Rune bets on a stolen item. Simple conspiracies to return stolen money and valuables. Conspiracy on the web

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Returning a stolen item

Returning a stolen item

Becoming is intended to return a stolen item or something that was taken and still does not want to be returned; it can be used to search for an item.

The dot is the operator.
Salt is the energy for the work of the stave.
Laguz - roads leading to the operator.
Triple Raido (mirror) - return back.
Triple Naud - forced return.
Turisaz - destroy all barriers, everything that stands in the way of return.
Fehu is a thing that needs to be returned.

Review by Vannadis:
Becoming a “Returner”. - everything was put together perfectly! The result was a strong, interesting, harmoniously composed structure, the runes were chosen correctly, the description was written perfectly, a very good job was done. It can also be used to remove negative impacts on business, finances, business or career growth, that is, you can remove any damage that is associated with money or property; by the way, damage to a premises can also be removed if the premises are not your home, but say an office .

Question: If you put other runes instead of fehu, is it possible to return feelings, relationships, health, etc. with this stave?
Answer: It’s possible, but you won’t have much fun in the structure there, since you’ll have to take those runes whose tails are turned to the right, for example, Vunyo, Laguz, Turisaz

Question: I made “Returner” more for the return of household items, that is, to return a stolen or lost item. It is possible to return a lost animal. Is it suitable for this?
Answer: You can, of course, use it to return a lost, stolen item or animal, you can also use it for this, I just described an additional action, that is, everything that you wrote + what you reviewed can be used for these purposes.

Runic return of stolen goods

This article was drawn up urgently for a situation with which many of us probably
collided. Someone stole or stole your luck, money,
health, beauty, etc. Becoming a two-stage, first returns
stolen, then cuts off the tourniquets and other suction cups.

The basis of Yera, what they pump out of you on a regular basis, Lagus inverted 2
pcs, turn the flow of stolen goods in the opposite direction, raid 2 pcs
return and deliver to us the stolen goods in full. Then turn on
double Sttungen iss, partly to hide their actions and firstly
It’s time to stop this disgrace.

4 Tursa bites through all the cords like teeth, Kveort cleans up. Well that's all
under the Jotun troubles, so as not to be caught. The slander is ruined,
be sure to tell me as soon as the stolen goods are returned so that it will turn on
the second group of runes for gnawing and cleaning.

The reservation that I took - “Let all that come back to me by the power of the runes of this station
that they once stole and are stealing, including my luck, energy, beauty,
youth, money luck, health. (specify what you need).
Let Yera be what they steal and take away from me, let it be by the power of the runes
Lagus, the flow will turn in the opposite direction, that is, towards me, let it be by force
Raido runes - everything that was stolen will return to me in full.

As soon as I get everything back, may all the paths and roads connecting
me, the thief and my offenders will be slaughtered and cut off by the power of 4 runes
Turizats. Let the power of the rune Stungen Iss all the processes of theft, that
belongs to me stop. May I remain by the power of the Stungen Iss rune
unnoticed by my enemy and thief.

May my actions be completely hidden by the power of the Jotun darkness and
invisible. Let the power of Kveort burn and clear all the paths and plaits along
with whom the stolen goods were taken away from me. Let Kveort stand up for my
channels, paths and roads and burns everyone with his funeral fire who
wants to steal what belongs to me. "

Well, we activate all sorts of additions, how much we set them.

But again, it’s up to you how to stipulate, you can compose your own version.

Activation with your own blood is required! We set it for a maximum of 2 weeks, although it is enough
weeks. You can take a break of several weeks and then repeat again,
if the case is severe.

Comments 16

Lenochka, the Perth rune will help you. One of the actions of this rune is secret, hidden things and finding things, money (finding can happen by chance). This particular rune has helped me several times already. Other options are offered: Kenaz - to illuminate (since the rune is a “torch”, and the purpose of a torch is to “illuminate” in every sense) the hidden (Perth) to joy (Wunjo).

Lenochka, how is your work going?

Hello Maria.
Not yet. Today is my last day at the old firm.
I began to fall into despair again.

Lenochka, I currently have a seasonal job and Friday was my last day of work, and on Sunday they called me and offered me a job for June. I think this is the work of the three Uruz runes drawn on the wrist on Monday. They also helped me cope with the enormous workload over the last week, despite my high body temperature, and even gave me a bonus. Try this rune, maybe it will help you too. You shouldn’t despair, just believe and act, and everything will work out for you. Good luck.

Menja priglasili segodnja na interv’ju.

Slava runam. Znachit vse idet svoim cheredom.

Kak Dar’ja govorit: What moe, to nikuda ne denetsja, a chuzhoe samo otvalitsja.

Udachnogo vsem dnja, a tebe, Marija, uspehov na new place.

Congratulations, Lenochka. Thank you for your wish.

Oh, Maria. Is it okay that I’m on “you”?

Very good

Hello, Lena. Maria gave the absolutely correct answer. One of the opportunities in Perth is finding lost items. You need to take the Perth rune in your hand and look for it.

But there is no reason to fall into despair. You yourself wrote a translation of a wonderful parable, how do you know where it will be better for you?

I’ll tell you another parable: The Russian secret “Nothing”.

The famous German politician Otto Bismarck was a diplomat in his youth. And he began his service in St. Petersburg. At that time, and even now, we had one of the problems: bad roads. At that time there were no railways yet, and all routes had to be covered on horseback. During such trips, various troubles occurred: either a lack of fresh horses, or a lack of provisions or overnight accommodation, or washed-out roads, or robbers, or drunk or reckless coachmen. One day Bismarck came across just such a reckless driver.

And he had one strange thing. When some troubles happened along the way, for example, there were no horses at the crossing, the coachman, instead of righteous anger, only smiled and said: “Nothing!” When the sleigh overturned into a ravine from his reckless ride, he, helping Bismarck out of the snowdrift and shaking off his clothes, grinned and said: “Nothing!” Finally, when one of the horses stumbled during a furious ride and broke a leg, Bismarck became indignant and wanted to beat his careless companion, but the latter again disarmed him with his: “Nothing!” (Bismarck did not yet understand the meaning of this word). As a souvenir of this dangerous journey, the coachman gave the German diplomat a horseshoe. When Bismarck learned the meaning of an incomprehensible word, he ordered that a ring be made from a horseshoe and inscribed on it in Russian letters - “Nothing!” The Great Chancellor wore this ring all his life. In difficult days of adversity, when he was overwhelmed by worries and did not know what to do, Bismarck looked at the ring, smiled and repeated the advice inscribed on it: “Nothing!” This helped him get through many dark days.

Someone said: “Diamond is coal that has undergone great pressure.” One of the most wonderful, amazing qualities of a person is the ability to not give up.

Helen, everything will work out, everything will come at the right time. You will definitely sparkle with Diamond.

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CONSPIRACY. Return what was stolen.

Conspiracy to return stolen property.

If you are sure that the item or things have actually been stolen, a special ritual should be performed as soon as possible. All things retain the energy of their owner for some time, with the help of which you can force a thief to return what was stolen.

Magic affects objects, and they will bring all kinds of trouble to the thief.

If the ritual is performed in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unlucky item, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.

This ritual can be performed at any time of the day and during any lunar cycle; the main thing is that the ritual must be performed as quickly as possible after the theft is discovered.

Then you need to write the word “thief” on a blank sheet of paper and draw a silhouette of a person under it. You need to place an icon and several church candles in front of you. We hold our right hand over a sheet of paper and read the words of the conspiracy:

The sooner you use the spell after discovering the loss, the greater the chance of returning the stolen property.

Beyond the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them stab his heart, let them chop him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives away everything he took. That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, cursed by the land of the saint, by the spell of Ararat, by scorched brick, by swamp mud, by flammable ash, by a mill dam, by a bottomless house, and by a bathhouse jug. You become crooked, thief, lame, stunned, stupefied, thin. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, it’s not your death to die, you’ll be nailed to a board with rusty nails, dried out more than grass, frozen more than ice. Once you return what was stolen from the servant of God (name), only then will you live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After reading the last words, you need to put the sheet with the drawing in a safe place where no one can find it.

If something valuable and important to you was stolen, this plot will help you return the stolen item.

To read the plot, you need to go to church for Friday morning service, and after the service buy a red thick candle. After returning home, hide the candle in a secluded place. In the evening, when no one can disturb you, light a candle in the bathroom and whisper a spell over the burning candle:
The red candle burns, like my stormy pain, like a huge grief, like irrepressible sadness. It burns and jars, it torments and smokes; the one who stole what is mine is in a hurry to return it. He won’t be able to sleep, he won’t be able to live until he gives me back what’s mine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Say the spell over the candle seven times, then extinguish the candle and put it where the item stolen from you was. You can go and go to bed peacefully - the stolen item will definitely return to you.

If something was stolen from you.

Remember exactly where the stolen item was. Take the largest knife in the house, draw a large circle around the place where the stolen goods were and stick the knife in the middle. Say the words of the conspiracy:
A knife to the thief's heart, stolen into place.
Then cross yourself three times and read the prayer "Our Father" .

Conspiracy to return stolen property

My thing, find me
do not serve anyone, get away from someone else's hand,
turn around the sun, you will find yourself in your place.
who carried you, who stole you - he broke his own destiny -
He’ll break your legs and bleed, but he’ll bring you back to me!
no one can interrupt my words, no one can block my deeds,
As I said - so be it!

For a thief to plant stolen goods

Using a knitting needle, outline the place from which something was stolen by the thief. Read the spell and prick this place forty times:
I stab you, thief, for stealing from me. I will prick and prick. I will not forgive you, thief, and I will not forget until you, thief, return me (list). Return the loss to its place, thief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Dry the hand of my enemy, dry, dry. Don't grab someone else's. Bend the hand of pain, don’t take mine. As the grass dries up, the thief's hand dries up and fades away. Nails at your feet. There is no way for you. Amen

To force a thief to return what he stole,

or at least make him suffer greatly in mental and physical pain.
You need to light a blue candle and imagine that this is the thief; if you know the name of the thief, then write it on the candle. Prick the candle flame several times with a sharp needle.

For example, if your shoes were stolen, burn a shoe brush with fire; if your wallet was stolen, heat a coin on the fire.
You need to put seven knives on the table, pointing all their tips in different directions, and say:

As at sea, on the river in a forged chest there are seven damask knives, seven guards. I open that chest, take out those knives, and direct them to work. Go, knives, to this and that, to the one who committed evil, laid hands on my property, chop it up and down so that he turns back the theft and does not hide anything. My word is true, my deed is quick, everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled. Amen.
Then wrap the knives in black cloth and put them in a dark place where no one would see them or accidentally take them.

CONSPIRACY. Force a person to return property that does not belong to him

Collect all the knives that are in the house, put them in a basin, pour in water, and place the basin on the stove. There should be enough water to cover the knives. And read it forty times. Pour the water out the gate (for those who live in apartments, out the front door.) Do this for 3 days.

Oh, you damask knives, you cut and stab everything,
to white bones, to red blood.
Go, knives, to the thief, chop and stab to the bone,
to the point of blood, so that he would give back what he had stolen, everything that he had taken from me.
Be you, thief, cursed: with forty prayers, forty slander, forty wards, forty funeral services, forty curses,
the most powerful conspiracy, boiling resin,
flammable ash, painful disease.
Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and push
mortal melancholy to the grave.
Take it with a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is especially effective when read at the scene of the loss.

When closing the lock:

A fence made of crosses, the Savior at the door. Angels protect, saints protect me. Heart of a thief, stop, hook your feet together. Passion for you, misfortune for you, Forget how to breathe, forget how to walk, Forget how to run. Forget yourself and your name. May my curse befall you. South is your west, east is your north.
My word is strong and sculpted to the deed.

A strong conspiracy against thieves before leaving home.
This is a powerful conspiracy that protects the house from thieves. You need to read the plot after you have left the door of your house in order to leave for a long time. It is very important that you do not wear any gold or silver jewelry while reading the plot.
When you turn the key in the door lock, whisper:

Whoever approaches the door with evil, let him find destruction here; in the name of the Holy Spirit, I lock this door. Let no one except me, the servant of God (my name), be able to open this door. Amen, amen, amen.

Then cross the door three times and silently leave the entrance. The main thing is don’t look back, if you look back at least once, the conspiracy will not help you and your house will definitely be robbed by dashing people.

A good plot against pickpockets
The first thing you need to remember is that this spell can be used if you have a cross on your body. For unbaptized people, the conspiracy will not help.
When you go out with a large amount of money, say the following:
There is a cross on me, a cross in the window, whoever takes my money will die from this cross. Amen, Amen, Amen.

From pickpockets every day You can use another conspiracy that needs to be cast on your wallet or bag:
In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image, whoever offends me by stealing will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Return what was stolen

Greetings to all forum participants.
I'll try to briefly outline my problem. Today my wallet was stolen at work. I am 99% sure that it is not a loss, because after paying at the supermarket checkout, I strictly put it in the inner pocket of my jacket.
Upon the fact of the loss, 3 hours later, I contacted the cashier and the supermarket security guard. As a result, no one discovered or saw anything. I can’t particularly suspect anyone from the team, due to the fact that the security at the entrance is formal and it is possible for a stranger to enter the work area if they wish.

I made a situation plan using three runes. The result is:

What proposals exist on this matter?


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  • At the very beginning, pick up and light the candle you bought the day before in the temple and, as if cutting its flame with a sharp knife, say:

    “Whoever tried on mine and stole it - come in a dream, take the knife, return mine. Otherwise I’ll take your soul and chop it up like a meat carcass.”

    Afterwards, put it under your own pillow and go to bed - your things will be returned to you within a day or two. You can also adopt another ritual - take the simplest salt and go to the place where the thing stolen from you lay and say:

    “I will sprinkle salt on the eyes of the cruel thief, on his sinful bodies, and on his evil heart - return the thing to me and to its rightful place. Be yes according to my words."

    To carry out the next ritual, you will need a mirror, it is advisable to take the one that was in the apartment, the room where the thing disappeared. This will help you find the thief and return the item back - while looking at him, you should say the following words 12 times:

    “If you, a thief, don’t kindly return my thing to me, let my double bring you to a dark grave for your sins.”

    The next ritual is quite powerful and effective. It will be held at 12 o'clock at night and will allow you to punish the thief and return your rightful property to you. It is worth preparing 13 single denominations in advance and at midnight it is worth going to the crossroads - the main thing is that they walk along it and do not drive cars. Stand in the center of the intersection and say out loud three times:

    “You 13 devils - brothers, come to me at my call - find the thief, let him ... return the name of the thing, otherwise he will not see happiness. The devils stab him in the sides, drive him into a dark grave - he will return the thing to me... its name. ..., before this he will not know peace.”

    Then throw coins over your left shoulder and say - Paid. After this, go home and most importantly do not look back, and when you arrive, read in the place where the missing item previously lay:

    “Yes, a thief came to me secretly - ... the name of the thing ... he stole it, and let his hands wither and never rise again. My curse will go away when he returns mine to me himself.”

    Soon the thief will return the item to you or throw it under the threshold - magical powers simply will not allow him to sleep peacefully, walk on the ground and drink. And what’s most interesting is that some thieves themselves say that their hands were on fire until they themselves returned the item to the rightful owner.

    Conspiracy to return a stolen item

    In order for a thief to return what was stolen, it is necessary to perform a magical, special ritual that will force him to do this of his own free will. And as practice shows, in half the cases of theft this works 100%.

    The first ritual is very effective and works quickly. When carrying it out, you should clap your hands and carry it out until the item stolen from you is returned to you. The main thing to remember here is that neither the time nor the location matters, since the thief will still suffer and will eventually return the item to you himself. Just read the words out loud while clapping your hands:

    “You damn brothers, you are evil and you are dashing towards the thief - you will come to me, you will find the thief. Avramasus, Arbamasus and Argamasus - in the name of everyone, take away the mind - thoughts from the dashing, take away his will until he returns the loot to me.

    After this, repeat it for several days in a row, until the thief himself gives you the stolen item - most often this takes no more than a week.

    Against theft

    You can protect yourself and your home from theft with the help of ancient, time-tested ritual conspiracies.

    1. Ancient rite

    This ritual was adopted by rich merchants who were on their way and wanted to protect themselves from theft. Take an ancient knife in each hand and over the threshold and say three times:

    “Like on the sea - the river, and in that forged chest, there are 7 damask knives, and 7 indestructible guards. I open that chest, I take out those knives, and I direct them to a good cause - I use them for my own good, for the thief for evil, for the one who laid his eye and hand on my property.”

    Then just cross yourself.

    1. Ritual for salt

    When you leave the house and leave for a long time, put a glass on the table in the kitchen or in the living room, always empty, and also sprinkle salt and at the same time stir:

    “A thief will come to me and take my salt, but I won’t give him any water.”

    1. Ritual with keys

    Here you will need to prepare old keys in advance - take them according to the number of door locks that you have in your home. Walk around the apartment or house and touch each key in turn to the lock and say:

    “I lock your locks with these keys, I conjure you with my words, I close you from evil people - all doors and goods are only mine.”

    Then tie them all with a red ribbon and store them in the house as a protective amulet. In the same way, you can protect your own garage or cottage, car from theft and theft.

    1. No pickpockets

    You can also use a magical ritual to protect your pocket from thieves - pickpockets. To carry it out, you will need your own cross, and when leaving the house with a large amount of money or a full bag, say:

    “The holy cross is on me, the holy cross is in the window, whoever takes my money will die from the cross.”

    In addition to this, you can use another conspiracy against pickpockets - they slander it on your own wallet:

    “There are sharp eyes in the forehead, and holy images on the wall; whoever offends me by stealing will hate himself from that very moment.”

    After the magical ritual, you can safely go about your business.

    How to punish a thief with a conspiracy

    It's simple - apply one of the rituals presented below.

    1. Conspiracy on the web

    Go to the basement and look for the largest possible cobweb there - say the words out loud while looking at it:

    “Whoever took my property into his hands, who took my property, if you get entangled in a strong web, you will become entangled and lost. Just as you don’t know peace, don’t sit still and quietly, just as a spider can’t escape a web, a man can’t avoid death and old age, so you can be a thief and suffer.”

    A ritual is a ritual, but you should also be careful, because if you leave the door wide open, no amount of magic will help you save your property.

    1. Ritual with door handles

    In particular, this ritual helps if you don’t know who stole your property and when - it is pronounced on the doorknob:

    “Take your hands and feet away from the thief who crossed this threshold, took these doors, and on my threshold.”

    Such a ritual will not only help create a protective energy field around your home, but will also take away the limbs of those who crossed your threshold and stole this or that thing from your home.

    If your child steals

    Due to this or that situation, your baby may pull this or that thing from you or your friends, intentionally or out of ignorance - you should not scold him, but tell him that this is wrong, and carry out one of several rituals.

    1. Ritual for water

    When you find out that your baby stole something, on the same day you should read the words over the water. To carry it out, you will need water - the most ordinary one from the tap, or if you have a large church wax candle consecrated in the temple.

    Light a candle with a match and place water in a glass in front of it - say three times over it:

    “Like a thieving gypsy, the Lord taught him to live honestly, so you, Lord, help my son/ of the child...forbid him to steal.”

    Then you give the baby this water to drink - as practice shows, once is enough and the baby will be turned away from the desire to take someone else’s.

    1. Ritual on jelly

    This ritual is more complex, but nevertheless more effective and efficient. At the very beginning, you should cook the jelly and while it is cooking, ritual words are spoken over it:

    “Remember, Our Father, the sin of God’s servant/servant…name of the child…, remember his theft, and repose so that my son/daughter will not steal again. Let this sin go away with the deceased and be remembered there.”

    When it is cooked, it should be cooled and poured into glasses - it is served on the table along with boiled eggs and pancakes, but the main thing is that the kid who steals tries this treat. After this, you can give it to all household members to drink.

    Locking the doors of the house with a magic lock

    The magical protection of a house from burglars works flawlessly - adopt one of the rituals presented below.

    1. Ritual with keys

    Conducting a conspiracy against thieves , take old keys - the older they are, the better, in an amount equal to the number of door locks, and you should use them to go around all the doors, knock on them and say:

    “You thief, bypass my house, and if you enter, you will stay here - in my words, yes, those castles.”

    They are recited over each castle - the main thing is to read the plot not from a piece of paper, but to learn it by heart and then walk around the whole house.

    1. Ritual on the threshold

    When leaving your home, step on the threshold with your feet and in this position, grab the handle and say the following words three times:

    “A thief will refuse your hands and feet, but in my house - quietly walk past my door, but he won’t be able to enter the house.”

    In addition to this, you can perform another effective and time-tested ritual - simply standing on the threshold of your own apartment, from the side of the corridor and without completely crossing the threshold into the street, say:

    “Jesus - let me out into the street, but don’t let a thieving, dashing and evil person into the house.”

    After crossing yourself and leaving the house - it is reliably protected from negative thoughts of stealing from it. In the practice of magicians there are many more rituals that can render a thief unconscious and even paralyze him if the latter enters your home with evil intentions.

    Scandinavian magic runes for debt repayment help overcome negative human qualities, such as optionality and negligence.

    All people at least once in their lives encounter unscrupulous debtors. People you know well and trust often ask you for a loan, but they are no longer in a hurry to repay it. If this happens, then do not panic, as Scandinavian runes will help resolve the problem.

    • A look at the situation, the one who lends money.
    • The look of the person who borrows them.

    Esotericists evaluate the actions of the lender in two ways. Some people believe that if a person lends money, it means they don’t need it, that’s the signal he sends. But other magicians think differently and believe that at the same time as money, part of the monetary energy is given away. Therefore, it joins the general living circulation of energy schemes and brings profit, thereby increasing income.

    Esotericists agreed on debtors. By borrowing money, a person takes on obligations, because he subconsciously understands what kind of responsibility this is. At the same time, when free finance appears, no one is in a hurry to part with it. This happens because he perceives them as his property, which is difficult to give away. As the famous saying goes: “You take someone else’s, you give your own.”

    When working with runic signs, the influence of magical forces occurs on both sides of the financial conflict. The lender is attracted to the cash flow, and the borrower has pangs of conscience, so when parting with a certain amount, it does not go away so painfully.

    Formulas for debt repayment

    There are several runic staves that can change the financial level:

    • Dagaz-Fehu-Yer. All cash investments or loans will be returned with profit. Interest will increase the lender's wealth.
    • Fehu-Odal-Vunyo - Celtic runes for changing the general state of monetary energy.

    • Nautiz-Ansuz-Nautiz is a runic formula that affects the subconscious of the debtor and provokes pangs of conscience.

    • Kenaz-Ansuz-Nautiz-Teyvaz-Yer is a powerful becoming, directing the thoughts of the defaulter on the right path. Doubts about whether to repay or not repay the debt disappear.

    • Turiza-Nautiz-Fehu-Gebo is a magical formula that influences the conscience of the defaulter. Fehu in this formula is inverted, therefore it especially affects the Law of Universal Balance. After activating the formula, a mechanism is launched that eliminates the debtor’s failures. He has a constant feeling of guilt.

    • You can force the money back by becoming: Nautiz - Fehu - Yer.

    • Still effective is a stave consisting of Turisaz-Fehu. It speeds up the process of debt repayment by the debtor.

    • Evaz-Turisaz-Fehu-Yer - promotes the return of finances to the owner in any way.


    Many creditors, before taking serious action to repay the debt, have long, intelligible conversations with the debtor, but in most cases, they do not affect the conscience of the borrower.

    To be heard, you can use the following runic script: Kenaz-Ansuz-Nautiz-Tir-Yera.

    Turisaz-Nautiz-inverted Fehu-Gebo is a ligature that contributes to the creation of situations in which the defaulter will have to repay the debt.

    Repaying a Debt with a Magic Wand

    The “Magic Wand” sign is placed between the photographs of the borrower and the lender. At the bottom is the defaulter, and at the top is a photo of the person from whom the loan was borrowed. This formula consists of the following runes:

    • Teyvaz - determining the direction of transition of “debt”.
    • Uruz-Sovilo - creates new favorable conditions for making the transition.
    • Raido is a process of transition.
    • Ewise-Raido-Niid connection, which creates external situations, meetings, reasons for the transfer of a loan from the borrower to the lender.
    • Yera is a symbol of returning what was given in the past.
    • Inguz-thematic symbol (Fehu) - Vunya - a link that will ensure that the lender receives his money.
    • The Isa rune works quickly and will make it possible to find the necessary finances to repay the debt.
    • It is imperative to get rid of debt “tails”, since they pollute the cash flow. If possible, ask your relatives if there are any serious debts in your family, because even they will negatively affect your income.

    The thematic symbol is determined depending on what you want to receive. If it is money, then apply it to Fehu, Uruz - for strength, Gebo - harmonious relationships, etc.

    • Vunya helps ensure the best way to obtain debt.
    • Stanginn Iss hides magic from prying eyes.
    • Salt powers the formula from the energy of the sun.

    It will take a lot of energy, so it is advisable to carry it out through a ritual and additionally recharge from the sun.

    To deal with creditors

    To get rid of debts, you can use Scandinavian runes. But not in order to destroy the lender, but to attract cash flow or to open it.

    In some cases, a deferment is needed to earn a certain amount of money. Sooner or later you will have to get rid of debt. For this, the following runic formula is useful: Yera-Isa-Fehu-Isa-Yera.

    Physically paying off loans is the only possible way to get rid of debts, but you can improve your well-being in general. For example, after performing a ritual, a promising job or part-time job will appear. When making a reservation, you should be careful about the purpose. By saying the phrase: “To repay a loan from a bank,” the institution will begin to prosper, but not the debtor. It is better to call for money and formulate your desire as an improvement in your well-being.

    There is no need to panic; you can always negotiate with a bank or a creditor and achieve conditions more favorable for the defaulter. Magic signs and staves can also help with this,

    It is possible to repay a debt with the help of Scandinavian runic signs; the main thing is to approach this issue correctly.


    In life you may encounter unpleasant situations - pickpocketing or burglary. You don’t want to part with your acquired property, and the police don’t always help quickly. To punish the criminal yourself, read the old and effective plot to make the thief return the stolen property.

    A robber can be punished using a conspiracy

    Specifics of rituals for the return of valuables

    The return of stolen property (property, things or money) is carried out when something has been stolen from you. This is important: if you do not know for sure that the item has been stolen, do not perform the ritual. Higher Powers perceive this as a deception, and the ritual will turn against you. This threatens the loss of valuable property or health problems.

    There is no statute of limitations for conspiracies to return stolen property. Even if the item was stolen a long time ago, the energy trace of the owner still remains on it. But the sooner the actual ritual is carried out, the better. This makes it more likely that the stolen value will be returned.

    Rituals should not be taken literally. The lost amount or property is returned with expensive gifts or valuable finds that have no owners. If you store valuables in your apartment, think about the security of doors and windows, and also carry out protective rituals to protect your home from thieves.

    Ritual for punishing a thief

    This ritual is simple but powerful. They even punish the thief a little. He will be haunted by obsessive thoughts about the wrongness of the act and the desire to return the stolen property to the owner. To do this, you should perform a ritual with knives:

    1. Collect all the knives in the house and put them in a basin.
    2. Fill them completely with water.
    3. Warm the basin on the fire and read the words seven times:

      “Oh, you damask knives, you cut and stab everything to the point of white bones, to red blood. Go, knives, to the thief, chop and stab to the bone, to the point of blood, so that he will give back the theft - everything that he took from me. Damn you, thief. Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and crush with mortal melancholy to the grave. Take it like a jug without a bottom, from the first word to the last. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Water is poured over the threshold of the home or behind the gate if the house is private.

    You should not take words literally - it is unlikely that what was stolen will return to you. But you may find a valuable item or receive unexpected monetary compensation.

    Ritual to return stolen property

    A conspiracy to return stolen property is white magic. They do not curse the thief and do not harm his health. With words, you simply ask the Universe to return what rightfully belongs to you:

    1. An unbroken circle is drawn at the site of the theft.
    2. Read the words forty times and prick this place in the circle forty times:

      “I stab you, thief, because you stole from me. I will prick and prick. I will not forgive you, thief, and I will not forget until you, thief, return me (list). Return the loss to its place, thief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Any sharp object is suitable for outlining: a knife, a knitting needle. It will also be effective to read the following words when returning property:

    “My thing, find me, do not serve anyone, get away from someone else’s hand, turn around the sun, you will find yourself in your place. Whoever carried you, whoever stole you - he broke his own destiny - he will break your legs until they bleed, and will return you back to me! My words cannot be interrupted, my deeds cannot be blocked by anyone, as I said - so be it!”

    Text of the plot to return stolen property

    Money back ritual

    Money, contrary to popular belief, also carries the energy of the owner, so they can also be returned using magic. If you have had money stolen from your pocket or apartment, you must perform the following ritual:

    1. Draw a person (schematically) on a white sheet of paper.
    2. Write the word “thief” at the top of the sheet.
    3. Place the icon in front of you.
    4. Light church candles.
    5. Arrange them on the table, and place one in front of the icon.
    6. With your right hand over a sheet of paper, read the plot:

      “Beyond the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them stab his heart, let them chop him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives away everything he took. That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, cursed by the land of the saint, by the spell of Ararat, by scorched brick, by swamp mud, by flammable ash, by a mill dam, by a bottomless house, and by a bathhouse jug. You become crooked, thief, lame, stunned, stupefied, thin. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, it’s not your death to die, you’ll be nailed to a board with rusty nails, dried out more than grass, frozen more than ice. Once you return what was stolen from the servant of God (name), only then will you live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Place the leaf in a secluded place so that no one will find it. By performing the ritual, you sign a non-disclosure agreement with the Higher Powers. They can force the thief to return what was stolen.

    If the ex-husband took the money

    In order for your ex-husband to return the money that belongs to you, a strong ceremony should be performed, since this money is tied to him (if you were married). You will need three:

    • needles (large);
    • tablespoons of salt;
    • feather of any bird;
    • a piece of fur from cats;
    • a piece of dog hair;
    • and one piece of dark fabric (in the form of a square).

    It is better to assemble the components yourself. Feathers can be picked up from the ground; material from any birds is suitable. Then the ritual is performed:

    1. The name of the debtor (in your case, your ex-husband) is written on a dark cloth with a bar of soap.
    2. All components are laid out on a piece of fabric.
    3. Using a knife with a black handle, mix them on the fabric.
    4. During this, the words are read:

    “Hear me, prick the debtor, hiss and roar, gnaw at him and wait with hot fire. Start in the morning and then all day. All evening and all night dark. From now on, God’s servant (name of the target) will not find a moment of peace until he returns everything he owes me. He must suffer, groan, neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, not see the white light, not know life, not experience goodness. As stated. It will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    The ritual will help you force your ex-spouse to return your money back.

    The ritual will help you take your money from your husband

    Plot to return the cat

    If your cat is stolen, you should perform a ritual of contacting the brownie. This creature lives in every home and guards all family members, including animals. By performing this ritual, you will not only return the animal, but also punish the offenders. For the ceremony, prepare:

    • 3 m rope;
    • bowl;
    • milk and sweets (sweets, gingerbread).

    Use a rope to tie up the area where the animal was resting. For several days in a row, approach him, sit next to him and think about returning your pet. Also think about punishment for offenders.

    In an inconspicuous place (behind a closet, in a corner), place a bowl of milk and sweets for the brownie. Do not tell anyone about the ritual. Ask him to help you find the animal. Say the words:

    “I ask you, heaven, see what happened, stop the offenders, don’t let them take (animal’s name), force him to return it to his owner, me.”

    You can return not only pets (cats, dogs), but also livestock. To avoid trouble (not only theft, but also illness), perform a protective ritual on the animal. It is carried out like this:

    1. Light a church candle.
    2. While the pet is sleeping, they make circular movements over it with a candle and say:

    “God, protect your creation, don’t let it go to others and lose its way home. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    There are also conspiracies to tie an animal to the house (if the pet runs away) and various conspiracies to protect against diseases. Don't forget to pay attention to the behavior of your pets, especially cats. They can see things that are inaccessible to the human eye and predict problems in the house.

    If the cat constantly runs away, you can bind him with a spell


    There are several ways to return a stolen item or property. They are not necessarily returned in the same form in which they were stolen. A strong conspiracy to return is carried out using knives.

    You can return the money that your ex-husband took with the help of a ritual with cloth, knives and various objects. If your animal has been stolen, read the conspiracy to the brownie and henceforth protect your pet with amulet magic.