Long wait. What can quotes about waiting tell you?

While waiting for the best, don't miss the present.

Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days.

"Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky"

Hope and expectation turn wise men into fools.

Everything you expect is easier to bear.


I believe in two things. In the kindness of the saints and in the fact that someone else will come.

Living means constantly waiting and having a lot of contact with people.

Waiting is not at all so tiring, especially if you know how to spend your time wisely.

It is very stupid to wait, the most common and most wrong thing to do. You need to live in such a way that you don’t wait at all...

We all suffer pain, we all hold on to hopes, we all bask in expectations, and we are all haunted by fears and missed opportunities.

"Sidney Poitier"

You will never be able to live up to other people's expectations...

The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you are waiting in the wrong place.

"Elchin Safarli"

Only the unexpected makes one happy, but it must come across much that is expected and dispel it.

"Elias Canetti"

If you want results that exceed your expectations, don't expect much.

Unreasonable expectations always end in disappointment.

"Yuliy Medvedev"

When you are waiting for a certain moment or meeting a person, you want to live faster.

Others will always be dissatisfied with something because the reason for it is within them, not within you!

I can’t stand this state: it’s as if there’s nothing left to wait for, but you still wait.

"Daphne du Maurier"

Deep down, she knew that nothing terrible would happen to her. She won't go crazy and commit suicide. One day the day will come when she will feel happy again. It was only necessary to live until this day.

"Cecelia Ahern"

I am waiting. It's easy for me to be patient and not rush things. I know how to say: “I don’t care,” moreover, I know how to believe it.

"Max Fry"

Waiting for misfortune is perhaps a worse misfortune than misfortune itself.

Only those for whom it will never come wait for their time.

"Grigory Adolfovich Landau"

The expectation of joy is also joy.

"Gotthold Lessing"

A great objective expectation passes through the world, often thwarted, but nevertheless approaching its core not only in symbols. The general staff of this expectation is called philosophy.

And yet, the main thing in this life is the ability to wait. And the one who has mastered this skill will definitely master himself and wait for what he sincerely desires.

"Katerina Dyomushkina"

Today, every person with a brain is gripped by the anticipation of horror.

"George Orwell"

The worst thing is waiting... Waiting for something that will no longer happen.

You can't wait for what's waiting for you. You have to go to him.

"Han Xiangzi"

I don't expect anything anymore. And it's not scary at all. Instead of hope, I found peace.

"Adolfo Bioy Casares"

It is better to be late where you are expected than to show up on time where you were not invited.

Even the most beautiful accomplishment cannot fill the void that waiting has created.

"Lion Feuchtwanger"

You get tired of waiting, but how much worse it would be if there was nothing to wait for.

"Bernard Show"

If you don't expect anything from anyone, you won't be disappointed.

"Sylvia Plath"

If you sit on the seashore for a long time, sooner or later the yacht of your enemy, who has become rich over the years, will sail past you.

All we do is wait. Either summer, then New Year... then happiness.

Even if someone believes that there is nothing to expect, we are always waiting for something or someone.

"Charles Aznavour"

Waiting is painful. Forgetting hurts. But the worst kind of suffering is not knowing what decision to make.

"Paulo Coelho"

She was afraid of life, which began to remind her of a gray waiting room in the intensive care unit.

I waited years for my life to change, but now I know that she was waiting for me to change.

"Fabio Volo"

The main thing is not just to wait for the best, but to believe in the best.

The wind blows your hair, you look into the distance, and there is only one thought in your head: “Where are you, my soul mate?!”

If you don’t demand from a woman, she can give much more than you expect.

It’s no longer 20, but still, as in childhood, waiting for a miracle...

I like to wake up in the morning before the alarm clock rings, stretch sweetly and suddenly jump out of bed. In the kitchen, delicious scrambled eggs are already sizzling and the kettle is singing. Now I will come in, and you will smile and say: “Rise and shine! Good morning, my love!

I can be alone if I have someone to wait for.

Everything will happen if only a person waits and hopes.

Everything goes smoothly for no one, No one has yet escaped problems. Waiting for ideal conditions, in the end you will be left with nothing!

Never argue with a guy - immediately cry!

What should I give you on March 8? - I would like an apple. Bitten, and preferably on the back of a new phone

I don't know how to wait long, but life is so long.

You can only wait for the lady of your heart, and then no more than five minutes.

Sometimes we wait for those who will NOT come:

Often the anticipation is much more pleasant than the ending.

Everything you expect is easier to bear.

What does a woman need for a holiday? Just a couple of gentle words, Yes, a serenade under the window, And a small bouquet of flowers. Keys, of course, to the car, a ring on the finger and a necklace, and there was such a man nearby, so that everyone would be jealous!

Let those who are waiting be sure to wait!

We are always waiting for something - tired of waiting for one thing, we switch to another. But the worst thing is when there is nothing to wait for!

There are no chance meetings. this or a test. or punishment... or a gift of fate.

Having exhausted our empty expectations, we see real prospects that we never dreamed of:

Come to me, hug me and tell me that I am yours and you will not give me to anyone. Don't stand on the sidelines waiting for me to take the first step.

He who waits for luck never knows whether he will have dinner today.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst suffering is not knowing what decision to make.

March 8 is practically the only day when a woman agrees with everything that is said to her

He who knows how to wait always gets more.

This world will never be the way we would like it to be...

One head is good, One with brains is better!

The longer the wait for pleasure, the brighter it is!!!

There's only one way left, go crazy

Studying - again a bad mood in the morning and waiting for Friday.

The worst thing is when you have to wait and can't do anything. This can drive you crazy.

In anticipation, character grows stronger, hope weakens, and love dies:

Whoever you deal with will be the reason for the children.

The expectation of joy is also joy.

Waiting too long tastes unnecessary

Where we are expected, we always turn up right on time.

There was a knock on the door. Not the ones she was expecting:

The only people who are never late are those whom no one is waiting for anywhere.

As a rule, expectations lead to disappointments!

Since I know that you will come, I can wait for you as long as I like.

Sometimes you just have to wait. For some events the time has not yet come.

Unfortunately, sometimes only separation teaches the love of a loved one.

Waiting tests your feelings for strength.

It's so painful to listen to this silence. You're just silent, and I'm waiting for something:

The longer the separation, the greater the happiness of the meeting.

Sometimes you want a person to be there so much that you simply can’t bear to wait any longer. But still you wait.

Expectation is a powerful attraction: Expect what you want, and don't expect what you don't want.

All we do is wait. Either summer, then New Year: then happiness:

Think what you want, but only I know what it cost me not to call you.

Well, a new season called “waiting for spring” has arrived!

I'm ready to wait forever if I knew you'd come.

At every step you have to sacrifice something, come to terms with something and suppress, suppress your inappropriate thirst for harmony. And when happy coincidences do happen, expectations are justified, the insight is even more bitter, because these trembling coincidences turn out to be false, fake.

You can languish for a long time with expectations and forebodings against the backdrop of a measured life - until someone appears and formulates out loud what you only vaguely imagined. And then everything happens at once: premonitions come true, expectations are justified. Sometimes saying it out loud is like casting a spell, right?

While you are languishing in anticipation of your prince, your happiness is very close, patiently waiting for you to finally pay attention to him!

The sun will shine through our window.

She is no longer young, but she really wants love, family, and a meeting with one and only man. It costs nothing to deceive her.

I want a beautiful autumn with leaves, sun and wind. And I really want to meet love this fall!

Life is always waiting for that hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions.

People see what they are used to seeing, and note only what they expect.

When you don’t expect anything from anyone, help comes like a miracle, but if you count on others, it’s a complete disappointment.

About a princess, or maybe about a frog... I’m sitting like a princess, alone in a swamp... Well, where are you, Ivans, Ilyushas, ​​Volodya? Where are your arrows of Cupid flying??? Even though I’m in a swamp, I’m not at all a fool... I’m smart, and slim, and pretty... And even a beautiful soul in my body... And with a bunch of arrows... But a worthless catch... Only wolf arrows fly and goats... Well, where are you, prince, or fool Ivan? Didn't you really trade me for the sofa?!

His patience was rewarded when it was almost exhausted, as it happens very often. All the most interesting things happen exactly when you stop waiting for it, and fall out of the blue unexpectedly and, of course, not at all as expected.

Having exhausted our empty expectations, we see real prospects that we never dreamed of...

You can expect EVERYTHING from a woman, but not what you want...

Those who chose the blade will be waiting at the window by those who keep swan loyalty in their hearts...

I'm not upset that he didn't call. I'm offended that I waited like a fool...

Independence is the main value for me. This way I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations.

I wanted to be heard so badly that I never thought about listening. But what I regret most is that I lived every day waiting for my life to begin.

Romantic women wait for a prince on a white horse, practical women wait for a businessman on a black Mercedes, but realistic women don’t wait, they find them themselves...

We are far apart. Now between us there are patterns of constellations and the whistling of winds, roads with trains running into the distance and a boring chain of telegraph poles.

What do these few seconds mean compared to the infinity of my wait?

The best thing is to be patient and wait. Don't lose hope and unravel the tangled threads one by one. No matter how hopeless the situation may be, there is always an end to the thread somewhere. There is nothing to do but wait, just as when you find yourself in the dark, you wait for your eyes to get used to it.

Expectation and fulfillment come together in language.

Only those who no longer expect anything and hope for nothing are not disappointed in life.

As soon as a man realizes that you are WAITING for him... He makes you WAIT FOREVER!

I now understand that I have loved you for a long time. This feeling lived deeply, deeply, I never gave it free rein. It was friendship. Completely sincere, without female expectations that spoil a lot. If you wait and don’t get it in the end, all the brightest things are replaced by hatred. It was enough for me to have you around. Not two steps away from me, not on the next chair. You were in my life - and that was enough.

The more painful the wait, the sweeter the reward.

To avoid disappointment, you need to lower your expectations.

Through the leaves and trees the sun blinks into my eyes... Disbelief hits me suffocatingly, fear is swallowed up by tears. Is time a harbinger of change or endless boredom? What will come in return for my present torment? Maybe new pain, or long-awaited joy... Cry, scream, howl, but there is no strength left to wait...

We're hoping for sunshine, but preparing for rain.

It is not the blows of the hammer, but the dance of the water that brings the pebbles to perfection...

Waiting too long can be detrimental as the sense of purpose gradually weakens.

Stop waiting untimely. We need to move from dead points. Expectation can be broken, but it does not want to be reconciled. Let go through thousands of “NOs”, but love, to the tips of your fingers. Maybe you are the very light for the soul of lonely wanderers...

I no longer expect anything from him: no meetings, messages, no calls, no words... I'm just waiting for him to disappear from my thoughts...

What do I have? Dirty laundry and endless waiting....

And outside the window the rain and slush begs me for a tear. I won’t cry about the weather, I’ll wait for “Indian Summer”!

The abbot knew that waiting was a sin. Every moment should be appreciated. And waiting is disrespect for the future and at the same time.

What you really look forward to always comes unexpectedly...

What you want to give does not always coincide with what is expected of you.

If you wait too long for a second wind, you can wait for artificial...

Oh, I had a dream, I’ve been living in Vesna for a whole year, I thought I was going crazy, I looked out the window - !

Wait and believe that the meeting will happen. Look how bright the stars are burning... He who seriously loves will return. He who knows how to wait will wait...

People live up to expectations if you believe in them.

Here's the simplest test for falling in love: if, after spending four or five hours without your lover, you begin to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable!

When you are standing on the platform and waiting for your high-speed train called “Destiny”... you pray to God for only one thing: that your fellow travelers be good!

Just because someone didn't live up to your expectations doesn't mean you shouldn't love them.

And suddenly something happens that seemed impossible, incredible. A very simple thing happens that makes everything a thousand times better - the weather, health, business. He is coming back...

When I can't find a place for myself due to anxiety, inaction and waiting are pure torture.

The very expectation of inevitable meanness was much more painful than itself.

You can’t sit and wait for the sun, you have to chase it yourself.

The biggest mistake is to wait your whole life for a better life!

The unexpected happens in life more often than the expected.

I begged you to God with tears! You appeared, and it became a little warmer... Every time, accompanying you to the threshold, I say: “I’m waiting! I want it! Come back quickly!”

Love is a function as natural as breathing. And when you love a person, don't start demanding - otherwise you close the door from the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes, feel grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come, there is no need for it to come. You can't expect this.

Always aim high! Over the years, I have learned that high expectations bring great results. Average expectations bring low results. And low expectations do not bring any results.

The time when we wait for happy days is often better than these very days. – Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.

It is much easier to survive unexpected grief than constant fear and anticipation of impending misfortune.

I am always waiting for you, I believe that, even despite the rain, you will definitely come to me...

It’s very difficult for me, because I have nothing but dirty laundry and endless waiting...

For some reason, when you receive something that you have been waiting for or striving for for a very long time, interest in it suddenly disappears.

There is no need to justify yourself by expecting something. Nothing comes for nothing. These are unjustified illusions. It’s like a wanderer lost in the desert soon begins to perceive sand as water.

There always comes a time in life when the future depends only on independent decisive actions. - Paulo Coelho.

I always try to justify the audience's expectations and give the audience much more than they expected. I know for sure that only true talent and endless hard work are worthy of such admirers.

The bitterness and melancholy of waiting is quickly compensated by the sweetness and joy of its fruits.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

Knowledge sits in you, but you don’t notice it until it shakes you properly, and then you realize that you’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time. But you still won’t know why.

Against my will, I begin to wait.

Everything will happen if only a person waits and hopes. – Disraeli B.

From the movie Graduation – Graduation is like the Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over their dashed hopes.

But I used to think that love is never one-sided... But now I go to her page every five minutes... And every 2 minutes I update mine, in case I wrote something.

You can't live like a child who can't wait for Christmas with gifts under the tree. All my life I wake up and tell myself: I can't wait for this very day.

And if you come every time at a different time, I don’t know what time to prepare my heart... You need to follow the rituals.

From the film Deep Blue Sea (1999) – All your life you wait for the decisive moment... And suddenly it’s tomorrow.

Seconds are flying, the clock is counting down. For whom the flames will be curbed, for whom the ice will be melted. To whom they will show the truth, to whom the frozen ground. Don't forget how to breathe during a flight. (2012-07-01)

Still, it’s probably good to know that where the light is on, someone can sit and think about you.

I'm not telling you goodbye, it's just normal for now. We'll meet Again. After his words, everything turned upside down, and my heart was beating, knocking out the seconds of anticipation before our meeting...

I never expect anything good from people. If people treat me badly, I say: well, as always. If people treat me well, I say: well, what a surprise.

The longer you wait, the more ass.

I don't want any more snow! I want summer!

It is impossible to wait only when you are doing nothing. - Alexandr Duma

From the movie Graduation – You can’t wait forever for the right moment, create it... What do you have to lose?

There are no unnecessary ones. There always comes a time for everyone when they are needed for something. That's how it is now. You just need to be able to wait. Even if sadness gnaws at you.

No matter who walks through the door, it's never who you want to see, but there is hope.

If listeners look at their watches, that's okay. It's worse when they start shaking the clock to check if it has stopped.

Waiting, Chic said, is a prelude in a minor key.

Everything you expect is easier to bear. – Seneca

Women don't know how to wait, remember that. – Christy A.

Only the unexpected makes one happy, but it must come across much that is expected and dispel it. – Elias Canetti

A great objective expectation passes through the world, often thwarted, but nevertheless approaching its core not only in symbols. The general staff of this expectation is called philosophy.

Waiting is not at all so tiring, especially if you know how to spend your time wisely.

Don't hesitate. If you hesitate, you will not achieve your goal. He who waits cannot succeed.

I didn’t wait so long to lose you without even talking to you.

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room. – Jules Renard

The length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are on.

Never hope that everything will go smoothly; surprises usually await you where you don’t expect them at all.

When something we've been waiting for a long time finally arrives, it comes as a surprise. - Mark Twain

See you in 204 days... 4896 hours... 293760 minutes... Still there, at the usual time... At our favorite place... P.S. I might be a couple of minutes late...

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst suffering is not knowing what decision to make. - Paulo Coelho

From the movie The Naked Truth - They were all just waiting for another prince.

My whole life waiting for the right time

How I want to get into your dream so that you understand that I am the one you need.

Expectation and fulfillment come together in language. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

No matter how short the waiting time, it stretches out when you are in the unknown. It was one of those occasions when the invaluable habit of smoking becomes especially precious and comforting.

It is impossible to wait only when you are doing nothing. - Dumas A.

And you keep believing and waiting, but you won’t bring him back...

You serenely begin to wait precisely when you have nothing to wait for.

Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days. – Paustovsky K.G.

What kind of bullshit is this? Yesterday I waited until this arrogant bastard came online and only after that I went to bed with a calm soul.

Years teach us patience. The less time we have left, the better we know how to wait.

The future is today, which will come tomorrow... The past is the present, which will come tomorrow...

From the film The Double Life of Charlie St. Cloud - You can't put your life on hold. She won't wait for you...

What do you do? - I am waiting.

I wouldn’t know what separation is, I wouldn’t hear my heart beating... An hour without him lasts five days... And I wouldn’t think about him for even a minute.)

Always make him wait. Anticipation will make a man appreciate you even more.

There is no point in sitting in one place for hours and waiting.

Waiting has never killed anyone. But unnecessary haste can ruin everything before it even begins.

Being alone can be useful... But waiting for someone is more pleasant.

I love you very, very, very much and don’t believe stupid doubts! And believe that this was written specifically to you, to no one else, and take a step forward, because it’s so difficult for me... Very...

Sash, why are you telling me about someone again? Me, do you understand? I! I relied on myself and let myself down.

If resurrection is not a fairy tale, then everyone in the next world is crazy. Everyone was crazy with anticipation.

To tie. Deceive. Take away. Present. But the most painful thing is to wait.

I will no longer run down the steps of the airport and shout to you with all my tenderness: Hello, hare!

From the movie Garfield - If you wait a little, everything will fall into your lap.

It’s always like this: the former destroy the present and become the present, but the past cannot become the present, which means it will still remain in the past, and the present, which stole the past, will not become the future. Oh. Flow of emotions.

Waiting for evil all the time means losing before the battle.

After all, it is so important to know that the one you are waiting for will definitely return, despite even universal laws.

From the film Against All Odds - Hussar waits for five minutes, then hooks another.

Tomorrow is longer than last year for us.

The one I always wait for, he was... like a stone rock, under which it is safe for a small bindweed to grow. Hard stone, warm from the sun. And it doesn’t happen that a rock turns away, shaking off someone’s weak roots. If it collapses, then the world collapses. The whole world of little bindweed.

The most difficult thing is to be able to wait while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to endure the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

I'm worried about having to wait. My fear is not that I am afraid of not getting what I want. What's scary is that I might not get what I expect.

Sometimes the hardest thing is to sit and wait.

There is an aphorism: “Don’t waste time on a person who doesn’t want to spend it with you.” It turns out that I’m wasting my time preparing for the exam...

Previously, poems were dedicated to girls, but now: “smack, spoknock, colon, dash, parenthesis closes.”

I am waiting for you today, and tomorrow, and next summer...

My whole life has been spent waiting for the right moment.

Do you have someone you're looking forward to seeing online? I have it... I’m waiting for it, I’m thinking about it...

Don’t regret the past, she didn’t feel sorry for you!

I was waiting for life to give me a sign, but it didn’t come.

She came to me every day, and I started waiting for her in the morning. This expectation was expressed in the fact that I rearranged objects on the table.

Haven't they started pestering you yet? If not, then I can wait!

Waiting makes a person cruel. Even against his will.

Here's the simplest test for falling in love: if, after spending four or five hours without your lover, you begin to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable.

And for her everything is just beginning, she will give the name of this night, something like our first with him, she will remember your every phrase, every gesture... She will meet the morning thinking about you and waiting for a call that will never come...

He carefully arranged the coppers, tens and twenty-five cents in columns on the counter, like a chess player anxiously awaiting whether his next move would lift him to the heights of triumph or plunge him into the abyss of despair.

You and I are too impatient and too irreconcilable. We do not know how to wait for the results of our labors, we need victory - and immediately! And we also don’t know how to forgive those who cannot be with us.

If he doesn't call, you just need to stop thinking about him. That's all you have to do. It's that simple.

And while it’s still raining, let’s wait until warmer times, in the rain.

I want to sleep, but I don’t lie down waiting for him to write, there’s music in the speakers, a tear running down my cheek, thoughts about something else.

The abbot knew that waiting was a sin. Every moment should be appreciated. And waiting is disrespect for the future and the present at the same time.

If a person has not waited for anyone for a long time, waiting makes him ten years younger. Or even twenty.

You said you would love me forever. It turned out that we simply have different concepts of time.

When the word on-line lights up above your avatar, my heart beats differently, the blood runs through my veins faster... But when we see each other, all this disappears. Because I know you will never smile the way you smile from your avatar...

No verdict has been announced for those who are waiting.

My nerves went away. Crying is like betraying.

And they are waiting for Prince Charming, having hammered into their heads this stupid advertising image that produces losers, would-be spinsters and shrews, because only a man who is far from perfect can make them happy. – Frederic Beigbeder

I slept, I ate, I went to school - but it didn't matter. I waited.

Is love still waiting? Well, of course he’s waiting! And he expects tenderness and warmth, but only... He doesn’t keep accounting calculations: “So much was given, so much was taken.”

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom...

Expectations are never met.

You won’t get the jam of tasty changes until you gorge yourself on bread - the stale crusts of expectation.

You never know what to expect.

When you know exactly what to fear, it’s easier. There is already hope...

It's not worth living if you have to spend your life waiting.

Anticipation enhances pleasure.

We have forgotten how to wait. It's almost a forgotten art. And our greatest treasure is to be able to wait for the right moment.

Tough aphorisms about waiting

Sometimes you just have to wait until tomorrow...

He promised her that he would call when she least expected it. But she always waited. That's why he never called her.

What a strange thing life is. Everything happens when you don't expect it, and when you really expect it, nothing happens.

Aesthetic tough aphorisms about waiting

Sometimes the moment of receiving is not as sweet as an eternity of waiting.

They say that Repin once came to Surikov, and he wrote “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution.” The canvas smells creepy. The scaffolds are placed, the gallows loom in the haze. Empty. Repin looked and winced: “You should hang at least one archer!” Surikov listened, hanged a couple of archers - and immediately painted them over. Because the horror of waiting has disappeared.

Wait. This was the first lesson love taught me. The day barely drags on, we make thousands of plans, conduct thousands of imaginary conversations, promise ourselves in such and such circumstances to behave completely differently - but we ourselves cannot find a place for ourselves, we cannot wait for our beloved to come.

Waiting for some people is incredibly difficult, but the moments spent with them are worth it.

I do not want any more! Don’t be angry: whatever you were waiting for this time to tell me something important about yourself, I’m not waiting anymore. Since I've known you, all I've done is wait. In these two and a half years I waited three times more than in all my thirty-three years of life. If only I knew at least once what I was actually waiting for! I waited my time. I'm fed up with waiting. I'm very sorry, but it's a fact!

The plan for Monday is to wait for Friday.

The good thing about life is that it doesn’t always live up to expectations!

Happiness, come!!! I'm saving up tears to cry for you!

He who has learned to wait is reliably protected from the blows of disappointment.

Harsh harsh aphorisms about waiting

Don't wait for Hottabych, do everything yourself.

If you believe that you are right, you should act as you see fit. The number of those who disagree with you cannot change the facts, and you must find those facts. And to find them, you need to act. But not for the sake of the pleasure of others, not for the sake of satisfying someone, even the person closest to you. You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations - only your own.

There can't be anything faster than what should be on time.

The wait is very painful. When you are waiting, stop waiting, and the waiting will not be so hard...

If you wait too long, nothing happens!

You wait for your bus, but it’s not there, and out of desperation you get on another one, and then you see yours already arriving. And this happens not only with buses.

On the evening of the arranged meeting, Rieux was waiting for the guest and looking at his mother, sitting decorously on a chair in the far corner of the dining room. It was here, in this very place, that, having finished with the housework, she spent all her free time. She folded her hands in her lap and waited. Rieux was not even entirely sure that she was waiting for him. But when he entered the room, the mother changed.

It’s better to hear that you don’t need it than to wait for something you don’t know.

He may have returned earlier than expected, but still, for those who love, his absence was too long.

If a person does not live up to our expectations, it is not he who is to blame, but our expectations.

Semantic rigid aphorisms about expectation

A padded bra is like a bag of chips: you open it and it’s half empty. Women claim that there is the same problem with family panties...

In anticipation, character grows stronger, hope weakens, and love dies...

Usually everything turns out much better than you expect.

Somewhere between suffering and waiting, another one appears: to be found by someone who can show you what you deserve, to be not just a backup option, but the only right one!..

A person is busy with what he expects happiness from, but his real happiness is that he is busy.

It’s just that he recovered from the defeat, shook himself up, and it seems that now everything should be better - how could it be otherwise, after all, so much has been experienced that one can even hope for a reward. But life prefers to fill the pauses between events with the most destructive, sometimes unbearable - waiting. This is a kind of test of necessity - if what we are waiting for is really what we need, then we will endure the pause with honor.

Waiting for love should not be accompanied by self-criticism.

When the snow melts, what will it turn into? - Of course, into the water. - But no! It will turn into spring!

My soul doesn't. I've been waiting for someone all day. I meet the dawn without sleep - and all because of someone. There is no one with me. Oh, where to find someone! I can go around the whole world to find someone. Oh, you who keep love, unknown forces, may my dear someone return to me unharmed again. But there is no one with me. I'm sad for some reason. I swear, I would give anything in the world for someone!

He was waiting for me in the rain. I will never forget this. It was raining, I was late, and he was waiting for me. So simple. But it is impossible to forget this!

I'm afraid to think, I'm afraid to say: Please don't disappear for a long time. You are dear, I will wait for you...

Invincible tough aphorisms about waiting

You can't wait for what's waiting for you. We need to go to this.

There's no point in forgiving anyone. It's much easier not to be offended at all. No one is obligated to live up to anyone else's expectations.

We inflict pain on ourselves, not on those close to us... We simply expect more from people than they can do for us... Rely less on someone, create yourself, and the pain will disappear into the unknown!!! )))

And only Love gives us the strength to Forgive and Wait...

She came to me every day, and I started waiting for her in the morning. This expectation was expressed in the fact that I rearranged objects on the table.

What do you do? - I am waiting.

The anticipation of happiness brightens the girl.

What you expect from yourself (you don’t want, but expect), what you believe in yourself, that’s what comes out.

What can I say about our meeting, I was waiting for it, as they wait for natural disasters.

This is the only way it makes sense to live in the world. There is nothing to be afraid of, making plans for eternity ahead, as if death did not exist at all.

Life is the essence of waiting. This means that you should enjoy everything while waiting, because that’s all you can do.

You can't wait forever for the right moment, you just need to create it.

I really want to hear warm words from you!... - Well... fur coat!