A plot to make the dog smart and obedient. Prayer for the dog not to bark. Treating a wound with a spell

7 spells for dogs will help you cure the dog, sell it, protect people from their menacing barks and lunges, and also successfully breed it. Read them as needed.

My dears, a dog is a man’s faithful friend.

And I don’t need to tell you about this.

Just like people, dogs get sick and often behave aggressively towards others.

For all occasions, I have prepared 7 magical spells for you.

You don't need church candles.

The phase of the moon and time of day do not matter.

Plot to sell a dog

I am selling a dog that is faithful, does not bite and is exemplary. The new owner will pet her, buy her, pay for her. Let it be so. Amen!

The puppies were born healthy and ready for fair sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them and bring them home with love. Amen!

A conspiracy to prevent dogs from throwing themselves at people

I pacify a dog that lunges at people, barks and bites. Let him avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. Let it be so. Amen!

I take the anger off the dog and send him to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and leave behind. Amen!

Dog fur spell

Let the dog’s fur not fall off and let the tangles not get stuck. Amen!

Spell for a dog's recovery

May my dog ​​be healed and the painful barking stop. He will recover from cancer without food poisoning. Let it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for successful mating of dogs

I will breed a dog for healthy offspring, not frail and sick ones. The puppies will be playful, sales will be widespread. Amen!

Conspiracies for pet illness

To meet the wishes of visitors, I am posting a selection of the best conspiracies and rituals on the requested topic:

Appeal to St. George

I, servant of God (name), will go to Yegor the Brave.
I'll come closer and bow lower!
Goy you are, Father Yegor the Brave,
accept my request and prayer,
run over my little animal (say the name of the animal, coat color, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail)
and unfasten 12 nails from the zealous heart, from the red face,
with black liver, with hot blood,
bone, joint, brain.
Protect my little animal from fire, water and wind (name the animal, color of fur, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail).
Forever and ever.

If your animal gets sick

Read the spell over the water, which you then sprinkle on the animal:

I speak, servant of God (name), God’s creature:
From grief, death from stabbing and swelling,
Shakers, fireweeds,
From any damage.
So that (nickname) drinks and eats to his heart's content
And so that from now on I don’t get sick.
Illness, calm down.
Disease, back down.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Spell for treating pets

Props: a bowl of water and a church candle.

    “Our Father” - 1 time

    Prayer for healing an animal (see below) - 3 times.

    “Our Father” - 1 time

Lord, send healing to the animal (name the animal and its name).
Forgive, God, the owners of this animal for their sins and sins, voluntary and involuntary.
Go away the pain, go away the disease, leave the body (name it) and go into oblivion.

Put out the candle without blowing it out (with your fingers, a spoon or a special cap) and hide it in case of such a ritual.

The final stage of the ritual is to wash and water the animal. Regarding giving you something to drink, I want to immediately make a clarification - it is enough for the animal to immediately take at least a couple of sips from the bowl or lick the water from your hand. Place the rest of the water along with the bowl next to his food and let him drink whenever and as much as he wants.

Getting rid of disease and damage to animals

To remove damage from a cat, dog or other small pet, pass a knife over the animal’s back, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under your belly with the handle forward and again over your back. Make three such complete circles with a knife around the animal, pronouncing the spell:

I cut off all the damage, all the evil eye from (name of the animal and nickname).
Recoil from this beast, all your thinness, all your toil,
don’t hide in the fur, don’t take root in the belly,
You've gone across three seas and won't come back.
Let it be so!.

After this, go to a deserted place, stick the knife into the ground up to the hilt and summarize your actions:

Everything said turned into action, everything done was determined in favor.

If you remove the induced evil from large animals... from an elephant, for example, then do it with an assistant, to whom you pass the knife over the back and take it from him under the belly of the animal.

Treatment of pets with spells.

We heal animals with the Word of God. And these words need to be said as often as possible if your beloved family member, a dog or cat, gets sick:

I, servant of God (name), will stand up, blessing myself and crossing myself:
I will go out into an open field under the red sun on the Okiyan Sea.
There is a church of God on the Okiyan-sea. In God's church the throne is golden.
Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself. Jesus Christ sits and chastises 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.
And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ Himself, takes three iron rods and beats (the dog, the cat, the gender and the color of the coat).
And kills 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.
What was left unsaid, said over, then there will be a word ahead.
The ring finger does not have a name, and will not have a name.
From century to century, from now to century.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Anyone who keeps dogs knows that dogs have days when they run away from home, and the owners, feeling sorry for them, write advertisements and promise a reward for their lost four-legged friend.

Cut off the hair of the dog (cat) from the head, back and tail and tuck it into the cracks at the threshold or drive it directly into the threshold with the words:

How this wool will stay in the threshold is how the dog would stay in the house.

Remove damage from animals

Take a cup of salt water. Walk around the spoiled animal three times and say, spraying on the animal:

I cut and salt and don’t give it.
I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or a stupid person.
Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.
My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear.

To prevent the dog from tearing the door in the apartment

If your pet has a bad habit of tearing up doors, cross out the doors with a candle left over from a big holiday (for example, Easter). You'll see, the dog won't break the doors anymore.

Remove damage from a kitten or puppy

Through pets, damage passes to humans. Most often this happens while he is stroking or caressing his pet. Therefore, in order to remove damage from a person, it must first be removed from an animal.

Time spending: Any day.

Required accessories: Milk / icon, church candle


1. So, if you have damaged a kitten, take a saucer of milk and cast a spell over it:

I'll give the kitten some milk,
I will cure you from the evil eye!
If you drink milk, you'll get something good!
Grow big, beautiful,
Playful, not pugnacious!
Don't hurt children, play with kittens!
Down with the evil spirit - be yourself!

After the spell is pronounced, give the kitten milk to drink. Make sure he drinks it all the way to the bottom.

2. If damage has been caused to a puppy, make a small bed for it and put the puppy there to sleep. Then take the icon in one hand and a lit church candle in the other and read the plot:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!
Go to bed
To the healing bed!
And you will wake up healthy,
Handsome and cheerful!
You will stay awake, play,
Have fun and jump!
You will be safe and sound
Come on, damage, quickly disappear!

Repeat the spell over the sleeping puppy three times and leave the candle to burn out.

This article contains: prayer for the dog not to howl - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

If a dog howls

A dog with its muzzle up is howling to indicate a fire or the death of its neighbors. If she howls with her head down, then it means to the deceased from the owner’s family. If he howls while standing or lying down - to his death. If she reaches out to someone without stopping howling, it will lead to long disasters.

To ward off trouble, you should do this. When you go out the gate (or out of the entrance), say out loud three times:

“Trouble should not come through these gates, the dog barks, but the wind blows. Amen".

Spell for howling dogs

The dog howls, signs speak of trouble

A dog howls usually foreshadows certain events for its owners. If she howls with her muzzle up, then this sign can warn of a fire or death of neighbors. If a dog howls with its muzzle down, this indicates that someone at the owner's house will die. If a dog's howl is heard when he is standing or lying down, then he is howling to his death. If the dog, continuing to howl, begins to pull in someone’s direction, this speaks of long obstacles and disasters for that person. But to get rid of troubles, there is a certain conspiracy to howl a dog. When a dog howls, come out of the entrance or gate, and read the following words of the conspiracy three times:

© Orthodox prayers, special spells, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons


The ritual must be performed on the waning moon on Friday. You will need: a bowl of water and a church candle.

To remove damage from a cat, dog or other small pet, pass a knife over the animal’s back, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under your belly with the handle forward and again over your back. Make three such complete circles with a knife around the animal, pronouncing the spell:

Pet treatment

three parts thistle,

You need to take dried herbs that are sold in pharmacies, or you can collect and dry them yourself. Pour hot water over the herbs.

Removing negativity from an animal.

Speak distemper to a dog

So, first stop the bleeding:

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. And be my word strong to calm the blood, to this hour, to this very minute.

If there is a difficult birth in animals.

What to do if a dog howls.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Speak fistula in animals.

Our animals need to be blessed and dedicated to God.

We must pray for them.

We must take care of their biological needs and their health.

We must educate them.

Animals that live in pairs must be kept this way.

Animals bred at home must have a sufficiently free environment for their existence. There should be no cramped small cages, cramped aquariums, etc.

Animals that somehow came to us from nature and are not capable of living in captivity must have the opportunity to return to nature.

We must thank God for the animals He has given us and teach other people how to treat animals properly.

So that the animal does not get lost

so this cat (dog) will always find its home.

In the house and around the house,

From an evil man

From the creeping serpent,

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words,

From unscrupulous arrogant thieves,

And a damask sword,

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

Amulet against the evil eye of animals

I prayed to God and started the business,

All the cleanliness, all the tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Aahs and aahs, fractures,

From a man - a heretic,

From a woman - simple hairs,

From the girl - long hairs,

From red, from black,

From the Church of the Rebellious,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Come together, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The stars in the sky are dressing up,

Reflected in the Jordan River,

like no one has ever counted the stars,

I didn’t take God’s sky down,

So that my luck is not taken away,

And they didn’t take it away, and they didn’t curse me with any word,

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

And so, first, from a new skein of red thread or ribbon, unwind an arbitrary amount of thread or ribbon and cut it off. Read the plot over the cut threads or ribbon three times:

And I will make a profit, I won’t be sad about you anymore"

May you be well-fed, not know sorrow, kind hosts, or the warmth of home. Amen.

Pre-conspiracy prayers: † “Pre-conspiracy prayers:

† “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your most pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! I begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

† “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.”

Reading the Lord's Prayer

† “Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”


If your dog is bleeding from a wound, speak to (stop) the bleeding. Then read the plot to heal the wound quickly.

After the second time, the wound closes and heals. Read for three evenings in total.

So, first stop the bleeding:

† “Two brothers are cutting a stone,

two sisters looking out the window,

two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate.

You, sister, turn away.

and you, blood, calm down.

You, brother, calm down,

and you, blood, lock yourself up.

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles.

And be my word strong to subside the blood,

to this hour, to this very minute.

To close the wound

wool on wool,

everything should be overgrown.

The life of every dog, both good and evil,

You hold it in your hands.

Turn your eyes to me!

Protect my dog ​​from diseases and troubles.

When it happens that (pet's name) leaves,

Let him find his way with the help of the wondrous one.

Give her a fun life without worries,

May he live long and happily with me.”

I cut and salt and don’t give it. I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or a stupid person. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear. Amen.

† “Oh, holy Joseph, you who had a dog, the one whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your dream. You, who have acquired holy rank and a holy crown.

Save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen".


Look your dog (or other animal) straight in the eye and say this:

† “Clean water, clean eyes, wash away disease, tears. Amen".


Find the edge of the splinter and say three times:

† “God, heal this pain, as Saints Kuzma and Demyan healed five wounds. Amen".

If you have tar (preferably birch), lubricate the area with the splinter with it and tie it up. The splinter will come out on its own.

A cow is calving, a dog is whelping, a mare is foaling; Everyone has a different name for the genera. But everyone has the same torment. You can give them relief with a special curse:

† “Opening the golden gates, I relieve heavy labors, birth cramps, drive away torments - both original and all-born. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If a woman or a cow or a dog is spoiled so that there is not a drop of milk, it is likely that out of malice someone read the Lord’s Prayer backwards. Read the prayer correctly forty times, and do the same for everyone from the family where the milk was lost


If the owners of fallen livestock (horses, cows, etc.) come to you for help, before leaving the house and going for treatment, light a lamp in the house and open at least one window. Stand at the feet of the sick animal and say in a low voice:

† “Rejoice and hello. The Lord gave you to us as food, but it’s not time for you to die, get up.”

Say this 12 times without stopping.

Stand near the house of a sick animal and read the plot three times, with the setting sun:

† “As the sun-father came and went, so the plague will leave This house. On the grass, on a twig, on a forest snag, on an empty barrel. I speak, I speak. I take you away and reprimand. The word is strong to the point of (animal name) tenacious. Amen".

In addition, you can brew a special potion against the plague. It is prepared like this:

A fairly thick decoction of garlic, onion, hoofed grass and tar (about the size of a five-kopeck coin) is added to a bucket of sour kvass. Drink this more often.

† “I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself and crossing myself, I will go out into the open field,

under the red sun on the Okiyan Sea. There is a Church of God on the Okiyan Sea.

In God's church there is a golden throne. Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself,

Jesus Christ sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.

And the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself, takes three iron rods and beats them. (name the cattle, gender and color of wool), and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails: bone, brain, harness, harness, tirucal, nucal.

Whatever was left unsaid, said over, there will be a word ahead. The ring finger does not have a name, there was no name and there will not be forever, forever, from now until forever. Amen!"

You got a dog or a cat and, of course, you want your friend to be obedient and loyal and not run away from you. Give him the water you washed your hands in. Then you need to cut small pieces of wool from the head, back and tail of the animal and cut them into the threshold with the words:

“The way this fur will stay in the threshold is how the dog would stay in the house.”

This method is old and simple, but quite reliable.

In order for a dog to “take root” in the house there is a very simple and very ancient ritual:

you need to transfer the animal through a belt or strap placed across the entrance, removed from the clothes you often wear. This is done once when the dog is first brought into your home.

And also drive her around the pole so that she comes home well.

Take a cup of salt water. Walk around the spoiled animal three times and say, spraying on the animal:

† “I cut and salt and do not give. I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or a stupid person.

Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.

My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear. Amen."

The spell must be cast on molten wax, which should be stuck to a red silk ribbon. Tie a ribbon to the animal.

†\”I will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself. Save and preserve (name of the animal). You, Most Holy Theotokos, allow people on foot and horseback, and birds in flight, to pass through. Skip with (name of the animal) both sorrow and pain. Sister, sister, she came from the wind - go into the wind. I came from the forest - go to the forest. From an evil person - go to him. From the Lord God - give me health. I came from the water - go to the water. Forever and ever. Amen\".

For worms in dogs.

On what dates do they not buy livestock and poultry?

Conspiracy for hernia in dogs and cats

I think this method is very good, because after the ritual the animal’s hernia quickly goes away. For the waning month, read a special spell over the food and give the food to the animal. The words of the conspiracy are:

Gryzlya, you're gnawing,

Don't chew on (animal's name) belly button.

Gnaw the ashes in the stove, stones in the field.

There you live, there is your share.

Conspiracy if you need to give birth to animals

Opening the golden gates,

I'm taking off the heavy pushes,

Annual cramps, I drive away the torment -

Both first-born and all-born.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A spell to stop a dog from rushing at people

To charm a dog that attacks people, spray the animal with charmed water for three days in a row. The plot is as follows:

Silent, breather, calm,

I give you the commotion with (dog's name).

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to prevent envious people from causing harm

My fish is unpretentious, my fish is silent,

You don’t open your mouth, you don’t speak words.

So to my enemies, so to their lips

Don't burst into tears, don't throw words around,

Trouble, do no harm.

Come on, black is the night, come on, white day,

Gotcha, red dawn.

The enemies behind me are the first. Amen.

Charm to prevent the dog from running away

Conspiracy: How to treat epilepsy in dogs

Most Holy Lady Theotokos,

Save and save my dog ​​(name),

In the house and around the house,

From an evil man

From the creeping serpent,

From the burning fire, from the ripping fangs,

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words,

From unscrupulous arrogant thieves,

Be my words stronger than a strong knife,

And a damask sword,

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

I prayed to God and started the business,

She consoled sorrows, touches and ghosts.

All the cleanliness, all the tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Aahs and aahs, fractures,

From a heretic man

From a simple-haired woman,

From red, from black,

From the Church of the Rebellious,

All the trees are sleeping, all the roots are sleeping,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Don't know my dog ​​(name) evil eye!

Come together, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen., Amen.

This spell can be used and if the evil eye has already happened, it helps very well.

7 spells for dogs

7 spells for dogs will help you cure the dog, sell it, protect people from their menacing barks and lunges, and also successfully breed it. Read them as needed.

My dears, a dog is a man’s faithful friend.

And I don’t need to tell you about this.

Just like people, dogs get sick and often behave aggressively towards others.

For all occasions, I have prepared 7 magical spells for you.

You don't need church candles.

The phase of the moon and time of day do not matter.

Plot to sell a dog

I am selling a dog that is faithful, does not bite and is exemplary. The new owner will pet her, buy her, pay for her. Let it be so. Amen!

The puppies were born healthy and ready for fair sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them and bring them home with love. Amen!

A conspiracy to prevent dogs from throwing themselves at people

I pacify a dog that lunges at people, barks and bites. Let him avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. Let it be so. Amen!

I take the anger off the dog and send him to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and leave behind. Amen!

Dog fur spell

Let the dog’s fur not fall off and let the tangles not get stuck. Amen!

Spell for a dog's recovery

May my dog ​​be healed and the painful barking stop. He will recover from cancer without food poisoning. Let it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for successful mating of dogs

I will breed a dog for healthy offspring, not frail and sick ones. The puppies will be playful, sales will be widespread. Amen!

Read each plot an arbitrary number of times.

And let your four-legged friend be healthy!