Maral root. Medicinal properties and contraindications. Leuzea: reviews on the use of tincture. Medicinal properties of Leuzea

Maral root (Leuzea) improves blood composition, increases the content of red blood cells, leukocytes, hemoglobin, and helps improve immunity. Preparations based on Leuzea safflower provide blood supply to the central nervous system, regulate blood pressure.

Maral root (Leuzea) has a mild vasodilator effect.

Acting as a natural adaptogen, m Aralia root (Leuzea) has a tonic and general strengthening effect, increasing the body’s resistance to physical stress and unfavorable factors external environment.

Leuzea safflower (maral root) - Rhaponticum carthamoides is a rare and endangered plant with unique properties. Contains biostimulants - phytoecdysteroids and occupies an outstanding place among other adaptogens in its ability to prevent the onset of many diseases, effectively relieve extremely wide circle pathologies. The use of Leuzea preparations has no age or seasonal restrictions. Security and absence side effects when used, has stood the test of time over five thousand years in practice oriental medicine. It is also important that they combine perfectly with classical medications.

Nutritional supplements from Leuzea (maral root) are used as antidepressants and immunostimulants, concentrators of mental energy, physical and sexual strength, as anti-shock, anti-pain and wound healing agents.

Substances contained in maral root (Leuzea) are the cause of the anabolic effect in vertebrates, stimulating protein biosynthesis in muscle tissue, are used as means high technology in many branches of medicine.

Maral root (Leuzea) used as a stimulant and tonic. When taken, performance, endurance, mood and appetite increase, fatigue and the feeling of tiredness go away. Maral root is also effective for functional disorders nervous system, its depression.

Leuzea (maral root) relieves irritability, headaches, depression and hypotension.

Greatest efficiency when used maral root (Leuzea) noted in the treatment of patients with complaints of increased fatigue, Bad mood and decreased appetite, irritability, headache, bad dream, decreased sexual activity, various vegetative-vascular disorders.

Maral root (Leuzea) used for alcoholism and impotence. In addition, strong antidiabetic properties have been proven. Maral root also accelerates the healing of wounds and fractures.

Leuzea (maral root) valued because of the phytoecdysones it contains - these are compounds that enhance protein synthesis, responsible for its accumulation in the muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. In addition, maral root contains alkaloids, carotene, and ascorbic acid. As a result of using drugs based on maral root there is a build-up muscle mass, which is very important for athletes and people with high physical activity.

Leuzea (maral root) has a tonic and stimulating effect. Its main pharmacological properties are increasing the strength of contraction and muscle performance, improving blood supply to the muscles and brain.

Maral root (Leuzea) used for functional disorders of the central nervous system, loss of strength, mental and physical fatigue, when working in extreme conditions, insomnia, diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism. With long-term use, the incidence of illness decreases, self-esteem of health improves, heart rate decreases during physical activity, static endurance and fine hand coordination increases, and mental performance improves. After a single dose of the extract Leuzea a stimulating effect on the central nervous system is noted. At the same time, the hemodynamic response to physical activity is also softened and reduced recovery period after it (less than when taking Eleutherococcus, but more than after taking ginseng).

Leuzea (maral root) widely used in folk medicine Siberia - residents have long known that deer, deer, cows and horses search for this plant and intensively eat it. Siberian old-timers noticed in the last century beneficial influence maral root (leuzea) and on the human body. People say about this plant that it “raises a person from fourteen diseases and fills him with youth.”

Decoction of rhizomes and roots Leuzea (maral root) and them alcohol tincture have a good tonic and stimulating effect. A decoction and tincture of maral root relieves the feeling of tiredness and tiredness during physical and mental work, restores vigor, increases appetite, significantly enhances performance, improves general health and enhance the activity of the gonads (promote the restoration of sexual function).

Clinical studies have shown that the drugs Leuzea stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, and especially the cerebral cortex, increase endurance to physical activity, reduce the feeling of fatigue, persistently increase blood pressure, slow down the rhythm and increase the amplitude of heart pulsation, expand peripheral vessels and increase the speed of blood flow.

Root decoction Leuzea used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac for general loss of strength after suffering serious illnesses, physical and mental fatigue and loss of sexual activity.

Leuzea began to be widely used in scientific medicine. It is used when there is a loss of strength, general weakness, exhaustion of various origins, decreased physical and mental performance, irritability, headaches, chronic alcoholism and impotence (sexual impotence).

Drugs maral root (Leuzea) necessary to maintain the general tone of the body, eliminate disorders associated with metabolic disorders and menstrual cycle, rehabilitation in postoperative period, recovery after a serious illness.

Reception maral root (Leuzea) relieves irritability, neuroses, psychoasthenic conditions, hyperexcitability and lethargy, fear, fright and fear.

Important property maral root (Leuzea) is the ability to suppress any pain in the body, no matter where it is localized.

Effective use Leuzea (maral root) at home for quick sobering up at drunkenness, from getting rid of the consequences food poisoning, to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, accelerated healing wounds and bone fractures.

Leuzea (maral root) also recommended for employees mental labor, whose activities are associated with the need to memorize a large amount of information, concentrate attention and demonstrate accuracy, and overcome logical difficulties.

Justified use maral root (Leuzea) services emergency situations when work must be carried out in a tense psycho-emotional environment associated with the action of strong stimuli, lack of time and lack (excess) of information.

Biologically active additives from Leuzea (maral root) designed to gain strength and endurance in professional sports, for extension muscle fibers in bodybuilding, maral root preparations improve metabolic processes associated with protein synthesis and energy expenditure cellular level, which effectively affects the elimination of muscle fatigue during intense physical activity. This is also the reason for burning excess fat in the body.

Along with sports, adaptogens contained in maral root (Leuzea) widely used in marine, space and military medicine to overcome extreme physical and intellectual loads normal healthy person. Allowing you to repeatedly concentrate psychic energy, refine the functioning of the senses and not succumb to the effects of sleep, preparations from Leuzea (maral root) can serve as the basis for “elixirs of fearlessness.”

Maral root (Leuzea) - an indispensable tool relieving fatigue for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, tourists and summer residents.

Favorable effect on the psycho-emotional state of the individual, cardiovascular system and the dynamic performance of the body is the basis of drugs for improving sexual function and enhancing libido.

Leuzea (maral root) is one of the best means to restore and maintain sexual activity, eliminates frigidity and potency disorders. Women improve reproductive functions(the ability to conceive and give birth to a full-fledged child).

One of the old legends tells that hunters once found a boy in the taiga. He was so weak and exhausted that he could not even move, he could not even speak or raise his head.

The hunters brought him to the village to the local doctor, and he poured a decoction of Leuzea roots into the boy’s mouth.

A few minutes later the boy jumped to his feet, ran out into the street and began uprooting trees. They barely calmed him down and convinced him to channel his newfound strength into a useful direction.

The boy grew up to be a real giant and until the end of his days he protected the inhabitants of the village, helping them in everything. And during the hunt, one carried a whole deer, throwing the carcass on his shoulders.


Like any medicine, maral root (Leuzea) there are some contraindications. Not recommended for use Leuzea during pregnancy and hypertension. In glaucoma, may cause unacceptable dilatation blood vessels fundus. In some cases, when taking Leuzea safflower (maral root) a decrease in blood clotting was noted.

First mentions of medicinal plant Leuzea safflower belongs to 19th century. The first to cultivate it were the Europeans. Traditional healers of Siberia believed that it helps maintain health, youth and cure 14 diseases. In common parlance, the medicinal plant is commonly called Today official medicine actively uses it for pharmaceutical purposes: tinctures, extracts and decoctions are made from it.

What does Leuzea look like?

She receives mostly positive reviews from users. Finding a herbaceous perennial reaching 180 cm will not be difficult. It attracts attention with a thick, erect stem with a fairly large, spherical, purple basket with small purple flowers. It begins to bloom in July-August, and only in alpine and subalpine areas. The rhizomes of the deer root are branched, very dense with a resinous odor.

Biochemical composition

The underground part of the plant is rich in tannins, flavonoids, ecdysones (steroid compounds), resins, essential oils, and carotene. The roots are also rich in ascorbic acid, inulin, gum, coumarins, organic acids, phosphorus salts, catechins and arsenic. The above-ground parts also contain useful material: micro- and macroelements, proteins, sugars, mineral elements. It has been scientifically proven that Leuzea has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effect on our body. People's reviews are as follows: the tincture helps relieve irritability and quickly eliminates fatigue and apathy.

Medicinal properties

The biological activity of maral root is associated primarily with high content ecdysterone (natural anabolic). Accumulates during the growth phase. The tincture regulates blood pressure (maintains normal levels during hypotension), improves blood circulation, increases heart rate, and also has hypoglycemic, psychostimulating, anticoagulant and vasodilating properties. It has a beneficial effect on the sex glands, increases performance, improves immunity and improves well-being.

Use for medical purposes.


The root mass of the plant is dug up in the third year of the growing season, in early October. Leaves, on the contrary, begin to be harvested in July or August. An infusion from the rhizome is used for physical fatigue, especially among athletes. Maral root normalizes the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, increases appetite, relieves nervous excitement and improves the condition of alcohol intoxication.

To reduce blood clotting, a tincture of flower baskets is used. It also helps women relieve clinical manifestations during the onset of menopause. It is not difficult to prepare the drug; for this you will need a large spoon of raw materials (crushed) and a glass of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for half an hour, then infused and taken in filtered form, a spoonful twice a day.

For insomnia and fatigue, it is recommended to drink two spoons three times a day, before meals - for two weeks. Leuzea tincture receives only good reviews; many advise using it in the off-season, especially after severe stress and illness. Helps patients suffering from cardiosclerosis and hypotension.

Leuzea extract

Reviews and opinions of people who often use the supplement note the following: the extract gives strength, energizes and relieves fatigue. Traditional healers Maral root is used as a tonic and stimulant for (sexual activity in men), increased fatigue and loss of strength. The extract removes lactate (lactic acid), helps accumulate ATP and glycogen in the liver, muscles and heart. In addition, it has an antihypoxic and hypolipidemic effect.


The food industry produces the healing and very tasty drink “Sayany”, which has a lot of useful properties. But an even more valuable decoction for restoring health can be made at home from the following ingredients: grind a large spoon of roots, pour boiling water (a glass), transfer to an enamel container and boil for half an hour. The broth is allowed to brew for some time, then filtered and diluted boiled water(two hundred grams). Drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. Prescribed for low blood pressure. They also wipe the face and neck to rejuvenate and give freshness to the skin. Helps smooth out facial wrinkles and improve the quality of the epidermis of Leuzea. User reviews best confirm the medicinal properties of the plant.

For bodybuilders and athletes

Thanks to miraculous properties, maral root is often used by athletes before and after strength training. suffered trauma For get well soon. This is a real natural anabolic steroid that acts as a dope. After its use, all the body’s reserves are mobilized, a person feels a surge of strength and energy.

Regular and long-term use of the supplement leads to dilation of blood vessels and an increase in the number of capillaries. As a result, blood flow and heartbeat are restored and the pulse stabilizes. Available in the form of capsules and tablets. It is considered a completely natural and safe product. According to doctors, the drugs have no side effects, but only help athletes improve their health. That's why it's recommended

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing sowing in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh herbs It will not appear from the beds so soon.

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings - the presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require from you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective fertilizers for seedlings.

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Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on a good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new houseplants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beauty often face difficulties flowering plants. After all, for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. Unpretentious plants There are not very many flowers blooming in rooms, and one of them is streptocarpus.

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I think many will agree that we perceive the wind well only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy, warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect the area from the wind, we'll talk In this article.

Making a shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner couldn't be easier! This breakfast contains almost everything necessary products, which will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch, without adding extra centimeters to your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants of antiquity that, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also able to largely retain their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil is a wonderful universal seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil turns out to be a surprisingly versatile plant. For several seasons now, our family has been happily drinking aromatic basil tea. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spice plant a worthy place was also found.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? This question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and markets where these plants are sold. It is, of course, not entirely correct and correct. Well, it’s the same as asking what is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely, everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet... What if you approach with an open mind and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Brown Cream of Cauliflower Soup with Crispy Smoked Bacon is a delicious, smooth and creamy soup that both adults and children will love. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including kids, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a frying pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you have given up growing vegetables, you will probably still have to sow something. These include flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

A lover of moist air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on huge flowers I want to look at a modest orchid endlessly. In indoor culture, pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Latin name Stemmacantha cartamoides (Willd.) M. Dittrich

Synonyms: Common safflower, Maral root

Family Asteraceae

Genus Stemmacantha-Leuzea

Even Russian settlers in Altai noticed that deer deer dig up and eat the roots of Leuzea. Where does the synonym come from - maral root. Among the local population there was a belief about the miraculous power of this root, which cures 14 ailments and restores youth.


Leuzea safflower orcommon safflower(Rhaponticum carthamoides Willd.) - perennial herbaceous plant family Asteraceae (Asteraceae) with a horizontal dark brown branched rhizome with numerous thin, hard roots up to 20 cm long.

Rhizome forms from 5 to 20 vegetative shoots with a rosette of 3-4 large, petiolate, pinnately divided leaves 60-100 cm long.

There are usually 1-2 generative shoots, they are hollow, ribbed, cobwebby-pubescent or almost bare, 1-1.5 m high, with smaller sessile leaves.

The flowers are violet-pink, collected in single apical baskets with a diameter of 4-8 cm.

The fruits are ellipsoidal gray-brown, ribbed achenes with a short fringed edge, 6-8 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, with a short fringed edge.

Blooms in July-August; the seeds ripen in August.


It is found mainly within the subalpine belt of Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau, Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains. The altitudinal distribution limits of the species are 600-2500 m above sea level, most abundantly found at an altitude of 1400-1800 m. It lives mainly on mountain meadow soils. Prefers gentle slopes, protected from prevailing winds; grows on stone screes, along river valleys that have winter period heavy snow cover.

Leuzea safflower Growing on the site

In cultivation, it grows best on sandy and loamy soils in areas with a slight slope that allows excess water to drain. Does not tolerate heavy soils with close standing groundwater and areas where there is stagnation of water. Requires well-lit areas for successful growth.


Sowing is carried out in early spring with seeds stratified for 2-3 months. The optimal temperature for seed germination is within 20-30 °C. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, the distance between rows is 50-70 cm. Shoots appear in 1.5-2 weeks.

In the first year, only a rosette of basal leaves develops.

Starting from the 2-3rd year of the growing season, the plants bloom and bear fruit. Some plants bloom for the first time only in the fourth year of life.
Inflorescences with set seeds must be protected from the invasion of birds, which love to feast on seeds from Leuzea flower baskets. To do this, immediately after flowering, the baskets are tied with a cloth or a piece of gauze.


Leuzea is responsive to the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers. When preparing the site, add manure and peat manure compost in a dose of 2-3 buckets per 1 m2. During the growing season, from the second year, at the beginning of active growth of plants, fertilizing is done: 10 g of nitrogen, 30 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potassium fertilizers per 1 m2. Care includes weeding, loosening and, if necessary, watering. Roots can be dug starting from the third year of life.

Plants can be placed near a fence, in group plantings against the background of a lawn, or in the background of a mixborder.

Medicinal raw materials

They use underground organs (rhizomes with roots), which are harvested in September. They are washed, avoiding prolonged soaking in water, then dried in the sun for 4-6 days, spread out in a layer no more than 10-25 cm thick on racks, tarpaulin, polymer film, stirring occasionally. In unfavorable weather, dry in dryers or in heated rooms with good ventilation.

Chemical composition

Phytoecdysteroids contained in the roots of Leuzea have an anabolic effect. Leuzea ecdysones exhibit stimulating and adaptogenic effects.

Active ingredients

The underground organs contain a sum of phytoecdysones (ecdysterone, inocosterone, integisterone A and B, etc.), sterols, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, resins, fats, waxes, gums, carotene, ascorbic acid, inulin, calcium oxalate, salts phosphoric acid. One of the main biological active substances(along with other phytoecdysones) is ecdysterone, which has the main effects inherent in Leuzea preparations. Aboveground organs (inflorescences, stems, leaves) also contain from 0.26 to 0.57% ecdysterone (by weight of absolutely dry raw materials). The above-ground organs of cultivated plants contain 0.35-1.22%, and the seeds 1.5% ecdysterone.



Not used in medicine. Liquid extract and tincture from the rhizome with Leuzea roots is used as a stimulant for disorders of the nervous system, mental and physical fatigue, decreased ability to work, impotence, depression, and vegetative-vascular disorders.

In folk medicine, infusion and decoction of rhizomes are used as a tonic and stimulant for asthenia. Leuzea preparations relieve fatigue, enhance performance, and improve overall well-being.

Application in official and folk medicine

Phytoecdysteroids contained in the roots of Leuzea are structurally identical or similar to the hormones of molting and metamorphosis of insects, and have an anabolic effect on humans and mammals. Their content in Leuzea is about 0.3%. It has been established that Leuzea ecdysones exhibit psychostimulating and adaptogenic effects, so they should be considered as the main active ingredients this plant. The main ecdysteroid is hydroxyecdysone (ecdysterone).

Ecdysterone, isolated from maral root, stimulates growth processes and has anabolic properties.
Liquid extract and tincture of rhizomes with roots are used in scientific medicine as a stimulant for functional disorders of the nervous system, mental and physical fatigue, decreased ability to work, and sexual impotence. Leuzea extract clinical trials showed the most high efficiency for vegetative-vascular disorders, depression. The extract in the experiment increases the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, accelerates puberty, gives a weak estrogenic effect. Aboveground part pharmacological activity not inferior to underground organs. In folk medicine, tincture, infusion and decoction of rhizomes with roots are used as a tonic and stimulant for asthenia in convalescents and the elderly. Preparations of maral root relieve the feeling of tiredness and tiredness during physical and mental work, restore vigor, increase appetite, significantly enhance performance, improve general well-being, and enhance the activity of the gonads.

Potato safflower Use at home

Leuzea liquid extract in 70% alcohol (1:1) is taken 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. It is often used in combination with Eleutherococcus extract (1:1) as a tonic and general strengthening agent,

Easy to prepare at home infusion of rhizomes with roots. To do this, pour 20 g of crushed raw materials into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, and filter. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
More convenient to store and use is a tincture of rhizomes with roots in vodka (1:5). Leave for 45 days, take from 20 drops to 1 teaspoon (depending on individual characteristics person) 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, in the evening - at least 5 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 months, break 10 days.
Most often, Leuzea preparations are used in autumn, winter and spring, when the incidence increases sharply colds and appear seasonal depression. In summer, treatment with deer root is not advisable.

Food use

Leuzea is part of tonic soft drink"Sayans" and "Russian Balsam".

Nature has gifted us with a variety of rescuers who can be met at every step while walking in nature. Truly we have a priceless treasure under our feet! This medicinal plants. Some of them are widespread, but this does not lose their value and charm. Others, like Leuzea safflower, are extremely rare and therefore are especially highly valued. Why does this beauty attract seekers of natural treasures?

About the features of Leuzea safflower

This is not a particularly popular plant, but extremely valuable in its composition and properties, and lives in Altai. Leuzea is called “deer root” here, and also “strong” and is widely used in folk medicine. The flower, if it is comfortable, grows up to one and a half meters. On the lower part of the woody stem there are branched leaves with average length about thirty centimeters. The leaves become smaller as they move away from the root, which, by the way, is very special. The root system is quite powerful, but they produce a woody root with a special smell. The flowers are captivating - lilac-pink, consisting of small petals.

Medicinal properties of Leuzea safflower

In folk medicine, the roots of the plant are used. A drink is made from Leuzea. A doctor may prescribe a few drops of the extract. The plant has a tonic property: if a person is tired or depressed, Leuzea safflower will come to his rescue (the price, by the way, is quite affordable - one hundred rubles for 25 g of root). It will dilate blood vessels, speed up the heartbeat, increase blood pressure, resulting in vascular tone and vigor. This property of Leuzea safflower is used in the treatment of depression when the tincture is prescribed as a stimulant. Improvements in brain function are also noted, which is why it is prescribed to mentally tired people. The range of actions of Leuzea is wide: from depression, from fatigue, from mental and nervous disorders, and from sexual impotence. The root thins the blood and the drugs are low toxic.

Chemical composition

What provides the stimulating effect of the root? Until recently, the composition was covered with a veil of uncertainty, but now scientists claim that the plant contains inulin, phosphorus, calcium and arsenic salts, essential oils, resins and organic acids: citric, succinic, tartaric, fumaric, as well as tannins, and vitamins S and A.

Contraindications to the use of the root

Leuzea safflower is known for its stimulating properties. Reviews about her are only positive. However, you should also remember about contraindications. This root should not be used by people with elevated blood pressure, as well as people with poor clotting blood or dilated vessels.

Application of Leuzea safflower

This plant is not very popular in our country, although growing it is not special labor- it will take root in any conditions if you loosen the soil. Leuzea is one of a number of rare and endangered plants, so it must be treated with care. At the same time, cultivation is quite a promising business, because there is a need, and not only for medicine. Leuzea-based food promotes the growth and development of still fragile young animals; it is noted, for example, that the more valuable the antlers of deer are, the more they consumed the root.