Why do you dream about falling from the balcony? Why do you dream of a balcony without railings on the upper floors?

Under the balconies, gentlemen sang serenades to their ladies, and kings and kings addressed their subjects from these architectural structures. Therefore, every dream book associates a balcony with love or social relationships.

Why do you dream about your own balcony? Seeing this image in a dream means that the dreamer will soon gain respect among his colleagues. If you dream about the balcony of someone else's house, it means that the dreamer is not happy with something in his personal life. However, this vision could mean career advancement.

Glassy and shabby

What should you pay attention to if you dreamed of a balcony? First of all, on the features of its design and condition:

  • Was this architectural detail new or dilapidated?
  • Maybe it was a loggia?
  • Was the protruding part of the building enclosed by railings?

If the balcony in a dream is in good condition, then it can symbolize a new stage in the life of the sleeper. If you had to stand in your vision on a dilapidated and unglazed protruding part of the building, you should be careful in your affairs: in reality, your position is not as reliable as it might seem.

If a dilapidated balcony collapses in a dream, the dream warns you: the situation is unstable, you should not commit rash acts, otherwise your ideas will remain unrealized. The Alphabetical Dream Book puts forward another version: to see a balcony collapsing in a dream means that in reality you need to behave more carefully on the street.

For a woman, a dream where a balcony collapses under her feet may indicate an unplanned pregnancy. And if you happen to see in a dream how many protruding structures of a house are collapsing, in reality friends and colleagues may forget about the promises they made.

Seeing a glassed-in balcony or loggia in a dream, according to the interpretation of various dream books, means that the dreamer needs to be a little more confident in himself and stop building castles in the air. If you had to stand on the loggia and hang out the laundry, in reality you will have the opportunity to relax, forgetting about household responsibilities.

Dreamed of standing on a balcony without railings - the vision means that your plans have no real support and therefore “hang in the air.” The design without railings in your vision calls for you to find a practical justification for your ideas so that they can be realized. In addition, a vision of a balcony without railings may mean that your situation is quite dangerous, but for some reason you do not notice it.

Falling from a balcony structure without railings - this danger is quite real - the dream calls for caution. If, despite the lack of a fence, you managed not to fall from a balcony without a railing - at the moment your worries and fears are unfounded, you will be able to overcome difficult circumstances.

Actions in a dream

Under what circumstances can you still see balcony structures in your night dreams? For example, you can perform some actions on the balcony yourself:

  • Stand on it.
  • Fall off it.
  • Jump from the balcony.
  • Climb through it into the house.
  • Say goodbye to your lover (beloved) on it.

For a female person, a dream in which she dreamed of standing on a balcony means that the dreamer will meet a pleasant person. The Ukrainian dream book explains the balcony from which you dreamed of falling, as the impossibility of implementing plans in today's circumstances.

An adult dreamed of falling from a balcony - more attention needs to be paid to children. Seeing that a child had to fall in your dream is a reflection of parental concern for the well-being of their children.

Jumping or falling from a balcony, according to the dream book of Simon the Canaanite, means that you may soon commit a desperate act. Jumping from a balcony ledge and feeling a long fall - the dream warns against emotional outbursts that can have a bad effect on relationships with your “soulmate.”

In general, falling in a dream symbolizes the approach of a difficult period, but if you dreamed of your own fall from a balcony and at the same time you remained safe and sound, in reality you will get off with a slight fright. Jumping from a balcony structure on your own initiative - such a dream speaks of the self-confidence of the sleeper.

Jumping without harm to oneself can also mean that in reality the dreamer regularly tries to “jump” beyond generally accepted boundaries and solve problems in an extraordinary way. Climbing into the house through the balcony means solving problems “unpretentiously”, but at the same time being responsible for your actions.

Why dream of a balcony if you had to say goodbye to your loved one on it? The women's dream book says that in reality there will most likely be a temporary separation.

Standing on a balcony in a dream foretells overcoming difficulties, successful completion of undertakings, and achieving a goal. But sometimes a dream warns of separation, an unstable position or some kind of danger. Our dream book will help you understand why certain details are in your dreams.

Look into your future

A dreamed vision symbolizes an elevated view of circumstances and affairs. The plot also hints: you see more than others.

If a sleeper, while on a balcony in a dream, examines the surroundings, this means: he is looking into his future. You can understand what life will be like depending on what picture opens before your eyes.

The interpretation of such a dream also depends on the height of the balcony or loggia. Height symbolizes happiness and good luck, so the higher the dreamer stands, the happier he will be.

Miller's Dream Book: you will break up with your loved one

Why dream of standing on the balcony with your loved one and saying goodbye? In reality, separation awaits you very soon.

Overcome difficulties and achieve your goal

A dream about being there suggests: you will overcome all the difficulties in your personal life, find a partner or improve relationships after a quarrel.

For a man to see in a dream how he is looking at passers-by below from the balcony, it means that he will soon reach his intended goal.

Did a woman dream of standing high on a balcony and looking at people passing by? The dream book explains: she will meet an interesting person.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account its details:

  • high - you are afraid of responsibility;
  • in someone else's apartment - offend your loved ones;
  • on a large scale - an unexpected promotion at work;
  • small - there will be worries, perhaps in vain;
  • smoking there is a successful start to business;
  • throwing some things from there is irresponsibility, unworthy behavior.

Successful things, way out of difficulties

Why dream of standing on the balcony of your apartment or house? The dream book promises: you will successfully complete all the work you have started.

Seeing a balcony door in a dream while you are there means: you will find a favorable way out of a difficult situation.

Unstable situation, collapse of hopes

Did you dream of standing on a balcony and seeing it collapse under you? The dream book warns: your position is very unstable.

Going out onto a dilapidated balcony in a dream and falling along with it - many of your plans will not come true and will remain illusory dreams.

Be careful: there is danger ahead

Why do you dream of going out onto the loggia in an apartment on the top floor? The dream book indicates: there are circumstances that can cause harm. Develop a plan to minimize troubles if they do turn against you.

Many houses have a balcony, but seats in the theater are also called a balcony. The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" describes the secret meetings of two lovers on the balcony. A balcony seen in a dream means a lot of things. The main thing is to try to remember all the details. And find out from a collection of dream books what a balcony seen in a dream really means.

Indian dream book

  • Why do you dream about a balcony in a dream - to boundless kindness; if the balcony is dirty in a dream, then you will receive a bonus; if the balcony is clean, they declare their love for you; if there is a balcony with flowers, then happiness is just around the corner.
  • The dream of “falling from a balcony” foretells sadness and sadness for you. Falling from a balcony in a dream means losing control of yourself; falling from a balcony during the day means that everything will work out for you; at night - about bitter tears; at sunset - to divorce from your spouse.
  • The dream “people falling from balconies” says: find solace in work or family. If people were in dark clothes - to receive an inheritance; in light clothes - your fears are groundless; without shoes - for a long journey.
  • The dream of “jumping off the balcony” foretells finding your happiness; and fall into a puddle - disgrace yourself in front of your superiors; fall on a tree - you will overcome all obstacles in your path and will be very happy; fall on the asphalt - get seriously ill; into the ocean - to know happiness; fall into a wheat field - you will laugh fervently.
  • The dream “a child falls from the balcony” means your joy will be overshadowed by bad news. If your son falls from a balcony in a dream, then in the future he will fall in unrequited love; if in a dream you see your daughter falling from the balcony, then she will marry successfully; if your nephew falls from the balcony, it means that nature has endowed him with talents.
  • Dreaming "on the balcony" means that you are a happy person.

Persian dream book

  • A dream about a balcony means you have a happy and prosperous family.
  • The dream of “watching from the balcony” foreshadows the purchase of a new home. Looking at the sunset from the balcony - your spouse is faithful to you; at sunrise - be careful on the roads; watch from the balcony at night - become famous; watch the moon from the balcony - a streak of luck will come in your life; looking at the stars from the balcony and counting them speaks of your intelligence; looking at a woman from the balcony means winning the lottery; for a young man - to empty hopes; on an elderly man - to have fun.
  • The dream “the balcony collapsed” symbolizes a bitter fate. If the balcony you were standing on collapsed, a streak of failures and disappointments awaits you; if in a dream you were walking down the street and a balcony collapsed on you, all sorrows and misfortune will pass you by; if your neighbors’ balcony collapses, you will live in luxury and wealth.
  • A dream in which you are renovating a balcony - your children will delight you day after day. (cm. )
  • A dream in which you paint a balcony with white paint foretells you a meeting with friends, but if you paint a balcony with black paint, then your life will not be sweet.
  • The dream of “falling from a balcony, being broken” predicts illness or even death. If your father fell from the balcony, save your money; if it’s a mother, wait for her to visit; if you are a spouse, you will soon have many good friends; if the son - everything will change for the better; if you have a daughter, start cleaning the apartment.

Love dream book

French dream book

  • Meaning of sleep: balcony - for a new novel.
  • A destroyed balcony in a dream portends suffering. If you destroyed your boyfriend's balcony, your passion will soon fade away; if your balcony was destroyed by your neighbors, be prepared to defend your rights.
  • If in a dream your spouse smokes a pipe on the balcony, then soon you will have a big quarrel.
  • If in a dream you are drinking water on the balcony, you will soon become pregnant.
  • If in a dream you stand on a balcony in a wedding dress, you will soon be disappointed in your colleagues.
  • If in a dream you stand on a balcony in a swimsuit, you will soon go on vacation to the sea.
  • The dream “your daughter fell from the balcony” promises you a lot of troubles and problems.
  • The dream “the balcony collapsed” warns: be careful when signing important documents. If your balcony collapses, be careful with fire; if a new balcony collapses, spend the evening with your family; if the old balcony collapses, happiness will knock on the house; if your neighbors' balcony collapses, beware of gossip.
  • Going down balconies in a dream means becoming successful and rich in reality. If you go down the balconies and fall, you will lose your job; go down balconies without insurance - make new friends; going down the balconies with your eyes closed is to become an object of ridicule.
  • The dream “balcony is collapsing” says: expect bad news. If your balcony begins to collapse, then all your plans will collapse; if the balcony collapsed, but you managed to repair it, then all your dreams will come true; if the balcony you just made begins to collapse, then you will make the right decision.

English dream book

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Interpretation of dreams: balcony - to family troubles.
  • Seeing a broken window on the balcony in a dream means losing close friends or a job.
  • If in a dream a broken window is dirty, then tears will flow from your eyes. If it is pure, happiness will come to your home.
  • The dream “balcony” speaks of a new addition to the family.
  • The dream of “smoking on the balcony” tells you that you will become seriously ill.
  • Dream Interpretation: on a balcony in a dream - to win a valuable prize.
  • Dream interpretation: changing the glass on the balcony - you will have a great time with your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on the balcony means falling in unrequited love.
  • The dream of “falling from the balcony” predicts disappointment. If in a dream you fell from someone else’s balcony, then in reality you may lose your keys or money; if your father fell from a balcony in a dream, find yourself a hobby; if your brother fell from the balcony in a dream, they will propose marriage to you; if in a dream you fell from a balcony from a snowdrift, then everything will be fine with you; if you fall into a puddle, then your neighbors will envy you.
  • In a dream, a balcony falls - your children will defy you.
  • Seeing your own balcony falling in a dream means letting luck slip out of your hands in reality. If your neighbors’ balcony falls in a dream, then you will soon be lucky; if in a dream you were in a theater and the balcony on which you were sitting fell, trouble awaits you.
  • If flowers wilt on your balcony, then your fate will not bring you a gift.
  • If in a dream a scarlet rose blooms on the balcony, then you love and are loved.
  • If the rose is yellow, then your family is proud of you.
  • If blossomed in a dream on the balcony white rose - then you are a happy person.
  • If blossomed in a dream on the balcony blue rose - then your brother needs your help.
  • Standing on a balcony in a dream means laughing in reality.
  • Standing on the balcony at night in a dream means buying yourself a car.
  • Stand on the balcony in the morning in a dream - to get sick.
  • Stand on the balcony during the day in a dream - to die.
  • Stand on the balcony in the evening in a dream - to new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Russian dream book

Psychologist Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's Dream Book: a balcony in a dream - foreshadows a conversation: a balcony with tulips - predicts vanity for you; balcony with scarlet roses - love and happiness; balcony with lilies - good luck; a balcony with cacti predicts heartache.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man on a balcony in a dream - to changes for the better: wearing only shorts - to numerous losses; in a black robe - to death; in a white robe - for a wedding; blond on the balcony - to love; brunette - to suffering; brown-haired - for travel; bald - to illness; naked - to poverty.
  • Dream Interpretation: a glazed balcony in a dream means an enlightened mind. A balcony glazed with black glass means trouble; transparent glass - to success in study and work; other glass - to chores around the house; red glass - to love and passion; green glass - to receive an inheritance from a distant relative; yellow glass - to a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretations: why you dream about a balcony - you will soon be damaged. Dreaming of a palace balcony means wealth and luxury; dreaming of an old and dirty balcony means difficult trials in life; a new balcony - to a new acquaintance; a clean balcony is fortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: people on a balcony in a dream - foretells success in business. People in old clothes - to bitter tears; people in underwear - to a new addition to the family; people with crowns on their heads - strangers will help you; people without hair on their heads - discord in the family; smoking - to a quarrel with the authorities.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a balcony in a dream means finding peace of mind. If you fell from a balcony in a dream, then not all your wishes will come true; if your spouse fell from the balcony, then he is faithful to you; if your daughter fell from the balcony, then your tears will soon dry up; if your son fell from the balcony, his dreams will soon come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a balcony, crashing in a dream - getting a reprimand at work. If a cat falls from a balcony, be careful, do not trust your secrets to strangers; if a man falls, wait for your relatives to visit; if a woman, wait for a letter from a friend; if your cousin fell from the balcony, they will soon propose to you; e If your cousin fell from the balcony, listen to the advice of your parents more often.

Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation of Jou-Gong

  • Dream Interpretation: an angry dove flew over the balcony in a dream - your marriage is no longer as strong as in past years. If an angry dove pecks you, check your health; if an angry dove pecks at wheat bread, then your life will improve; if an angry dove pecks at rye bread, there will be a lot of trouble. (see also )
  • Dream Interpretation: on the balcony - to ardent passion. Making love on the balcony with a lover means receiving a valuable gift; with a spouse - to sadness; with a neighbor - to a family scandal.
  • Dream Interpretation: the balcony collapsed in a dream - the husband got drunk on alcohol in reality. If your balcony collapsed onto the playground, your heirs will upset you; if your balcony collapsed while you were standing on the balcony, a long journey awaits you; if the new balcony collapses, your whole life will turn for the better; if the old balcony collapses, your financial situation will improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat fell from a balcony - your colleagues envy you. If your neighbors’ cat climbed onto your balcony and fell from it, call your debtors to account; if your cat fell from the balcony, nature has endowed you with intelligence; if a black cat fell from the balcony - your conservative colleagues; if the cat is tabby, you will have problems with the law; if the cat is white, then your conscience is clear; if the cat is black, then you are a polyglot.
  • Dream Interpretation: a balcony without railings in a dream means you are a hardworking person. If your balcony has no railings, then fate is favorable to you; if you break the railing on the balcony, clean the house and keep it in order.
  • Dream Interpretation: hanging clothes on the balcony in a dream means finding new friends. Hanging underwear means making a profit; bed linen - to a quarrel; hanging white linen means peace; hanging black linen means heartache; Hanging up red underwear is a sign of a passionate romance.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat jumped from the balcony in a dream - to a divorce from your spouse. A cat with green eyes jumped from a new balcony - you have a chance to make a profit; a cat with yellow eyes jumped from your balcony - to a new addition to the family; the cat scratched you and jumped out of the window - you will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation of Carl Gustav Jung

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

  • I dreamed of a balcony falling - to pregnancy. If in a dream a balcony fell on your nephew, then he will soon marry a good girl; if the balcony fell on your neighbor, your friend will soon fall in love; if the balcony fell on your neighbor, you will soon meet the love of your life; if the balcony fell on your cousin, everything will be very good for you.
  • If you dreamed of standing on the balcony, your family will not need anything. If your spouse eats an apple while standing on the balcony, then he does not have a young mistress; if you hang laundry on the balcony, you will be overcome by melancholy; if your grandfather stands on the balcony and looks thoughtfully at the sky, he will live for many more years; if your grandmother is standing on the balcony, an exciting journey awaits you.
  • If you dreamed of a child falling from a balcony, you shouldn’t be upset over trifles. If a fair-haired boy fell from the balcony, you will soon smile; if a girl with long brown hair fell from the balcony, it means buying a new home; if twins fell from the balcony, you are on the right track.
  • If you dreamed that a child fell from a balcony, don’t spoil your heirs. If a child fell from a balcony onto the asphalt, you will have a great time among your colleagues; a child fell from a balcony onto green grass - to hard work; a child fell from a balcony into a puddle - success is guaranteed; the boy fell from the balcony - your sister is expecting a baby; the girl fell from the balcony - your uncle will win a valuable prize.
  • I dreamed that a cat fell from a balcony - to poverty. If the cat fell from the balcony, you will get sick soon; if a cat fell from the balcony while trying to catch a butterfly, it means separation from the family; if the cat accidentally fell from the balcony, happiness awaits you; If a tabby cat fell from the balcony, it means divorce; if a black cat fell from the balcony, your colleagues want to set you up; if a white cat fell from the balcony, it means a long-awaited addition to the family.
  • I dreamed that my mother was pushing me out of the balcony - to the sudden death of someone close to you. If your mom pushes you off the balcony, and your dad pushes her away, your parents have long lived not out of love, but out of habit.

Astrological dream book

Little dream book

Egyptian dream book

Slavic dream book

  • What does a girl dream about on a balcony - for a happy life. If a girl is on the balcony with long hair, it means a long journey; with short hair - to troubles; with blue eyes - to vile actions; with green eyes - sad news; with sad eyes - to tears; a girl with a kitten in her hands means a lie.
  • Why dream that the balcony has collapsed - means going down the career ladder. If a balcony collapses before your eyes, you have caused damage to someone; if the balcony in the castle collapses, then your work will be crowned with success; if a balcony in a palace collapses, find yourself a hobby.
  • What does it mean to dream of climbing over a balcony - to travel by plane or train. If you climb onto the balcony of your beloved woman, then she loves you very much; if you climb onto your neighbor’s balcony to drink wine with him, you are an honest person; if you climb onto the balcony to commit theft, then you will have problems with the law.
  • Why do you dream of a long balcony - for fun and joy. If in a dream you are walking along a long balcony, then your spouse will soon go on a business trip; if you smoke on a long balcony, changes are coming in your life; if you stand on a long balcony at night, it means divorce from your spouse; if you stand on a long balcony during the day - to a new acquaintance; if you are renovating a long balcony, you will be appreciated.
  • Why dream of hanging laundry on the balcony - to life’s difficulties. If you hang someone else's laundry on the balcony - find out the truth; hanging dark-colored linen means death; hanging scarlet linen - to great love; hang linen in bed colors - you are a conservative. Hanging up new underwear means winning at the casino. Hanging old linen is a sign of love experiences.
  • Why dream of a balcony without railings - to stinginess. If your balcony has no railings, you will receive a bonus; if the palace balcony has no railings, watch your figure; if the railing on the balcony is broken, be prepared for changes.
  • Why dream of cleaning the balcony - good thoughts. If you sort out old things on the balcony, then you will be guaranteed success with the opposite sex; if you shake out the carpet from the balcony, you will have a great time at the family table; if you are sweeping on the balcony, then your guests are already on the doorstep; if you wash a glazed balcony, then your health will not fail.
  • Why dream of looking down from the balcony - you will soon buy a set. If you look from the balcony at passers-by, it’s fun to celebrate the holiday; looking at a sparrow from the balcony - you will bury the hatchet; looking at a dove from the balcony means a gift from your parents; looking at the hail from the balcony - your spouse will be very happy; look at the car from the balcony - sell your home.

Dream book of shamans

  • To see a balcony in a dream means to find a groom in reality. A beautiful balcony - for a long journey. An ugly balcony means homesickness.
  • I dreamed about the balcony of the neighbors below - to a lady’s whim.
  • I dreamed about the balcony of the neighbors above - to new neighbors.
  • I dreamed of a glazed balcony - to a promotion in the service.
  • I dreamed of a balcony with scarlet roses - to ardent passion.
  • If you dreamed of a balcony with white roses, it means you will receive a lucrative offer.
  • In a dream, seeing “falling from a balcony” means moving up the career ladder. If your spouse falls from the balcony, be patient and soon everything will work out for you; if you fall from a balcony in torn clothes, then you have hope; if you fell from a balcony without clothes, then you have no hope left; if your relatives fell from the balcony, visit them; if your cat fell from the balcony - to disappointment.
  • Seeing a child falling from a balcony in a dream means quarrels over trifles. If a child falling from a balcony is wearing only shorts, find a new job; seeing a fair-haired girl falling from a balcony means laughter and joy; to see a dark-haired boy falling from a balcony is an insult to people close to you.

If you dreamed of a balcony, it means that happiness will soon come to your home. A balcony in a dream is a harbinger of love and romance. Especially if you saw plants on the balcony. Roses on the balcony predict great love and happy marriage. Perceive what you see in a dream with joy and a smile. And forget bad dreams, then they will not have a chance to come true. And everything will be wonderful for you!

The world of dreams obeys its own, unknown to us, incomprehensible laws. Considering the relationships, understanding the structure and causes of certain phenomena in dreams is an impossible task, and why?

After all, it’s so interesting and exciting sometimes to immerse yourself in dreams, to plunge into this mysterious and ghostly world...

Only in the morning it’s worth remembering what visions visited you - after all, they appear before the eyes of the sleeping person for a reason, and they always mean something. We are talking here not only about vivid and memorable visions, but even about simple things familiar to the eye.

A balcony is a more than common structure that is found in many modern apartments. But in reality we treat it as something ordinary, but in dreams it is a sign, and a very complex, interesting, entertaining one.

To understand why you dream about a balcony, you should think about what it is primarily associated with? Often dream books indicate instability, fragility of the position, “hanging” in the air. After all, a balcony hangs above the ground and often creates a feeling of uncertainty and fragility.

Also in dreams. But it’s too early to draw conclusions - there are a lot of meanings for “balcony” dreams. And depending on the nuances, they are different. For example, here are the main options that the dream book offers:

  • See the balcony from the side.
  • This is what lovers dreamed about.
  • It collapses or collapses in dreams.
  • See a friend or loved one on it.
  • Seeing a stranger or people standing there.
  • Stand on it, high above the ground.
  • Do something while standing on the balcony.
  • Talk to someone while there.
  • Falling from a balcony in a dream.
  • Climb onto it over the railing.

These are the options - some of them are unusual, others are ordinary, but all of them are significant without a doubt. What does a “balcony” dream promise you, what to expect, and why you dream of a balcony – we’ll find out from the interpreter!

Only seen from afar

Perhaps your dream was such that you only saw the balcony from the side, but you yourself did not stand on it, did not climb there, in general, you did not perform any actions related to it.

In this case, what is important is what exactly this balcony was like, what it looked like, what happened on it (or with it). Remember all these details - they will be the keys to solving the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a balcony, simply seen from the outside in a dream, can foreshadow the dreamer’s profit, promotion at work, or success. In general, you will be very happy, because your life will rise to a new level. You deserve it!

2. If lovers have such a “balcony” dream, it can promise separation. But this separation is justified, the time has come for it - and it will, without any doubt, be followed by a new meeting, new love - and a lot of happiness. Leave the past in the past and boldly move into the future!

3. Such an eerie dream, in which the balcony collapses, collapses, but you are not standing on it, but only watching - according to dream books, it promises danger. Don’t be scared, just try to be more careful in everything in the coming weeks - don’t take risks and be careful.

4. Seeing someone you know, a loved one, or a friend standing on the balcony is a serious sign. This suggests that this person is not as reliable as you probably think. Or the connection between you is far from strong.

It’s up to you to decide whether to strengthen your relationship with him, or it’s not worth it. But otherwise, this character may disappear from your life over time.

5. It’s interesting if you see strangers standing on the balcony - this portends a new acquaintance, and, possibly, a fateful meeting. Don't miss it!

Be on it

It’s another matter if you not only saw from the outside, but were inside. But what matters here is what you did - it is your actions that will reveal the secret of the dream.

1. Standing high on the upper floors and looking down from the balcony is a symbol that hints at your big, ambitious plans and dreams. It's worth working hard to achieve fame and recognition!

2. Climbing onto the balcony is a direct hint of a dangerous, unwanted adventure. And the dream should warn you - don’t get involved.

3. Standing on it and performing any actions at the same time is an indication of the illusory nature and unreliability of these very actions. What you were doing in your dreams is unreliable in reality, “hanging in the air,” and may collapse - keep this in mind.

4. Did you speak while standing on the balcony? Know that in reality you are talking too much, and perhaps in vain.

5. Falling from a balcony in a dream, or if it collapsed under you - the dream book considers this as a quick end to your dreams.

But there is nothing to be afraid of - the illusions will dissolve, and even if you experience short-term disappointment, then one way or another look at things soberly. And this is always better than living in dreams and illusions.

So, the balcony, as we see, is an unusual and deep symbol. Analyze the dream book’s predictions and think about how to apply them to take the right step!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation balcony

In real life, a balcony is a familiar structure for us, which is present in almost all houses. But what does it mean if a person dreams of a balcony? What does the dream portend? The interpretation indicates that this is a rather complex and ambiguous sign.

In order to understand why you dream of a balcony in a dream, you need to compare what you associate it with.

Often in dream books, the plot seen indicates the unstable position of a person in real life.

But for a more accurate interpretation, the dream book advises a person who dreams of such night visions to try to reconstruct in detail the plot he saw.

If you dreamed of a balcony

  • look at it from the outside;
  • dreamed of a balcony falling;
  • it collapses in the night plot;
  • a loved one happened to stand on it;
  • to see a stranger on it;
  • a cat walked along the edge of the railing or pigeons sat;
  • the cat fell off him;
  • seeing a child fall;
  • look from above;
  • fall down from it;
  • without railings;
  • see him through the door.

I dream of balconies

Why do you dream of seeing a large balcony from the side? This means that in real life he will be promoted up the career ladder with a corresponding increase in salary. In the dream there was no railing on it? This means that in real life you need support and support from loved ones.

Trying to reach the railing will actually cause you to experience intense passion. I managed to reach the railing and climb over it - to an important test.

Pigeons sat on the railing - for a wedding for unmarried people. For families, this dream indicates family happiness.

Pigeons sitting on the roof or on the railing of the balcony - good news.

If you saw a cat on the balcony

I dreamed that pigeons flew into the apartment through the open balcony door - fortunately in the family.

In the night scene there was a cat sitting on the balcony? What color was he?

  • A big white cat means a pleasant time. For unmarried people - for an imminent wedding.
  • A black cat portends a difficult period in the dreamer’s life.

It's crumbling

To see that it has collapsed - the dream interpreter advises a person to be more careful.

In the night story, he fell at the feet of a woman - to an unwanted pregnancy.

Who did you see on it?

The dream book interprets: a balcony, where you saw a person standing, means it is important to remember who exactly you saw.


If you dreamed about an acquaintance or close friend, take a closer look at this person in real life; perhaps he is not as reliable as you think.


A stranger stood on it in a night vision - the dream prophesies a quick fateful acquaintance.

Who was seen on the balcony


It was not easy for a sleeping person to look at him, and he was directly standing on him, then it is important to remember what actions took place:

  • Looking down while standing at a high altitude is a sign that you have set big plans for yourself that are ambitious, but will still have to work hard to achieve them.
  • Climb on it like a cat - night vision warns. Try not to get involved in a dangerous adventure.
  • To stand on it and see in the plot that it is collapsing - the same result should be expected from what has been started.
  • Just stand on it - try to control your words and actions.

Fall from the balcony

Did a person fall down from it? To difficulties in all areas of life.

Falling fell into a bottomless pit - in life you will have to go through a difficult depression. It will be difficult to cope with it on your own; you may even need the help of a psychoanalyst.

Jumping and falling from a high floor means you will take a desperate act, which will be accompanied by great risk.

To fall and stay alive means a new addition to the family.

It is important to note who exactly fell:

  • The woman dreamed of her fall due to the fact that a man pushed her out - to a secret admirer. Falling on a lamp post is lucky in real life.
  • If you dreamed that a cat fell, it means poverty.
  • Was it your son who fell? Were pigeons circling above him at the time of his fall? The dream book advises you to listen to the wise advice of your parents.

The meaning of popular interpreters of night visions

How do popular publications interpret this dream?

Modern dream book

The dream book interprets: to see a balcony and the dreamer standing on it means that the dreamer will have good luck in his personal life.

Universal dream book

In a dream, a favorable sign is height. The higher the height, the more happiness the dreamer will have in his life.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream interpreter interprets in his own way the plot in which a man fell in a night plot.

In a dream, a person dreamed of falling - a bad sign, foreshadowing difficulties in relationships with a partner. The falling man felt fear - Miller’s dream book predicts the onset of a period of suffering.

Female dream interpreter

Falling off it means trouble in love. The dreamer fell not of his own free will, but was pushed - the dream indicates: an enemy has appeared in your life who is trying to harm you. A woman falls - to the appearance of a rival.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The child fell - the dream book advises you to become more attentive to your children, since they may have problems not only with their studies, behavior, but also with health.

Why do you dream of reaching out to the railing and climbing over it in a night scene? Be careful and try not to get involved in risky business.

Aesop's Dream Book

In a dream, a balcony collapses - it means you have received a warning signal: your dreams and hopes will not come true.

Jumping from it - in real life, you will succumb to weaknesses and temptation, which will negatively affect your relationship with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

If you dream of an unglazed balcony that was collapsing, it means you are in a rather dangerous situation. Take the dream as advice: do not commit rash acts. In the night plot you saw a door leading to it - you will be able to find the right solution to get out of an unpleasant situation. An open door warns: beware of dishonest play by your companions. I saw a door opening onto a balcony and a beautiful curtain fluttered above it - don’t change your dream. It will definitely come true.

Take what you see as a subconscious signal. Dreamed pictures can be an encrypted warning of impending troubles; by deciphering the plot, a person gets a chance to take timely measures to prevent them.

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