What is the chance for a man to become infected with HIV? The main routes of HIV infection in men. Clinical manifestations of HIV infection in men

To understand the likelihood of contracting HIV with a single unprotected contact, it is necessary to understand how it is transmitted and how it is not transmitted viral immunodeficiency person. You should know that there are three main ways of transmitting HIV.

Firstly, through blood. This can happen during transfusion therapy, when administering drugs or drugs with a syringe used by a sick person. Also upon contact wound surface infection occurs in 100% of cases.

Secondly, the sexual route of infection. This method is the most common. The likelihood of contracting HIV from a single unprotected contact depends on many factors. Using a condom greatly minimizes the risk of transmission. According to the study, it became known that the virus can leak through latex. The risk increases if thin, low-quality products are used.

It is also important to know that a woman risks 3 times more than a man, since the suction surface of the vagina is larger than that of the penis. The risk increases if sperm enters the vagina, in the presence of trauma (including cervical erosion), during menstrual bleeding, in the presence of concomitant venereal disease.

Oral sexual contact can lead to infection if there is a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa or semen gets into the mouth.

Anal sex is the most dangerous option, since it is almost always associated with the formation of microcracks in the anus and rectum. Therefore, the likelihood of contracting HIV even with one such unprotected contact is very high.

Thirdly, during pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, if the infected mother receives appropriate treatment and is under constant medical supervision, the risk of infection of the baby is reduced to 1%. In 20 cases out of 100, transmission of the virus from mother to child occurs during lactation, so in the case positive analysis, artificial feeding is recommended.

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According to average statistical data in percentage terms, the picture of HIV spread looks like this:

  • Infection during sexual intercourse is 70-80%.
  • Infection among injection drug users is 5-10%.
  • From a sick mother during pregnancy and lactation 5-10%.
  • During blood transfusion 3-5%.
  • Healthcare facility staff in contact with patients 0.01%.


On the forum you can find information that causes reassurance that one episode of vaginal intercourse does not lead to infection. This is a rather dangerous myth.

The chance of contracting HIV with one unprotected contact is the same as with several. It all depends not on the frequency, but on the type of sex, gender and the presence of aggravating factors. For example, the entry of infected sperm into the vagina during menstruation significantly increases the risks. Therefore, the use of a condom is mandatory, and in case of unprotected random connection post-exposure prophylaxis and consultation with a specialist are necessary.

The risk of HIV infection and factors that increase this likelihood

The risk of contracting HIV depends on many factors, most notably the route of transmission. Lowest chance of infection medical workers(less than 0.01%). If all safety rules are followed, even direct contact with patients does not pose a potential threat.

The largest percentage of infections occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. Moreover, a woman is exposed to danger 3 times more than her partner. It's connected with physiological characteristics, since a large number of viruses enter the body through the surface of the vagina along with sperm. The risk of HIV infection increases during defloration, in the presence of microtraumas on the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, as well as the presence of cervical erosion. The possibility of the virus entering the body increases significantly when concomitant diseases PPP, since these ailments cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, ulcers and other damage.

Discarded in fabric great amount lymphocytes, including T-4, which are a target for immunodeficiency viruses. After contact with an HIV-infected person, within 10 hours a person becomes a source and distributor of viruses. Diagnosis becomes effective at least three months after suspicious contact; repeated tests must be taken 6 and 12 months after it. The second highest risk of contracting AIDS or HIV infection is getting an injection from a contaminated needle. This usually happens during infusion therapy or during drug administration.

The likelihood of contracting HIV in men through traditional sexual intercourse is several times lower than in women. If infection does occur, then a few weeks after the virus enters the body, a deterioration in well-being is observed, which resembles the symptoms of a cold.

Low-grade fever appears, painful sensations and sore throat, enlargement and inflammation of the groin and axillary lymph nodes. The infection then goes into a latent stage for several months or years. The duration of this period depends on the lifestyle and state of the patient’s immune system. During the latent stage, acute respiratory infections may become more frequent and worsen fungal infections, small skin lesions fester and do not heal for a long time. Such signs should be a reason to consult a doctor.

The first signs of the disease in women:

  1. Causeless sharp increase temperatures up to 40 degrees, which do not go down for a week or more.
  2. Headache, asthenia, excessive sweating, lymphopathy.
  3. Decreased or lack of appetite, dyspepsia.
  4. Violation menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation, profuse mucous vaginal discharge.

Despite the fact that the likelihood of contracting HIV infection in men is slightly lower than in women, both should remember the methods of preventing this dangerous illness. Planned pharmacoprophylaxis is recommended for persons with negative HIV status, but related to increased risk infections (homosexuals who do not have a regular partner; sex workers).

Prevention is aimed at preventing the development of HIV infection and is daily use antiviral drugs. To increase effectiveness, the method should be used in combination with condoms. For this purpose, combinations of 2 or 3 antiviral agents, namely fusion, reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors.

Emergency prophylaxis is a short course of using antiviral drugs after unprotected sexual contact with an HIV-infected person or if such is suspected, as well as contact with contaminated blood, seminal fluid or medical instruments. Prevention must begin within 12 hours after sexual intercourse. A delay of 24 hours is allowed, but not later than 72 hours. The minimum preventive course is 28 days.

On the contrary, the likelihood of contracting HIV through oral sex is the lowest. This especially applies to men who receive blowjobs. The risk of infection in this case tends to zero, although theoretically possible. This is due to the very low content of the virus in saliva. For persons performing blowjob or cunnilingus, the risk is much higher and is comparable to traditional sexual intercourse.

In general, with traditional vaginal intercourse, the likelihood of transmission HIV from woman to man is 2 times lower than vice versa. The fact is that the male urethra has less contact with vaginal secretions than the vagina with sperm. Unfinished sexual intercourse significantly reduces the possibility of infection.

HIV for an unprotected act, the percentage can be seen in the table:

If you don’t count anal intercourse, then if you get carried away with the numbers, you can decide that the likelihood of becoming infected HIV with a single contact is very low. After all, if you rely on these statistics, a man will become infected HIV from a woman only once out of 2500 contacts! In reality, everything is not as safe as it seems.

Why you can't rely on statistics

What is the probability of getting infected? HIV with one contact, in fact, it is impossible to calculate. Statistics CDC represents the average of all collected cases and does not take into account the risk of infection in a particular example.

Yes, there are known cases when one of the partners in a family HIV-infected, and the other does not become infected for years, but other, sadder scenarios are also known when infection occurs due to one casual sexual relationship.

The likelihood of contracting HIV through protected contact is reduced by 80%, according to CDC estimates.

There are many factors that can increase the risk of infection. One of the main ones is the amount of virus in the biological fluids of the body. IN acute period infection that develops within 6-12 weeks from the moment of infection, viral load very high. If average chance of getting infected HIV from a man to a woman does not exceed 1 to 1250, then in the case when a man is sick HIV V acute stage, the risk rises to 1 in 50. Considering that on average the infectivity of the disease during this period increases by an average of 26 times, it is easy to calculate what the probability of infection is HIV in men who have sex with men. For a passive partner in this case, the risk is simply huge and amounts to 1 in 3.

There are other reasons that can further increase the risks: associated STD, menstruation, bacterial vaginosis, traumatic sex and other less obvious factors.

The risk of infection can be significantly reduced. So the probability of infection HIV in protected contact, estimated CDC is reduced by 80%, and antiretroviral therapy by 96%. The risk of unfinished sexual intercourse, when the partner takes out the penis, as well as circumcision, approximately halves the risk foreskin in men.

Thus, any manipulations with numbers do not reflect real danger from a single unprotected contact and can leave a feeling of false security.

Is it possible to infect a partner? HIV while taking antiretroviral therapy

Antiretroviral therapy is currently the only worthy way to combat the epidemic AIDS A. As is known, medications that would completely cure from HIV-infections, Bye does not exist, however modern drugs can significantly reduce the viral load.

The likelihood of HIV transmission while taking AR therapy is almost zero

When we talk about transmission risk HIV while taking antiretroviral therapy ( ARV) this is not entirely correct, because therapy can be effective or ineffective, carried out carefully or occasionally. It would be more correct to formulate the question whether it is transmitted

HIV infection can occur when blood, sperm, or vaginal secretions of an infected person enter the blood of an uninfected person: either directly or through mucous membranes. Maybe infection baby from the mother during pregnancy (in utero), during childbirth or during breastfeeding. Other ways HIV infection-infection not registered.

Proportion of HIV infections by different modes of transmission

All reported cases HIV-infections in the world are distributed according to infection routes as follows:

  • sexually - 70-80%;
  • injection drugs - 5-10%;
  • occupational infection of health workers - less than 0.01%;
  • transfusion of contaminated blood - 3-5%;
  • from a pregnant or nursing mother to a child - 5-10%.

IN different countries and regions prevail different ways infections (homosexual, heterosexual, injection drugs). In Russia, according to the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, in 1996-99 the prevailing route of infection was through injection of drugs (78.6% of all known cases).

Risk for health workers

At the end of 1996, the US Centers for Disease Control had reported 52 cases of occupational HIV infection health workers throughout the epidemic in the country. Of these, 45 infections occurred through needle pricks, and the rest when contaminated blood or laboratory fluid with a concentrated virus got into wounds on the skin, eyes, mouth or mucous membranes. The average statistical risk of infection was calculated: with an accidental needle prick it is 0.3% (1 in 300), if the virus hits damaged skin, in the eyes or on mucous membranes - 0.1% (1 in 1,000).

Risk during sexual intercourse

It is estimated that the average risk of HIV transmission as a result of a single unprotected anal contact for the “receiving” partner ranges from 0.8% to 3.2% (from 8 to 32 cases per 1,000). With a single vaginal contact, the statistical risk for a woman is from 0.05% to 0.15% (from 5 to 15 cases per 10,000).

  • for the "receiving" partner, when the second partner HIV+, - 0,82%;
  • for the "receiving" partner, when HIV- the status of the second partner is unknown, - 0.27%;
  • for the “introducing” partner - 0.06%.

When unprotected oral sex with a man risk of HIV infection for the “receiving” partner is 0.04%. For the "introducing" partner risk practically absent, since it only comes into contact with saliva (unless, of course, there is bleeding or open wounds in the “receiving” partner’s mouth).

Low average risk of HIV infection with a single contact, there is no reason to be complacent. In the study cited above, 9 out of 60, that is, 15% of those infected, received HIV as a result of one or two episodes of unprotected “receptive” anal sex.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting HIV through sexual contact

The risk of HIV infection for both partners increases with concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Sexually transmitted diseases are rightly called “gateways for the virus” because they cause ulcers or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. At the same time, a large number of lymphocytes, especially those that serve as targets for HIV(T-4 lymphocytes). Inflammation also causes changes in the cell membrane, which increases the risk of virus entry.

The likelihood of a woman contracting HIV from a man through sexual contact is approximately three times higher than that of a man from a woman.

When a woman has unprotected sexual intercourse, a large amount of the virus contained in the man’s seminal fluid enters the body. The surface area through which the virus can penetrate inside is much larger in women (vaginal mucosa). In addition, in seminal fluid HIV contained in higher concentrations than in vaginal secretions. Risk for a woman it increases with STDs, cervical erosion, wounds or inflammation of the mucous membrane, during menstruation, and also with rupture of the hymen.

The risk of contracting HIV for both men and women increases if the partner has cervical erosion.

For a woman - since erosion serves as an “entry gate” for the virus. For a man - because HIV In a positive woman, erosion can lead to the peeling off of cells containing the virus from the cervix.

Many people believe the myth that the likelihood of contracting HIV from a single unprotected contact is minimal. For this reason, they lead a carefree, sexually, lifestyle, and during one-time intercourse they ignore contraceptives.

Actually this is not true. It is during a single contact that the immunodeficiency virus is transmitted much more often than through other routes of infection.

The number of HIV-infected people is increasing every day. An untested infected person with whom sexual contact occurred is a carrier of immunodeficiency, and is one of the main reasons for contracting the virus. Such contact may result disastrous consequences not only for health, but also for life.

According to survey statistics, most patients not only do not remember their partner’s last name, but even their first name. This factor indicates that most people do not believe in the likelihood of infection through unprotected contact that occurred only once, and do not want to realize the danger that threatens not only their health, but also that of some others.

Specialists and scientists in the field of medicine who study immunodeficiency have concluded that the chances of becoming infected with HIV, as well as not being infected, are approximately the same. Of course, the risk of acquiring an infection is higher.

It may be worth considering whether unprotected sexual intercourse is so important, as it increases the chances of contracting HIV, and AIDS will naturally follow.

When HIV infection occurs, a person’s gender plays an important role.

To this day, there is constant debate among scientists about whether the risk of contracting HIV is the same for both females and males during a single sexual intercourse.

Some experts are of the opinion that yes.

But others have a completely different point of view. They believe that for a woman unprotected act more dangerous. One of the main reasons is even the slightest damage in the area of ​​the vagina and uterus. For example, with erosion.

An open wound allows infection to enter the bloodstream immediately. After this, the spread of infection throughout the body can no longer be avoided.

Many people mistakenly assume that during the menstrual cycle with unprotected contact, the risk of infection is almost impossible.

Women are more at risk of contracting any disease that is sexually transmitted. All this happens due to ulcers and erosions that are located on the external and internal areas of the genital organs. This factor increases the likelihood of contracting HIV, the consequence of which is AIDS.

We must also not forget that women the immune system during any infectious diseases that can only be contracted through sexual contact, it greatly reduces its activity. This situation further increases the chance of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus.

Although the percentage of HIV infections in men is slightly lower, this does not mean that the safety of unprotected sexual intercourse is guaranteed. Every male representative should remember this and always take precautions.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of immunodeficiency in the sperm of an infected man is much greater than in the secretion secreted by the vagina. This is another reason why the fair half of humanity is more susceptible to developing a disease such as AIDS.

For a man, unprotected one-time contact with an infected partner is no less dangerous when the following factors are present:

  • during the menstrual cycle;
  • in the presence of erosion or any other damage;
  • if there are any other diseases, the infection of which occurs only through the genitals.

In men topical issue is - what is the probability of contracting HIV, AIDS, if interruption of sexual intercourse is used for contraception.

An equally common question is whether it is possible to become infected with HIV if you deviate from traditional sexual intercourse or whether it is possible during other types of sexual contact get an infection?

Scientists say that with a single anal intercourse without using contraception, the likelihood of becoming HIV-infected is much greater than with traditional sex. HIV transmission lies in the mucous membrane of the anus and passage, which are covered big amount microcracks and ulcers. It is not safe to experience this type of sex for the first time.

The reason in this case lies not only in the first penetration, but also from such influencing factors: poor nutrition, constipation, hemorrhoids, proctitis or other similar problems.

When sperm hits a damaged surface, its penetration into the blood occurs much faster, and immunodeficiency cells immediately begin active action distribution.

For this reason, the percentage of HIV and AIDS infection among homosexuals is much higher than in other cases.

At first glance it seems that the safest is oral sex. But that's not true. Although minimal, there is a risk of contracting the immunodeficiency virus.

IN in this case the threat of infection increases for the receiving partner. The reasons for this are damage to the oral cavity:

  • the mucous membrane is damaged as a result of the slightest injury:
  • after tooth loss or extraction, if present open space for infections;
  • for gum diseases.

Having information about the acquisition of immunodeficiency during a single sexual intercourse is not enough. Observing everything necessary measures precautions, you can not only not risk your health, but also protect yourself completely. But, in no case should you give in to passionate impulses and ignore contraception.

If you always remember that contraceptives, in the form of a condom, protect against HIV infection almost one hundred percent, then during a one-time contact there is practically no possibility of becoming infected.

After one-time sexual intercourse with an unreliable partner, in order to reduce the likelihood of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus, it is worth contacting specialists for a prescription. certain drugs designed to reduce the risk of infection.

In most cases, after a course of treatment, everything ends well. You just need to contact no later than the third day. The duration of the prophylaxis itself is approximately a month. Then a re-examination is done. If the infection is still present, special medications are prescribed to prevent the rapid spread of the virus in the body.

But you shouldn’t hope too much that earlier medical intervention can completely protect against HIV.

You should never forget to take safety precautions. Most the best option– is to lead a sexual lifestyle with only one reliable partner.

AIDS virus - terrible diagnosis, which completely changes life and significantly shortens it. The probability of acquiring the virus through sexual intercourse is approximately 80%, compared to other methods of infection. The virus, entering the human body after contact, destroys the immune system, thus making the infected person defenseless even against the most common diseases. AIDS () is, without exaggeration, the most terrible disease of the modern world. The disease is sexually transmitted and there is no cure.

During sexual intercourse, microtraumas inevitably form on the mucous membranes, which become an entry point for the virus. In order to “settle” in the body, the virus needs to pass through epithelial cells. In the rectum, the epithelium is thin and single-layered, making it much easier for infections to overcome. Thus, the risk of infection during anal intercourse is much higher than during vaginal intercourse (the vagina has multilayered epithelium).

The disease can spread from person to person through microcracks (entering or leaving the blood), vaginal discharge or the seminal fluid of a partner.

Risk areas for contracting HIV through sexual contact include:

  • carriers;
  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • partners of the infected;
  • those who practice unprotected sex;
  • adherents of anal sex;
  • people practicing frequent shifts sexual partners;
  • those who have various diseases genitals.

Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) have a detrimental effect on human health. Some of them, besides specific pathologies, cause damage to the mucous membranes of the genital organs. This contributes easy penetration HIV infection in the human body.

Previously weakened immunity, for example, due to prolonged illness or long-term use antibiotics, contributes to immune defense fails and HIV reliably enters the infected person’s body.

Those who are close to HIV-positive people often deliberately become infected, thus sharing the burden of their loved one. These people choose unprotected sex and continue to live in ignorance until they feel it, or donate blood for a test that confirms or refutes the diagnosis. All partners of infected people are strongly recommended to get tested. The issue is especially acute if a couple is planning to have a child.

Sex without a condom is, perhaps, main way contract an infection. Of course, the probability of “catching” the virus from one sexual contact is quite small, but it still exists. And a condom against HIV acts as a barrier to infection entering epithelial tissues.

Cervical erosion significantly increases the chances of receiving/transmitting HIV infection, as cells peel off and form “ open doors for illness."

Symptoms of infection

When infection occurs through sexual contact, the disease is determined, as a rule, already at the second stage, when the symptoms become pronounced. On primary stage infection is rarely detected.

Highlight next stages development of infection:

  • incubation period;
  • primary signs (acute infection, asymptomatic infection, lymphadenopathy);
  • secondary signs(skin and mucous lesions, lesions of all organs, generalized diseases);
  • the last stage of the disease.

At the first stage, the disease is almost invisible. It manifests itself equally in both sexes, on next stages Symptoms differ in women and men. Symptoms may appear between 4 months and 5 years. Signs of the second stage make themselves felt from 5 months to the last stage.

More often initial sign illness favors elevated temperature And inflammatory process in the tonsils and lymph nodes.

The symptoms of HIV infection are similar to mononucleosis. It is noteworthy that antipyretic drugs do not work, like antibiotics. At the same time, patients suffer from headaches, general weakness, increased sweating at night, sleep disturbances and lack of appetite. At laboratory research an increase in leukocytes and lymphocytes is detected in the blood. In approximately 30% of those infected through sexual contact, HIV disease begins this way.

When secondary symptoms appear, this indicates the duration of the disease. They can appear even several years after contact with an infected partner. Signs of pneumonia appear: the body temperature rises, the person coughs frequently, and shortness of breath appears even in a calm state.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a person has had unprotected sexual intercourse with an untested partner who may be a carrier of the infection, then it is simply necessary to be tested for HIV. Does a condom protect against viral infection? Protects if the instructions for its use are not violated. IN specialized centers The patient's blood is taken for analysis and antibodies to HIV are detected using the ELISA method ( linked immunosorbent assay). In cases where the analysis is positive or false positive result, an immunoblotting procedure is performed. Blot results may be positive, negative or indeterminate. Indeterminate tests mean that there are antibodies in the blood, but their amount is very small. As a rule, an uncertain result is followed by a positive result.

If immunoblotting has a positive status, and the person is sure of the opposite, then PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is performed.

Treatment of HIV-positive patients implies monitoring of human immunity, the appearance of concomitant infectious diseases and neoplasms. Such people also need psychological support.

IN modern world Often they use drugs aimed at suppressing the activity of a sexually transmitted virus. These include nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors: Retrovir, Zerit, Hivid, Videx, Ziagen, Trizivir, Combivir; nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors: Viramune, Stokrin, Estaverine; protease inhibitors: Norvir, Inviraz, Prezista, Viracept; fusion inhibitors - Furezon.


To prevent sexual transmission, it is necessary to take precautions regarding sexual culture. These include protected sex using a condom, orderly sex life with a regular sexual partner, avoiding anal sex without contraception with a random person, frequent checks for sexually transmitted diseases and infection with the immunodeficiency virus. Is it possible to become infected with HIV if you take all precautions regarding sexual intercourse? It is possible, but the probability of this will decrease tenfold.

HIV is spreading so widely that it has become the No. 1 disease in the world. A responsible attitude towards sex life will help protect yourself from a disease that can completely destroy a person’s life and health.