ENT is the correct name for a doctor. What is the correct name for an ear, nose and throat doctor? Equipment in the otolaryngologist's office

Throughout life, a person encounters many diseases, which it is not always reasonable to treat on their own. Sore throat is one of the most common among children and adults. But not everyone knows who diagnoses and ENT, a therapist or an infectious disease specialist.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. rapid increase in body temperature up to critical;
  2. headache;
  3. difficulty swallowing associated with discomfort in the throat;
  4. weakness of the body. Reaches to complete exhaustion;
  5. in some cases, clouding of consciousness;
  6. cough.

The disease can cause complications in other vital organs. These are heart defects, sepsis, kidney and liver problems. This is especially true for the adult population, since children tolerate sore throat much easier.

Some try to treat the disease at home or run to the pharmacy themselves to buy antibiotics. However, the need for correct medical treatment plays an extremely important role in recovery. A natural question arises: which doctor should treat a sore throat - a therapist or an ENT specialist?

First, let’s look at what types of disease there are:

  • - the easiest. Characterized by its rapid manifestation, absence of attacks, defeat surface layers tonsils The throat is sore, dry and unwell. When swallowing, the pain radiates to the ear. It can last for several days, and then flows into the next form. It is usually diagnosed and treated by a general practitioner.
  • Follicular tonsillitis is characterized by the occurrence of redness and inflammation. Accompanied by headache and purulent plaque. Chills begin and the temperature rises significantly. Discomfort in the throat is pronounced. Weakness is accompanied by pain throughout the body.
  • Lacunar - has the most severe consequences. The tonsils are filled with pus. Unbearable pain in muscles and joints. Quite often they occur in the cardiac region. Children vomit. Lymph nodes are significantly enlarged. This form of sore throat is the most difficult to treat.

The difference between a general practitioner and an ENT doctor

What is the difference between a regular therapist and an ENT specialist? The first is characterized by a wide range of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This doctor treats various types of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. In addition, the therapist informs patients and makes a primary diagnosis. Prepares certificates and statements for other organizations, for example, the traffic police, fills out medical records.

Distribution among medical specialists is also part of the responsibilities of the therapist.

The second doctor has a narrow qualification. ENT treats diseases of the ears, nose, and oral cavity and deals with their prevention. These include rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. No wonder many people call it “ear-nose-throat”. An ENT performs surgical functions within the scope of his or her qualifications.

Where to contact


The therapist is the first doctor you need to visit. He will conduct an inspection. Without medical knowledge, the average person is often unable to independently identify the disease and, accordingly, correctly treat the disease. After all, there is a possibility that the ailment may not be a sore throat. In any case, a therapist will help.

The doctor will conduct a consultation and prescribe appropriate treatment. Prepare for necessary examinations which the therapist will conduct. It is enough for him to examine oral cavity patient and lymph nodes, then place accurate diagnosis and began to treat.

Tell your therapist about the medications you take for the first time. In addition to the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests. Based on the information received, the therapist will prescribe treatment from a specialist, most often an ENT specialist.

If the disease occurs in mild form, then the therapist will treat directly. He will prescribe appropriate antibiotics, gargles and other medications. The therapist diagnoses a mild form of sore throat, so there is no reason to hospitalize both the adult and the child.

As a rule, turning to specialized specialists, such as ENT, is quite problematic. But if there is a referral issued by a therapist, you will quickly get to an ENT specialist.

If a severe form of tonsillitis is diagnosed, you will be referred to an infectious disease specialist or otolaryngologist, better known as an ENT specialist. This doctor specializes in extreme forms of the disease.

ENT examines the patient, collects necessary information such as predisposition, genetics and frequency of the disease. Chronic sore throat It is diagnosed and treated only by an otolaryngologist. Cases of tonsillitis requiring hospitalization are observed directly by an ENT specialist. This specialist writes out a referral to the hospital. A ticket to an ENT specialist is issued by a therapist, but in an obviously severe case of tonsillitis, you need to go to an ENT doctor directly.

Application procedure

Don’t delay going to a medical facility. Sore throat quickly flows from one form to another, and it becomes more difficult to treat. You can determine the severity of the disease yourself. The main criterion is severe inflammation tonsils, temperature about 40 degrees Celsius and pus. In this case, call an ambulance immediately. Arriving medical workers will hospitalize you and refer you to an ENT doctor who will treat you. This will avoid queues, but it is highly not recommended to let things get to this point. In particularly advanced cases, surgery may be required. It will be performed by an ENT specialist.

This is the procedure for contacting doctors that should be followed. First, the therapist will examine you, and only upon his decision will you be referred to an ENT doctor. This will save time for you and the healthcare workers who will treat the disease. In addition, a competent understanding of the work of medical institutions will allow you to make decisions about diseases in the most constructive way.

Although the name “ENT” is perceived by many patients of Russian medical institutions as an independent word, in reality it is an abbreviation formed from the name of the field of activity of this specialist.


A more common option, which parents often use to explain to their children what this doctor treats, is the phrase “ear, nose and throat.” This word order to designate this specialist has its justification. Paying attention to the ancient Greek spelling of the corresponding roots, it is easy to understand that this sequence corresponds to the term “otolaryngologist.” In turn, the name “otolaryngologist” denotes a doctor specializing in the corresponding subject area - otolaryngology. His area of ​​expertise includes wide range pathologies of the nasal cavity, throat and ear. Among the most common problems that such a specialist has to deal with when seeing patients are otitis media, rhinitis (runny nose) and sinusitis, sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other common diseases. At the same time, patients who have unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​the throat, ear or nose have very different origins: they can be caused by injuries, exposure to infections or the occurrence of an allergic reaction. In this regard, otolaryngology is one of the most popular areas of medicine: specialists in the field of medical statistics claim that in the world practice of treatment to ENT doctors account for 12 to 15% of all patient visits in medical institutions. At the same time, among the requests of children and young people, most of the causes of pathologies are injuries and infections, while among patients in the older category - age-related changes.

What is the correct name for an ear, nose and throat doctor?

In the cold, raw time years, viruses and infections attack a person, and he urgently needs an ear, nose and throat doctor - as people call an ENT doctor. What's it like correct name this specialty? In what cases should you contact him? Is it possible to use homemade folk remedies on your own without the intervention of a doctor? The questions are relevant because in Lately Environmental pollution, poor nutrition and the increasing use of chemicals in everyday life lead to frequent health problems.

Ear, nose and throat

The specialist who treats these organs is popularly called an ENT specialist. The full name of the doctor's specialty is otorhinolaryngologist. Compound word is actually made up of the roots of four ancient Greek words whose meanings are ear, nose, throat or larynx and science. These organs are anatomically close to each other and also have a functional connection. In addition, there is an undeniable interdependence of the diseases of these organs and, in some cases, the similarity of research methods. Otorhinolaryngology is a broad science. There are narrower specialties in this area, for example:

  • an audiologist checks hearing (causes, prevention, treatment and correction of deafness and hearing loss);
  • otoneurologist - specialist in ear diseases;
  • the phoniatrist pays close attention to the voice (physiology and pathology of voice formation);
  • rhinologist is a doctor who treats pathologies of the nose.

The ear, throat, and nose are organs that, as a natural barrier, protect the human body from infections and viruses.

Investigating the causes of diseases of these organs, their treatment and prevention is the main goal that an ENT doctor sets for himself.

Three organs - one doctor

The structure of the ENT organs is interconnected, so pain in the ear may indicate a problem with the throat or nose. It would be a good idea to learn about the most common diseases treated by an otolaryngologist.

  1. Otitis is inflammation of the ear. The outer one is distinguished otitis media and inflammation inner ear. The most common infection is inflammation of the middle ear. This is a disease with infectious infection rarely primary. As a rule, it is activated during exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. When a person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose, bacteria can enter the middle ear, in most cases through the auditory tube. A tugging or shooting pain appears in the ear. Ear doctor, having examined the patient, will be able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe best treatment.
  2. Sensorineural hearing loss manifests itself rapid decline hearing loss and is accompanied by severe tinnitus. At cervical osteochondrosis Blood circulation in large blood vessels is disrupted, which can also affect hearing. Children's ears deserve attention Special attention, because more than half of children under 3 years of age suffer from one of the ear diseases. If you suspect that your child has ear pain, consult your doctor immediately, as self-medication can only cause harm. Children's doctor ENT will prescribe quality treatment.
  3. One of the common diseases is rhinitis. This is the name for inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis everyone is familiar with unpleasant dryness in the nose, burning, tickling, then swelling and copious mucous discharge from the nose. All this leads not only to a change in voice, stuffy ears, loss of smell, but also to sleep disturbances, loss of taste and appetite.
  4. Sometimes a runny nose leads to inflammation different parts paranasal sinuses nose This is how sinusitis and sinusitis appear. Problems at work gastrointestinal tract, an increase in the hormone estrogen in the body and allergies contribute to nasal congestion. The doctor's goal is to determine the real cause. In addition, the lore gets foreign bodies from the nose and ears, and also washes the ears from sulfur plugs.
  5. Common problem throat - pharyngitis. It manifests itself as soreness and pain when swallowing. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils on the roof of the mouth. Acute tonsillitis(angina) affects both the throat itself and the lymph nodes in the neck and tonsils. If treatment is not started on time, an exacerbation can contribute to the development of rheumatism of the joints and heart.

What is the name of the doctor who treats such a variety of diseases? Otorhinolaryngologist or ENT specialist. This specialist is available in all clinics. Contact us promptly for professional advice and treatment for yourself and your children.

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©. BezOtita - everything about otitis media and other ear diseases.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only. Before any treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

The Site may contain content that is not intended for persons under 16 years of age.

ENT is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of the term “laryngo-otorhinologist”. This long word, in turn, is derived from three ancient Greek roots, each of which denotes a specific area of ​​​​medical activity. So, “laring” translated from this language means “throat” or “larynx,” “ot” means “ear,” and “rino” means “nose.” Thus, the full name of this specialist, translated from ancient Greek into Russian, means “throat-ear-nose” - a phrase familiar to many from childhood, only in an unusual order. In fact, it is precisely this word order in the term used in the ENT abbreviation that is primarily due to the readability of the abbreviation in this position of the original terms.


A more common option, which parents often use to explain to their children what this doctor treats, is the phrase “ear, nose and throat.” This word order to designate this specialist has its justification. Paying attention to the ancient Greek spelling of the corresponding roots, it is easy to understand that this sequence corresponds to the term “otolaryngologist”.

  • History of otolaryngology

"Unreducible" citizens

Women are “in position” (however, there is one exception here - if the entire enterprise is abolished, dismissal cannot be avoided);

Women raising a child under 3 years of age;

Single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age (a disabled child under 18 years of age, with the exception of liquidation of the enterprise or if these employees have committed illegal acts);

Other persons raising such children without a mother;

"Privileged" categories

Employees who care for two or more dependents;

Employees whose income is the only one in the family;

Employees undergoing advanced training on the job, if they do this at the request of management;

Disabled people who defended the Fatherland in “hot spots”;

Wives of military personnel working in government organizations or military units;

Persons who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

Employees who received an occupational disease or some kind of injury in this organization;


Otolaryngologist (from the Greek otorhinolaryngologia ot - ear; rhin nose; laryng larynx; logos teaching.) - a doctor, specialist in the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

In colloquial speech, such a specialist is called an ENT doctor (from laryngo-otorhinologist) or, even more simply, an ear, nose and throat doctor.

Features of the profession

As the name suggests, otolaryngology is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the ears, nose and throat. However, we are not talking about three individual bodies, but about three systems. The ear includes the pinna, middle and inner ear, as well as the auditory nerve, which is responsible for transmitting sound to the brain. An ENT doctor treats all diseases related to these important “details”.

The nose is also a complex system, which includes the paranasal sinuses. And the throat includes not only the pharynx and larynx, but also the esophagus and trachea. Why were these three organ systems (ear, nose and throat) combined into one medical discipline? Because they are inextricably linked with each other. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, i.e. A runny nose can cause serious otitis media. And if the ear is not treated, a person can become deaf. But if you deal only with the ear, leaving the nose aside, there will be no benefit from the treatment.

Sore throat (inflammation of the palatine tonsils), pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa), adenoids (enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsils), sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus), otitis (inflammation of the ear) - this is the shortest set of diseases that an ENT doctor has to cope with. In fact, there are much more diseases. Some of them are associated with colds, while others have completely different causes that are not obvious to a non-specialist. For example, Meniere's disease (a disease of the inner ear in which a person suffers from dizziness and hearing loss) is often associated with head trauma or vascular disease. These non-inflammatory diseases also include malignant tumors.

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor uses different methods. First, he examines the diseased organ. If necessary, he prescribes x-rays, computed tomography, audiometry (measurement of hearing level), etc. A blood test can tell a lot about the patient’s condition. Some diseases can be successfully treated on an outpatient basis, i.e. in the clinic. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If surgery or extensive treatment with big amount medications and procedures, the patient has to be sent to the hospital. The work of a doctor in a hospital and in a clinic differs in the scope of responsibilities. Firstly, the doctor in the hospital guides the patient from the moment of admission to discharge, i.e. constantly monitors changes in his well-being. But most importantly, in the hospital the ENT doctor has to operate a lot. And sometimes it's complicated and emergency operations, on which life depends. For example, swelling of the throat or a coin in the respiratory tract of a child requires immediate action, regardless of the time of day. Note that a child’s body is different from an adult’s, so children’s ENT doctors usually treat children. But in emergency situation An adult specialist can also provide assistance.

ENT medicine has even narrower specialties within itself, and doctors can specialize in them. For example, audiology – identifies and treats hearing loss. A specialist in this field is called an audiologist. Phoniatrics – specializes in the treatment of the vocal apparatus. The doctor is called a phoniatrist. Otoneurology - a discipline at the intersection of otolaryngology and neurology - treats lesions of the vestibular, auditory and olfactory analyzers, paralysis of the larynx, pharynx and soft palate for diseases and injuries of the brain. Doctor - otoneurologist. Military otolaryngology deals with combat injuries of the ENT organs. Doctor - military otoneurologist.


ENT doctors work in clinics, hospitals, specialized clinics, research and scientific and practical centers. Problems with ENT organs are so common that doctors of this profile are also in demand in private (paid) clinics. Subspecialty specialists (audiologists, phoniatrists, etc.) work in specialized offices, centers and clinics.


Salary range as of 01/30/2018

Important qualities

For an ENT doctor, responsibility, good intelligence and a tendency to self-education, self-confidence, empathy for patients combined with determination are very important. An aptitude for working with your hands and good motor skills are also required. A person who faints at the sight of blood cannot work as an otolaryngologist.

Knowledge and skills

In addition to anatomy, physiology and other general medical disciplines, an ENT doctor must thoroughly know the ENT organ system, master diagnostic and treatment methods, be able to use special equipment, and carry out various manipulations (from removing a cherry pit from the nose to complex operation on the ear).

Where to study to become an ENT (otolaryngologist)


The modern scientific and technological academy organizes on-the-job and on-the-job training according to accredited educational programs: 1) Advanced training in the course “Otolaryngology” (144 academic hours). 2) Professional retraining(542 academic hours) for specialists with any higher medical education. A state diploma allows you to conduct professional activity in the new direction "Otolaryngology".

Higher education:

To become an otolaryngologist, you need to obtain a higher education medical education with a specialization in Otolaryngology or undergo postgraduate training in this specialty.

What is another name for an ENT doctor?

otorhinolaryngologist - the correct name for an ENT doctor

Another name for ENT is otolaryngologist. He is also “ear, throat, nose”.

Otolaryngology is precisely a narrow branch of medicine that studies the structure of the nose, ear and throat, as well as methods for the prevention and treatment of these diseases.

And I heard one grandmother in the clinic call him ushnyuk.

Well popular name from my childhood back in the Soviet Union there was “Ukhogorlonos”. And it was the signs with these names that hung on all the ENT offices in children's clinics.

Grandmothers call it "ear". At the reception you usually put the card to the ENT specialist. Well, students are studying to specialize in otolaryngology, after all.

Few people can quickly pronounce this mysterious word in its entirety without stuttering or losing its meaning. But a doctor of this type is in demand and very respected. And the complex name of the specialty is caused precisely by the specifics of the work.

Oto-ear, from the word otitis, lar-throat, from the word laryngitis, rhin-nose, from the word rhinitis.

correct otolaryngologist LAR - not from laryngitis (inflammation of the throat) but Larynx - actually the throat and not rhinitis (inflammation of the nose) - by analogy)))) - 4 years ago

Graduate medical university who wishes to treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat, chooses a specialty for internship training in Otolaryngology. After completing his internship, according to the classification of professions, his name will be “otolaryngologist”. This will be written in the work book. To make pronunciation easier, an ENT doctor speaks.

ENT - in a different way, that is, in a scientific way - OTOLARYNGOLOGIST, not everyone can pronounce such a difficult word, that’s probably why they shortened it to three letters))))) And you can also hear how an ENT doctor is called - “ear and throat” -nose". Old people sometimes call it “earpiece”. He is a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the ears, nose and throat.

Whenever people call an ENT doctor, they most often hear the name ear, nose and throat. However official name ENT in medicine sounds like an otolaryngologist. The name is not easy for many Russians, and the range of diseases that this specialist treats is not a pleasant one.

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the word ENT was Ear, Throat, Nose.

But this, of course, is the everyday and colloquial name for ENT doctors, and their correct specialization sounds like Otolaryngologist. But I agree with many that it is quite difficult to pronounce this.

In another way, an otolaryngologist can be called both an ENT doctor and an ear-nose-throat doctor. Some people simply call it an earpiece. By the way, they used to write otorhinolaryngologist on the signs in the offices, but then they shortened it for convenience.

An otolaryngologist is another name for an ENT doctor. You can find this specialty in doctors’ offices, in doctors’ appointment schedules in clinics and medical centers. Treats diseases associated with the ear, nose and throat.

Well, here it’s just that an ear, nose and throat doctor or an ENT doctor is called correctly - an otolaryngologist. This specialist deals with the treatment of diseases associated with our ears, as well as with the throat and diseases in the nasal cavity.

As far as I know, an ENT doctor is also called an otolaryngologist, because it is this branch of medicine that is responsible for and studies the ear, throat, and nose. Laura is also simply called “ear, nose and throat”. Answer, otolaryngologist.

The full name of this medical profession is Otolaryngologist (it is quite difficult for a sober person to pronounce this word). People sometimes say ear-nose-throat, after the name of the organs that this specialist treats.

ENT-otolaryngologist. That's what it's called.

What is the correct name for a doctor who treats ears, nose and throat?

What is the name of the ear, nose and throat doctor, who is recommended to be consulted for inflammatory processes developing in the nasopharynx and oral cavity and injuries in these parts of the body? He is called a laryngootorhinologist, otorhinolaryngologist, or otolaryngologist. The science of otolaryngology studies everything related to the ears, throat and nose, which is why an ENT doctor is called that in everyday life. Young patients and elderly people most often need advice from this specialist. For children, an ENT doctor corrects congenital pathologies and treats various diseases caused by opportunistic microflora and viruses. For adults, it corrects age-related changes and provides assistance after injuries.

An otolaryngologist is a highly specialized doctor. His office is equipped with tools that require a certain skill to work with. For effective treatment, techniques using modern equipment are used.

Narrow specialization allows the otolaryngologist to study in detail all diseases of the nasopharynx and organ of hearing and possible complications, provide specialized assistance in difficult cases.

Otolaryngology involves conservative and operational types treatments with the help of which the patient gets rid of the health problems that forced him to turn to this specialist.

When is an otolaryngologist needed?

An otolaryngologist is often required when pathological conditions associated with the ears, sinuses, septum, tonsils. An ENT doctor has extensive knowledge in such areas of medicine as:

It is addressed if a foreign body is stuck in the narrow passages of the nasal cavity or inner ear. A bone stuck in the throat can be removed by this doctor using special tools. The organs that are examined and, if necessary, treated by an otolaryngologist include:

Adults come to this office when they experience temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Apnea and snoring can only be cured by an otolaryngologist.

A visit to the otorhinolaryngologist’s office is recommended for children who often suffer from sore throat, chronic runny nose with a deviated nasal septum. An ENT doctor's office is visited when a foreign body gets into the ear, which has penetrated so deeply that it is impossible to get it out on your own.

You need to visit an otolaryngologist when discomfort associated with the ears, throat or nose. Using special instruments, the doctor will examine the patient and give recommendations that can help prevent the development of the disease. This applies to people suffering allergic reactions when interacting with various stimuli affecting the nose, throat and ears.

You need to contact him if a facial injury occurs. The doctor will provide assistance and perform reconstructive treatment of abnormalities in the nose and ears. It corrects problems with voice and swallowing, motion sickness in transport.

The principle of the specialist's work

At the first visit to the otolaryngologist, an initial examination is carried out, which, if necessary, includes the use of modern equipment. If there are complaints of hearing loss, the doctor uses a hearing analyzer to determine the causes of hearing loss.

If the patient needs urgent specialized care, an otolaryngologist can perform therapeutic measures, aimed at cleansing the ears, throat, and nose of accumulated pus and mucus. The doctor provides specialized care not only for chronic course illness, but also in the acute period. It could be:

  • therapeutic lavage of the nasal cavity;
  • "cuckoo";
  • removal of sulfur plugs;
  • voice restoration activities;
  • correction of the nasal septum.

A deviated nasal septum can only be cured by surgery. With such a congenital or acquired pathology, breathing becomes more difficult and the sense of smell is impaired. Operations performed by an otolaryngologist on an outpatient basis require appropriate equipment.

In some cases, you will need an otolaryngologist who specializes in surgical intervention in the treatment of ears, throat, nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses. An ENT surgeon performs surgical operations related to cancer of the head and neck. He is needed in the treatment of injuries in these parts of the body, and provides facial plastic and reconstructive surgery services.

An otolaryngologist may perform a stapedectomy. This is the name for an operation performed on the smallest bone in the human skeleton. This doctor performs surgeries used to correct hearing. He inserts a cochlear implant, which is made in the form of a small electrode. It is placed inside the inner ear and improves hearing.

When ear pain which did not go away after instillation of warming drops, the help of an otolaryngologist is needed mandatory. Any inflammatory processes and abscesses that appear on the auricle require examination in a doctor’s office. Timely appeal and proper treatment of one source of infection allows you to prevent the occurrence of pathology in other ENT organs.

The appearance of mucus and pus from the ear opening is a serious reason to visit this doctor.

After examining the ears outside and inside using instruments to clarify the diagnosis, the ENT specialist prescribes treatment. For persistent diseases, he prescribes tests to determine the causative agent of the disease and adjusts the treatment.

For chronic and indolent diseases, an otolaryngologist can prescribe a study and carry out manipulations to alleviate the patient’s condition. In difficult cases, an operation is prescribed, which will be performed by an ENT doctor.

Tools and equipment used

In the otolaryngologist's office a large number of tools. The headlamp is identification mark this specialist. We have an endoscope for inspection internal cavities. There may be a telelaryngopharyngoscope with a telescope to help carry out complex manipulations. To examine the nasopharynx and nasal cavity, there is a rhinoscope and a nasopharyngeal speculum. There is a special hook for removing foreign bodies from openings in the cabinet.

Well-equipped patient rooms are equipped with a functional chair with a hydraulic drive. Private offices and clinics are often equipped with a specially created ENT unit, where there is a convenient place for examining and treating the patient.

It provides everything necessary systems, with the help of which patient examination and therapeutic manipulations are carried out. The kit includes a set of tools necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases.

Using this device, the ear, nose and throat doctor effectively performs the following manipulations:

  • sucks fluids from cavities;
  • washes them with disinfectant solutions;
  • massages the eardrums.

Physiotherapy is used for treatment. The ultrasonic device "Tonsillor" produces a very good effect in treatment, which accelerates the regeneration processes of the affected tissues of the ENT organs. An otolaryngologist can perform conservative treatment hypertrophy nasopharyngeal tonsil using a laser therapy device.

A doctor of this specialization, working in a well-equipped office, does not need to redirect the patient to other specialists. He does his work independently with the help of support staff.

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Doctor treating nose

What can happen to the nose? Firstly, it can be broken, damaging the cartilage and bone structures. Secondly, a boil develops in the nasal passages or on the surface of the nose. Thirdly, catch a cold and become the happy owner of sinusitis or sinusitis.

Ordinary congestion, that is, when the nose is simply stuffy (or also running), is treated by a therapist. If suddenly during a medical examination you are diagnosed with staphylococcus in your nose, this is dealt with by an otolaryngologist. He also treats polyps.

Inflammation of the sinuses is already sinusitis, or sinusitis. This is a serious matter and is being treated by an ENT specialist. It is important to promptly treat such phenomena in pregnant women.

The boil is removed by a surgeon, who also removes boils.

Thus, if you have a cold (herpes, sore nose), a stuffy nose, you can contact your therapist with this question.

In other cases, treatment is carried out by an ENT doctor.

If the structures of the nose are damaged and surgery is necessary, the issue is resolved by plastic and ordinary surgeons.

And, finally, if you just have a red nose, don’t rush to run to the doctor, maybe you just have frostbite!

You might also be interested.

What is the name of an “ear, nose and throat” doctor? This question is very often asked by patients who have problems with the mentioned organs. After all, such a phrase is an unofficial name for a doctor. In this regard, in this article we will give a comprehensive answer to the question of who is an “ear, nose, throat” doctor. Among other things, from the presented article you will learn what diseases this doctor treats, when you need to contact him, etc.

general information

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is this specialist called? IN official medicine such a doctor is called an otolaryngologist. As you know, patients come to him with complaints of ENT diseases. The work of such a doctor is related to the organs of smell and hearing, as well as the throat, neck and head.

Why is a doctor needed?

An otolaryngologist is a specialist who diagnoses and then treats various diseases associated with the ENT organs. It is not for nothing that such a doctor is available in almost every clinic. After all, the health of the ears, nose and throat is of particular importance. It is these organs that create the crossroads of the digestive and respiratory tracts, which react earlier than others to the effects of foreign agents, allergens, bacteria and pathogenic viruses.

Features of diseases of the ENT organs

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is such a doctor called? If you urgently need this specialist, then in the hospital you should look for an office with a sign “otolaryngologist”. It should be especially noted that all inflammatory processes, which become the causes of diseases of the ENT organs, can occur in both young children and adults. Typically, such deviations indicate problems with the immune system. If it is lowered, then various viruses begin to freely enter the human body, which primarily affect the throat, nose and ears. If treatment of these organs is not started immediately, pathogenic microorganisms will spread throughout the body, leading to irreversible consequences.

What does an ear, nose and throat doctor do?

We found out what such a specialist is called. Now I would like to talk about what an otolaryngologist does when a patient comes to him.

  • Based on examination and tests, he makes a diagnosis and then prescribes the necessary treatment to the patient.
  • Performs operations for abnormalities such as abscess and hematoma in the ear or nose. In addition, the otolaryngologist performs punctures of the maxillary sinus, opening of tumors, washing, removal of hematomas and polyps.
  • He deals with tonsillectomy and adenotomy, that is, he performs throat operations.
  • Performs operations on the middle ear.
  • Performs also on the nose (to correct the position of the septum).
  • Performs hearing-improving procedures.

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

Not everyone knows what diseases such a specialist treats. If you are planning an appointment with this doctor, you should definitely find out whether you really need an otolaryngologist.

So, the treatment process is within the competence of this doctor. various diseases ear, nose, larynx, and pharynx. In addition, you can contact him with the following deviations:

When should you see a doctor?

IN modern clinics There are two specialists in this area: a pediatric otolaryngologist and an adult otolaryngologist. They both treat ENT organs, but their approach to patients is completely different. After all babies and older children require special attention from a doctor.

So when is it necessary to contact an otolaryngologist? You should go to such a specialist if you or your child exhibit at least one of the following signs:

  • Mild tingling in one ear, noticeable hearing loss, or waxy discharge.
  • Pain sore tonsils, discharge of pus, problems with the thyroid gland or larynx.
  • Difficulty nasal breathing, frequent dizziness, heavy snoring, sleep disorders, constant and disturbances in the growth of the facial skeleton.

What tests should be taken to see an otolaryngologist?

If you are planning an appointment with an ENT doctor, it is recommended to take the following tests in advance:

  • Smears and cultures. They are taken from the nasopharynx, pharynx and nose to identify meningococci, staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Taking material from the tonsils, maxillary sinuses and

If these tests are not enough to make a diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe another examination.

used by an otolaryngologist

To quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, each doctor uses his own methods. As for the otolaryngologist, he applies the following:

  • Endoscopic methods. They are considered the most accurate among all existing ones. They allow you to quickly identify the existing disease and its causative agent. To make a diagnosis, specialists take tissue for further examination.
  • Computed tomography is a unique method that makes it possible to obtain a “layered” image of organs and their tissues.
  • Magnetic resonance examination. Such diagnostic method carried out through the influence of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
  • Ultrasonography. Used for tissue diagnostics using ultrasonic waves. On the positive side this method is that it does not have a harmful effect on the human body.
  • Rhinoscopy and audiometry.

Hearing is an important human ability to recognize sound signals coming from the environment. As a rule, people think about the name of a doctor who treats diseases related to the ears only when problems arise with the organ. If pathologies associated with hearing are noted, then first of all you need to contact an otolaryngologist or, as they usually call him in ordinary conversation, ENT. The doctor's specialization lies not only in the treatment of diseases of the ears, but also of nearby organs (nose, throat).

An otolaryngologist is one of the specialized specialists who are especially in demand, regardless of seasonal exacerbations of diseases. Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the development of pathologies of the ears and nasopharynx. Among the main diseases treated by an otolaryngologist are:

  • otitis is an inflammatory process affecting the structures of the ear;
  • eustachitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and tympanic cavity;
  • hearing loss – persistent weakening of hearing;
  • abnormal structure of ENT organs;
  • tumors in the ears;
  • Meniere's syndrome is a disease of the inner ear, accompanied by an increase in fluid in the cavity;
  • otomycosis – infection of the inner ear;
  • otosclerosis is a pathology associated with abnormal bone growth in the middle ear;
  • neuritis auditory nerve– an inflammatory process affecting the nerve of the inner ear;
  • deaf-muteness – congenital or acquired in early childhood lack of hearing;
  • mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, most often occurs as a result of complications of otitis media;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • dizziness;
  • throat diseases;
  • snore;
  • apnea – stopping breathing.

When examining a patient, an otolaryngologist can use the ears and their condition to determine not only the disorders occurring in this organ, but also in nearby ones. For example, a doctor looking into the ears determines with high accuracy exactly where catarrhal processes occur and which organs are still affected.

Methods for diagnosing ear diseases

When do they happen? pathological disorders in the organs of the auditory system, the patient may simultaneously experience various symptoms(pain, knocking, congestion, etc.). If any of the signs of the disease appear, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Based on ear diseases, a specialist can detect other pathological disorders that are directly related to the hearing organs. At the appointment, the doctor first examines the auricle, examines the patient’s complaints and diagnoses in the anamnesis. To verify the diagnosis, the otolaryngologist may prescribe following methods diagnostics:

  1. Otoscopy - examination of the external ear canal and the surface of the eardrum.
  2. Otomicroscopy is an examination of the ear using a microscope.
  3. Audiometry – measurement of hearing acuity.
  4. Tympanometry is a method for studying the functioning of the middle ear.
  5. Radiography is prescribed for the diagnosis of various diseases, as well as for traumatic injuries.
  6. CT and MRI of the ear - computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are highly informative methods for studying the ear and can detect almost all pathological disorders.

To conduct a high-quality examination of the hearing organs, the ear doctor uses special instruments. In the otolaryngologist's office you can see a large number of different devices that differ in the principle of use and purpose. The so-called “special” devices include: pure tone audiometer, endoscope, fibrolaryngoscope (device for examining the ear), X-ray viewer, microscope, medical tuning fork. To look deep into the ear and perform healing procedures the doctor uses various instruments (funnels, spatulas, tweezers, mirrors, etc.).

Subspecialties in otolaryngology

A doctor who treats ears has sufficient knowledge in all areas of medicine. The difference is that the doctor specialized in otolaryngology. The main branches of medicine that are included in the field of knowledge of ENT specialists:

  1. Laryngology.
  2. Rhinology.
  3. Otology.
  4. Allergology.
  5. Phoniatrics.
  6. Otoneurology.
  7. Audiology.
  8. Otosurgery.
  9. Pediatric otolaryngology.
  10. ENT-oncology.

After examination and diagnosis, the doctor, if indicated, can refer the patient for consultation to even more specialized specialists. The most common subspecialists in otolaryngology who treat ear pathologies are: otosurgeon, audiologist, otoneurologist. An otosurgeon (otiatrician) is a doctor who specializes in performing surgical interventions in the field of ear surgery. An audiologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats hearing impairment.

An otoneurologist is a specialist who deals with the treatment and prevention of pathologies that simultaneously affect the auditory and nervous system(dizziness, tinnitus and others).

In narrowing the specialization of doctors, both negative and positive sides. The advantage is that the doctor has more complete knowledge and understanding in the field of a specific pathology. The downside is the reduction of information regarding other diseases.

At first glance, it may seem that otolaryngologists treat a small number of diseases. But, despite the fact that the doctor’s competence includes only ENT organs, there are many pathologies associated with them. Often, ear diseases cause problems with the nose or throat, and vice versa. These organs are located in close proximity and are interconnected. The treatment of ENT diseases must be approached responsibly, since protracted and complicated pathologies can cause serious violations hearing, up to complete loss.

What is the name of an “ear, nose and throat” doctor? This question is very often asked by patients who have problems with the mentioned organs. After all, such a phrase is an unofficial name for a doctor. In this regard, in this article we will give a comprehensive answer to the question of who is an “ear, nose, throat” doctor. Among other things, from the presented article you will learn what diseases this doctor treats, when you need to contact him, etc.

general information

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is this specialist called? In official medicine, such a doctor is called an otolaryngologist. As you know, patients come to him with complaints of ENT diseases. The work of such a doctor is related to the organs of smell and hearing, as well as the throat, neck and head.

Why is a doctor needed?

An otolaryngologist is a specialist who diagnoses and then treats various diseases associated with the ENT organs. It is not for nothing that such a doctor is available in almost every clinic. After all, the health of the ears, nose and throat is of particular importance. It is these organs that create the crossroads of the digestive and respiratory tracts, which react earlier than others to the effects of foreign agents, allergens, bacteria and pathogenic viruses.

Features of diseases of the ENT organs

“Ear, nose, throat” doctor - what is such a doctor called? If you urgently need this specialist, then in the hospital you should look for an office with a sign “otolaryngologist”. It should be especially noted that all inflammatory processes, which become the causes of diseases of the ENT organs, can occur in both young children and adults. Typically, such deviations indicate problems with the immune system. If it is lowered, then various viruses begin to freely enter the human body, which primarily affect the throat, nose and ears. If treatment of these organs is not started immediately, pathogenic microorganisms will spread throughout the body, leading to irreversible consequences.

What does an ear, nose and throat doctor do?

We found out what such a specialist is called. Now I would like to talk about what an otolaryngologist does when a patient comes to him.

Based on examination and tests, he makes a diagnosis and then prescribes the necessary treatment to the patient. Performs operations for abnormalities such as an abscess and hematoma in the ear or nose. In addition, the otolaryngologist performs punctures of the maxillary sinus, opening tumors, washing, removing hematomas and polyps. He deals with tonsillectomy and adenotomy, that is, performs operations on the throat. Performs operations on the middle ear. Performs operations on the ears, as well as on the nose (to correct the partitions).Performs hearing-improving procedures.

What does an otolaryngologist treat?

Not everyone knows what diseases such a specialist treats. If you are planning an appointment with this doctor, you should definitely find out whether you really need an otolaryngologist.

So, the competence of this doctor is the process of treating various diseases of the ear, nose, larynx, maxillary sinus and pharynx. In addition, you can contact him with the following deviations:

with problems in the nasopharynx (for example, sinusitis, as well as acute, chronic and allergic rhinitis); with throat diseases (tonsillitis, purulent sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils); with ear diseases (serous otitis media, removal of wax plugs, etc.).

When should you see a doctor?

In modern clinics there are two specialists in this area: a pediatric otolaryngologist and an adult otolaryngologist. They both treat ENT organs, but their approach to patients is completely different. After all, infants and older children require special attention from a doctor.

So when is it necessary to contact an otolaryngologist? You should go to such a specialist if you or your child exhibit at least one of the following signs:

Mild tingling in one ear, noticeable hearing loss or waxy discharge. Sore throat, sore throat, sore tonsils, discharge of pus, problems with the thyroid gland or larynx. Difficulty in nasal breathing, frequent dizziness, severe snoring, sleep disturbances, constant low-grade fever and disturbances in the growth of the facial skeleton.

What tests should be taken to see an otolaryngologist?

If you are planning an appointment with an ENT doctor, it is recommended to take the following tests in advance:

Smears and cultures. They are taken from the nasopharynx, pharynx and nose to identify meningococci, staphylococci and streptococci. Taking material from the tonsils, maxillary sinuses and ear discharge.

If these tests are not enough to make a diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe another examination.

Diagnostic methods used by an otolaryngologist

To quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, each doctor uses his own methods. As for the otolaryngologist, he applies the following:

Endoscopic methods. They are considered the most accurate among all existing ones. They allow you to quickly identify the existing disease and its causative agent. To make a diagnosis, specialists take tissue for further examination. Computed tomography is a unique method that makes it possible to obtain a “layered” image of organs and their tissues. Magnetic resonance imaging. This diagnostic method is carried out by exposing the human body to electromagnetic waves. Ultrasound examination. Used for tissue diagnostics using ultrasonic waves. The positive side of this method is that it does not have a detrimental effect on the human body. Rhinoscopy and audiometry.

When is an otolaryngologist needed?

An otolaryngologist is often required when pathological conditions associated with the ears, sinuses, septum, and tonsils appear. An ENT doctor has extensive knowledge in such areas of medicine as:

audiology; speech pathology; allergic reactions; immunology; endocrinology; neurology.

It is addressed if a foreign body is stuck in the narrow passages of the nasal cavity or inner ear. A bone stuck in the throat can be removed by this doctor using special tools. The organs that are examined and, if necessary, treated by an otolaryngologist include:

larynx; pharynx; tonsils; maxillary sinuses; nasal septum; ears; inner ear.

Adults come to this office when they experience temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Apnea and snoring can only be cured by an otolaryngologist.

A visit to the office of an otolaryngologist is recommended for children who often suffer from sore throat, suffer from a chronic runny nose, or have a deviated nasal septum. An ENT doctor's office is visited when a foreign body gets into the ear, which has penetrated so deeply that it is impossible to get it out on your own.

You should visit an otolaryngologist if you experience any unpleasant sensations associated with your ears, throat or nose. Using special instruments, the doctor will examine the patient and give recommendations that can help prevent the development of the disease. This applies to people suffering from allergic reactions when interacting with various irritants affecting the nose, throat and ears.

You need to contact him if a facial injury occurs. The doctor will provide assistance and perform reconstructive treatment of abnormalities in the nose and ears. It corrects problems with voice and swallowing, motion sickness in transport.

The principle of the specialist's work

At the first visit to the otolaryngologist, an initial examination is carried out, which, if necessary, includes the use of modern equipment. If there are complaints of hearing loss, the doctor uses a hearing analyzer to determine the causes of hearing loss.

If the patient needs urgent specialized care, therapeutic measures can be carried out in the otolaryngologist’s office aimed at clearing the ears, throat, and nose of accumulated pus and mucus. The doctor provides specialized care not only for the chronic course of the disease, but also in the acute period. It could be:

therapeutic lavage of the nasal cavity; "cuckoo"; removal of sulfur plugs; voice restoration activities; correction of the nasal septum.

A deviated nasal septum can only be cured by surgery. With such a congenital or acquired pathology, breathing becomes more difficult and the sense of smell is impaired. Operations performed by an otolaryngologist on an outpatient basis require appropriate equipment.

In some cases, you will need an otolaryngologist who specializes in surgical intervention in the treatment of the ears, throat, nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses. An ENT surgeon performs surgical operations related to cancer of the head and neck. He is needed in the treatment of injuries in these parts of the body, and provides facial plastic and reconstructive surgery services.

An otolaryngologist may perform a stapedectomy. This is the name for an operation performed on the smallest bone in the human skeleton. This doctor performs surgeries used to correct hearing. He inserts a cochlear implant, which is made in the form of a small electrode. It is placed inside the inner ear and improves hearing.

If an earache occurs that does not go away after instillation of warming drops, the help of an otolaryngologist is required. Any inflammatory processes and abscesses that appear on the auricle require examination in a doctor’s office. Timely treatment and proper treatment of one source of infection can prevent the occurrence of pathology in other ENT organs.

The appearance of mucus and pus from the ear opening is a serious reason to visit this doctor.

After examining the ears outside and inside using instruments to clarify the diagnosis, the ENT specialist prescribes treatment. For persistent diseases, he prescribes tests to determine the causative agent of the disease and adjusts the treatment.

For chronic and indolent diseases, an otolaryngologist can prescribe a study and carry out manipulations to alleviate the patient’s condition. In difficult cases, an operation is prescribed, which will be performed by an ENT doctor.

Tools and equipment used

There are a large number of instruments in the otolaryngologist's office. The headlamp is the identifying mark of this specialist. The arsenal includes an endoscope for examining internal cavities. There may be a telelaryngopharyngoscope with a telescope to help carry out complex manipulations. To examine the nasopharynx and nasal cavity, there is a rhinoscope and a nasopharyngeal speculum. There is a special hook for removing foreign bodies from openings in the cabinet.

Well-equipped patient rooms are equipped with a functional chair with a hydraulic drive. Private offices and clinics are often equipped with a specially created ENT unit, where there is a convenient place for examining and treating the patient.

It provides all the necessary systems with the help of which patient examination and medical manipulations are carried out. The kit includes a set of tools necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases.

Using this device, the ear, nose and throat doctor effectively performs the following manipulations:

sucks fluids from cavities; washes them with disinfectant solutions; massages the eardrums.

Physiotherapy is used for treatment. The ultrasonic device “Tonsillor” produces a very good effect in treatment, which accelerates the regeneration processes of the affected tissues of the ENT organs. An otolaryngologist can carry out conservative treatment of hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil using a laser therapy device.

A doctor of this specialization, working in a well-equipped office, does not need to redirect the patient to other specialists. He does his work independently with the help of support staff.

At a doctor's appointment ear, throat, nose

Viral and bacterial diseases, popularly referred to as a cold, often cause complications. Thus, the patient may experience lumbago in the ear, sore throat and runny nose.

Doctor family medicine(therapist or pediatrician), having analyzed the patient’s complaints, has the right to refer him to his colleague - “ear, throat, nose”. A doctor specializing in these diseases can make a more accurate diagnosis and, therefore, prescribe effective treatment.

Anatomy of ENT organs

Relationship between ENT organs

When visiting an otolaryngologist, many patients are surprised why, when they have ear pain, the doctor also examines the throat and nose? The fact is that these organs are interconnected, so there is only one doctor.

One of the questions often asked at the reception desk of clinics is: “Ear, nose and throat doctor – what is the name?” In fact we're talking about about an otolaryngologist or, if it’s difficult to pronounce this word, then you can abbreviate it as ENT.

Good to know! In commercial clinics there is a service - “calling an ear, throat, nose doctor to your home.” This is a paid “pleasure”, the price of which on average ranges from 5 to 6.5 thousand rubles (depending on the remoteness of the locality).

Diseases of the ear, nasal cavity and throat can affect a person from birth and haunt him throughout his life. In most cases, pathologies are associated with infectious process, developing against the background of reduced immunity. As a rule, these diseases are successfully treated with medications and physical therapy, in severe cases Surgery is recommended.

The middle ear, which contains complex system auditory ossicles - (hammer, incus and stapes), called another paranasal sinus. It includes the mastoid process and the Eustachian tube, which connects the inner ear to the nasal cavity.

Thus, if the ENT organ is inflamed, then there is a high probability that the infection will spread to other organs. For example, with acute rhinitis, otitis may develop.

Interesting to know! In children, a runny nose is often complicated by ear inflammation, because in babies under one year of age auditory tube short, it is connected to tympanic cavity and the nasopharynx is almost horizontal. Thus, it is very easy for bacteria to penetrate from the nose into the ear cavity, since the distance between the organs is tiny, and the anatomical barrier has not yet formed.

The throat and nose are also communicated. Microbes located in the nasal cavity along with mucus can easily move into the throat. Further, a new focus of inflammation is observed here, which should also be treated. This leads to the conclusion: a runny nose can cause hyperemia in the throat, pain and soreness.

Ear diseases

Otitis media is a common disease in ENT practice.

The most common ear pathology is otitis media, which can occur in acute and chronic forms. In addition, patients with external and internal injuries, including foreign objects.

Alarming symptoms that may bother the patient:

pain and “shooting” inside the ear; decreased hearing; high body temperature; discharge of pus from the ear opening; signs general intoxication(nausea, headache, vomiting).

Table 1. Diagnostics ear diseases:

Research method brief information
Otoscopy It is carried out using an ear funnel. The doctor evaluates the condition of the external auditory canal, eardrum and middle ear. A magnifying glass or optical otoscope is often used to magnify the surface being examined.
"Test" for patency of the Eustachian tube The study is carried out to assess the state of conductivity sound signals. The “tested” patient is asked to do the following: swallow saliva with his nose pinched; exhale while holding his nose and mouth; blowing is also carried out with a Politzer balloon or ear catheter.
Audiometry The method is based on impact sound waves different sensitivity to determine the degree of hearing impairment. The doctor studies the patient’s audiogram and uses it to determine changes that occur in the ear’s perception of frequencies.

This allows differentiation similar diseases on hearing impairment, as well as identify sound perception disorders at the initial stage.

Acumetry Often the study is carried out together with audiometry.

Acumetry is a method that helps determine hearing loss. The research is carried out in a whisper, colloquial speech, tuning forks are also used.

Vestibulometry This group diagnostic studies which are carried out to evaluate the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

There are several methods for conducting vestibulometry:

assessment of spontaneous disturbances (touching the nose with a finger and walking with eyes closed, coordination of movements); load tests (the patient is rotated in a chair or water of different temperatures is infused into the external auditory opening, followed by assessment of the oscillatory movements of the eyeballs).

The examination examines the degree of inflammation of the inner ear and diagnoses Meniere's disease, acoustic neuroma, as well as a number of intracranial abnormalities, including a brain tumor and abscess.

Interesting to know! Many patients are interested in the name of an ear, throat, nose doctor who diagnoses and treats congenital and acquired pathologies of the middle ear? This is a doctor - an audiologist who sees patients with obvious problems with sound perception.

Treatment for ear diseases is often carried out by medication. If the process is caused by an infectious agent, then antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Warm compresses are also widely prescribed, antiseptic drops, antihistamines, antifungals and antiviral drugs.

For severe diagnoses, it is prescribed surgery, patients with hearing loss are advised to use an electronic sound amplification device. Those children who have speech problems due to the disease subsequently undergo special classes with a speech therapist.

Important! Despite the fact that each drug is accompanied by instructions describing indications and contraindications for use, it is not recommended to carry out treatment on your own!

Diseases of the nose and sinuses

The nose is an important organ respiratory system, its main function is to purify and warm the air. Not only the condition of the bronchopulmonary system, but also the body as a whole depends on the correctness of its operation.

The peak of visits to the doctor occurs in winter and late autumn, when there is a massive increase in colds, one of the symptoms of which is acute rhinitis. In summer and spring, patients complain of allergic manifestations caused by flowering plants and pollen.

Symptoms that require you to contact an otolaryngologist:

swelling of the mucous membrane; clear or thick mucous discharge (snot); nasal congestion; snoring at night, especially in childhood; the presence of a foreign object; dry nose, nosebleeds, excessive formation of crusts.

Table 2. Diagnosis of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses:

Research method brief information
Rhinoscopy Anterior rhinoscopy is performed using a nasal speculum (an ear speculum is used for young children). Carrying out this method allows you to examine the vestibule, septum, conchae, nasal passages, bottom, and upper wall of the nasal cavity (vault).

Posterior rhinoscopy is performed to visualize anatomical features and developmental defects eustachian tubes, nasal choanae and nasopharynx, you can also see a foreign body and identify the degree of proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.

Rhinoscopy is performed in case of impaired nasal breathing, mucous discharge, bleeding, as well as if any intracavitary disease is suspected.

Puncture of the nasal (usually maxillary) sinuses Manipulation is carried out using a thin long needle

After the puncture, the purulent contents are sucked out, which is placed in a special tube and then sent to the laboratory.

Digital examination of the nasopharynx The patient opens his mouth. Doctor moving his finger behind soft sky, in the nasopharynx he feels the choanae, the nasopharynx and the lateral walls.
Endoscopy of the nasal cavity An endoscope is a tube with a microcamera at the end. The information is displayed on the monitor, so the doctor will be able to examine even hard-to-reach areas of the nasal cavity. It's modern and highly informative method, which today is used in almost all ENT clinics.
Radiography An X-ray examination of the nose is most often performed if an inflammatory process of the sinuses is suspected. The method also helps to detect polyps, adenoids, cysts, and tumors. In surgery, x-rays are performed for closed or open trauma to the nasal bones or the facial part of the skull.

Many frequent medical structures They offer an X-ray at home service. The moving equipment is brought to the patient at the specified address, then a diagnostic procedure is carried out. To decipher the image and receive a treatment regimen, the patient must also call an ear, throat, nose doctor at home.

Treatment of acute infectious diseases of the nose must be carried out at the first signs of their manifestation. IN otherwise pathology can cause significant damage to health and even take a chronic course.

Methods for treating nasal diseases:

Medicines are used to treat diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. Thus, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drops(to ease breathing), antibacterial or antiviral therapy (to destroy pathogenic microorganisms– the main cause of diseases).Rinning the sinuses. During the procedure, excess mucus is removed, which causes inflammation and is also converted into pus. This procedure helps to liquefy and remove mucus, which is the key to get well soon and restoration of nasal breathing (watch the video in this article on how to properly rinse your nose at home). Physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF, inhalation, electrophoresis, laser beam and ultrasound are also used. Medical events improve metabolism at the local level, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, and also have an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Surgical resection of soft tissues and correction of cosmetic defects (rhinoplasty). In the case of adenoiditis, surgery is prescribed if previous treatment methods have not produced the desired effect. Also subject to surgical excision are scleromas (infiltrates), polyps (arising due to the proliferation of the nasal mucosa), purulent boils at the abscess stage, and all tumors of a benign and malignant nature.

Rhinoplasty is performed for injuries of the nasal bones, congenital and acquired defects:

cleft palate - cleft lip and cleft palate; conchotomy - removal of hypertrophy of mucous tissue; grafting - enlargement of a small or too short nose; correction of the bridge between the nostrils - columella.

For your information! Patients who are planning to undergo surgical correction of the olfactory organ are often interested in forums: “What is the correct name for an ear, throat, nose doctor who improves the highest point of the face?” The answer is quite simple: the doctor’s specialization is plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty (see below photo of the patient before and after surgery). This doctor You can also call to your home for consultation. For example, a patient with a broken nose will feel “uneasy” being in the clinic, interacting with other people and hiding his face behind dark glasses.

Nose before and after surgery

Modern methods of treating throat

Often colds are accompanied by pharyngitis, which manifests itself primarily as a sore throat. Among infectious diseases, chronic (inflammation of the tonsils) and acute tonsillitis are often diagnosed - plaque is present on the tonsils, and symptoms of general intoxication also appear - enlarged lymph nodes, increased body temperature (38-40 degrees), nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, loss of strength. A red throat can also occur with mononucleosis, bark fever, and scarlet fever.

At your appointment, the ENT doctor will definitely examine the oral cavity and oropharynx

Table 3. Diagnosis of throat diseases:

Research method brief information
Examination of the throat cavity The doctor presses the root of the tongue with a spatula and examines the throat. This method is used if pharyngitis, acute or chronic tonsillitis is suspected.
Hypopharyngoscopy The examination is carried out with a laryngeal mirror. Using this method, the doctor can see the root of the tongue, the lateral ligaments of the larynx, the interarytenoid space to the level of the entrance to the esophagus. If there is a need to consider further, then tubular spatulas or short wide tubes of a bronchoesophagoscope are used.

In most cases, the technique is used when food passage is disrupted or a tumor is suspected.

Mirror laryngoscopy The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia using laryngeal mirrors. In modern ENT practice, microlaryngoscopy is often used - direct laryngoscopy with examination through an operating microscope.

Important! To diagnose ENT diseases, more precise methods studies that allow us to examine even microscopic disorders are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

For throat diseases, a treatment regimen is prescribed only after the cause of the disease has been established. If the root of the pathology is an infectious factor, then the doctor prescribes antibacterial and antiviral drugs, rinses antiseptic solutions, and menthol dissolving tablets will be effective for pain relief.

Physiotherapy is also widely used - laser beam, UHF, inhalation and quartz tube. The operation is performed in cases where the disease causes a significant blow to health. For example, with frequent relapses chronic tonsillitis Vital organs can be damaged - the heart, kidneys, joints and even the brain. To avoid negative consequences, surgical resection of the palatine tonsils – tosillectomy – is prescribed.

Tonsil removal surgery

Mandatory surgical intervention carried out in the case of an oncological process in the mouth, throat or larynx. Cancers in the initial stages they are well treated and the average five-year survival rate of patients is about 80%.

Many patients believe that paid reception An ear, throat, nose doctor is a guarantee that a specialist will take the problem seriously, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. As practice shows, doctors in government and commercial institutions treat their patients with the same degree of responsibility.

At the first signs of the development of the disease, it is important to promptly consult a specialist. A patient with fever, severe headache and weakness should adhere to bed rest Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to call an ear, nose and throat doctor at home. This service can also be used by elderly patients and people with limited physical abilities.

In the cold, damp season, viruses and infections attack a person, and he urgently needs an ear, nose and throat doctor - as people call an ENT doctor. What is the correct name for this specialty? In what cases should you contact him? Is it possible to use homemade folk remedies on your own without the intervention of a doctor? The questions are relevant, because recently, environmental pollution, poor nutrition and the increasing use of chemicals in everyday life have led to frequent health problems.

Ear, nose and throat

The specialist who treats these organs is popularly called an ENT specialist. The full name of the doctor's specialty is otorhinolaryngologist. The compound word is actually made up of the roots of four ancient Greek words whose meanings are ear, nose, throat or larynx and science. These organs are anatomically close to each other and also have a functional connection. In addition, there is an undeniable interdependence of the diseases of these organs and, in some cases, the similarity of research methods. Otorhinolaryngology is a broad science. There are narrower specialties in this area, for example:

an audiologist checks hearing (causes, prevention, treatment and correction of deafness and hearing loss); otoneurologist - specialist in ear diseases; the phoniatrist pays close attention to the voice (physiology and pathology of voice formation); rhinologist is a doctor who treats pathologies of the nose.

The ear, throat, and nose are organs that, as a natural barrier, protect the human body from infections and viruses.

Investigating the causes of diseases of these organs, their treatment and prevention is the main goal that an ENT doctor sets for himself.

Three organs - one doctor

The structure of the ENT organs is interconnected, so pain in the ear may indicate a problem with the throat or nose. It would be a good idea to learn about the most common diseases treated by an otolaryngologist.

Otitis is inflammation of the ear. There are external, otitis media and inflammation of the inner ear. The most common infection is inflammation of the middle ear. This disease is rarely primary when infected. As a rule, it is activated during exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. When a person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose, bacteria can enter the middle ear, in most cases through the auditory tube. A tugging or shooting pain appears in the ear. An ear doctor, after examining the patient, will be able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the best treatment. Sensorineural hearing loss manifests itself as a rapid decrease in hearing and is accompanied by severe tinnitus. With cervical osteochondrosis, blood circulation in large blood vessels is disrupted, which can also affect hearing. Children's ears should be given special attention, since more than half of children under 3 years old suffer from one of the ear diseases. If you suspect that your child has ear pain, consult your doctor immediately, as self-medication can only cause harm. A pediatric ENT doctor will prescribe high-quality treatment. One of the common diseases is rhinitis. This is the name for inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis is familiar to everyone with unpleasant dryness in the nose, burning, tickling, then swelling and copious mucous discharge from the nose. All this leads not only to a change in voice, stuffy ears, loss of smell, but also to sleep disturbances, loss of taste and appetite. Sometimes a runny nose leads to inflammation of different parts of the paranasal sinuses. This is how sinusitis and sinusitis appear. Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, an increase in the hormone estrogen in the body and allergies contribute to nasal congestion. The doctor's goal is to determine the real cause. In addition, the ENT specialist removes foreign bodies from the nose and ears, and also rinses the ears from wax plugs. A common throat problem is pharyngitis. It manifests itself as soreness and pain when swallowing. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils on the roof of the mouth. Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) affects both the throat itself and the lymph nodes in the neck and tonsils. If treatment is not started on time, an exacerbation can contribute to the development of rheumatism of the joints and heart.

What is the name of the doctor who treats such a variety of diseases? Otorhinolaryngologist or ENT specialist. This specialist is available in all clinics. Seek prompt professional advice and treatment for yourself and your children.