Could the child have high blood pressure? Definition of high blood pressure - hypertension in children and adolescents. Causes of pressure surges in adolescence

Blood pressure varies in different vessels. Arterial (pressure in the arteries) is higher than venous (pressure in the veins). The unit of measurement for blood pressure is millimeter of mercury.

Blood pressure (BP) is divided into:

  • systolic, or SD (sometimes popularly called “upper”) - blood pressure in the arterial vessels during the period of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • diastolic, or DD (“lower”) - blood pressure during relaxation of the heart muscle.

Blood pressure depends on the type (size or caliber) of the vessel: than larger vessel, the higher the pressure. It is generally accepted that the pressure in the brachial artery is normal; it is there that it is measured using a tonometer. Many literate patients know how to measure blood pressure and observe its changes, but not everyone knows what the normal blood pressure should be in children. Let's talk about this in this article, and also talk about the causes and symptoms of increased or decreased blood pressure in children.

Blood pressure also depends on age: than younger child, the lower the pressure. This is explained by the fact that in small children the walls of the vessels are more elastic, the lumen of the vessels is wider, and the capillary network is more developed. Both systolic and diastolic pressure increase with age.

Until about 5 years of age, blood pressure does not differ between children of different sexes, and from 5 years of age it is slightly lower in girls (up to about 9 years of age). With age, blood pressure reaches a level of 110/60 – 120/70, and then these values ​​are maintained for a long time.

Normal blood pressure levels at different ages of the child can be calculated using special formulas. Thus, for infants, SD is calculated using the formula 76 + 2m (m is the child’s age in months). After a year, normal DM is 90+2l (l is the number of years of the child). Upper limit the DM norm is 105+2l, and the lower limit of the DM norm is 75+2l.

Normally, BP in children in the first year of life is equal to 2/3 to 1/2 of systolic pressure, and after a year it is calculated using the formula 60+l (l – how old is the child). The upper limit of normal DD is 75+ l, and the lower limit is 45+ l.

In children, both an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) and a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) are quite often observed. This is especially true during puberty (puberty).

Causes of arterial hypertension in children

Increased blood pressure occurs in 5-10% of children, more often in adolescence. There are primary and secondary (associated with any diseases) arterial hypertension.

An example would be the detection of high blood pressure in adolescents in the absence of another disease of which hypertension could be a symptom. Such changes in blood pressure are observed in girls at 12-13 years old, in boys at 14-15. In this case, the increase in blood pressure is associated with hormonal changes in the body during puberty, mainly with an increase in the level of aldosterone and adrenaline.

The vascular system narrows as a result of the influence of hormones, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. Most often, blood pressure increases sporadically in adolescence, but it can also occur daily. At school age, high blood pressure is most often detected by chance.

The cause of increased blood pressure may be a violation of the daily routine, insufficient sleep, increased physical activity (for example, sports), spending too much time at the computer, psycho-emotional trauma and stressful situations. If we arrange the intellectual and physical exercise and the child rests, then the pressure can normalize.

If the maximum values ​​exceed 135 mm Hg, a detailed examination of the child is necessary to determine the cause of hypertension, since it may be one of the symptoms of a disease, other manifestations of which have not yet been identified. Diseases may be the cause endocrine system, kidneys, heart.

Reasons secondary hypertension can be:

  • disturbance of vascular tone due to the influence of autonomic nervous system;
  • renal pathology (in 70% of cases);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • brain damage;
  • poisoning.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Renal secondary hypertension

There are many reasons for the development of renal hypertension:

  • narrowing of the renal artery;
  • compression of the renal artery by a tumor or inflammatory tissue;
  • anomaly of kidney development;
  • inflammation of kidney tissue ();
  • (chronic or acute);
  • and other reasons.

Endocrine secondary hypertension

Endocrine pathology can also cause arterial hypertension:

  • hyperaldosteronism (primary or secondary) – increased production the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands due to a tumor or benign growth of the adrenal cortex; secondary hyperaldosteronism also develops when the renal artery narrows;
  • hypercortisolism or - increased function of the adrenal cortex, which develops with tumors of the pituitary gland or the adrenal cortex itself, with long-term treatment hormonal drugs ();
  • adrenal tumor (pheochromocytoma), which secretes biologically active substances adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • Graves' disease, or diffuse toxic goiter - autoimmune disease characterized by increased synthesis of hormones.

Cardiovascular secondary hypertension

Cardiovascular pathology can also cause increased blood pressure:

  • narrowing of the aortic isthmus;
  • congenital heart disease – patent ductus botallus: blood pressure increases due to an increase in minute blood volume.

Brain lesions

Damage to the brain due to a tumor process, injury, or as a result of inflammation of the brain substance () can also cause increased blood pressure, among other symptoms.


Poisoning toxic substances(arsenic, mercury, etc.) can cause increased blood pressure along with other symptoms.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension in children

9. Hypotrophy (lack of body weight).

10. Side effect of drug treatment.

The reduction in blood pressure is also facilitated by somatic diseases:, neurodermatitis, chronic.

Diagnosis of blood pressure abnormalities in children

To detect an increase or decrease in blood pressure compared to age norm The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • a survey of the child and mother, during which the presence and nature of complaints, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the presence of increased or low blood pressure blood from family members, diseases suffered by the child, etc.;
  • measuring blood pressure in both arms; in the next 2 weeks, blood pressure is regularly measured 3 times a day at home in order to clarify daily blood pressure fluctuations;
  • examination of the child;
  • examination: fundus examination, ECG, examination of cerebral vessels (rheoencephalography), general analysis blood and biochemical analysis blood ( renal complex) – according to indications, blood test for hormones (if necessary), etc.;
  • consultation with a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists (as indicated).

Treatment of arterial hypertension and hypotension in children

Treatment of deviations from normal age-related blood pressure levels is divided into non-drug and drug therapy.

Non-drug treatment

Not drug treatment practically no different at high and low blood pressure:

  • normalization of the psychological situation at school, creation of a calm, comfortable atmosphere at home;
  • maintaining an age-appropriate daily routine (including on weekends); restricting movie viewing and computer games(especially in evening time before bedtime);
  • exclusion of physical and mental overload, alternation of work and rest; it is necessary to reconsider the study load (perhaps, refuse classes with a tutor, parallel studies at a music school, etc.);
  • physical activity of children in uncomplicated cases is not limited; regular physical education is recommended; swimming, horse riding, daily stay in the fresh air for at least 2 hours and walking for 30 minutes are indicated;
  • healthy lifestyle, preventing adolescents from smoking and using drugs;
  • full-fledged balanced diet, 4-5 one-time appointment food during the day, daily use at least 300 g of fruits and vegetables; for low blood pressure, it is recommended to drink sweet, strongly brewed tea with lemon several times a day;
  • restriction of use for hypertension table salt, seasonings and spices, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, chocolate, etc.; for hypotension, calcium-containing products are recommended (, cottage cheese, sauerkraut and etc.).
  • in case of low blood pressure, it is recommended to accustom the child to contrasting soul, it has a tonic effect (you should start by alternating warm and cool water, gradually lowering and increasing the temperature of the water, in 2-3 weeks it is brought to the alternation of hot and cold water);
  • Massage of the collar area has a good effect.

Drug therapy

The first priority is to treat the underlying disease. Only a doctor should decide on the need for drug treatment to correct blood pressure, select and increase blood pressure.

Summary for parents

Parents should not be under the misconception that upward or downward deviations in blood pressure can only occur in adults.

You should not ignore your child’s complaints of headache, fatigue and weakness or try to relieve headaches with drugs familiar to adults. The same “harmless” Citramon, which contains Aspirin, like Aspirin itself, can lead to irreversible.

If a child has the complaints listed in the article, or behavioral changes are noted, and even more so if an increase or decrease in blood pressure is detected, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of these deviations. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the pathology identified in the child.

Which doctor should I contact?

If there are changes in blood pressure in children, you can first consult a pediatrician and take measures to normalize the child’s lifestyle. If this does not bring any effect, you need to contact a cardiologist. If a secondary nature of pressure changes is detected, the child is referred for consultation to an endocrinologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, nephrologist, or cardiac surgeon, depending on the identified disease.

2, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The usual story when old man lives in an embrace with a blood pressure monitor and pockets full of blood pressure pills. This won't surprise anyone anymore. But what happens to children (not only school age, but also very young ones) there may be problems with blood pressure, I can’t wrap my head around it. Nevertheless, this kind of violation at such a young age is quite common, so parents should be armed necessary information so as not to lose sight alarming symptoms and start treatment in a timely manner.

It is important to understand that blood pressure is not a constant value; it completely depends on the work of the heart muscle and the condition of the blood vessels. In addition, episodic changes are possible when a person experiences any stress, experiences emotional shocks, or illness. But it happens that there seems to be no reason, but the pressure in children goes beyond normal, and this lasts not one day, but months and even years. This condition is called vegetative-vascular dystonia, although it would be more correct to talk about hypertension when blood pressure increases or hypotension when blood pressure decreases.

A little about blood pressure standards in children

Thanks to more elastic vessels, blood pressure in children is usually much lower than in adults. This means that you should not rely on the usual norm for an adult of “120 to 80” for a child under the age of 15 years. Now let's try to figure out what these numbers mean. In fact, they indicate the force of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels, with the first indicator (upper, or systolic pressure) is fixed at the moment of contraction of the heart, and the second (lower, or diastolic) - during its relaxation.

The normal pressure level in children can fluctuate quite noticeably, so its boundaries are quite difficult to establish. A huge amount of research has been conducted to determine the extreme normative indicators and pathological deviations of this value in childhood and adolescence. In the end it was accepted general scheme to calculate normal level blood pressure in children from one year to 16 years:

  • For upper (systolic) – 90 + 2N;
  • For the lower (diastolic) – 60 + N.

N refers to the child's age in years.

At normal pressure, the baby's body is in sufficiently provided with oxygen and nutrients. But all this is very fragile, so any deviation can affect the pressure in the direction of its long-term increase or decrease. In this case, speech it's already underway about a painful condition.

Rules for measuring blood pressure

Today, the presence of a tonometer in a home medicine cabinet is not something surprising, which means that monitoring the dynamics of children's blood pressure does not seem difficult. But the problem is that few people know how to perform this procedure correctly. There are several mandatory conditions which should be followed to obtain an accurate result:

  • The child must be absolutely calm. If the baby is excited and has just come from a walk, then his heart is working more actively, and the pressure will naturally be higher than usual;
  • You can measure your blood pressure either sitting or lying down. The main thing is to do it in the same body position every time;
  • It is very important to adjust the cuff size correctly. It should not cover the forearm by more than two-thirds. This is the most a big problem in measuring blood pressure in children, because age cuffs are not included in the standard equipment of the tonometer, so there is a high probability of obtaining incorrect readings.

High blood pressure in children

Hypertension in childhood It is customary to divide it into primary and secondary. In the first case, the increase in pressure does not have clearly defined reasons, but in the second case, the cause of everything can be quite big list diseases.

Primary hypertension in most cases is associated with some kind of emotional shock, physical activity. Usually, as soon as the child calms down and rests, the pressure returns to normal.

To get rid of secondary hypertension, it is necessary to cure the disease that provokes it. Only a doctor can help with this, and you should not take such responsibility on your parental shoulders.

The most common causes of high blood pressure in children are:

  • Overweight, obesity;
  • Heredity;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Kidney disorders.

In addition to the above reasons, great importance The life rhythm of the baby also plays a role in the development of hypertension. Thus, intensive school activities can provoke long-term increase pressure. Therefore, it is very important to correctly distribute the mental load and learn to get rid of emotional stress (for example, a child may be constantly afraid of bad grades). Compliance with only these requirements often leads to normalization of blood pressure.

A few words about low blood pressure in a child

Doctors are not so categorical about hypotension in children. Blood pressure may drop, for example, after a serious illness, when the body is weakened and all efforts are spent on its restoration. Moreover, in in some cases This condition has been observed for quite a long time.

With low blood pressure, a child may experience accompanying symptoms:

  • Constant weakness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Sweating during any physical activity;
  • Difficulty waking up;
  • Frequent headaches.

Often, a baby, quickly rising, may experience darkening in his eyes and dizziness. The reason for everything is sharp drop blood pressure (below 90/50).

At similar conditions The child must be examined to rule out heart disease. If no serious violations are identified, all efforts should be directed toward increasing vitality(hardening and increasing motor activity). You can talk about medications only if the baby regularly complains of headaches, but only a doctor should prescribe them, because headaches can be caused by various reasons.

We would like to emphasize once again: you should never self-medicate, even if you are a genius in the field of medicine, and there are countless people in your family who suffer from “jumping” blood pressure. A child is not a toy, and experimenting on him is more expensive. The parents' task is to responsibly follow all doctor's recommendations.

Text: Tatyana Okonevskaya

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Recently, pediatricians are increasingly encountering problems in children. Standard indicators tonometer depend on the gender, height and age of the patient.

The measurement technique also influences the diagnostic result. For example, in a lying position a little higher and lower than in a standing position.

Why high blood pressure occurs in a child, who is at risk, the main symptoms of the disease, features of its treatment and prevention - the article will tell you about all this.

Pressure changes are often observed in boys from 11 to 13 and in girls from 10 to 12 years. This is explained physiological characteristics body during puberty.

In adolescence, it is permissible to increase systolic values ​​to 120 mmHg. But it happens that during this period the tonometer shows too high numbers.

It is worth noting that many risk factors can be successfully controlled and significantly reduced. It is enough to change your lifestyle and regularly carry out the prevention of pathology.

According to statistics, boys are more susceptible to hypertension than girls. Children at risk include:

  • with excess body weight;
  • who eat incorrectly (salty foods predominate in the diet);
  • the presenters are not active image life;
  • premature;
  • those born in late and difficult labor;
  • taking medications, listed side effects who have hypertension;
  • born from mixed marriages. Such children are susceptible to juvenile forms of hypertension;
  • with heart disease renal pathologies, hormonal disorders;
  • . If only mom or dad is sick, the risk of inheriting the pathology by the offspring is 30%; if both parents are sick, then the probability increases to 50%.

The health of a baby who is at risk must be constantly monitored. It is recommended to regularly visit a pediatrician for a preventive examination and diagnosis of pathology.

Symptoms of hypertension

In infants a common symptom hypertension is shortness of breath, which increases during lactation. There is also a slight weight gain and developmental delay.

Babies tend to have high blood pressure painful symptoms does not appear. Preschoolers and schoolchildren who have hypertension often complain of feeling unwell.

Typically, when hypertension develops, the following symptoms are present:

  • drowsiness;
  • hand trembling;
  • vomit;
  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • deterioration in memorization of new material.

Children with high blood pressure are susceptible frequent shifts moody, easily irritated, can be aggressive or whiny.

At general examination The doctor notes the symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • moon-shaped face;
  • coffee-milk shade of the skin;
  • there are wing-shaped folds on the neck;
  • skin is warm and moist;
  • strengthening tendon reflexes.

Systemic examination shows the following signs of hypertension:

  • epigastric murmurs;
  • altered retinal arteries
  • murmurs in the costovertebral angle
  • volumetric formations in the abdominal area.

The disease in its advanced form can cause severe complications. Therefore, if the above symptoms of hypertension are repeated frequently, you should contact your pediatrician and undergo treatment.


For accurate diagnosis it is necessary to correctly determine the pressure indicators. It is not always possible to detect deviations from the norm with a one-time measurement in a doctor’s office or at home.

It should be taken into account that in children it is sometimes observed that the pressure rises only when it is measured by a doctor. The reason is emotionality: many kids are afraid of doctors and the procedures performed by doctors.

Outwardly, the child may appear calm (not screaming or crying), but the internal experience will be strong. A similar phenomenon is observed in 20% of children. The pediatrician must take this fact into account.

There is also invasive method research.

It is characterized by traumaticity and pain.

But at the same time it is the most accurate. The idea is that a needle with a pressure gauge is inserted into the vessel, which directly measures the pressure in the blood.

For diagnostics at home, special tonometers are used (). Also used. This method is sensitive to many factors.

The results obtained depend on the width and length of the cuff. The doctor has a set of cuffs in his office that are used for children of different ages.

To obtain the most accurate data, you need to measure pressure with a tonometer in comfortable conditions, after a five-minute rest. Measurements are taken twice: on the right and left hand. The larger number is taken into account.

How to treat?

High blood pressure is not primary disease, but a manifestation of pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease that provoked the high tonometer numbers.

You can take pills that eliminate the symptoms of hypertension. But their effect does not last long. In this case, the existing disease will progress.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia hypertensive type Children are prescribed sedative therapy with drugs:

  • Bromine s;
  • Seduxen;
  • Elenium.

If only systolic pressure increases, then pediatricians prescribe Obzidan, Inderal. Taking these medications reduces systolic output and decreases blood pressure monitor readings.

With elevated systolic and diastolic values, doctors prescribe:

  • Rauvazan;
  • Reserpine.

Raunatin tablets

Recently, hypertension in children began to be treated (Cordarone,), (,). Last group medications are indicated for pathologies of renal origin.

The dosage of each drug is selected individually. This takes into account the patient’s condition, sensitivity to active ingredients facilities.


There are many proprietary methods that are aimed at getting rid of the disease without pharmaceutical drugs.

The method of Strelnikov I.V. is popular on the Internet. Cardiologists are skeptical about this treatment.

He is highly respected. According to parents' reviews, the first five exercises are especially effective: Pump, Palms, Cat, Shoulders, Hug your shoulders.

During one lesson, the child takes about 500 breaths and movements that train cardiovascular system. offers treatment for high blood pressure plain water. To do this, you need to take the liquid into a glass in the evening and place it near the bed.

In the morning, when you wake up, stretch and massage your head. Then pour water from one container to another 30 times, holding both high above your head. Then drink the contents of the vessel in small sips. This procedure is repeated daily for a month.

There are many more unconventional ways to combat hypertension on the Internet. But their effectiveness is questionable. Therefore, it is better to seek help from pediatricians who will select an effective treatment regimen.

Prevention measures

Prevention of high blood pressure consists of a day.

It is useful to play sports. Shown long sleep. If available excess weight, it needs to be reduced.

A child who is at risk should undergo regular preventive examinations.

Video on the topic

About the norms and causes of increased blood pressure in children in the video:

Thus, a child’s blood pressure can rise for various reasons. Sometimes it's just plain overwork. But if the tonometer often shows high numbers, you should contact your pediatrician. Prolonged hypertension negatively affects the functioning of many organs and systems and threatens heart attack and stroke. Self-medication is fraught with worsening of the condition.

Contents [Show]

A common occurrence is high blood pressure in children. There are more than enough reasons for its fluctuations, and therefore every parent needs to be attentive to the health status of their child and, at the first signs of hypertension, contact specialized doctors. Symptoms of arterial hypertension vary depending on the stage of the disease, but even at the very beginning of the disease, changes in the child’s behavior can be seen.

In adolescence, an increase in blood pressure is usually noted, but also when measuring its indicators with a tonometer, it is possible to detect low blood pressure and a high pulse.

Low blood pressure in a child may indicate concomitant diseases or may simply be a consequence of taking antihypertensive medications in the wrong dosage.

What should be the normal blood pressure for babies and older children? Upper blood pressure in adolescents, namely in children 10 years old and starting from 6 years old, is in the range of 110-126 mmHg. Lower blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: from 70 to 82 mm Hg. Art. What pressure should be for a teenager aged 11 - 13, as well as at 14 years old? Normal upper blood pressure is 110-136 mm Hg. Art., and the lower from 70 to 86. The table describes blood pressure norms for a preschool child. Are parents interested in what blood pressure is considered low for a child? A teenager has low blood pressure of 100 over 50 or 90 over 60. To raise blood pressure, the patient should be provided good sleep And proper nutrition . If a child is 8 years old or 9 and older than years

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

Return to contents Increased blood pressure in boys and girls is observed after mental stress or abuse of bad habits

  • , and also if kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases have been diagnosed. The main cause of hypertension in adolescents over 12 years of age is emotional distress. Other causes of high blood pressure may be:
  • protein in the blood;
  • thickening of blood fluid;
  • increased level of adrenaline;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • injuries;

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

weather sensitivity. Children whose close relatives have a tendency to hypertension are especially susceptible to increased blood pressure. High blood pressure in a child is not always provoked pathological processes flowing in human body or external factors. Sometimes the blood pressure of a girl or a guy fluctuates during puberty. Therefore, pressure drops in adolescents at the age of 13 (at 12, 14 or 15 years, depending on gender and the period when the body reaches biological sexual activity) are normal phenomenon

and at this age does not pose a risk to the child’s health. at 12 years old it is considered normal if it does not exceed 120. If the pressure is 140 over 80 in a teenager or other values ​​that go beyond the upper limits of the norm, then parents should be concerned and consult a doctor with their child.

Excessive fatness or thinness affects the development of hypertension.

Body type also influences blood pressure in children. Thus, low blood pressure is usually observed in a 14-year-old teenager if he is tall and thin. Hypertension appears in children with overweight. For a 15-year-old child, when a person is rapidly developing, high blood pressure of 150/90 occurs against the background of severe stress or as a result of hormonal changes. Typically, at the age of 15, teenagers experience their first love, which sometimes leads to severe emotional turmoil. It is worth understanding that the body of each teenager is individual and if one 12-year-old girl has already experienced physical changes, then others at this age have not yet undergone cardinal physiological transformations.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

High blood pressure in a child can occur in 3 stages, which are described in the table:

Stages Description
I It is mild and is characterized by slight increases in blood pressure, which normalize during rest. There is a decrease in mental performance, headache, sleep disturbance and irritability.
II More appear serious violations cerebral circulation with the development of atherosclerosis. Marked various symptoms vascular insufficiency and diffuse bilateral decrease in renal function.
III Severe stage hypertension, characterized by a sustained increase in blood pressure. Hypertensive crises occur, which are accompanied by paralysis, paresis and cerebrovascular accidents. Possible development of chronic renal failure, as well as cardiac or cerebral pathology, which can be fatal.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

Elevated blood pressure levels in children manifest themselves in fatigue, impotence, and irritability. When blood pressure rises, the child may complain of headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart. During a hypertensive crisis, children experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

What should you do if your child experiences pressure surges all the time? For children, high blood pressure may or may not be normal. A specialized specialist: a pediatrician or cardiologist can find out why a baby’s blood pressure rises. The doctor, in turn, will tell you what the teenager’s blood pressure is considered harmless and what to do to normalize it.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

To check your baby’s blood pressure, you will need to monitor it daily. Often the fear of the doctor or the procedure itself, which usually arises in a child at the sight of someone else’s uncle in a white coat, can increase blood pressure. For the tonometer to show correct results, the child must be in a calm state. emotional state. The Korotkoff method, which is considered supersensitive and its values ​​depend on the width and length of the cuff placed on the patient’s arms, will help you find out what pressure a child has.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

Blood pressure may increase due to concomitant disease, so the underlying pathology needs to be treated. The doctor must assess the condition of the small patient and get acquainted with the medical history, only after this can treatment of arterial hypertension begin. To reduce blood pressure, it is not enough to take only pills; your baby will also need to ensure proper sleep, Fresh air good sleep balanced diet. Medicine for blood pressure is selected individually for a child, based on weight, age and severity of the disease.

To normalize blood pressure and pulse, the surges of which occurred during vegetative-vascular dystonia, you need to give the baby “Elenium”, bromine with valerian or “Seduxen”. They should be given to the child, observing children's dosages. You can lower your blood pressure with Reserpine tablets. The medicine is given to the child after meals, 0.1-0.4 mg 2-4 times a day. Doctors cannot answer how long it will take to normalize children’s blood pressure with this drug, since the healing process is influenced by many factors, the main one being immunity. However, usually the hypotensive effect after taking Reserpine is observed 2 weeks after taking the 1st dose of the drug.

Popular drugs for lowering blood pressure are Cordarone, Nifedipine, Captopril or Capoten. The baby will also need diuretic tablets, for example, Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron, Aldosterone. In the process of treating arterial hypertension, it is important to exclude salt and fats from the child’s diet, and add corn, fruits, legumes and vegetables.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

To reduce pressure, supporters alternative medicine It is recommended to drink red rowan juice, which is given to the child a tablespoon before meals for a month. Freshly squeezed beet juice mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio, taken in a large spoon before meals, will help with hypertension. Traditional healers suggest using a remedy prepared according to the following recipe in the fight against hypertension:

  1. Take a glass of liquid honey and pour it into the container where the medicine will be prepared.
  2. Add a glass of chopped lemon, carrot and beet juice and ½ cup finely chopped horseradish root.
  3. Leave to infuse for 4 hours.
  4. Consume throughout the day.

You can lower your blood pressure using healing agent, for the preparation of which you will need the juice of half a lemon, a large spoon of honey and a glass of mineral water. Mix honey with water and add lemon juice. Drink the finished drink on an empty stomach at a time. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

blood pressure has decreased, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

To avoid the development of hypertension, children need to adhere to simple rules, the main of which is compliance healthy image life. Every child and teenager should eat a properly balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Teenagers who exercise regularly do not suffer overweight and, as a rule, do not experience arterial hypertension. In addition, good sleep and walks in the fresh air are important for children.

To find out or not, you must first measure your blood pressure correctly and compare it with the normal value for a given age group.

Blood pressure can be measured for a child from birth. In children it is measured, just like in adults, using a tonometer. A regular blood pressure monitor is used, but it requires a children's cuff. For small children, there are special children's (and even infant) cuffs for the tonometer. The cuff is placed on the child's shoulder. If the child can sit, blood pressure is measured in a sitting position (in a lying position, blood pressure is slightly higher). The arm with the cuff should rest freely at approximately chest level.

For a reliable result, the child must be calm. With excitement, anxiety and fear, blood pressure rises. Children are very often afraid of doctors, so measuring blood pressure at a doctor's appointment may be unreliable. For such children, parents will have to purchase a tonometer (if the child is small, then with a child’s cuff) and learn how to measure blood pressure at home.

A child may be frightened by a new, unfamiliar device, so for an even more reliable result, you need to measure your blood pressure several times during the day. It’s even better to measure your child’s blood pressure regularly for a week or two (morning, afternoon and evening), write down the results, and then, with the results, go to see a doctor.

Approximate values ​​of normal blood pressure for children of different ages can be seen in the table

Blood pressure depends not only on age, but also on gender (in girls, the pressure is slightly lower than in boys), on the weight and height of the child, his physique, so the variation normal values blood pressure is quite high.

If you have already determined that high blood pressure in a child. In this case, parents and doctors are concerned with two questions: what is the cause and how to reduce high blood pressure in the child.

High blood pressure in a child Causes

You need to find out what complaints your child has. Increased blood pressure is often accompanied by headaches, pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, palpitations, overweight body, kidney disease, endocrine system diseases.

Secondary arterial hypertension

If one of the specialist doctors determines the child’s pathology, which is immediate cause elevated blood pressure, then the increase in blood pressure will be considered secondary. This condition is called secondary arterial hypertension. The most common reasons secondary arterial hypertension in children: kidney disease, coarctation of the aorta (congenital aortic defect), pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal cortex). It is secondary arterial hypertension that is more common in children. It can manifest itself in more early age, even for very small ones. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease; drugs that directly lower blood pressure will bring only temporary, and sometimes insignificant, relief.

If, as a result of the examination, no obvious reasons for increased blood pressure are identified, this is primary arterial hypertension. It is usually hereditary (the child’s parents or relatives suffer from arterial hypertension). Primary arterial hypertension, as a rule, manifests itself in adolescence, sometimes in primary school. On initial stage When a child’s blood pressure rises slightly or sporadically, a diagnosis of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) or NCD (neurocirculatory dystonia) of the hypertensive type is usually made. Both of these terms mean imperfect regulation of vascular tone by the nervous system. And only with a regular or persistent increase in blood pressure, the child is diagnosed with hypertension.

Hypertensive crisis emergency care

Hypertensive crisis is a sudden or gradual increase in blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fear and anxiety or, conversely, lethargy, palpitations, tremor, sweating, flushing or pale skin, headaches, vomiting. This condition requires urgent attention.

The best option is to call ambulance. If for some reason this is not possible, home first aid kit Andipal (1/2 tablet for a 10-year-old child) or nifedipine (at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg, 1 tablet 10 mg) may be suitable as first aid for a hypertensive crisis for a child.

Andipal is not recommended for long-term use in children due to the phenobarbital contained in its composition (sedative and sleeping pills). However, in case of hypertensive crisis, which is accompanied by nervous excitement, fear and anxiety, this effect can be useful with a single or short-term use. If the child is inhibited, the andipal is not suitable.

Nifedipine reduces blood pressure very quickly and has no sedative effect, but its effect on the children’s body has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, for regular and long-term use it is not suitable for children.

I hope my article: high blood pressure in a child, turned out to be useful to you. Stay healthy!

From the article you will learn what is normal blood pressure in children. What should it be like in different periods child development, does it depend on gender. When changes in blood pressure (abbreviated as BP) in children are normal, and when you need to seek help. How to correctly measure a child's blood pressure.

  • Normal blood pressure in children
  • Sex differences
  • Why does blood pressure decrease?
  • Why is it rising?
  • Features of the measurement technique

Blood pressure is an indicator that depends on a person’s age. Lowest values recorded in newborns (in the first 4 weeks), when blood pressure is in the range of 60–80 at 40–50 mmHg. Art.

As the functioning of blood vessels and the heart changes, associated with the transition to pulmonary type breathing, blood pressure also increases - during the first year it can reach a value of 90 to 70 mm Hg. Art., but more often lies in lower boundaries.

Normal baby blood pressure from 1–2 to 8–9 years about 100 per 70 mmHg. Art. Then it gradually grows and by the age of 15 it enters the “adult” boundaries.

Children also experience fairly large pressure fluctuations, often up to 20–25 mmHg. Art., which is associated with increased activity of the child.

Problems with blood pressure under the age of 18 are dealt with by neonatologists, local pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists.

Immediately after birth, the child’s most low level Blood pressure, which grows as quickly as possible (on average up to 2 units per day) during the first weeks. Subsequently, the growth rate slows down.

In pediatric practice, unlike the adult population, there is no single normal level of pressure - the indicators that are registered in 90–94% of children are accepted as boundaries.

Table by child’s age, including physiological fluctuations:

Also normal blood pressure in children of different ages can be obtained using the calculation formulas:

The physiological limits of fluctuations using the formula calculation system are up to 30 units in the direction of increase.

Speaking about the norm, it should be noted that it is always individual, especially in relation to childhood. Many factors will influence your child's blood pressure levels:

In order to facilitate the use of tables with age and gender standards, there is a rule in pediatrics:

When this norm of blood pressure in children is violated, this is a reason to use formulas and tables to make sure there is no pathology.

Not always present, but it must be taken into account that depending on the gender of the child there may be differences in blood pressure:

  • from birth to the end of the first year, the level of pressure in girls and boys is the same;
  • then in girls it gradually increases, reaching a maximum difference by 3–4 years;
  • at the age of five years the indicators are compared;
  • from five to ten years old, the blood pressure level of girls is again higher than that of boys;
  • After the age of 10, boys are in the lead; this championship remains until the age of 17.

Low blood pressure may be a physiological norm. This is due to the peculiarities of the function of the nervous system, when its parasympathetic part is more active. In this variant, against the background of a decrease in blood pressure, there are no disturbances in general health child.

A pathological decrease in blood pressure has its negative manifestations:

The reason for this condition is a violation of the pressure regulation system, which increases under the influence of external factors:

Why does blood pressure rise?

Under certain conditions, the increase in pressure - physiological norm. This is what happens:

  • in any stressful situation when the emotional background is heightened;
  • during and immediately after intense physical activity;
  • in cases of injury.

A feature of this condition is the temporary nature of the pressure change.

In case of pathological primary arterial hypertension in children, a moderate level of increased blood pressure (“mild hypertension”) is noted. High blood pressure numbers indicate a secondary genesis of the pathology.

There are often no symptoms of pressure changes. This was an incidental finding during a routine examination.

If high blood pressure numbers are detected, it is necessary to prescribe the child additional examination to clarify the reason:

Damage to kidney tissue Glomerulonephritis – inflammatory changes in the glomeruli of the kidneys

Glomerulosclerosis – transformation of kidney tissue into connective tissue

Nephropathies of any origin

Hydronephrosis – enlargement of the renal pyelocaliceal system with compression of the glomeruli and gradual “shutdown” of the organ

Underdevelopment of kidney tissue (hypoplasia)

Benign and malignant neoplasms

Alport syndrome – combined pathology of the kidneys, hearing and vision

Vascular changes Malformations - discharge of blood between the arterial and venous systems

Developmental disorders of the aorta (coarctation, stenosis or underdevelopment of the abdominal part, open duct between the aorta and pulmonary trunk)

Vasculitis – inflammatory process in the wall of blood vessels of an autoimmune nature

Narrowing renal arteries

Takayasu's disease - vasculitis involving the aorta and large arteries

Endocrine diseases Hyperthyroidism

Increased function of the adrenal cortex (hyperaldosteronism)

Damage to the nervous system Tumor processes

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Day–Riley disease is a pathology of the nervous system with autonomic manifestations

Medicinal action Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Synthetic hormones of the adrenal cortex

Drugs to reduce appetite

Tablet contraceptives

Steroid drugs



Other reasons Nicotine


Lead or mercury poisoning (heavy metals)

Measuring blood pressure in children has its own characteristics; if they are violated, there are high risk incorrect interpretation of the result.

Primary requirements:

Indications for daily measurements

In children, due to their increased activity and excitability, often to establish a diagnosis pathological change Blood pressure is measured throughout the day to avoid diagnostic errors.

Indications for monitoring blood pressure at home for 24 hours:

Many parents are concerned about the question of what pressure the child should have, and if it turns out to be lower or higher adult norm, Mom and Dad panic. In fact, intracranial pressure in children depends strictly on age. The younger the child is, the lower his blood pressure, since both the distance between the walls of the vessels and their capillary network are greater, which means the blood pressure in them is lower.

Blood pressure disorders can lead to serious consequences, which we will discuss a little later, first you need to know what pressure is considered normal in children of different ages.

The most low performance observed in infants. Normal blood pressure and pulse in children under 2 weeks of age range from 60 to 96 – systolic (i.e. upper), 40-50 – diastolic (lower). Values ​​higher than these will cause anxiety in the baby, bad dream, whims, crying, everything that, as a rule, mothers blame on the child’s too young age. In fact, the baby is signaling that he is not feeling well. High blood pressure often occurs in children who have gone through a difficult pregnancy and childbirth, entwined with the umbilical cord.

From two weeks to two months, 80-112 (systolic) and 40-74 (diastolic) pressure in children is the norm (table according to Komarovsky). Then for up to a year it stays within the range of 90-112 upper, 50-74 lower.

Unlike older children, it is easier to diagnose blood pressure problems in infants due to the fontanel. An unclosed skull expands under pressure, which leads to a visible enlargement of the head (hydrocephalus). Besides:

  • the head becomes disproportionate, with a large forehead;
  • visible venous network on the head;
  • too much fast growth heads;
  • swollen fontanelle (usually it is slightly sunken).

A child with intracranial pressure will be lethargic, drowsy, capricious, will slowly gain weight and develop sluggishly (hold his head, sit, crawl).

As a rule, a pediatrician should diagnose a deviation based on these symptoms, but if you are concerned about your baby’s mood, it is better to ask a neurologist for a more in-depth examination.

At 2-3 years old, 100-112 (upper) and 60-74 (lower) blood pressure in children is normal (table according to Komarovsky). During this period, the pressure in boys and girls is the same. Only from the age of 9-10 in boys, as a rule, systolic pressure becomes slightly higher. Children whose indicators are higher than these may be drowsy, irritable, too tired, and will complain of headaches, nausea, double vision and flashes in the eyes, pain in the eye sockets. If these symptoms occur, be sure to show your child to a pediatrician and cardiologist.

What blood pressure should a 3-year-old child have, and what should a 9-year-old child have? In general, during this period the indicators remain within the range of 100 to 60 and 122 to 78, and only to puberty(puberty) the child’s blood pressure will begin to approach adult levels.

The blood pressure of a 10-year-old child makes a jump in both the upper and lower lower limit, and becomes a minimum of 110 over 70. The blood pressure of a 12 year old child has a maximum of 126 over 82 during puberty.

As the child grows, his blood pressure increases and gradually approaches that of an adult. What is the blood pressure of 14 year old children? On average, 120/80 – 130/86.

Low blood pressure (hypotension) can often occur in children after a long illness. Frequent weakness, difficulty waking up in the morning, headache, dizziness and darkness in the eyes after a sharp rise - symptoms low pressure The child has.

If such signs occur, you should consult a doctor for examination. But there is no need to panic. It is often possible to increase blood pressure without medication. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, toughen up, and be in the fresh air more often.

If low blood pressure is usually a consequence of illness, then high blood pressure (hypertension) is often the result of overwork of the body, increased physical and emotional activity. Therefore, if you find your blood pressure is higher than normal, do not rush to run to the doctor, it is better to give the child time to rest, and only then measure the pressure again.

Of course, if there is a regular long-term increase, it is better to contact a specialist.

High blood pressure can be caused by:

  • heart diseases;
  • overweight;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • kidney diseases.

And excessive loads at school can cause stable childhood hypertension.

We have discussed what pressure a child should have, and what reasons can influence its increase and decrease. However, it is extremely important to measure blood pressure correctly to avoid getting erroneous values.

You can track the dynamics using a tonometer, which should be present in any children's first aid kit. We measure blood pressure only if the child is calm and not excited, otherwise the readings will be overestimated. The position can be any - standing, lying, sitting, the main thing is not to change it when measuring.

Since blood pressure is determined in a child, it is important to choose correct width cuffs - no more than 2/3 of the forearm.

Treatment of deviations from the norm can only be prescribed by a cardiologist or pediatrician; in no case should you self-medicate hypertension and hypotension. The only thing you can do before contacting a specialist is to know what the child’s blood pressure should be and what the dynamics were over the past couple of days, naturally, provided that the child was rested, slept well, and did not have a cold.

If the doctor finds any serious illness, he will prescribe medication. However, parents, for their part, can also stimulate the child’s rapid recovery. How to do it?

  • Create a calm, favorable atmosphere at home and at school, without nerves, stress and excessive tension (warn teachers).
  • Follow a routine, especially when it comes to nighttime rest, and allow enough time to sleep.
  • Eliminate irritants such as TV or computer, or at least limit them to a minimum.
  • Organize a full healthy eating 3-4 times a day - especially vegetables and fruits. Avoid salt, spicy foods, fried foods, chocolate, coffee, and carbonated water. With low blood pressure, it is recommended to drink sweets strong tea with lemon.
  • Physical activity should be in moderation and should never be excluded, especially if it is swimming or outdoor activities.
  • Low blood pressure can be raised with daily contrast showers.
  • For teenagers, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol, if any.

So, let's summarize all of the above. What to do if you detect high or low blood pressure in a child. First, don't create panic. Deviation from the norm is not necessarily a consequence of a serious illness. Measure the pressure several times, at intervals of an hour or two, or even better, 12 hours. Perhaps the child is simply tired, did not get enough sleep, or is nervous. Secondly, try to organize correct mode and nutrition, eliminate overloads in your daily routine, observe what your blood pressure will be after 2-3 days of rest.

If the pressure does not return to normal after 3-4 days, or the child initially complains of feeling unwell (severe headaches, nausea, darkness in the eyes), you should immediately contact your treating pediatrician. Depending on the reasons, he will give more detailed recommendations and possibly prescribe medication. No independent treatment measures - medications or folk remedies must not be used under any circumstances!

Pressure deviations infant The doctor should detect during a monthly examination, in particular, a bulging fontanel, disproportionate head growth and other signs. If you yourself discover an increase or decrease, or the child is capricious, does not sleep and cries for no reason, you should also definitely contact a pediatrician.

Recently, cases of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents have been increasingly reported around the world. Normally, blood pressure (BP) is recorded and assessed using a centile table. Indications depend on the age, height and gender of the patient.

Blood pressure levels are correlated with other factors, including the technique used to measure it. For example, by measuring the level of systolic blood pressure in a supine position, inflated values ​​are obtained. In this case, the diastolic is slightly lower than in a standing position. If you measure it using the Korotkoff method, then it is worth taking into account the width and length of the cuff.

Signs and symptoms

Initially, arterial hypertension in children is detected in the form of increased fatigue. Headaches, fatigue, and depressed mood occur.

Infants often do not talk about their condition. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at shortness of breath, especially during lactation. Pay attention to low weight gain, constant crying and general developmental delay.

The most common signs of high blood pressure in children:

Another important thing diagnostic test– daily monitoring.

This method allows you to detect deviations in blood pressure in circadian rhythm. Able to measure blood pressure and conduct differential examination different forms arterial hypertension.

Normal blood pressure in children

What blood pressure should a child have? There are 2 types of it. The first systolic (upper) is associated with the work of the heart and the ejection of blood. Second diastolic (lower) - directly depends on vascular tone.

At birth, babies have systolic blood pressure of about 75 mmHg. Art. During the first year of life, it increases by 1 mmHg every month. Art. Subsequently, from 1 to 6 years the rate of increase slows down.

Table: Normal blood pressure in children

Normal blood pressure for a child is considered to be 90 to 45 mm Hg.

Signs of severe hypertension

IN running forms the disease may be enough dangerous illness and causes severe complications different organs person.

The main symptoms and signs of hypertension in young patients:

  • exceeding more than the 99th percentile, rapid growth dynamics;
  • generalized or partial seizures, focal symptoms;
  • headache, neuropathy facial nerve isolated type;
  • blurry vision, optic nerve with stagnant disk;
  • retinal artery spasms, exudates and hemorrhages in the retina;
  • congestion in the pulmonary circulation, LV hypertrophy;
  • acute pain in the head, back or abdominal area, mass formations in the abdomen;
  • renal failure, vascular murmurs.

Without proper treatment, hypertension can contribute to the development of heart failure. Fluctuations in blood pressure lead to damage to blood vessels in the brain, heart and kidneys.

Causes of high blood pressure

Hereditary traits may influence the development of hypertension in children. That is why it is necessary to talk about the presence of the disease in the family at an appointment with the attending physician.

Arterial hypertension can develop in adolescents with the likelihood of:

  1. 30% if one parent has it;
  2. 50% if the disease is diagnosed in both parents.

Also, the development of the disease and heredity correlates with the gender of the child. The indicators are growing as follows. The disease occurs 1.9 times more often in boys and 2.4 times more often in girls (one parent is sick). The disease occurs 3.9 times more often in boys, and 6.2 times more often in girls (both parents are affected).

In different age groups, children have their own etiological factors development of the disease. Thus, children under 6 years of age become ill due to thrombosis and stenosis of the renal arteries and malformation of the kidneys. They are often diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia or coarctation of the aorta (according to child type). In adolescents, the cause may be essential arterial hypertension, kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, coarctation of the aorta (adult type).

Often, the identification of one of the signs of the above diseases indicates the presence of a secondary form of hypertension.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of hypertension in children and adolescents should be carried out on an individual basis. In this case, the characteristics and causes of the disease are taken into account. Dedicated Special attention his clinical course, as well as the presence of complications.

IN modern medicine It is common to use non-drug methods to treat hypertension in children.

Promotes quick recovery increased motor activity and favorable psycho-emotional states.

The main task in prescribing therapy is aimed at adjusting blood pressure. It must be below the 90th percentile, according to age group, gender and height. This significantly improves the patient’s quality of life and prevents hypertensive crisis with target organ damage.

Author of the article Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, general practitioner

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