The tablets are taken after unprotected intercourse. Which is better: Postinor or Escapelle against pregnancy? How effective are pregnancy pills?

Postinor is a remedy emergency contraception, which helps prevent unwanted pregnancy if sexual intercourse has already taken place.

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

Composition of tablets and packaging

One Postinor tablet contains the hormone levonorgestrel in a dose of 0.75 mg. The package contains two tablets.

Analogues of Postinor

The emergency contraceptive drug Escapelle contains the same hormone as Postinor. The main difference between these drugs is that in Postinor the hormone dose is divided into two doses, while in Escapelle the entire dose is included in one dose. Both drugs are equally effective.

How does Postinor work?

If sexual intercourse occurred in the first half menstrual cycle, then Postinor prevents ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), which makes conception impossible. If unprotected sex occurs after ovulation has occurred, then Postinor changes the structure of the uterine mucosa so that the fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterus.

It is important to understand that Postinor tablets are not a means of abortion. This medicine may prevent pregnancy, but it is not effective if you are already pregnant.

How effective is Postinor?

The effectiveness of Postinor depends on how soon it was taken after sexual intercourse. In the first 24 hours after unprotected sex Postinor will work in 95% of cases, if 24 to 48 hours have passed after sexual intercourse, then its effectiveness will be 85%, and if a woman drinks Postinor 48-72 hours after sex, then it will avoid pregnancy in 58% of cases.

Postinor is not effective if more than 72 hours (more than 3 days) have passed after sexual intercourse. Also, Postinor is not effective if pregnancy has already occurred.

Should I drink Postinor?

Before taking Postinor, you should know in what cases its use is really justified. You can take Postinor if in the previous 72 hours:

    you have had unprotected sexual intercourse (with or without ejaculation into the vagina);

    torn or slipped during sexual intercourse;

    you missed your birth control pill and had unprotected sex.

Do not take Postinor if:

    sexual intercourse took place more than 3 days ago;

    Unbearable pain in the lower abdomen;

    Repeated vomiting.

Vomiting after taking Postinor

Taking Postinor may cause vomiting. If you vomited in the first 3 hours after taking the Postinor tablet, the effect of the drug may be reduced. Check with your doctor to find out if you need to take the drug again.

Delay after taking Postinor

After taking Postinor, your period may be delayed by 5-7 days. This happens especially often if the drug was taken in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation after Postinor

After taking Postinor, the nature of menstruation may change. The periods following the use of Postinor may be heavier than usual. See your doctor if your periods are excessively heavy or if they last more than 7 days in a row. You may need treatment to stop the bleeding.

If after taking Postinor your periods become more scanty, or if your periods appear instead brown discharge, it is recommended to do, or pass.

How often can you take Postinor?

The use of Postinor several times in one cycle is acceptable, but only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Frequent use of Postinor increases the risk of menstrual irregularities and uterine bleeding.

What to do if pregnancy occurs despite taking Postinor?

If pregnancy does occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Postinor may increase your risk, which may require careful evaluation.

Postinor does not have a negative effect on the embryo, so a normal pregnancy can be preserved.

Will I be able to get pregnant after taking Postinor?

A single dose of Postinor, as a rule, does not cause any long-term consequences and does not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant and give birth to a child in the future.

However, the ability to conceive may be reduced in the first few months after taking Postinor, which is associated with temporary hormonal disturbances.

Majority modern contraceptives are intended for use before sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but in a fit of passion or force various reasons You can simply forget about precautions.

It is for such cases that emergency post-coital contraception has been developed, which is used after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Emergency contraception - what is it?

Postcoital contraception is a means designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy in emergency and unforeseen cases. Such drugs are used after sexual contact.

Emergency contraception can be used at any age, even by teenagers, if necessary. It is important to resort to this type of protection in time, because necessary action such remedies can only be provided within 72 hours after unprotected sex.

If pregnancy occurs before use emergency contraception, then the pill you take will not have any effect, since it is impossible to cause an abortion with its help, and some drugs will not harm an already developing embryo.

Types of emergency contraception

To contraceptives after unprotected act include:

  • pills;
  • intrauterine copper devices.

Postcoital contraceptive pills

Modern medicine offers several emergency contraceptive drugs, but it is recommended to start using any of them only after consulting a specialist.


It is Postinor that is known to most women as a means of contraception after sex. The drug prevents the attachment of the released egg to the uterine wall due to its content loading dose the main component is levonorgestrel.

One tablet of the drug contains 750 mcg of active ingredient, but for maximum effect you need to take two tablets. Both can be taken at the same time, no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, or can be divided into two doses with a break of 12 hours. The earlier the first tablet is taken, the greater the chance of a successful result.


The effect of the drug is identical to the effect of Postinor, but one tablet of Escapel immediately contains 150 mg of the active substance - levonorgestrel, and is therefore taken once. A second dose will be required if vomiting occurs after taking the first dose. The maximum effect is observed if this contraception is taken on the first day after unprotected sex.

Side effects

The use of Postinor, like Escopel, can cause side effects in the form of appearance bloody discharge spotting, chest pain, menstrual irregularities, but if menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days, you need to take a pregnancy test or consult a doctor immediately.

Why are contraceptives dangerous after an unprotected act and how often can they be taken?

Taking emergency contraception significantly increases the risk of developing ectopic pregnancy, therefore, if pregnancy does occur, it is necessary to urgently undergo an ultrasound and determine exactly where the embryo is located. If after taking hormonal pills emergency contraception has arrived normal pregnancy, its interruption is not required, since the drugs do not have an adverse effect on the unborn baby.

These tablets are intended exclusively for use in in case of emergency and are not suitable for use as permanent, regular contraception. You can take them repeatedly during one cycle, but if the need arises more often, you should consult a doctor and choose suitable methods protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Zhenale and Ginepriston

The drugs belong to the new generation of emergency contraception. The active ingredient, mifepristone, is a steroid, so the tablets showing high efficiency, practically do not cause side effects and menstruation disorders.

The drugs are identical in composition and content of the active substance - 10 mg in one tablet. The only difference is the manufacturing company. The effectiveness of the tablets is high: if taken in the first 12 hours, it is 90-95%. But it is important to take the tablet no earlier than 2 hours after eating, and then not eat for two hours. In addition, after taking Zhenale or Ginepristone, you should not take Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a week.

If pregnancy does occur after using these drugs, it is recommended to terminate it, since active substance may have an impact on developing embryo negative impact and cause pathologies.

Intrauterine devices

During the first 3–5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, administration can be used as protection against pregnancy. intrauterine device containing copper. The greatest effectiveness of this method is observed when the drug is administered during the first day. The spiral can only be inserted correctly experienced doctor, so under no circumstances should you try to install it yourself.

The mechanism of action in this case is to prevent pregnancy by changing the existing chemical composition intrauterine environment, in which the egg and sperm are damaged before contact.

The technique is very effective and, when applied in a timely manner, shows a result of 99%.

Contraindications and medical suitability

Contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse are intended solely to prevent pregnancy, so women whose pregnancy has already been confirmed should not take such drugs.

Breastfeeding women should not take them either, since emergency contraceptive pills greatly change the composition of milk and can cause harm to the baby. If necessary breast-feeding should be stopped for at least two weeks or completely.


15 reviews


by date

    I drank after 48 years. And the last week according to the plan, my periods have already started, but in less than 4 days I have been drying. Is it completely normal? But 2 tests showed that it’s not vaginal. What are the options for what?

    I took Postinor back in 2004, it helped...then that same year I became pregnant six months later and gave birth. Now my son is almost 12 years old... But this drug is really only for emergency cases. and all the nonsense about excess weight...unjustified. Therefore, read less bad advice on the Internet, and better go to the doctor. That's it, I said everything. I took Postinor back in 2004, it helped...then that same year I became pregnant six months later and gave birth.
    Now my son is almost 12 years old....
    But this drug is really only for emergency cases.
    and all the nonsense about being overweight...unjustified.
    Therefore, read less bad advice on the Internet, and better go to the doctor.
    That's it, I said everything.

    Hello! It so happened that I had unprotected PA on March 12, I took a tablet 48 hours later and then after 12 2 tablets of Postinor, on the 5th day I started bleeding and hurting in my lower abdomen, is this normal? I'm not pregnant?

    I'm not trying to persuade him to drink! Personally, I drank it three times with an interval of six months! I had no side effects! Everything is quiet and calm! After that I got pregnant! I just think that if you are not ready for a child, it is better to take Postinor in the first hours than to have an abortion later. What's in everyone... I'm not trying to persuade him to drink! Personally, I drank it three times with an interval of six months! I had no side effects! Everything is quiet and calm! After that I got pregnant! I just think that if you are not ready for a child, it is better to take Postinor in the first hours than to have an abortion later. Which is in every way more dangerous for physical health and psychological! I think many did not read the instructions quite correctly or some already had health problems, and this aggravated them!

    For me, postinor is the only salvation from unwanted pregnancy, in otherwise I'm waiting for an abortion. I've been taking it after every unprotected PA for 20 years now. At the same time, I have two adult children. Of course, Postinor is a poison, as are most drugs, but there is no other way. But I think the reasons for infertility should be looked for elsewhere. For me, Postinor is the only salvation from an unwanted pregnancy, otherwise I will have an abortion. I have been taking it after every unprotected PA for 20 years now. At the same time, I have two adult children.
    Of course, Postinor is a poison, as are most drugs, but there is no other way.
    But I think the reasons for infertility should be looked for elsewhere.

    I want to tell my story about using Postinor and warn all girls, young women and women. My first acquaintance with the drug Postinor was 12 years ago. While I was dating my future first husband, I became pregnant. We didn't plan to have a child, but there was no question of having an abortion. We got married,... I want to tell my story about using Postinor and warn all girls, young women and women. My first acquaintance with the drug Postinor was 12 years ago. While I was dating my future first husband, I became pregnant. We didn't plan to have a child, but there was no question of having an abortion. We got married, but six months later we had a miscarriage. I forgot to say that my periods were constantly late. After the miscarriage, I had some kind of mania that every month when there was a delay, I was definitely pregnant. One day, while expecting my period, and there was a delay of about a week, I took a Postinor tablet. I still don’t understand what was in my head then and what I was thinking about. In general, this was repeated 2 more times.
    As a result, my husband and I separated.
    I learned about the consequences of Postinor 10 years later. When I got married a second time and we were planning a child, nothing worked out. 5 years of suffering, treatment and examinations. The result was a diagnosis of infertility. I had complete obstruction of my tubes. I was told that nothing would help me other than IVF. Then my husband and I collected money for IVF, then tests costing thousands of hryvnia, worrying about what if it didn’t work out.
    Thanks to God, I got pregnant on the first try and now our daughter is 3 years old.
    So that's why I wrote this long review. So that you don't make the same mistakes that I made. By the way, that girl, my classmate, who suggested these pills to me 12 years ago, used them herself. She still doesn't have children. And there the problem is very significant. She is barren.
    Out of curiosity, I looked for analogues of Postinor. Postinor contains active ingredient- levonorgestrel. This is very strong remedy and dangerous. There are other drugs that contain norgestrel. This is Microlut, Norplant. This norgestrel is half as strong as levonorgestrel and is naturally less dangerous. But still, the use of this kind of drugs is still not advisable.

    I recently heard that a girl died from Postinor... Her ovary burst and they didn’t have time to get her to the hospital. Like this. If I were in the place of medical supervision, I would have removed this drug from pharmacy shelves a long time ago...


    Don’t even think about taking Postinor if you value your health and the health of your future children, this is a very unsafe drug that can also affect excess weight, believe me, I speak from personal experience.

    Postinor does not save you from unwanted pregnancy. Three weeks ago I had an unprotected PA... After everything I went to the shower... I took Postinor just in case, but two days later. Now my lower abdomen is aching, sometimes I feel nauseous, I don’t understand because I’m pregnant, or side effect...during my first pregnancy I had the same sensations...

    Dear girls! Do not accept this crap under any circumstances! You will not just destroy your body, you can cause yourself mental trauma for the rest of your life - in the form of infertility. Postinor is a time bomb. At first nothing, but over the years you find yourself with a bunch of strange diseases... Dear girls! Do not accept this crap under any circumstances! You will not just destroy your body, you can cause yourself mental trauma for the rest of your life - in the form of infertility. Postinor is a time bomb. At first nothing, but over the years you find a bunch of incomprehensible gynecological diseases and shrug your shoulders, wondering where they came from. And it’s all because of 2 Postinor tablets. It generally needs to be removed from pharmacies; now there is a sea of ​​contraceptives that are better and more advanced than this crap. I beg you - do not take Postinor!

Only those couples who are planning a pregnancy need not worry about contraception and protection against conception. But there are much fewer of them than people who prefer to prevent pregnancy from the beginning. If it so happened that sexual relations happened without a condom and the risks of getting pregnant are very high, you can seek help special drug - birth control pills after the act.

These emergency contraceptive medications can always be on hand, but an important condition there must be their rational use according to the instructions. You should resort to this method of protection as rarely as possible, since most often the tablets are strong hormonal agents with a lot of side effects, which means they can harm a woman’s body.

Do special birth control pills help after intercourse?

All pills that are used in practice immediately after an unprotected act to prevent conception are generally classified in medicine as emergency contraception medications. Protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy a woman can use 3 most common means, namely:

  • taking a pill contraceptive action, it is drunk after unprotected intercourse or the next day;
  • use of an intrauterine device, but no later than 120 hours after the act;
  • oral combined contraceptives, which is supposed to contain the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

All hormonal contraceptives are divided into two groups according to active substance- levonorgestrel or progestogen in tablets, as well as mifepristone or antigestagen in tablets. Based on the main substance, the principle of action of emergency contraception can be explained:

  1. Levonorgestrel tablets, for example, Escapelle, Postinor or Eskinor F, act as follows:
  • delay or completely block the onset of ovulation, preventing the process of release of the egg from the follicle, and also suppress the functions of gonadotropic hormones;
  • change the consistency and structure of the cervical fluid, increasing its viscosity, which does not allow sperm to penetrate the uterus;
  • preventing the possibility of implantation of the egg if it is fertilized, since the endometrium does not pass into secretory phase and reduces contraction of the fallopian tubes.
  1. Mifepristone tablets, for example, Miropriston, Pencrofton, Zhenale or Mifegin, act a little differently:
  • slow down the onset of ovulation;
  • provoke changes in the structure of the endometrium;
  • increase the contractile activity of the uterus, against the background of which the egg is rejected.

For reference! The drug Postinor is not recommended for women to take more than 4 times a year, as it contains a large number of hormones. After taking such a pill, a strong hormonal disbalance, which is harmful to the whole body.

When should you take these tablets?

Emergency contraception is taken after an unprotected act only if there is a risk of becoming pregnant, but this is not included in the plans of the partners. Hormonal drugs can be taken in in rare cases, as they have side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Any product for immediate contraception and pregnancy prevention should be taken only after approval medical specialist. After such manipulations, it is worth examining to prevent consequences.

The tablet should be taken once according to the instructions in the package. Unfortunately, life throws up unpleasant situations when a woman has to take emergency contraceptive pills, for example:

  • condom slipping or breaking during a man's orgasm;
  • sexual assault;
  • displacement of the vaginal diaphragm;
  • loss of the device during sexual intercourse;
  • skipping birth control pills.

Most of these drugs require taking a pill immediately after the act, but no later than 40 hours after that. If you miss this period of time, the use of tablets may be inappropriate.

Which ones to choose: list of the most effective and safe ones

The name of emergency contraceptive pills suggests a certain regimen of administration, dosage and subtleties of prevention from unplanned conception. There are several such means, namely:

  • Postinor– the product is based on synthetic progestin and is most often used within 72 hours after intimacy partners, and also another 12 hours after the first tablet. The cost of Postinor is 250 rubles.
  • Escapelle or Eskinor F- this drug should be taken only once, no later than 72 hours after a man’s unprotected coitus. For a package with one Escapella capsule you will need to pay 250-300 rubles, Eskinor F will cost about the same.
  • Genale, Mifolian or Ginepriston- all of these drugs contain miferpiston, they must be taken in one dosage no later than 3 days after potentially dangerous sexual intercourse. It should be borne in mind that two hours before taking the pill and after the same amount, you should not eat food. These tablets are most often used in medical practice for medical abortion.

There is also another method of emergency contraception - the Yuzpe method, that is, taking tablets with estrogen and progestogen, for example:

  • Regulon;
  • Ovidon;
  • Ovral;
  • Tetragynone;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Silest;
  • Novinet;
  • Logest.

For reference! The percentage of effectiveness of this method of protection against pregnancy is determined by the time of taking the pills. Namely, what formerly a woman took the drug, the more likely it is to suppress the fertilization of the egg.

Such tablets are taken 2 or 4 pieces in the first 72 hours, then the same amount after another 12 hours. But in in this case Only a medical specialist can select the dosage.