How should babies sleep? Optimal sleep positions. Side position

Today, all young parents are faced with the question of the duration baby sleep. And this is correct, because sleep for a child, especially a newborn, is the most important indicator development and health. Some lucky ones are lucky: their babies sleep diligently, regain strength after birth and prepare to become inquisitive whys. All that remains is to be happy for them. And for those mothers and fathers for whom the problem of a newborn not sleeping well, we offer some useful tips.

How long should a newborn sleep?

First, let's define what the concept of “newborn” means. According to most classifications, a child is considered a newborn until 30 days of his life, then the baby begins to be called a baby. The second question that requires an answer is how much should a newborn sleep? Again on this score there is great amount theories, but if we generalize them, we get approximately the following sleep pattern:

  • in the first days of life (up to two weeks), the newborn sleeps about 20 - 22 hours a day;
  • starting from two weeks and until the end of the first month of life, sleep duration is reduced to 17 hours a day.

It is best if the duration of night sleep is 13 - 14 hours, and the reduction occurs due to nap. Believe me, it’s better to play more with your child during the day than to “have fun” with him at night, especially if you have nervous neighbors and a working husband who is tired from the working day and has to go back to work tomorrow. The question of how a newborn should sleep is quite individual. All children are different: there are sleepyheads who can sleep 23 hours a day, and there are those who feel sorry for wasting their time sleeping when there is a lot of interesting things around them. Therefore, first of all, it is worth observing your child and adjusting it to yourself. Children generally have very strong adaptive abilities. And you, one way or another, need to get enough sleep at night.

Why do newborns sleep poorly?

There are 3 main complaints of new parents related to their children's sleep:

  1. a newborn does not sleep well during the day when his sleep pattern is as follows: I sleep for 30 minutes, stay awake for 30 minutes;
  2. the newborn does not sleep well at night, namely, often wakes up and does not want to fall asleep;
  3. The baby finds it difficult to settle down in the evening.

In order to understand why newborns sleep poorly, let's study the structure of children's sleep. Human sleep consists of phases of deep and shallow sleep, which replace each other. The baby is in the first days of life phase deep sleep lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, after which a period of light sleep begins, at which point the child can be awakened by any sound, light or movement. It is easy to determine this phase if you are nearby: the baby is tossing and turning, his eyelashes are trembling, and it is noticeable how the pupils move under the eyelids.

Now we propose to talk about what young mothers and fathers should do to prevent sleep problems in their children. Relatively speaking, all aspects can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Baby's sleeping conditions

  • temperature and oxygen saturation of the air in the room. Before going to bed, it is advisable to thoroughly ventilate the room to saturate the air with oxygen; with enough oxygen, sleep will be stronger and more restful. Experts advise maintaining the temperature in the newborn’s room at 18–20 degrees. By the way, it’s very good if the baby sleeps outside, regardless of the weather.
  • the level of illumination in the room in which the newborn sleeps. Experts recommend a little twilight, and the child should both fall asleep and wake up in the twilight; it creates conditions for falling asleep as quickly as possible. During the day, you need to close the windows with curtains or use blinds, and at night, use light-diffusing night lights so that the baby is not afraid of being in complete darkness;
  • comfortable mattress. Make sure that the crib and stroller where your newborn sleeps have comfortable, hard mattresses. All experts unanimously say that it is a hard mattress and the absence of a pillow that is optimal solution to form correct posture child.
  • There is one more thing that can ruin a baby’s sleep - this is his fear of being alone, not feeling the boundaries of his bed. The newborn does not perceive himself as a separate individual, and he is afraid to be without his mother in this huge world, therefore, to help the baby fall asleep as quickly as possible, it is recommended to put him next to you at least while he falls asleep, and then move him to the crib. If you decide for yourself that you want to teach your child to fall asleep immediately in the crib, then just be next to the baby, stroke him, sing a song or quietly tell a story. Then he will feel safe, and you will achieve your goal.

2. Physiological needs

  • feeling of satiety. You need to make sure your child has eaten well. Breastfeed your baby if he is on natural feeding, or from a bottle, and then give a pacifier if the baby is bottle-fed;
  • Before putting the child to bed, be sure to change the baby’s diaper; if the baby is dry, it will be easier for him to fall asleep and his sleep will be more restful;
  • Until 3–4 months of a baby’s life, colic will most likely be tormented, so preventing its occurrence should become an integral part of your life. Do massages and gymnastics that promote the passage of gas, place the baby on the tummy in the intervals before feedings. By the way, infants are luckier in this regard, since they have less problems with stomach and constipation than artificial ones. In order to prevent intestinal problems, parents of such children need to choose the right mixture, preferably containing prebiotics.

3. Psychological factors

  • the quality of the periods of wakefulness, namely how fun and interesting the baby spends his time when he is not sleeping. Try to communicate with him more, talking like an adult, do exercises according to the child’s age, sing songs to him, dance, read books. Having received a sufficient amount of impressions, emotions and information, the baby will fall asleep soundly. The only warning: do not overload your baby, he is still very small. After playing with him noisily at first, gradually reduce the level of activity so that he gradually calms down and gets ready to relax. Try not to allow late visits from relatives or friends, because for them this is entertainment, and you will start a “carousel” after they leave, because the child, having had a good time, will demand more, and it will be very difficult to put him to bed. In this regard, introduce a moratorium on visits after 7 pm, then you will have the opportunity to calm your baby down over the next couple of hours and perform your bedtime ritual;
  • create a ritual out of your bedtime routine, especially when it comes to going to bed in the evening. For example, after returning from a walk, you can eat and take a warm bath. Then dim the light and, in the twilight, do a light stroking massage, while simultaneously telling a story or singing a lullaby. Just make sure that the room is warm at this time and there are no drafts! We put on pajamas, we wish Good night to all family members and go to bed. In this way, the child will get used to the daily routine, and this will give him a feeling of confidence and calm, which is very important for a good night's sleep for the baby. Motion sickness is very good at putting children to sleep, but be careful with this because children get used to it very quickly and refuse to fall asleep any other way than in their arms! Good luck to you, dear parents, in the difficult task of creating a sleep schedule! We hope that our advice will make your life at least a little easier.

A newborn baby is so tender and defenseless; he sleeps most of the day. It is in sleep that the baby gains strength and grows. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide him optimal conditions for sleep, in particular, choose the right position for the child. Sleeping on your back, side or stomach is considered acceptable. In one case or another, certain poses may be shown or, on the contrary, prohibited.

Sleeping on your back

Newborn sleeping on his back is the most correct from the point of view of its physiology. The baby lies on his back, arms bent at the elbow and clenched in fists, directed upward, legs bent and also spread, head directed to the side. This position is as safe and comfortable as possible for the baby.

To prevent your baby from choking during regurgitation, you should: turn the head a newborn lying on his back sideways. Moreover, with each new positioning, turn the baby’s head in different sides. This will prevent the development of torticollis. It happens that the baby is more willing to turn his head to one side. In this case, if the baby is turned to the “unloved” side, place a diaper folded in several layers under the back of the head, carefully fixing the position of the head. Each time, reduce the number of layers so that over time you can completely get rid of such a “stand” and teach your baby to turn his head equally to the right and to the left.

However, you should be aware that sleeping on the back may be contraindicated for children diagnosed with intestinal colic.

In addition, a baby who is experiencing this may swing his arms while lying on his back, hitting himself and waking up from this. In this case, it is better to look for other sleeping positions or securely.

Newborn sleeps on its side

It should be noted right away that it is not recommended for a newborn to sleep on his side, since the baby from this position will roll over onto his tummy, which is not safe for him. That's why we're talking about, rather, about laying out on the half-side: Place a folded blanket or towel under the backrest.

Despite the fact that this position eliminates the risk of the baby choking in case of regurgitation, children who are barely a week old should not sleep on their side. And all because in this situation it increases. Therefore, it is better to start practicing sleeping on your side after the end of the newborn period.

However, if the baby is being tormented, then it is permissible to place him on his side during a short nap. In this position, the child presses his knees to his tummy, which improves the passage of gases.

Can a newborn sleep on his stomach?

Pediatricians advise at least once a day. This helps strengthen the spine, back and neck muscles, ultimately, with the help of this simple exercise baby gradually learns to hold his head. In addition, this position allows for better release of gases, which means that the newborn will not suffer from colic.

However, sleeping in this position is highly discouraged, as sudden infant death syndrome may occur. main reason it is a cessation of breathing, which can occur if a child suddenly buries his nose into a surface. That is why, when placing the baby on his stomach, carefully smooth the surface, remove blankets and pillows, and make sure that no waves form on the diaper. And even despite all possible and impossible precautions, it is impossible leave the baby in the tummy position without close supervision. It is clear that at night it is impossible to continuously monitor the baby, therefore, even if the newborn falls asleep on his tummy, turn him already sleeping on his back.

Positioner for newborns

To securely secure a newborn in a safe position during sleep, you can use not only available means, but also use special devices - sleep positioners.

Support pillow with bolsters is most often intended for sleeping on the side, and special ergonomic mattresses and mattresses with restraints will ensure your baby sleeps on his back in the most natural position.

It is important to understand that healthy sleep for a newborn means sleeping indoors, temperature regime in which the temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is not less than 60 and not more than 70%. No drafts, loud sounds And bright light also give the baby a sound sleep.

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Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Once the baby is born, it spends almost all its time sleeping. He is still tiny and not used to the world around him. It is important for mom to take care of him and ensure a safe and comfortable sleep. How should a newborn baby sleep: next to his mother or in a crib, on his side or back, in a diaper or under a blanket, which mattress to choose? Doubts are normal for a young mother, we can sort them out further.

How should a newborn sleep in a crib?

Should a newborn sleep in a crib or is it better? co-sleeping? A newborn baby in a crib may feel discomfort in the first months, but according to safety rules, the child is allocated a separate place to sleep. A standard crib will do; your baby will be able to rest in it for years.

How a newborn should sleep in a crib Komarovsky video:

How newborns should sleep in a crib:

  • The optimal position is on your side. It is dangerous to lay on your back; regurgitation is possible;
  • The pillow is not used until 1 - 1.5 years, the mattress needs a firm one;
  • There is no need to cover the baby with soft down blankets; it is better to use a diaper, wrap it in a thin blanket, and put on a sleeping bag.

What surface should a newborn baby sleep on? For proper development The child's body needs a hard surface. It is the safest, the baby will not bury his nose, and it will not make breathing difficult. A newborn should sleep on a hard surface even when sleeping with his parents.

A newborn child must sleep correctly from birth; health, skeletal formation, routine and safety depend on this.

A newborn baby should sleep correctly from birth. Health, skeletal formation, routine and safety depend on this.

What mattress should a newborn sleep on? Choosing a mattress is a responsible process. The material chosen is hygienic and safe; it is better to choose coconut fiber as a filler. They produce spring and springless mattresses; the parents decide on which mattress a newborn child should sleep.

Which side of the mattress should a newborn sleep on? If the mattress is double-sided, it is preferable for children under one year of age to lie on the hard side. Then the mattress is turned over to the soft side.

How to choose a children's mattress for healthy sleep video:

Which side should a newborn sleep on?

Why should a newborn sleep on its side? This best pose For safe sleep, the child does not have difficulty breathing, if the baby burps, food will not get inside.

To ensure that the baby lies on his side and does not try to roll over, you can place bolsters from a blanket or diaper under the backrest, or a sleep holder to fix the position. Hands can wake up the baby; it is advisable to wear a vest with closed sleeves or scratchy gloves.

How long should a newborn sleep on its side, and how often should it be turned over? For uniform development of the skeleton, every few hours it is necessary to turn the baby on different sides.

In what position should a newborn baby sleep?

Some children sleep on their stomachs from birth, while others are placed by their mother on their backs or sides. The baby should sleep in such a way that he can breathe freely, the bones of the skull and posture are formed correctly.

Opinions vary on what position newborns should sleep in. It is not recommended to leave the baby on his stomach for a long time until he has learned to hold his head. Sleeping on the back is dangerous because the child is able to burp and food will make breathing difficult.

In what position should a newborn baby sleep?

  • On the side. This is a common position and is safe for those who frequently spit up. It is important to periodically change one side to the other;
  • On the back. You need to be careful with your posture. The baby moves his arms and legs unconsciously in his sleep and may become frightened. Swaddling will allow you to restrain movements, and the baby will feel calm. If the baby has a stuffy nose or difficulty breathing, you should not put him on his back, it is better to put him on his side;
  • On the stomach. This position strengthens the muscles of the neck and arms, but is not suitable for sleeping during the newborn period. The respiratory system is imperfect, there is a high risk of suffocation. It is advisable to place it on the baby’s stomach during the day, under the supervision of the parents.

What does the child’s pose video say:

There are many discussions on forums about what position a newborn should sleep in. If any doubts arise, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician who will tell you how best to position the baby.

How should a 1 month old baby sleep?

How long should a one-month-old baby sleep? Typically, sleep lasts approximately 20 hours a day with breaks for food. Discharge from the maternity hospital occurs no earlier than the child is at least 3 days old. This is a very short period of time and the baby will need time to adapt to the new sleep pattern. Mom should be nearby maximum amount time.

The normal body temperature for a newborn is 37C, it is not considered high, and you should not panic.

At what temperature should a newborn sleep? The optimal air temperature in the room is 18 - 22 C, it is important to prevent possible drafts. The air needs to be humidified. Dry air makes breathing difficult and dust gets into the nose. At a comfortable temperature, it is enough to cover with a warm sheet. If the house is cold, a blanket is used.

How should a 2-3 month old baby sleep?

At 2-3 months, children sleep approximately 15-16 hours, this does not mean that they sleep all the time separately from their mother. Sleep 2 one month old baby maybe at her chest, dozing in her arms. During the day, sleep is short and lasts about 40 minutes. At night, the baby sleeps longer, waking up to feed at intervals of about 3 hours.

A two-month-old baby moves more, but is not yet able to hold his head tightly; falling asleep on his stomach is not recommended.

A 3-month-old baby sleeps for about 10 hours at night, waking up to feed. During the day, the total duration of sleep is 5-6 hours.

What pillow should a newborn sleep on? It is important to select a pillow from natural materials, 1-2 cm high, with hypoallergenic fillers.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns:

At what angle should a newborn sleep? Only a newborn baby should fall asleep on a flat surface. Later, it is recommended to place a towel under the mattress so that the angle of inclination does not exceed 30 degrees. You can also use a special large inclined pillow.

Tilt is needed for normal blood circulation and to prevent neck stiffness.

Happy young parents, having waited for the birth of a long-awaited miracle, face many problems in the first days of communicating with their baby. One of the most important is the organization of healthy sleep for infants. All kinds of advice fall on the head of a newly-made mother and father: the mother-in-law demands the creation of ideal silence, the mother-in-law is against co-sleeping, experienced friends recommend falling asleep on your own from the first days.

Let's try to figure out how to properly put a newborn to sleep.

The importance of getting enough sleep

In the first month of life, sleep occupies the main place in the life of an infant. It lasts up to 20 hours a day and is of great importance:

  • in a dream the baby grows;
  • restores strength;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • accumulates energy to get acquainted with the new world.

Creating conditions for baby's sleep

Sturdy and good sleep a newborn is directly related to the conditions created for him by his parents. These include the following factors.

Crib, mattress, pillow

The place to sleep must meet the requirements of safety, convenience and hygiene. The choice of cribs on the modern market is huge. They have different functionality, differ in shape, parameters, and design. The main thing is that it is made from environmentally friendly materials. If this classic version, the width between the rods should not be more than 6 cm.

You should choose carefully children's mattress: perfect option– a special orthopedic one that fits tightly to the walls and exactly matches the size of the bed. Initially, for the convenience of communicating with the baby, the mattress is fixed at the highest position, then, when the child learns to stand up on his own, it is lowered.

Ideal conditions for a baby - plenty of light and fresh air. Don't forget about daily ventilation, wet cleaning premises and frequent changes linen

How long does a newborn sleep?

The duration of sleep for a child up to a year depends on individual characteristics body and is not the main indicator of the baby’s development. The baby is not aware of the time of day, so he sleeps and wakes according to his biological clock.

According to average statistics, in the first month of life, 16-20 hours of sleep per day is considered the norm. The older the child gets, the less he sleeps. By the age of one year, daytime sleep can be once or twice, and nighttime sleep can not be interrupted for feeding. Sleep disturbance indicates problems with health, nutrition, and intestinal colic.

There are generally accepted sleep standards, presented in the table:

Child's age, months. Daily sleep duration, hours. Night sleep Sleep periods, hours. Periods of wakefulness, hours. Number of nap breaks
0–3 19 – 21 8 – 9 2,5 – 3 0,5 - 1 4 – 5
3–6 18 – 20 8 – 9 2 – 2,5 1 – 2 4
6–9 17 – 18 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3
9–12 15 – 16 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3 1 – 2

The indicators indicated in the table are arbitrary and vary depending on individual characteristics.

A newborn's sleep time is also related to the microclimate of the family. The mother's fatigue and emotional exhaustion directly affects the child's condition. His sleep may be restless and short-lived.

It is important to adhere to the regime from the first days. Keeping your baby healthy and sleeping means creating a cozy and comfortable family environment.

What position should you choose for sleeping?

The physiologically natural position is for the newborn to lie on his back with his legs spread apart and his arms bent behind his head, clenched in fists. Sleeping on your back with your head turned to the side is not dangerous and is suitable for daytime and nighttime rest.

It has been proven that you need to monitor the baby’s posture and constantly change it (especially the position of the head) for correct formation and development of the musculoskeletal system.

Pediatricians consider sleeping on one of the sides and down the stomach to be convenient and comfortable positions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Sleeping on your side

The safest sleeping position related to structural features gastrointestinal tract babies. Due to the deficiency of the cardiac sphincter, babies can burp, often profusely. This position will not allow you to choke on the regurgitated mass. They practice laying on the half side with a rolled up towel or. Remember to regularly change your baby's body position to avoid developing torticollis.

Sleeping on your stomach

It has a positive effect on the development of the child, helping to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. This position is especially convenient in the first three months, when the baby is bothered intestinal colic. The position on the stomach eliminates accumulated gases, guaranteeing a restful and sound sleep.

However, this situation requires increased vigilance: in order to avoid sudden infant death syndrome, it is necessary to constantly monitor, especially in the first three months of life.

The baby is not able to control his body and can bury his nose, stopping the flow of air, which can lead to cessation of breathing.

You should not leave the baby on your stomach for a long time. It is worth changing the position after some time. Experts recommend lying on your stomach during sleep several times a day.

Contraindications for different sleep positions

When putting your baby to sleep, first of all remember the safety of the position in which he is located. There are a number of contraindications:

  • sleeping on the side and back is contraindicated for newborns with abnormal development hip joints;
  • You can’t sleep lying on your back if you have muscle hypertonicity (in in this case tight swaddling is indicated) and a clear manifestation of colic;
  • The child's head should not exceed the position of the body.

To form a healthy spine, it is better to place the baby on a perfectly flat, hard horizontal surface with the head and body fixed at the same level.

Your intuition and love for your baby will tell you how to put your baby to sleep and what sleeping position will be most comfortable.

How to put your baby to sleep correctly?

Parents adapt to the baby’s biorhythms and behavior and choose the most convenient way to put the baby to bed. Numerous options to help falling asleep quickly newborn, come down to three main ones:

  1. motion sickness;
  2. co-sleeping;
  3. falling asleep independently.

Let's look at how to quickly put a child to sleep using these methods.

Motion sickness

Motion sickness is a natural need for a baby. It helps you fall asleep quickly and develops vestibular apparatus and trains coordination in space. Psychologists recommend rocking in your arms (especially in the first three months), which helps you feel the warmth of your mother’s hands and protection from the still unfamiliar world, and is considered a guarantee of the development of a calm, balanced personality.

Smooth rocking in the crib is allowed, accompanied by light, pleasant music. Whether or not to rock your baby is up to you individually.


Co-sleeping is indispensable and convenient during breastfeeding for both mother and baby. In the first months of life, it contributes to:

  • formation of a balanced psyche;
  • trouble-free operation respiratory system baby;
  • increased lactation;
  • establishing common biorhythms for mother and child, eliminating confusion between day and night.

There are also numerous arguments against:

  • high probability of crushing the baby;
  • unhygienic;
  • difficulty in falling asleep on your own.

The decision of whether or not to place the baby with the mother depends solely on the decision of the parents and the needs of the child.

Falling asleep on your own

Often practiced modern parents, putting a lot of effort into this.

The main requirement in this case: daily repetition of the same procedures and adherence to the regime. The baby will get used to the fact that after an evening bath, a warm, tasty treat from the breast or bottle will be waiting for him, and then he will be put to bed and fall asleep. The result will not be long in coming; if you firmly and persistently repeat the same actions day after day, the child will fall asleep instantly.

Maintaining order and uniformity in the first year of life is the key to successful upbringing. Be patient, clearly decide what is comfortable for you and stick to these positions for some time. Positive result secured.

Falling asleep rituals

A newborn's ability to fall asleep quickly is facilitated by following the so-called “rituals” of falling asleep. Here are the basic rules, the effectiveness of which has been practically proven:

  • well ventilated area;
  • a calm environment without distractions;
  • performance hygiene procedures(bathing, massage);
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • feeding;
  • singing lullabies;
  • reading fairy tales or relaxing calm music;
  • tactile touches (stroking, light tapping);
  • favorite toy.

How to properly put a child to sleep is primarily up to parents to decide. The main thing, when trying to adhere to the regime and develop bedtime rules, is not to forget about the characteristics of your baby. The process of falling asleep should be positive and joyful. The task of parents is to form useful and good habits, promoting good health and the proper development of your beloved child.

Daytime sleep rules

Putting your baby to sleep during the day is not difficult if the child is healthy and nothing bothers him. Young mothers try to adhere to the following rules:

  • calm atmosphere and comfort of the room, absence external stimuli, creating twilight;
  • long lasting active activities with a baby (games, exercises on a special developmental mat, riding on a swing);
  • adherence to the regime and going to bed at the same time every day;
  • breastfeeding or bottle feeding;
  • singing lullabies and playing relaxing music;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Rules for falling asleep at night

How to put a newborn baby to sleep at night? In order to night sleep was long-lasting and calm for both parents and baby, use these simple tips:

  • relaxing and cozy environment;
  • ventilation at night;
  • fresh air with optimal temperature and humidity in the room;
  • water treatments with the addition of soothing herbal infusions;
  • mandatory feeding;
  • clean clothes;
    if necessary, tight swaddling;
  • adding anti-colic drops to milk or a mixture (espumisan, bobotik, sub-simplex and others);
  • rocking to a lullaby or children's music.

Experts recommend reducing nap time to increase nighttime sleep. However, 80% of newborns require night feeding, which decreases by the age of one year. Putting a baby to sleep should be based on the individual developmental characteristics of the baby and the regime established by adults.

Remember that a child is the key to family comfort, coziness and tranquility. By skillfully using the recommendations of specialists, experienced parents and developing your own tricks for putting your baby to bed, your family will be happy and calm.

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Sleep is very important for a child, since a sleeping baby has a lot of fluid flowing through his body. important processes: growth hormone is produced, everything that happened during the waking period is analyzed and processed. In infants, growth and development occurs mainly during rest.

In order for the newborn to rest better, the mother bathes him in the bathtub with the addition of herbal decoctions, does, turns on soothing music and gently strokes. An important role for quality sleep The position in which you put him to sleep plays a role in the proper development of the baby.

Sleeping positions and their effect on babies

The position in which you put your baby to sleep can affect his development and health. That is why it is important to choose a position that will be safe and comfortable for the baby.

Sleeping on your stomach

  • This position allows the baby to feel a sense of security and comfort;
  • it is noted that children sleep much more peacefully on their stomachs;
  • the prone position strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck, which are necessary for developing the skills of turning over and crawling;
  • when a child pulls his legs to his stomach while lying on his stomach, lower limbs rise slightly, and thus improves blood supply to the brain;
  • the separated legs are in a physiological position, thus reducing the risk of pelvic joint dysplasia;
  • in a position on the stomach they decrease, the baby will not freeze;
  • positioning on the stomach stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, the baby will be less bothered by colic;
  • It is believed that sleeping on the stomach of a baby can cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

However, despite the above advantages, official medicine does not recommend specifically placing the newborn on his stomach. You can read more about sleeping on your stomach. As they grow older, starting from 4-5 months, the baby will choose his own sleeping position.

Sleeping on your side

  • Pediatricians prohibit placing newborns directly on their side; only babies older than a month can sleep in this position;
  • the side position is recommended for babies prone to excessive regurgitation;
  • in a position on their side, children pull their knees towards their stomach, this position promotes the passage of gas and reduces the pain of colic;
  • if the baby sleeps on its side, change the side on which the baby is lying after each awakening to prevent other orthopedic problems;
  • when a baby sleeps on its side, the load on the pelvic joints increases;
  • from a position on its side, the child can uncontrollably roll over onto his tummy, bury his face in a blanket or mattress and suffocate.

Sleeping on your back

  • The position on the back is considered the most physiological and is suitable for newborns;
  • To prevent the baby from choking when regurgitating, you need to turn his head on its side when laying him down, changing sides after each awakening;
  • the baby, lying on his back, is not limited in his movements, he can freely move his arms and legs, turn his head;
  • The supine position is recommended by most pediatricians because this position reduces the risk of SIDS;
  • a newborn, lying on his back, can wake himself up with the movements of his arms, so it is recommended not to tighten him, leaving his legs free;
  • If the baby has a stuffy nose, do not put him to sleep on his back, as it will be difficult for him to breathe; shift it so that the baby is on its side;
  • The supine position is not recommended for children with pelvic dysplasia.

How to place your baby correctly?

Pediatricians recommend putting newborns to sleep on their side. Roll up the diaper and place it under the baby's back so that his body is slightly tilted to the side. This position reduces the risk of the baby choking during a sudden regurgitation, and does not place much stress on the baby's body. hip joints baby. This position seems to combine the positive aspects of sleeping on the side and on the back, and does not allow negative consequences to develop.

Instead of rolled diapers, you can use special positioners that will fix the baby in the required position.

Be sure to alternate the sides on which you place your newborn to sleep to prevent the development of torticollis. If you're worried about getting confused, you can "mark" the sides of the crib with a towel or hanging toy, repositioning them as you change baby's position.

When your baby is one month old, you can try placing him on his side. This position reduces the pain of colic and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Once your baby learns, he will likely start sleeping on his tummy.

  1. Do not put the baby to sleep in the crib immediately after feeding; carry him in your arms for a while so that he burps. This way, the baby’s sleep will become safe and calm, since the baby will not be disturbed by gas and colic.
  2. Don't swaddle your baby too tightly. Some mothers buy zippered sleeping bags for their newborn, which allow the baby to move freely while he sleeps. At the same time, he does not have the opportunity to touch his face with his hands when throwing himself up. In addition, in such an envelope the baby is guaranteed not to open up when he sleeps, which means you don’t have to worry that the baby will freeze in his sleep.
  3. When you cover a sleeping baby with a blanket, make sure that it is no higher than chest level and covers his legs. To be safe, you can tuck a blanket under the mattress.

The first months of a baby's life are associated with risk. A young mother who has never had to take care of a child before goes to bed with fear, fearing that the baby will suffocate in his sleep or choke on the liquid that he regurgitates. Some practical advice will help you arrange sleeping area baby, create an optimal microclimate and provide him with sound, healthy sleep.

In the morning and evening, ventilate the room where the child sleeps. When ventilating, wrap the baby well or move it to another room for a while. Control the temperature, it should fluctuate between 18-22 degrees, optimally 20-21. Check air humidity. If a child breathes dry air, he will soon begin to cough, as the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx dries out. It is recommended to buy a humidifier. If this is not possible, then resort to an alternative. Brew chamomile, linden or string, or better yet, take saline solution at the pharmacy. Moisten a diaper or piece of gauze with the prepared mixture and hang it on the radiators if it is winter outside. In summer and spring, hang gauze or a diaper near the crib or cradle. The evaporation of saline solution or herbal decoction will promote soft breathing and have a beneficial effect on general condition child. After all, he will breathe not dusty dry air, but natural herbal or salt extract. In addition, these concentrates act as antimicrobial substances. Don't swaddle your baby, give him space and the opportunity to move. Let the spine and limbs form naturally, and do not atrophy. The child should sleep on a hard, flat surface. If the baby sleeps with his parents and the mattress is springy, then it should be orthopedic. In a baby crib, it is enough to lay a simple mattress with ecological filling. Remove the pillow from the crib and give up this idea. The fragile, immature spine will become deformed and twisted in this position. It is better if the child gets used to sleeping without a pillow.

When your baby is sleeping, avoid bright lighting and sharp sounds. At the same time, do not try to walk on tiptoe and speak in a whisper. If a child gets used to ideal silence, then it will be very difficult for him to get enough sleep, and you will suffer from constant whims at the slightest creak. Walk, talk normally, listen to music, watch TV (but don’t let the screen shine on the child if he sleeps in the same room as his parents). Do not take these recommendations as liberties, the advice is intended for a prudent person, and the noise should not be regular, powerful or deliberate.

For several months after birth, it is recommended to use two positions for short and long sleep: lying on your back and side. If you place your baby on his back, be sure to turn his head to the side. This precaution is necessary for the flow of saliva and milk mass that babies regurgitate after feeding. If you put her to sleep on her side, then just make sure that nothing bothers the baby. Place a blanket under the back and let the baby lean on it. Regularly change your sleeping position and turn your head from one side to the other. At 3 months you can already put your baby to sleep on his tummy, this will significantly reduce colic. Monitor your baby's sleep periodically.

To prevent your baby from suffering from colic, after feeding, hold it for 10-15 minutes. vertical position, holding him close and placing his head on his shoulder. After belching or regurgitation, you can go to bed.

A newborn's sleep lasts up to 20 hours a day, plus or minus 2 hours. It is in sleep that the baby grows, gains strength, and his brain processes the information received. For good rest it is important to position the baby correctly and create comfortable conditions in the baby's room. It is also important in what position the baby sleeps. How should a newborn sleep?

Conditions for good sleep

The famous pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky describes in his books how to put a newborn to sleep and what the conditions in the room should be:

  • The room temperature is not higher than 22 degrees, but not lower than 18.
  • The room should be well ventilated before going to bed, and in warm weather leave the window open. The main thing is not to place the baby in a draft and dress according to the temperature.
  • The optimal humidity in the nursery is 60%.
  • As for clothes, the mother will have to choose between diapers and vests; it is not advisable to use them together. Komarovsky advises focusing on the time of year. A “summer” baby can sleep in a light cotton vest, and a “winter” baby can sleep in a diaper. As for the cap, if the room temperature is above 18 degrees, it is not required at all.
  • The quality of the mattress is important. It should be moderately rigid and not bend under the weight of the child.
  • It is advisable to close the curtains in the room while sleeping. Do not allow the sun to hit the child's eyes.
Lots of light and fresh air - this is how you can describe it perfect room baby. Of course, it’s better to close the curtains while you sleep so that sunlight didn't hit me in the eyes

One more question: where should the baby sleep? Our mothers were given no choice - the child had to sleep in his own crib. Now parents are given the right to choose. If the baby sleeps peacefully in the crib, wakes up only to eat and falls asleep again - you are lucky, this is best option for the child and his parents.

More often than not, it happens that a mother, after feeding her newborn, does not have time to get to her bed, but the child is already crying and it is difficult to put him down again. In this case, it’s worth trying co-sleeping if dad doesn’t mind making room. You shouldn’t be afraid that the mother will crush the baby in her sleep - her instincts won’t allow it. Mommy's dream is very sensitive.

In the parents' bed, even restless children sleep well and give parents the opportunity to rest. From time to time you should repeat putting the baby in his crib, and when sleep becomes stronger and more peaceful, return to sleeping separately. As a middle option, you can try removing the front side of the crib at night and moving the baby to the parent's bed at night.

What will help a newborn sleep?

Most babies in the first month of life fall asleep immediately after eating or begin to doze while sucking. If the baby is capricious and does not sleep, he needs to be reassured - maybe something hurts, something frightened the baby, there are a lot of impressions.

The best way to put a baby to sleep is to rock him to sleep, it’s best to rock him in your arms or just walk around the room with him. If the baby is too heavy for the mother, you should use a stroller or cradle. Mom can rock while sitting and keep the baby on her lap on a pillow. Most often, putting a month-old baby to bed does not cause problems if he is healthy.

Motion sickness is the most traditional and effective way Help your child sleep peacefully. After falling asleep, you can immediately transfer him to his crib.

Acceptable sleeping positions

The natural position of a baby in sleep is the “frog” pose: lying on the back, with the arms slightly bent at the elbows, the legs at the knees and spread apart, and the head turned to the side. You can also lay the baby on its side or stomach. So how to lay down a newborn? Let's consider the benefits and harms of each pose.

On the back

The “on the back” position is the most acceptable and safest for a newborn. At the same time, the baby’s head is turned to the side, thanks to this the baby will not choke if he burps in his sleep. Many parents constantly place their baby only in this position. Be sure to alternate sides in which head turned so that torticollis does not develop. If the baby turns to one side more often, you can place a folded diaper or napkin under the “unloved” cheek, then gradually reduce the layers until the head turns completely. If the baby prefers to sleep facing the light, then change the position of the pillow: at the head, then at the feet - so that the baby is turned towards the window every time, but sleeps on different sides. So, the direction of rotation should be changed every time the baby sleeps, day and night!

On your back is not the only and not always suitable position. For example, when increased tone muscles, the baby moves his arms in his sleep and wakes himself up. Sometimes swaddling helps, but many babies do not tolerate restrictions on their freedom and are capricious. Then you should change your sleeping position. Also, if the hip joint develops abnormally (dysplasia), sleeping on the stomach is suitable. If the baby is suffering from colic in the intestines, or the process of passing gas is difficult when lying on its back, then it is worth putting heat on the tummy (an ironed warm diaper or a special heating pad) to alleviate the condition or change the position to a more comfortable one.

Sleeping on the back is not always the healthiest - sometimes it makes sense to turn the baby onto his tummy or side to solve some problems. physiological problems(abdominal pain, hypertension, dysplasia)

On the stomach

  • learns to raise and hold his head;
  • develops back muscles;
  • sees the world from a different perspective;
  • develops the ability to navigate in space.

In addition, in this position, intestinal gases are best released, which alleviates the condition of colic. It is possible for a baby to sleep on his stomach, but under constant supervision. The fact is that the baby can bury his face in the pillow and suffocate. That is, there is a risk of SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome. The softer the surface under the baby, the higher the risk, so it is not recommended for babies under 1 year of age to sleep on pillows - place a folded diaper under their head.

If your baby sleeps on his stomach, there are several safety rules to follow:

  • lay only on a flat, smooth surface of sufficient rigidity;
  • Do not leave near the baby foreign objects(toys, pillows, clothes);
  • to control breathing, the child must be in the field of view of the mother or another adult;

You also need to alternate sides on which you place your head in the “on your stomach” position. If you cannot monitor your child during sleep, it is better to choose a less dangerous position.

On the side

This position is quite safe for newborns, but the possibility of turning onto the stomach should be excluded. To do this, the child is placed with a cushion of blanket or towel under his back. Lying on its side, the baby tucks its legs toward its stomach, which helps the gases pass out. The baby's hands are in front of his face and he can scratch himself: to avoid this, you need to wear shirts with closed handles or special non-scratch mittens. This kind of sleep is indispensable for babies who often spit up.

It should be taken into account that in the “sideways” position on pelvic bones coming increased load. This position is contraindicated for infants in the first three months of life and for those with hip dysplasia.

It is impossible to say in what position it is correct to put the baby to sleep, because all children are different. Use 2 or 3 options, alternating them, then it will become clear how the baby sleeps sweeter.


Sleep is very important for a child, since a lot of important processes take place in a sleeping baby’s body: growth hormone is produced, everything that happened during the waking period is analyzed and processed. In infants, growth and development occurs mainly during rest.

In order for the newborn to rest better, the mother bathes him in the bath with the addition of herbal infusions, makes him, turns on soothing music and gently strokes him. An important role for quality sleep and proper development of the baby is played by the position in which you put him to sleep.

Sleeping positions and their effect on babies

The position in which you put your baby to sleep can affect his development and health. That is why it is important to choose a position that will be safe and comfortable for the baby.

Sleeping on your stomach

  • This position allows the baby to feel a sense of security and comfort;
  • it is noted that children sleep much more peacefully on their stomachs;
  • the prone position strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck, which are necessary for developing the skills of turning over and crawling;
  • when a child pulls his legs to his stomach while lying on his stomach, the lower limbs are slightly raised, and thus the blood supply to the brain improves;
  • the separated legs are in a physiological position, thus reducing the risk of pelvic joint dysplasia;
  • in a position on the stomach decreases, the baby will not freeze;
  • positioning on the stomach stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, the baby will be less bothered by colic;
  • It is believed that sleeping on the stomach of a baby can cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

However, despite the above advantages, official medicine does not recommend specifically placing a newborn on his stomach. You can read more about sleeping on your stomach. As they grow older, starting from 4-5 months, the baby will choose his own sleeping position.

Sleeping on your side

  • Pediatricians prohibit placing newborns directly on their side; only babies older than a month can sleep in this position;
  • the side position is recommended for babies prone to excessive regurgitation;
  • in a position on their side, children pull their knees towards their stomach, this position promotes the passage of gas and reduces the pain of colic;
  • if the baby sleeps on its side, change the side on which the baby is lying after each awakening to prevent other orthopedic problems;
  • when a baby sleeps on its side, the load on the pelvic joints increases;
  • from a position on its side, the child can uncontrollably roll over onto his tummy, bury his face in a blanket or mattress and suffocate.

Sleeping on your back

  • The position on the back is considered the most physiological and is suitable for newborns;
  • To prevent the baby from choking when regurgitating, you need to turn his head on its side when laying him down, changing sides after each awakening;
  • the baby, lying on his back, is not limited in his movements, he can freely move his arms and legs, turn his head;
  • The supine position is recommended by most pediatricians because this position reduces the risk of SIDS;
  • a newborn lying on his back can wake himself up with the movements of his arms, so it is recommended not to tighten him, leaving his legs free;
  • If the baby has a stuffy nose, do not put him to sleep on his back, as it will be difficult for him to breathe; shift it so that the baby is on its side;
  • The supine position is not recommended for children with pelvic dysplasia.

How to place your baby correctly?

Pediatricians recommend putting newborns to sleep on their side. Roll up the diaper and place it under the baby's back so that his body is slightly tilted to the side. This position reduces the risk that the baby will choke if he suddenly regurgitates, and does not place much stress on the baby's hip joints. This pose seems to combine positive points sleeping on your side and back, and prevents negative consequences from developing.

Instead of rolled diapers, you can use special positioners that will fix the baby in the required position.

Be sure to alternate the sides on which you place your newborn to sleep to prevent the development of torticollis. If you're worried about getting confused, you can "mark" the sides of the crib with a towel or hanging toy, repositioning them as you change baby's position.

When your baby is one month old, you can try placing him on his side. This position reduces the pain of colic and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As soon as the baby learns, he will most likely begin to sleep on his tummy.

  1. Do not put the baby to sleep in the crib immediately after feeding; carry him in your arms for a while so that he burps. This way, the baby’s sleep will become safe and calm, since the baby will not be disturbed by gas and colic.
  2. Don't swaddle your baby too tightly. Some mothers buy zippered sleeping bags for their newborn, which allow the baby to move freely while he sleeps. At the same time, he does not have the opportunity to touch his face with his hands when throwing himself up. In addition, in such an envelope the baby is guaranteed not to open up when he sleeps, which means you don’t have to worry that the baby will freeze in his sleep.
  3. When you cover a sleeping baby with a blanket, make sure that it is no higher than chest level and covers his legs. To be safe, you can tuck a blanket under the mattress.

If a baby born into the world immediately knew how to express his feelings through words and movements, he would be able to tell his parents which of their decisions have a positive effect on his well-being, and which make him feel bad.

But the baby can express his feelings only through crying, and mom and dad are forced to figure out everything else on their own.

Adults carefully watch their child and, interestingly, many of them begin to understand what the baby wants - on an intuitive level.

Parents are always concerned about the question: “Can a newborn be placed on his back while sleeping?” And why do many experts say that this cannot be done? Could anything threaten the baby in such a situation?

Physiological characteristics of the child’s body

The fetus, while in the womb, receives nutrition through the placenta. The baby is born, and his loud cry informs his mother that he is healthy and ready to begin exploring a world unfamiliar to him.

The light crumbs straighten out, and after a few hours he is ready to taste tender mother's milk for the first time.

The baby's digestive organs will develop, processing over time different types food.

The cardiac sphincter, which separates the esophagus and stomach, is still too imperfect and weak to contain a large number of food in the stomach, even liquid. Therefore, the baby regurgitates some of the milk after feeding.

The newborn falls asleep every time after eating. When the baby is put to bed, he may spit up milk even while sleeping.

The answer to why newborns should not be placed on their backs suggests itself. The baby may simply choke on his own food.


A newborn's immunity is very weak, and in order for it to become strong enough to resist colds, about 3 more years should pass.

In the meantime, the baby is a few days or weeks old, his body is having difficulty coping with “formidable” viruses and bacteria.

In case of complicated forms of diseases, such as rhinitis, pneumonia, immediate hospitalization of the child is required. The minutes count down literally.

Often such pathologies cause a severe hacking cough. In the first days it may be dry, then sputum begins to separate. Nasal discharge can block the nasal passages and keep your child awake.

Mom can know in detail how mustard plasters can be used at this age (these are light and short-term wraps with mustard powder), how you can use the Almag-01 device, which affects the body with magnetic impulses (most doctors are inclined to believe that it can only be used when the child reaches 3 years of age).

But if she doesn't put the baby to bed in correct position– this could threaten disaster. The child may choke on mucus, and if at this time the nose does not breathe due to discharge, then irreparable things can happen.

Correct sleeping position

But many parents claim that they raised their children without any excesses, without even thinking about why the baby should not be left alone to sleep on his back.

Doctors say the following: if the baby stubbornly does not want to fall asleep in any other position than this, then you can put him on his back while resting.

But parents must be nearby. In this case, the baby’s head needs to be turned to the side, changing its position from left to right every 1-2 hours to avoid torticollis.

Other poses:

  • The baby can sleep on his side. This is the safest body position during sleep. To prevent him from turning over on his back in his sleep, you can put a soft plush rabbit, a bear or a rolled towel under his back. The main thing is that there should be soft support behind the child’s back.
  • Another position is to sleep semi-sideways, when the child is almost facing the sleeping surface with his stomach, but is not yet lying completely on his tummy. The body position can be corrected with soft “inserts”.

The position when the child lies completely on his stomach is also incorrect. The child’s muscle corset is still too weak to independently turn his head from side to side in this position. And this is also very dangerous.

If the parents are not around, and the baby has breathing problems, then he will not be able to move his head during the next attack, and this is fraught with death.

In any case, the newborn should be under the watchful eye of adults - regardless of what body position he chose during sleep.

The baby needs affectionate and strong hands relatives, in their loving heart, in a familiar voice. Then he will toss and turn in his crib less, and his sleep will be much stronger and more peaceful.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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