Feeding a toy terrier puppy. What dry food is best for that terrier? Also, find out what to feed your toy terrier from the video

The appearance of a miniature toy terrier is touching. Still would! This tiny dog ​​looks absolutely adorable. He is endowed with an easy-going, friendly, cheerful character, making him a pleasure to communicate with. Despite the fact that toy terriers are representatives of the smallest dog breeds, they have good health, please with unpretentiousness, do not require expensive care measures.

Having studied the Toy Terrier breed: the care and maintenance of representatives is unlikely to be burdensome, each potential owner will be able to evaluate the feasibility of acquiring a tiny four-legged friend.

Proper care of your toy terrier will be the key to excellent health, presentable appearance four-legged pet.

Ear care

A dog owner who is interested in how to care for a toy terrier will certainly need to perform a thorough monthly inspection of his pet's ears. It is forbidden to examine the condition auricle using a finger or a stick. It is advisable to remove wax accumulated in the outer area of ​​the ears. cotton swab or with a disc, having previously moistened it in a special hygienic lotion. Under no circumstances should you allow liquid to get inside the ear.

According to the standard requirements, a Toy Terrier with a short smooth coat should have high erect ears. A long-haired dog may have slightly drooping ears. As a rule, ears standing up in a representative of this breed occurs at the age of 5 - 6 months.

The owner can help speed up the process of installing his pet's ears by gluing them. Experienced dog breeders advise performing this procedure after the dog reaches the age of 2 months. Gluing ears pet Using an adhesive plaster, you can do it yourself or seek the help of an experienced veterinarian. As a rule, the ears of a toy terrier are in the desired position for 4 weeks after gluing.

Dental care

Toy terriers are endowed by nature with small, strong, sharp teeth that require careful care. Shouldn't be allowed four-legged friend have fun with tug of war for a long time various items due to the danger of deforming his jaws. Poor or slow loss of primary teeth at the age of five months can cause the formation of malocclusion at the dog.

To avoid illness oral cavity Toy Terrier, it is advisable to brush his teeth weekly.

Modern pet stores offer for sale special means: pastes, brushes for dental care. The recommended brushing time is a maximum of 2 minutes. An animal should be accustomed to this procedure from puppyhood.


According to experienced breeders, the toy terrier does not need excessively frequent water procedures. This is explained by the fact that miniature dogs have dry skin with hypersensitivity. The recommended intervals between washing a pet are 5 - 7 months. A pet that has been vaccinated can be bathed no earlier than after 2 weeks.

For bathing, you need to provide heated water in the bath, purchase special shampoo, air conditioner.
Abuse of various hygiene products can cause dandruff. The fur of a bathed dog can be dried with a hairdryer.

For a smooth-haired pet, a special brush or mitten is suitable. A long-haired animal needs daily brushing using a comb or comb.

Claw care

Puppies can start trimming their nails at 10 days of age. In the future, the interval between trimming the claws is 10 - 20 days.
Adjustments to the claws of an adult dog are carried out monthly. The upper rounded section of the claw must be removed. It is necessary to buy a dog nail clipper and special nippers in advance. Experienced dog breeders also perform subsequent polishing of the claws with a nail file.

The hard surface on which the animal steps helps to wear down the claws. During long walks there is no need to trim claws.

Conditions of detention

The Toy Terrier is very vulnerable due to its small size. Its owners will have to constantly look at their feet so as not to injure the dog, slowly open and close all the doors in the house, check sofas and chairs before sitting down for the presence of a dog settled there. A small pet should be held carefully and carefully in your hands. If present in the family small child(under 6 years old) it is better to refuse to purchase a toy terrier.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

A sleeping place for a toy terrier can be arranged using a soft folded blanket covered with oilcloth. A diaper or woolen cape is placed on top of the oilcloth. A feather mattress and foam bedding are considered far from better basics for the “bed” of a small dog. A dirty diaper must be replaced.

The toy terrier is not averse to playing and being pampered. The owner will not go wrong if he provides his four-legged friend with latex and rubber toys. small sizes: balls, rings, bones, animal figures. The dog enjoys playing with himself, but he enjoys having fun in the company of his owner even more.

When purchasing toys, it is very important to control their quality. It is advisable to get rid of old toys in a timely manner, since harmful microbes accumulate on their surface.

Raising and training a dog

Possession of information: how to train a toy terrier will allow the owner to educate obedient dog, capable of performing some simple commands: “Sit”, “Fu”, “You can’t”, etc. The main thing is to deal with the dog calmly, without threats or use of force.

A dog that successfully executes a command should be praised and rewarded. If the dog ignored the order, you can repeat the command again and show what exactly is expected from the pet.

Rules for walking a toy terrier

The animal needs daily walking. To a little puppy 4-5 daily walks during the day are suitable. An adult dog should be walked three times a day.. In cold weather, walking time should be reduced as much as possible. To make the walk pleasant and comfortable for your pet, you can dress it according to the weather.

It is preferable to choose a quiet, calm toy terrier. A well-trained dog of this breed walks wonderfully without a leash. Veterinarians do not recommend keeping your dog on a leash all the time, as this is considered harmful to its skeleton. The animal can be allowed to run around a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on improving its health.

Clothes for Toy Terrier

The Smooth-Coated Toy Terrier can experience serious discomfort when walking in cold weather. The same can be said about dogs with more long hair. For this reason, animals need their owners to purchase warm clothing.

It is advisable to accustom a puppy from a very young age to wearing blouses, overalls, and hats, so that later the adult dog can calmly accept the procedure of dressing and undressing. It is best to purchase clothes made from high-quality materials corresponding to the size of the dog.

The toy terrier's paw pads are covered with delicate skin that can quickly freeze, become irritated by salts, road aggressive chemistry. The dog owner will need to take care of buying shoes (for example, boots with Velcro fasteners) to protect his pet's paws. Read more about clothes for small dogs.

Tray training

IN daytime Not all owners have the opportunity to walk their small pets. To avoid troubles in the apartment in the form of puddles of urine, piles of excrement, you need to learn: how to accustom a toy terrier to the tray as quickly as possible. To do this, you should get special diapers, which have an upper absorbent and lower waterproof layers (it is also possible to use plain paper, newspapers).

If the pet begins to behave anxiously and sit down, it should be moved to the tray so that it can relieve itself. An owner who knows how to toilet train a toy terrier will certainly praise his pet for every successful bowel movement in the place designated for this purpose.

Features of feeding a toy terrier

If a toy terrier has appeared in the family, care and maintenance of what to feed the pet, you need to know. When deciding what to feed your toy terrier, you can choose a diet that includes natural products or specialized quality feed. Veterinarians are categorically against mixed feeding of representatives of this breed.

Dry food

The problem of what to feed an adult toy terrier can be solved quite simply if the choice is made in favor of specialized factory-prepared products. When purchasing dry food for your four-legged pet, it is advisable to give preference to products from the “premium”, “super-premium”, and “holistic” categories.

When calculating the amount of food, a toy terrier weight table will be indispensable, since on its basis the necessary calculations of daily and portion norms will be made. for the toy terrier you need to buy only from well-known, well-established brands.

Natural food

Successful feeding of a toy terrier with natural products will be organized if the owner makes balanced menu your pet, rich in vitamins, minerals. You should definitely include in your dog's diet healthy food: meat, fish, boiled egg yolks, cereals, vegetables.

Milk is suitable only when the relevant question is: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy at the age of 1.5 - 9 months?”
For adult dogs, it will be preferable to provide fermented milk products and cottage cheese.
Natural nutrition for a toy terrier requires a mandatory calculation of portions (80 grams of food / 1 kg of dog weight).

An owner who is worried about what to feed his toy terrier should know about foods that are strictly taboo. You should exclude sugar, sweets, fatty pork, egg white, smoked meats, sausage, full-fat sour cream, butter, pasta, spicy, hot spices.

How many times should you feed your dog?

A toy terrier puppy purchased from a breeder at 1.5 months old needs 6 meals a day, including: milk porridge, chopped boiled beef, chicken. When deciding how and what to feed a toy terrier at 2 months, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a dog is suitable for 5 meals a day with slightly increased portions. During the life period of 3 - 5 months, feeding 4 times a day will be optimal for the dog (the menu can be varied with stewed, raw vegetables, fruits). A dog aged 5 - 9 months requires three meals a day, and from 9 months the animal is given food 2 times a day.

Breeding Toy Terriers

It is not so rare for the owners of toy terriers to try themselves as breeders. It is considered optimal to breed a toy terrier when the age of the bitch is between 1.5 and 3 years. The period, including 10 - 14 days after the toy terrier's estrus began, is the most effective for the dog to meet the “groom”.

The owner will need to best organize the nutrition and maintenance of the pregnant bitch in order to subsequently get good offspring and not worry about the dog’s health.

Today, giving birth to a toy terrier at home is considered common. However, it would be a good idea to be on the safe side and agree in advance with the veterinarian so that he can help the dog give birth without problems at the right time, and also respond in time to possible complications.

The Toy Terrier is a wonderful dog that can quickly find contact with its owners. You can spend a lot of time in the company of this little dog, getting great pleasure.

01/16/2017 03/02/2019 by Eugene

The Toy Terrier, like the vast majority of other miniature decorative dogs, are famous for their capriciousness. Therefore, from the very first days it is necessary to show a certain rigor and integrity in everything. This is especially important when it comes to feeding.

A well-prepared diet will allow you to raise a puppy into a healthy and strong dog. This statement is also true for the owner Yorkshire Terrier. In general, both of these breeds require similar handling. If real experience If you don’t have the skills to raise such a dog, you should definitely seek advice from specialists.

Currently, it has become extremely fashionable for representatives of the fairer sex to acquire miniature dogs. However, the problem is that few of them realize that there is often more trouble with such babies than, for example, with a Dogue de Bordeaux.

The Toy Terrier was rightfully called a pocket breed. On average, one individual rarely gains a mass of more than 3 kilograms. At the same time, the height at the withers practically does not exceed 28 centimeters.

At the same time, we should not forget: all terriers, including toy (or Jack Russell, Amstaff, etc.), regardless of size, are distinguished by excellent fighting spirit. They are always ready to rush to the owner's defense.

We should also not forget that the toy, unlike its large relatives (for example, the Russian black terrier), has extremely fragile bones. For this reason, it is important to behave very carefully with them and not allow them to flirt.

How to feed

First of all, you need to understand once and for all that food from the master’s table should not end up in the dog’s bowl.

Also, under no circumstances should a toy terrier be given any minced meat:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • chicken.

Lean veal or beef is cut only small pieces, as they say, for one tooth.

Also, a 2- or 3-month-old puppy, as well as an adult dog, cannot eat:

  • sweets (both store-bought and homemade);
  • sausages (and any salty foods)
  • pork;
  • river fish.

Only the puppy who is fed according to schedule will subsequently become healthy, strong and not capricious.

How many times do puppies need to eat? It all depends on their age:

  • up to two months required frequent feeding– up to 6 times a day;
  • A 3-month-old baby is transferred to five meals a day;
  • from 4 to 10 - food is given four times;
  • then switch to double mode.

IN the latter case fed morning and evening.


A puppy's diet should first of all be balanced. It must contain:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats.

At the same time, only the freshest foods can get into his bowl. If the puppy left some of the food, it must be taken away. This will avoid stomach problems and, importantly, will become an important educational moment.

It is important not to forget - unlike a person, a dog does not need any flavoring additives, so there is no need for food:

  • salt;
  • season with different spices, etc.

The puppy should always have the freshest water in a separate bowl. It is needed by at least change twice a day. Waiting until he drinks it all is unacceptable - very often dogs refuse contaminated or stale water.

Puppies require vitamins and minerals to grow. They are not contained in sufficient quantities in products, for this reason you should use various complexes made specifically for dogs. They are easy to buy at a veterinary pharmacy. It is important here to strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions - an excess of vitamins is no better than a deficiency.

What is the right way to feed a toy terrier puppy? This may surprise many, but this breed comes from a wolf, which means that its representatives naturally have an excellent appetite.

To satiate the ward, the emphasis in nutrition should be on meat. It should total at least 45 percent of the total diet. There will be no harm if its share is increased even more, to the detriment of carbohydrates. Dogs have a unique ability - their body can produce many of the missing useful material on one's own.

As practice shows, toy terriers are very fond of offal. Their favorites:

  • heart;
  • liver.

However, the latter should not be given often - it contains a lot of vitamin A; its excess negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

How to process meat? There is no need to boil until fully cooked. It is finely chopped and steamed with boiling water.

Sometimes you can give plant foods:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • zucchini.

Fish for food is suitable exclusively for sea fish and only in the form of fillets. It can be served fresh or boiled.

You can also prepare porridge for puppies from the following cereals:

  • Hercules;
  • wheat.

You need to be extremely careful with rice and it is better to avoid it altogether.

Lactic acid products:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt.

A puppy can sometimes be fed fresh milk, but it will not bring any benefit to an adult dog.

Feed or natural products

In reality, expert opinion differs on this issue. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, you should decide for yourself which method is preferable.

If you choose food, it is better to buy it in reliable stores. You shouldn’t buy cheap options either – they are more likely to harm your dog’s health. You should always check the expiration date.

Also harmful to the puppy and not balanced diet. Excess carbohydrates in the diet are extremely dangerous.

However, it is worth remembering that toy terriers eat little, and therefore there is no need to save much on food for them. Thus, it is worth buying only premium food - their manufacturers care about their reputation and do not allow themselves to use products of poor quality.

Economy class products are not very good - they are noticeably lacking in proteins, and the cheapest fats and carbohydrates are used.

You cannot purchase food in bulk - this way you will not be able to control the date of manufacture. In addition, an open bag is often stored incorrectly, and its contents quickly become unusable.

If your dog has increased formation of tartar, it is better for him to buy dry food. Animals prone to kidney disease should purchase canned food or soak dehydrated granules before feeding.

You should never give both of the above types of prepared foods at the same time. If they are fed separately, then it is necessary to select products from the same company. These simple rules will help you avoid digestive problems.

Toy Terriers are small but very energetic. As a rule, they have good appetite and are ready to literally climb into the owner’s plate. All this cannot but affect the dog’s diet.

Feeding a toy terrier is, on the one hand, a small portion size (literally 2 tablespoons), and on the other hand, it is the need to replenish energy costs with a moderate caloric intake of the diet. Therefore, it is very important that the pet’s menu is varied and includes everything essential vitamins and microelements.

If you decide to feed your toy ready-made food, then there will be no problems with the fullness of the diet. You just need to strictly adhere to the norms and feeding regimen, and also provide your baby with constant access to clean water(preferably raw, filtered). At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality food that is suitable for your dog. Better professional.

Increased tearing, itching, uncharacteristic color and Strong smell bowel movements, problems with the coat - all this is evidence that this food is not suitable for the terrier and it needs to be replaced as quickly as possible.

Toys love natural products much more, however, balancing the pet’s diet in this case is not so easy.

Meat is the main thing, but not everything!

Feeding a toy terrier with natural products is, of course, based on protein foods. And it would seem that it is not at all difficult to feed the baby only meat. Not a Great Dane, he won’t eat much! But how he likes it! But this is one of the most important mistakes of inexperienced owners of small dogs.

A purely meat menu is not complete. It will not be able to meet the dog’s needs for calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and D. It does not contain fiber to provide normal operation intestines. Feeding a toy terrier exclusively with deli meats leads to a decrease in immunity, leaching of calcium from the bones and, as a result, their fragility, constipation and other health problems.

This is aggravated by the fact that after a meat diet, the pet is completely in no mood to eat anything else, even one that is very healthy for him. Therefore, from the very first days, accustom your baby to all the products he needs. In addition to meat, the Toychik menu should contain: sea fish, offal (liver, kidneys, tripe), rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, egg yolk, raw and boiled vegetables, fruits (preferably apples and bananas).

What about meat? – Without a doubt, it is the basis of any dog’s diet. Due to the characteristics of the digestive system, it is best absorbed by her body. However, pure meat should make up no more than 50% of the toy terrier’s daily food volume, and protein sources in general (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) - 70%. In this case, raw meat will be more useful, but to avoid infection with helminths, it is better to pour boiling water over it or fry it without oil.

How to feed a puppy?

A toy terrier puppy is fed almost the same foods as an adult dog. But you need to accustom your pet to them gradually, and in the first days he should eat what he received in the nursery. At the same time, under special control There must be quality and freshness of products for the baby.

Meat and offal are chopped as finely as possible (this is better than minced meat) and lightly boiled, vegetables are grated on a fine grater, it is better to pass the cottage cheese through a blender. If the puppy is not very happy with vegetable stew, you can add half a teaspoon of sour cream to it or mix vegetables with meat.

If you feed your baby food, then buy a special one for puppies. small breeds. And give it only in soaked form. Best moment switch to dry granules - the period of teeth change. Just don’t do it abruptly, the puppy may simply choke out of habit. Give him two or three pellets at the beginning, just so he understands that he needs to chew on them and not immediately swallow them. At first, monitor how he eats dry food.

And a few words about the regime. A small 2 month old toy needs to be fed 4-5 times a day. Closer to 5 months they switch to Three meals a day. At 8-9 months, you can switch your dog to adult mode and scold only in the morning and evening. At the same time, it is important that feeding the toy terrier in the morning is not very late, in otherwise The baby may begin to “hungry vomiting.”

What should you not feed your toy terrier?

The main mistake that most owners of small dogs make is feeding their pets with various “goodies” from our table. “Well, what will a piece of sausage do to him!?” - From one piece, maybe nothing. But on a day there can be five or ten such delicacies (sausage, cutlet, herring), and given the size of that terrier, this is immediately an excess of salt, and a bunch of unnecessary spices and preservatives. As a result, the dog’s kidneys and liver suffer, and the stomach will not be happy with such treats.

Sweets are no less harmful to dogs. The glucose they contain is not absorbed properly in dogs, but can cause overweight and, as a result, problems with blood vessels and heart. And half a bar of chocolate can simply kill your pet.

You should not feed your dog legumes, cabbage and potatoes, as onions can cause anemia. Even exclude exotic fruits and grapes from the menu of your toy.

And, of course, feeding the toy terrier completely excludes bones. Especially fish and chicken. But you can, as a warm-up for the jaws, let your pet gnaw a bone from a beef tail or joint, but such that he cannot chew it.

Why doesn't my toy want to eat?

Lack of appetite in dogs and refusal to eat can be caused by for various reasons. Let's deal with it right away extreme cases. The first is banal spoiling in food, and here you just need to pull yourself together and stop feeding your pet, not paying attention to its whims. IN educational purposes healthy dog It won't hurt to skip one or two feedings "at your own request."

The second reason is the dog’s illness. If your toy terrier doesn’t even want to eat favorite treat, not active, he is dry warm nose, and the coat has lost its natural shine - contact your veterinarian immediately. And don’t wait for it to go away on its own! Miniature dogs lose weight and strength very quickly during forced starvation and illness.

But not only illnesses and whims can be the reason why food in a dog’s bowl remains untouched. Puppies may begin to refuse food at one of the feedings if it is already too much for their age. Also, kids often do not want to eat something from the old menu when they are offered a new product. But this should not become the reason for your pet’s monotonous diet.

Another reason for refusing food may be its low temperature. Toy terriers do not like the cold both outside and inside. Also, a dog may not eat after stress, extreme fatigue, in an unfamiliar environment and in hot weather. Males often lose their appetite when there are females in heat nearby, and females often lose their appetite during the period of heat, in the third to fifth week of pregnancy and before giving birth.

Feeding a Toy Terrier is made easier by the fact that it is a very small dog that does not need much food. But at the same time, it is precisely this circumstance that poses a difficult task for the owner - to fit everything necessary for the dog into a small portion. nutrients and vitamins.

When feeding a toy terrier, many owners make the mistake of trying to make the pet's menu as varied as possible. In fact, a dog does not require a large variety of foods, and it can easily get by with the same set of foods day after day. On the contrary, frequent handouts of “delicious things” from the human table develop in him the wrong eating habits and ultimately lead to metabolic disorders or serious allergies. Let's figure out how to properly feed a toy terrier.

What food is suitable for that terrier?

For Toy Terriers, both natural and mixed food is acceptable, as well as completely balanced diet in the form of ready-made dry food.

When choosing food for toy terriers, give preference to brands super premium class specifically designed for feeding toy terriers and other dogs miniature breeds. Royal Canin, Canidae, Hills, Orijen, Eagle Pack and other super premium brands have special food lines designed to meet the needs of small dogs. The consumption of high-quality feed is much lower than that of lower-class analogues.

Dry food is completely balanced and does not require any additional feeding. If desired, the granules can be soaked, but it is worth remembering that when chewing hard granules, the dog cleanses the teeth of plaque and tartar. Under no circumstances should dry food be combined with natural food!

Soft canned food in the form of pates, stews and jellies are compatible with natural nutrition and can be used to feed the toy terrier in cases where the owner does not have the opportunity to prepare lunch for the pet.

Natural diet of the toy terrier

Any dog, even the smallest one, is, first of all, a predator. Therefore, at least a third of the toy terrier’s diet should consist of raw meat and sea fish. When boiled, these products are also suitable for feeding a toy terrier, but they are less healthy than raw ones. From meat products For dogs, beef, veal, poultry, meat and chicken by-products are preferable. Chicken is served toyam only boiled, cleaned of bones. Beef is healthier raw. For good health skeletal system You can pamper your toy with meat cartilage.

Eggs are a necessary component of the toy terrier's diet. Dogs can only be given yolks - raw or boiled. You shouldn’t get carried away with eggs - pamper your baby egg yolk no more than 2 times a week.

Vegetables are useful both stewed and raw. It all depends on the dog’s preference - some toy dogs enjoy eating stewed carrots With vegetable oil, and some of them will not refuse to crunch a cabbage stalk.

Milk is only good for puppies; in adult dogs it can cause digestive problems. In adults, milk is replaced with cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk.

About twice a month, when feeding a toy terrier with natural food, it is recommended to feed the dog a garlic clove - this good prevention helminthiasis and an additional source of vitamins.

How is the portion for toy calculated?

When feeding a toy terrier with natural food, the serving size is determined at the rate of 50-80 g per kilogram of the animal’s weight. Factors such as your pet's age, health, and lifestyle must be taken into account. Older dogs require fewer calories, active, lactating or pregnant animals require more.

When feeding dry food, you should strictly follow the instructions on the pack. Please note that ready-made feed have different calorie content and recommended serving sizes vary between manufacturers.

What not to feed your toy

Here is a list of foods prohibited for feeding toy terriers:

    any sweets and sugar;

    fatty pork and lamb;

    egg white;

  • butter;

    smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters;

    White bread and pasta;

    Digestive system - weakness toy terrier. If you got a puppy for the first time, a legitimate question arises - what can you feed your toy terrier. Optimal mode feeding an adult toy - twice a day. You need to feed your dog strictly following a diet.

    Meat and seafood products

    The first question that arises for inexperienced owners is whether a toy terrier can eat meat, and in what form. Toychik can be given raw meat, previously scalded with boiling water. Lamb, beef, veal, lean chicken, and turkey are suitable for feeding. Fatty pork is strictly prohibited. Pollock and hake are suitable fish - they do not contain fat and can supply the body with iodine and phosphorus. river fish It is not worth giving to a toy terrier - it promotes the appearance of worms. Sea fish The dog can be fed no more than twice a week.

    For suitable by-products: beef liver or light chicken liver and stomachs. They contain vitamins A and D. Give offal to your dog after boiling it first.

    Sausages, smoked and liverwurst, crab sticks, shrimp, chicken bones, stewed meat is on the list of prohibited foods for toy.


    Cereals are a source of carbohydrates and fiber for the functioning of the dog’s intestines, the second product in the pet’s diet after meat. You can give your toy terrier boiled buckwheat, rice and barley porridge. Millet, pearl barley and oatmeal poorly absorbed in the body. Semolina- taboo for Toy.

    Eggs and dairy products

    Milk - in organism adult dog it is not digested, causing diarrhea.

    An adult toy can be fed fermented milk products with a reduced fat content: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Give sour cream only as an additive to vegetables, half a teaspoon. Choose dairy products from rulers baby food– products for children undergo strict quality control. You can add bran to dairy products once a week.

    Eggs are suitable for food only when boiled - a raw egg And eggshells giving is prohibited. The first causes infection with helminths and can cause infectious diseases, and the shell injures the stomach.

    Baking and sweets

    You cannot feed your toy terrier flour products. Buns, pasta, pancakes, cookies, white and brown bread are prohibited. Sweets are dangerous for a pet’s body - chocolate, honey, sugar provoke allergies and watery eyes in a toy.


    Vegetables for the toy terrier include grated carrots - a source of vitamin A, stewed and cauliflower, fresh cucumber and sweet bell pepper. Tomato should be given with caution - it can cause allergies in the dog. You should not feed your toy peas, beans and other legumes - they contribute to gas formation in the intestines. Boiled beets have a laxative effect on digestive system. Potatoes, onions and garlic are prohibited vegetables, since starch is not processed by the dog’s body, and the specific odors of onions and garlic distract the sense of smell.

    Berries and fruits

    You can give your toy terrier fruits and berries in limited quantities. Healthy fruits include banana, apple, pear, peach, and apricot. Citrus fruits - orange, tangerine and lemon, cause allergies, including anaphylactic shock. Dangerous Exotic fruits and berries - watermelon, persimmon, pineapple, melon. You can give your baby cherries as a berry, but strawberries are a strong allergen.

    Other foods and vitamins

    Sources of vitamins for the toy terrier are natural products and special supplements. Human vitamins, For example, ascorbic acid, giving is strictly prohibited.

    Toy nuts and seeds should be fed with caution in small quantities. Offer nuts only in shelled form. You should not give your terrier salted pistachios - they overload the liver.

    Is it possible to give a toy terrier alcohol? Definitely not. Beer and other alcohol-containing drinks cause a condition similar to a human hangover in dogs, and fast addiction, they are poisonous to the body.

    To make your pet feel good, provide him with a balanced diet. Do not succumb to Toy’s provocations - do not let him “nibble” from the table, but strictly adhere to the feeding schedule.