Bile is thrown into the stomach for treatment. Causes and symptoms of bile reflux in the stomach. Traditional methods of treating dyskinesia

When in oral cavity If an unpleasant bitter taste occurs, this should alert a person. Since such symptoms may indicate that bile is being refluxed into the stomach.

Such deviations can occur due to the resulting contraction of the gallbladder, as a result of which bile begins to move from the liver directly to the stomach and pharynx. During the natural functioning of the bladder, bile penetrates into the duodenum, where it takes an active part in the digestion of food, and then moves to the lower parts of the intestine in the structure of the food bolus.

Causes of bile reflux into the stomach

To understand how to treat a patient, it is first necessary to determine why bile reflux occurs. Reasons that contribute to bile reflux:

  • Trauma to the abdominal area provoked disruption of the functioning of the muscular system of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Growths. As a result of such changes, compression of the duodenum occurs, and in this situation, internal pressure increases. As a result of such anomalies, the resistance of the sphincter is overcome and bile enters the stomach.
  • The period of motherhood. As a rule, there is direct compression of the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes an increase in pressure. At the same time, a hormone (progesterone) is produced that helps relax the sphincter.
  • Impact of medications. Due to excessive consumption of antispasmodics, an intense release of bile into the stomach is quite possible.
  • Heavy meals before bed.
  • Deficiency of protective mucus.
  • Scars on the sphincter contribute to its loose closure.

Also, penetration of bile into the stomach can occur:

  • With increasing pressure in the duodenum.
  • Weakening of the sphincter.
  • If the bubble is removed.

It should be noted that such anomalies can occur due to faulty nutrition. In such situations, much more bile is produced, which the bladder is not able to retain. Bile discharge can also provoke:

  • Smoking on an empty stomach.
  • Intoxication.
  • Excessive food consumption.
  • Wash down greasy dishes with cold water.
  • Consumption of excessively salty or peppery foods.
  • Post-meal activity

The presence of bile in the stomach is not considered an anomaly and is observed even in absolutely healthy people. But if a burning sensation occurs, discomfort occurs, and such symptoms become somewhat systematic, then it is necessary to immediately rush to a specialist. Since only a doctor can diagnose the disease and tell what treatment to take if bile is thrown into the stomach.

Bile reflux is not considered an independent ailment, but rather refers to the symptoms of various ailments, and therefore manifests itself in different ways. Most often, when bile is released, the following symptoms occur:

  • Regurgitation. Due to interaction with gastric juice, the number of gases significantly increases, belching air with a specific odor and an unpleasant bitter aftertaste in the oral cavity.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth. These kinds of symptoms are associated primarily with food deficiency. Consequently, this symptom is clearly expressed precisely on an empty stomach.
  • Vomiting with increased bile. With frequent processes of bile reflux, the stomach is subjected to quite intense irritation, which provokes its contraction. Vomit in in this case is the only way disposal of contents.
  • Diagnose pathological processes perhaps by language. As a rule, it is covered with a yellow coating.
  • Heartburn.
  • Painful sensations in the epigastric region. Typically, pain can vary in intensity.

When bile frequently enters the stomach, damage to the mucous layer of the organ occurs. Such processes provoke the emergence inflammatory processes, which leads to the formation of gastritis with symptoms of dyspepsia.

Diagnosis of the disease

If symptoms of bile reflux persist for several days, then you need to rush to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a study, as a result of which he will determine the root cause of the reflux of bile into the stomach and prescribe treatment. Typically used:

  1. Ultrasound. This method diagnostics makes it possible to detect compaction of the mucous layer and the rising movement of gas from the duodenum.
  2. FGDS. This study will help identify any defects in the mucous membrane and sphincter.
  3. X-ray with barium will give a picture of the synchronous return of the remains of food and bile.

It is necessary to understand that stagnation in the stomach due to bile reflux is not an autonomous ailment. Hence, associated symptoms provoked by direct disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Diagnostics cannot be ignored, since thanks to its results it is possible to determine the root cause of the pathology. If treatment is not carried out and bile is not eliminated from the stomach, then serious illnesses can occur against the background of persistent irritation.

Features of dietary nutrition in pathology

After determining the cause of the accumulation of secretions and where it actually comes from in the lumen of the stomach, a personal therapeutic treatment. Main objectives of treatment:

  • First stop the process that has started.
  • Eliminate the consequences of irritating factors.
  • Eliminate excess acid, thereby preventing the formation of complications.

First of all, the patient is prescribed a diet so as not to provoke pathological activity of the bladder. Basic diet rules:

  1. Eat as often as possible, but in small portions. It is better to eat food at the same time, avoiding long intervals between meals.
  2. The last meal should be taken no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime.
  3. It is recommended to steam or bake food.
  4. It is important to monitor the temperature of the food you eat.
  5. After a meal, it is not recommended to do physical activity for 2 hours.

Experts note that the pledge successful treatment is proper nutrition. The patient must adhere to a certain regimen not only during the period of exacerbation, but also during the remission stage. Doctors say that the best preventive measures any gastric ailment is an appropriate diet. It is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Caffeine-based drinks.
  3. Greasy, spicy and salty dishes.
  4. Pickles, which include onions, garlic, ginger.
  5. Sweets.

All products that help enhance the functioning of the liver should be eliminated; if this cannot be done, then their consumption should be reduced to zero. Diet is necessary in mandatory agree with the attending physician after establishing the cause of the pathology.

Important! An important point diet is to avoid stress on the digestive tract and correct abnormal bile secretion. It is also important to establish a constant mode.

Medicines for bile reflux in the stomach

A number of medications are used for direct treatment:

  • Drugs aimed at correcting the functionality of liver and gallbladder cells (Ursoliv, Urosfalk).
  • Gastroprotectors are used to revive damaged intestinal layers (De-nol, Venter).
  • Inhibitors proton pump aimed at reducing acid accumulation (Nexium).
  • Medications used to improve the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract (Motilium, Reglan).
  • The drugs are aimed at reducing the accumulation of gastric juice, reducing acid revitalization (Maalox).
  • Adsorbents (Smecta) are used to quickly remove bile from the body.
  • To improve their well-being, patients take vitamin complexes.

Recommendations regarding dosage and duration of therapy are given exclusively by a specialist. Many patients are treated using folk remedies. But it should be noted self-treatment Without a diagnosis, it can only cause harm. Therefore, it is unacceptable to make various drugs for treatment without consulting a specialist. It should also be noted that folk remedies are best used as helper methods. There are quite a lot of different recipes that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of treatment depends primarily on a correct diagnosis.

Bile in the stomach is characteristic symptom gastroduodenal reflux. Normally, bile passes from the liver into the duodenum and then moves into lower sections intestines. In some diseases that are accompanied by dysfunction of the pylorus and increased pressure in the duodenum, duodenal contents are refluxed into the stomach.

Causes of bile in the stomach

The food a person eats should only move in one direction. From the oral cavity it enters the esophagus, moves into the stomach, penetrates the duodenum, and from there into other parts of the small and large intestines. The reverse passage of the food bolus is prevented by sphincters - valves consisting of circular muscles. The exception is vomiting - protective reflex, allowing you to remove toxic substances from the stomach.

The most common causes of bile reflux into the stomach:

  1. Injuries, hernias, tumor diseases organs abdominal cavity. They lead to mechanical compression of the duodenum. Bile, under pressure, overcomes the resistance of the pyloric sphincter and enters the stomach.
  2. Pregnancy. The mechanism of development of gastroduodenal reflux is identical to that described above. The fetus compresses the duodenum, increasing the pressure in it. As a result, bile refluxes into the stomach.
  3. Medicines. The use of antispasmodics or muscle relaxants reduces the tone of the pyloric sphincter muscles. Between duodenum and the stomach forms a lumen through which bile can penetrate.
  4. Surgical interventions. If during surgery a part was cut muscle fibers pyloric sphincter, then bile will enter the stomach constantly.
  5. Chronic duodenitis. The mucous membrane of the duodenum becomes inflamed and swollen. This leads to an increase in pressure and the reflux of duodenal contents, including bile, into the stomach.

Symptoms of bile in the stomach

From time to time, the reflux of bile into the stomach occurs even in healthy people. If this happens infrequently, symptoms will not appear. But with a long course of gastroduodenal reflux develops clinical picture diseases.

  1. Abdominal pain. This symptom is a constant companion to any disease of the digestive system. When bile refluxes into the stomach, there is no clear localization of pain. The patient cannot pinpoint the exact location that hurts.
  2. Heartburn. Sometimes bile can enter the esophagus from the stomach, irritating its mucous membrane and causing a burning sensation behind the sternum.
  3. Belching. Gases are formed in the stomach, which have bad smell. Sometimes bitter belching occurs when the contents of the stomach along with bile enter the oral cavity.
  4. Feeling of fullness in the stomach.
  5. Yellow coating on the tongue.
  6. Vomiting bile.


The reflux of bile into the stomach is dangerous not only in itself. With a long course of the disease, some complications of gastroduodenal reflux may develop.

  1. Reflux gastritis. A disease in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed due to constant exposure to bile acids. If the acidity in the stomach is increased, the likelihood of developing reflux gastritis increases.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. With this disease, the contents of the stomach periodically enter the esophagus, damaging its walls. If the disease progresses, the patient is indicated for surgery.
  3. Barrett's esophagus. Regular damage to the lower parts of the esophagus by bile acids leads to the replacement of squamous stratified epithelium with columnar epithelium. Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition.

Treatment of bile in the stomach

When treating bile reflux, it is worth remembering that it is only a syndrome and not an independent disease. If the cause of the reflux of bile into the stomach is not eliminated, the disease will accompany the person throughout his life. Nevertheless, symptomatic treatment necessary. It allows you to improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent possible complications gastroduodenal reflux.

  1. Selective prokinetics. These drugs speed up gastric emptying and increase sphincter tone. The faster bile leaves the stomach, the less it will irritate its mucous membrane. Motilium and cisapride are representatives of this group of drugs.
  2. Proton pump inhibitors. The higher the acidity in the stomach, the more aggressively bile acts on its mucous membrane. By reducing acidity with proton pump inhibitors, you can protect the stomach from the damaging effects of bile acids. The most effective representatives of this group of drugs are rabeprazole (Pariet) and esomeprazole (Nexium).
  3. Antacids. These drugs also reduce acidity in the stomach. They do not need to be used together with proton pump inhibitors. These groups of drugs have different mechanisms of action, but their use leads to the same result. You should choose only one of them. Proton pump inhibitors last longer but are expensive. Antacids are cheaper, but you will have to take them more often. These include Maalox, Almagel and many other drugs.
  4. Ursodeoxycholic acid (ursofalk). For reflux, Ursofalk is taken twice a day, 250 mg. This drug changes the form of bile acids to water-soluble. It is less toxic to the stomach. Ursofalk eliminates symptoms such as vomiting bile and bitter belching.

Most diseases that lead to the reflux of bile into the stomach are treated surgically. The exception is chronic duodenitis. He is treated conservatively.

  1. Laparoscopic correction of gastroduodenal reflux. This is a minimally invasive treatment method in which surgical intervention passes without opening the abdominal cavity. Is ideal solution with insufficiency of the pyloric sphincter.
  2. Surgical intervention using laparotomy. Depending on the cause that caused the development of gastroduodenal reflux, different kinds operations. Surgical method remove a tumor or hernia compressing the duodenum. Different ways eliminate insufficiency of the pyloric sphincter.

Bile in the stomach is just a symptom, not independent disease. But the appearance of this symptom requires careful diagnosis. It is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease that caused the reflux of bile into the stomach. If impossible complete cure, used symptomatic therapy, which is designed to reduce clinical manifestations illness and improve the patient's quality of life.

  • Antacids - prescribed for diseases gastrointestinal tract associated with the aggressive effects of an acidic environment on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The mechanism of action of the drugs boils down to the fact that the main active substance envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby reducing negative impact enzymes and bile. Antacids include: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Rennie, etc. Antacids should be taken regularly after meals.
  • Inhibitors – reduce the level of acidity of gastric juice and bile. The effects are similar to antacids. Using these drugs together is not recommended. The advantage of inhibitors is that they have a longer effect than antacids. Most often, gastroenterologists prescribe the following inhibitors: Esomeprazole, Nolpaza, Pantap, Ezokar, Rabeprazole, etc.
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid – promotes the dissolution of cholesterol gallstones and changes the state of the enzyme medium, reducing its viscosity. Preparations containing ursodeoxycholic acid: Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Ursosan, Urdoxa, Ursodez, etc.
  • Selective prokinetics - the mechanism of action of medications is based on stimulating the movement of food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, due to which it is digested faster. Selective prokinetics: Motilium, Cerucal, Itomed, etc.

In order to prevent the causes of the release of bile into the intestines, without taking medications, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Diet;
  • Quitting smoking and others bad habits(drinking alcohol, caffeine, etc.);
  • Refusal of tight clothing that puts pressure on the abdominal area.

In cases where the release into the intestines is an isolated case or occurred due to a dietary disorder, treatment can be carried out at home. If the release of bile or bilious diarrhea recurs more than once, you should seek help from a specialist.

As measures to eliminate the release of bile, the following simple treatment methods can be used:

  1. You can eliminate acid and cleanse the digestive organs by consuming empty stomach boiled warm water;
  2. Include in your diet following products: jelly, dairy products, oatmeal. Such measures will help coat the gastric mucosa and, as a result, bile will not enter the intestines;
  3. Excessive should be avoided physical activity;
  4. Take Smecta or another sorbent 1-2 times a day. Thus, after three days, the symptoms of the disease should subside. IN otherwise Seek help from a gastroenterologist.

It is much easier to follow simple rules that will help you avoid a number of serious illnesses, resulting from the release of bile into the intestines and stomach, as well as other digestive organs.

Even in the presence of the first symptoms of the disease, appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that the release of bile from the stomach does not penetrate into other digestive organs. When the release occurs only in the stomach, it is enough to follow a diet and maintain healthy image life, so that without reception medicines prevent the development of the disease. If the release begins to occur in the intestines, then you must immediately seek advice from a gastroenterologist to prescribe medications that will block and eliminate further development diseases.

At normal operation digestive tract bile from the liver passes directly into the duodenum. But due to various diseases, it can be regularly thrown into the stomach. Why this happens and what to do to treat the problem will be discussed in detail in the article.

Bile reflux (or reflux) is popularly called heartburn. Food in normal conditions should move only in one direction, and the sphincters prevent it from going back. The only exception is vomiting, which serves to rid the digestive organs of toxins. Doctors identify several causes of bile reflux:

  1. chronic duodenitis, in which the duodenal mucosa becomes inflamed and swollen. The pressure in the organ increases and the contents can enter the stomach;
  2. various hernias: trauma, tumors abdominal organs. For this reason, the duodenum is compressed, and bile under pressure overcomes the sphincter;
  3. medicines. Due to the use of muscle relaxants or antispasmodics, the tone of the sphincter muscles of the pylorus may decrease, forming a lumen;
  4. surgical interventions. Sometimes a poor-quality operation cuts through part of the muscle fibers of the pylorus, which is why bile will constantly be thrown into the stomach. Or reflux is possible due to removal of the gallbladder;
  5. pregnancy. The pressure in the duodenum increases due to the presence of the fetus.

There are also less common causes of bile reflux. Defects of the digestive tract can be congenital.

In addition to the bile itself, other substances enter the stomach: duodenal juice, bile acids, lysolycetin, enzymes. Once on the gastric mucosa, all these components cause dystrophic and necrobiotic changes. Sometimes stomach cancer may eventually develop.

It happens that bile reflux has nothing to do with diseases of the digestive tract. It can occur in healthy people due to regular overeating, poor diet, drink plenty of fluids(especially carbonated drinks), eating before bed, frequent use severe and junk food. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms with folk remedies and go on a diet for a short time. Reflux also occurs due to sudden movements and heavy physical activity after meals.


Since three-quarters of bile consists of bile acids, after entering the stomach it neutralizes gastric juice and promotes the breakdown of fats. However, these acids also injure the mucous membrane, leading to inflammation, erosion and gastritis. If reflux is too strong, the esophagus can also be damaged, which is especially dangerous due to the degeneration of its epithelium.

There are several symptoms of bile reflux:

  • nausea and vomiting of bile;
  • nagging pain in the abdominal area;
  • belching, often with liquid;
  • thirst;
  • bitterness in the mouth and typical coating on the tongue;
  • symptoms of general fatigue.

Video “Bile Reflux”


When treating bile reflux, you need to understand that bile reflux is only a secondary symptom and if the cause is not eliminated, the disease will remain. However, it is also important to treat symptoms, including folk remedies, in order to improve the quality of life and eliminate complications. Before the course of treatment, you need to start a diet so that the drugs are more effective.

From effective drugs For the treatment of reflux the following are used:

  • selective prokinetics that increase muscle tone of the sphincters and improve peristalsis (motiluim, cisapride);
  • antacids that reduce acidity (Maalox, Almagel);
  • proton pump inhibitors that neutralize acid. They should be used separately from antacids. The drugs include: rabeprazole and esomeprazole;
  • ursofalk (changing bile properties to water-soluble and less toxic);
  • various folk remedies.

Unfortunately, many diseases that lead to bile reflux require surgical treatment(with the exception of chronic duodenitis, which can be treated conservatively). Common operations include:

  1. laparotomy. Remove the hernia or tumor that puts pressure on the duodenum and strengthen the pyloric sphincter;
  2. laparoscopic correction. A gentle operation without opening the abdominal cavity.

Diet is also important in the treatment of bile reflux. It relieves the symptoms of the disease. You need to eat small meals, 6 times a day, and little by little. Until the end of treatment, it is advisable to exclude from the diet: fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol. The diet recommends boiled dishes, dietary meat, fruits, honey, and vegetables.

The most commonly used folk remedies to relieve symptoms are St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow. They are poured with boiling water and drunk twice a day with honey. For bilious vomiting from folk funds will do smoker Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of the herb, leave for an hour and take 50 ml when vomiting. You can also use proven folk remedy– flax seed, enveloping the mucous membrane. One hundred grams of seeds are infused in cool water and drink on an empty stomach.


The consequences of bile reflux include:

  1. gastroesophageal reflux disease. Stomach contents regularly reflux into the esophagus and damage the walls. If the disease progresses, surgical treatment will be required;
  2. reflux gastritis. The gastric mucosa becomes inflamed due to bile acids, especially with high acidity;
  3. Barrett's esophagus. Dangerous complication due to the effect of bile acid on the lower esophagus. The flat multilayered epithelium of the organ is replaced by a cylindrical one. This is already a precancerous condition.

Bile reflux – serious illness, as it can cause gastroduodenal complications if treatment is not started on time.

Video “Bile in the stomach”

How bile is formed in the stomach, as well as how to cure the disease, you will learn from this video.

is the physiological environment of the body that is involved in digestive process. However, in in good condition Bile does not enter the stomach, but the gallbladder. There it is stored and prepared for participation in digestion. The release of bile into the food bolus normally occurs at the stage of the food bolus exiting the stomach into the duodenum.

In case of violation physiological processes There is a reflux of bile into the stomach. This causes severe burns of the mucous membrane with bile acids. In combination with concentrated hydrochloric acid this substance poses a real threat to the integrity of the stomach lining. As practice shows, it is precisely this condition, when there is a lot of bile in the stomach, that causes the prerequisites for the formation of ulcerative lesions. In any case, you need to understand that if bile enters the stomach, then you most likely have reflux gastritis.

Under normal conditions, bile is not present in the stomach. The mucous membrane of this hollow organ is not designed to be exposed to this physiological fluid. That's why this phenomenon always causes discomfort epigastric region. so why does bile end up in the stomach? what is the mechanism of this phenomenon and what to do if the symptoms of bile reflux persistently bother you for several days.

Here we will stop for a moment and explain one simple thing. The fact is that even absolutely healthy person Bile may enter the stomach under certain conditions. This:

  1. eating disorder;
  2. drinking large amounts of liquid or food at the same time;
  3. physical activity immediately after eating;
  4. sudden bending of the body after eating;
  5. shaking after eating;
  6. sleep on a full stomach on the left side.

All this provokes excessive tension in the muscular lining of the stomach. In response, a premature relaxation of the outlet valve occurs and the flow of bile into the stomach cavity begins. But, as a rule, these symptoms are short-lived and disappear within a few hours. However, if you periodically update your digestive system to such a state, then you will develop full-fledged reflux gastritis and the reflux of bile into the stomach will become a commonplace thing.

So, let's summarize the preliminary result - bile in the stomach is a symptom of reflux gastritis, in which the exit sphincter connecting the stomach cavity and the duodenum suffers.

Why does bile accumulate in the stomach?

Most frequently asked question from patients - why does bile accumulate in the stomach? Essentially this physiological fluid should not enter the stomach cavity at all. It has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane and can cause erosive gastritis. But the protection mechanism is based only on the exit sphincter. And often due to constant overeating and inflammatory diseases weakens and begins to leak bile into the stomach cavity. This condition is especially common in patients after gallbladderectomy and with erosions of the duodenum.

To eliminate causes, it is necessary to establish fractional meals small portions, exclude fatty and fried food. After eating, rest is necessary and you should not wear belts or tight-fitting clothing. Using external pressure, you can provoke the reflux of bile into the stomach. After eating, you should lie down to rest only on your right side.

The doctor's answer to the question:

Why is there a lot of bile in the stomach?

In addition to everything mentioned above, a lot of bile in the stomach can accumulate for other reasons. And the leader among them is a violation of the outflow of bile, or, scientifically speaking, medical language, biliary dyskinesia. Here the pathology mechanism is somewhat more complicated. First, there is a disruption in the supply of portions of bile to the digestion process. Indigestion occurs. Then unused bile on an empty stomach begins to be thrown into the stomach cavity. Gradually this becomes normal. And correct this situation by later stages it will be very difficult.

The second common reason for the reflux of bile into the stomach cavity is poor nutrition. If you periodically eat a lot of spicy, fatty, salty, fried or smoked foods, then the appearance of bile in the stomach cavity is a matter of time. In response to the intake of irritating foods, the liver produces a large number of bile. Gallbladder cannot hold this mass. A massive reflux of bile occurs, some of which ends up in the stomach.

How does the reflux of bile into the stomach occur?

The anatomy of the stomach is such that this hollow muscular sac has two openings - inlet and outlet. The first is located at the junction of the esophagus and stomach, the second is responsible for communication with the duodenum. Through the inlet valve, food enters the stomach, through the outlet valve it exits into the intestines. So, the mechanism of reflux of bile into the stomach will be impossible if the outlet valve is in normal condition. It is designed in such a way that it only works for “issue”. Its physiology does not provide for letting anything into the stomach cavity.

But if you treat yourself to overeating for some time, the outlet valve stretches and quietly lets bile acids in. This is not right and needs to be fought against. How? We'll tell you a little further.

What are the symptoms of bile in the stomach?

Well, a few words about what symptoms are provoked by bile in the stomach. Usually a person is worried about:

  • burning in the epigastric region;
  • heaviness in the abdomen and right hypochondrium closer to the navel area;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • thirst;
  • heartburn and bitterness in the mouth.

Distinctive symptom - application antacids Does not help. has a short-term effect.

If there is bile in the stomach - what to do?

If you feel that you have bile in your stomach, then you need to give yourself first aid. To do this, do the following:

  1. drink 2 glasses of warm boiled water in small sips (this will wash the gastric mucosa from bile acids;
  2. take 1 sachet 3 times a day for 3 days in a row;
  3. eat meals over the next 10 days in fractional portions;
  4. include slimy foods in your menu (jelly, oatmeal, fermented milk products;
  5. eat small meals and at the same time;
  6. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm boiled water.

Be sure to consult a gastroenterologist. Swipe full examination abdominal organs. Get treatment for reflux gastritis. If your reflux of bile into the stomach is associated with a previous removal of the gallbladder, then you should contact a surgeon to exclude postoperative complications and to a nutritionist to create a suitable diet.