Anaferon as hidden homeopathy. Anaferon - official instructions for use Description of the dosage form

What is Anaferon really? Is its widespread use justified? Can he do any harm? The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky quite often has to answer these questions.


Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a pediatrician of the highest category, born in Ukraine. He became widely known after a series of publications and books for adults about children's health. He has a rare talent for doctors - to explain complex things to parents who are far from medicine in simple language. This was noticed by representatives of the media space, now Komarovsky is a famous TV presenter, the author of the program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” and the author of a column about health on Russian Radio. Lives in Ukraine. The doctor is extremely popular among millions of mothers and fathers in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as abroad.

About the drug

"Anaferon" is a homeopathic remedy. The doses of active substances in solutions in it are presented in negligible quantities.

Like any other homeopathic remedy, Anaferon has almost no side effects or contraindications, at least, this is what the instructions for use say.

Pharmacies sell lozenges or chewable tablets “Anaferon” and “Anaferon for children”. You don’t have to be a great detective and have an incredible method of deduction to understand that the division into adult and children’s dosages is nothing more than a marketing ploy, since the concentration of the main active ingredient in them is absolutely the same - 3 mg. This is written on the packages.

The instructions indicate that Anaferon has an immunomodulatory effect and an immunostimulating effect against viruses. In addition, it is emphasized that the drug enhances the immune response at the cellular level, however, the mechanism of such an effect is not indicated at all, as is done in the instructions in official pharmaceutical preparations.

Manufacturers recommend starting to take the drug as early as possible - at the first signs of the onset of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection according to a special scheme - the first 2 hours - a tablet every half hour, then three more doses at equal time intervals, and then - a tablet three times a day until recovery.

For the purpose of prevention, “Anaferon” is recommended to be taken twice a year for 1-6 months, 1 tablet per day during periods of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections.


It should be noted that all antiviral drugs with clinically proven effectiveness have a big problem. And for homeopathic remedies it is twice as much. If you believe the information posted on the website of the manufacturer "Anaferon", the drug was still clinically tested, despite the fact that homeopathic remedies are usually not studied in the laboratory, since they contain minimal doses of active substances, and such a study becomes simply impossible for this reason .

So, there is data on tests of Anaferon on a group of children by doctors in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. But in both cases, the number of subjects and the exact age range of the experiment are not indicated, and therefore the test reports do not contain specific statistical figures, resemble an essay on the topic “How Anaferon reduced the incidence of disease,” and cannot be taken seriously by scientists and fundamental physicians.

Komarovsky about “Anaferon”

Evgeniy Komarovsky treats Anaferon rather ironically, emphasizing that the demand for the drug rests not on its effectiveness, but on customer demand. Evgeniy Olegovich considers this homeopathic remedy to be completely useless. This is not a categorical denial, but a statement of facts - Komarovsky is sure that his pediatrician colleagues prescribe Anaferon so often because they are well aware of its uselessness, and therefore complete harmlessness.

As a result, the doctor is calm, because, as they say, “there is no harm and no benefit,” and the parents are calm - the baby is receiving “treatment.” The placebo effect is triggered. As a result, the child’s immune system copes with viruses on its own, as would be expected, and the positive outcome is attributed to the sweetish Anaferon tablets.

And here is actually Dr. Komarovsky’s episode where the pediatrician will tell us everything about children’s antiviral drugs.

If you believe the reviews of those mothers whose children were helped by Anaferon, their viral infection subsided within 4-5 days. Komarovsky confirms that this is exactly the amount of time a child’s immunity needs to cope with a pathogenic invasion from the outside. If the baby’s immune defense is weak, then the disease drags on, and parents write about such cases on the Internet that Anaferon did not help. In other words, the same effect would have occurred if the parents had not given the child any medications at all.

Komarovsky generally protests about the prophylactic use of the drug, since no remedy, including homeopathic, can be taken for six months.

The famous doctor emphasizes that the amount of active ingredient is extremely small to cure anything, but the sugar content in each tablet is quite high. It seems that the producers of Anaferon are trying to treat the child with sugar. And this is complete absurdity.

We invite all parents to watch Dr. Komarovsky’s episode about self-medication.

    Refusal to use Anaferon, including its children's version. This is a waste of money, says the doctor. It is better to spend this amount (about 150 rubles) on fruits for a sick child; the benefits from them will be much greater.

    Refusal of other homeopathic remedies. Their effectiveness for children and adults has not been proven; the Ministry of Health is not responsible for the results that arise during use. Tests initiated by the manufacturer are usually carried out in violation of all criteria important for testing a medicinal product.

    If a child gets sick with the flu or ARVI, the best thing parents can do for him is to create favorable conditions for recovery. Give warm compotes, tea, decoctions more often, ensure sufficient air humidity in the children's room, and provide the baby with bed rest. In case of severe illness, be sure to invite a pediatrician to your home.

    To prevent your little one from getting the flu, it is not at all necessary to take homeopathic remedies, including children's Anaferon, for prevention. It will be much more beneficial if the child begins to walk in the fresh air more often, play sports, and receive nutritious nutrition rich in vitamins and microelements.

    If your local pediatrician nevertheless prescribes Anaferon to your child, Komarovsky recommends asking such a specialist to justify how exactly this homeopathic medicine will help your child. It is unlikely that a pediatrician will have a reasonable answer to this question. For prevention

They produce Anaferon for adults and Anaferon for children, both drugs are produced in the form of tablets for sublingual use (20 pieces in blister packs, 1 pack in a cardboard box).

The drug contains affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma – 3 mg.

Indications for use

Anaferon (for both adults and children) is indicated:

  • Complex therapy of mixed and bacterial infections;
  • Treatment of ARVI, influenza, chronic and acute cytomegalovirus and herpes infections;
  • Treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency conditions and infections, complications of ARVI, influenza.


Anaferon is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its components.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution.

Directions for use and dosage

Adults are prescribed Anaferon 1 tablet 3 to 6 times a day; if there are signs of improvement, you can take the drug once a day for 8-10 days.

Anaferon for children is prescribed starting from the age of one month.

For respiratory diseases, when the first symptoms appear, Anaferon is used according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours, every 30 minutes, a tablet and 3 more tablets during the first 24 hours. Then you should take 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery.

To prevent bacterial complications, Anaferon is prescribed 1 tablet once a day on an empty stomach for 8-12 days.

When taking the drug, do not swallow the tablet until it is completely dissolved, and for children from one month to 3 years old, the drug is dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water.

Side effects

When using Anaferon, side effects rarely occur. In some cases, the drug may cause hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

special instructions

Since the product contains lactose, the use of Anaferon is not recommended for patients with glucose malabsorption syndrome, congenital galactosemia or lactase deficiency.


Analogues of the drug are Amiksin and Cycloferon.

Terms and conditions of storage

Anaferon should be stored in a dry and dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Shelf life – 3 years.

Anaferon tab. d/rassas n20

Anaferon children's tablets 20 pcs.

Anaferon tablets 20 pcs.

Homeopathic Anaferon No. 20 tablets

Anaferon homeopathic for children No. 20 tablets

Anaferon lozenges n20 tab

Anaferon children's lozenges n20

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

Tatyana, you can’t blame Anaferon in the sense that it doesn’t intensify the symptoms of ARVI, another thing is that it doesn’t weaken them - it just doesn’t work at all. This is a medicine with unproven effects.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within 24 hours.

Many drugs were initially marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally brought to market as a cure for children's coughs. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthesia and as a means of increasing endurance.

People who eat breakfast regularly are much less likely to be obese.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Its average weight is 1.5 kg.

Research shows that women who drink several glasses of beer or wine per week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

The well-known drug Viagra was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the United States alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes are practically useless for humans.

In 5% of patients, the antidepressant Clomipramine causes orgasm.

Most women are able to derive more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive to be slim.

It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

The cough medicine “Terpinkod” is one of the top sellers, not at all because of its medicinal properties.

Smiling just twice a day can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Every time a child has a fever, a sore throat, a runny nose and a cough, parents are worried about the question - is it a common cold or the flu? In this

Affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma

Antibodies to Human Interferon Gamma Affinity Purified

Medicine and Pharmaceuticals

Affinity Purified Antibodies to Human Interferon Gamma is a complicated name, so I will tell you in order what, where and how it works. The simplest thing in the name is Antibodies to Human Interferon Gamma. Here I will be as short as possible - we are talking about a set of Antibodies that stimulate the cells to produce Interferon Gamma. Gamma Interferon is a complex protein molecule produced by a cell infected with a virus. The cell produces this protein so that it scatters to other cells and tells them: “We have an enemy, everyone is on combat readiness!” After such a signal, the human immune system begins to accelerate and the production of other types of Interferon begins to prevent the development of infection.

The name “Human” simply means that these Antibodies are only suitable for stimulating Interferon produced by humans (other animals have different Interferons). Affino Purified is a rather complex definition, or rather a description of the process. I will try to say it most simply - this means that Antibodies are “free” in terms of molecular bonds, that is, in proximity to cells they will not have any problems attaching to receptors, which means their work will be done perfectly. This compound is also suitable for the prevention of viral diseases such as Influenza

The antibodies themselves are not dangerous, harm can be caused by Interferon produced by cells - in large quantities it can make cells immune to everything, even to communication with other cells, which can lead to the development of terrible diseases of the organs and nervous system, therefore Interferon itself is usually used in certain doses ;

this form of the drug is usually used in homeopathy and the concentration there is extremely low, which can generally raise doubts about the effectiveness, and there can be no talk of danger at all

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ANTIBODIES TO HUMAN INTERFERON GAMMA, AFFINITY PURIFIED - release form, composition and packaging

substance-solution (frozen).

polypropylene test tubes (1) - plastic bags.

polypropylene test tubes (2) - plastic bags.

polypropylene test tubes (3) - plastic bags.

polypropylene test tubes (4) - plastic bags.

polypropylene test tubes (5) - plastic bags.

*The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer for the 2012 editions

ANTIBODIES TO HUMAN INTERFERON GAMMA, AFFINITY PURIFIED - description and instructions provided by the Vidal reference book of medicines

Wide spectrum of action. Used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI. The manufacturer indicates that the drug has antiviral activity by increasing the body's overall resistance. As with all known homeopathic remedies, the therapeutic effect is due to the placebo effect, when a patient who believes in the treatment notes an improvement in well-being when he receives “medicines” that do not contain an active substance or procedures that do not have a physiological effect.

general information

The interferon system plays a critical role in the early and rapid defense of the body against viruses. Currently, different types of interferon are known. The main ones are alpha interferon (with varieties alpha 1 and alpha 2), beta interferon, gamma interferon.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological action of the drug is based on the placebo effect. Due to the fact that this medicine belongs to homeopathic medicines, the concentration of the active substance in it is extremely low, and in some cases approaches several molecules per 1 gram of substance. And as a result, the concentration of impurities significantly exceeds the content of the main substance of the drug. In essence, anaferon is a typical pacifier, and consists of a sweetener and ballast substances. Having made simple calculations, experts calculated that the entire commercial mass of the drug (tablets) released by the manufacturer contains approximately 4 molecules of the active substance


active substance : 1 tablet contains affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma: a mixture of homeopathic dilutions C12, C30 and C200 - 3 mg; Excipients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, and congenital lactase deficiency. There are no data on the effectiveness and safety of use in patients during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so the drug should not be prescribed to pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. The drug does not have a sedative effect, therefore it does not affect the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms. In children under 12 years of age, Anaferon for children is used if necessary. When using the drug in recommended doses, in extremely isolated cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug may occur (itching, swelling of the nasal mucosa, swelling and hyperemia of the face, neck, difficulty swallowing). If necessary, the drug can be used in conjunction with other antiviral, antibacterial and symptomatic agents.?


  • Epshtein O. I., Shtark M. B., Dygai A. M., Sergeeva S. A., Goldberg E. D., Petrov V. I., Voronina T. A., Starostina M. V. Pharmacology of ultra-low doses antibodies to endogenous function regulators.// Moscow, RAMS Publishing House - 2005
  • Epshtein O.I. Ultra-low doses. The story of one study. // Moscow, RAMS Publishing House - 2008
  • S. O. Kramarev Algorithms for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of influenza in children. // Clinical immunology. Allergology. Infectology. Special issue No. 3 2009.

It is difficult to win victories in the unequal struggle against obscurantism, which is trying to penetrate not only society, but even science. It’s all the more pleasant when defeats are diluted with good news. Recently, the organizers of the “Biologist’s Day” of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University listened to the opinions of former graduates, colleagues and caring readers of social networks and canceled a presentation from the company Materia Medica Holding, which produces drugs considered homeopathic.

I'll quote a worthy reaction organizing committee:

“We express our gratitude to you for your desire to make the event better and at the same time we apologize for our inattention: you can’t keep track of everything, so we especially value constructive criticism from you. The lecture and stand of the Materia Medica company as part of the Biologist's Day program have been cancelled. Let's explain in order. The company's initial initiative to speak at the faculty was truly related to the desire to highlight the topic of employment in the pharmaceutical industry, which was especially encouraged by the faculty administration and therefore was missed by the organizing committee. But your comments awakened a spirit of justice in the team, we checked the information and came to a collective decision, which was also supported by the administration, that the presence of a company with such a reputation at the Faculty of Biology is unacceptable. We are against homeopathy and for the collective desire to make the world a better place. Thank you again, your Organizing Committee."

The news got into some media, so the benefit was double.

In this article I will talk a little about the problems of science and what this company with a bad reputation does.

The Materia Medica company has patented and registered many homeopathic remedies, for example, anaferon - for viral infections, arthroferon - for joint diseases, anfala - for inflammation, impaza - for impotence. At some point, the company decided to hide the homeopathic nature of its products. On the packaging they write “active components - 0.003g”, and then a footnote: “applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10 to the power of -15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance.” As a result, the active substance is diluted 10 to the power of -26 times. The drug contains nothing, but the patient has no idea about it.

The same approach is used to publish articles about a drug in international peer-reviewed scientific journals - the homeopathic nature of the drug being studied is hidden. Judging by the number of articles on the topic and the errors that can be found in them, hiding information in combination with a very vague description of experiments makes it possible to lull the vigilance of reviewers.

Let's look at an example - an article published in the journal PloS ONE. In response to viral infections, the human body produces special proteins - interferons, including interferon-gamma. The “active substance” of the drug under study is antibodies to interferon-gamma, that is, molecules that bind this protein, but homeopathically diluted. The authors call these release-active forms of antibodies, or “RA forms” for short. The terms used create the illusion of a “scientific” approach.

The article states that the addition of PA forms to conventional antibodies, taken in measurable concentrations, affects the ability of the latter to bind interferon. The effect is shown using an enzyme immunoassay - chemical reactions occur on a special microplate with a large number of wells. In some wells, antibodies are added to interferon along with RA forms, and in others, antibodies are added with a control solution.

The problem is that the measurement noise of the instrument used is unevenly distributed across the microplate, which leads to a “position effect”: in some wells the reaction may proceed slightly faster than in others. For example, due to temperature gradients. This fact has been known to enzyme immunoassay specialists since at least 1979. Several ways to get rid of the error have been proposed. One method is called “spatial randomization”: experimental and control samples are applied to randomly selected wells and the errors are averaged. Another way: experimental and control samples are applied to the wells in alternating lines.

If all the experimental samples are placed on one side and the control samples on the other, as the authors of the work under discussion did, then the difference in measurements will not be explained by the magical effect of homeopathically diluted antibodies, but by the “position effect.” But the authors do not use randomization or blinding methods and obtain a deliberately erroneous conclusion, which is used for marketing purposes.

My colleague and I wrote a more detailed analysis of this article and submitted it to the PloS ONE journal. The editors promised to look into it, but they disappeared. Therefore, we posted our review as a commentary on the article in English. Another editor of PLoS ONE, Professor James Coyne, supported us and wrote in his blog, but this did not force the journal to react in any way. And this is a good magazine overall. In many places things are much worse.

We found problems associated with violations of the scientific method in other works on “hidden homeopathy.” One of our reviews was published by the journal Medical Virology. All this is one of many illustrations of the complexity of the scientific approach, which will be included in a future book on the reasons for belief in the paranormal.

The director of the Materia Medica company, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleg Epstein, recently became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2016, he became a member of the dissertation council D.001.003.01 “Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology.”

The history of the growth in the number of Epstein’s scientific publications is also interesting. For example, in 2003, he authored 49 scientific articles in the journal Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine in a special issue for which he was the editor. Soon he defended his doctorate. Previously, I had only been able to find one article by Epstein in the medical database PubMed.

The company itself is thriving and generates billions in revenue from sugar (tens of thousands of rubles per kilogram). But the saddest conclusion is that the level of peer review in many scientific journals that are considered “respectable” does not stand up to criticism. What can we say about the “sciences”, where everything is based on “personal experience”. So maybe we shouldn’t be surprised at the existence of strange scientific advice. After all, “scientific work” is actively being carried out on homeopathy with all possible violations.

In 2005, Professor John Ioannidis published a landmark article in the journal PloS Medicine, which is recommended reading for anyone interested in and involved in science. The work is called: “Why most published scientific results are wrong.” According to the journal Nature, most scientists say they were unable to reproduce some of their colleagues' experiments. The preference for reporting positive results, the need to write more papers, small samples and errors in statistical analysis are problems in science that are now being talked about more and more.

There is a crisis in science. I described one example. The second one, which was successfully defended today. Another set of problems is revealed by the Dissernet project, which showed the corruption of entire scientific councils and even university rectors. There is no doubt that under the tip of the iceberg of outright parascientific nonsense, there is also a much larger, but less noticeable “underwater part”.

So, homeopathy, hidden homeopathy, theology. We are waiting for astrology. And then the last prophecy of my dystopia - apophenia - will come true, when the state replaces scientists with shamans. Legalization of sorcerers, and for appeals destroy scientists are not punished.

But it’s better, and here I appeal to all respected colleagues, to start doing something. At least speak out, and not tolerate when science is trampled underfoot. So far, all normal specialists have not been fired. Like the homeopaths of Denis Roshchin, who dared to speak out against the pseudoscience of super-strong dilutions.


1. Epshtein O: Method of treating viral diseases 2011.
2. Gavrilova ES et al: Novel approach to activity evaluation for release-active forms of anti-interferon-gamma antibodies based on enzyme-linked immunoassay. PLoS One 2014, 9(5):e97017.
3. Burt SM et al: Thermal characteristics of microtitre plates used in immunological assays. J Immunol Methods 1979, 31(3-4):231-6.
4. Roselle C et al: Mitigation of microtiter plate positioning effects using a block randomization scheme. Anal Bioanal Chem 2016, 408(15):3969-79.
5. Harrison RO, Hammock BD: Location dependent biases in automatic 96-well microplate readers. J Assoc Off Anal Chem 1988, 71(5):981-7.
6. Dueva EV, Panchin AY: Homeopathy in disguise. Comment on Don et al.: Dose-dependent antiviral activity of released-active form of antibodies to interferon-gamma against influenza A/California/07/09(H1N1) in murine model. J Med Virol 2017, 89(7):1125-6.
7. Ioannidis JP: Why most published research findings are false. PLoS Med 2005, 2(8):e124.
8. Baker M: 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility. Nature 2016.

Active substance

Affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma

Release form, composition and packaging

Lozenges from white to almost white, flat-cylindrical in shape, with a notch and a chamfer; on the flat side with a mark there is the inscription MATERIA MEDICA, on the other flat side there is the inscription ANAFERON.

* applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10 -15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 0.267 g, microcrystalline cellulose - 0.03 g, magnesium stearate - 0.003 g.

20 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

When used prophylactically and therapeutically, the drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Experimentally and clinically established effectiveness against influenza viruses, parainfluenza, herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (labial herpes), other herpes viruses (varicella, infectious mononucleosis), enteroviruses, tick-borne encephalitis virus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus , respiratory syncytial (PC virus). The drug reduces the concentration of the virus in the affected tissues, affects the system of endogenous interferons and associated cytokines, induces the formation of endogenous “early” interferons (IFN α/β) and interferon gamma (IFN γ).

Stimulates the humoral and cellular immune response. Increases the production of antibodies (including secretory IgA), activates the functions of T-effectors, T-helpers (Tx), normalizes their ratio. Increases the functional reserve of Tx and other cells involved in the immune response. It is an inducer of a mixed Tx1- and Th2-type immune response: it increases the production of Th1 (IFN γ, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4, 10) cytokines, normalizes (modulates) the balance of Th1/Th2 activities. Increases the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells (NK cells). Has antimutagenic properties.


The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) does not allow assessing the content of the active components of the drug Anaferon in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it technically impossible to study pharmacokinetics.


— prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza);

- complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses (chickenpox, labial herpes, genital herpes);

- complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection, incl. labial and genital herpes;

— complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus;

— as part of complex therapy of bacterial infections;

- complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, incl. prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections.


- increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The use of the drug is indicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.


The drug is taken orally, not during meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

ARVI, influenza, intestinal infections, herpesvirus infections, neuroinfections

On the 1st day take 8 tablets. according to the following scheme: 1 tab. every 30 minutes in the first 2 hours (total 5 tablets in 2 hours), then during the same day take another 1 tablet. 3 times at equal intervals. On the 2nd day and further, take 1 tablet. 3 times a day until complete recovery.

If there is no improvement on the 3rd day of treatment with the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

IN epidemic season for preventive purposes The drug is taken daily 1 time/day for 1-3 months.

Genital herpes

At acute manifestations of genital herpes the drug is taken at regular intervals according to the following scheme: 1-3 days - 1 tablet. 8 times/day, then 1 tablet. 4 times/day for at least 3 weeks.

For prevention of relapses of chronic herpes virus infection- 1 tablet/day. The recommended duration of the preventive course is determined individually and can reach 6 months.

When using the drug for treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency conditions, in complex therapy of bacterial infections- take 1 tablet/day.

If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Side effects

Allergic reactions and manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.


No cases of overdose have been reported to date. In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.