How to make a dream happen: preparing for bed, psychological attitude, the right thoughts before bed. Dream what you want

The dreams we have have great meaning for us, even if we don't believe in them. Sometimes the mood for the whole day depends on the dream we had, sometimes it seems to us that all this happened to us in reality. The places we dreamed of seem familiar to us, although we have never been there. And it’s no secret that sometimes dreams come true. Of course, given all these circumstances, understanding your dreams is a very tempting idea. And even more tempting is to program your consciousness for a certain dream. Is it possible?

What are we dreaming about?

First of all, you need to learn something about what sleep is, why sometimes we don’t see any dreams at all, and what this depends on. In fact, the “plot” of a dream, which seems quite long to us, in reality takes only a few seconds. During the night we may have several dreams, but we remember one, and here's why.

Sleep is usually divided into two phases – deep and superficial. It is easier to get out of the deep sleep phase, but in this case we cannot remember the dreams. Superficial sleep, on the contrary, is characterized by clear memorization of the “picture”, but waking up in this phase is more difficult. Most often, a person emerges from the phase of superficial sleep under the influence of an external irritating influence, for example, an alarm clock, a sharp sound, a muscle cramp, etc. Having woken up, in the first seconds we are still in the “scenario” that we just saw. However, after a few minutes, some of the circumstances of what was seen are erased, and after a couple of hours, most of them are forgotten.

This is how human consciousness works. However, if you repeat mentally, and preferably also out loud, what you saw in a dream, you can remember the dream for a very long time. Some dreams amaze us so much that we remember them all our lives without any repetition. If you cannot remember what the dream was about, even immediately after waking up, you can evaluate your condition after it, thus determining whether it was at least bad or good. Listen to your mood, what do you feel? Joy? Or maybe anxiety, even horror?

The “plot” of our dreams is influenced by external factors, since everything we see is the fruit of our consciousness, which is part of ourselves. The following conditions play a role:

  • what you saw during the day; what our attention is focused on;
  • thoughts about upcoming or completed things that are important to us;
  • condition of the body, including pain, difficulty breathing, etc.;
  • comfortable or, conversely, uncomfortable body position;
  • indoor air (it is advisable to ventilate the room well);
  • our fears and anxieties, experienced worries, shocks;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • nutrition (both quality and quantity, as well as food intake);
  • sounds, smells and other phenomena that surround us while we sleep.

And this is not a complete list of factors that shape our dreams. As for “prophetic” dreams, this question has not yet been studied and, perhaps, will never be studied. However, some scientists explain the effect of déjà vu precisely by the fact that the circumstances that happen to us in reality for the first time in our lives seem familiar to us precisely because we once saw them in a dream and simply forgot about it. But then you will have to agree that prophetic dreams really exist.

Is it possible to “program” a dream?

It would be simply amazing if we could “order” ourselves a dream for the coming night. However, unfortunately, we are not given the ability to control our consciousness to such an extent. You can, of course, try to tune in to a certain mood, thinking, for example, about warm countries or a fun holiday. But this does not mean at all that this is exactly what we will dream about. Moreover, if, during our sleep, construction equipment is working outside the window, say (and by some miracle we do not wake up), we may dream of military operations. Or the smell of burnt food coming from somewhere is quite capable of giving us dreams of a fire, etc.

However, we can still do something. It is in our power to influence that dreams are at least not bad or scary, but pleasant or at least neutral, not spoiling the mood for the whole next day. To do this, you need to follow some tips, namely:

  • Do not drink tonic drinks such as black tea or coffee before bed. It is also better not to drink green tea, as it has a diuretic effect. It is better to drink milk or chamomile tea with cinnamon - it calms you down.
  • Don't overeat before bed, especially hard-to-digest foods. But you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach either. Have a light snack.
  • Do not analyze the past day before going to bed and do not plan the next day. Better dream about something pleasant.
  • Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. During sleep, the body should be completely relaxed.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed. It should be fresh, but not cold; ventilation of the room will avoid not only bad dreams, but also headaches.
  • If you have been nervous, worried, or generally in a state of permanent stress during the day, first of all, help calm your nervous system. In this state, you will not dream of anything good.

If you have terrible dreams, do not rush to believe them. Even if you dreamed of someone close to you under difficult circumstances, perhaps you just need to communicate with this person, do something for him, and sometimes just see each other. After all, dreams project our reality, so the only way to influence their “quality” is to bring order to your life and feelings.

Not long ago it was believed that they only occur during REM sleep, but recently it was found that during deep sleep, the subconscious also shows a person its stories. If you wake up in the fast stage, you remember your dream well. But if the moment of awakening was the slow phase of sleep, then you will not be able to remember what you saw. This is the explanation given.

One consolation can be found in the fact that people tend to sleep during REM sleep. An alarm clock or someone’s persistent attempts can pull you out of the slow phase. To make sure you're dreaming, try waking up without . This may require going to bed earlier so your body can get enough sleep. Place a voice recorder or notepad next to your bed, and as soon as you wake up, say or write down everything you remember about your dream. This way you will learn to remember what you see, and in the future you will be able to do without aids.

Sometimes people really rarely dream. This is explained by the fact that a person experiences such heavy loads during the day that the subconscious mercifully allows the mind to simply rest, without observing anything. If you're feeling too tired, reconsider how you organize your day. Most likely, as you begin to lead a calmer and more measured lifestyle, you will notice that you begin to have dreams again.

Also, those who are doing well in life rarely have dreams. Psychologists say that people suppress restless or disturbing dreams. But if nothing worries or disturbs you, then your dreams can be serene and happy, so the likelihood that you will not remember them increases. For those who have a happy time, but who do not have enough, we can recommend taking more interest in films, books, and various phenomena in the world. Those things that shock you will definitely be reflected in your dreams.

According to the esoteric view of dreams, a person does not remember them, thinking that he does not see, when the connection between the mind and soul is damaged. Your subconscious mind is a kind of bridge between them, but somewhere along the way problems arise that prevent the movement of information along it. Perhaps you should do something to improve this connection. New dreams will be a sign that everything is in order.

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All healthy people dream, even babies and the blind. But many people don’t remember them at all, so it seems to them that they are deprived of the pleasure of seeing vivid dreams. In order for dreams to remain in your memory, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations.


Don't overwork yourself. Develop an optimal daily routine so you can do the most important things during the day. If you literally collapse from fatigue late at night, you have very little chance of remembering your dreams at night.

Before you go to bed, mentally set yourself that you will remember everything that you dream about. You will most likely fail the first or second time. But if you regularly continue to tune in to remembering dreams, sooner or later everything will work out. There are small nationalities and tribes that can not only remember dreams in great detail, but also control them. Experiments prove that any person can develop such abilities. And if managing your dreams is not part of your plans, then learning to remember them is within your power.

Stay in bed for a few minutes after you wake up. Don't open your eyes and don't think about what you have to do during the day. Dreams often continue to live in this borderline state of consciousness. Don't try with great effort to remember what you need. Just catch the images that come at this moment.

Keep a pen next to your bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't try to quickly fall back asleep. Write down what you dreamed. It's okay if you write in the dark with scribbles and abbreviations. In the morning, after reading your notes, it will be easier for you to remember the dream at the time you woke up. But if you fall asleep again, there is a very high probability that in the morning you will not remember either the dream or the fact of your brief wakefulness in the middle of the night.

Ask someone close to you to wake you up at three or four in the morning. Usually during these hours a person is in the REM stage of sleep. It is at this time that the brain does not rest, but is most active. The most vivid and unusual dreams come in REM sleep. If you are suddenly awakened at this time, it is most likely that the dream will remain in your memory.

Troubles, as if alive, follow on the heels of some people. Thoughts appear that this is fate, and nothing can be corrected. But successful people also suffer defeats at some stages, but they don’t allow mistakes to be repeated.

Changing BeliefsThe phrase “no luck” suggests that a person shifts responsibility to external circumstances. Imagine a cabin boy on a big ship. He cannot give commands and influence the course. Now look at the captain: he can do whatever he wants, but he is responsible for what happens to the ship and the crew. Change your beliefs - become a captain life, not a cabin boy. It's time to grow up. Keeping Records To figure out why the ship wobbles from side to side and cannot sail to its destination, you need records. Keep a ship's log - record thoughts, moods, goals, events, ups and downs. Since ancient times, sailors have been checking their course against the North Star. Compare records with an authoritative source of information, then you can adjust the movement. In order to make strategic decisions correctly, the captain must see changes in water and air temperature, wind direction and other parameters over a long period of time. This is why records are needed. If you take into account only one day, week or month, erroneous conclusions cannot be avoided during a long voyage. Without notes, it is impossible to notice the nuances and patterns that occurred earlier. Change of emphasis Losers tend to remember the negative - they have a bad attitude towards their own talents, do not develop them, and do not believe in success. Start focusing on your strengths, look for them within yourself. Keep a special diary where you write down only good things about yourself. Planning Life is designed in such a way that people who do not plan anything are unlucky. In this case, others plan for them - manage time, resources, take away their health. Everything happens according to someone else's plans. Take control of your time, and you can expand your sphere of influence so that life goes according to your scenario. Risk Management Successful people evaluate the plans they have made in terms of their weaknesses. Imagine a metal chain in which two links are connected with tape. It doesn’t seem to break, but with the slightest increase in load it will break. It can hardly be attributed to bad luck. Rather, it is a lack of foresight, which is associated with an inability to manage risks. A person who wants to achieve success will take the time to repair a section of chain or buy a new chain. The loser will hope for chance.

Video on the topic

People spend up to a third of their lives sleeping. Science believes that sleep is needed for rest and for the brain to process the information accumulated during the day. At the same time, in religions and many other teachings, sleep is perceived as a journey of the soul to other worlds. Most likely, the truth, as often happens, is somewhere in the middle.

Dreams have been and are being actively studied by both official science and numerous enthusiasts. The experience accumulated over the past centuries allows us to draw quite interesting conclusions. They do not claim to be absolutely true, but they help explain many of the phenomena associated with sleep.

Real and virtual dream worlds

Dreams are very different. Some of them are filled with everyday problems and are clearly related to the events of the past day. But there are also dreams that sharply fall out of the general series. There are few of them, about 5% of the total number of dreams. They are distinguished by their amazing brightness, richness and unusual plot.

Analysis of dreams and experiments conducted by people who know how to maintain awareness in their dreams allow us to conclude that the dream spaces into which the human soul finds itself in a dream are of two types - virtual and real. Virtual spaces are illusory and are created by the consciousness of the person himself. But from time to time the soul goes beyond the illusions it creates and enters the real worlds.

These worlds can be very different; the specific “address” depends on the person’s consciousness, his spiritual level, thoughts and preferences. For example, a religious person can find himself in worlds close to his spiritual aspirations. An angry and cruel person usually ends up in the so-called lower astral worlds, corresponding to his level of consciousness. These worlds are dark, heavy, aggressive.

Thus, the places where a person’s soul ends up in a dream fully correspond to the qualities of his consciousness. But there are also exceptions. For example, a person watched a horror movie at night. The energies of this film and its heavy mood are conducive to falling into worlds of similar qualities in a dream.

The influence of dreams on human life

It is well known that dreams can predict the future. But in reality, very often they do not predict it, but form it. This applies to dreams in which the human soul resides in real astral worlds. As mentioned above, such dreams are distinguished by their brightness and richness, and are very well remembered.

The events that occur in such dreams are very clearly projected onto the events of the day. For example, you have a vivid dream in which someone attacks you and you run away. During the day, you are very likely to face some troubles, losses, and surrender of your positions. And vice versa, if you were not afraid in a dream and won, the events of the day would have turned out in your favor.

And many such examples can be given. In a dream, a person does not just sleep - his soul, entering the astral worlds, continues to do something. The events of the day depend on how a person behaves in a dream.

It is important to understand that the events of the day and night actively influence each other. If you are cheerful and optimistic during the day, maintain a good mood, believe in yourself, you have good dreams, you find yourself in bright, welcoming worlds. This means that the chances of something unpleasant happening to you at night are minimal. Accordingly, the events of the next day will also be positive.

The opposite situation is when you are pessimistic, overwhelmed by melancholy, depression, and mental pain. Your dreams are then dark and heavy, you find yourself in the lower astral worlds. There are many aggressive entities in them, from which you will most likely have to hide. And this, in turn, is projected onto the events of the day - everything is stacked against you, you are chronically unlucky.

Thus, dreams have the most direct impact on a person’s life. By practicing positive thinking and avoiding heavy thoughts, you can learn to find yourself in bright worlds in your dreams. Which, in turn, will have the most positive impact on the quality of your life.

Sleep is an amazing state of the human body. It seems that at this moment the whole body is resting, but in fact a complex process of “sorting through” information takes place in the brain, as a result of which dreams arise. Every person would like to control their subconscious - order only those dreams that bring positive emotions, help in understanding difficult situations and solving problems. It turns out that there is a special technique that is aimed at ensuring that every person in a dream sees only what he wants.

How dreams happen

Sleep is the residual part of the emotional state in which a person remains throughout the day. Dreams arise in an unconscious state - a person does not make any effort for this. In turn, sleep is the result of subconscious actions of our brain. During the day, when the brain is completely occupied with conscious, volitional work, the subconscious rests, showing no signs of existence. But at night it comes to the fore, and the result of such activity is sleep.

For many, dreams help cope with problems - at night, during rest, the subconscious suddenly sees a wonderful way out of a difficult situation. Some note that it is often during the general relaxation of the body that one studies oneself, actions and actions - this has a positive effect on the mental and emotional state. In a dream, you can see your shortcomings from the outside, trace the chain of events that haunt you. It is noteworthy that some creative people dreamed of images and subjects of paintings or even the periodic table of chemical substances. It is worth assuming that all these examples were the results of working on one’s own subconscious.

How to program yourself to have the dreams you want

In order to program yourself for certain dreams, you need to focus as much as possible on the general image and details that you want to see. For this technique to be effective, do not overload your stomach with a large dinner, do not drink a lot of water at night, and under no circumstances engage in physical or mental labor. This can completely ruin the entire desired result - the subconscious will work on the basis of previous emotional events, and even with strong concentration you will not be able to push the fatigue of the body into the background.

  1. First of all, calm down. Sit in a comfortable position, relax and think about positive emotions. Before this, you can take a warm bath, do your favorite kind of needlework - everything that calms you down and gives you a sense of balance and self-control.
  2. Be clear about your desired outcome. Don't bother describing the plot: just immerse yourself in memories or an event that just happened. The subconscious works according to its own internal logic. Feel as if external forces are telling you to free your brain from unnecessary information. This setup will help prepare your brain more thoroughly for sleep.
  3. Concentrate on the desired subject several times. If you want to see a journey in a dream, feel the tide of the sea, a warm breeze; if you want to see a loved one - gentle hugs, sweet words; if you are tormented by some problem - do not think about possible solutions. Focus your mind only on the difficult situation.
  4. Write down your desire on a piece of paper - this will be a good reason to remember the “sleep program” more clearly. Don’t complicate your work by thinking about unnecessary details: for example, if you dream of seeing outdoor recreation, write down the words clean air, sun, water, birds, wooden house, and emotionally absorb all their energy.
  5. In order not to forget your dream after waking up, put a notepad and pen on the nightstand. Scientists have proven through various tests and experiments that every person dreams every day. Moreover, the number of “virtual plots” that arise in the subconscious can reach up to 5, but usually only the last one is remembered. The process of remembering dreams has not yet been sufficiently studied by scientists, so special attention should also be paid to this factor. Try, immediately after you wake up, to write down the plot of your dream. Otherwise, by the morning you will have forgotten the details and will not be able to find out the result of the subconscious’s work on your project.
  6. Try not to fall asleep immediately after placing your head on the pillow. The sleepy state is like a gap between sleep and reality. In this state, you should think again about pleasant things, carefully imagine the desired image. Gradually you will go into the world of dreams, where you will definitely see your “programmed” one.

If you have diligently approached the creation of the desired image of sleep, were completely relaxed and calm, then you will certainly be able to see the desired dream. While the subconscious is working on the storyline you propose, the brain will pick up situations that you never even thought about in reality. The solution to any problem will come from where you didn’t even expect. It is in a dream that you can feel support from the outside, and one that will definitely be effective.

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We see dreams: good, bad, some we remember, others we don’t, there are dreams when you don’t want to wake up, and there are dreams that make you jump out of bed in horror... Agree, each of us would like to control the sleep process in order to control our subconscious . Currently, dreams are being carefully studied by scientists, and this is the conclusion they made: it turns out that we can make us dream what we want.

Sleep is when our body remains in a state of minimal brain activity, and dreams are those images that arise in our minds while we sleep. And dreams are perceived as objective reality, since we do not understand that we are dreaming. Initially, we cannot control our dreams, because this is the activity of what in psychology is called the “unconscious”, that is, against our will.

But, against our will, we dreamed dreams before, but now all the scientific minds of our planet are studying “lucid dreams”, in other words, a person understands that he is dreaming and can even control its content. Yes, incredible, but still a fact. There is even a special technique that anyone can learn.

It is a well-known fact that sleep is the remainder of our emotions for the day we have experienced, that is, we sleep, and our brain continues to work and, accordingly, process the information that we possessed during the past day. It has also been proven that sleep is a product of our subconscious processes. What happens? With the help of sleep, our subconscious “talks” to us and tries, for example, to warn us about some event, or to give an answer to a question that has been bothering us for a long time.

The subconscious, with the help of dreams, tells us how to survive this or that situation, and at the moment of wakefulness, the subconscious cannot “communicate” with us, since the brain is working with all its might, and our mind is ruled by consciousness, not the subconscious.

So, you can order yourself a dream. Of course, not in the literal sense of the word, you cannot come up with a dream plot - this is already in the realm of fantasy. Before going to bed, we can tune in to receive one answer or another, we can ask our subconscious to tell us what to do in the current situation; in a dream we can see a person for whom we are worried or from whom we have not had any information for a long time.

What needs to be done for this? The first thing you need is to tune in to memorize. Before going to bed, tune your mind to the fact that you will remember the dream when you wake up, and put a pen with a piece of paper next to it and, when you wake up, try to write down the most vivid images. Of course, this may not work right away; training is necessary. Relaxation and meditation before you go to bed will help you tune in to remembering your sleep.

Second, formulate the so-called “systemic issue.” If you are thinking about something, or cannot solve a problem, before going to bed, think about this situation and ask the subconscious for help in solving this problem. The more precise you leave the question, the more significant the answer you will receive. Asking the subconscious: “Will I be happy” makes no sense.

Third, focus on getting the answer. The most unusual and unidentified state of a person is the interval between sleep and wakefulness, both when we fall asleep and when we wake up. It is during this period that you should expect that you will dream what you wanted, and you will receive an answer to the question you asked your subconscious.

So, in a dream we can really get answers to all the questions that concern us. But you need to be patient and have a great desire to master this method if you really want to see bright results from your efforts. Use your dreams to communicate with your subconscious and it will help you achieve your goals.

Every day, at night, people plunge into their second life, into their dreams. And, naturally, you would like to make sure that you dream what you want and that this second life is wonderful.

During the process of sleep, each of us meets our own subconscious, thanks to which we can learn a lot about our lives, as well as find a way out of all sorts of difficult situations.

But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that dreams can be controlled, namely, by making them. Every night you can enjoy exactly those moments that you would like to see. But in order to do this, you need to practice.

Preparation for sleep

So, first of all, you need to learn how to properly prepare for bed. There should be no fuss in this process. In the process of preparation, you need to try to get rid of all the worries and anxieties that have accumulated during the day.

At this moment, you need to try to relax not only your body, but also your soul. You should absolutely not overload yourself with emotions, physical exercise, or a dense, high-calorie dinner.

Before going to bed, it is better to take a soothing shower or bath with essential oils, drink tea with mint or honey.

Deciding on what we want to dream about

Here it is enough to simply create for yourself some kind of intellectual or creative problem that you would like to solve, and the answer will certainly come in a dream.

And if you want to see someone from your family and friends in a dream, go on a fun trip or, for example, visit some country, then you need to reflect the current and exciting situation.

After the goal has been set, you need to scroll through this situation several times in your imagination, and then write it down on a piece of paper.

How to remember a dream

Now it's time to tune in to remembering the dream. In order to do this, before going to bed you need to have a notepad and pen near your pillow, and after waking up, immediately write down what you saw in your dream.

You need to try to program yourself to wake up immediately after having the necessary dream.

It is worth remembering that in one night, on average, people can have from one to five different dreams, and only the last remains in memory.

And it is for this reason that you need to learn to give yourself the necessary internal setting, with the help of which you can wake up immediately after the necessary sleep ends.

You should not fall asleep immediately after your head touches the pillow, or immediately get out of bed after waking up.

You need to learn to be in borderline states, which accompany us before and after sleep. Borderline states that are between reality and sleep are certain crevices in the worlds, with the help of which everyone can obtain all the necessary information.

In the process of falling asleep, being in a borderline state, it is necessary to imagine in the smallest detail the very picture that you would like to see in a dream. Here you need to show all your imagination and imagination. And after a few minutes, you will quietly and gently plunge into your dream.

After waking up from sleep

After waking up, you should not immediately return to reality; at these moments it is best to cling to the remnants of fantastic pictures that have not yet completely left your consciousness. Remember how it was, scroll through all the pictures you saw again and again.

After the dream is completely gone, and you realize that you are completely awake, then you should not get out of bed. First of all, you need to write down everything that you managed to remember, as well as what comes to mind while recording your dream.

If you manage to consciously approach programming yourself for the necessary sleep, then you will definitely be able to find in its description exactly what you wanted to see.

And if you don’t stop there and continue to train yourself, you can achieve great results, for example, that dreams can become faithful advisers and helpers in reality.