Decorative (indoor) dog breeds. Indoor dog breeds Decorative dogs with photos and names

Indoor dogs are those pets that we get to while away loneliness, to learn to take care of, sometimes to protect the apartment. Typically, indoor dog breeds are distinguished by their small size, minimal grooming, activity, simple training, kindness and tenderness towards the owner.

Such pets are not characterized by aggression, anger, independence in decision-making or excessive suspicion. Most often, decorative breeds such as pug, Pomeranian, and Shih Tzu become pet dogs for apartments.

It is important to remember that even small dogs require walking, training and physical activity. And another feature of small pets for an apartment is that they require a lot of attention and do not always get along with small children.

Australian Terrier

The Australian Terrier first appeared in Australia in the late 19th century, although many say they were brought here by colonists from England. Externally, the dog is of a small build with strong paws, long hair of blue or gray-blue color. Their weight does not exceed 7 kg, so they will not take up much space even in a small apartment.

The terrier was originally bred for hunting, but thanks to its vigilance, good sense of smell and loud bark, it began to be used as a guard. The pet is also characterized by loyalty, ingenuity, activity, fearlessness and reliability. The terrier will have to be walked outdoors a lot, and its coat will have to be brushed several times a week.

Prague rat

The Krysarik is a small, smart, decorative dog that appeared in the Czech Republic to catch rodents. Now the breed is considered one of the smallest in Europe and has much in common with the Russian Toy. The dog has a small body, muscular legs, short shiny black and red fur.

This breed is easy to train and train, and is distinguished by its intelligence, loyalty and fearlessness. They can also be used as hunters of small animals and released for long walks in the fresh air. They get along easily in an apartment and can be toilet trained. Their peculiarity is that they love the approval of their owner, so for a reward they will learn to do all sorts of tricks.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier was bred in England for hunting, but now serves as a companion dog, especially in America. The dog's body is of medium size, its paws are developed, its weight does not reach 6 kg, but its back is wide. The coat over almost the entire body is hard, close to the body, color is gray, red and black.

By nature, the terrier is distinguished by good nature, excitement, fearlessness, and a thirst for adventure. The pet also loves children and treats other animals normally, and can stand up for itself and loved ones. Requires attention, long walks and training.


The pug is one of the oldest Chinese decorative dog breeds that appeared for the pleasure of the emperor. Therefore, nobility, calmness, and cleanliness are inherent in them from childhood. The dog is also distinguished by its kindness, activity, ingenuity and affection for the family. They can be trained, they don’t have to go for long walks, but they will have to pay a lot of attention.

Externally, the pet has a medium-sized body, thin paws, a wide neck and a large head with folds. The coat is short, smooth, color – black, silver or fawn. It is important to monitor your diet and eye condition pug because he often suffers from cataracts, glaucoma or digestive disorders.


Yorkshire Terrier

Remember that Shih Tzus do not like to be alone and will bark loudly when their owner leaves the house. Therefore, you will have to walk with them a lot, and you need to take them with you everywhere.

Despite their small size, almost all indoor dogs can act as a guard and protector; they are easy to train and love their owner.

A word like decor means decorating any environment. Therefore, we can conclude that decorative dog breeds were originally bred to emphasize the status of the owner, his position. Today everything has changed, as almost all small dogs and some working dogs have been included in this category. You can learn more about them in this section of our website.

What's special

All decorative dogs of small breeds are primarily considered as indoor dogs, that is, they do not need significant living space and active loads.

Inexperienced owners believe that lap dogs are great for small children. However, this is only partial truth. A child's best companion is a canine companion, including service animals. This section provides a list of breeds, some of which are not suitable for children due to their fragile body structure and specific character traits.

Who chooses such pets

Decorative dogs is a collective concept that includes all breeds that are used mainly for entertainment and walking. These animals are not designed to perform special tasks and do not have classical instincts.

Amazing decorative dogs of small breeds have served for the entertainment of their owners since ancient times; they symbolized significant status and wealth. High-ranking officials often commissioned paintings depicting these animals. There was an opinion that small pets were kept to distract the fleas that abundantly inhabited the owners.

Currently, many people have such dogs, regardless of the fact that their cost is quite high. This section presents decorative dog breeds with photographs and names, with detailed descriptions and characteristic features.

This group conventionally includes breeds that are exclusively domestic and do not perform any official functions. From this group, one characteristic subgroup stands out - that. A common feature of these dogs is their size. They are very small, which acts as a significant advantage in the apartment. The animal has room to spread out even in the smallest room.

At the same time, before purchasing such a pet, the child should be explained that the dog is a living creature and not a soft toy. Therefore, the animal must be respected and cared for regularly.

All decorative dogs differ from each other to such an extent that it is possible to point out their common features only conditionally. But before buying a pet, you need to decide what exactly the dog should be like when it matures: a little smaller than average, small or even miniature. And the information presented on our website will help you make the right choice. In this section you will find all the information characterizing small decorative dogs, numerous photographs and much more.

All existing dog breeds were bred by humans for specific purposes. They can be divided into three groups: service, decorative and hunting. Today we will introduce you to the most popular representatives of the group of decorative dogs.

Unprecedented popularity

These miniature dogs are becoming more and more popular every year. In every city you will see a lap dog, a cheerful spaniel, a serious Pekingese, little Chihuahuas and even almost real lions - Shih Tzu.

These decorative dog breeds are occupying an increasingly important place in human life. More and more animal lovers (especially in the city) are eager to have such a small four-legged friend. So that novice dog breeders understand that these are not plush toys, but living and understanding creatures, we want to talk about them in this article.

How did these babies come about?

Indoor decorative dog breeds were often developed quite simply - by miniaturizing ordinary large breeds. Such animals include Italian Greyhound, Pomeranian Spitz, King Charles Spaniel and many others.

There are many in the world that were bred to decorate people’s lives. This is a Pekingese, a Chihuahua. According to experts, such small and cute dogs were bred back in Ancient Rome.

Only he himself had the right to keep and breed Pekingese. Those who violated this prohibition faced the death penalty. When the Empress of China entered the throne room, one hundred of these miniature dogs stood on their hind legs and waited in this position for her to take her place.

In Tibet, the Dalai Lamas entrusted tiny Lhasa Apso dogs to turn the prayer wheel.

Decorative dog breeds today

Nowadays, it is often difficult to keep even a medium-sized animal in the city. Therefore, decorative dogs of small breeds are an opportunity to make your dream of a four-legged friend come true.

However, do not be mistaken and think that keeping these animals is simple. As a rule, toy breeds of dogs are delicate and fragile creatures that require careful care. They are often fussy eaters, but usually the owners are to blame for this. Often they are the ones who forget that, despite their small size, these are real dogs, and they also require training, like their larger “relatives”. An ill-mannered and spoiled tiny dog ​​can become a “room terrorist.”

Today we will introduce you to the most popular breeds of decorative dogs.

Blenheim - the dog of kings

Our short review, of course, should begin with the aristocrat of the dog world, who lived in royal palaces and enjoyed the favor of emperors. Of course, this is a decorative breed of Blenheim dog. He is graceful and playful, obedient and courageous, he will become an indispensable friend for all family members. An ideal companion for an elderly person and an active and playful participant in outdoor games in a large family with children. It’s not at all difficult for him to make friends with a huge Great Dane and fall asleep cuddled with the cat.

These dogs are better known as the King Charles Spaniel, a very ancient English breed. Since the 15th century, historians have described the special predilection of royal dynasties for graceful little spaniels. Charles I was delighted with black babies, Charles II preferred black and tan ones, and Sir John Marlborough recognized only white and tan spaniels. These privileged dogs accompanied their royal owners everywhere - at audiences, in churches, and Mary Stuart was escorted to the scaffold by her faithful little friend.

Returning victorious after the Battle of Bleheim and receiving a castle from Queen Anne, Sir John decided to name it in memory of the outstanding battle. Having settled in his new possessions, he devoted himself entirely to breeding red and white spaniels. Since then, this color of the King Charles has been called Blenheim.

In 1945, a breed standard was adopted, and in the mid-60s, the Cavalier King took its rightful place in the British royal family. From the 70s until today, it has consistently been among the most popular in Europe.

The British are confident that these animals create comfort and effectively relieve stress. This decorative dog breed is a constant companion to the royal families of England.

In Russia, this charming little girl was known even before the revolution. In the imperial family of Nicholas II, everyone had their own dogs. Anastasia’s favorite was little King Charles, which was given to her by an officer who was in the hospital after being wounded. He was so tiny that you could walk with him if you put him in a muff.

Yorkshire Terrier

This baby has gained unprecedented popularity in recent years. The Yorkshire Terrier breed of decorative miniature dogs is a recognized leader among small animals. Yorkies are incredibly beautiful. They have a luxurious coat of soft, silky wool.

It just so happens that today they are considered glamorous dogs, which are most often found in the arms of socialites. They are tied with bows and dressed in exquisite outfits. But don’t think that these are spineless creatures. This may surprise some, but babies can act as a watchman, warning with their ringing voice that a stranger is approaching.


Decorative breeds of dogs (you see the photo in this article) cannot be imagined without a dachshund. Their characteristic feature is a very long body with short legs. Dachshunds come in miniature and standard varieties. The fur of these funny animals can be smooth and long, shorter and stiffer. Dachshunds are very friendly and treat everyone in the household very well. These are gentle and kind animals. Despite their sociability, they avoid strangers.


Decorative breeds of dogs (you can see photographs in this article) are often described on the pages of cynological publications. Therefore, if you dream of a small dog, look at this literature. You might like the small poodle, which is also very popular today.

Its distinctive feature is its charming curls and original pom-pom-like haircuts on its paws and head. Decorative dogs of small breeds, poodles in particular, have a rich history. In the past, aristocrats preferred to see such animals in their homes. These are due to their ability to perform many quite complex tricks.

Shih Tzu

Decorative dogs of small breeds, photos of which can often be seen on the pages of glossy magazines, have always attracted the attention of animal lovers. The adorable Shih Tzu was bred to be a friend and companion to humans. This little one has long, silky fur. Some owners cut their pets' hair to make them easier to care for. These dogs are not only beautiful, but also incredibly gentle and affectionate animals that become very attached to their owner.

Dwarf Spitz

Decorative dogs of small breeds evoke tenderness - you want to cuddle them, protect them from evil people, dangerous animals, and bad weather. Fluffy long hair and a bright temperament make these babies very impressive. These dogs are very energetic and extremely attached to their owners' family.

However, this baby may try to take a dominant position in the family. This cannot be allowed. This is quite difficult to do, because it is always very difficult to say “no” to this smiling fluffy ball. The Spitz needs an active owner who will devote a lot of time to his pet, play with him, and run. At the same time, he must have a strong character.


This decorative dog breed is the smallest in the world. Interestingly, despite her miniature size, she has a strong character. This dog can often be seen in the arms of celebrities.

The fur of these animals can be long or smooth and short. They are endowed with wonderful character. These loyal and affectionate animals can be quite active. You might be surprised, but these adorable babies require socialization and training. Only in this case you will get a wonderful companion.


This decorative breed of dog brings a kind smile to everyone. These dogs are truly adorable. Both adults and children love them. Even people who do not like dogs cannot remain indifferent when looking at these charming faces.

Pugs are cheerful and playful animals. In the past, they lived in royal palaces, accompanied These dogs may have problems with their eyes and breathing. Despite this, people keep pugs because they are adorable pets. Pugs feel great both in the company of a single person and in a large and noisy family.


The small white lapdog, which has a soft but fearless character, belongs to the decorative breeds. Despite this, society ladies love her very much. These cute dogs are energetic and playful. They need constant contact with their owner.

Today we told you about some indoor and decorative dogs. If you decide to purchase one of them, then you should not go to the poultry market. You need to contact a kennel for decorative breed dogs. Today such institutions are located in many cities of Russia. The most famous of them are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Small dog breeds have been very popular for a long time, and every year it increases more and more. These tiny, toy-like dogs, in addition to their charming appearance, also have a wonderful friendly character and are fluent in the art of communicating with people. Abroad, they are even used in therapeutic practice, and this is not surprising, because such a positive creation will certainly have a healing effect on a person. An important argument in favor of representatives of small breeds is their “portability” - you can always take the crumbs with you, placing them in a small handbag. Miniature dogs do not require much space and do well in small houses and apartments.
In this collection we will talk about the 27 smallest dog breeds. In compiling the rating, we primarily took into account the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers (withers is the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog’s body).

27th place: is one of the most ancient dog breeds, originating in the vastness of Tibet. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were forbidden dogs, belonging exclusively to the family of the Chinese emperor. According to breed standards, the height of a Shih Tzu should not exceed 28 cm, and weight can vary from 4 to 7.25 kg. This beautiful dog has a very independent character, sometimes it can be proud and arrogant, but at the same time it is very brave, gentle and faithful to its owner.

26th place: - another dog breed that originated in Tibet. The breed has long been very popular with Buddhist monks, who trained these dogs to spin prayer wheels. This dog actually does not belong to the true spaniels and is named so only because of its external resemblance to the European spaniel. The Tibetan Spaniel's height is 25 cm, and body weight fluctuates within 4.1-6.8 kg.

24th place: – a popular decorative dog breed, represented by two varieties: hairless and powderpuff, covered with soft hair all over the body. Her weight is 4.5-5.9 kg, and growth - 23-33 cm. Chinese Cresteds are active, cheerful, graceful and very loyal animals to their owner.

23rd place: - a small breed of dog that originated in Germany at the end of the 19th century. At the withers the dog can reach 25-30 cm, and its weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg. Representatives of this breed of dogs are very capricious and independent animals, but with proper training, the miniature pinscher will grow into an excellent guard-companion.

22nd place: – a small breed of dog of French origin from the group of lapdogs. Dogs of this breed were frequent companions of sailors, who happily took these excellent rat catchers and simply cheerful companions with them on their travels. The growth of the French Bichon varies between 23-30 cm, and the weight starts from 3 and up to 7 kg. He can be described as an intelligent, sensitive and playful dog that loves human company. With proper training, a Bichon will grow into an obedient and intelligent companion.

21st place: King Charles Spaniel– an English breed of small dogs, bred back in the 16th century. The first representatives of this breed were favorites of English lords and were used for hunting. The height of an English aristocrat varies from 23 to 28 cm, and the weight is 3.6-6.4 kg. This cheerful companion dog is very devoted to its owner and, despite its miniature size, is always ready to help him. This breed should not be confused with the slightly larger Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

20th place: – a breed of decorative dogs bred in the vastness of Cuba. Cuban babies can weigh between 3 to 7.3 kg, and their height is 21-29 cm. The Havanese Bichon has an energetic, friendly and curious disposition, making him a wonderful companion. This affectionate and playful dog with a high level of intelligence is easy to train and gets along well with children.

19th place: - a dog breed bred on the island of Madagascar. Loyal to its owner, smart and obedient, the dog gets along well with other animals in the house. The height of these dogs 22-28 cm, weight from 3.5 to 6 kg.

18th place: is a miniature variety of pinschers, bred in Germany at the beginning of the 17th century. The height at the withers is 23-30 cm, and weight can vary from 2.9 to 6 kg. With their wonderful personalities and keen intelligence, Affenpinschers make truly ideal companions. They are also very playful, independent, resilient and sensitive animals with a very brave heart.

17th place: Pekingese- a very ancient breed of decorative dogs, which was bred in China more than 2 thousand years ago for royal families. Pekingese weight is 3.2-6.4 kg, and the height is 15-23 cm. Representatives of this breed are characterized by stubbornness and self-confidence, which can create some difficulties in the process of education and training. Pekingese do well without physical activity and are not at all picky about care.

16th place: – the smallest breed of dachshunds, the weight of which ranges from 3.6-5 kg, and the maximum growth is 12-16 cm. Due to his short legs The rabbit dachshund is the dog with the shortest average height at the withers, however, its rather large weight does not allow it to take a higher place in our ranking. Dachshunds were originally used for rabbit hunting, but today they make excellent companion dogs. Rabbit dachshunds have a very gentle character, they are smart, obedient and inquisitive, easily adapting to each family member. These tiny dogs are hardy and easy to keep, but their upbringing requires a special approach.

15th place: – a dog breed whose history began in Australia at the end of the 19th century. These terriers can weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg and have height from 23 to 26 cm. Despite the fact that he was bred as a companion dog, he has a well-developed hunting instinct, which is typical for terriers. They have a sharp mind, cheerful temperament and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Despite its excessive mobility, the Australian Terrier is balanced, obedient and very trainable.

14th place: – a small decorative breed of dog, named after its place of origin – Brussels, Belgium. The growth of these cute animals begins from 18 and up to 25 cm, and the weight fluctuates from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. Brussels Griffons are cheerful, active, curious and charming companion dogs with good watchdog qualities. Representatives of this breed have a huge kind heart, but at the same time they are very sensitive and stubborn, which sometimes creates difficulties in raising and training.

13th place: – a breed of dwarf Spitz that is currently very popular in the USA. Its height can vary from 23 to 30.5 cm, and the weight is 2.7-4.5 kg. This breed of dog is characterized by exceptional intelligence and excellent watchdog qualities. They are also very energetic, loving and playful companion dogs that require a firm leader to raise and train them.

12th place: - one of four types of poodles, a small decorative dog bred in England in the 18th century. Its weight can vary from 3 to 4 kg, and growth from 24 to 28 cm. The Toy Poodle is a calm, elegant and beautiful dog, a wonderful companion and devoted friend. In addition, this dexterous and obedient little one is considered one of the smartest and easiest to train breeds.

11th place: – one of the oldest dog breeds, originally from the central Mediterranean. The growth of this snow-white baby varies within the limits 20-25 cm, and weight - 3-4 kg. The Maltese's wonderful character and calm temperament make it an ideal companion. Dogs of this breed are very cheerful, loyal, intelligent and easy to train. Despite their tiny size, they are distinguished by courage and fearlessness.

10th place: – a miniature breed of dog, bred in Italy and named after the Italian city of Bologna. The growth of Bolognese varies from 25 to 30 cm, and weight – from 2.5 to 4 kg. Representatives of this breed can be described as discreet, affectionate and intelligent dogs that learn quickly and are easy to train. And their inherent cheerful and kind disposition makes Italian lapdogs excellent companions.

9th place: – an ancient decorative breed of small dogs, bred in the 16th century and getting its name from the French word “papillon”, which means “butterfly”. According to one version, their homeland is Spain, according to another - Belgium. Breed standards state that Papillons should weigh between 2.3 to 4.5 kg, and the height can vary from 20 to 28 cm. They are very funny, affectionate and active animals that love to run around the perimeter of the house and scare away rodents and other small creatures. They take 8th place.

8th place: – a miniature dog bred in England in the 19th century. According to Kennel Club standards, dogs of this breed should weigh between 2.7 to 3.6 kg, and their growth can fluctuate within 25-30 cm. Most English Terriers are attractive, friendly and playful dogs that are endlessly loyal to their owner. At the same time, they have a unique character, and some overly “characteristic” representatives require serious training.

7th place: – a decorative breed of dog, previously very popular in the Chinese and Japanese imperial courts. The weight of this small, long-haired dog can range from 1.8 to 4 kg, and the height is from 20 to 27 cm. The Japanese Chin is a playful, sociable and cheerful dog with a calm temperament and excellent character. She learns very quickly and easily, is able to master a lot of complex commands with minimal effort.

6th place: Toy Fox Terrier (American Toy Terrier) is a small dog that is directly descended from the large fox terrier. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 1.5 to 4 kg, and their height varies within 21.5-29 cm. Toy Fox Terriers are intelligent and active dogs that are highly trainable and can easily learn to respond to a large number of commands. They are very cheerful, loving and endlessly loyal animals, truly ideal home companions.

5th place: - the tiniest representative of the Spitz, named after Pomerania, a historical region of Germany. Known as the favorite breed of Queen Victoria of England. Representatives of this breed, descended from large sled dogs, today have the height 13-28 cm, and weight 1.9-3.5 kg. The Pomeranian Spitz is an intelligent, friendly, sociable and loyal baby, who will protect his owner without fear. His small size is successfully compensated by his exceptional intelligence, thanks to which he is highly trainable. The Pomeranian is ranked 23rd in the.

4th place: - a small breed of dog that was bred in the Czech Republic in the 9th century. In those distant times, representatives of this breed, along with other rat catchers, protected the property of their owners from rodents. Nowadays, rat dogs are mainly used as companion dogs, but they have not lost their agility and hunting instinct. The ideal weight for a tiny rat catcher is 2.6 kg, and the height is from 20 to 23 cm. They are very smart, playful, obedient, humane, easy to train and get along well with children.

3rd place: – a breed of miniature dogs bred by Russian dog handlers in the second half of the twentieth century. There are two varieties of these companion dogs: long-haired and smooth-haired. The height of the Russian Toy varies from 20 to 28 cm, and weight - from 1.4 to 3 kg. This breed is characterized by an extremely playful and friendly disposition, is very devoted to its owner and gets along well with all family members, regardless of their age.

2nd place: - a small decorative dog breed that originated in the 19th century in Yorkshire, England. The weight of a Yorkie, according to breed standards, should not exceed 3.2 kg. Growth does not exceed 23 cm. Despite the fact that the smallest living dog is a Chihuahua named Boo Boo, Yorkshire terrier Sylvia is recognized as the smallest dog in history. She died in 1945 at the age of 2 years, her height at the withers was 6.3 cm, length from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail 9.5 cm and weight 113 grams.
Affectionate, energetic, inquisitive and brave Yorkies are ideal for keeping in a city apartment. Thanks to their quick wit and intelligence, they easily learn and remember new commands at above average speed.

1st place: - the smallest dog breed in the world, discovered in 1850 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, after which it was named. Dogs of this breed usually weigh between 0.5 to 3 kg, and growth can vary from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua named Boo Boo is 10.16 cm tall, weighs 675 grams and is the smallest living dog..
Chihuahuas come in a wide variety of colors and coat types. Dogs of this breed are very kind, obedient, cheerful kids with the character of a real watchdog, but at the same time very vulnerable and touchy.

Decorative dogs are very popular among pets living in city houses and apartments. Miniature pets are unpretentious to keep, but require love and careful care from their owners. Below we present a list of the most popular decorative dog breeds, with colorful photographs and names.

Balanced and cheerful animals, characterized by an easy-going character. With proper training, they can become an excellent companion, capable of performing official functions. It will become a full-fledged member of the family with whom your children can spend their leisure time, providing them with moderate protection.

Brussels and Belgian Griffons

Two related breeds classified into one group according to FCI standards. Small, but surprisingly brave and active dogs, which are often compared to English gentlemen due to the thick “whiskers” growing on the front part. Coarse fur does not fall to the floor when shedding; the owner only needs to remove it in time using a trimmer.

One of the most popular decorative dog breeds, represented by several subspecies. Beautiful and miniature pets, whose owners often hang bows and other decorations on their long silky fur. Although most often they can be seen in the arms of their owners, we must not forget that they need walking.

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Havanese, French, Maltese, this family is represented by many subspecies. Photos and prices of these decorative dogs of small breeds may vary significantly, but they all come from the dogs of aristocrats in Western, Central and Southern Europe. They have a calm disposition and cannot demonstrate restraint in stressful situations, but this is not required of them.

The thick, curly coat, which can be given any shape if necessary, causes passers-by to confuse Bichons with poodles. Indeed, they are just as cheerful and cheerful, but have a more resistant character to irritants. They love funny games, invariably accompanying them with ringing and melodious barking.

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Like all representatives of the third group “FCI”, they have a character more typical of representatives of service breeds. They are very obedient, amenable to training, and are not afraid to fight back against the offender, despite their small size. It is difficult to find a more loyal, patient and pleasant pet in daily communication.

A rare breed descended from the Lhasa Apso. It was from them that she adopted a distrustful attitude towards strangers; if you do not know her owner, it is not recommended to approach her without asking. But for family members they will become a true friend, capable of protecting if necessary. Thanks to their thick coat, they are not afraid of frost and feel good in winter. In summer, they should be protected from overload.

Like their relatives, they exhibit cheerful behavior. Their puppies are extremely active and require constant attention; they are people-oriented and do not tolerate loneliness well. This makes them an ideal choice for a city apartment, especially since coarse wool is much less likely to provoke the development of allergies.

As the name suggests, this species was bred for hunting bulls - short but strong legs and a strong body helped them drive prey and deprive it of strength. Today they do not have such a warlike purpose; even with a relatively small size, they can become reliable protectors and companions. Remember that they need regular exercise.

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A relatively rare breed that requires careful grooming and a full set of tools and cosmetics. They are often suspicious of all strangers, not allowing them to get close to them. On the contrary, they willingly engage in fun games with their owners and their loved ones and are quite amenable to training.

A small pet with a lively and inquisitive character. This is one of the smallest breeds of decorative dogs. They are not often seen in the city, but at most exhibitions held in Russia you can meet at least several representatives. Short hair is resistant to dirt, and therefore it will be easy to care for your pet.

They gained particular popularity after the release of the famous film “The Mask”. Smart Milo captivated the public, and over time, thousands of people around the world purchased such nurseries for themselves. They are easy to train, they love active games, but they show a certain stubbornness, not wanting to obey the owner’s demands.

The ideal companion dog. A very peaceful and friendly dog, ideal for any family. They are undemanding in care, resistant to stress, and feel great when walking outside in any weather. Peaceful and calm, they may well become a full-fledged member of the family.

Better known without a prefix indicating its origin. Smart and cheerful, they captivate their owners with their lively character, but they can also repel them due to their irritability. Good parenting will help overcome their congenital deficiencies, and regular walks and agility classes will channel all their energy in the right direction.

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Very cheerful pets, resourceful and independent. They feel great in small apartments and private homes. Despite the thick fur that covers not only the body, but also the muzzle, they are perfectly oriented in space and react harshly to any threats. They respond well to training and perform well during agility classes.

A breed bred by domestic breeders based on the standard miniature terrier. They are popular in our country, and partly because of this, many toys end up on the streets. It is because of this phenomenon that a group of caring people organized a team to help dogs of decorative breeds, organizing free foster care and supporting them with medications.

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Such pets first appeared in the middle of the 15th century; they have common roots and visual similarities with Doberman Pinschers. Despite their size, they are among the service breeds, and successfully search for prohibited substances at customs points in the border zone or at airports. They are very energetic and require constant physical activity.

Very popular all over the world, they are distinguished by their unusual appearance and sensitive character. They always feel the emotional state of their owner, and always support him in difficult life situations. They are not characterized by excessive aggressiveness, but a stranger should not reach out to her so as not to scare her and cause a response.

Contrary to popular belief, the peoples who inhabited the New World before the arrival of the conquistadors also bred dogs. They are one of the oldest breeds; they have maintained their individuality for hundreds of years. Bare skin is vulnerable to intense solar radiation, so they should not be left in the sun for long periods of time. Such dogs need special care, and in winter they need overalls.

Thanks to their erect ears and bright color, they can be seen from afar. Papillons require attention from their owners; loneliness can have a negative impact on their psychological state and resistance to stress. They are characterized by self-will and a stormy temperament, and therefore they should be raised carefully. If you are buying them for the first time, be sure to use the services of a trainer.

An extremely popular dog, despite their high maintenance requirements and certain health problems, they are recognized throughout the world. They are distinguished from other decorative breeds by their increased endurance, which does not fit with their massiveness. Their short legs do not allow them to move quickly, but they are tenacious enough to achieve their goals.

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A new breed bred by Ukrainian cynologists. The Odessa Domestic Ideal Dog demonstrates a cheerful and balanced disposition and intelligence. They have a sense of self-esteem, but still become very attached to their owners and do not avoid communicating with strangers in the presence of the owner.

During the active work of breeders, many decorative breeds of dogs were bred. They differ in their appearance, length and texture of coat, character and many other factors. To get to know everyone, follow the news - specialized exhibitions are held at least once a year in every major city. Here you can meet most of the famous (and not so famous) breeds of miniature dogs.