When a person snores, he does not hear anything. How to fall asleep while your partner snores? Causes of severe snoring

According to statistics, approximately half of people with snoring partners do not get 2 hours of sleep each night, which gradually adds up to the loss of 2 years of sleep over the entire duration of the marriage. Despite the fact that they constantly make fun of the snorer, his partner is not laughing at all, and he begins to look for answers to the question of how to fall asleep if someone nearby snores very heavily. After all, a constant lack of sleep can result in poor health and severe irritability, which will adversely affect a person’s performance and his relationship with other people. Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent such a situation.

The ability to fall asleep while snoring will help you cope with this, which is what you need to learn.

How to fall asleep next to someone who snores

In order not to suffer every night without sleep because the person lying next to you snores loudly, you need to try to convince him to cure his snoring with the help of simple exercises or special devices. In the meantime, he snores every night as before, he needs to learn how to cope with this problem on his own. To help you fall asleep when another person is constantly snoring next to you, a few tips will help.

  • If a person is lying on his back and snoring loudly, you need to make him turn over on his side, since people practically do not snore in this position. To do this, you can place several pillows behind him, which will prevent the sleeper from turning over on his back.

A pocket sewn onto night pajamas between the shoulder blades, in which you can put a tennis ball or something similar, will help in this situation. Since it is uncomfortable to sleep with him on his back, the person will have to roll over on his side all the time, and at this time his partner will be able to easily fall asleep and have a normal night's sleep.

  • Some people don’t really ask the question: “what to do so that snoring doesn’t interfere with sleep,” but try to wake up their snoring partner so that they themselves can quickly fall asleep at this time and then not hear him.

  • You can cope with snoring using the following method, which is called changing the sound. This method will help answer the question: “What can I do to prevent snoring from preventing me from falling asleep?” To do this, you need to find a source of “white noise,” that is, some kind of neutral sound that will cover all other sounds, including loud ones. snore. This source will help somewhat reduce the perception of the sound of snoring and allow you to fall asleep faster. Nature sounds or some other “white noise” can easily be found on the Internet and then downloaded to your computer or phone. Some people choose monotonous, consistent sounds, such as rain, wind, or static electricity, which, as opposed to sounds with varying pitches (the sound of a storm or surf), will help them fall asleep faster.
  • If you have a fan, you can put it by the bed and turn it on. Many people find this sound much more pleasant than the loud snoring of a person lying next to them. If there is no fan, then the same effect will help create noise from a running computer.
  • You can go to bed listening to music on headphones. Calm and soothing music will help drown out the loud sound of snoring, as well as many other sounds, and help you relax before bed. And even if you are used to falling asleep in silence, then sleeping with music at first will not be a very good choice, but gradually the body will get used to it and will associate music with sleep.
  • Alternatively, you can download an inexpensive phone app that provides sleep instructions and sounds to help you fall asleep faster. In this case, the question: “how can I fall asleep while another person snores” will be less relevant to you.
  • You can also muffle the sound of snoring with headphones designed for sleep, which are quite inexpensive but can last a long time. Special earplugs - earplugs, which you can make yourself or buy ready-made, will also help get rid of the sound of snoring. You just need to take into account their size so that they are large enough and do not fall into the ear canal. Earplugs should also have a protruding part that allows them to be removed from your ears.

When making earplugs, you need to use only dense material that will provide good sound insulation and will not tear when removed from your ears. You should not use cotton wool or cotton, as the first one can quickly tear, and the second one cannot cope with its purpose. It is best to make foam earplugs or use a tightly rolled piece of fabric from an old T-shirt or socks.

  • Medical intervention will also help many people answer the question of what should I do if I can’t sleep when someone else snores. There are now many over-the-counter remedies that you can use if you can't sleep while your partner snores. If the situation is too serious, then you will have to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary sleeping pills. However, it is advisable to resort to taking sleeping pills as rarely as possible, since with constant use they become less effective. When purchasing medications, pay attention to the composition, where the main active ingredient should be diphenhydramine.
  • Taking medications may be helpful for those people who are the source of snoring. If the cause is nasal congestion, then taking antihistamines will help cope with this problem and relieve snoring.
  • To prevent snoring from interfering with falling asleep, you need to persuade your partner to undergo therapy or a sleep study to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. This must be done even because snoring can lead to apnea syndrome - stopping breathing during sleep.

  • Placing an extra pillow under your partner's head to raise their head higher can help stop snoring, especially when it is caused by nasal congestion or obesity.
  • Many people who have to sleep with someone who snores find it much better to sleep in a separate room. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry that sleeping in different bedrooms will alienate partners from each other. On the contrary, their relationship will become much stronger, as the partners will be able to take a break from each other. However, in this case, it is necessary to spend time together in the morning, before leaving for work, and in the evening, before going to bed.
  • It is also necessary to ask your partner to contact a family psychologist, since any unresolved problem causes tension in the relationship. After all, if you deal with the problem of snoring for a short time, it will not bring the desired result.
  • You can look at the problem in a different light and imagine that you hear not snoring, but the breathing of a loved one. A changed attitude towards snoring in combination with other methods will help you find a middle ground.
  • If you bring a dog into the house that also snores, its sound will be able to neutralize the noise of the first snorer, and then it will be easier to fall asleep.

If you are experiencing severe snoring in your partner, then ask yourself if I can help him overcome this problem. After all, both partners need this, so it is necessary to make every effort and take care of physical and psychological comfort.

What to do if someone close to you snores? Try some helpful tips to help restore your sleep and keep your household healthy.

  • You need to be careful when you sleep with headphones on, because the cord can compress your throat when it wraps around your neck.
  • You should not cover the mouth or head of a snoring person with anything to make the sound quieter, as this may result in suffocation.
  • You should not self-medicate or use medications against insomnia or allergies without consulting a doctor. Because the side effects and interactions of these drugs with other drugs can be very serious, especially when their dosage is exceeded.
  • When snoring sounds very loud and monotonous, and not evenly, in the rhythm of breathing, the snorer may suffer from apnea syndrome, so he should not take allergy medications. After all, such people can be sensitive to any medications, especially those taken before bed, which can be fatal.

Snoring is a special symptomatic process caused by a number of both physiological and pathological reasons. It is accompanied by specific breathing during sleep and is expressed in low-frequency sound vibrations, rattling sounds and vibrations emitted by the human respiratory system. What causes snoring and how to deal with this problem? You will read about this and much more below.

All possible causes of snoring

Snoring can be caused by both physiological factors and a wide range of pathologies. It is formed during the passage of air masses through the pharynx into the larynx area, with insufficient muscle tone of the latter, narrowing of the passage, excessive objects in the palate, etc.

Statistics show that about 20 percent of all people snore in their sleep - if in youth, only a few suffer from the problem, then after 30 and 40 years the percentage of people with symptomatic syndrome can reach up to half of the total population.

The most common causes of snoring are:

  • General aging of the body. A physiological reason, as a result of which the soft structures of the nasopharynx are modified and muscle tone is weakened;
  • Obesity. In some cases, excess body weight acts as a provoking factor in the formation of fatty deposits around the pharynx, causing snoring;
  • Taking sleeping pills, alcohol, smoking. Specific medications can relax the muscle structures of the respiratory system too much. Alcoholic drinks have a similar effect. Smoking provokes hardening of the soft structures of the larynx and pharynx, resulting in snoring;
  • Polyps, enlarged tonsils. Nasal polyps, palatine or pharyngeal tonsils, swollen beyond normal size, narrow the air passages, which leads to the formation of the syndrome;
  • Facial-maxillary anatomical problems. The narrowness of the nasal passages, a slanted or underdeveloped jaw, a deviated nasal septum and other anatomical problems, both congenital and acquired, can cause snoring;
  • Hypothyroidism, myxedema, rhinitis of broad ideology. These diseases and pathological conditions almost always provoke the formation of the syndrome;
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It is not a disease, but is considered a complicated form of the usual manifestation of a symptomatic process with a number of various complications. In most cases, in the early stages of development, it manifests itself exclusively in the form of snoring.

The above list is far from exhaustive, but reflects most of the causes of snoring during sleep.

Choosing the right sleeping place

Although the sleeping place cannot be a direct cause of snoring, in some cases it aggravates the condition of the patient with the syndrome and provokes more pronounced symptoms of the problem. To eliminate possible negative influence in this aspect, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Ventilate your bedroom regularly– stale and too dry air can cause allergic reactions, as well as drying out of the larynx, which leads to increased snoring;
  • Choose a bed according to body dimensions with a margin. A person suffering from snoring must sleep calmly and comfortably - otherwise the manifestations of the syndrome will be more pronounced. In addition to a comfortable bed, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress so that, regardless of body position, a night's rest becomes comfortable. As practice shows, most often a person begins to snore while lying on his back, while on his side the sound is weakly pronounced or absent altogether. If it is uncomfortable for him to sleep in this position, then snoring will haunt the household all night;
  • Pillow and blanket. A pillow for a snorer should be high, preferably with a natural plant-based filling. The blanket is moderately warm and appropriate for the season.

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Anti-snoring drugs

Conservative medicine does not know of truly reliable medications for stopping snoring attacks at night.

The groups of drugs present on the modern market have a narrowly targeted effect and work only on a limited number of possible causes of the syndrome, and in most cases providing minor symptomatic therapy.

The most popular medications are in the form of nasal drops, oral sprays and tablets:

  • Nasal drops. The narrowly targeted action of most of them temporarily reduces swelling of the nasopharynx, especially with rhinitis of various etiologies. In addition, the combined drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Typical representatives are Nasonex, Nazol Advance, etc. They are practically not effective in the presence of polyps as the cause of the problem, as well as other factors.
  • Sprays. Plant-based oral sprays are mainly classified as dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies. They do not have a 100% proven therapeutic effect. Most preparations contain extracts of lemon, sage, mint, lemon balm and other combinations that theoretically relieve irritability of soft tissues and normalize metabolic processes in them, strengthening muscle fibers. Typical representatives– MySllepGood, DreamZzz and other trade names. The second group of oral sprays are classic moisturizers based on sea water with a partial antiseptic effect, as well as medications that reduce swelling of the larynx.
  • Pills. The tablets against night snoring contain herbal components of belladonna, dubrovnik, chilibukha, histamine, potassium bichromate, ephedra bichromate and other elements. Belonging to the group of homeopathic remedies, such tablet forms of drugs in the medium term have a systemic beneficial effect on the body as a whole and the respiratory system in particular. The second group of tablets are classic sleeping pills. As modern research shows, the vast majority of drugs of this type have no effect on snoring, and in most cases even worsen it.

Special devices against night snoring

Modern manufacturers offer customers a variety of anti-snoring devices. They do not get rid of the cause of the syndrome, but in most cases they suppress it quite effectively.

  • Nose dilators. The spring-based system opens the wings of the nasal passages, which facilitates the passage of air masses and breathing;
  • Nose clips. Special silicone-based clips are attached directly to the nasal septum, providing improved breathing;
  • Anti-snoring bands. A special elastic system in the form of a bandage that fixes the lower jaw in a certain position in which there are no signs of the syndrome;
  • Intraoral mouthguards. A plastic device that looks like an adult pacifier. Mechanically affects the palate and tongue, as a result of which there is no narrowing of the passages and the person sleeps without snoring.

Folk remedies against snoring

Snoring is an eternal problem of humanity that has haunted people throughout the existence of civilization. Our ancestors, not having high technology at their disposal, developed their own solutions to the problem of eliminating this symptom.

Any recipes given below can be used only after consultation with your doctor!

  • Every time before going to bed, drink a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice on an empty stomach, first adding 2 teaspoons of honey to it and stirring thoroughly;
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of dried black elderberries with 2 tablespoons of common burdock. Add 1 teaspoon each of cinquefoil root and horsetail to the mixture. Grind everything thoroughly (you can use a blender or coffee grinder), then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass and fill it with boiling water to the brim. Let the broth brew for 1.5 hours, strain and consume within 24 hours, dividing equally into 5 doses;
  • Place 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil into each nostril 2 times a day - morning and evening before bed.

Exercises for snoring

A set of breathing exercises against snoring is aimed at systematic training of all structures of the upper respiratory tract and maintaining muscles and soft tissues in this area at a normal level.

This practice can be used in the absence of pathological causes of snoring - serious illnesses and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

The list of basic activities includes:

  • Language. Open your mouth wide and extend your tongue as far as possible, pointing its tip forward and slightly downward. Hold the position at the peak point for several seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day, 20-30 times;
  • Jaw. Place your palms on the lower jaw, then move it back and forth with little effort, while simultaneously providing possible resistance to movement - 2 times a day, 20 times. Open your mouth slightly and make circular movements with the same part of the skull, first clockwise, and then vice versa - 10 rotations 2-3 times a day;
  • General strengthening. Take a medium-sized wooden stick between your teeth and hold it there for 5 minutes, 2 times a day. Say the vowels “U” and “I” loudly, tensing your neck muscles as much as possible. 2 times a day, 20 times;
  • Sky. Press the upper palate with your tongue as hard as possible for 1 minute. Relax, then repeat the exercise 2 more times. Just 3 approaches 2 times a day;
  • Nasopharynx. Close your mouth tightly and breathe through your nose. Start moving the root of your tongue to your throat and back, doing 3 sets of 25 times. Rest 1 minute between sets. Only 2 times a day.

Hardware treatment for snoring

By hardware treatment for snoring, medical specialists usually mean complex physiotherapeutic procedures, the use of intraoral devices, as well as CPAP therapy

CPAP or CPAP therapy– systemic non-invasive ventilation of the lungs at two or three levels, performed using a compressor apparatus. Most often combined with low-flow oxygen therapy, it is used mainly in a hospital setting for complicated forms of OSA syndrome. Effective even in the short term, but requires regular use with rest periods.

Intraoral devices– outpatient medical versions of commercial mouth guards that apply a certain amount of gentle pressure to the palate and tongue to prevent breathing problems. They are placed at night and relieve the symptoms of the syndrome.

Physiotherapy is prescribed strictly individually depending on the current state of the patient’s body and the identified cause of snoring. Classical methods - electrophoresis, UV irradiation, UHF, ozokerite applications, etc.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, none of the above methods have the desired positive effect: sleep apnea does not disappear. In this case, a medical commission or a qualified otolaryngologist may recommend surgical intervention. Main events:

  • Elimination of anatomical defects at the level of the nose and throat – resection of too dense mucosa, correction of a deviated nasal septum, etc.;
  • Removal of tonsils, adenoids or polyps, acting as a provoking cause of snoring;
  • Operations on the soft palate, reducing the volume of soft tissues or increasing their density. Plastic surgery is performed using thermal, cold or radiofrequency techniques.;
  • In rare cases - remodeling operations of the maxillofacial spectrum, carried out in specialized centers and eliminating systemic problems of the facial skeleton.

Snoring as a consequence of aging after 40 years

One of the basic causes of snoring may be physiological aging of the body. This process has virtually no effect on the younger generation, but is the predominant factor in the occurrence of uncomplicated forms of the syndrome after 40 years.

Metabolic processes in the body slow down, and the final hormonal changes lead to a decrease in the activity of a number of systems. The intensity of oxidative processes decreases, along with systemic dysfunctions of the endocrine and other glands, excess weight begins to rapidly gain and water metabolism is disrupted.

The soft tissues of the respiratory tract lose their elasticity, partially thicken and loosen, which is why their lumen significantly narrows. Along with other problems in the body, this leads to a significant decrease in working capacity and the need for constant treatment of the syndrome, especially if additional provoking factors are present.

A set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for people over 40 years of age suffering from snoring or OSA syndrome is aimed at identifying age-related diseases and destructive changes, as well as their possible partial elimination.

  • Formation of a permanent regime. It is necessary to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, both on weekdays and on weekends. In this way, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the “biological clock”;
  • Taking into account physiological desire. Go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy. If you can’t fall asleep within an hour, try turning on light relaxing music, reading - it’s much better than just lying awake;
  • Choosing a rest time. If possible, get a full night's sleep. Daytime sleep if you have difficulty falling asleep at night is strictly contraindicated, otherwise the biological circadian rhythms will be disrupted for a long time;
  • Bed by purpose. Use the bedroom exclusively for direct purposes. Avoid getting emotional and using the bed as a place to watch TV. Train yourself to have good sleep hygiene and choose the right place to rest at night;
  • Prepare properly. Before going to bed, to calm down, you can take a warm bath with herbs, listen to the sounds of nature, contemplate beautiful landscapes, or, as a last resort, drink a cup of milk at room temperature with honey - black tea and coffee are contraindicated;
  • Diet. You can’t eat before bed if you don’t want to wake up your household with heavy snoring. 3-4 hours before your night's rest, give up any type of snack, even light ones;
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking, especially before bedtime, can provoke snoring - if possible, limit the regularity of their use or completely give up bad habits;
  • Drugs. Sleeping pills are not a solution to the problem of sleep and snoring, but only a disguise, and a rather unsuccessful one at that. Be independent of medications, try to fall asleep without them.

What can be done to prevent a person from snoring?

The only true solution to the problem of snoring is to find and diagnose its cause, as well as qualified therapy under the supervision of specialists. However, there are situations when something needs to be done here and now - annoying sounds prevent you from sleeping and simply drive you crazy. Popular methods of counteracting snoring:

  • Moving a person on his side. On their side, people with uncomplicated forms of snoring practically do not make any sounds. Try to gently and unobtrusively turn the person nearby from their back to their side so that they stop snoring;
  • A little trick. It is not always possible for a person to maintain a monotonous position on his side throughout the entire night - he still turns over onto his back and snoring occurs with renewed vigor. Try this little trick: Sew a pocket to your night pajamas and put a small ball there. When you try to roll over onto your back, the person will lie uncomfortably, and intuitively in your sleep he will take the position you need on his side;
  • Instrumental methods. Drops, lotions, sprays, tablets, breathing exercises and other methods of getting rid of snoring do not give an immediate effect, no matter how much you would like it. The only 100 percent way to instantly eliminate the symptoms of snoring is the use of special devices. This can be a headband (the bandage corrects the anatomical position of the jaw and opens the air passage), an intraoral mouthguard that gently presses the palate and tongue into the required position, as well as a special clip or attachment on the nose, in case of nasal snoring. All such gadgets are freely available. They will not help get rid of the cause of the syndrome, but they will at least allow you to eliminate the symptoms and sleep peacefully at night.

Consequences and complications of snoring

Snoring itself is not dangerous, but it is this specific phenomenon that usually accompanies obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. With OSA, in addition to the unpleasant sounds produced, a person is also diagnosed with frequent short pauses in breathing - during the night period of rest their number can reach 3-4 hundred. What does this lead to?:

  • Partial oxygen starvation, which causes disruptions in brain function;
  • Disruption of normal heart rhythms with a significant increase in the likelihood of heart attack and stroke;
  • Neurological manifestations as a consequence of constant fragmented sleep;
  • Hormonal imbalances with decreased libido and obesity;
  • Potential risks of death during sleep.

The problem of snoring should not be ignored. In addition to inconvenience for others, it can also pose a danger to the person himself, especially if the syndrome has reached a complicated stage.

According to statistics, 45% of the adult population periodically snores during their sleep and 25% snore constantly, thereby depriving those around them of a night's rest. However, not only loved ones suffer from loud peals, but also those who directly publish them, the site agrees. After all, snoring is the main symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a life-threatening condition. A person suffering from sleep apnea regularly stops breathing during sleep. Their frequency can reach up to fifty per night, and the duration can be from several seconds to a minute, which puts the patient in danger, and forces the whole world to look for remedies for severe snoring.

Causes and symptoms of severe snoring

Snoring is nothing more than hyperventilation of the lungs when the movement of the soft tissues of the pharynx narrows the respiratory channels. This makes it difficult for air to pass through them. As a result, the person begins to make sounds that everyone hates. To properly deal with this drawback, you need to install:

  • causes of severe snoring
  • symptoms of diseases that lead to it.

Causes of severe snoring

  1. Incorrect sleeping position. Snoring often occurs when a person sleeps on their back. This position promotes hyperventilation of the lungs. To solve this problem, just turn the sleeping person on his side.
  2. Obesity. Excess soft tissue in the throat area creates a barrier to the passage of air through it. The solution to this issue will only be getting rid of excess weight.
  3. Alcohol consumption. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the throat muscles. Snoring in this case is inevitable. Solution to the problem: stop drinking alcohol in the evening.
  4. Structural features: Narrow airways, a long tongue, a deviated nasal septum or soft palate can cause snoring. Solution to the problem: surgery, through which excess soft tissue of the mouth and throat can be removed.
  5. The presence of diseases of various origins. The most serious of all reasons, requiring immediate medical attention.

Symptoms accompanying heavy snoring

Snoring can be both a consequence and a harbinger of some diseases, by listening to which you can diagnose:

  • colds or allergies, which are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • tonsillitis or adenoids;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA);
  • benign or malignant tumors.

Therefore, if this trouble accompanies you for a long time, you should not leave everything to chance, but should contact an experienced specialist.

Apnea: severe snoring during sleep as a harbinger of stroke

But most often, snoring indicates obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS - from the English "Sleep apnea syndrome"). It is not difficult to recognize this illness: a person snoring in his sleep suddenly freezes for several minutes, and then begins to make sounds with an even greater whistle. The reason for this is the adhesion of the muscles of the oral cavity and pharynx, which leads to cessation of breathing or so-called apnea. If we take into account that up to 500 breathing stops are recorded per night, each of which lasts at least 10 seconds, it turns out that a person’s breathing is interrupted for up to two hours or more during the night.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

The main symptoms of obstructive apnea include:

  • heavy snoring;
  • interrupted breathing during sleep:
  • lethargy and drowsiness during the day;
  • forgetfulness, irritability, low concentration;
  • neck circumference for women is more than 40 cm and for men - 43 cm.

The insidiousness of apnea is that it causes complications of the cardiovascular system. Most of these patients suffer from high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Apnea can be dealt with. To do this, special devices are used that supply air under pressure into a person’s respiratory tract during sleep.

Someone's snoring can keep you from falling asleep. If you share a bed or room with someone who snores, there are ways to cope. For example, you can get rid of this noise by wearing headphones or earplugs. If someone interrupts your sleep by snoring, find a way to get back to sleep. Try to relieve the other person's snoring if you can. Try changing his daily habits and sleeping position to help relieve snoring. If your snoring gets worse over time, talk to your doctor to see if your partner has a health problem.


Get rid of the noise

    Wear earplugs. Earplugs can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket. When going to bed, put on earplugs - this will help get rid of unwanted sounds.

    Find the source of the white noise. White noise is a type of noise created by a TV or fan. Try finding a source of white noise to help you fall asleep. For example, you might turn on a fan, air conditioner, or other electrical appliance that creates white noise. In addition, you can buy a special device that creates white noise - it can be ordered online.

    • If you cannot find the source of white noise, you can turn on some program or video/audio on your computer that will create white noise.
  1. Start listening to music on headphones. If you have headphones and an audio player (or smartphone), you can simply listen to music. This will slightly muffle the sound of snoring and help you fall asleep faster.

    • Choose slow, relaxing music. Loud and fast music, on the contrary, will disturb your sleep.
    • If you have a Spotify account, look for a playlist specifically designed for good sleep.

What to do if your sleep is interrupted

  1. Learn to cope with situations when snoring interrupts your sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night snoring, don't worry. Worries will only prevent you from relaxing and falling asleep again. Better try to relax - this will help you fall asleep faster.

    • Don't check the time on your phone. Not only can this upset you, but the bright light from your phone screen will chase away any remaining sleep and make it difficult to fall back to sleep.
    • Instead, try closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Focus on making sure the air flows into your stomach.
  2. Try to change your attitude towards sounds. If you perceive snoring as an annoying drawback, it will likely make you nervous. Try to think of sound as a calming noise that will help you fall asleep. This will help you stay calm if you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. Try to listen carefully to your snoring and pay attention to the rhythm. This will help you fall asleep again.

    • It may take you a while for this method to work, so be patient. It may take practice to learn to accept the sound of snoring.
  3. Consider just sleeping in another room. If you can't sleep, just go to sleep in another room. If you have a guest room, you can sleep in it. In addition, you can try sleeping on the sofa in the living room. If you're dating someone who snores, you might want to consider sleeping separately at least a few nights a week.

How to relieve your partner's snoring

    Turn the snorer onto their side or stomach. Sometimes changing your position can help reduce snoring. If a person sleeps on their back, snoring may increase. Have the person sleep on their side or stomach and observe if there is a difference in the sound of snoring.

    Ask the person not to drink before bed. Alcohol helps relax the throat muscles, which can lead to increased snoring. Drinking too much before bed worsens the situation, increasing snoring. Ask the person not to drink before bed, especially if you have something important to do in the morning.

    • If this person likes to drink before bed, ask him to meet you halfway and drink just a little - this will help reduce snoring.
  1. Use nasal strips. Nasal strips are strips of paper that you place on your nose before going to bed. They help some people by helping to relieve snoring. If snoring has become a real problem for you, try buying some nasal strips at the pharmacy and ask the person to use them before bed.

    • If your snoring is caused by apnea (that is, an inability to breathe), nasal strips will not help.
  2. Raise the head of the bed. Raising the head of the bed about 10 centimeters can help reduce snoring. If you don't have a bed with an adjustable head, you can simply prop your head up with a few pillows.

Seek medical help

    Encourage the person who snores to use anti-snoring products. If a snorer has nasal congestion, their snoring may become worse. Ask him to use anticongestion medications (constrictor sprays or other medications) before bed. Make sure the anti-congestion spray is intended for nighttime use. Sprays that are intended for daytime use may not be as effective in combating snoring.

    Encourage the person who snores to see a doctor about their snoring. If this person smokes, let them consult their doctor about it. Not to mention that smoking can make snoring worse, it can contribute to the development of many diseases.

If you sleep with someone who snores every night, use the following methods to solve your snoring problem.

Change the way you experience sound

Find the source of the white noise. White noise is a neutral sound that covers all wavelengths. It can limit the perception of snoring and allow you to fall asleep. You can download white noise or nature sounds that work on a similar principle on the Internet. There are also devices that specifically create white noise.

Use a fan instead of a white noise machine. If you have a fan, place it near your bed and turn it on at night. For many people, the sound of a fan helps them fall asleep and not react to the sound of snoring.

Listen to music on headphones. You can also listen to some calm music that will help you forget about the sounds of snoring. For some people, especially music lovers, this is a better option than white noise. Music can help train your brain to ignore random sounds. But be sure to use special soft headphones designed for sleeping, which look like a headdress; they cost a little money and you can easily find them on the Internet.

Earplugs are a classic but very effective solution. Custom earplugs can be more comfortable than regular earplugs you can buy in a store. As a last resort, you can make your own earplugs. Use a multi-layer material that will not break. Cotton wool is not suitable because it comes off easily and provides little protection from noise. A small piece of fabric will help better.

Medical supplies

Take sleeping pills. There are many medications that can help you fall asleep before your partner starts snoring. Talk to your doctor and ask him which medications are most appropriate for you. Natural remedies, unfortunately, are not strong enough to stop snoring.

Take allergy medicine to help you sleep. Do this only as a last resort, because otherwise your body will quickly get used to the medicine. Read the brochure, instructions. Pain and cold medications taken at night (acetaminophen, ibuprofen), nasal congestion medications (such as pseudoephedrine), cough suppressants (dextromethorphan), and sometimes alcohol may also help. However, stay away from drugs that contain unnecessary active ingredients. By the way, you can also give anti-allergy medicine to your partner if his snoring occurs due to nasal congestion.

Ask your partner to go to a specialist. If your partner is disturbing your sleep by snoring, he should try to solve the problem. Ask him to go to a specialist (ENT doctor). An examination will help determine the severity and cause of the problem.

Alternative solutions

Turn your partner onto their side. People on their sides snore less! If possible, have your partner sleep on their side on the edge of the bed, with their back to you. Place pillows behind your partner's back to prevent them from rolling over onto their back.

Raise your partner's head. Wake your partner up only slightly so that you can place an extra pillow under your head. This will help stop snoring, especially if snoring is caused by obesity or nasal congestion.

Sleep in separate bedrooms. Many partners of snorers sleep much better in separate bedrooms. Some people, however, are afraid that intimacy will disappear from their relationship, but many people, in turn, argue that the opportunity to get a good night's sleep, on the contrary, only strengthens their relationship.


– Don’t put anything on your partner’s head or mouth – you could choke him.

– Be careful when sleeping with headphones on – the wire may wrap around your neck and choke you.

– If your partner or roommate snores very loudly and monotonously (without changing the breathing rate), then this may be a sign of sleep apnea. In this case, you should consult a doctor (neurologist) and undergo an apnea study in order to be able to begin treatment. Do not, under any circumstances, give these people allergy medications. Patients with sleep apnea may react severely to antihistamines and may even die.

– Do not take allergy medications without a doctor's recommendation. The side effects of these drugs can be very serious.