new neural connections, this ability of the brain is called neuroplasticity.

Resource as a neural connection.

Any internal resource is, in fact, a skill, a strong neural connection. A strong neural connection is formed in two main ways:

1. Simultaneously, under the influence of strong emotions.

2. Gradually, through repeated repetition.

For example, when a person learns to drive a car, there is no structure or neural connection yet. The driving skill has not yet been developed, the resource is still external. In order to hold the steering wheel, press the pedals, turn on the turn signals, react to signs and road conditions, and regulate the level of fear and anxiety, a lot of energy is required.

This is the energy of attention and the energy of motivation. Hand here, foot here, look in the mirrors, and there is a pedestrian, and also signs and other cars. Tension and anxiety out of habit. If the energy of motivation is spent, plus there is a colossal loss of energy of attention, and they are not compensated by the pleasure of the driving process, then a person often postpones training until better times.

If the stress from such “driving” is not so great and is covered by pleasure, then the person will learn to drive. Over and over again, neurons in the human brain will be arranged in a certain configuration that ensures the process of acquiring the skill of driving.

The more repetitions there are, the faster new neural connections will be formed. But only if the energy spent on acquiring the skill is compensated in excess.

Moreover, neural connections will be formed not in one place, but in several areas of the brain that are involved when a person drives a car.

In the future, less energy will be needed for the driving process, and the easier and more enjoyable the process will be. Neural connections have been formed, and now the task is to “settle” these connections, sew them into the subcortex, so that they turn into a stable neural formation. And the better a person does, the more pleasure and positive reinforcement he gets, the faster the work goes.

When the neural formation is formed, the system becomes autonomous, less and less energy is required, it begins to flow rather than be spent. It is then that the external resource becomes internal.

And now a person can listen to music, talk, think about his own things, and his mind will follow the road, his body will carry out the work itself. necessary actions, and even in an extreme situation, the mind and body will cope on their own, without the participation of consciousness, and will take the necessary measures. This is exactly what happened to me when I fell out of reality and did not remember how I came home. I wrote about this

And if you add an element of creativity here, the neural structure in the brain will become even more beautiful, complex and flexible.

Any resource can be upgraded to such an extent that it becomes a skill built into the personality through the neural structure.

Neural connections and internal control.

Any actions have some kind of developmental effect only when they occur on the verge of losing control over the situation. And the more pronounced this facet is, the greater the effect. Loss of control forces us to form new neural connections, making the structure more extensive.

And this vastness is achieved by capturing “open” neurons into the network.

Look, a constantly working neuron eventually becomes covered with a sheath of a special substance called myelin. This substance significantly increases the efficiency of the neuron as a conductor of electrical impulses. Neurons covered with a myelin sheath work without expending unnecessary energy. Neurons with a myelin sheath appear white rather than gray, so we share our medulla into “white” and “gray”. Typically, the covering of neurons by the membrane in humans is active up to two years, and decreases by seven years.
There are “open” neurons that are poor in myelin, in which the impulse conduction speed is only 1-2 m/s, that is, 100 times slower than that of myelinated neurons.

Loss of control forces the brain to “search” for and connect “open” neurons into its network to form a new piece of neural formation “responsible” for new experiences.
That is why we are simply not interested in performing actions in which the possibility of losing control is completely excluded. They are boring and routine, and do not require much brain activity. And if the brain does not receive enough activity, it degrades, unused neurons die off, the person becomes dull and stupid.

If the loss of control each time leads to the formation of the desired result, then we speak of positive reinforcement.

This is how children learn to walk, ride a bike, swim, and so on. Moreover, the more hours spent on some activity, the more myelinated neurons in the brain, which means the higher its productivity.

One convincing piece of evidence came from a brain scan of a professional musician. There has been a lot of research into how a musician's brain differs from a musician's brain. ordinary people. In these studies, the brain was scanned in a diffusion MRI machine, giving scientists information about the tissue and fibers within the scanned area.

The study found that practicing the piano contributed to the development of white matter in areas of the brain associated with finger motor skills, visual and auditory processing centers, while other areas of the brain were no different from those of a “regular person.”

Internal control and habits.

Modern neurophysiology knows that time for the formation of a branched structure of neuron processes – 40-45 days, and the time required for formation of new neurons – 3-4 months.

Therefore, in order for a resource to turn from external to internal, it is enough to form a NEW neural formation for a specific task. This will take at least 120 days.

But under three conditions.

  1. The resource must be pumped daily.
  2. It must be accompanied by loss
  3. Energy must be compensated in excess.

Let's return to the car example. Loss of internal control occurs every time a driver gets behind the wheel. Moreover, this does not depend on driving experience. There is always internal adjustment of the driver for the car and the road, for the participants traffic, on weather. The mobilization of internal resources is always ongoing, even among the most experienced.

The difference between an experienced and a novice driver will be that the experienced one has already acquired stable neural connections and the amplitude of loss of control is not felt by him. But an inexperienced driver can lose control so much that nervous tension will be visible to the naked eye. But the more often and longer such a driver drives, the faster and better he will cope with the situation of loss of control.

After 120 days, driving skill will become a HABIT, that is, it will not take away all the free energy. A person will already be able to play music in the car, or have conversations with passengers. The newly formed neural formation is still not stable, but already performs a function for a specific task.

If a person develops the driving skill longer, then after some time the neural formation responsible for this skill will become stable, autonomous, and stable. If a person does not use the newly created neural formation, then after some time it will disintegrate and collapse. Therefore, often people who have a license cannot drive a car.

Any other resource is made internal according to the same principle. An internal resource is nothing more than the formation in the brain structures of stable neural connections that differ high alert to functioning in comparison with other neural response chains.

The more we repeat any actions, thoughts, words, the more active and automatic the corresponding neural pathways become.

All this is true for the formation of “bad” habits. And here I’m talking not only about alcohol and drugs, but also about the habit of complaining about life, whining, blaming everyone and everything for your difficult life, being mean, going over your head, being cunning and dodging to get what you need.

Here, too, there is conditional “positive” reinforcement, when a person receives what he needs through such actions. And remembers this as the “correct” path leading to the result.

There are also neural formations responsible for patterned attitudes, limiting beliefs, and persistent programs that a person cannot get rid of for years. These neural formations are especially strong in the area of ​​money, self-confidence, and in the area of ​​human relationships. These neural formations are formed long before the child can consciously approach these issues. The formation of limiting beliefs and various emotional blocks occurs under the influence of parents and society.

And it also very much depends on the environment, country, history, mentality.

These long-standing, stable neural formations can be destroyed. This requires from 1 to 5 years of daily “work”.“Works” on the formation of NEW beliefs, NEW actions, NEW environment. Then, in place of some neural formations, others will appear.

Considering that limiting beliefs take decades to form, the opportunity to remove them in just three years seems tempting.

Yes, easy to say, not easy to do. To “think about it”, here’s a story for you.

Imagine you have received an inheritance - a 100-hectare subsoil plot for diamond mining.

You have entered into inheritance rights and then representatives of the Diamond Corporation contact you. Like, we want to lease your plot for 50 years, everything we get is ours, and we will pay you a fixed rent monthly during these 50 years.

You thought and agreed. So what? There is money for the most necessary things, and my head doesn’t hurt about where to get it.

The Diamond Corporation has caught up with equipment and people, and work has begun.

From time to time you look at how they do it, whether it works. And after a while you realize that, to put it mildly, you sold yourself short. But a contract is a contract; it can neither be terminated prematurely nor rejected.

After a couple of years, you realize that it’s not just that you cheapened out, you screwed up with the site... Judging by the reports, the Diamond Corporation is doing very well. You understand that in 50 years it is unlikely that you will be able to dig up at least one diamond lying there. And inflation eats up your rent every year.

You hire a lawyer to negotiate with Diamond Corporation. You want to either increase your rent or maybe your share of the profits.

No problem, they say at the corporation, we are ready to renegotiate the terms of the contract and increase your rent for the same 50 years.

And then your lawyer tells you that he has found a loophole in the contract, a completely legal one, and the contract can be terminated completely officially, and without penalties.

Now you have two options:

  1. Terminate the contract and the plot becomes your property again;
  2. Keep silent about the loophole and agree to the rent.

What will you do? Write in the comments or on a piece of paper. What's your logic?

Well, did you write it?

And now the continuation.

The diamond site is you.

And the diamonds in it are yours. Managing your development, your habits, is like managing your own diamond plot. And even if you think that you do not have an area with diamonds, but a desert or swamp, maybe you haven’t explored it well?

P.S. The case with diamonds was stolen from Elena Rezanova.