The benefits and dangers of watermelon seeds for men and women. Watermelon seeds - composition and beneficial properties, preparation, use and contraindications

Nutritionists believe that disdain to watermelon seeds is the result of ignorance of their beneficial properties, while the benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body have been established for quite some time. In addition, when prepared in a certain way, they become an unusual, wonderful delicacy.

They are especially useful for those who constantly play sports or are associated with frequent physical activity. Their use will be an ideal opportunity to replenish energy.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

They found a large number of useful substances:

  • the seeds of this berry contain almost 60% of daily value protein, which is involved in replenishing the body with energy and forming muscle tissue, which confirms the opinion that watermelon seeds are beneficial;
  • Watermelon seeds contain arginine, a substance related to and directly affecting the functioning of the heart. It normalizes arterial pressure and prevents ischemia;
  • found in them polyunsaturated acids, including omega-6, which affects performance blood pressure towards their reduction, as well as reducing the risk of occurrence due to the removal cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels.

Watermelon seeds contain a complex of minerals and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Among them, magnesium, which functions as a “regulator” of blood pressure and glucose levels.

Zinc, which is part of the bones, helps strengthen immune system, renders positive influence on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron in watermelon seeds is actively involved in hematopoiesis, and B vitamins and a whole range of amino acids keep the nervous system in a balanced state.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon seeds?

At the same time, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

  1. It is worth noting that watermelon seeds are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney disease. This is explained by the presence of citrulline in the bones - an absolutely useless amino acid, according to doctors, which, moreover, can also harm such people, as it disrupts the functioning of the bladder.
  2. They won't bring it watermelon seeds benefits, but can cause serious harm to those who are obese, since watermelon seeds have a high calorie content: 100 g of seeds contain 557 kcal, which is more than a third of daily norm calorie consumption.
  3. They are also contraindicated for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, as well as children under three years old. This is explained increased content they contain protein, as well as the presence of the already mentioned amino acid – citrulline.
  4. As for office workers and anyone whose work leads to physical inactivity, as well as retirees who like to spend a lot of time sitting on a bench, it would be better for them to limit their seed consumption. This is explained by the fact that watermelon seeds, which are distinguished by their undoubted benefits, can cause significant harm to these categories of people due to high calorie content and a significant level of protein content.

An excellent delicacy can be obtained if watermelon seeds are fried with the addition of salt. If you prefer sweets, then raw or roasted bones should be dipped in honey, allowed to drain, and then dried well. However, remember that watermelon seeds, the benefits of which have been confirmed by many years of research, can be harmful to your health if consumed in excess or if you ignore the restrictions associated with your health condition.

As summer comes to an end, produce aisles are filling up with a deliciously refreshing treat: fresh watermelon. The red, juicy flesh of the watermelon has many flat, dark brown seeds. In most cases, we eat the pulp of a delicious, aromatic slice, and the peel and seeds go into the trash.

After all, we are childhood We remember what danger lies in a watermelon seed that gets into the stomach. It will certainly sprout! Like a deer, into whose head Baron Munchausen shot a cherry pit. But even those who don’t believe in fairy tales try to get rid of the seeds as quickly as possible, fearing even to bite into them.

Let's try to figure out how justified these fears are. Harm or benefit are hidden in watermelon seeds. But according to the hypothesis, in every watermelon there are more than 100 pieces.

Are there dangerous substances in watermelon seeds?

Don't be alarmed, they are not there. Quite the contrary. The seeds contain the beneficial substance pectin, which helps remove it from the body. accumulated pesticides and salt heavy metals.

It will help lower cholesterol levels and provide prevention against gastrointestinal diseases. The seeds contain polysaccharides that will cleanse the body.

Zinc, contained in seeds, is a catalyst chemical reactions, occurring in the body. With its help, the acid level is maintained. He comes in in the composition of insulin, a regulator of blood glucose levels.

Selenium is involved in the synthesis of leukocytes, increasing the body's resistance. Part of many enzymes and hormones. Thanks to it, the process of reproduction of generations at the genetic level is successfully progressing, and reproductive function in men is enhanced.

70 grams of seeds will provide the daily need for magnesium, which has an antiseptic and vasodilator effect. Lowers cholesterol, normalizes the nervous system, having a calming effect. Prevents the development of cancer cells.

Watermelon seeds are a source of B vitamins

Vitamin B1 helps strengthen the nervous system and improves the digestion process. You will need B2 to make your skin smooth and healthy, and increase resistance to disease.

B3 (niacin) needed for metabolism, is an antiallergic component. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of fatty acids unsaturated acids, will ensure normal functioning and relaxation muscular system. Vitamin B9 necessary for growth, it is involved in strengthening the immune system and circulatory system body.

Contents of watermelon seeds - good source energy and building material for your body.

Can watermelon seeds be used in culinary recipes?

It turns out it is possible. We looked into culinary recipes oriental cuisine and African peoples, and found many recipes for dishes using watermelon seeds. It turns out they can be eaten fried with spices. Sauces are made from crushed seeds and seasoned with soups.

If you dry the seeds and place them in a heated oven for half an hour up to 80 degrees, you will get a tasty and healthy treat. To use this useful supplement throughout the year, you can dry and grind them. The seasoning is suitable for first and second courses, significantly enriching them with minerals and vitamins.

Apart from its culinary benefits, consuming dried seeds affects cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol levels. For those who like to click such seeds, the risk of blood clots and fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels is reduced.

Watermelon seed oil, what is it good for?

By cold pressing the seeds you can get watermelon oil. Despite the fact that watermelon is not on the list of oilseeds, 45% of the seed composition is vegetable oil. Its physicochemical composition is close to the properties almond oil. A family ties along the line of melons with their pumpkin counterpart, they provide watermelon seeds with all the qualities characteristic of pumpkin seeds.

This oil is used for inflammation of the prostate, decreased male reproductive functions. With its help, the structure of hair and nails is restored. Used to improve condition skin, normalization of cardiovascular functions and how anthelmintic agent.

The use of watermelon seeds in folk medicine and cosmetology

Folk recipes use watermelon seeds, both raw and in the form of dry powder. These are recipes for reducing blood pressure, from uterine bleeding, antihelminthic infusions. Watermelon seed kernels contain in recipes for prostatitis and urinary tract diseases.

Cosmetology uses this product in the form of oil to improve the condition of skin and hair. Rejuvenating and toning face masks are made from crushed seeds.

It is unlikely that there will be people indifferent to the juicy and ripe pulp of watermelon, because, as you know, it is not only very tasty, but also has healing properties. The large berry perfectly cleanses the body, expels sand and stones from the kidneys and promotes weight loss. When eating a fruit, its seeds bother us so much, and we try in every possible way to get rid of them - although this is a huge mistake. From this article you will learn for what purposes watermelons are needed; they are great and invaluable to humans.

It turns out that the unremarkable black grains contain biologically active substances - just like the berry itself. The seeds also have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect and can be used as a prevention and treatment of diseases genitourinary area. Watermelon seeds are also rich in pectin. The benefit of this substance is that it removes pesticides from our body and also eliminates it. That is why watermelons with seeds are recommended for people working in hazardous factories.

When consumed, cholesterol levels are normalized. Infusions and decoctions of them have a beneficial effect on the intestinal tract and liver. The seeds contain vitamins B, E, C, beta-carotene, fatty acid, trace elements and minerals (selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, etc.). Chemical composition And beneficial features seeds have not been fully studied. But it is known for sure that they help remove uric acid, and therefore prevent the development of urolithiasis.

They are especially useful for men, as they contain large amounts of selenium and zinc. These microelements normalize the functional functioning of the reproductive system, prevent the development of prostatitis and adenoma, and also improve sperm quality. Watermelon seeds are used to heal abrasions, burns and wounds. Their benefits are colossal. They have anthelmintic and soothing properties. Helps improve vision, normalize metabolic processes, restore weakened hair and nails.

Since ancient times, healers have used anthelmintic watermelon seeds. The benefits of dried and crushed seeds with milk in the old days were beyond doubt. like this medicinal mixture(proportions 1:10) you need to drink 400 grams during the day on an empty stomach. The second method: take fresh seeds (5 g), crush them in a mortar, add a liter of water and cook for 40 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken 200 ml 3 times a day.

The seeds are also widely used in cosmetology; they are used to make healing masks, which return freshness, velvety and smoothness to dull skin. Grind 10 grams of seeds and mix with water until mushy - apply the mask in a thick layer on the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Watermelon seeds are used in cooking. Experts assure that they have a beneficial effect on our health and are highly nutritious. In Russia, for example, they began to make porridge based on seeds using special technology. Such porridges save everything healing qualities. They are recommended for use for rheumatism, indigestion, fever, dermatitis and liver diseases.

IN different countries around the world they are prepared in their own way, for example, in Africa the seeds are added to first courses, in China they are used as a spice and fried. seeds are known to many; they are in no way inferior to pumpkin seeds.

Nutritionists believe that disdain for watermelon seeds is the result of ignorance of their beneficial properties, while the benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body have been established for quite some time. In addition, when prepared in a certain way, they become an unusual, wonderful delicacy.

They are especially useful for those who constantly play sports or are associated with frequent activities. Their use will be an ideal opportunity to replenish energy.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

They contain a large number of useful substances:

  • the seeds of this berry contain almost 60% of the daily value of protein, which is involved in replenishing the body with energy and forming muscle tissue, which confirms the opinion that watermelon seeds are beneficial;
  • Watermelon seeds contain arginine, a substance related to and directly affecting the functioning of the heart. It normalizes blood pressure and prevents ischemia;
  • They contain polyunsaturated acids, including omega-6, which has an effect on blood pressure in the direction of reducing it, and also reduces the risk of occurrence by removing cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels.

Watermelon seeds contain a complex of minerals and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Among them, magnesium, which functions as a “regulator” of blood pressure and glucose levels.

Zinc, which is part of the seeds, helps strengthen the immune system and has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron in watermelon seeds is actively involved in hematopoiesis, and B vitamins and a whole set of amino acids keep the nervous system in a balanced state.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon seeds?

At the same time, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

  1. It is worth noting that watermelon seeds are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney disease. This is explained by the presence of citrulline in the bones - an absolutely useless amino acid, according to doctors, which, moreover, can also harm such people, as it disrupts the functioning of the bladder.
  2. Watermelon seeds will not bring any benefit, but can cause serious harm to those who are obese, since watermelon seeds are high in calories: 100 g of seeds contain 557 kcal, which is more than a third of the daily calorie intake.
  3. They are also contraindicated for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, as well as children under three years of age. This is explained by the increased protein content in them, as well as the presence of the already mentioned amino acid – citrulline.
  4. As for office workers and anyone whose work leads to physical inactivity, as well as retirees who like to spend a lot of time sitting on a bench, it would be better for them to limit their seed consumption. This is explained by the fact that watermelon seeds, which have undoubted benefits, can cause significant harm to these categories of people due to their high calorie content and significant protein content.

An excellent delicacy can be obtained if watermelon seeds are fried with the addition of salt. If you prefer sweets, then raw or roasted bones should be dipped in honey, allowed to drain, and then dried well. However, remember that watermelon seeds, the benefits of which have been confirmed by many years of research, can be harmful to your health if consumed in excess or if you ignore the restrictions associated with your health condition.

Watermelon seeds. Did you know that they have healing properties and are widely used to treat diseases? Read more below

Watermelon seeds - beneficial properties and secrets of use

Few people realize the benefits of watermelon seeds. Simply eating them with pulp is tasteless and not very pleasant.

However, you shouldn’t throw them away, as they can be used as medicine to improve your health.

This remedy helps provide the body with the required nutrients and bring maximum benefit.

They also represent greater nutritional value, since they contain proteins and fats.

Chemical composition of watermelon seeds

The nutritional value of a product is determined by the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and microelements in its composition:

  • Vitamin B1 thiamine - 0.2 mg
  • B2 riboflavin - 0.15 mg
  • B6 pyridoxine - 0.09 mg
  • B9 folic - 58 mcg
  • RR - 3.5 mg
  • Phosphorus - 750 mg
  • Calcium - 55 mg
  • Potassium - 650 mg
  • Magnesium - 514 mg
  • Sodium - up to 100 mg
  • Iron - 7.3 mg
  • Manganese - 1.62 mg
  • Copper - 690 mcg
  • Zinc - 7.3 mg

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

watermelon seeds have been proven for quite some time:
  1. They contain many amino acids required for normal height and formation of muscle mass.
  2. They also help give you a boost of energy for the whole day.
  3. Thanks to its pectin content, it medicine removes heavy metals from the body and also helps eliminate the effects of radiation.
  4. The seeds should be consumed by people working in hazardous industries so that harmful substances do not accumulate in the body.
  5. The vitamins entering the body help strengthen, protect against the effects of stress, and also prevent the occurrence of allergies.
  6. In addition, blood circulation improves, reduces pressure , the nervous system is strengthened, and it also turns out positive impact to the organs of vision.
  7. Minerals ensure normal functioning of the stomach and
  8. Fatty acids are a good basis for obtaining oil that is not inferior in quality.

Watermelon seeds - medicinal properties and methods of use

Medicinal properties of watermelon seeds:

  1. Dried watermelon seeds contain up to 30% healthy protein, which is why they promote muscle growth, bone formation, and also give a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day.
  2. Thanks to the arginine content, this product helps regulate blood pressure and also prevents the formation of coronary disease.
  3. Polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis in old age.
  4. Niacin is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, digestive tract, ensuring beauty and radiance of the skin.
  5. Magnesium balances blood sugar levels, which is why this medicine is very usefulfor diabetes.
  6. Zinc is important for improving immunity, giving hair beauty and shine. With a lack of this microelement, a person begins to get sick often. In addition, it helps with prostatitis , as it helps improve sexual function in men.
  7. Iron promotes the production of red blood cells, so the product is successfully used to treat anemia, helps overcome depression, and get rid of chronic weakness and fatigue.
  8. The fibrous component of the product helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Slags and toxins are removed from the body, and stool normalization is noted. Plant fibers in the intestines act like a scrub, removing harmful substances from the body.

How to eat watermelon seeds to improve your body health?

Before consuming the seeds, it is worth remembering that in order for the benefits to be maximum, you should not swallow the seeds whole, but chew them - dosage - 1-2 tbsp per day.

However, to get maximum benefit, you need to free the seed from the hard skin, which not only does not bring benefits, but can also clog the stomach and intestines.

Those who suffer from hypertension should take powder from dried seeds and watermelon rinds, half a teaspoon, 2 times a day.

If there are problems with gallbladder, then you need to take 3 tsp. powder.

Oil is made from watermelon seeds, which has found its wide application in cosmetology. It is suitable for all skin types.

When used, due to the high content of beneficial acids, the condition of the skin improves.

The skin becomes soft, velvety, soft, acne goes away.

Helps remove accumulated dirt and subcutaneous fat, thereby eliminating acne and blackheads.

Contraindications for consumption

Despite the fact that the benefits of this product are obvious, there is also a certain


The negative effect is due to the content of citrulline in the composition. This amino acid breaks down when it enters the body and turns into ammonia.

That is why this medicine is contraindicated in the presence of kidney problems and bladder. Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 3 years of age.

Since this is a highly nutritious product, it is best for obese people to avoid it.

Watermelon seeds are a unique product in their composition that can saturate the body with almost all useful and nutrient substances, and will also help get rid of many diseases.

However, it is imperative to adhere to the dosage and take into account existing contraindications.

But watermelon seeds are especially valued for their combination of microelements, which are not found in such quantities in any other product. Some of the metals provide a standard portion of the body's daily requirement. At the same time, minerals are also contained in the seed shell, so it is important to eat not only the core, but also the peel. This is the answer to the question, is it possible to eat watermelon seeds?

Zinc is especially useful for male body. It also keeps the immune system in good shape. If your hair begins to fall, fatigue and diarrhea appear, you need to include zinc-containing foods in your diet. There is not enough iron in plant foods. You can get it from watermelon seeds and meat and fish foods. Iron is required for the production of red blood cells in the hematopoietic system.

It is known that fibrous components are like a windshield wiper for our digestive system. In watermelon seeds, hemicellulose serves as a cleaner, which has a gentler effect on the mucous membrane than regular fiber.

The value of citrulline in watermelon seeds

The benefits and harms of watermelon seeds largely depend on the content of the amino acid citrulline in the product. This substance is contained in all components of watermelon, but it is also synthesized in the body itself. This substance is very necessary for the body. Therefore, dietary supplements are used to stimulate the cardiac activity of athletes and to increase potency in men. It has already been proven that the use of citrulline in foods or dietary supplements:

  • reduces hypertensive pressure;
  • suppresses sickle anemia;
  • normalizes blood sugar.

However, along with the benefits for healthy people The use of seeds can become problematic for individual citizens. There are people whose bodies do not produce citrulline. The disease is called citrullinemia and is caused by a metabolic disorder. The metabolism of the incoming substance involves its conversion into arginine with a breakdown product containing ammonia. It is excreted in urine and is irritating. This is the basis for the harmfulness of citrulline.

IN West Africa Watermelon seeds are a must-have addition to soups. In China, roasted watermelon seeds are used in many seasonings.

Based complex impact on the human body, the beneficial properties of watermelon seeds have not been confirmed for people:

  • patients with citrullinemia;
  • pregnant women due to the presence of proteins and citrulline;
  • nursing mothers and children under three years of age;
  • persons with pancreatic diseases;
  • persons with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

If during examination this amino acid is detected in the patient’s blood, then watermelon seeds are contraindicated. For people suffering from genitourinary diseases, the use of seeds for food should be limited.

How to properly fry seeds?

Fry the washed and dried seeds in a dry thick-walled frying pan for several minutes until darkened. Dilute a teaspoon of salt in 50 ml of water and simmer the seeds in this solution until it boils. You need to eat the seeds with the shell.

You can use the roasted seeds as anthelmintic V for preventive purposes, and during illness.

You can eat dried seeds as a healthy addition to the menu, or as a treat. However, women have found other uses for this product. The mixture, ground into flour and mixed with medical clay, produces effective cleansing procedures. The scrub turns out to be light, non-traumatic, but effective.

Video about the benefits of watermelon seeds

Some people like watermelon, others don’t, but they eat it a lot (especially in summer and autumn) and it’s not exotic fruit(read about). In its red juicy sugar flesh there are always a lot of dark brown hard large seeds. Simply chewing them with watermelon pulp is unpleasant and not tasty. Should I throw them away? Can they be eaten? Do they have healing properties? Let's figure it out.

Properties of watermelon seeds

All the substances that make watermelon healthy are present both in the pulp and in the seeds, and even in the rind of the watermelon. For example, biological substances, which increase the alkalinity of urine and affect the cleansing of the genitourinary tract: salt toxins dissolve in the kidneys and are excreted in the urine. Also, in addition to the diuretic effect, watermelon seeds have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. They taste no worse than sunflower seeds; they can also be fried, dried and salted. So, we can safely talk about both medicinal and culinary properties watermelon seeds.

By the way, for the first time I ate dried watermelon seeds in Thailand, they are sold there like pumpkin seeds in any store! But here in Russia and Ukraine, for some reason, they are thrown away.

Chemical composition of watermelon seeds

The photo on the pack of peeled watermelon seeds shows the calorie content per serving of 25 g - 150 kcal, but for 100 g it turns out - all 600 kcal
It is more pleasant to eat dried watermelon seeds. At the same time, they do not lose their properties: vitamins and microelements are preserved. They even contain healthy fats- polyunsaturated (including omega-6), monounsaturated, and saturated.

The calorie content of watermelon seeds per 100 g is 560-600 kcal, so there:

Proteins - 28.3 g
Fat - 47.4 g
Carbohydrates - 15.29 g
Saturated fatty acids - 9.78 g
Water - up to 5 g
Ash - up to 4 g
There is no fiber at all, but a lot of vitamins and beneficial micro and macroelements.


Vitamin B1 - 0.2 mg
B2 riboflavin - 0.15 mg
AT 3 a nicotinic acid- 0.35 mg
B6 pyridoxine - 0.09 mg
B9 folic - 58 mcg
RR - 3.5 mg


Phosphorus - 750 mg
Calcium - 55 mg
- 650 mg
Magnesium - 514 mg
Sodium - up to 100 mg


Iron - 7.3 mg
- 1.62 mg
Copper - 690 mcg
Zinc - 7.3 mg

Raw watermelon seeds contain hemicellulose, the more common name is semi-fiber, and it contains polysaccharides that are insoluble in water and enhance the cleansing properties of the seeds. Although we know that watermelon is not an oilseed crop, its seeds still contain 20-40 percent oil. Its properties are reminiscent of almond.

Traditional medicine appreciates this watermelon product for the fact that it perfectly removes uric acid from the body. This medicinal property prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis. The seeds are especially useful for men because they support the function of the prostate gland, and thanks to the selenium and zinc content, they prevent the development of adenoma and normalize sexual function.

The protein content (approximately 35%) indicates sufficient amino acid content to support muscle mass and replenish the energy expended by the body. Total beneficial amino acids watermelon seeds contain four: tryptophan, glutamic acid, lysine and arginine. The latter supports the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack.

Less effective, but still the beneficial substances of watermelon seeds help improve vision, maintain healthy eyes, nails, skin, and hair. They improve metabolism and work nervous system and are very well known as an anthelmintic.

Watermelon, including all its components (pulp, seeds, rind), contains a controversial amino acid - citrulline. The fact is that when it enters the food tract, it is converted into L-arginine, which our body is able to synthesize on its own. The benefits of citrulline include the ability to lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, treat impotence, and affect blood glucose levels. But there is also a controversial side - harm to people with impaired citrulline synthesis.

Research has shown that citrulline is broken down in the body, releasing a “bad” product – ammonia. It is excreted in the urine, but this very fact proves the harmfulness of watermelon pulp and seeds for patients with citrullinemia, which is associated with the urea cycle.

Most popular recipe- this is to fry them. Before cooking, the seeds are washed and dried on a towel, for example. Then, pour them into a heated dry frying pan and fry for about 6 minutes until they begin to darken. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in ¼ cup of water and pour this mixture into the frying pan. Continue frying until the liquid disappears. Turn off the heat, cool the watermelon seeds and serve.

Anthelmintic recipe: Before preparing the product, watermelon seeds are dried in the oven, then crushed and mixed in a ratio of 1:10 with low-fat milk. The resulting “cocktail” is drunk at least 2 glasses throughout the day. Drink on an empty stomach.

Traditional recipe for hypertension: Dry the seeds and rind of the watermelon, then grind them into powder. Take it half a teaspoon 2 times. in a day. If you take the powder continuously for one month, your blood pressure will normalize. The recipe also works like this: choleretic agent, but you need to consume the powder 2 or 3 teaspoons in the morning and before bed.

In general, watermelon seeds are used more actively in the cooking of other countries. The Chinese, for example, fry them with various seasonings; in Africa, they crush them and add them to soups and sauces.

Continuing to look at perhaps the most anticipated and delicious fruit of the summer, watermelons, today we will focus on watermelon seeds, which we in most cases throw in the trash. But it turns out that we are in vain ignoring in this case. Watermelon seeds, unlike the pulp of watermelons, are not as sweet, however, they are much more nutritious in composition. Beneficial properties of watermelon seeds are important as a rich source of vegetable protein and biologically active substances, which has a significant effect on cleansing the body of waste and heavy metal toxins.

To the greatest extent, seeds can be distinguished as a source of pectin and semi-fiber, which have a complex cleansing effect on the entire body.

Pectin is especially useful as a means of removing heavy metals and pesticides from the body. Today this is necessary and important for almost everyone, especially for residents of big cities, since modern nutrition satiated harmful substances. This also matters for our region of Eastern Europe, since the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will have consequences for our health and the health of our children for decades to come.

In addition, pectin has preventive action for good health digestive system, both the stomach and intestines, and the liver and pancreas.

The second most important component of the seeds, semi-fiber, is a water-soluble polysaccharide that improves metabolism in the body and has a cleansing effect.

The combined action of these two components also cleanses the circulatory system, reducing the level of bad cholesterol and sugar. Thus, the body is protected from high blood pressure disease, diabetes mellitus and from the appearance of excess weight.

As a blood purifier watermelon seeds will also be of interest to men, since it is directly related to the second heart of a man, the prostate gland. Comprehensive blood purification and replenishment of the body with zinc and selenium plays an important role in the prevention of prostate diseases and improvement of sperm quality.

As a blood cleanser, the seeds are also of interest as a source of unsaturated fatty acids, the main purpose of which is to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and help antioxidant protection on blood vessels. In addition, healthy fats restore immune protection body and contribute to active longevity.

It is also worth adding that the bones contain an extremely large amount of magnesium compounds, which, in addition to lowering blood pressure, is also responsible for lowering blood sugar levels and restoring the nervous system.

The danger from watermelon seeds awaits us only on one side. A large amount of nitrates that can be used when growing watermelons.

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Almost all adults and children love watermelons for their fresh and juicy pulp. But everyone neglects the bones, spitting them out, believing that they harm our body. Since childhood, many of us have been frightened by our parents with the idea that if you eat watermelon seeds, you can get into a lot of trouble, including inflammation of the appendix. However, this is all fiction.

In fact, watermelon seeds have long been used in both cooking and medicine. They are ground into powder, made into oil, fried and consumed like sunflower seeds. And the range of diseases for which it is recommended to eat watermelon seeds is so wide that it affects common cold and serious illnesses.

From this article you will learn:

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Watermelon seeds are a real storehouse of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and useful microelements, as well as vitamins:

  • Potassium,
  • Calcium,
  • Carbohydrates (15.29 g per 100 g),
  • Phosphorus,
  • Iron,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Vitamins B1 thiamine
  • B9 folic,
  • Fats (47.4 g per 100 g),
  • Proteins (28.3 g per 100 g),
  • Saturated fatty acids (9.78 g per 100 g).

ethnoscience appreciates watermelon seeds for their ability to remove urea from the body and prevent urolithiasis. For men, watermelon seeds are beneficial in that they normalize the activity of the prostate gland and promote normal operation reproductive system.

On a note! A third of the total mass of dried watermelon seeds is proteins, which contain a large amount of amino acids that play an important role in the growth and development of muscle tissue.

What happens if you eat a watermelon with seeds?

When eating a juicy watermelon, everyone strives to get rid of the annoying seeds. And by the way - in vain! A cup of these seeds contains a quarter of the total daily dose protein, which is useful for every person, and doubly useful for athletes. By the way, such a portion can easily be considered a full meal, thanks to its energy value and fats contained in watermelon seeds. Therefore, if you lead an inactive lifestyle, you should not lean on them.

In the countries of the Middle East, Asia and Egypt, watermelon seeds are especially often used in cooking. Here they learned to make butter and flour from them. But traditionally, the seeds are used as a snack - they are cracked after a short roasting or drying. They taste more like peanuts than the sunflower seeds we are used to.

Can watermelon seeds be swallowed and are they digestible?

IN different sources Information on whether it is possible to swallow watermelon seeds whole is extremely scattered. Someone argues that this should never be done - the seeds are not digested. However, in fact, they are well absorbed and promote cleansing. gastrointestinal tract, from undigested food. Therefore, you can safely swallow the seeds whole with the peel.

Watermelon seeds carry not only benefits, but also harm. Because of high content fat they are not recommended to be included in the menu of pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as to feed them to children under three years of age. In addition, watermelon seeds contain the amino acid citrulline. Our body synthesizes this trace element on its own, so scientists argue whether it is necessary to obtain it from the outside. And the breakdown product of citrulline is ammonia, which is not completely absorbed by the body and is excreted only in the urine, which acquires under its influence Strong smell. Also found in watermelon seeds is oxalate and phytin - salts that prevent our body from absorbing minerals.

Watermelon seeds excellent remedy against worms, they create an environment impossible for worms to live in. They also help in restoring the body after this disease.

Can you eat raw watermelon seeds?

Raw seeds contain semi-fiber, rich in polysaccharides, insoluble in water, which are extremely beneficial for our body, it is this that cleanses it so well. Raw seeds It is not necessary to peel them, but then you will have to try and chew them more thoroughly to get to the beneficial substances inside the kernel.