Using tincture of aconite. Aconite: an effective cancer treatment or a dangerous poison

Information about whether cancer can be cured with aconite is very contradictory. The use of Djungarian aconite for the treatment of cancer was recorded in medical works Ancient Tibet. Let's start with the fact that there are different shapes and localization of this disease. Cases recorded therapeutic effects alcohol tincture of aconite on separate forms cancer and benign neoplasms.

History of the use of aconite in medicine

In the mid-19th century, the first mentions of the use of aconite for the treatment of cancer appeared (Lancet magazine, England). At the same time, homeopathic doses were selected. In the 20th century, tincture of aconite was used by oncologists in a number of countries.

Tincture of aconite in folk medicine and homeopathy are traditionally used to fight cancer. It is also considered as aid, and as the main thing. There are references to positive results using aconite extract for complex therapy melanoma and other oncological lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

Since aconite is very poisonous, only microdoses of its tincture can be taken orally. The treatment regimen is selected individually by the homeopath. It is important to constantly monitor the body’s reaction and well-being. With pronounced negative reaction body, the drug is immediately canceled.

Interesting facts:

  1. Solzhenitsyn mentions that aconite was successfully used to treat cancer (“Cancer Corps”). He writes that it was the Issyk-Kul root (monkshood) that saved him from cancer.
  2. Along with aconite, hemlock is used to treat cancer. A pattern has been noticed - hemlock can support the fight against colon cancer, genitourinary organs, and the fighter – against cancer of all organs located above the waist. At the same time, aconite is considered the most poisonous and dangerous. He will not cope with cancer on his own, but it is possible that he will play a role in complex treatment.
  3. In oncology, aconite is advisable to use to reduce pain and heal damaged tissues, as well as to slow tumor growth and fight metastases.

In homeopathy, wrestler tincture is used for different types cancer, including those with metastases. Aconitine is able to penetrate deeply into tissues and negatively affect tumor cells. It is also indicated for benign neoplasms.

In order for the tincture to be beneficial, it is important to prepare it correctly and select it optimal dose. However, in homeopathy this remedy is widely used in the comprehensive fight against cancer. If you decide to use Djungarian aconite in the treatment of cancer, an experienced homeopath or herbalist can tell you how to take it. This plant is not currently used in official medicine.

Useful poison or medicine

Aconite is classified as a poisonous plant. It contains alkaloids - aconitines, which are lethal dose can cause respiratory arrest. Back in Ancient Tibet, it began to be used from therapeutic purpose, including for the treatment of cancer.

Aconitines can easily penetrate the skin! No need to prepare the product yourself. You can buy tincture of Djungarian aconite in homeopathic shops or order it online. The last method is more risky, since there is no guarantee that they will send you quality drug, not a fake.

Very aggressive substances are always used to treat cancer. They have many side effects. Alcohol tincture Djungarian aconite may have a negative effect on cancer cells, but it also has the same effect on healthy tissue.

The effects of drugs that are officially approved to fight cancer can be monitored. They act selectively. Using aconite tincture is quite risky. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect, you will need to increase the dose step by step.

Tincture of Djungarian aconite is used in homeopathy to treat a number of diseases, including the fight against cancer. At the same time, homeopaths emphasize that it is necessary to achieve a concentration of the drug in the blood that would reach the maximum permissible threshold. It varies from patient to patient. Therefore, the dosage must be selected very carefully. If you decide to take Djungarian aconite to treat cancer, you should start with microscopic doses.

Djungarian aconite, whose treatment is not approved by WHO, is not included in traditional cancer treatment regimens. It is not used at all in official medicine.

In Bulgaria, China, and India, aconite tincture is officially approved for use. In the USSR, the drug was also used for complex cancer treatment.

Oncologist surgeon T.V. Zakaurtseva conducted thorough research and developed her own method for the treatment of oncological diseases. Before removing the tumor, she was treated with aconite tincture. The operation was carried out after aconitine slowed the growth and activity of the tumor. The course of treatment with aconitine was repeated after the operation. It was observed that aconitine inhibits cancer growth and eliminates metastases.

Features of cancer treatment with aconite

Since aconite is not used in official medicine, the oncologist will not take responsibility for such treatment.

In the complex treatment of cancer with aconite, positive dynamics are sometimes observed:

  • metastases slow down, their number decreases;
  • if you use the product correctly, almost no irreversible processes develop in tissues and organs;
  • at correct dosage there are minimal side effects;
  • aconitine can slow down the development of the tumor and even slightly reduce it;
  • depression, pain, intoxication decreases.

Schemes for the use of aconite in alternative oncology

Most often the drug is used in homeopathy. A 10% alcohol extract from tubers, turnip or red aconite leaves is used. These are the most toxic species. To achieve maximum dosage accuracy, it is better to use insulin syringe. It contains 1 ml, which corresponds to 40 drops.

Do not use a pipette for dosing. It gives a high error, which can cause an overdose.

It is better to take the tincture on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after meals. Drops are diluted in a quarter glass of chilled boiled water. Daily dose gradually increase. If at first it is 1 drop, then on the 20th day it will be 60 drops. Then the number of drops is reduced using the reverse order. The treatment cycle will be 39 days. This approximate diagram. It needs to be selected individually.

Standard treatment is three courses. Between each there is a break of two weeks. If stable positive effect, treatment is stopped. In case of relapse, therapy can be repeated.

If a slightly poisonous plant species is used to prepare the tincture, the dose will be measured in ml, not in drops.

“Royal” method of treating tumors with aconite

It was developed by practicing homeopath V.V. Tishchenko. This method also uses a tincture, but it is recommended to drink only one drop of the drug per day. It is diluted in 100 ml of water. Every day you need to drink a drop of the drug only once, on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is until recovery.

Do not take aconite tincture with herbal decoctions!

Risks of use

If you use aconite tincture, it is important to remember the signs of poisoning by this plant:

  • urge to vomit;
  • the tongue, cheeks, lips, fingertips become numb;
  • there is a feeling that goosebumps are running all over the body;
  • thirst appears;
  • temperature fluctuates;
  • at severe poisoning the muscles of the legs, arms, and face twitch, vision deteriorates, and breathing is difficult.

As you can see, Djungarian aconite can only be used informally in the treatment of cancer. It is important to take into account the type of tumor, its size, location, presence of metastases, and dynamics of treatment. Of course, you can’t use just the tincture. Treatment must be comprehensive. It is carefully selected by the oncologist. Ask your doctor if you can supplement complex treatment tincture of aconite.

We need to fight cancer - video

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Aconite is a plant that contains many vitamins and minerals. Aconite belongs to the buttercup family. It has a number of other names: Djungarian aconite, king grass.

This plant is also characterized by a rich composition, which contains: lead, chromium, iron, magnesium and many others useful elements. In folk medicine, the foliage and tubers of aconite are most often used. Concerning medical supplies, which include aconite extracts, it should be noted that it is classified as poisonous plants. That is why you should strictly adhere to all the rules for using aconite as soon as it falls into your hands. It is also necessary to avoid overdoses of drugs that contain this plant, in order to avoid possible complications and negative consequences.

Composition and release form

Release form:

  • fractional granules in a dark bottle;
  • in one cardboard package 5g, 10g, 15g, 20g.


  • diluted aconite extract applied to sugar granules.

Indications for use of Aconite

Aconite acts as an anesthetic, wound healing, antiphlogistic, diuretic and sedative. All of the above characteristics are due to the presence of useful microelements in its composition.

In folk medicine, aconite is used in the form of solutions from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

  • Aconite granule should be placed under the tongue;
  • taken half an hour before or an hour after meals;
  • if the temperature rises in the first days of the disease, it is necessary to take up to 8 granules 5 times a day, after which gradually reduce the frequency of administration to 3 times a day;
  • the above regimen should be continued for 2 weeks;
  • During the 3rd and 4th weeks of therapy, you should take 8 granules 2 times a day.

The dose and frequency of administration according to the instructions for use of Aconite can be adjusted by the attending physician depending on the severity of symptoms.


At the end of external use of aconite, you should thoroughly wash the container in which the drug was located and your hands using a soap solution. It is unacceptable for the drug to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes due to possible defeat cornea.

Special instructions for the use of Aconite

  • unacceptable joint reception aconite with inhalation of menthol-based drugs;
  • for diseases associated with increased blood sugar, it is necessary to take into account the dose of sugar granules of the drug in total acceptable glucose;
  • You should completely avoid drinking and eating foods containing acids (lemon, raspberries);
  • hinder therapeutic effect aconite intake alcoholic drinks, coffee and nicotine.

Side effects

  • possible manifestation hypersensitivity body to the substance of the drug;
  • worsening of the symptoms of the disease in the first days of taking the drug, but this does not necessitate discontinuation of therapy.

The main effect of the drug Aconite

The drug aconite is created on the basis of plant enzymes and is characterized by a combined effect on the body. It helps normalize the body’s self-healing processes and stimulates central nerve, which is responsible for suppressing part of the autonomic nervous system located in the midbrain.

Aconite has the following pharmacological effects:

  • general anesthesia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieving fever;
  • production glandular cells digestive juices;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • blood circulation through blood vessels myocardium;
  • suppression of contractions of smooth muscle tubular organs;
  • relieving anxiety disorders.

Interaction of Aconite with other drugs

The effect of aconite can be weakened by:

  • drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as desensitizing, immunosuppressive and antitussive effects;
  • substances that suppress the action of free histamine;
  • therapeutic agents that contain caffeine.

According to the instructions for use, it is possible to take aconite together with antibiotics.

Drug interaction with alcohol

Joint reception is not allowed


Cases of overdose occur extremely rarely.

If symptoms of aconite intoxication occur, you must immediately take a means to induce vomiting, drink strong coffee, red wine or a vinegar solution. You should also immediately call an ambulance.

Use of Aconite during pregnancy

Only the attending physician can prescribe aconite after a thorough examination and assessment of the situation.

There are known cases of the effectiveness of taking aconite in order to relieve fear of the process of labor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The above information on the use of the drug is presented for informational purposes only and intended for specialists. For complete official information on the use of the drug and indications for use in the Russian Federation, read the instructions for use contained in the package.
The portal site is not responsible for the consequences caused by taking the medicine without a doctor’s prescription.
Do not self-medicate, do not change the dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor!

The composition of the drug, produced in the form homeopathic cereal, includes tincture of aconite, diluted in accordance with methods accepted in homeopathy and applied to sugar grains.

For the manufacture of tablets Evaporated aconite extract is used. Each tablet corresponds to 0.02 dry residue of the plant tincture.

Part tinctures includes aconite tuber extract (for a 10% tincture in a ratio of 1:10). Ethanol 40% is used as an extractant.

Release form

  • Sugar granules.
  • Homeopathic tincture.
  • Tablets standardized by alkaloid composition.
  • Alcohol tincture.
  • Medicinal raw materials from tuber roots.

pharmachologic effect

Homeopathic medicine With anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic And narcotic properties .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The tool provides combined action, which is primarily aimed at normalizing self-regulation processes. By influencing the central nervous system and stimulating the center responsible for the inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system, aconite exhibits high analgesic activity, relieves fever and inflammation, reduces secretory function glands, bronchi And lungs , reduces the strength and frequency of contractions heart muscle , promotes expansion coronary vessels (thus reducing blood pressure), inhibits peristalsis, and relieves anxiety.

Indications for use

In official medicine, the use of aconite tincture can be recommended as external pain reliever at neuralgia (in particular, when trigeminal neuralgia ), joint pain, , colds.

Externally and locally the medicine is prescribed for bruises, dislocations and bone fractures, sciatica , face , wounds and ulcers, , lice and .

The use of aconite is also indicated for helminthic infestations , urinary retention and poisoning (as an antidote).

The instructions for use of Aconite Dzungarian (medicinal raw material from the root of Aconitum soongaricum Stap. and tincture 10%) indicate that the product can be used to relieve inflammation in acute infections, ,sepsis , , intestinal, renal, hepatic and stomach colic, pleurisy , , , , diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

However, the properties of the plant are most pronounced when used for treatment. malignant neoplasms (with localization in thyroid gland, stomach, lungs, mammary glands, brain, spine, skin), malignant tonsillitis , pernicious anemia , goiter .

An alkaloid contained in aconite jungaris. Zongorin has pronounced antidepressant activity, which, according to a number of researchers, allows it to take a place between psychostimulants And antidepressants .


Contraindications for use are intolerance to the aconite plant, hypotension , typhus , which are a consequence asystole tides.

Aconite is very toxic. It should be handled with great care because toxic substances are able to penetrate the skin even in contact with the plant.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions.

On initial stages treatment may worsen the symptoms of the disease. If this effect develops, discontinuation of the drug is not required.

Instructions for Aconite

The cereal is used sublingually. During febrile conditions in the first days, granules are taken 5 times a day, 8 pieces per dose, approximately 20-30 minutes before or an hour after meals.

After completion of the acute phase of the disease, the frequency of doses is reduced to 3 times a day, and after 2 weeks - to 2 times a day.

Depending on the specific clinical situation, the doctor may recommend a different number of granules for each appointment.

Homeopathic aconite is used so widely that it is quite difficult to give an exact dosage level. It all depends on the severity of symptoms and severity pathological process. In general, fairly weak dilutions of the remedy are used in homeopathy.

The tincture is taken orally half an hour before meals, diluting the required number of drops in 50-100 ml of lukewarm water. drinking water. You should drink the product slowly, in small sips.

To prepare a tincture for treatment neuralgia , toothache, rheumatism , 20 grams of plant roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused in a dark place for one week. The finished tincture has the color of brewed tea.

The medicine is rubbed with a gauze pad into the skin at the site of pain projection. Frequency of applications - 2 times a day. The duration of the course is one month.

For seizures, the patient is prescribed 5-10 mg ( ), in case of violations heart rate on the background normal indicators BP - 10 mg in the form of a 10% solution or 1-2 ml solution Obzidana 0.1%, 1 ml solution 0.6% with 20 ml of 40% glucose solution.

At bradycardia shown subcutaneous injection solution 0,1%; intramuscular injection: 100 mg , 2 ml of 1% ATP solution, 5 ml of 5% solution, 4 ml of solution each And 5%.


Antagonists of aconite are antihistamines , glucocorticosteroids preparations containing caffeine.

Can be used in parallel with antibiotics .

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. An opened bottle of tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. Store granules and tablets in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Botanical description of the plant

Aconite or fighter (lat. Aconitum L.) is a genus of herbaceous poisonous perennials of the family Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae). It contains more than 300 representatives, including wolfsbane (A. lycoctonum L.), monkshood (A. napellus L.), Carmichaelii aconite (A. carmichaelii Deb.), climbing (A. volubile Pall.), arcuate ( A. arcuatum), Djungarian (A. soongaricum Stap.), shaggy (A. villosum Rchb.), etc.

In homeopathy they use: aconite (A. napellus L.), Altai (A. altaicum Steinb.), Baikal (A. baicalense Turcz. ex Rapaics), white-mouthed (A. leucostomum Worosch).

The wrestler is common in temperate latitudes of Asia, North America and Europe. The plant has an erect (sometimes curly or tortuous) stem with a height of 50 cm to one and a half meters. Climbing plants can reach a length of 4 meters.

The root of the wrestler, as a rule, consists of 2-3 black-brown tubers of an oblong-ovoid shape. The depth of their penetration into the soil is from 5 to 30 cm. The leaves of the plant are palmate, lobed or dissected, dark green, arranged in an alternate order.

The flowers are purple, blue, sometimes yellow, white or variegated; irregular shape; collected in simple or branched racemose or pyramidal inflorescences up to 50 cm long. Each flower has a corolla-shaped calyx consisting of five sepals (the upper one has the shape of a helmet).

Planting and caring for aconite

It should be remembered that a plant such as fighter is very poisonous. Therefore, when planting it near the house, you need to take everything possible measures precautions to protect small children from it.

When working with aconite, you should pay attention to your own safety. It is recommended to wear gloves when trimming, weeding and replanting the plant.

Flowers are planted in warm, elevated places, optimally in early spring or late autumn.

Care involves clearing the planting site of weeds, loosening the soil, watering in dry weather and periodically fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Flower of the aconite plant, photo:

Photo of climbing aconite:

Photo of Djungarian aconite:

Wikipedia indicates that the ancient Germans and Gauls used aconite poison to rub spears and arrows intended for hunting predators: wolves, leopards, panthers. Therefore, people still often call the plant “wolf killer”. The Slavs called it black or dog potion.

The ancient Romans and Greeks used aconite poison to kill those sentenced to death.

The ancient Greeks, as well as later Theophrastus and Pliny, believed that the flower got its name from the name of the town of Akon. As the legend about wolfsbane says, not far from this city there was an entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus.

And when the dog, pulled out into the Light of God by Hercules, first saw the sun, poisonous saliva flowed from all three mouths from horror. Its drops, falling to the ground, immediately turned into beautiful flowers. Thus, the wrestler got its name from a nearby town, and owes its poisonousness to the saliva of a monster with three heads.

Homeopath Farrington suggested that, translated from Greek, “monkshood” means “dustless” or “without dust,” which reflects the peculiarity of its growth individual species fighter on the mountain slopes.

Scandinavian legends say that aconite grew in the place where the god Thor died from the bites of a poisonous snake he defeated. The Germans called the wrestler the wolf root and the helmet of the god Thor, since it was with the help of this plant that the son of Odin fought the wolf.

In homeopathy, the plant aconite is considered a left-sided remedy. The effectiveness of using preparations from the grass and root tubers of the fighter in oncology is due to the combination analgesic And antidepressant effects of aconite.

Precautionary measures

During treatment with Aconite, inhalations with drugs containing camphor or menthol are contraindicated.

At diabetes mellitus Sugar granules should be counted towards your total glucose intake.

Alcohol, nicotine, and coffee interfere with the manifestation of the action of aconite.


Djungarian aconite tincture 10%, Dietary supplement "Donovit-VS2" , Akonite-Plus , Aconite tincture (Oncolan ),Akofit .

For children

During pregnancy

Use during pregnancy is allowed only in consultation with a doctor.

The name Djungarian aconite comes from the merger of two terms. According to legend, extremely poisonous grass grew in abundance in the vicinity of the Greek city of Akone. The semi-mythical plant akoniton gave the name to a real plant, used in ancient times to bait predators, wolves. Dzungarian is a modern prefix that characterizes the geographic region of Dzhungar Alatau, where industrial harvesting of the crop took place several decades ago.

Aconite often appears in myths Ancient Greece. In one of them, the emergence of the plant is associated with hellhound Cerberus, who spat poisonous saliva while Hercules dragged him from the underworld. And it was from this saliva that erect stems with deep purple flowers and an intoxicating smell emerged. Medea was going to poison Theseus with their juice, as the legendary poet Ovid spoke about in one of his works.

The second commonly accepted name of the culture, the grass fighter, first mentioned in Scandinavian myth, also has mythological roots. He talks about how the plant arose at the site of the death of the god Thor, who fought with a poisonous snake. The shape of the flowers of the plant reminded ancient storytellers of Thor's helmet.

The first mentions of the actual use of wolfsbane come from the history of Nepal. There is evidence that local residents used it in case of a military threat: they poisoned water bodies from which enemies could drink. The army of the ancient Roman commander Mark Antony was defeated by the smell of the plant. And the juice from the stems poisoned the famous Tatar prince Timur.

Features of Djungarian aconite

Due to extreme toxicity modern medicine is wary of the plant. But folklore classifies it as a medicinal drug with a proven effect. Wolfsbane is valuable vegetable raw materials due to the extreme limitation of its distribution.

Region of growth

The geographical area of ​​the culture includes the warm regions of Pakistan, India, China, and Kyrgyzstan. The grass grows in mountainous areas, exclusively on northern slopes, preferring moist soils with a rich composition. It is not actively distributed, whereas its extraction in the 20th century was carried out on an industrial scale. This resulted in the almost complete disappearance of the population in the growing regions of China (Dzhungar Alatau) and Pakistan (Kashmir).

On the territory of the USSR, population areas of aconite were found in Kyrgyzstan. The closest relative of the Dzungarian wrestler, Karakol, grew here. It has almost identical appearance and properties, differs in percentage active substances in raw materials. Their level was sufficient from a medical point of view, so industrial harvesting of the crop in the sixties of the last century was carried out at an active pace. At the same time, the plant was not used in the Soviet Union, so there is no information about it in reference books medicinal plants this period. The USSR carried out procurement for export: the sale of the plant fighter to China provided the state with a source of foreign exchange income and practically exhausted its Kyrgyz reserves.

To date the only country, where the population of the culture has been preserved, is Kazakhstan. Industrial mining it is controlled by the Land Code, which allows the fighter to reproduce.


The aconite plant is a perennial erect herb, the stems of which reach a height of one hundred and thirty centimeters. They are thickened at the bottom, narrowing towards the top, and can be completely bare or well pubescent. Leaves on long, rounded, heart-shaped petioles are scattered throughout the stem. Closer to the rhizome they are pale, and in the upper part of the stem they are rich green. The root itself consists of many cone-shaped tubers that form a chain. Each “link” grows no more than two and a half centimeters long and does not exceed a centimeter in thickness.

During flowering, the plant produces several blue-violet clusters. They are large, up to four centimeters in length, on narrow legs. The walls are unequal, which gives the flowers a specific shape, as if beveled in one direction or another. Flowering begins in the second half of summer, the plant emits a scent rich in essential substances. During this period, it causes poisoning as a result of inhalation of the aroma.

By September, the fruits ripen - dry leaflets collected in a ternary bunch. Due to the weak vegetation, out of three, usually only one leaflet opens, which produces seeds for the subsequent development of the plant. The seeds are up to five millimeters long and brown-brown color, angular.

Collection and preparation

Aconite root is stored in spring and autumn. Preparations begin immediately after the snow melts before the onset of heat. IN summer period preparations are not carried out for the sole purpose of avoiding poisoning from evaporation essential oils, which becomes many times more intense when the plant heats up in the sun. Work continues in the fall, from the second half of September. The roots are dug up and washed in cold water, dried in electric dryers at a temperature of fifty degrees. Slow drying is allowed in the attic, under a metal roof. The mass of the feedstock after drying is reduced by four times.

The leaves are collected before flowering begins. Harvesting is also possible during the flowering period of the plant, but it is important to follow safety precautions and not inhale toxic fumes. The raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on newspapers, dried in the sun for two days, and then moved under a canopy. The finished raw material is dry and crumbles, but retains a rich green color.

The rhizome and leaves of the tall borer should be stored in a breathable container, for example, in linen bags, for no more than two years.


After harvesting, the plant retains the bulk of the active substances. The main ones are alkaloids, in particular aconitine. Leaves, collected in spring, richer than autumn ones. In the rhizome level active ingredients stable

The volume of aconitine in tubers is up to four percent. The tissues contain sugars, benzoic and fumaric acids, traces of ephedrine, a combination of linoleic, palmic and stearic acids. In the leaves at high content aconitine detected tannins, flavonoids and more than twenty types of microelements. But to date, the composition of the northern wrestler has been little studied.

Uses of Wolfsbane

The roots of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials in official medicine, and green shoots are also used in folk medicine. The rhizome can be dried or freshly harvested, in the latter case the level of active substances in it is higher.

The culture has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, has antimicrobial and anesthetic effects, and reduces the severity of spasms. This property is used in only one medicinal product - tincture of Djungarian aconite "Akofit", recommended for radiculitis. It has an analgesic and distracting effect during exacerbations of the disease.

Traditional medicine uses aconite capulaceae much more widely. It is recommended for neuralgia of different nature, rheumatism, migraine.

Treatment of cancer with Djungarian aconite is practiced in patients with the fourth stage of the disease. Official medicine does not confirm the effectiveness of the method. It is based on taking a tincture that has toxic properties. As the dosage increases, the tincture has a detrimental effect on diseased cancer cells. Healthy cells They are more resistant to the toxin, so they do not die.

For cancer

Aconite tincture is used, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of the product for oncological diseases esophagus, intestines, stomach.


  1. Grind 10 grams of dried root.
  2. Fill with alcohol of 40 percent strength, volume 0.5 liters.
  3. Leave for 14 days at room temperature.

Recommendations for taking aconite to treat cancer include gradual increase dosage. Start with one drop of the composition per day, within forty days increase the dosage by one drop. After forty day period a person should take forty drops of the product. After this, the dosage is reduced by one drop per day. The full treatment cycle is 80 days. The cycles are repeated until recovery.

For pain

In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat pain syndromes caused by migraine inflammatory processes in the cavity of teeth and gums, rheumatism, neuralgia.


  1. Grind 20 grams of dried root.
  2. Fill with 500 ml vodka.
  3. Leave for a week in a dark place.
  4. Strain before use.

For rheumatic pain, the product should be rubbed into the affected area, then wrapped in a warm cloth and left as a compress until the severity of the symptoms subsides.

For migraines and neuralgia, the infusion is taken orally, one teaspoon per day for a month.

Calm down toothache you can by dropping a drop of tincture on painful tooth or treating the gum with it.

For wounds, boils

Used water decoction fighter flower, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.


  1. Grind 20 grams of dried roots.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes with the lid on.
  4. Cool and strain.

Wash old boils and purulent wounds three times a day with warm broth.

Precautionary measures

The plant is considered extremely poisonous and deadly. Official medicine does not recommend its independent use. The toxicity of the drug occurs both when taken orally and when used externally, so it is important to exercise extreme caution when using it.

Contact with the skin of the composition always causes itching, after which an anesthetic effect is observed. This is not a sign of poisoning.

Intoxication is manifested by itching and tingling that occurs in different parts body, seizures strong burning sensation in the stomach or intestines, the development of increased salivation. The poisoned person may experience dizziness, difficulty breathing and impaired heart function. Death causes respiratory paralysis.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and take Urgent measures: rinse the stomach, give an enema, give the patient strong black tea, sorbent (black or white coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel).

In homeopathy, aconite is non-toxic, which is due to the extremely small volume of raw materials used. One bottle of infusion may contain only one molecule of the substance, so the rationality of purchasing and taking such products is assessed individually. And it is decided by the answer to the question: do you believe in homeopathic medicines or not.

Wolfsbane is a specific and extremely dangerous plant. Official medicine does not use it in production medicines. And recommends that if pain occurs, replace it with a more safe drugs with no less high activity. It can serve in oncology last hope for a person with stage four cancer. There are no official data or statistics on its effectiveness. However, a strong belief in healing is known to be capable of giving magical properties any medicine.

Fighter, or Djungarian aconite, is a perennial herbaceous plant, which has been used in everyday life and medicine since ancient times. Despite their poisonous properties, it promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Aconite is also actively used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of heart pathologies and oncology.

Medicinal properties of a poisonous plant

Aconite contains a complex of essential oils, organic acids, phytoncides, alkaloids, flavonoids and other active substances. Taken together, these components have an antiseptic, analgesic and local irritant effect.

Due to this, medicinal preparations based on this plant are used in the following cases:

  • therapy purulent wounds and inflammation;
  • for dislocations, bruises, sprains and fractures;
  • to relieve pain from arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  • in treatment nervous disorders And mental disorders such as depression, hysteria, low mood, etc.;
  • with pronounced headaches, including migraines;
  • the medicine is prescribed to boost immunity for acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats, colds, and pulmonary diseases;
  • in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, intestinal colic, flatulence;
  • is used in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer;
  • as an antidote for poisoning by mushrooms and other plants;
  • to reduce itching in skin diseases;
  • in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

The therapeutic effect does not occur immediately and depends on the dose and regularity of use. IN large quantities Aconite is deadly because the substances it contains can accumulate in the body.

Therefore, you should always consult a doctor before use.

What does a wrestler look like and where does he grow up?

Djungarian aconite grows mainly in the wild, preferring fertile soils in the highlands or river reservoirs. It is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, so it can easily be found in Europe, Asia, and North America.

At its core, it is a large bush about 1.5 - 2 m high with violet-bluish flowers, similar to buttercups. The inflorescences resemble clusters or brushes arranged in the form of a corolla bowl, and the flowers themselves can differ in shape, size and even the number of petals. The stem is most often straight, densely strewn with dark green, dissected, rounded leaves. The root resembles a chain of fused tubers. Scientists count about 300 species of aconite, 75 of which can be found in Russia.