Feeling of full urinary tract. Why do you feel like your bladder is full? What could be the consequences?

A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen and a frequent need to urinate are dangerous symptoms indicating pathologies of the urinary system. A constant feeling of bladder fullness in men can accompany prostate diseases.

A common cause of discomfort in the bladder area is cystitis. This disease often develops against the background of decreased immunity. Cystitis is infectious in nature and is characterized by inflammation of the organ mucosa. Specific symptoms of the disease:

  • , which do not bring relief;
  • spastic pain;
  • foreign matter in urine
  • and in the urethra.

After visiting the restroom, you may find bloody spots or light flakes in your urine, which indicates bacterial inflammation. A feature of the disease is difficulty urinating. After visiting the restroom, the urge to urinate appears again after a few minutes. The frequency of urges reaches 10-15 per hour.

Another cause of discomfort in the bladder is calculi (stones). Pain, a feeling of fullness and distension in the organ appear when formations are displaced, for example, after physical activity. If the stones are large, the lining of the organ may be damaged and blood may appear in the urine.

The same signs are characteristic of pyelonephritis - bacterial damage to the kidneys.

With urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), there may be a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder along with a frequent urge to urinate. The increased frequency of urges is caused by irritation of the inflamed urethra. There may be pain when urinating.

Oncological diseases

Any inflammatory diseases occur with acute symptoms, except for cases of chronic inflammation. In addition to the constant fullness of the bladder, there are always symptoms of malaise, deterioration in performance, dull or cramping pain in the lower abdomen and pressure in the urethra.

Bladder cancer in the initial stages is asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy difficult. Quite often, the development of a malignant process is indicated only by a feeling of fullness of the bladder, pain and discomfort are completely absent.

The same symptoms can accompany prostate cancer. Due to the compression of the tissues of surrounding organs by the enlarged prostate, the bladder is constantly filled. Additionally, pressure is observed in the anus. As a rule, in the initial stages of cancer there is no significant discomfort at all. In this regard, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner to make a diagnosis. The earlier cancer is detected, the better the prognosis for the patient.

How are the prostate and bladder connected?

The two most common pathologies of older men are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. One of the symptoms of impaired functioning of the prostate gland is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Congestive prostatitis develops as a result of impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic organs. In this case, the trophism of the prostate gland is disrupted, which entails the development of inflammation. The inflamed organ swells and increases in size, putting pressure on surrounding tissues. Against this background, there is a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra and an increase in the tone of the bladder muscles. As a result, the outflow of urine worsens, and a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder appears. Discomfort increases at night, which is caused by swelling of the inflamed prostate.

With adenoma, the symptom appears for the same reasons, but is not caused by inflammation, but by an enlargement of the organ due to physiological changes associated with the natural aging process.

What to do if you feel discomfort?

You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom only after identifying the cause of its occurrence and treating the underlying disease. First of all, you should consult a urologist. To make a diagnosis, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Bacterial culture of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the bladder.
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys and prostate.

Treatment is selected depending on the cause of the discomfort. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own. Symptomatic therapy will not bring results; it is useless to fight discomfort without treating the underlying disease.

Feeling of a full bladder. And there is little urine output. During the day I urinate very often due to the feeling of a full bladder. In the morning it feels like it will burst. And to help a little and for a long time. An unpleasant nagging pain appeared at the bottom of the bladder. Sincerely. Thank you in advance.

Andrey, St. Petersburg

ANSWERED: 11/29/2017

Hello Andrei. The cause of this phenomenon may be simple cystitis. In order to identify the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination (general urinalysis, Nechiporenko, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder) and with the results of the examination contact a urologist for a consultation.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 11/29/2017 Lastkova Natalya Donetsk 0.0 neurologist, psychologist, associate professor

Hello Andrei. In addition to a general urine test, a urine test according to Nechiporenko, an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, I would recommend that you do AND TRUS to examine the prostate. Adenoma or prostatitis can also give similar symptoms. And then, with the results of the additional examination, go to a face-to-face appointment with a urologist. I wish you good health and all the best.

Clarification question

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The sensation of a full bladder after urinating is a common problem in men. It may be associated with muscle hypertonicity or caused by pathology of the genitourinary organs. Some systemic diseases can also cause this phenomenon.

Have you had a full medical examination in the last 5 years?



Inflammation of the bladder due to injury, hypothermia, hormonal disorders, blood stagnation. It is often caused by complications after infection of nearby organs. The chronic form of the disease is practically asymptomatic. characterized by a feeling of incomplete emptying, discomfort and pain at the end of urination. Blood appears in the urine, discomfort or aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen. Inflammation often spreads to the kidneys and causes pyelonephritis. Antibiotics are used as treatment. Antispasmodics are suitable for pain relief. It is also necessary to take diuretics and follow a special diet.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra. Occurs due to injury, metabolic disorders or allergies. Infectious urethritis is associated with sexually transmitted diseases or the proliferation of opportunistic microflora brought from the intestines. , complicating the outflow of urine. Therefore, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination in men. During urination and intimacy, pain and pain occur. Particles of blood and pus are released with semen and urine. A slight increase in temperature is possible. The disease often spreads to the internal and external genitalia and causes scarring. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy. For fungal infections, antimycotics are prescribed. Drip administration of drugs into the urethra and external antiseptic treatment have a positive effect.


Inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Predisposing factors include hypothermia, congestion, previous infections, and sedentary work. Chronic prostatitis often occurs immediately. It is characterized by a sluggish course and erased symptoms. Patients are concerned about discomfort in the perineum during urination and defecation. Possible under voltage. The acute form of the disease is more pronounced. It is accompanied by severe pain spreading throughout the groin area. . A strong increase in temperature is possible. Significant inflammation threatens the formation of an abscess and infection of other organs of the genitourinary system. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, massage, and physiotherapy. It is important to boost your immunity and give up bad habits.


They exert strong pressure on the bubble and provoke its rapid filling. Because of this, men constantly experience a feeling of a full bladder. Urination becomes difficult, and blood appears in the urine. Burning, pain and stinging are also possible. Patients are concerned about incontinence or, conversely, urinary retention. New growths are removed surgically. If cancer cells are detected, chemotherapy and radiation are administered.

Urethral strictures

Scarring in the urethra caused by inflammation or mechanical damage. With this pathology, there is no opportunity to urinate normally. You have to work hard. The stream is weak and splashes to the sides. . The process of urine outflow is accompanied by severe pain. The disease threatens complete fusion of the urethra. Urination becomes impossible, so a tube is inserted into the peritoneum to allow fluid to flow out into the urine bag. Surgery to dissect scars and urethroplasty is indicated as treatment.

Urolithiasis disease

Formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. Stones obstruct the flow of urine, causing a feeling of a full bladder in men and unbearable pain. Blood streaks appear in the urine. The stream is intermittent. There is constant pulling in the lower abdomen and radiates to the sides and lower back. This condition threatens to impair the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, leading to complete organ failure. Small stones do not require surgical intervention. To dissolve them, it is enough to take special medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Large stones are crushed surgically.

Other diseases

Disorders of the central nervous system sometimes provoke false signals about the feeling of a full bladder in men. In this case, there is a urge, but you cannot urinate. There is no pain or discharge. Constipation also contributes to the problem. The overfilled intestines press on the bladder, and it seems that urine has accumulated in it. A complete examination, identification and treatment of the primary pathology will help to cope with the phenomenon.

Men who are haunted by the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder should consult a urologist. There are no safe causes for this problem. And advanced pathologies threaten serious complications.

Can intermittent urine stream in men be a dangerous symptom? Difficulty urinating in men - an alarm bell or a symptom of age?

In the urologist's office, there are often cases when patients complain that urine does not completely come out. Moreover, both women and men can suffer from such a problem. Doctors call this phenomenon residual urine - liquid that remains in the organ, despite a person’s efforts to completely empty himself. In this case, 50 ml is already considered a significant volume, although in especially severe cases the “unnecessary weight” reaches a limit of several liters.


It is not surprising that the main complaint of people with this disorder is incomplete emptying of the bladder. There may be several reasons for concern: a weak “signal” to go to the toilet, a process that extends over several stages, as well as muscle tension and effort to ensure that the desired act takes place. In this case, patients may not feel any other discomfort. But doctors are confident that even these seemingly minor problems should be a reason for a visit to the clinic. After all, they lead to a number of severe and serious complications.

Chronic causes impaired renal function - this is easy to detect thanks to isotope renography. As a result, pyelonephritis, diverticula, cystitis or any other disease develop. If a person has chills, high fever and severe lower back pain, then doctors may suspect urosepsis. In the body, it can occur in a malignant form, as evidenced by toxic changes in the blood - high leukocytosis, for example.

Most common reasons

Based on the above facts, we can draw an absolutely logical conclusion: urine does not completely leave the bladder when the body “eats” a disease - chronic or acute. There are many factors leading to the problem:

  • Mechanical causes are diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney infections. For example, trauma to these organs, the presence of tumor formations on them, as well as prostate cancer, adenoma, phimosis, and the presence of stones.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: spinal cord or brain injuries, tumors, myelitis, and so on.
  • Drug intoxication. It is diagnosed when the patient takes narcotic drugs or sleeping pills for a long time.

The most common cause of urinary retention in men is adenoma. The problem occurs when blood rushes too much to this organ. The acute form is caused by severe hypothermia, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and digestive tract disorders.

Some more factors...

But these are not all the reasons that people complain about when they notice residual urine and pain when emptying the bladder. It happens that the problem occurs against the background of a fracture of the pelvic bones and trauma to the urethra - in most cases in representatives of the stronger sex. Less commonly, such discomfort is a consequence of a disorder of the nervous regulation of the muscular membrane of the bladder or inadequate functioning of the sphincters of this organ. It can be caused by hemorrhages in the spinal cord, compression of the vertebrae, etc.

Often has a reflex character. That is, it is observed in a person in the first few days after he has undergone surgery on the pelvic organs or has suffered from severe stress. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in completely healthy people who regularly drink alcohol. Alcoholics develop atony of the bladder muscle - weakening of the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the patient cannot fully control the act of emptying.

Types of urinary retention

This disorder can be of two types. When urine does not completely exit the bladder, doctors diagnose complete or incomplete retention. The first involves the patient’s desire to go to the toilet, in which the body cannot release even a drop of liquid. For such people, urine has been released from the organ artificially for years - through a catheter. When the liquid comes out partially, they say that the act began, but for some reason was never completed. Usually, trouble occurs against the background of the diseases described above. As soon as the problem is resolved, the process will be restored. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the delay can become chronic.

Frequent emptying of the bladder without its final emptying leads to stretching of the walls of the organ. This, in turn, provokes another problem - the inability to retain fluid in the middle of the body. At first, a person loses a few drops at a time, but after some time he is not able to fully control the process - urination occurs anywhere under different conditions. This phenomenon is called paradoxical ischuria.

Other forms

A disorder called “residual urine” is sometimes associated with rather unusual factors. For example, there is a peculiar form of delay, which is characterized by a sudden interruption of the process with the opportunity to continue it. The patient begins to have bowel movements normally, but the act suddenly stops. Often the cause is a stone located in the ureter. When the body position changes, the manipulation is resumed. Doctors say that some patients with urolithiasis can only go to the toilet in one position - sitting, squatting, or sideways.

Delayed emptying may be accompanied by hematuria - the presence of blood in the fluid. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye: the urine takes on a pinkish or brown tint. If the presence of blood is too small to be noticed, the fluid is taken for analysis, where it is analyzed under a microscope and conclusions are drawn. By the way, experienced urologists can detect urinary retention even during a routine examination. In such patients, swelling is felt in the lower abdomen, caused by the presence of an incompletely emptied bladder.

How to help the patient?

If urine does not completely exit the bladder, a person needs urgent medical advice. An acute form of organ dysfunction requires emergency care. Typically, such people have a catheter inserted for normal emptying. For these purposes, the outer opening of the canal is treated and disinfected, after which a rubber tube generously moistened with Vaseline or glycerin is carefully inserted into it. Tweezers regulate the movement of the catheter, securing it in the urethra. The procedure is carried out progressively - 2 centimeters at a time, without haste or sudden movements.

If the cause of the patient’s problem is urolithiasis or prostatitis, then the manipulation is not performed. In these cases, the presence of a rubber tube in the organ can lead to serious complications. The catheter may be placed permanently. In this case, the procedure is performed by a urologist, prescribing antibiotics after it to avoid the development of inflammatory processes. The patient himself can insert a temporary rubber tube immediately before bowel movement. But before that, he must consult a doctor.


The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder is quite unpleasant. To get rid of it forever, you must first remove the cause that caused the problem. Get a full examination from a qualified urologist. Having consulted, if necessary, with a nephrologist, gynecologist and oncologist, he will diagnose the disease and take measures to treat it. Oddly enough, reflex delays are the hardest to heal, since they are psychological in nature. Psychotherapy sessions help here, as well as simple manipulations such as irrigating the genitals with warm water or running a water tap during urination.

Remember that incomplete bowel movements can be a lifelong problem. In this case they talk about a relapse. Moreover, it occurs in cases where the patient catches a urinary tract infection. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your health and sound the alarm at the slightest sign of discomfort. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and often leads to serious consequences and serious complications.

After passing urine, the feeling of a full bladder may still not leave the person. This means the presence of pathologies in the body, most often ailments associated with the urinary system. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor’s office and consult with him in the hope of understanding what triggered the feeling of fullness.

Causes of feeling a full bladder

The feeling of a full bladder after urinating appears for a reason. This is influenced by many factors, especially diseases of the urinary system or nearby organs. Ailments related to neurology and other areas, for example, multiple sclerosis, radiculitis, herniated discs, and problems with the spinal cord, also provoke feelings of fullness. The human brain can send false signals that the bladder is full. This occurs due to the impact of irritants on the walls of the bladder. This phenomenon causes inflammation of nearby organs.

Main reasons:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system, such as tumors, uterine fibroids, etc. provoke disturbances in bladder emptying.
  • Severe stages of urethritis and cystitis give the feeling that the bladder is full.
  • Narrowing or fusion of the walls of the urethra.
  • Acute infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, the prostate in men, which are accompanied by pain and swelling. Infections give the feeling that the bladder is full.
  • Oncological tumors in women and men in the urinary organs.
  • Frequent constipation, which puts pressure on the bladder. In this case, a feeling of a constantly filled bubble appears.
  • The formation of stones in the bladder provokes a feeling of a full bladder.


If there seems to be a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder, medical attention will be needed.

You cannot ignore obvious signs of pathology, otherwise it will lead to dire consequences. In addition to the filling of the urinary system and the fact that the patient finds it difficult to empty it, irritated outflow walls also show the following signs of the disease:

An addition to this symptom may be lumbar pain.
  • incontinence;
  • edema;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • small amount of urine excreted;
  • malaise, fever;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor of urine;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • urine with bloody discharge, sand, and a cloudy tint;
  • pain in the lumbar and pelvic area.

What does this lead to?

If a person does not empty himself completely, and the urine does not come out completely, this has a detrimental effect on his health, since bacteria arise in the remaining fluid in the urinary system, which contribute to inflammatory processes in the urinary organs. provokes the development of diseases such as cystitis and urethritis. It is recommended to visit a doctor immediately because the disease can affect other organs in the body, in particular the kidneys.

Diagnostic procedures

To understand what triggers the feeling of fullness, you need to consult a urologist. Before making a diagnosis, he will conduct an examination and clarify all the individual characteristics of the person: age category, gender, genetic predisposition, medical history, complaints. Then he will order an instrumental examination in the laboratory. To discover the reason why the bladder is always full or full, the following tests are carried out:

To make a diagnosis, the patient needs to have a urine culture tested for bacteria.
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • examination of the human urinary tract using ultrasound;
  • urine culture;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvis;
  • cystoscopy to study the condition of the surface of the organ.

In rare cases, after the examination, additional diagnostic measures may be necessary:

  • appointment of magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • radiography.