Treatment of pleurisy in cats. How is the treatment going? How to suspect pleural effusion

Even a person who is infinitely far from biology knows about the importance of the heart and lungs. Without them normal operation Not a single mammal, including humans and their pets, will be able to survive. Therefore, pleurisy in cats is extremely dangerous disease, in advanced cases leading to death or severe changes in the tissue of the lungs, heart and pleura itself.

The pleura is called the thinnest serosa, lining the surface from the inside chest. Accordingly, “pleurisy” is its inflammation. Pleurisy can be dry, but more often its exudative variety develops, characterized by the release of a large volume of effusion exudate. Accordingly, the disease can be divided into varieties depending on its type: serous, purulent. Pleurisy in cats in most cases takes a generalized form, completely covering the pleural surface of the entire chest. This - bilateral pleurisy. In cats, cases of unilateral development of this disease are extremely rare.

There is no need to think for a long time about the danger of the process: the very fact that there may well be a heart in the immediate vicinity of the source of inflammation is enough to begin emergency treatment measures.

The accumulation of fluid in the chest, which is otherwise called pleural effusion (exudative type of disease), is very dangerous. In its normal state, the pleura also secretes a small amount of moisture, which serves as a lubricant to ensure normal glide of the lungs along it. When, as a result of inflammation, it is released a large number of exudate or transudate, the fluid begins to compress all the organs of the chest. It is important to emphasize that pulmonary edema has no direct relation to this pathology.

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What causes pleurisy?

The causes of this pathology are very diverse. Here is their main list:

  • Increased hydrostatic pressure due to congestive heart failure (CHF), overhydration, or tumors in the chest cavity.
  • Hypoalbuminemia ( low levels protein in the blood), which leads to many liver or intestinal diseases.
  • Changes in the permeability of blood vessels (i.e. they become “leaky”). This often happens with generalized forms of allergic reactions.
  • Obstruction of large lymphatic ducts. When the pressure in them goes off scale, fluid begins to leak en masse into the chest cavity.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Hemothorax, that is, blood entering the chest cavity.
  • Injuries accompanied by a violation of the tightness of the chest.
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism (blood clot in the lungs).
  • Pneumonia: viral, bacterial or “fungal” pleurisy, depending on the etiology of the process.
  • (especially lymphosarcoma (LSA), thymoma, mesothelioma). Frequent complication of these diseases - metastatic pleurisy in cats.
  • Pancreatitis, oddly enough. There is a clear relationship between the cases acute pancreatitis and purulent pleurisy.


What are the symptoms of this disease? Let us list the most typical ones, allowing us to more or less accurately make at least a preliminary diagnosis:

  • Difficulty, or sharply rapid, shallow breathing.
  • The cat takes a sitting position and stretches its head up. A very specific symptom, indicating the accumulation of a large amount of exudate. It is important to remember that in a different position the animal simply cannot breathe.
  • Cyanosis (blue discoloration of all visible mucous membranes).
  • The cat begins to breathe through its mouth.
  • Lethargy, apathetic state.

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For many cats the most characteristic symptom is a wide open mouth, frequent and very shallow breathing. As a rule, it is easier for them to inhale (when exhaling, a strong pain reaction is noted). The development of “abdominal” breathing is also very characteristic.

Diagnostics and therapy

Diagnosis is based on medical history and clinical signs, the presence of fluid in the chest cavity (checked by ultrasound), and chest x-rays. Percussion and auscultation (tapping and listening) are of great importance. and urine are useful in identifying the primary pathology that led to the development of inflammation of the pleural cavity. For the same purpose, it is very useful to analyze the effusion obtained during diagnostic punctures of the chest.

Let us repeat once again that treatment of pleurisy in cats should begin immediately, immediately after detection of any of clinical signs and confirmation of the diagnosis. It is important to understand here that cats develop decompensated respiratory failure, and therefore, with delay, it is quite possible death. Do not practice treatment at home, as this will deprive your pet of precious time that could be used for normal therapy.

The most important goal of treatment is the immediate evacuation of accumulated fluid or effusion in the chest cavity. A procedure called thoracentesis is responsible for this. A thin needle is inserted into the chest. This method is both therapeutic and diagnostic. The animal may need to be kept under an oxygen mask until this procedure is performed.

Pleurisy in animals is an inflammation of the pleura that occurs with a cold, penetrating wounds of the chest, or as a complication after pneumonia.

According to the course, the disease is divided into acute and chronic forms. By origin, pleurisy can be primary and secondary, and by the nature of the pathological process: productive and exudative. In turn, exudative pleurisy is usually divided into serous, fibrous, serous-fibrous, purulent, hemorrhagic and ichorous, as well as limited and diffuse.

Pleurisy in a dog can be dry, which is characterized by the formation of fibrinous plaque on the pleura, or exudative - in this case, fluid effusion occurs into the pleural cavity and subsequently, the formation of serous, purulent, serous-fibrinous or hemorrhagic contents.


The most common causes of pleurisy in dogs are bacteria, viruses or tumors; in some cases, allergic or autoimmune reactions may be involved. When pneumonia has already developed, the pathological process can spread to the pleura. Dry pleurisy produces a fibrinous coating, which prevents the normal sliding of the pleural layers, which causes a severe pain reaction. When exudate exudates, compression of the chest organs occurs, and, gradually being absorbed into the blood, it causes intoxication of the dog’s body, and, as a result, an increase in body temperature. In case of untimely veterinary care, infection may occur. pleural cavity.


With dry pleurisy, the dog experiences a cough and a painful reaction when pressing on the chest and abdominal walls (diaphragmatic pleurisy). The temperature is usually low-grade, and upon auscultation (listening) a pleural friction noise is heard.

Exudative pleurisy in dogs is often a consequence of dry pleurisy and is characterized by the absence of pleural friction noise, smoothing of the intercostal spaces, shortness of breath and weakening of breathing sounds (sometimes until they disappear completely). Such pleurisy occurs with tachycardia and elevated body temperature, and with purulent pleurisy The symptoms of intoxication are also clearly expressed.

Pleurisy in cats a respiratory disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the costal and pulmonary pleura, and the cause is bacterial infection that has “settled” in the pleural cavity.

Develops as secondary disease, after complications of pneumonia, with peritonitis, pneumothorax and other diseases. Occurs in acute and chronic form, with localization - diffuse or local. The nature of the inflammatory process can be: dry, effusion and exudative.

When the exudate decomposes, fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, which leads to hydropneumothorax.

When pleurisy occurs in a cat, general weakness, depression, loss of appetite. Breathing becomes very rapid, tense, and the movement of the chest during breathing is asymmetrical if pleurisy is one-sided. At elevated temperatures (up to 40 degrees), the animal is apathetic and mobility is reduced. Cats spend a lot of time standing. With dry pleurisy, the cat lies down on the side where there is no inflammation, and with wet pleurisy, the cat lies down on the painful side. On the affected pleurisy of the lung weakened heart sounds are clearly audible.

A severe form of the disease leads to the development of respiratory and heart failure, in some cases even death.

Diagnosis and treatment

Pleurisy in dogs and cats is diagnosed by clinical signs, X-ray studies, or by taking a puncture from the pleural cavity.

Pleurisy in cats treatment. Just like in dogs, intensive antibacterial therapy, enter antimicrobials into the pleural cavity itself, after removing the contents. Thoracentesis must be performed if shortness of breath, tachycardia, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and manifestations of hypoxemic convulsions increase. At high (from 40 degrees) temperatures, antipyretics are given, and at the very beginning they are indicated antihistamines. To relieve cough, libexin, codeine are prescribed, and when protracted current diseases - diuretics and vitamins.

Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating the occurrence of the disease. Animals must be kept in normal conditions With nutritious feeding. Timely vaccination is also recommended.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

When swelling and inflammation of the pleura occurs, the disease is called pleurisy. The pleura itself looks like a film that is located outside the lungs and envelops them, as if surrounding the chest from the inside. The pleura is divided into 2 types: the layer located outside and inner layer, which is part of the lungs. If you are looking for what pleurisy is in a cat, then we will try to briefly explain to you what it is and treat it.

Causes of the disease

Pleurisy in pets occurs after pneumonia, which is severe. Also, the inflammatory process is promoted by sudden hypothermia or perforation of the lung.

Pleurisy in cats at home is characterized by seasonality. These exacerbations occur during the spring and autumn months of bad weather. Whenever infectious diseases hemorrhagic pleurisy is formed, which can also develop when the cat falls, for example from a decent height.

Symptoms of pleurisy in cats

  1. The condition of the animal with pleurisy becomes severe
  2. Pet appears short of breath
  3. Cyanosis of the mucous membranes develops
  4. Breathing becomes abdominal type
  5. Urine discharge becomes foul-smelling and brown in color
  6. The excrement becomes dry
  7. The temperature rises a couple of degrees
  8. When you feel the sternum, the animal begins to moan

If the disease is ignored and not treated, the prognosis may be unfavorable.

How to treat pleurisy in a cat

The most important thing is warming up. It is necessary to provide warmth in the sternum area. A heating pad or a heated fabric bag with sand and salt is suitable for this. If pleurisy is non-traumatic, then irritating ointments can be prescribed.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, a veterinarian needs to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, careful diagnosis is required so as not to confuse the disease with pneumonia and hydrothorax. The cause of pleurisy must be established. Concomitant diseases, if any, should also be identified.

After the diagnosis is established, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

Disease prevention

It is very important to carry out constant diagnostics and make adjustments to various possible deviations. Keep a close eye on your cat, protect it from falls from heights and drafts.

By the way, do you know how to recognize panleukopenia? .

Pleuritis is an inflammation of the pleura that occurs in animals of any age, sex and breed. The pleura is a serous membrane that lines the inside of the chest cavity and also covers the lungs. The pleura forms symmetrical right and left sacs, the space between which is called the mediastinum. The mediastinum contains the trachea, esophagus, heart, large blood vessels, lymph nodes, nerves.

A feature of the pleura is that between its leaves there are slit-like cavities, which contain a small amount serous fluid. It is needed to reduce the friction force of the pleura during breathing.

In addition, each pleural layer has microscopic slit-like openings in the mediastinum. At unfavorable conditions this facilitates quick transition pathological processes from the pleura to the lungs and vice versa.

Classification of pleurisy

By origin pleurisy is primary and secondary.

Primary pleurisy is a lesion of the pleura itself, when the process of inflammation initially develops in its tissues.

And secondary pleurisy is a complication of the disease neighboring organs. In this case, first, for example, lung diseases, tumor processes, etc. arise, and after this the inflammation spreads to the pleura. Secondary pleurisy is much more common than primary pleurisy.

With the flow pleurisy can be acute, subacute, or chronic.

A cat usually suffers from acute pleurisy for up to 14 days, subacute can last up to 1.5 months, and chronic pleurisy lasts for several months or even years.

By process localization There are limited, that is, local pleurisy, as well as diffuse, which spreads in different places pleura.

Unilateral pleurisy may affect the right or left side chest cavity, and bilateral - both.

By the nature of the process and the presence of effusion, pleurisy can be wet or dry.

With wet pleurisy, inflammatory fluid is released into the pleural cavity. The composition may be dominated by blood, pus, protein, microorganisms and fragments of decayed tissue.

With dry pleurisy, the exudate is rich in protein - fibrinogen. It easily curls up and settles on the surface of the pleura, while liquid does not accumulate.

Causes of pleurisy in cats

Factors causing inflammation, can enter the pleura from the lungs, through the bloodstream or lymphatic channel.

These include:

1. Pathogens: viruses (for example, FIP), bacteria (cocci), fungi, protozoa, helminths.

2. Inflammatory processes, passing with a number of underlying organs. For example, from the lungs (pneumonia, abscesses), pericardium, etc.

3. Tumors of the lungs, esophagus, mediastinal lymph nodes or other organs of the chest cavity.

4. Injuries and operations on the pleura and chest.

5. Organ pathologies abdominal cavity:

  • pancreatitis;
  • renal failure (uremic pleurisy);
  • When the diaphragm ruptures, organs are displaced from the abdominal cavity into the chest cavity and compress the lungs, causing inflammation of the pleura.

6. Reception medicines, for example, furadonin.

7. Predisposing factors: spring - autumn period, hypothermia, overwork, unbalanced nutrition and transportation, weakened immunity, stress.

Symptoms of pleurisy in cats

  • Oppression, elevated temperature bodies; the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities, the conjunctiva are bluish in color. IN severe cases there is exhaustion.
  • Violations by respiratory system:
    - superficial rapid breathing, increased heart rate, dry painful cough;
    - shortness of breath with exudative pleurisy with difficulty breathing;
    - if the layers of the pleura grow together as a result of inflammation, then abdominal type breathing, which is carried out due to contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal wall;
    - with unilateral exudative pleurisy with big amount fluid, the chest becomes asymmetrical during breathing, and the cat takes a forced position that makes breathing easier;
  • Pain in the chest when feeling and listening;
  • Brown, foul-smelling urine, dry feces.

Diagnosis of pleurisy in cats

First of all, the doctor collects information about the animal’s life history and disease. This is followed by a clinical examination, thermometry, and auscultation (listening to breathing). With dry pleurisy, auscultation reveals a pleural friction rub. Putrefactive pleurisy corresponds to the sound of splashing.

A necessary study is x-ray diagnostics, which shows the presence of pathological fluid in the chest cavity. In addition, the picture usually shows general state heart and lungs.

To assess the severity of the condition and the severity of the body’s response to the disease, a general clinical analysis blood. It pays attention to the increase in neutrophilic leukocytes.

To study the nature of the exudate, thoracentesis may be required - a puncture of the chest wall.

Also, as necessary, diagnostic measures for concomitant diseases.

Treatment of pleurisy in cats

First of all, to treat pleurisy you will need antibiotics, sulfonamides, analgesics, multivitamins, diuretics, as well as other drugs, based on the symptoms of concomitant diseases.

For purulent and putrefactive pleurisy, thoracentesis is used. It is necessary to remove exudate, followed by washing the pleural cavity with antiseptic solutions.

Prerequisites for a speedy improvement in well-being and recovery are rest and a balanced diet.


Pleurisy in a cat - serious illness, install correct diagnosis and appoint complex treatment maybe only veterinarian. It is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, as the animal may die. The cat owner must know the cause of the disease to exclude a possible relapse.