Why does the body hurt in different places? Neuropathy of the musculocutaneous nerve. Treatment of numbness, burning, tingling sensations

Regardless of age, people may experience back discomfort. The nature of the pain can be varied.

Sometimes a person does not pay due attention to this, but even ordinary tingling in the back can be a consequence serious illnesses, relating not only to the spine.

Is it normal or a cause for concern – the doctor decides

People experience a variety of sensations throughout the day, from headaches to back pain. If it concerns an isolated case, then usually no one rushes to see a doctor for an examination.

In fact, even seemingly harmless sensations can, over time, remind you of themselves with renewed vigor.

But lost time will play cruel joke. Therefore, if unpleasant symptoms occur, even isolated ones, it is worth making an appointment with a therapist and undergoing treatment.

Doctors often hear complaints of back pain in the form of tingling. The localization of such sensations can be varied. Only a specialist can tell you what this or that symptom means and what disease it may be associated with.

What diseases can cause tingling in the back?


If the complaints are pain in the neck area, tingling in the back like needles, then it is quite possible that these are the first manifestations. Everyone has experienced one or two signs of this disease at least once in their life:

  • after exercise – pain in the shoulders, arms and forearms;
  • in the morning, frequent numbness of the neck and arms;
  • painful spasm in the neck when trying to turn your head or tilt it;
  • unpleasant ;
  • the tongue becomes numb for no reason;
  • pain in the area of ​​the heart, which changes due to changes in body position;
  • , arising from burning and tingling in the back of the head and spreading to the crown and temple areas.

With this disease, it is quite possible to experience tingling sensations in the back, which often occur after experiencing stress.

Violation and curvature of posture, few active image life, hypothermia also often become causes of cervical osteochondrosis.

If at least two or three symptoms are familiar to a person first-hand, this is a reason to consult a neurologist.

Angina pectoris

Back pain is not always associated with spinal diseases. Angina pectoris is an example of when the disease can go silently initial stage and present yourself with pain in inappropriate areas. For example, severe pain and tingling in the back near the shoulder blades may well indicate angina pectoris.

The disease has two types of manifestation: in a state of rest and stress. If the symptoms angina pectoris"(the second name of the disease) occur after active exercise or simply climbing stairs, jogging, then we're talking about about the second type.

The first one can be disturbing even at rest. Usually a person begins to feel a burning sensation in the chest part of the body, increased pressure and shortness of breath.

Another situation also happens - tingling or tingling, which in no way indicates a heart disease. In such cases, you should take nitroglycerin and wait 15 minutes.

If the symptom subsides, then this is a reason to contact a cardiologist; the person has obvious signs of angina. If symptoms increase and do not subside, you should call ambulance.

Intervertebral hernia

With this disease, a person may feel wandering pain, tingling in the back both between the shoulder blades and in the lumbar area.

It all depends on the location of the hernia. If we are talking about thoracic hernia, then it is accompanied by severe chest pain. You may experience pins and needles, numbness, and a tingling sensation in the arms, back, and upper abdomen.

A person with a herniated disc describes feeling as if his arms, back and chest were on fire when an attack occurs. Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the force of compression of the spinal roots.

Intervertebral hernia does not require delay in terms of examination and treatment. If signs of illness appear, you should immediately contact a neurologist.

There are many diseases that are accompanied by tingling in the left side of the back, in the chest area, and a burning sensation in the interscapular area. A man without medical education unable to make a diagnosis on my own. Only a specialist can do this.

Algorithm of actions when symptoms appear

If you notice any unpleasant changes in your health related to your back, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the symptoms are not localized, it is better to see a therapist. It will help determine possible reasons their manifestations and will redirect you to the right specialist.

If pain syndrome localized mainly in the chest area and extends to the shoulder blades, you can safely go to a cardiologist. For all other manifestations, you should contact a neurologist.

When visiting a doctor, the patient is offered a number of examinations:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging,
  • electromyography,
  • electrocardiogram of the heart.

Only after a thorough examination and tests that reveal the inflammatory process in the body, and a diagnosis, should treatment begin. It may take from several weeks to several months.

There are also cases chronic manifestations, when the patient will have to undergo examinations and a certain course of treatment several times a year.

Therefore, the most important thing is not to delay visiting a doctor when it comes to musculoskeletal and of cardio-vascular system.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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It seems like this could be due to several reasons. For example, mental disorder, panic, poisoning. Regardless, the body gives a signal to a person that something is wrong and he urgently needs to get back to normal.

There are times when, after laughing for a long time or drinking a cup of coffee, you may feel as if you are being pierced with needles all over your body. It all depends on the features of the structure nervous system man, his psyche. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of exactly how such sensations manifest themselves. Each case requires specific consideration. Below are the most common cases where tingling sensations are felt throughout the body.

Body overheating

There are often cases when tingling begins after the body overheats. The person experiences obvious discomfort and cannot get rid of the tingling sensation for several minutes. Overheating can occur when physical work, while running, after laughing for a long time, in hot weather. There are many reasons. Moreover, if a person suffering from such unpleasant symptom consults a doctor, they rarely find deviations from the norm in their state of health.

To stop suffering from such a disease, you can change your diet in favor plant food. If you have bad habits, you need to give them up and replace them with dousing. cold water in the morning. At first, due to the strong impact cold water You will feel a strong tingling sensation, but after a couple of weeks it will become much easier. At proper nutrition And healthy way life blood pressure normalizes, work endocrine system, metabolic processes will improve.

Nervous tension

Live in big city, frantic rhythm often lead to stressful situations And nervous breakdowns. When a person is always in nervous tension, he often begins throughout his body during periods strong excitement and emotional outburst. Unfortunately, even if this is a positive emotional outburst, needles will still prick all over the body.

To return to normal condition- get rid of the feeling as if needles are being pierced all over your body - you need to restore your nervous system, try to lead a more active lifestyle. A visit to the pool, walks on the fresh air. Most the best option- relax for at least two weeks where no one knows you, so that nothing reminds you of your usual surroundings.

Sexual arousal

Some people experience tingling throughout their body when they are highly sexually aroused. But these are rather pleasant sensations, since they are part of love. Don't even try to get rid of it similar symptoms, since nothing can be done against the physiology formed during ontogenesis.

Paresthesia or numbness of the body is partial or total loss skin sensitivity. This condition is very often characterized by the sensation of so-called goosebumps, tingling and other unpleasant sensations. There are cases when a person experiences pain and suffers from low joint mobility.

Memo for everyone

Very often, numbness of the body appears due to improper blood circulation or compression of a nerve. In this regard, loss of sensitivity is an adequate reaction of the body, which is not dangerous symptom and does not require any special worries.

But if this syndrome recurs with noticeable frequency and does not go away within 4 hours from the moment the pathology appears, there is numbness on only one side (unilateral paresthesia), accompanied by a loss of clarity in the perception of the surrounding image and problems with speech, then you should immediately call ambulance. After this, you should definitely contact a therapist and have full examination and appropriate diagnostics.

Also, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed if numbness appears after bruises, injuries and is accompanied by nausea, pain and dizziness. Put accurate diagnosis and only a specialist can prescribe therapy, so you should not self-medicate and aggravate the problem.

Causes of numbness in some parts of the body

To the simplest and least dangerous reasons Numbness can be attributed to:

  • violation blood circulation;
  • hypothermia;
  • squeezing nerve.

To more dangerous and complex reasons Numbness of the body can be attributed to the development of the following diseases:

  • Radicular syndromes: intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, vascular dysfunction, inflammatory processes nerve endings, compression of roots in the spinal cord, parts of the spine. All these pathologies most often cause paresthesia. In this case, the patient notices that the fingers or part of the hand are numb. Numbness may also be accompanied by a burning sensation, which actively manifests itself at night during sleep.
  • Polyneuropathy– this type of numbness is typical for patients diabetes mellitus. Pathology appears as a result long-term violations metabolic processes in the body. High level sugar over time causes nerve damage and peripheral vessels. Numbness in this case occurs symmetrically, manifesting itself in the arms and legs.
  • Stroke– this cause of paresthesia is the most dangerous and can lead to irreversible processes and fatal outcome sick. Numbness occurs due to poor circulation in the brain, causing damage to areas that are responsible for sensitivity in certain areas of the body. Worth paying Special attention that a stroke is manifested by numbness on only one side of the body. That is, the left or Right side whole body, including front part, which leads to unintelligibility of speech and asymmetrical smile.
  • Tumor brain may also be manifested by numbness, which occurs due to the pressure of the tumor on the brain tissue, which often leads to headaches and problems with motor function limbs. The disease also manifests itself poor appetite, sudden weight loss, chronic feeling of fatigue. In this case, paresthesia, as with a stroke, manifests itself unilaterally. All unpleasant sensations accumulate gradually.
  • Absent-minded sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Numbness of the body in this case occurs due to the fact that connective tissue replaces some areas of nervous tissue.

Other causes of numbness include Raynaud's syndrome, poor blood flow to the brain area, fasting operating period, vascular atherosclerosis, toxic neuropathy, vitamin B12 deficiency, trauma spinal cord, hypothyroidism, varicose veins, osteochondrosis and much more.

Define main reason Paresthesia can only be achieved with the help of a competent specialist after conducting a serious diagnosis.

Numbness during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman’s body when it is subjected to great stress. A woman undergoes a complete hormonal change, and her body prepares for childbirth for nine months.

Most often, numbness during pregnancy occurs due to poor circulation, frequent swelling that compresses nerve endings, lack of vitamins, exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

Pathology can also appear when sedentary life and non-compliance with doctors’ recommendations on nutrition, lack of vitamins and many important microelements. Also, very often numbness in pregnant women is a consequence of the fact that they have to sleep in uncomfortable positions.

If numbness occurs without any reason, suddenly and is accompanied by headaches, loss of consciousness and loss of coordination of movements, then you should immediately consult a doctor. There should be no self-medication during pregnancy; this can negatively affect the fetus and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Numbness of the facial part of the body

Facial numbness may occur when sleeping in an incorrect position or on an uncomfortable pillow. This manifestation of paresthesia is temporary and disappears in as soon as possible without outside help.

In any other cases, numbness is a signal of a disease lurking in the body, most often it is:

  • Facial paralysis, which occurs against the background of nerve hypothermia, vasospasm, infection.
  • Absent-minded sclerosis. The disease is very complex and is autoimmune; it leads to the death of the membranes of nerve tissue.
  • Neuritis trigeminal nerve causes numbness due to pressure on it from swelling and adhesions.
  • Thrombosis blood vessels in the brain or hemorrhage.
  • Nervous overvoltage, stress, prolonged depression.

It is worth considering that the side where the blood flow is most impaired is numb. Sensitivity can also be lost due to a lack of vitamins, iron, potassium, and sodium. How by-effect after taking some medications. As a consequence of prolonged migraine.

If facial sensitivity does not return within 24 hours, then this is a signal to urgently seek medical help.

Numbness of the tongue is noticed after head or back injuries, as an effect after anesthesia for dental purposes. Also, the tongue may become numb after using certain medications, allergies, or intoxication. If the pathology is in chronic form, then this is most often a violation of the full functioning of the nervous system. If the tongue becomes numb with noticeable frequency, then this fact should not be ignored.


The main symptoms of paresthesia include:

  • "goosebumps" on the skin;
  • burning;
  • decline sensitivity skin;
  • tingling;
  • pain;
  • stiffness movements;
  • dizziness;
  • violation balance;
  • difficulty speeches, facial expressions.

Symptoms most often appear in the arms, legs and face.

Particular attention should be paid to unilateral paresthesia, especially on the left side; in this case, all the symptoms indicate that an ambulance must be urgently called.

Paresthesia of the extremities may be manifested by the following accompanying symptoms:

  • high temperature;
  • change colors skin from red to pale;
  • feeling fear;
  • tachycardia;
  • shortness of breath;
  • spasms;
  • increased sweating;
  • violation coordination;
  • fainting.

Numbness can appear on the limbs on one or both sides, and this pathology can also appear in the back, face and abdomen.


Before prescribing an examination, the specialist conducts a survey and draws up an approximate picture of the patient’s condition. After this, the doctor decides which diagnostic methods will help find the exact cause of the problem. In some cases, the help of specialists such as a surgeon, neurologist, endocrinologist is required.

During the examination, the specialist pays special attention to body temperature, skin color, and reflexes. If necessary, prescribe:

  • biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • general blood test for iron deficiency and lack of vitamin B12;
  • level analysis Sahara in blood;
  • rheumatic test;
  • ESR;
  • coagulogram;
  • clinical analysis;
  • arterial control pressure;
  • analysis cerebrospinal fluid if multiple sclerosis is suspected;
  • content level analysis cholesterol in blood;
  • radiography;
  • condition diagnosis vessels;
  • Ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • Dopplerography;
  • puncture spectroscopy to determine a brain tumor if it is suspected;
  • angiography;
  • myography and much more.

The specialist himself chooses from this list what the patient needs to undergo. external symptoms. An examination of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, joints, and thyroid gland must be carried out.

It is also necessary to conduct a deep differential diagnosis, which is based on the clinical picture.

The first signs of a stroke are very often similar to the symptoms of a head injury, alcohol intoxication, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

With osteochondrosis of the spine, symptoms manifest themselves in the form constant pain and are similar to angina and other heart diseases.


Numbness is not a disease, but, most likely, clear symptom a number of pathologies. Therefore, therapy is carried out taking into account the disease that causes paresthesia. Any treatment is prescribed only after full diagnostics and identifying the exact causes. Each therapy is prescribed individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s body.

If numbness becomes a sign of an impending stroke, the patient is urgently hospitalized and all treatment is carried out as an inpatient.

Drug treatment is carried out using drugs:

  • anesthetics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • increasing the conductivity of nerve impulses;
  • antispasmodic.

Also used additional methods therapy:

  • Manual procedures.
  • Massage, which aims to improve blood flow to all extremities of the body.
  • Medical gymnastics.
  • Physiotherapy.

Experts also recommend reducing all possible stress on the body through an active lifestyle, proper sleeping place, which should allow the spine to completely relax during sleep. Carry out therapeutic exercises daily. When working sedentarily, take a break and do some exercises that will help increase joint mobility and improve blood circulation.

Proper nutrition or diet therapy

People who suffer from body numbness are advised to reconsider their diet. The patient's diet should include a protein, vitamin-rich diet. The menu should contain dishes containing: carrots, cabbage, herbs, legumes. It could be salads vegetable stew, soups, light casseroles.

It is advisable to exclude coffee, tea, and alcohol from your diet. Bring to minimum doses: fried, smoked, spicy, fatty, preserved. It is also not recommended to overuse cakes and pastries.

Losing weight while following a diet will also help improve the patient's condition


The prognosis is carried out for each pathology separately:

  • Absent-minded sclerosis it is very difficult to predict, but there are some factors under which positive conclusions can be drawn: the disease manifested itself before the age of 25, MRI did not show a large number of lesions, the first symptoms were numbness or blurred vision, the patient was a woman.
  • Stroke most often does not guarantee good prognosis, since 75% of those who have suffered this pathology become disabled. Stroke is also very often fatal. With this disease main role plays a role in the timeliness of assistance provided.
  • Syndrome carpal channel does not apply dangerous diseases, but if left untreated can lead to loss of motor function of the entire hand.
  • Osteochondrosis, which cannot be treated long time, can lead to the development of protusion and subsequently to a hernia. This may result in disability.
  • Neoplasms in the brain or on the spine can also be positively predicted only in case of timely treatment.

In order for the prognosis to be positive, you should never ignore the symptoms of numbness, which can signal very complex diseases that require immediate intervention specialists. Statistics show that when timely application More than 70% of patients survive.

Consequences and possible complications

Numbness can have many complications and unpleasant consequences, which are also caused by the disease that caused the pathology:

  • The stroke may end paralysis, loss of speech, coma, problems with motor function, vascular thrombosis and even death. This disease greatly affects the quality of life and very often ends in disability.
  • If osteochondrosis is not treated for a long time, then the appearance of hernias, compression may also occur vertebral arteries in the neck area, which can lead to unpleasant, often irreversible consequences.
  • Numbness caused by diabetes can lead to gangrene, loss of sensitivity skin, nerve damage.

If we consider in general the consequences of numbness itself, all complications bring about the pathologies that caused the occurrence of paresthesia.


  • Not supercool;
  • be active life;
  • do daily charging;
  • Not overeat;
  • keep an eye on weight;
  • monitor the level Sahara and cholesterol in the blood;
  • monitor arterial pressure;
  • include in your diet food, enriched with protein and vitamins;
  • visit periodically doctor;
  • does not stay in one place for a long time pose;
  • watch your health.

Numbness appears in the background sedentary image life, as a symptom of certain diseases and incorrect attitude towards one’s health. Therefore, by carrying out prevention and monitoring your health, it is possible to avoid many pathologies that have irreversible consequences.

Tingling in the legs and arms is a very common and worrying symptom. This tingling sensation can sometimes be temporary and can be caused by pressure on the nerves, for example, as a result of sleeping in an uncomfortable position, sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time, etc.

In such cases, tingling in the arms and legs goes away soon after the pressure that causes it is relieved. If you find yourself experiencing such sensations, carefully read our recommendations.

Causes of tingling in hands and feet

As a rule, in many cases, the cause of tingling in the legs and arms can be sharp or chronic diseases accompanied by other symptoms, for example:

  • pain;
  • itching;
  • numbness;
  • muscle atrophy.

In such cases, numbness may indicate nerve damage, which may be caused by injury, bacterial or viral infections, toxins and systemic diseases, such as diabetes.

This type of nerve damage is called peripheral neuropathy because it affects nerves distant from the spinal cord and brain, often nerves in the arms and legs. There are more than a hundred types peripheral neuropathy, which can worsen over time and limit mobility or even lead to disability, the site emphasizes. That is why constant tingling in the arms and legs indicates that it is time to see a doctor and find out the cause of this sensation.

Diseases that cause tingling

There are a number of serious diseases that can cause tingling in the hands and feet, these include:

  • Diabetes. One of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy often begins to manifest itself in the form of tingling in the feet, which rises higher in the legs and is accompanied by tingling in the arms and other symptoms.

About 2/3 of diabetics experience severe forms of nerve damage. In most cases, these symptoms are the first signs of diabetes.

  • Autoimmune diseases that can cause tingling in the legs and arms are Guillain-Barré syndrome, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • An inherited condition that can cause tingling in the arms and legs is called Charcot-Marie-Tooth amyotrophy.
  • Nerve entrapment, including syndrome carpal tunnel, ulnar nerve palsy, peroneal nerve palsy and radial nerve palsy.

Other causes of tingling in the hands and feet

If the tingling does not relate to existing diseases, then it can be caused by:

  • Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins E, B1, B6, B12 and niacin are essential for proper nerve function. For example, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia- a serious cause of peripheral neuropathy. However, excess vitamin B6 can also cause tingling in the arms and legs.
  • Alcoholism. Alcoholics most often have a deficiency of thiamine and other important vitamins because of poor nutrition, which is the cause of peripheral neuropathy.

Also, excessive doses of alcohol themselves can lead to nerve damage, which researchers call alcoholic neuropathy.

  • Presence of toxins. Among them: heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury and thallium, as well as some industrial chemicals and chemical substances V environment. Some medications are also considered toxins, especially chemotherapy, as well as some antiviral drugs and antibiotics.
  • Injuries. This is a common cause of tingling in the legs and arms when the injury causes compression or damage to the nerves, resulting in pain. For example: compression of nerves as a result of a herniated disc or bone displacement.

Diagnosis of tingling in the arms and legs

If you constantly feel tingling in your limbs, you should consult a doctor who will conduct a physical examination, collect anamnesis and all the necessary information about your living and working conditions.

For diagnostic purposes, you will need to carry out the following analyzes and tests:

  • blood tests to determine diabetes, vitamin deficiency or excess, kidney and liver disease, abnormal activity immune system etc.;
  • analysis cerebrospinal fluid to detect antibodies associated with peripheral neuropathy;
  • electromyogram - check electrical activity muscles;
  • nerve conduction velocity;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • nerve biopsy;
  • skin biopsy.

Having received detailed data, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Update: October 2018

Every cell of the human body has a connection with the nervous system - the ancient part of it, which we do not control, and the young cortex, which issues commands from consciousness. The message is sent using nerve fibers, and they can exist normally if there is no pressure on them from the outside and they are not affected from the inside. When such a situation does arise, it manifests itself as a sensation as if goosebumps are running down the skin. Then this symptom is not associated with the experience of any emotions and does not go away after switching to another thought.

What could this or that localization of these discomfort, and how long the “goosebumps” lasts, what does it mean? Let’s look at it in more detail.

Types and mechanism of “goosebumps”

The sensation of tingling and crawling is medically called “paresthesia.” They appear in response to irritation of nerve endings, the brain or spinal cord. The nature of this phenomenon is as follows: the sensitive nerve ending receives several different unrelated signals at once, layering on top of each other. As a result, the nerve does not know how to react correctly to this variety, and “turns on” numbness, burning, “pins and needles” or tingling.

Paresthesia is usually felt below the irritated area of ​​the nerve. They may be accompanied by “goose bumps” - “pimples” in the area of ​​hair growth, which is an analogue of the puffiness of fur or quills in animals.

Paresthesias can be:

  1. temporary, occurring when sitting in an uncomfortable position, freezing, sexual arousal, a feeling of euphoria from listening to music, or when negative emotions. They are usually described as “pins and needles on your legs” and go away when the irritating factor stops. Not accompanied by cramps, pain or sensory disturbances;
  2. chronic, recurring. They are signs of the disease, and can be accompanied by two types of symptoms:
    • indicating damage to the nerve fiber. These are: numbness in the limbs or only in the fingers, tingling sensation, goosebumps. Sometimes local twitching (convulsions) develops here;
    • indicating damage to those nerves that are connected to the vessels of this area. This is evidenced by: pale skin, worsening temperature and pain sensitivity, its cool temperature, .

Transient (temporary) paresthesia is a variant of the norm and does not require medical intervention. If “goosebumps” run without any visible effect on the skin, you definitely need to look for their cause and eliminate it.

What diseases provoke paresthesia?

The causes of goosebumps are varied. Let's list them first:

  • damage to nerve fibers various localizations– neuropathy;
  • high ;
  • disruption of the nutrition of nerve fibers due to poisoning, including chronic alcohol intoxication– polyneuropathy;
  • low blood levels of calcium or magnesium;
  • nerve fiber injury;
  • damage to nerve fibers by antibodies;
  • varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis of arterial vessels;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins B1, 6, C;
  • arthritis;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • tumors of nerve fibers;
  • tumor in the parietal lobe of the brain;
  • insufficiency of parathyroid gland function – hypoparathyroidism;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • taking certain medications;
  • follicular hyperkeratosis;
  • entry of the filling mass into the canal of a tooth with a living nerve;
  • damage nerve ending at .

If they call it “goosebumps” external manifestation- “goose bumps”, without any other symptoms, this pathology is called follicular hyperkeratosis.

Here, due to malnutrition or constant irritation, the skin thickens excessively. upper layer skin, and the mouths of the hair follicles become inflamed. Dermatocosmetologists treat pathology with various local and systemic means.

Goosebumps on the body, arms and legs

This symptom is accompanied by many diseases. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

Hypovitaminosis B1

Vitamin B1 is needed for normal operation nervous system. It is involved in the production of acetylcholine, a substance that allows nerve impulse get on the muscle, intestines, sweat gland, heart - and give him your command. Its insufficient intake from food or acceleration of its breakdown leads to:

  • feeling of pins and needles on the legs and arms;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart;
  • swelling;
  • shortness of breath;
  • sometimes even paralysis and cardiovascular failure.

Such symptoms require prompt diagnosis and treatment: administration of synthetic vitamin thiamine and diet correction.


This is a reduced function of the parathyroid glands, in which the level of calcium in the blood decreases. It manifests itself not only as goose bumps in the limbs, but also:

  • painful contractions of the muscles of the limbs, body and face: the arm is brought towards the body, it is “bent” at the wrist and elbow joints, the corners of the mouth are lowered, the eyelids are lowered by half, the body is arched back;
  • swallowing is paroxysmally impaired;
  • arises stabbing pain in a stomach;
  • there may be vomiting, diarrhea;
  • fainting occurs;
  • twilight vision is impaired;
  • "pawns ears;
  • there are pains and interruptions in the heart;
  • hair becomes thinner, the number of hair shafts falling out increases;
  • the skin is peeling;
  • a large number of teeth are affected by caries;
  • nails become dull;
  • at long absence therapy is developing.

Decreased calcium levels

Here the same symptoms develop as with hypoparathyroidism, but they are not as pronounced and occur more easily. Often the pathology manifests itself only painful spasms muscles of the limbs and face, which immediately follow goosebumps, increased heart rate, trembling and recurrent vomiting. With an extremely low level of this electrolyte in the blood, difficulty breathing may develop until it stops, and painful arching of the entire body.

Low blood magnesium levels

This condition manifests itself:

  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • trembling of the body or individual muscles;
  • Convulsions may occur in which the entire body contracts or arches. This is most common in children.

Taking medications

The appearance of goose bumps can be caused by taking drugs such as: Ofloxacin, Protionamide, Isonazid, Cycloserine, drugs against epilepsy and blood pressure lowering drugs.


In the case of the development of attack-like (paroxysmal) rhythm disturbances, a person may notice:

This state lasts from ten minutes or more; most often develops at night.

Brain stroke

Paralysis or partial immobility of the limbs on one side may be preceded by a feeling of numbness and crawling, sometimes on the opposite side. There is also a headache, there may be short- or long-term loss of consciousness, there are focal symptoms: facial asymmetry, different widths of palpebral fissures, inability to speak or understand speech.

Damage to the parietal lobe of the brain

A tumor or encephalitis that develops in the lobe responsible for sensitivity is accompanied by other symptoms: the inability to perform complex actions, failure to recognize objects if you close your eyes and feel them with your hands, loss of the ability to write. There may also be loss of half of the visual field and loss of awareness of one's own body diagram.

Guillain-Barre syndrome

This condition occurs after a viral infection (mainly colds and herpes), or intestinal infection caused by the Campylobacter bacterium or enteroviruses.

Here, in the period from 5 to 21 days after past illness Antibodies are formed to certain areas of the spinal nerve roots. This is manifested by the appearance of pins and needles on the legs, the range of movements gradually decreases, and sensitivity is impaired. The process may appear immediately on your hands. It may involve a certain volume, but may spread towards the chest. The last symptom is very dangerous and requires urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit, as it can progress to respiratory arrest.

Head injury

A brain contusion can lead to the appearance of pins and needles on both one and two sides. After this, loss of sensation may develop.


The disease is caused by the same virus as chickenpox; occurs in those who have already had it. It manifests itself as the appearance of goosebumps in the projection of any nerve, but more often - one of the intercostal nerves. Goosebumps precede the appearance of redness here, on which bubbles with transparent contents soon appear. The affected area burns and hurts.

Multiple sclerosis

This is an autoimmune pathology when one’s own antibodies begin to attack the membrane of most nerve fibers, as a result of which the latter become “naked” and begin to destroy themselves. There is no clear sequence or algorithm for damage to fibers, so it is difficult to recognize the disease.

Most often it begins in one eye, sensations in it foreign body, the appearance of blurred contours of the objects in question. This condition lasts about a week, then goes away on its own, but not completely. Subsequently, the symptom will recur. Gradually it leads to disruption of coordinated eye movements, changes in normal reaction pupils to light. Usually after this, goosebumps and pain appear on the face, which is the basis for making a diagnosis of “” or “Trigeminal neuralgia”. Later, loss of coordination, changes in handwriting, and transient trembling of objects develop.

Also to initial manifestations diseases include goose bumps, burning, numbness or tightness of the skin that occurs on any part of the body. It goes away on its own and often does not serve as a reason to contact a neurologist or therapist.


This disease is characterized by damage to the peripheral nervous system due to poisoning (including alcohol surrogates), metabolic disorders (mainly due to diabetes mellitus). It is dangerous because the disconnection of nerves, starting from distant parts of the body (fingers and toes), spreads closer and closer to the respiratory muscles, and can also involve the nerves that command the contraction of the muscles responsible for breathing.

Polyneuropathy manifests itself as a deterioration in the motor activity of the legs and arms, starting with the fingers, the appearance of goosebumps and numbness in these areas, and the gradual “turning off” of sensitivity in the areas of socks and gloves.

Goosebumps on the face and hands

If goosebumps crawl on the skin of your face and hands, this may be one of the following pathologies.


At first, goosebumps appear on the face (especially around the mouth) and hands, then a headache develops mainly in one half of the head. In this case, paresthesia should be regarded as a migraine aura - a condition that precedes an attack of pain.

Tumor or inflammation of the frontal lobe of the brain

A change in personality (a person becomes “not the same as usual”) along with goosebumps in the lips and fingers may indicate damage to the frontal lobe. Only a neurologist can refute such a diagnosis, sometimes only on the basis of an MRI of the brain.

Goosebumps on the scalp

If you have goosebumps on the back of your head, it could be:

  • Neuropathy of the large occipital nerve . At the same time, goosebumps, numbness and tingling are felt in the area of ​​​​the back of the head to the crown; here there is increased or decreased sensitivity. Can be found pain points in the back of the head.
  • Neuropathy of the cervical plexus with compression of its sensory nerves. Here in the area of ​​the back of the head, neck, shoulder girdle and behind the ear, pain and goosebumps are felt.
  • . In this case, the tingling sensation is felt for 1-2 hours, then disappears, leaving no focal changes.
  • Bell's palsy. At first, goosebumps are felt on one side of the face, after which weakness of the muscles on this side appears, and then they completely cease to provide movement to one side of the mouth and facial muscles.

Goosebumps on your hands

If you notice goosebumps crawling on your arm, please note: this may be due to the following reasons.

Anterior scalene syndrome

When this muscle is overstrained, which is caused by compression of the lower trunk brachial plexus And subclavian artery, there are pains and pins and needles in the arm - from the shoulder to the little finger and ring finger. When turning the head, the pain radiates to the back of the head and chest. There may be numbness and chilliness in the hand, and the skin becomes pale or more bluish.

Brachial plexus syndrome

It is characterized by deterioration of movement in the hand, goosebumps and decreased sensitivity in the part of the hand that is located on the little finger side.

Raynaud's disease

Manifested by coldness and paleness of the fingers. Goosebumps crawl over them, the fingers first turn blue and begin to hurt, then their skin turns red, and the pain subsides. Often not only the fingers, but also the toes are affected.

Osteochondrosis, trauma, spondylolisthesis or tumor of the cervical spinal cord

These diseases are characterized not only by the appearance of goose bumps in the hands, but also by pain in the muscles of the hands, a gradual decrease in strength in their muscles, and a deterioration in temperature and pain sensitivity in the hands. If pathological process(by a tumor, edema or vertebrae) is compressed and the vessels leading to the brain will experience hearing or vision impairment.

Myositis of the cervical muscles

Goosebumps in the arms are accompanied by pain in the neck. These symptoms are worse in certain positions of the neck. .

Costoclavicular syndrome

This is the name for compression of the vessels and nerves of the brachial plexus, which occurs in vertical position, If shoulder girdle pull back and down (for example, when carrying a heavy backpack). In this case, pain when standing at attention, accompanied by goosebumps, develops according to inside hands and forearms.

Musculocutaneous nerve neuropathy

This nerve gives commands to many muscles of the shoulder, including the biceps, reaching the forearm, it is divided into anterior and posterior branches. If the nerve is pinched at the level of the elbow fold, pain occurs in this place, which radiates to the side of the forearm and is accompanied by a burning sensation and goosebumps. The pain intensifies with flexion and extension of the elbow, and rotation of the forearm in and out.

Compression of the median nerve in the axillary fossa

The pathology occurs mainly when carrying heavy objects resting on the armpit, as well as when sleeping together spouses, when the head of one of them is under the hand of the second.

Here goosebumps run across the palm; at first this is not accompanied by pain or dysfunction. If similar situation with compression is repeated, the work of the flexor muscles of the palm and those muscles that are responsible for flexing the large and index finger. The palm loses its sensitivity; muscles that form the eminence thumb, are hypotrophied.

Intermetacarpal tunnel syndrome

This is the name of the condition when the nerve is pinched by the heads of the metacarpal bones. Symptoms: numbness and pins and needles in the area of ​​the surfaces of the fingers facing each other, which intensify with flexion and extension of the fingers.

Pinched nerve between the heads of the triceps muscle

The causes of the condition are injury to the back of the arm, fracture of the humerus.

Symptoms: deterioration or inability to straighten the hand; if you press on the back of the forearm, pain and pins and needles appear near the thumb.

Compression of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve

This occurs due to the habit of resting your elbow on the edge of the table. Pain occurs on the inside of the hand. If you press on the inside of the wrist, the pain intensifies and a pins and needles sensation appears.

Goosebumps on my feet

The symptom of goosebumps “running” down the leg is caused by various conditions. Let's look at the main ones.

Lumbar plexus neuropathy

It appears due to compression of the plexus by the altered upper lumbar vertebrae, hematomas, abscesses, phlegmons, tumors in this area.

Symptoms: pain and pins and needles - in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area, on the thigh. They intensify when the extended leg is raised upward.

Varicose veins

The legs, especially when standing for a long time and at the end of the working day, itch, swell, and feel heaviness. Dilated veins and purple vascular networks are visually identified.

Restless legs syndrome

This is the name of the condition caused by for various reasons when there is a burning, tingling, feeling of fullness or squeezing in the legs, due to which lower limbs perform a frequent reflexive “throwing off” movement.

To clarify and eliminate the cause of such sensations, contact a therapist and neurologist.

Bernhardt-Roth disease

It manifests itself:

  • goosebumps, burning, numbness, tingling of the area from hip joint along the anterolateral surface of the thigh to the knee;
  • pain and pins and needles intensify when walking, disappear if you sit or lie with your legs bent;
  • if you touch the skin in this area, it will hurt, you will feel a feeling of heat, a prick;
  • sensitivity here is increased;
  • There may be either dry skin or increased sweating in this area.

After lumbar puncture

Nerve root injury during lumbar puncture can lead to pain, loss of sensitivity in the legs, and weakness in their muscles.

Operations on the spinal cord, spinal nerves, spine

If you were injured during the intervention more nervous homies, arise:

  • goosebumps in the legs;
  • weakness of the leg muscles;
  • decreased sensitivity in the legs.

Raynaud's disease

It manifests itself as pain and coldness of the fingers, then the fingers turn blue, which is accompanied by increased pain. Then the vascular spasm goes away, the fingers turn red, and the pain and goosebumps go away.

Femoral nerve neuropathy

It can be caused by a fracture of the pelvic bones with bleeding into the muscles surrounding this nerve. It may occur if the nerve was injured during puncture of the femoral artery, or if it was compressed by lymph nodes or a hematoma localized in the area of ​​the inguinal fold.


  • pain – in the groin area;
  • spreads to the lumbar region, to the thigh and lower leg along their anterior internal surface;
  • Here goosebumps are detected and sensitivity is reduced;
  • flexion-extension of the hip and knee may be performed in too small a volume;
  • climbing stairs is especially difficult.

Clamping of the saphenous nerve

Pins and needles, pain and loss of sensitivity are determined along the inside of the leg from the knee to the big toe.


The disease occurs as a result of the bite of an infected animal, which introduces the rabies virus into the wound. Pathology manifests itself as the appearance of goosebumps in the bitten leg. Subsequently, fear of light, water and sound develops.

Goosebumps on the tongue

This is typical for:

  • rubbing with dentures;
  • changes in bite resulting from the removal of one or several teeth;
  • galvanization when it occurs electricity due to the fact that the crowns are made of different metals;
  • getting filling material into the canal;
  • hypovitaminosis B12;
  • damage to the sensory fiber of the glossopharyngeal nerve;
  • inflammation arachnoid brain;
  • peptic ulcer upper sections digestive system;
  • diseases of the ENT organs: sinusitis, rhinitis.

Goosebumps in the back area

Goosebumps “run” down the back when there is a pathology of the spine, such as spondylosis. If the vertebrae in the cervical region are deformed, then goosebumps and pain will be felt in the neck, crown and upper back; they intensify with certain movements. If such symptoms develop in chest area, we are most likely talking about spondylosis or osteochondrosis thoracic. Finally, in pathologies when the nerves coming from the lumbosacral region are pinched, goosebumps will be felt in the lumbar region.

Algorithm for analyzing the state when “goosebumps” appear

Before you panic, remember what caused the paresthesia. It is also important to assess your condition as objectively as possible and notice additional symptoms:

Then the goosebumps appeared Where are they felt? Additional symptoms What could it be Which doctor should I contact?
How to confirm
After a spinal injury In the limb area Numbness, impaired sensitivity and movement in the limbs. In case of injury cervical spine There may be dizziness, loss of coordination. No goosebumps Fracture, fracture-dislocation of vertebrae


X-ray or computed tomography of the spine in the injured area

For no reason, but more often - if a person suffers from thrombosis, arrhythmias, hypertension In the area of ​​one half of the body Sudden onset of poor sensitivity and inability to move the arm and leg on one side Stroke


Examination by an ambulance doctor, a neurologist, computed tomography of the brain performed under the supervision of a resuscitator

For no apparent reason In the area of ​​the limbs, but not on one side of the arm or leg, but grabbing either the foot (hand), or the foot and lower leg (hand and forearm), or the entire limb Numbness, pale skin, decreased local temperature, hair loss or reduction in hair growth in the place where the sensation of "pins and needles" is felt

Poor arterial patency: obliterating atherosclerosis or obliterating endarteritis.

There may also be nerve compression

Vascular surgeon, neurologist

Ultrasound with Dopplerography of the arteries of the extremities (both).

Examination by a neurologist, check tendon reflexes, electroneurography

At frequent use alcohol In the area of ​​the extremities (lower, upper or all) The same Examination by a neurologist, checking tendon reflexes
After an arm/leg injury In the area of ​​injury, above and below the point of impact Feeling of “pins and needles”, decreased or increased sensitivity to cold/heat, muscle weakness of only this limb Nerve fiber injury Examination by a neurologist
After working with paints or heavy metals Legs, arms “Goosebumps” on the limbs (usually the legs), while sensitivity in the toe area decreases, and the muscles there become weak. Weakness and decreased sensation may also be observed in the hands, in the glove area, and spread along the arms/legs towards the torso Toxic polyneuropathy
If you have diabetes In the area of ​​both or four limbs “Goosebumps” on the legs/arms, decreased sensitivity, muscle weakness Diabetic polyneuropathy

Endocrinologist together with a neurologist

Blood test for sugar (glucose) level, glycated hemoglobin level, electromyo- and electroneurography

For no apparent reason In the area of ​​the lower/upper or all 4 limbs Changes in temperature and pain sensitivity, cold skin, muscle weakness Vitamin deficiency (most likely B1)

Therapist – for adults, pediatrician – for children

Examination by a neurologist, determination of the level of vitamins in the blood

During pregnancy In the leg area There are signs of pregnancy. There may be night cramps Lack of magnesium or calcium


Determination of calcium and magnesium in blood

For no apparent reason Both on the body and on the limbs A persistent low fever that does not decrease with antibiotic treatment, but goes away on its own. Often - spots on the skin, there may be a “mesh pattern”. Losing weight. Pain in muscles, joints Vasculitis

Therapist, rheumatologist

Rheumatology tests, LE cells and other tests prescribed by a rheumatologist

Against the background of the same type of work In a separate area of ​​the limb (less commonly, the body) Pain in this area, loss of sensitivity, “pins and needles”. Pass through time Pinching or inflammation of a single nerve fiber


Examination by a neurologist, determination of sensitivity and tendon reflexes

After suffering from a cold, intestinal infection, vaccinations, operations It starts from the feet, can end there, and can rise, capturing the legs, thighs, hands, and forearms. Breathing, swallowing, and regulation of vascular tone may be impaired Numbness, loss of sensitivity, muscle weakness, impaired movement of the limbs or their parts, up to paralysis, which can be treated if started in a timely manner. When immobilization of the limbs occurs, the “goosebumps” disappear Infectious-allergic polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barré or Guillain-Barré-Landry syndrome)

Neuropathologist, sometimes together with infectious disease specialists

Examination by a neurologist, determination of sensitivity and tendon reflexes

Either for no reason, or after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection In any area, but more often - between the ribs Chickenpox-type blisters are observed in the affected area. This is also accompanied by a burning sensation and pain when breathing Infectious disease specialist together with a neurologist
For no apparent reason Hands, face, mouth area After goosebumps there is a headache, usually in one half of the head Migraine with aura Examination by a neurologist
After hypothermia Separate area of ​​the face Pain in this area, lacrimation, increased sweating on this side Trigeminal neuralgia Examination by a neurologist
After an animal bite At the site of the bite Increased sensitivity of this area, sensation of a “twitching” muscle, photophobia, hydrophobia Rabies The diagnosis is made based on examination by an infectious disease specialist/radiologist
For no apparent reason In any area Accompanied by a completely different set neurological symptoms: headache, loss of coordination, decreased vision, loss of sensitivity in any areas of the skin of the face, limbs, torso Multiple sclerosis, some mitochondrial diseases MRI of the brain and cervical spinal cord with contrast, electroneurography, lab tests, which will be prescribed by a neurologist after examination
For no apparent reason “Goosebumps” appear in paroxysms on any part of the body, the location of which may vary. Most often they are felt in the back of the head Distorted perception of one's own body parts, failure to recognize objects, inability to perform complex movements, loss of the ability to count and solve arithmetic problems. There may be loss of visual field Damage (usually by tumor) to the parietal lobe of the brain


MRI of the brain

After hypothermia of the head, overload of the neck muscles. Maybe for no apparent reason In the back of the head type “drilling”, “shooting”, occurs in attacks. During the interictal period, a dull pain in the back of the head may remain. You can find points on the back of the head, pressure on which increases pain and goosebumps Occipital neuralgia Examination by a neurologist

If you have goosebumps:

  • run around the local area, especially in the limbs,
  • this is not accompanied by disturbances of consciousness, vision, breathing, swallowing,
  • To respiratory tract doesn't rise

it can be any of the neuropathies of numerous nerves. This diagnosis is made by a neurologist based on scheduled inspection patient. We will not list all the diagnoses in the table, especially since their treatment is the same.

The following important information regarding paresthesia should also be noted:

  1. the lower (closer to the toes) the area where the goose bumps are located, the closer to the tailbone the pathology is located;
  2. a large area of ​​goosebumps running from a large (hip or shoulder) joint to the fingers indicates a pathology of the spine, while the reverse movement (from the fingers upward) indicates nerve damage;
  3. if sensitivity is impaired, pain appears and goose bumps appear small area between the hand (foot) and shoulder (thigh), most likely, a small nerve fiber is damaged (compressed);
  4. pain that occurs along with goosebumps
  5. Goosebumps and sensory disturbances are especially dangerous in patients with diabetes, as well as after an intestinal or cold illness;
  6. anxiety and an urgent visit to a neurologist should be caused by conditions when, along with goosebumps, it is discovered that the affected area does not distinguish what kind of - sharp or blunt - object has touched it, and also does not distinguish between hot and cold water;
  7. You need to visit a neurologist or vascular surgeon if the skin where the goosebumps run has turned pale, cold, and has little pale hair growing on it.

What can cause goosebumps in children

Goosebumps in children can be caused by:

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome;
  • intoxication (due to or poisoning) polyneuropathy;
  • encephalitis affecting the parietal region;
  • scalene muscle syndrome due to an accessory rib;
  • neuropathies due to muscle spasms;
  • vasculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • taking certain medications;
  • spondylosis;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia.