The first signs of chickenpox in children: what to do. How chickenpox begins and looks like in children. Therapeutic and diagnostic measures. Complications after chickenpox

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is one of the most common diseases in children. The disease is caused by the herpes virus type 3 - Herpes Zoster, which spreads by airborne droplets(hence the name of the disease) from a sick child to a healthy one.

Chickenpox - very contagious disease, so they often get sick in entire groups of children in kindergartens and primary schools. IN childhood It proceeds quite easily and rarely causes complications. Children who have recovered from the disease retain lifelong immunity to this disease.

Today we will talk about how chickenpox begins in children, the first signs, and the treatment of the disease. Let's consider traditional therapeutic techniques And folk remedies.

How does chickenpox begin, what signs indicate it?

The incubation period of the disease lasts from 1 to 3 weeks from the onset of infection. At this time, the child feels well and looks quite healthy. However, with the end of the incubation period, the first signs appear that strongly resemble the beginning of an acute respiratory infection: general weakness, drowsiness, headache, heat(up to 39 C). A cough and runny nose may appear.

Severe fever can cause nausea and vomiting in a child. After decreasing to normal values, these symptoms go away.

The next day, pink spots appear, similar to mosquito bites. They can occur on any part of the body and at first there are very few of them. Through a short time a head appears inside the spot, containing liquid inside.

The rash rapidly spreads over the entire surface of the skin, and is also observed on the mucous membranes and under the hair on the head. Most acne is located on the face, arms, back and abdomen.

They itch very much, causing excruciating sensations for the child. However, you cannot comb them. This leaves small scars on the skin, and also increases the risk of infection, causing various complications.

After the bubbles disappear, a brown crust remains, which disappears after a while. If the rash is not scratched, after the crust comes off, no traces remain on the skin. Within 3 days, instead of the disappeared pustules, new ones appear. After a few more days, the symptoms begin to subside and recovery begins.

Chickenpox in children - treatment

There is no specific treatment for chickenpox. Therapeutic measures aimed at reducing symptoms and drying out pustular rashes. Lightweight, medium shape is treated on an outpatient basis, under bed rest. The exception is the severe, complicated form.
IN in this case the child is admitted to hospital.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing symptoms. The child is given medications to reduce high fever, usually Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Aspirin is not recommended for use in this disease to avoid the occurrence of possible complications.

To reduce the intensity of itching, the patient is prescribed antihistamines and sedatives. They are prescribed individually, taking into account the indications and age of the patient.

Externally, the rashes are treated with brilliant green, which has a drying and disinfecting effect. Fukortsin and Betadine are also used. These solutions have antimicrobial effect, preventing the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into wounds.

In addition, they effectively reduce itching, which is very important for a sick baby, because often these sensations are simply unbearable. You can also use good modern remedy- Fenistil gel.

During treatment, you should avoid overheating the sick child’s body and do not wrap him up. Excessive sweating increases the itching sensation skin rashes. In order to reduce itching, it is recommended to change the child’s bed and underwear more often.

In severe cases of chickenpox, when the risk increases serious complications, in particular, from the central nervous system, the child is treated in a hospital setting. The therapy includes antiherpetic drugs - Zovirax, Viralex, etc. Interferon and Immunoglobulin are also prescribed. These drugs reduce the risk of complications and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

All sick children are prescribed vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system. A special anti-allergenic diet is also recommended.

Sick children must be isolated from healthy ones to avoid further dissemination infections.

Traditional treatment

According to the doctor, you can supplement the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor with folk remedies. Here are a few effective recipes that can be used in the treatment of chickenpox in children:

Lubricate the pustules with a solution of water and soda: for half a glass of water - 1 tablespoon of soda. Moisten cotton swab, treat the rashes, wait until the solution dries. This remedy perfectly eliminates itching and dries out blisters.

Let children over 5 years old drink lemon juice with honey (if they are not allergic to these components). Prepare this way: for 1 tsp fresh juice lemon as much honey. Take 1 tsp three times a day, after meals. The product is intended to strengthen the immune system.

As we have already said, most often chickenpox in children is mild and rarely causes complications, unlike in sick adults. After recovery, lifelong immunity remains. However, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor with mandatory compliance with his instructions and recommendations.

Vaccination against chickenpox in children - prevention of the disease

The first vaccine to prevent chickenpox was used in Japan back in 1974.
In 2008 Russian Federation registered the first vaccine to prevent chickenpox - Varilrix. Manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. This drug has been licensed for use in more than 93 countries, including EU countries. Since 1974, more than 11 million doses have been administered worldwide. The safety of the drug has been tested 40 clinical studies different countries peace.

Chickenpox vaccination schedule

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously. If we're talking about For children from 1 to 13 years of age, the injection is administered subcutaneously once. Children over 13 years of age and adults are given the vaccine twice at intervals of 6 to 10 weeks.

Chickenpox - acute infection caused by viruses of the herpes family. Distinctive feature– rashes on the skin in the form of small blisters. It is very important not to let the person scratch the resulting blisters, as this may leave scars.

Children, as a rule, tolerate the disease much easier than adults, in whom it can cause various complications. The typical category of people affected by the virus are children from 1 to 10 years of age, but the peak of the disease in the human population occurs at the age of 4 years.

A person may get sick chicken pox only once and then he develops strong immunity for the rest of his life. With chickenpox in children, the first symptoms begin 1-3 weeks after infection, on the first day the temperature begins to rise, after which specific rashes appear on the body - this is the initial stage of chickenpox, treatment of which must be started in a timely manner.

How does the disease begin?

Chickenpox is called that way because it can be spread by the wind, that is, by airborne droplets. Let's figure out how it manifests itself in children. Someone sneezes contagiously next to you, you will already forget about this insignificant episode in your life. And after 1-3 weeks the temperature suddenly rises. This is the initial stage of chickenpox in children (see photo).

And if not for practically simultaneous appearance rash, then this illness could be mistaken for, in addition, symptoms of chickenpox include headache and a feeling of weakness. Now you know how the disease begins.

How can you get infected?

The source of infection is only patients with chickenpox, and only they, since this type of virus is not adapted to external environment and dies literally a few minutes after it leaves the body.

It should also be noted that the source of infection is only the person who has chickenpox in active form. This stage begins 2 days before the first rash appears on the body

Chickenpox photo: initial stage of rash

To determine what the initial stage looks like, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo. It shows the nature of the rash.

Incubation period

The incubation period for chickenpox lasts from one to three weeks. At this time, the disease does not manifest itself in any way and people do not even suspect that they themselves are sick, but a child or adult becomes infectious to others from the time the virus enters him until the last rash appears on the skin. At this point, you already need to know how to treat chickenpox at home.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

In the case of chickenpox, the symptoms in children cannot be confused with any other disease, since they appear in all their glory in a very short time. The main symptoms of chickenpox are:

  1. Chickenpox usually begins with fever, trembling, heat and general malaise.
  2. Flat rashes all over the body (except for the palms and feet), which quickly cover the body (within 1-2 hours). Specks the size of a pea or a grain of millet, Pink colour. At this stage, the rash does not cause discomfort to the child or adult.
  3. After a few hours, a small bubble appears in the center of the spots, with transparent contents inside. The most unpleasant thing is that when bubbles appear, the child begins to itch and tries to scratch them. Here it is important to ensure that the person stops scratching the affected skin, as it can cause an infection.
  4. After 1-2 days, the bubbles dry out and become crusty. brown color. However, at the same time, over another 7-10 days, new rashes appear at intervals of 1-2 days, which are again accompanied by a rise in temperature.
  5. In adults, pustules of rashes take a long time to become wet, ulcers form, which take a long time to heal, forming scars.
  6. At the end of the rash, the crusts disappear within 1-2 weeks, after which slight pigmentation remains, disappearing over time. If there were complications during the disease, for example, a pyogenic infection, then small scars remain on the skin.

All these signs are characteristic of chickenpox and occur in most children (no matter how old they are). It is extremely important to recognize its symptoms in the first days of the development of the disease in order to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

It is important not to confuse a sore with common cold, which occurs quite often in children and has similar symptoms (fever, weakness, headache). As soon as you notice the first rashes on the child’s body and other symptoms of chickenpox, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor will conduct differential diagnosis and will tell you how to treat chickenpox at home.

In children, the disease occurs in a simpler form than those who may suffer from complications in the future.

Chickenpox treatment

For chickenpox, treatment in children is mainly symptomatic - treatment of skin rashes and accompanying symptoms: external agents are used to relieve pain and disinfect the rash, antipyretic and analgesic are used. Accompany treatment that relieves swelling and pain.

In case of severe general condition and expressed skin manifestations Hospitalization may be required, especially if symptoms develop nervous system(pain radiating to the legs, severe headache) or if the patient finds it difficult to breathe.

An approximate treatment regimen for chickenpox is as follows:

  1. Liquid bubbles must be lubricated several times a day with brilliant green or medicinal colorless liquid of Casteliani. This helps the bubbles dry out faster and further education crusts preceding healing. In addition, it prevents the spread of infection throughout the body (see).
  2. Relief of symptoms, including itching. For this they use antihistamines systemic action, which, however, are becoming less popular today, since inhibition of the immune response is believed to lead to complications. At general symptoms inflammation also seeks to alleviate the patient’s condition - relieve pain and fever, for which they recommend: paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  3. To reduce the temperature, you should take some antipyretic drugs, for example: Panadol (Paracetamol), Nurofen, Efferalgan. Aspirin is not recommended, especially for children under 10 years of age.
  4. Also, in order to quickly cure chickenpox, you should adhere to bed rest for the period of intoxication and high temperature.

IN developed countries Instead of aniline dyes, calamine lotion is used in combination with antihistamines, which helps soothe the skin. The lotion is a mild antiseptic, dries out new blisters and promotes more fast healing and also protects the skin from irritating factors. Cools and soothes scratched areas, reducing the risk of scars and scars. It is clinically tested and certified in the Russian Federation.

Prevention of chickenpox

There is now a vaccine against chickenpox.

Usually the patient is isolated at home. Isolation ends 5 days after the last rash. For children attending organized children's groups, there is a procedure for admission to children's institutions provided for in the instructions. Due to the instability of the virus, disinfection is not carried out; frequent ventilation and wet cleaning of the room are sufficient.

Is it possible to get sick a second time?

The chickenpox virus belongs to the group of herpes viruses. And in fact, after the experience (usually in early childhood) diseases, it does not disappear from the body, but “falls asleep” in hidden areas spinal cord- nerve ganglia.

The virus can wake up when general decline immunity. Sometimes it gives the same symptoms as with classic chickenpox, sometimes it provokes the so-called (when the rash protrudes along the ribs - along the nerves).

How many days is it contagious?

You are unlikely to be able to determine the first day when chickenpox is contagious. 1-2 days before the onset of the rash, the infected person is already a carrier of this infection. He will infect other people all the time while the vesicles are maturing on his body.

The carrier is considered safe only after the last scab has fallen off. The contagious (infectious) period lasts approximately 10-14 days, during which infection of others occurs.


The vaccine sufficiently protects against chickenpox and its complications. It is recommended for children 12 months of age and older, as well as for adolescents and adults who have not previously had chickenpox or been vaccinated. The vaccine protects against the disease for 10 years or more. IN in rare cases People who have received the chickenpox vaccine may get chickenpox, but the illness will be limited to mild form.

Currently in the USA, Japan and some other countries this vaccination is mandatory for admitting a child to nursery preschool. But in Russia, vaccination of children against chickenpox has not yet become widespread, and this remains the choice of parents.

It is worth noting that some people with weakened immune system(as a result of illness or taking medications that affect the immune system) should not be vaccinated, as they may develop complications. Therefore, before receiving the vaccine, a patient with a weakened immune system should consult a doctor.

Chickenpox is considered a childhood disease, since the majority of the population experiences this infection in the first 2–8 years of life. The signs of chickenpox in children are usually the same typical course diseases, but there are exceptions.

Many people are familiar with chickenpox first-hand: among unpleasant symptoms this disease - rashes all over the body and noticeable itching

The causative agent of an infectious disease such as chickenpox, or chickenpox, is one of the varieties of the herpes virus. The route of infection is considered to be airborne; the risk of getting sick increases with close contact. Due to the fact that the virus is very tenacious, the situation in children's institutions often has the character of an epidemic. It is enough for one child to “catch” the virus, and it instantly spreads with the air flow to the surrounding children.

The virus carrier can be “dangerous” during the entire incubation period and several days after the first signs of the disease appear. The chickenpox virus can multiply in the body from 10 to 15 days and only after accumulation cause characteristic symptoms. The next 5-8 days can be considered active phase when the symptoms of the disease progress. Thus, another person can become infected in the period from 1 to 20 days.

On early stage chickenpox makes itself felt by increased body temperature, weakness and apathy

IN incubation period the virus does not manifest itself in any way. The child is active, calm, and follows a normal daily routine. After 10 or more days, the first symptoms begin to appear. If chickenpox is caused by a common pathogen, and the child’s immunity is not weakened by other diseases or chronic conditions, we can highlight the following typical signs chickenpox in a child:

  • weakness, loss of appetite, apathy;
  • rise in body temperature to 39-40 degrees;
  • the appearance of small pink-red spots on the skin;
  • manifestation of other symptoms similar to a common ARVI (sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, pain in muscles and limbs);
  • irritability, anxiety, poor sleep.

Characteristic spots affect the entire body, except the inner surface of the palms and feet. New spots may appear on children's bodies in the first 5-8 days. Gradually, small blisters filled with liquid appear in their place. Sometimes the disease affects the oral mucosa, which worsens the baby’s well-being.

At the final stage of the disease, the blisters become crusty and fall off on their own. A child always feels itchy, so the most difficult thing is to protect him from scratching. IN otherwise can infect the skin and cause scars that remain visible for life.

During the initial and active stage it is important to provide for the child's illness bed rest. Although most often children themselves refuse their usual pastime. High temperature and active activity of the virus contribute to general intoxication body. It is important to drink plenty of vitamin liquids to flush out toxins.

Some children tolerate chickenpox quite easily: without deterioration in health and without a profuse rash.

Maximum in 8-10 days the disease is coming on the decline The appearance of new spots stops, the first ones already dry out and disappear, and body temperature normalizes. The child develops an appetite and a desire to active image life. The virus carrier period is over.

With an atypical course of chickenpox in children, its symptoms may be either absent or manifested in complex form. In the first case, only small quantity characteristic rashes without a rise in body temperature or other signs of malaise. Doctors cannot yet say with certainty what causes this picture. Perhaps this is excellent immune function or hereditary resistance to the virus.

In pediatrics, cases of severe disease are not uncommon. In such a situation, the child is so exposed to rashes that entire lesions appear on the skin, leaving the skin free from damage. Such obvious signs are accompanied by a high temperature, which lasts up to 5-7 days. A dry cough and swelling of the nasopharynx may occur. It is important to reduce the temperature, treat the nasopharynx to prevent attachment bacterial infection and further complications.

At the first alarming symptoms you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition: if he has chickenpox, then its subsequent manifestations will develop very quickly

Not only chickenpox is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin. Many diseases in children manifest themselves as rashes. This food allergy, rubella, measles, scarlet fever, scabies and others. Chicken pox differs from all these infectious diseases in the speed of appearance of rashes and their modification.

It is enough for a few pink spots to appear, and after 1.5-2 hours they cover the entire body, including scalp heads and even genitals. After another couple of hours, these rashes turn into red papules, which by the end of the first day already resemble filled clear liquid bubbles-vesicles.

None of the above diseases are characterized by such rapid transformations. With allergies in children, the rash resembles small pimples or urticaria, which quickly disappears when contact with the allergen is avoided and after taking antihistamines. With scabies, the rash primarily affects the hands, but this is not typical for chickenpox. Measles and rubella are also not characterized by changes in rashes. Usually this small rashes, thickly covering some areas of the skin.

Only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis, so if any rash appears, especially if it is accompanied by a high fever and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The earlier chickenpox is diagnosed, the higher the likelihood of avoiding complications.

It is important to know how chickenpox begins in children and how it is treated, since chickenpox is infectious disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The source of infection is a sick person with signs of pathology.

Chickenpox is caused by one of the varieties of the virus that causes herpes zoster. It is easily transmitted through the air over a distance of up to 50 m, so to obtain the pathogen, it is enough to spend a few minutes in the same room with the patient.

Chickenpox symptoms

At the onset of the disease, the pathogen enters the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, where it penetrates into the tissue. At this stage, the person does not pose a danger to others, but external signs There are no chickenpox.

The incubation period begins, which lasts from one to three weeks. The virus spreads through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, so patients often have enlarged lymph nodes. After penetration into the epithelial cells, a specific rash appears, which makes it possible to accurately determine the disease.

Sometimes there is a prodromal period when the child develops a small red rash. It is similar to scarlet fever rashes and is accompanied by an increase in temperature. It lasts for several hours, after which it disappears on its own. Only after a day do acne appear, characteristic of chickenpox.

Experts note following features development of symptoms:

  1. The first symptoms are similar to the onset of ARVI. Children complain of headache, weakness and loss of appetite.
  2. The onset of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels. Sometimes the temperature increases to 39-40 degrees. The fever will persist until the formation of new rashes stops.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and back of the head indicate that the virus has entered the lymphatic system.
  4. On initial stage small red spots form, after which a bulge forms. It is called a papule, which turns into a bubble with fluid (vesicle). After a few days, the liquid inside the vesicle becomes cloudy, and then a crust forms. The crusts that appear last up to several weeks, but they should not be torn off to avoid scars and scars.
  5. Severe itching accompanies the appearance of new rashes, which causes great discomfort. Parents should ensure that young children do not scratch the chickenpox rash.

The child may not have some signs, so a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only doctors know everything about chickenpox, which allows you to choose optimal scheme impact.

Signs chickenpox mild forms:

  • Slight discomfort. Patients begin to have headaches, fatigue and weakness.
  • No fever. Sometimes it rises to 37 degrees.
  • Isolated skin rashes. They do not cause any discomfort, and their appearance is not accompanied by itching.

If chickenpox manifests itself in a mild form, there is a high probability of re-infection. Immunity is developed in 97% of cases, and in 3% of situations a person will have to get chickenpox a second time.

Features of the course in infants

If in doubt, help identify chickenpox laboratory research :

  • Light microscopy.
  • Serological study of blood.

Timely contact with specialists and correct treatment reduces the likelihood of complications and facilitates the course of the disease. If you neglect the recommendations of doctors, you can significantly increase the manifestation of symptoms of pathology.


If you refuse treatment or weak immunity patients face the following types of complications:

Attention! Severe liver damage may occur when taking aspirin.

In order to start treatment on time, you need to remember what acne looks like with chickenpox and what to do to alleviate the condition. It is difficult to independently recognize the pathology, since the rashes are similar to allergic reaction, so visit medical institution Necessarily.

To reduce itching, patients take baths with chamomile or calendula. Also helps in the fight against external symptoms bathing with the addition of potassium permanganate. During a fever, the child should remain in bed, and the temperature in the room should be kept at 20 degrees.

Hygiene and nutritional features for chickenpox

For Get well soon It is important to maintain hygiene. The child needs daily shower 4-5 times a day. The patient should wash himself with water without using washcloths and detergents.

On early stage at high temperatures, wiping the body is allowed alcohol solution. In this way, it is possible to reduce the temperature, reduce itching and speed up the drying of acne. It is mandatory to change bed and underwear once a day. Wet cleaning With disinfectants reduces the likelihood of infecting other family members.

Meals are selected low-carbohydrate with normal content squirrel. Milk porridge, cottage cheese, kefir, fruits and vegetables are recommended. It is better to abstain from sweets, as they reduce protective forces body. You should also exclude fried, salty, spicy and smoked foods from your diet.

If a child refuses food, it is worth recommending drinking plenty of fluids. Sour fruit juice, lingonberry decoctions and regular fruit help green tea.

Treatment of chickenpox in children - video

Is it possible to get re-infected with chickenpox?

Many people don't even realize it's possible reinfection chickenpox. In children, the disease occurs in a mild form, while in adults and adolescents it is characterized by a severe course. Prolonged exposure to stress, neglect of rest and weak immunity contribute to the development of pathology.

Chicken pox is a disease that most of us have had in childhood. However, having transitioned to the status of parents, yesterday's boys and girls get scared when they see signs of an infectious disease in their own child. What do the symptoms of chickenpox look like, and why does the disease occur? We will tell you how to determine that your baby has chickenpox and what kind of help he needs after identifying this disease.

What is chickenpox, what does it look like: the first signs

Chicken pox, or simply chickenpox, is a childhood infectious disease. The causative agent is a type of herpes virus Varicella Zoster, which is transmitted from an infectious child to other members of the children's team.

A child infected with chickenpox will feel fine at first. Only at the end latent period will appear initial signs chickenpox in a child.

The appearance of the chickenpox rash

How can you tell if your baby has chickenpox? Its distinctive feature is a rash, which consists of blisters filled with liquid:

  • The rash is pink in color, representing convex nodules no more than 4-5 mm in diameter. Pimples very quickly begin to take over everything large surface body, but it happens that they are localized only on the back, stomach and on the bends of the limbs.
  • At the same time, the baby may develop a fever, aches in the joints, and general weakness. There may be mild signs of respiratory illness.

Dynamics of the disease

A child has chickenpox - what are the dynamics of the onset of symptoms of this disease? The temperature occurs only at the beginning of the disease, then it gradually normalizes, and each nodule (papule) on the patient’s body goes through several stages of transformation. After its appearance, it begins to fill with liquid and increase in size, turning into a vesicle. Then its contents become cloudy and it bursts. From this moment the healing of the wound begins - it becomes covered with a crust, which later disappears.

Pimples appear and disappear in waves. While it lasts acute stage diseases, a rash can be seen on the body of children at the same time varying degrees maturation. The photo shows what papules, vesicles and drying crusts look like.

In parallel with the rash, which often covers the face and even the head under the hair, enanthem may occur on the oral mucosa. These are the same pimples as on the body, but after they burst, a small ulcer with a yellow edging remains in their place. After appropriate treatment, the wounds in the mouth heal.

You can see what pimples look like by looking at the photo.

Children are more likely to get chickenpox younger age. U one year old child and children under 12 years of age, the disease usually occurs without complications and is easily tolerated, forming lifelong immunity. Does a teenager get chickenpox? The course of the disease will be more severe than in younger children. The worst thing is if chickenpox strikes an adult, since in this case the disease is most severely tolerated.

Causes of the disease

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The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and more often children bring it from kindergarten. In a confined space, the virus spreads rapidly, and as soon as someone from the team gets sick, new victims of the virus are immediately discovered. According to the rules, a quarantine is declared in the group, the duration of which is three weeks from the moment of registration of the disease. During this time, do any of the kids get chickenpox? Then the quarantine is extended.

Children who were not in the group at the time the virus was detected are not recommended to be taken to the kindergarten during quarantine. However, some parents, on the contrary, bring their child to the group (with a signature), because they want him to get chickenpox while he is young. This policy is designed to protect a person from the disease in the future.

The first signs of the disease at the initial stage

Chickenpox follows a typical scenario. After infection, an incubation period begins, which lasts on average 2 days:

  1. at this time the virus does not appear, but it has already penetrated the mucous membranes respiratory tract, then got into the blood;
  2. Together with the blood and lymph, Varicella Zoster spreads throughout the body, attaches itself to the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, starting its work there.

As a rule, the first signs of chickenpox in a child are a rash, accompanied by an increase in temperature and a general deterioration of the condition. The first pimple (at the beginning of the disease it looks like in the photo below) can appear anywhere - on the back, stomach, face, and after a couple of hours the rash covers most of the baby’s body (we recommend reading:). Fever and weakness disappear on the second day, and the further course of the disease is characterized only by a rash.

Where do spots and nodules appear most often, and where does the infection begin to spread? First of all, they appear on closed parts of the body - the back, butt, and stomach. Less often - on the arms and legs.

Forms of chickenpox

Despite the fact that chickenpox is for everyone known disease, it can proceed in different ways. There are two types of chickenpox - typical and atypical. The symptoms of typical chickenpox are described above.

Atypical chickenpox is rare and affects people with weakened immune systems. There are the following forms of atypical chickenpox:

  • Vestigial – hidden disease. Its symptoms are so insignificant that a person does not notice the disease.
  • Pustular – this type of disease is usually seen in adults. Rashes (pustules) are in no hurry to dry out and turn into crusts. Over time, the contents of the blisters become cloudy and purulent.
  • Bullous - a rash on the skin acquires gigantic proportions and is difficult to treat. Symptoms of severe intoxication are also possible, after which the patient recovers slowly and difficultly.
  • Hemorrhagic and gangrenous - occurs in people with blood clotting disorders, which fills the pustules. Over time, ulcers and foci of necrosis form. A gangrenous form begins, which can cause death.
  • Visceral - bubbles with liquid contents appear not only on the body, but also on internal organs. It occurs in infants whose bodies are weakened. This form is fatal.

Light shape Chickenpox may not be noticed at all by parents at the initial stage

Chickenpox can be mild, moderate or severe. Light form The disease manifests itself as follows:

  • the rash does not cover the entire body, but only certain areas;
  • the temperature remains normal or slightly elevated (37.1 -37.3 ° C);
  • general condition is satisfactory.

Moderate and severe forms are characterized by significant rashes throughout the body, fever up to 40°C, and general malaise. A severe form can last longer than a week and cause complications.

How to diagnose the disease and understand that it is chickenpox?

Very rarely, chickenpox can be confused with another disease. The presence of the Varicella Zoster virus at an early stage can be determined based on the results of studies (viroscopic, molecular biological). However, chickenpox is more often diagnosed by the appearance of pustules and vesicles - you can see what they look like in the photo above:

  • As a rule, a rash can be distinguished on the patient’s body in different stages– the initial one is characterized by pink, raised pimples, then they turn into pustules and vesicles filled with liquid and crusts.
  • The disease can also be recognized by a clear symptom- enanthema appears in the mouth. Essentially, this is the same rash as on the body, but it forms on the mucous membrane.
  • A red rim appears around the blister, and after the blister bursts, an ulcer forms in its place, which heals well over time.

How dangerous is chickenpox?

Chickenpox does not apply dangerous diseases, since most patients tolerate it relatively easily. However, one in twenty patients may develop complications. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Bacterial skin lesions, when vesicles burst and appear in their place purulent formations(abscesses).
  • Inflammation of the lungs caused by the chickenpox virus, which has penetrated the alveoli of the respiratory organs.
  • Inflammation of the brain - encephalitis. Occurs when a virus destroys nerve cells brain As a rule, signs of complications appear closer to the end of the disease - 5 to 21 days after the first symptoms. Dizziness, nausea, lethargy, loss of consciousness are possible.
  • Heart complication – myocarditis. Symptoms of cardiac muscle dysfunction include high fever, rapid heartbeat, and chest pain.
  • Lymphadenitis. The disease can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, usually in the armpits, groin, and neck.
  • Nephritis is a disease of areas of the kidneys called the glomeruli that can develop towards the end of the second week of chickenpox.
  • Complication of pregnancy. On early stages infection can cause miscarriage or lead to developmental delays in the fetus. On later While carrying a child, the mother's illness can create conditions for the baby to develop chickenpox syndrome.

First aid and effective treatments

Let's look at how to treat chickenpox. Since the disease is caused by a virus, effective ways there is no impact on it. The main task is to prevent complications and give the body the opportunity to fight the infection on its own. It is equally important not to let your baby scratch the wounds, so that over time scars or pockmarks do not form in their place.


The key treatment for chickenpox is treating the rash. Pimples do not need to be treated with an antiseptic, but then, while scratching, the baby can introduce an infection (bacterial) into the wound:

  1. Nodules and pustules are lubricated with brilliant green, a solution of potassium permanganate, and Fukortsin. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  2. To relieve itching and prevent scratching little patient give antihistamines. Pediatricians usually prescribe Fenistil or Zodak drops. Older children can be given Suprastin 1/2 tablet before bedtime.
  3. Also used to treat chickenpox antiviral drugs, for example, Acyclovir. It can be taken in tablets and applied as an ointment to rashes. However, Acyclovir is more often used in severe cases of the disease and only in the initial stage. Before use, you need to read the description of the drug with explanations of dosage.
  4. The baby showed signs of body intoxication - elevated temperature, headache and body aches? It makes sense to give him painkillers. As a rule, children are prescribed Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan.


How to properly care for a child during an exacerbation of the disease and is it possible to bathe him? This issue still causes controversy among doctors. Foreign pediatricians recommend bathing the baby, regardless of the stage of the disease, being careful not to damage the pustules.

Domestic experts are usually against water procedures. You can bathe your son or daughter only after the acne has begun to dry out. They justify this ban by the fact that during bathing the bubbles can become damaged and become infected. However, on hot days, periodic showers are necessary - a sweaty child will unnoticed by scratching the itchy and irritated skin.

It is important to choose linen and clothing made from natural fabrics, and also monitor their cleanliness. This is necessary in order not to provoke itching on the affected areas of the body. You also need to monitor the cleanliness of your baby’s hands and trim his nails on time. It can comb through vesicles, allowing the virus to spread to healthy skin and infection pathogenic bacteria burst ulcers.

Drinking regime

During any illness, a child needs a sufficient amount of fluid. If at first the baby has a high temperature and intoxication, even more so. What should it be daily dosage liquids? The daily volume is calculated according to the child’s age. For example, a 3-year-old child needs 105 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. For an older child (7 years old) – 95 ml per kilogram of weight.

In this case, you should give the child not only water, but also other drinks - tea, compote, fruit juice. The baby can receive part of the liquid volume as part of liquid dishes - soups.

Folk remedies

There are folk remedies to combat chickenpox. It is believed that blueberries inhibit the virus, so it is recommended to consume them fresh and as juice, compote, or fruit drink. Among the many folk recipes the following can be distinguished:

Chamomile decoction is a good helper in the fight against chickenpox
  • Baths. Prepare decoctions medicinal herbs– chamomile, lemon balm, sage and add to bathing water. Also shown are soda baths, which have an antiseptic and antipruritic effect.
  • Rubbing. Boil 1 cup of barley in one liter of water and strain. Use the decoction to wipe stains. This method helps relieve itching.
  • Herbal infusions for oral administration. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture of chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula, chicory, immortelle and burdock, pour into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for eight hours, drink half a glass three times a day.

Therapy for young children up to one year old

Children under one year of age rarely get chickenpox, but if a child over 6 months is infected, it is possible severe course. As a rule, there is a high temperature (about 40°C), tearfulness and a rash, which quickly turns into purulent form. At this age, it is important to call a doctor who may recommend hospitalization.

Treatment of a child under one year of age is not much different from general recommendations. You should give your baby some water, especially if there is a fever. This can be done using a syringe without a needle.

Also a pediatrician in mandatory prescribes antiallergic drugs (Fenistil) to reduce itching. In some cases, antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of suppositories - Viferon, Interferon. However, their effectiveness is considered unproven.