Sulfur. Bolend Douglas M. “Children's types. Reflex zones on the leg

Sulfur - homeopathic medicine
Nikitin S.A. Home homeopathic first aid kit

(Sulfur) Sulfur

Stimulates metabolic processes and detoxification. Especially the lymphatic system. Indicated for any chronic diseases and in the recovery phase of their acute diseases. The main characteristic is when the patient is hot and stuffy. There is a desire to go out into the fresh frosty air. This condition is most consistent with acute intoxication after taking large doses of alcohol. Together with nux vom. is the best remedy for withdrawal from binge drinking, as well as for relieving the bad consequences of excessive drinking - hangover syndrome.

Main indications

Are common: the main remedy when the body does not respond to the proper medicine. In diseases with mixed and uncertain symptomatology, sulfur reveals some symptoms of the main hidden suffering, the appearance of which facilitates the choice of the most appropriate medicine.

Sulfur is especially indicated after suppressing itching or hiding skin rash, in chronic diseases, when the general condition suggests exhaustion of the body due to insufficient restoration of the activity of weakened organs. Thus, sulfur is fully consistent with anemic and scrofulous diathesis with all its manifestations: inflammation of the eyes, bloating in children, rashes and all diathesis in which there are: emaciation with general irritation and weakness of the mucous membranes, which secrete large quantities of mucus and pus; greater sensitivity to cold air with a tendency to develop runny noses and rheumatic pain; rashes, glandular diseases; good appetite and insufficient restoration of organic elements.

In almost all cases when the medicine is sulfur, there is an improper distribution of blood, resulting in: stagnation in the collar vein system, especially after the cessation of hemorrhoidal bleeding; hot flashes to the head; congestion to the chest with or without hemoptysis, with shortness of breath and severe heartbeats, especially at night; redness of various body orifices; hot flashes (menopause, convalescent period).

Special: with scrofula sulfur is the best medicine. It also acts on numerous skin diseases: prurigo, acne, favus. For recurrent boils, sulfur acts almost unerringly. With exanthemas of sulfur, there is usually the formation of crusts and almost always the itching characteristic of this remedy.

At chronic rheumatism Roussel spoke enthusiastically about sulfur: “I almost always begin the treatment of chronic rheumatism by prescribing sulfur in any form and find it useful to persistently use this single remedy for several months in a row.”

Chronic runny nose. Not only to prevent relapses, but also to advantageously modify the local disease when other remedies that are quite consistent with the symptoms have failed. Always prescribed in cases of ozena.

Asthma. No medicine is so often useful in chronic asthma. To explain its benefits, one need only note the constant alternation of attacks of this disease with skin rashes or attacks of gout.

Catarrh of the lungs in old people, with stagnation of mucus in the bronchi or profuse expectoration.

Pneumonia. At the end of the second period, at a time when it is unknown whether the exudate will resolve or whether it will turn into pus.

Pleurisy. Suitable more often than usual, after bryonia, when even pain and fever are not inferior to treatment. With exudate, painful tightness is enough for sulfur. Left-hand side. The pain is fixed in the lower chest and rises to the shoulder blade on the same side. This disease is characteristic of sulfur. Shortness of breath is often very severe, accompanied by a dry cough.

Dyspepsia. In patients who suffer from abdominal plethora or congestion in the collar vein system. Dyspepsia of drunkards. Dyspepsia from flour foods. In all diseases, sulfur is especially indicated after nux vomica.

Constipation. Treatment of chronic constipation often needs to begin with sulfur, precisely when there is burning and itching in the anus and hemorrhoids. But in order to complete the treatment at all, it is necessary to use other means.

Eye diseases. Sulfur acts mainly on the connective membrane. Currently he is necessary remedy with scrofulous ophthalmia. It is very useful in acute catarrhal ophthalmia and soon stops conjunctivitis from irritation from a foreign body.

Flu. An excellent cure for the end of the flu. The indications for it are simple: persistent weakness after the flu, the patient cannot stand on his feet.


Bryonia 3 - with persistent constipation - with throbbing headache; with aversion to food, bitter taste, liver suffering; Nux vomica 3 - for constipation from a sedentary lifestyle, for abdominal congestion and hemorrhoids; Sulfur 3 - especially for scrofulous and hemorrhoid sufferers. Lycopodium 6 - constipation with winds; in simple cases Hydrastis 1x works well.


This is a disease of the whole body. It is expressed by various sufferings: glands, bones, joints, skin (rashes), poor digestion, tendency to catch colds, general weakness and disease of other organs.

The main remedy for scrofula is Sulfur 3 in the morning and evening for a month. In addition, it is necessary to treat those sufferings in which the disease manifests itself, for example, Kalk. carb. 6 - with inflammation of the glands; Hina 3x - for weakness and sweating. Give medications 2-3 times a day.


Main remedies: Plantago 2x - pain day and night; Antimon. crud.6 - at night; Gepar sulfur 6 - pain with rotten teeth; Hamomilla 3 - when the pain is reflected in the ear, with a tumor of the cheek; Coffea 3, when the pain is accompanied by crying, restlessness and tossing; Belladonna 3 - when the pain is tearing, stitching and worse in the air. Give every quarter to half an hour, and less often if it improves.

To protect teeth from damage, you can take Merkur. Solub. 6 and Staphysagria 3 3 times a day, each medicine alternately every other day.

If the gums are swollen and bleeding, there is a boring pain that gets worse at night, as well as from cold, food and drink, when gumboil occurs - Merkur. Solub. 6 and Magnez. carb. 3.

If improvement comes from external warming - Rus 3. If it worsens - food gets into the tooth cavity - Staphysagria 3. For facial pain, when several teeth are affected on the left side - Spigelia 3, and for swollen gums and pain in the facial bones - Hepar sulfur 3; for inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth - Phosphorus 3. Growths on the gums are eliminated with Lachesis 6 and Thuja 3, taking them 3 times a day.

Toothaches during breastfeeding are relieved with Hina 3, Calc. carb. 6 and Nux vomica 3. During pregnancy - Sapigelia 6, Pulsatilla 6, Ignacia 6 and Phosphorus 6.

The composition of homeopathic granules includes Juniperus communis (uniperus communis) C6, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni (Conchae) C6, Hepar sulfuris C6, Carbo vegetabilis C6, Calendula officinalis (Calendula) C6, Sulfur C6.

Release form

Since Sulfur is used in homeopathy, it is available in the form of homeopathic capsules.

pharmachologic effect

It is a multicomponent homeopathic medicine. Sulfur is a sulfur preparation, which is prepared according to homeopathic principles, and has a high affinity for the skin, mucous membranes and bone tissue. Affects autonomic nervous system , and also enters into resonance with the body, transmits information that gives impetus to the beginning of tissue changes towards normalization.

Modifies structures squirrel . The protective effect of the drug on protein structures has been proven. It is a reactogenic agent – ​​it has an enhancing effect on the body’s sensitivity to the effects of other drugs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

No data available.

Indications for use

Sulfur is indicated in homeopathy for chronic conditions to speed up recovery. Shows high effectiveness in relation to a variety of pathologies to potentiate the effects of other drugs that show low effectiveness.


  • mental retardation and a tendency to in children;
  • treatment of post-vaccination complications;
  • And ;
  • melancholy And hypochondria ;
  • , with mucus, ;
  • pneumonia And catarrh of the lungs ;
  • And cough with mucous sputum;
  • accompanied by a feeling of melancholy;
  • with itching and burning of the anus;
  • with blisters on the throat;
  • asthenia after the flu;
  • myalgia ;
  • barley And ;
  • haemorrhoids with significant itching and severe blood filling;
  • hypertonic disease with severe flushing and headaches;
  • recurrent purulent infections, for example, furunculosis ;
  • recurrent ;
  • vulgar, pink ;
  • with sweat that irritates the skin;
  • hair loss due to taking medications;
  • combination of dermatological and respiratory allergic manifestations;
  • , , , ;
  • decreased sense of smell and chronic ;
  • mercury and lead poisoning;
  • conditions after abuse of alcohol and stimulants.

In homeopathy it is used to treat stubborn skin diseases that do not respond well to standard therapy.

Sulfur-iodatum It has no contraindications or side effects, promotes the health of the entire body and is well tolerated.


It is prohibited to take when:

  • pulmonary ;
  • pronounced weeping;
  • hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations;
  • under 18 years of age.

Side effects

The symptoms of the underlying disease may intensify. In this case, you should not stop taking the drug - this indicates good effectiveness. If allergic reactions occur, you should consult your doctor.

Instructions for use Sulfur C6 (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions, it is necessary to dissolve under the tongue three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for two months.

Sulfur 30 indicated as a reactogenic agent.


Theoretically impossible. If you have consumed a large amount and are concerned about the effects, you can drink strong tea or coffee as an antidote.


Can be used simultaneously with other medications.

Terms of sale

Dispensed without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Best before date

Shelf life – 5 years.

special instructions

If there is no therapeutic effect within two weeks or side effects not described in the instructions appear, you should consult your doctor. Sick It should be taken into account that the reception daily dose sugar granules corresponds to 0.08 bread units. Does not affect the ability to operate machinery or drive vehicles.

Sulfur, Sulfur, is an element (simple body) with which you are all familiar. If you prepare the medicine yourself, you should try to get it in completely pure form. The commercial sulfur color is very unclean. It contains an admixture of sulfonic acids, selenium and often arsenic. When chemical substances are found in such a combination in nature itself, this proves that they must have medical similarities with each other. There is, for example, a relationship between a plant and the soil on which it grows. Thus, Belladonna, growing on calcareous soil, has a medicinal affinity for lime (Calcarea). Agaricus never grows where there is coal, and you will not find any relationship between Agaricus and Coal. Cistus canadensis grows where there is mica, and therefore you may expect an affinity between this remedy and Magnesia.

About Sulfur we can say that this is the central remedy of our medicine. It stands in a precisely defined relationship to almost any of the means we use. The main role plays Sulfur in case of insufficient reaction. When the body refuses to respond to a well-chosen remedy, no matter what the disease is, whether its characteristic features correspond to the symptomatology of Sulfur or not, the administration of this remedy can often reveal the nature of the case at hand, cause a reaction, and then, or itself, cure the case. , or will prepare the way for another medicine that will bring complete healing. This property of Sulfur follows from its relation to what Hahnemann called psora. Hahnemann taught that when a disease is driven inward (that is, when the transfer of the disease from the surface of the body to the internal organs was caused), then a constitution or dyscrasia appears, which will subsequently change the nature of any disease, no matter what kind of illness the given person may have. For example, let's take a case where some kind of rash was healed or driven inward by the use of external remedies. Subsequently (after a more or less long period of time) some other disease may appear. In our example, it does not necessarily have to be a skin disease. Pathologically, it can be completely different from the original disease. This previously hidden rash changes the course of the new disease so much that it cannot be cured without first bringing the hidden rash back to the surface of the skin. Then you will be amazed at how easily this disease can now be cured by a remedy that previously (before the rash was caused) had no success. Sulfur has brought out such latent disease many times, and this fact explains its widespread use in practice.

If the reaction is insufficient, Sulfur does not stand alone. I have already spoken of the importance of Psorinum in this regard. Cuprum should also not be forgotten. At chest diseases, especially in cases of lung diseases that cannot be cured, we have Laurocerasus; for nervous conditions - Valeriana and Ambra grisea a Carbo veget., especially for abdominal diseases and collapse, expressed by cold breathing, cold knees, etc.

Now let's talk about the effect of Sulfur on blood circulation. In almost all cases where you have to resort to this remedy, you will find a circulatory disorder. It appears to act mainly on venous circulation, causing a certain type of plethora; but this is not real plethora. This is the stagnation of blood in some parts of the body due to its improper distribution. These congestions, generally speaking, come close to those usually caused by abdominal disorders, in particular, overflow of the portal vein with blood, a suffering that is now very common. Sulfur is especially indicated for abdominal congestion resulting from the sudden cessation of some habitual discharge, especially hemorrhoidal. For example, hemorrhoidal bleeding suddenly stops, and in its place appears fullness in the head, with expansion blood vessels, fullness in the liver, etc., indicating a rush of blood to these parts. In such cases, Sulfur will eliminate the flush and restore the usual flow. Further, in order to properly cure this abnormal discharge, Sulfur or some other medicine can be prescribed again, depending on the indications of the given case.

Congestion to the head, requiring Sulfur, is accompanied by noise in the ears (due to congestion of the auditory nerves) and redness of the face, worse in the open air and better in a warm room. My head feels so heavy and full, it feels like it’s about to burst. The patient is worse when bending over.

Sulfur is often indicated for congestion with or without hemoptysis. In this case, there is severe shortness of breath. The patient feels suffocated and demands that all doors and windows be opened wide. These symptoms are accompanied by a violent beating of the heart as this organ tries to balance the increased blood flow to the chest cavity. The heart, so to speak, holds too much blood. Blood rushes to the heart and cannot be expelled quickly enough by its contraction. This is a very common symptom indicating Sulfur, and it is especially required if the patient is troubled at night by sudden rushes of blood to the heart, with violent palpitations, heavy breathing and a feeling as if the patient would suffocate if he did not get fresh air. These symptoms can also appear during the day in cases where the heart has to work hard, for example, during straining, climbing stairs, etc. The patient often has the feeling that the heart is too large for the chest cavity.

As a further proof of the irregular distribution of the blood in Sulfur, we have the redness of the various orifices of the body. This is a symptom very characteristic of this remedy. Lips are bright red. This symptom is often an indication for Sulfur in pneumonia, scarlet fever, dysentery and anemia. Redness of the ears may be noticeable even when the rest of the body is normal in color. Having been prescribed on the basis of this indication, Sulfur often warned ear pain in children, and often also in giving birth. We find the same redness along the edges of the eyelids, which gives them the appearance of being tinted. The same redness around the anus is observed with its soreness. This symptom is especially useful for childhood diarrhea. The child screams in pain during bowel movements. This symptom alone will often help you decide that Sulfur should be the remedy. The same is true regarding the redness of the external female genitalia.

Another very common symptom that indicates poor circulation is hot flashes. These hot flashes for which Sulfur is indicated should not be confused with those that appear during menopause; these are hot flashes that can appear in any disease, as well as in convalescence. The flush is accompanied by more or less perspiration, which brings relief. What is even more characteristic of Sulfur is that this flush of heat is often accompanied by other symptoms, for example, a feeling of heat in the crown of the head. The legs in these cases are often cold, and the patient complains of a feeling of weakness in the pit of the stomach, most severe at 10–12 o'clock. morning. Although even in the absence of this symptom, hot flashes are often cured by Sulfur, but if there is heat in the crown, coldness of the legs and sinking in the pit of the stomach, then you will certainly receive a cure. For hot flashes during menopause, you should remember Lachesis, Acidum sulphuricum, Amyl-nitrit and Kali bichromicum.

We have another illustration of the action of Sulfur on the circulation in the case of fever of this remedy. Sulfur is only partly indicated in typhoid and septic conditions. There is no indication that Sulfur produces such changes in the composition of the blood as occur in the latter during scarlet fever, typhoid fever and septic diseases in general, so that on the basis of this we could not prescribe it. But there are reasons other than septic changes which induce us to prescribe Sulfur. It is indicated for mild or persistent fevers. It can be given after Aconitum for pure synochal fever, when, despite the use of this remedy, dryness and heat of the skin remain and when there is no reaction or critical sweat that would bring the necessary relief. This fever continues hour after hour, day after day, hence its name constant fever. Or the fever may be of the so-called “permanent laxative” type, i.e., without completely disappearing, it becomes severe in the evenings and a slight drop in temperature in the morning. When this fever approaches a typhoid state, you can give Sulfur, guided by the following indications: the patient becomes drowsy during fever; the tongue is dry and red around the edges and at the tip and the patient answers your questions very sluggishly and slowly. The patient literally burns with fever. These symptoms are caused by increased oxygen consumption in the body. Sulfur works remarkably well in these cases.

Sulfur is also indicated for intermittent types of fever. It is not a specific remedy for intermittent or swamp fever, yet there is periodicity in its symptoms. Here you must choose it according to the well-known symptoms: lethargy, with slow answers to questions, chills that do not stop even with the right remedy; especially if an intermittent fever turns into a laxative fever or, more often, if it starts with a laxative type of fever, which subsequently turns into an intermittent one. It may also be required for malarial neuralgia, which occurs most often on the face, returns at exactly the right intervals and does not respond to other remedies. In these cases Cinchona and Arsenicum should also not be forgotten.

In these fevers I would place Sulfur alongside the other two remedies. They are usually given after Sulfur. According to their symptomatology, they correspond to a later period of the disease than Sulfur. These two remedies are Baptisia and Arsenicum. Baptisia is typical of a fever that has a pronounced typhoid character. Cases requiring its prescription are much more severe than cases where Sulfur is indicated. Depression of consciousness (sopor) does not stop at the sluggishness of answers to questions, but reaches oblivion (stupor), so that the patient falls asleep while answering the question you asked. The tongue becomes brown or blackish in the middle, and dirty plaque accumulates on the teeth. Discharge from the mouth and intestines takes on a foul odor; the face has a dull expression; blood decomposition occurs due to septic infection it or due to prolonged high temperature.

Arsenicum is suitable for inflammatory fever at a later stage than that which calls for Sulfur or Aconitum. It has several symptoms that remind you last cure, namely, anxiety, full racing pulse, hot dry skin, melancholy and fear of death; but in addition to all these symptoms, there are also signs of profound changes in the tissues. Inflammation ends with the destruction of the affected tissues, no matter whether the disease is typhoid in nature or appears in the form of a simple inflammatory fever from a cold, as happens, for example, with gastric catarrh. Symptoms worsen after midnight; burning thirst with a desire to drink little and often, or burning thirst with refusal to drink water, for it intensifies these symptoms, especially a burning sensation in the affected parts, as if from hot coals. With all these symptoms, consciousness can remain completely clear.

Now we move on to consider the effect of Sulfur on the lymphatic system, including the glands and the vessels themselves. Sulfur is our chief remedy for scrofula, which is known to be one of the diseases of the lymphatic system. It is especially useful at the very beginning of the disease, at the first signs of it, especially in patients whose temperament fits what I described above as characteristic of Sulfur. The patient's head sweats, especially during sleep. There is a clear tendency to develop rashes such as crusta lactea, boils and, in older children, acne. The head of children, compared with the body, is large. The fontanelles, especially the anterior one, do not close for a long time due to insufficient bone formation. There is also a tendency to bone disease, to caries, especially in early childhood, to rickets (English disease) and curvature of the spine. The child is gluttonous. This is proven by the fact that he greedily grabs at everything that comes to his hands, without discerning whether it is edible or not, as if he were hungry to death. In this case, insufficient absorption of food is noticed. The disease of the glands is so severe that, although the body receives a sufficient amount of food, it cannot be absorbed properly, and therefore the child is constantly hungry and exhausted. The child’s face is all wrinkled and has an old look; the skin hangs in folds; it is yellowish in color, wrinkled and flabby. All these are precious symptoms for prescribing Sulfur. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe Sulfur at the beginning of the disease, so to speak, due to negative signs. You can say with certainty from most of the symptoms that you have a case of scrofula, and yet you cannot find an indication for any suitable remedy. Then give Sulfur, which will develop the full picture of the symptoms and show clearly what you have to deal with.

In children with insanity you may give Sulfur when many of the symptoms already mentioned are present. The child feels terrible hunger, especially around 11 o'clock in the morning. To be sure of the successful action of Sulfur, it is necessary that in addition to this symptom (hunger at 11 o’clock in the morning), the following symptoms should also be present: heat in the crown of the head and cold feet. Once these three symptoms are present, you will never fail by prescribing Sulfur. If there is only heat in the crown, then you should think of Calcarea or Phosphorus.

Another disease that I want to talk about in the department of diseases of the lymphatic system is tuberculosis. By this I do not at all want to say that scrofula and tubercle are identical, but I am putting them side by side only because lymphatic vessels play a significant role in the spread of tubercles. Sulfur is a precious remedy for tuberculosis, no matter what part of the body is affected. It is especially useful for tubercular hydrocele of the brain. There is a lot of benefit here, but not in the third period, when there is almost no hope for recovery, but at the beginning of the pathological process, with severe convulsions, sudden rushes of blood to the face and the inability to hold the head straight due to weakness neck muscles. The child wants to lie with his head bowed low. This symptom is very understandable, because since the head is lowered, the neck muscles have much less work to do. The child screams in his sleep. Sudden twitching of one or both legs is often noticed when falling asleep. The child screams in his sleep, as if from fear. The face is red and the pupils are dilated. This is not the case for Belladonna. Belladonna has never, will not, and cannot cure tubercular inflammation of the brain (meningitis). Symptoms tend to appear more or less periodically. With these few brain symptoms you will find a lot of common symptoms, some of which I have already mentioned, and others I will talk about later. By collecting these symptoms into various groups, I do not at all want to make it clear that these symptoms serve as an indication for a given remedy only if they appear in precisely such a group.

For tuberculosis affecting the lungs, Sulfur is indicated only at the beginning. Here I must warn you how you should administer this remedy. By carelessly or incorrectly prescribing this remedy, you can accelerate the course of the disease that you wanted to cure. You should not repeat the techniques too often, and by no means prescribe Sulfur if you are not completely sure that it is exactly the remedy that is needed, because Sulfur has the property of bringing out any disease hidden within the body. The special indications for Sulfur are as follows: the body feels very hot to the touch. The patient demands to open the window, no matter what the weather. Frequent hot flashes, a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, heat in the crown of the head, cold feet, etc., palpitations when getting up, pain through the left side of the chest, from the nipple to the back. Only with these symptoms can you give 1-2-3 doses of Sulfur, of any high grade, and wait for the result. Monitor the patient carefully, and in many cases there will be a cure, but not in all.

In tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands, the indications for Sulfur are the symptoms I have already listed for exhaustion and scrofula.

Sometimes Sulfur is indicated for lesions hip joint(coxitis) and white tumor of the knee, since both of these diseases are probably of tubercular origin. When choosing a remedy in these cases, you will be guided by the general symptoms.

In these tubercular diseases you may compare the action of Sulfur with that of Calcarea ostrearum and Phosphorus. Both of these remedies are suitable for scrofulous children, usually after Sulfur. They are shown more by the general character of the patient than by brain symptoms alone. All three are known to have among their symptoms imperfect tissue development. The Sulfur patient is usually thinner than the Calcarea ostrearum patient; but Calcarea is especially suitable for a fat, doughy, apparently well-nourished child; Pallor and decrepitude of the body indicate to you that the growth of fat occurred at the expense of other tissues. In Sulfur the sweat has a foul odor; characteristic of Calcarea cold sweat on the scalp.

Calcarea phosphorica gives following symptoms: tendency towards emaciation rather than obesity; the stomach can be large, but more often it is flabby; the fontanelles, especially the posterior ones, remain open for a very long time.

There is another remedy called Apis. You know that Apis is considered one of the best remedies for tuberculous meningitis. It is very similar to Sulfur. Both remedies are indicated for cerebral phenomena depending on some rash hidden inside - Sulfur, if the rash was chronic, Apis, if it was acute. This is where they collide. The best difference between one remedy and another can be considered the following: Apis is indicated when there is a clearly defined effusion on the surface of the brain; the patient makes piercing screams. Then the insomnia under both remedies must also be compared. With Sulfur, the patient either does not sleep at all, or suddenly jumps up from sleep, or is constantly in a light drowsiness. With Apis we have the following picture: the child is sleepy, he suddenly wakes up with a sharp cry: consciousness is not darkened or only partially darkened; the child is drowsy, but cannot sleep.

Sulfur may be useful in hysterical cases, since the general symptoms of Sulfur are present; in other cases there is deep melancholy, with a refusal to do any work; the patient is extremely indifferent to everything. This is not the indifference that is characteristic of Acidum phosphoricum, but the indifference or lethargy that is very often found in hypochondria. Further, Sulfur may be useful in dropsy of the head (hydrocephaloid). I tried it for this disease and found it to be an invaluable remedy. Do not confuse this condition with Veratrum. The eyes are half-open and the pupils react very sluggishly to light; urine output is delayed (a very alarming symptom); the child occasionally twitches one or another limb, and from time to time wakes up screaming. In this condition you will find the action of Sulfur truly marvelous, whether the diarrhea continues or not. There is no medicine that can replace it here. There is no violent rotation of the head, swelling of the face and cries characteristic of Belladonna, nor is there a cerebral cry (cri encephalique) as in Apis, but there is a group of symptoms characteristic of Sulfur.

Sulfur acts on the spinal cord, causing various changes in it, first of all, it is useful for irritation of the spinal cord. By pressing between the vertebrae, you will notice that the patient winces in pain. Sulfur can also be used for congestion of the spinal cord, depending on the delay of menstruation or, more often, on the cessation of hemorrhoidal bleeding. The back is so sensitive that any sudden movement of the body causes sharp pain along the spine; there is a dry heat, especially in the sacrum, and this is often accompanied by coldness of the legs.

General weakness of the spine, not really belonging to any particular group of diseases, was sometimes cured by Sulfur. The patient has a bent (stooped) appearance characteristic of Sulfur. The chest feels empty and weak: the patient gets tired of talking; weakness in the pit of the stomach before noon. We may also prescribe Sulfur when these symptoms appear during recovery from various acute illnesses.

Now let's talk about the effect of Sulfur on muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. Sulfur is indicated for acute and chronic rheumatism, especially in the latter, when the inflammatory swellings appear to be of an ascending nature, that is, they begin from the legs and rise up the body. The pain is worse in bed and at night. The patient throws off the blanket due to burning heat in the legs. Sulfur is especially useful in acute inflammatory rheumatism against one painful symptom - twitching of the limbs when falling asleep.

You can also use it for inflammation of the joint capsules (synovitis), especially after the formation of effusion. Sulfur causes rapid absorption of this effusion, especially in the knee joint.

We now proceed to study the action of Sulfur on the serous membranes. I have already spoken about its use for tubercular inflammation of the meninges, so now I will talk about its effect on the pleura. We find Sulfur indicated in pleurisy, especially if there is a sharp stitching through the left lung towards the back, worse when lying on the back and from the slightest movement. It is also useful in cases that are not amenable to the action of a well-chosen remedy, especially if there is significant effusion into the pleural cavity. In these cases, Apis should also not be forgotten.

In inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) Sulfur is indicated by general symptoms rather than by symptoms relating directly to the affected part.

Let's move on to the action of Sulfur on mucous membranes. Here we will analyze its use for catarrh and pneumonia. It is indicated primarily for catarrh of the connective membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis). It is especially useful when the disease has arisen from the introduction of a foreign body into the eye, and especially after Aconite has failed. Sulfur is also useful for scrofulous inflammations of the eyes, especially with the tendency to congestion characteristic of this remedy. The eyes are red and bloodshot, and at the same time it feels as if there is a shard of glass in them. Inflammation worsens in hot weather. In winter, the child is relatively free from illness. Thus we can attribute this symptom to the relaxing effect of the heat. The child feels worse when he sits near a hot stove. Based on these symptoms, Sulfur can also be prescribed for inflammation of the cornea.

For runny noses, Sulfur is indicated in persons susceptible to catarrh, especially chronic, when crusts form in the nasal cavity, the nose bleeds easily and swells; its wings are especially red and scaly, and this redness of the outer part of the nose is very characteristic of Sulfur. While the patient is sitting in the room, his nose is stuffy; but in free air the patient breathes through his nose completely freely.

Coming now to the throat and lungs, we find that Sulfur is indicated for laryngitis, as well as for bronchial catarrh. In this case, there is hoarseness, making the voice very low, like a basso profundo. In other cases, there is complete loss of voice (aphonia), worsening in the morning. The longer the case goes on, the more indications there are for the use of Sulfur.

For bronchitis, especially chronic, Sulfur is indicated when there is a huge and persistent discharge of thick mucopurulent sputum. The patient suffers from attacks of suffocation, with palpitations. He demands to open all the windows wide. The cough is worse when the patient lies down horizontal position and then it may not be so strong that it causes nausea and vomiting. Sulfur can sometimes prevent the development of inflammation of the lungs, eliminating the congestion that constantly precedes the deposition of plastic effusion. By giving Sulfur at the very beginning of the disease, you can prevent the latter, of course, if Sulfur is in in this case will be shown. If the disease is already caught late, you can still give Sulfur when the effusion has already developed, i.e. at the beginning of the induration stage. Even then Sulfur can change the course of the disease. Further, you can give it in torpid (sluggish) cases, in order to provoke a reaction if resolution does not occur quickly enough and you are afraid of the formation of tubercles. You can also give it for pneumonia with a typhoid condition, difficulty speaking, dry tongue, etc., as well as in a later period of pneumonia, when the lungs refuse to return to their normal state and you are afraid of destruction of the lung tissue. When listening, all kinds of wheezing are heard; mucopurulent sputum; debilitating fever; emaciation, etc. In such cases, Sulfur will save the patient. But Sulfur should not be given after the tubercles have already formed. Lachesis is a suitable remedy in the latter case. Sulfur is shown only in initial periods consumption, rarely in later ones. But at the very beginning of the disease, when you have increased blood flow to the chest, an initial dullness of the pulmonary tone when tapping the apex of one or another lung, a decrease in respiratory swings in the upper part of the chest, then Sulfur, equalizing blood circulation, will contribute to healing.

For intestinal diseases, Sulfur is very useful tool. You can give it for diarrhea with the following characteristic symptoms: stools often change color: sometimes they are yellow, sometimes sticky, sometimes watery. They may, especially in scrofulous children, contain undigested food. Diarrhea intensifies especially in the morning and drives the patient out of bed.

You can also use it for bloody diarrhea, especially when the tenesmus has already stopped, but mucus and blood are still being released. In relation to early morning diarrhea, you need to distinguish Sulfur from some other remedies.

In the first place is Bryonia, which is useful for early morning diarrhea, which appears as soon as the patient begins to move.

Natrum sulphuricum is similar to Sulfur and is often indicated in scrofulous cases. It also causes diarrhea in the morning, after the patient gets out of bed and begins to move; but this diarrhea is accompanied by strong gases.

Next, Podophyllum is mixed with Sulfur. He has early morning diarrhea, which drives the patient out of bed. As with Sulfur, the color of the stool varies. It differs from Sulfur in that the diarrhea continues all day, although it is worse at noon. Moreover, with Sulfur there is almost always a tendency to rawness and soreness in the anus.

Phosphorus has early morning diarrhea with green, painless stools.

In Dioscorea there is also morning diarrhea, but it is accompanied by cutting colicky pains, very similar in character to those required by Colocynthis, but tending to spread to other parts of the body.

Now I will say a few words about the skin symptoms of Sulfur. I have already listed them briefly, so now all that remains is to add a few things to what I have already said. You remember that the skin of a true Sulfur patient is rough, hard, rough and acne-prone. Perspiration appears on it with great difficulty, and if it does appear, it is partial, and at the same time fetid, sour or musty. Tendency to the appearance of acne, mainly on the face. Pustules form here and there throughout the body, which heal extremely slowly. The face, hands and forearms are abundantly covered with freckles. There is also a tendency to diaper rash; abrasions and wounds appear wherever there are folds of skin - in the groin, under the breasts, under the arms and in the folds of the neck.

Sulfur is a valuable remedy for the treatment of scabies.

To rid a patient of scabies mites, you need to thoroughly wash the affected areas with warm water and soap, wipe them dry with an ordinary rough towel, and then apply lavender oil, which kills both the mites themselves and their eggs. Then you can give Sulfur orally.

Mercurius is given when scabies is complicated by pustular and eczematous eruptions.

Sepia is indicated primarily when constitutional symptoms appear. In this case, sometimes large, well-developed pustules develop, turning into impetigo.

Now I will say a few words about the effect of Sulfur on the digestive apparatus. Sulfur is useful for stomach, liver and intestinal disorders. It may be indicated when various kinds digestive disorders (dyspepsia). The special indications for it are as follows: it is indicated primarily for patients suffering from abdominal congestion or passive congestion in the portal vein system, with a feeling of tightness or fullness in the abdomen and a feeling of satiety after taking even a small amount of food. The liver is congested, enlarged, and painful on pressure. In the intestines there is constipation with frequent and fruitless urge to go down and with hemorrhoids, which are a direct consequence of abdominal plethora. Constipation often alternates with diarrhea. In these cases the diarrhea does not have the character of the early morning diarrhea of ​​Sulfur (which we discussed above). This remedy may also be useful for stomach pains resulting from internalized rashes, be it erysipelas, eczema, scabies, etc.

Indigestion in drunkards, more often from excessive consumption of vodka and beer than wine, sometimes requires the prescription of Sulfur. In this case, you will also often find enlargement or congestion in the liver.

Sulfur is also indicated for indigestion from mealy foods. Apparently, in every case of liver disease where Sulfur is indicated, the patient is unable to digest mealy foods, which require both gastric juice and bile and pancreatic juice for its digestion. The patient has severe vomiting; he cannot tolerate milk at all; vomiting occurs at the slightest effort to induce it. This symptom, as you know, is common among drunkards. Vomit is usually acidic and contains undigested food. In addition to these symptoms, there are all kinds of appetite abnormalities. The patient feels hungry at 10–11 am, even if he had a snack in the morning. There is a sinking, pinching or gnawing sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if the patient were going to die if he did not eat. Having eaten and satisfied this hunger, the patient begins to feel that he is bloated. Heaviness and weakness appear and such a loss of spirit appears that the patient’s life becomes a burden. It should not be forgotten that Sulfur is indicated not so much at the beginning of these diseases as after Nux vomica. With Nux you have exactly the same symptoms. When this remedy provides only partial relief, Sulfur supplements the treatment.

Lachesis is prescribed for liver enlargement in drunkards in advanced cases, especially if inflammation occurs and an abscess forms in the liver.

If, following congestion of the liver, liver atrophy develops a second time, then we must turn to other remedies, the most important of which are Phosphorus and Laurocerasus.

Now a word or two about the action of Sulfur in diseases of the genital organs. For cases of masturbation and significant sexual excesses, the medicinal trio is useful - Nux vomica, Sulfur and Calcarea. Beginning with Nux, you notice some improvement in the patient; little by little the symptoms showing Sulfur develop. If Sulfur, having caused partial relief, ceases to act, then Calcarea will complete the cure. The symptoms requiring Sulfur are: the patient is weak and emaciated, presenting many of the symptoms I have mentioned above. stomach disorders, especially lightheadedness, hot flashes, cold legs and heat in the crown. At night there are involuntary discharges of semen, which greatly weakens the patient by morning. The seed is thin and watery, almost odorless and has lost all its characteristic properties, representing only a shadow of normal seminal fluid. The genitals are relaxed; the scrotum and testicles are drooping; the member is cold; erections are rare and weak. When attempting to copulate, the semen is released too quickly, almost at the first touch to the woman. The patient suffers from back pain and weakness in the limbs, so that he can barely walk, and is, of course, in an extremely depressed and hypochondriacal mood.

Sulfur is also sometimes indicated for fractures, no matter whether the discharge is thick and purulent or thin and watery, when there is burning and sharp pain during urination and if there is bright redness of the edges of the external opening of the urethra.

Causticum may be required for colic after Colocynthis has been prescribed without success. The pain is of a tearing, cramping nature and is relieved by curling up. In particular you will find pains of a similar nature, showing this remedy, with menstrual colic. These colicky pains appear before menstruation and are accompanied by tearing pains in the back and limbs. All suffering stops completely at night.

Sulfur also acts on the female genital organs. The main symptoms caused by it are those that arise from stagnation of blood in these organs. They are associated with hot flashes and abdominal plethora; at the same time there is a pressing down and heaviness in the area of ​​the uterus, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in it; the patient has a very hard time standing; burning in the vagina, often with itching in the external genitalia and the appearance of nodules (papules) on the pubic tubercle.

The nearest remedy to Sulfur is Aloe, which produces exactly the same symptoms, the same pressing down and the same fullness in the abdomen from abdominal plethora. Aloe from everything alimentary canal acts primarily on the rectum. In this case, there is a constant urge to go down. The stool is passed with big amount winds. Hemorrhoidal cones in Aloe protrude like bunches of grapes and are always reduced by cold water.

To conclude my notes on Sulfur, I will give two or three cases of using it in its raw (unrefined) form. From the totality of its symptoms, Sulfur presents a complete picture of Asiatic cholera. It is suitable for its initial symptoms. It has similarities with the general course of the disease, as well as with subsequent symptoms. Therefore, in Sulfur we have the right preventive remedy against this terrible epidemic.

Sulfur (according to Berwick)

Sulfur Sulfur

The famous Hahnemannian antipsoric remedy. It acts centrifugally (from the inside out) and has a selective affinity for the skin, causing a feeling of heat and burning with itching; worse from warmth of bed. Inertia and relaxation of connective tissue fibers: weakness of “tone”, characteristic of all symptoms.

Excitement with heat; dislike of water; dry and coarse hair and skin; redness of all body orifices; on the part of the stomach there is a feeling of sinking around 11 o'clock in the morning; very sensitive sleep - all this is an indication for the appointment of Sulfur.

The most uncomfortable position for the Sulfur patient is the standing position, in which he always feels discomfort. Dirty, unkempt subjects prone to skin diseases. Aversion to all washing and washing. In cases where a carefully selected remedy does not work, especially when acute diseases, Sulfur often stimulates the body's reactivity. Recurrent conditions. General fetid odor of all body secretions and vapors. Very red lips and face with frequent hot flashes. It often proves to be a very useful remedy in the initial stages of treatment of chronic patients and at the end of treatment in acute cases.

Psyche. Very forgetful. He has difficulty thinking. Delusional ideas, misconceptions: all sorts of rags seem to be good and valuable things; suddenly it seems as if he is very rich, etc. He is always very busy with something. Children's grumpiness in adults. Irritability.

Bad, vicious inclinations; very selfish; doesn't pay attention to others.

Religious melancholy. Aversion to work; idle, too lazy to motivate himself to action. It seems as if he gave other people something bad, harmful, from which they die. Sulfur patients are almost always irritable and prone to depression; thin and weak, even despite a good appetite.

Head. Constant heat on top of head (Cup. sulph.; Graph.). Heaviness and fullness; feeling of pressure in the temples. Throbbing headaches; worse stooping, with dizziness. Recurrent migraines. Dry form of ringworm. Dry scalp, hair loss; worse from washing. Itching; scratching causes a burning sensation.

Eyes. Burning ulcerations along the edges of the eyelids. Rainbow circles around the lamp flame. Heat and burning sensation in eyes (Ars.; Bell.). Black spots before eyes. Initial stages of corneal ulceration. Chronic ophthalmia with severe burning and itching.

Parenchymal keratitis. The cornea is cloudy, like ground glass.

Ears. Buzzing in the ears. Consequences of suppression of otorrhea. Deafness preceded by extreme hearing impairment; catarrhal deafness.

Nose. Herpes around the nose. Increased sensitivity to odors. The nose is stuffy from the inside. There are unpleasant odors. The wings of the nose are red and covered with scabs.

Chronic dry catarrh; dry scabs that bleed easily. Polyps, adenoids.

Mouth. Lips are dry, bright red, burning. Bitter taste in the morning. Jerking pain in teeth. Swelling of the gums; throbbing pain. The tongue is covered with a white coating, with a red tip and edges.

Throat. Pressure, exactly from volumetric foreign body, or splinters, splinters, or from a hair. Burning, dryness, redness. Feeling as if a ball is rolling up to the very throat and clogging it.

Stomach. Complete loss of appetite or vice versa - extremely increased appetite.

Putrid eructations. Food seems too salty. Drinks a lot, eats little. Doesn't tolerate milk. Very craving for sweets (Arg. nit.). Increased acidity. Sour belching.

Burning, soreness; pressure, as if heaviness lies in the stomach. Severe weakness around 11 o'clock in the morning until fainting; At this time you should eat at least something.

Nausea during pregnancy. Feeling full of fluid.

Stomach. Very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness and soreness. Feels movement in the abdomen, as if something living were spinning there (Croc.; Thuja). Pain and tenderness in the liver area. Colic after drinking.

Rectum. Itching and burning of the anus; swelling of hemorrhoids due to plethora internal organs abdominal cavity. Frequent, ineffective urge: stools are hard, lumpy, in insufficient quantity. The child thinks with fear about stool because of the pain that accompanies it. Redness of the anus with itching. Morning diarrhea; painless; kicking you out of bed; with rectal prolapse. Haemorrhoids; constant discharge from the anus; burps.

Urinary system. Frequent urination, especially at night. Enuresis, especially in scrofulous, unkempt children. Burning in the urethra during urination, which persists long after urination. There is mucus and pus in the urine; pain when passing urine. Sudden urge to urinate - so persistent that it forces you to hurry. Large quantities of colorless urine.

Male genital organs. Tingling in the penis. Involuntary emissions.

Itching of the genitals when going to bed. The genitals are cold, relaxed and impotent.

Female genital organs. Itching of the external genitalia. Burning sensation in the vagina. Copious and offensive sweating of the genitals. Menstruation is delayed, short, scanty, “difficult”; The discharge is thick, black, acrid, and the external genitals become painful. Menstruation is preceded by headaches or stops suddenly. Leukorrhea: burning, causing excoriation, discharge. Cracked nipples with burning pain and burning.

Respiratory organs. A feeling of tightness and burning in the chest. Difficulty breathing; requires windows to be opened. Aphonia. Heat throughout the chest. Reds, brown spots throughout the chest. Cough occurs easily; worse from talking, in the morning; sputum is greenish, purulent, sweet. Strong bubbling of mucus. Feeling of heaviness in the chest; tingling; a feeling of enlargement of the heart and rapid heartbeat. Exudate in the pleural cavity. Stitching pains shooting into the back, worse when lying on the back or when breathing deeply. Flushes of heat to the chest, rising to the head. Pressure as if from a weight on the chest. Dyspnea in the middle of the night, relieved by sitting up in bed. Pulse is faster in the morning than in the evening.

Back. Drawing pain between the shoulders. Neck stiffness. Sensation of vertebrae sliding one against another.

Limbs. Trembling hands. Hands are hot and sweaty. Rheumatic pain in left shoulder. Heaviness; feeling of paresis. Rheumatic gout with itching. Burning in soles and hands at night. Sweat in the armpits smells like garlic. Drawing sensations and tearing pains in the upper limbs. Stiffness of the knees and ankle areas. Cannot walk upright; slouches. Ganglion.

Dream. Conversations, sudden abrupt muscle contractions and twitching in sleep. Very vivid dreams. Wakes up singing. Wakes up frequently; suddenly awake. Very sensitive sleeper: wakes up from the slightest noise. Cannot sleep between 2 and 5 am.

Fever. Frequent hot flashes. Strong flashes of heat spreading throughout the body. Dry skin; strong thirst. Night sweats on the back of the head and neck. Individual parts of the body sweat. Sweat with a very unpleasant odor. Remitting fever.

Leather. Dry, scaly, unhealthy; even minor damage festeres.

Wrinkled. Itching and burning; worse scratching and washing. Pimply rashes, pustules, ragadas, hangnails. Excoriation, especially in folds of skin (Lyc.). Sensation of a bandage tightening the bones. Skin lesions after local application medications.

Itching, especially from heat; in the evenings; frequent relapses in spring in damp weather.

MODALITIES. Worse at rest; when standing; from the warmth of the bed; from washing or bathing; in the morning, especially at 11 am; at night; from alcoholic drinks; periodically. Better in dry, warm weather; when lying on the right side; from pulling up the affected limb.

RELATIONSHIPS. Additionally: Aloe, Psorin., Acon., Pyrara - various skin diseases; leprosy; tuberculides, syphilides; varicose ulcers, etc. changes.

Mercur. and Calcarea are often indicated after Sulfur, but not before it.

Sulph. often prescribed after Acon. for acute diseases.

Similar: Lyc.; Sep.; Sars.; Puls.; Sulfur hydrogenisatum (delirium, mania, asphyxia); Sulfur terebinthinatum (chronic rheumatoid arthritis; chorea); Tannic acid.

(nosebleeds; elongation of the uvula; constipation); Magnes. artiflcialis (extreme hunger in the evening; profuse sweat on the face; a feeling of “bruising” in the joints; compression of the rectum after bowel movements).

Compare: Agraphis. Adenoids.

Magnetis polus Articus (north pole of the magnet). Yearning; coldness in the eye area, as if a piece of ice lies in the orbit; increased saliva flow; constipation; sopor; shiver; bloating.

Magnetis polus Australis (south pole of the magnet). Dry eyelids; tendency to subluxation in the ankle area); ingrown nails thumbs stop; pain in the area kneecap; shooting pains in the soles of the feet.

BREEDING. Effective in all dilutions - from the lowest to the highest.

Some of the best results have been obtained from using the highest dilutions in infrequent doses. The twelfth dilution is a good place to start; and then move on to higher or lower levels depending on the patient’s reaction to this remedy. In chronic cases, a two-hundredth dilution and even higher is indicated. For mild rashes, lower dilutions are indicated.

Sulfur (according to Kent)

Sulfur/Sulfur - sulfur

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C3, C6, C12 and above. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Indications for use. All tissues of the body are more or less susceptible to the influence of Sulfur, so the cases of its use in practice are very numerous. Chronic rheumatism. Arthritis. Gout. Haemorrhoids. Skin diseases. Diseases of the glands. Diseases of bones and various organs. Neuralgia and mental illness. Furunculosis. Eczema. Lobar pneumonia. Prurigo (prurigo). Chronic constipation. Eye diseases. Thyroid diseases. Hair loss with the appearance of a rash on the head, itching and burning (hair becomes dull, sticky, unruly, like character). Phlebeurysm. Recurrent herpes, especially after previous suppression therapy.

Characteristic signs: Typical unkempt, pimply face, unhealthy rough red itchy skin. After scratching, the itching turns into a burning sensation. Rough bleeding cracks. Bright lips and red ears. Hot temper. Young sulfurites are often very hot and like cool weather.

Worsening - from water procedures and heat.

Characteristic symptoms: Constantly theorizes.

This medicine is so fully described that it is not easy to decide where to start. This remedy seems to contain the symptoms of all human diseases; anyone who begins to read the tests of Sulfur may unwittingly think that other medicines are no longer needed, since the images of any disorders are contained in it. Nevertheless, you will understand that Sulfur is not a panacea for all human diseases and cannot be prescribed just like that; this medicine requires indications just like all the others. Sometimes it seems that the less the doctor knows Materia Medica, the more often he prescribes Sulfur; however, this drug is indeed required very often, even good doctors it is often prescribed; therefore, the boundary between an ignorant and a competent doctor cannot be drawn based on the frequency of prescribing Sulfur.

The typical Sulfur patient is a tall, thin, persistently hungry, stooped subject suffering from indigestion; however, many times this medicine was needed by fat, doughy, well-nourished people. But usually this is still an angular, thin and stooped patient, whose physique is due to long periods of digestive disorders, eating disorders and poor nutrition. Sometimes the Sulfur condition occurs as a result of staying at home for a long time and having a poor diet. People leading sedentary image lives that do not leave their room, devoting all their time to reading, meditation, philosophical searches, not doing any physical work, soon come to the conclusion that they must eat only the simplest food; This food is not enough to nourish the body, and as a result, philosophical delirium develops.

There is another group of patients in whom the signs of Sulfur appear on the face; the face looks dirty, wrinkled, red. It seems that the skin is extremely sensitive to all atmospheric influences. The face turns red from riding in the air and in very cold and damp weather. The patient has sensitive, thin skin, to which blood rushes at the slightest provocation; it is always red and has a dirty appearance, regardless of how often the patient washes. If it is a child, the mother can wash his face as much as he wants, but it always seems that it has been washed somehow.

Hering calls the Sulfur patient a "ragged philosopher." Sulfur may be a scientist, an inventor who works day and night in tattered clothes and a crumpled hat; he has long, disheveled hair and a dirty face; his room is not cleaned, there is dirt everywhere; piles of books and sheets of paper are piled up; a complete mess. Apparently, the pathology of Sulfur is very characterized by such a state of disorder, uncleanliness, sloppiness, the state of “everything is up to the lantern,” selfishness. He is rather a pseudo-philosopher, and the deeper this state takes possession of him, the more disappointed he is by the world around him, which stubbornly refuses to see in him the greatest and most brilliant inhabitant of the Earth. It could be a person long time trying to invent something. He has been working hard for a long time, but nothing works out. The complaints that such a person may have, even of an acute nature, most likely correspond to Sulfur. When you see such a patient, you will notice that he has not changed his shirt for several weeks; if he does not have a wife to watch over him, he wears this shirt until it wears out on him.

Cleanliness is not the strong point of such patients; they don't think it's that necessary. The patient is dirty; he does not consider it necessary to wear a clean collar and a fresh shirt; it doesn't bother him. Sulfur is rarely indicated for clean people, but this medicine is often necessary for those who are not embarrassed by their own dirt. While visiting a municipal clinic, I noticed many times that after taking Sulfur, a person begins to take care of himself and stops wearing the same greasy shirt all the time. In general, these patients, especially small ones, have an amazing ability to stain their clothes. Children inexplicably remain dirty all the time. The mother, if she has a Sulfur child, can talk about what he does with the dirt. This child may be prone to catarrhal discharge from the nose, eyes and other parts of the body, and it is not uncommon for him to eat nasal discharge. This is a strange symptom, since offensive odors are one of those things which the Sulfur patient cannot bear. The patient is hypersensitive to unpleasant odors, but he can put any rubbish in his mouth and swallow it. The patient may feel sick even from the smell of his own body and breath. The smell of stool is so unpleasant that it haunts him all day. It seems to him that he constantly smells this smell. Because of this hypersensitivity to smells, he is more than anything else partial to emptying his bowels. Increased sensitivity to odors. Constantly imagines and looks for unpleasant odors everywhere. Often these patients can easily imagine, almost realistically, the smells that they once remembered.

The Sulfur patient is surrounded by dirt everywhere. It literally emits unpleasant odors. He has halitosis and extremely foul-smelling stools; the unpleasant smell of an unwashed body from the genitals, which spreads around him, penetrating through his clothes, he himself senses these odors. The discharge is always more or less fetid and has a sharp, unpleasant odor. Even if the patient washes himself all the time, a terrible stench emanates from the armpits, and sometimes the same odor emanates from the whole body.

Sulfur secretions, no matter where they come from, besides having an unpleasant odor, also have an irritating effect. The Sulfur patient is prone to catarrhal inflammation of all the mucous membranes, and this catarrhal discharge causes irritation. Nasal discharge from a runny nose often irritates the lips and nose. At times the liquid remaining in the nose causes a terrible burning sensation, as if from fire, and when it comes into contact with the child’s lip, it causes an acrid burning sensation; It’s as if sulfuric acid was splashed on the affected areas, these secretions have such a strong irritating effect. Copious leucorrhoea, irritating the genitals. Loose stools causing burning and rawness around the anus. If a drop of urine remains on a woman’s genitals, it causes a burning sensation, and in order to reduce it, it is often not enough to just wipe it off; you need to wash yourself. In children we see irritation around the anus and between the buttocks; the entire intergluteal cleft becomes red, irritated and inflamed due to exposure to feces. This tendency is the key feature of the remedy: “all discharges cause irritation in those parts with which they come into contact,” in other words, all discharges are acrid and cause burning and rawness. With Sulfur this is true for all parts of the body.

The Sulfur patient has all kinds of eruptions. Rash in the form of vesicles, pustules, boils, scales; always accompanied by severe itching, sometimes with discharge and suppuration. Severe itching of the skin, even in the absence of rashes, itching from the warmth of the bed or from woolen clothing. It is not uncommon for a Sulfur patient to wear only silk or cotton. If the patient finds himself in a warm room and cannot reach the itchy area and scratch it, then this drives him to despair. After scratching, the burning and itching decreases. After scratching or from the warmth of the bed, large, intensely itchy stripes appear all over the body, which the patient scratches until the skin is torn or until a burning sensation occurs, causing the itching to become less. All this is constantly repeated; terrible itching at night in bed, and in the morning, after waking up, it resumes; itchy and weeping rashes. Sulfur is characterized by areas of profuse eruption of boils and small blisters, which makes it a very valuable remedy for impetigo.

Helps well with suppuration. The remedy has all kinds of purulent cavities, small and large abscesses; subcutaneous abscesses, abscesses of loose tissue and internal organs. A tendency to suppuration is very characteristic of Sulfur. The glands and lymph nodes become inflamed, then the inflammation turns into suppuration.

Wherever the complaints of Sulfur arise, they are accompanied by a burning sensation. Burning everywhere, including in places of congestion; burning or hot sensation in the skin; burning here and there in certain areas; burning in the glands and lymph nodes, stomach, lungs; intestines, rectum; burning and rawness in hemorrhoids; a burning sensation when passing urine or a feeling of heat in the bladder. Heat and burning in all parts of the body, but the most characteristic description of the sensations of Sulfur patients is: “Burning in the soles of the feet, in the palms of the hands and in the crown.” Burning and heat in the soles very often manifest themselves in the warmth of the bed. These sensations are so strong that the Sulfur patient sticks his feet out from under the blanket and sleeps that way. When examined, the skin on the soles and palms of such patients appears thick, and a burning sensation occurs in it from the warmth of the bed.

Many complaints arise in the warmth of the bed. The Sulfur patient cannot bear either heat or cold, but he always longs for fresh air. He feels good at a stable temperature; from its strong fluctuations the patient’s well-being worsens. As for breathing, when the patient feels bad, he tends to open the doors and windows. At the same time, he often has to dress warmly, but warm clothes cause itching and burning of his skin.

The characteristic time of aggravation for Sulfur is at night. Headaches occur after dinner and get worse at night; the pain keeps him awake. Night aching pains and night thirst; feeling unwell at night, skin symptoms occurring at night from the warmth of the bed. "Intermittent periodic neuralgia, exacerbation every 24 hours, usually at noon or midnight." Noon is another time when Sulfur symptoms become worse. At noon, chills occur, fever increases, mental symptoms and headaches increase. Complaints occurring once a week, worsening symptoms after seven days are another characteristic feature of Sulfur.

Patient Sulfur has characteristic type diarrhea, traditionally known as "sulphuric diarrhea", although many other medicines have a similar condition: diarrhea that occurs early in the morning. Sulfur's diarrhea comes on somewhere between midnight and morning, but most often when he is about to get up. Diarrhea lifts him out of bed. The stool is usually loose and watery; stands out without much pressure, not very abundant, sometimes almost scanty, sometimes yellow. In many cases, such patients do not have problems until the next morning. There are a large number of people who, year after year, are roused from bed by the urge to defecate. The patient complains of pain, cramping, discomfort, burning and soreness throughout the intestines. Burning when passing stool; all parts of the body with which it comes into contact become irritated and painful; severe skin irritation.

The Sulfur patient has great thirst. He drinks water constantly. Desire for large quantities of water.

Patients often complain of feeling hungry; the patient wants to eat, but when he sits down at the table, he has an aversion to food, he cannot look at it, the desire to eat disappears. The patient eats almost nothing, only the simplest and lightest meals. There is a desire for stimulants, alcohol, while he has an aversion to milk and meat, which cause ailments, and cannot even look at them. One old man combined these manifestations into a key symptom: “drinks a lot and eats little.” This is characteristic of Sulfur, but is also found in many other remedies. Regarding the key symptoms, I would advise you not to attach too much importance to one or even two or three small individual symptoms; It’s better to collect all the symptoms into a single picture. All the symptoms of the case must be considered, and then, if all the key and characteristic symptoms form a complete and complete picture of the remedy, corresponding to the patient as a whole, the remedy will work.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach at 11.00. If the patient ever feels hungry during the day, it is at this time. It seems like he can't wait for lunch. This is also very characteristic of the Sulfur patient: by the usual time of eating he is already very hungry and, if food is delayed, he becomes weak and nauseated. For those who are used to eating around 12.00, severe hunger occurs at 11.00. Those who are used to eating from an hour to two will feel hungry around noon. A feeling of emptiness in the stomach an hour before the usual meal time for many people.

Very simply, the most characteristic symptoms of Sulfur will be: a feeling of emptiness in the stomach and hunger at 11.00, burning in the soles and heat in the crown. These three indicators are considered as essential attributes of Sulfur, but they rarely occur in the early stages of Sulfur pathology.

Unhealthy skin without rashes. The skin is not healing well. Small wounds fester for a long time; abscesses form in the subcutaneous tissue, which then turn into small cavities with a fistulous tract, with long-term continuous discharge.

Sulfur causes infiltration of the inflamed areas, which become compacted, and this compaction persists long years. If inflammation occurs in vital organs, such as the lungs, prolonged infiltration is incompatible with life; the remaining infiltration is called hepatization. Sulfur, for which such infiltrates are very characteristic, is of great benefit in hepatization.

Sulfur is a very valuable medicine in cases where the patient's reactivity is reduced due to long illness; when the whole body is upset, it is in a psoric state. When the acute illness is already coming to an end, the patient experiences weakness and prostration. Inflammatory conditions progress to suppuration and infiltration; the patient becomes weak, completely exhausted; night sweats occur. The patient recovers poorly from typhoid or other acute conditions. Slow recovery, lethargic, weak body, unable to recover from an acute illness. In such situations, Sulfur is often of great benefit. Severe weakness and passionate desire for alcohol in chronic alcoholism; the patient cannot tear himself away from the bottle. He has a desire for spices, spicy, while there is no desire to eat, the patient only wants cold water and alcohol. Binge drinking, to the point of complete exhaustion and health problems. Sulfur will temporarily eliminate cravings for alcohol and restore lost health.

It seems that the protective mechanisms in the tissues are completely weakened, so that the slightest pressure causes pain, sometimes inflammation and suppuration. Because of poor circulation The Sulfur patient easily develops bedsores. Compaction resulting from pressure is also a noticeable sign. With Sulfur, pressure easily causes calluses and keratinization. If shoes put pressure on the skin somewhere, a large callus or painful “bump” appears on the big toe. If the teeth fit tightly to the tongue or the inner surface of the cheeks, then small nodules appear on them, which begin to ulcerate over time. This is a slow process, accompanied by burning, stinging pain. Sometimes these nodules can undergo malignant transformation. This does not happen immediately, but after a long time. The occurrence of cancer is determined by the condition of the body, which changes gradually. This is not a uniform process. Malignant degeneration can follow benign one. Sulfur stops this process if the symptoms are consistent.

Note the pronounced damage to the veins, characteristic of Sulfur. This is a venous medicine and has many venous ailments. The walls of the veins are relaxed, blood circulation is sluggish. The face becomes flushed with blood from the slightest irritation, change in weather, or uncomfortable clothing. Puffy face. Phlebeurysm; The most characteristic is the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, which swell, and a burning and stinging pain appears in them. Varicose veins on the limbs. The veins ulcerate, perforate and bleed. When a patient goes from cold to warm, he begins to suffer due to dilated veins, swelling of the hands and feet, and a feeling of fullness throughout the body.

The Sulfur patient is usually emaciated, especially with wasting of the limbs and bloating of the abdomen. The abdomen is swollen, there is rumbling, burning and soreness; with an enlarged belly, the rest of the body loses weight. Atrophy of the muscles of the neck, back, chest and limbs, as well as the muscles of the abdominal wall with an increase in the volume of the abdomen itself. This condition occurs in severe dystrophy. A similar condition is seen in Calcarea: in women who need this remedy there is marked enlargement, distension and hardness of the abdomen, coupled with atrophy of other parts of the body.

Sulfur has flushes of heat to the face and head, such as, for example, in women during menopause. Hot flashes in Sulfur begin somewhere in the region of the heart, usually they simply say in the chest. A feeling that a surge of heat has arisen somewhere inside the body and rises to the face. The face is red, hot, bloodshot, and eventually the heat in the face gives way to sweating. Hot flashes with sweaty and red face; feeling like my head was white hot. Sometimes the patient describes this condition as if hot steam inside the body gradually rises up and then comes out in the form of sweat. Sometimes a woman’s mild chill turns into a hot flush with red spots on her face, then she fans herself vigorously, but all the time she wants to do it even faster; but it doesn’t work any faster, then she strives to open all the doors and windows. This is characteristic of Sulfur, as well as Lachesis and many other drugs. If the congestion begins in the chest, in the region of the heart, it is more like Sulfur, and if in the back or stomach, it is more like Phosphorus.

Other characteristic aggravating factors in the Sulfur patient include an upright position, worse when standing. All complaints become worse when standing for some time. The standing position for the Sulfur patient is the most difficult, this increases lethargy, dizziness, symptoms of the stomach and abdomen, a feeling of distension and fullness in the veins, and in women - a feeling as if the pelvic organs are being pulled down. The patient must either lie down or walk. Walking is not difficult at all, while immobility in a standing position causes a significant deterioration of the condition.

Worse after sleep is characteristic of many Sulfur complaints, but especially of those relating to the mind and senses. Most of the complaints of Sulfur are also worse after eating.

The Sulfur patient is worse from bathing. He hates washing. Of his own free will, he will never wash himself and of his own accord. general condition corresponds to an unwashed tramp. He can't wash himself without getting a cold.

This medicine is often needed by children. An unwashed little tomboy with dirty skin, suffering from nightly bouts of delirium, severe headaches, who is not all right with his brain, who is in danger of developing hydrocephalus, suffering from meningitis. Sulfur will "clear" the constitutional condition when other remedies are not sufficiently deep and fail to cover the whole case. When the baby is not developing well, when bone growth is impaired and the fontanelles are slowly closing, medicine may be Calcarea carbonica; Sulfur is the next most important remedy for delayed development.

It is difficult to imagine that this patient could be nervous, but in fact he is very nervous; he is nervous all the time, easily flinches from noise; he wakes up with a start, as if he had just heard a cannon shot or seen a ghost. The Sulfur patient has big problems with sleep. Severe drowsiness in the first half of the night, sometimes he sleeps until 3.00, but from that time he begins to worry in his sleep or cannot sleep at all. The patient cannot stand daylight and wants to go back to sleep; when he sleeps, it is difficult to raise him; drowsiness until late morning. At this time he rests best and sleeps soundest. Sleep is greatly disturbed due to terrible dreams and nightmares.

If the symptoms coincide, Sulfur can cure erysipelas. For erysipelas as a nosological form no individual medicine, but if a patient with this disease shows symptoms of Sulfur, then Sulfur will be the right medicine. If you understand what I mean, you will be able to understand the meaning of homeopathic treatment, which works on the patient, not on his diagnosis.

The body of the Sulfur patient is constantly tormented by rushes of blood to various parts of the body; The flush of heat just described, with a feeling of fullness in the head, occurs due to the rush of blood to it. The medicine has pronounced febrile symptoms, therefore can be used for acute diseases. It is one of the natural complements to Aconitum napellus, and in cases where Aconitum napellus eliminates acute manifestations. Sulfur often suits the constitutional condition of the patient.

Sulfur is suitable for severe “scrofulous” manifestations that occur in weakened subjects with impaired absorption processes. Deep ulcers with uneven edges on the lower extremities, poorly healing ulcers in which granulations do not form. There is a burning sensation in them, discharge sluggishly oozes from them, which irritates the adjacent tissues. The medicine is often indicated for varicose ulcers that bleed easily and have a strong burning sensation.

Sulfur often helps in old cases of gout. This is a deeply acting medicine, and in most cases it retards gout on the extremities due to its specific property of removing pathology from the center to the periphery. Like Lycopodium and Calcarea carbonica, when properly prescribed in cases of old gout, when there are still no significant organic changes. Sulfur delays the rheumatic process in joints and limbs.

Sulfur, like Silicea, is dangerous to prescribe in cases where there are organic lesions of vital organs, especially the lungs. When indicated on the basis of the correspondence of symptoms, Sulfur often heals old fistulas and converts chronic abscesses into ordinary ones with the formation of “healthy” pus. If the symptoms correspond, the medicine opens sluggish chronic abscesses, reduces inflammation in the lymph nodes that are compacted and on the verge of suppuration. But it is a dangerous medicine in the later stages of pulmonary tuberculosis, when it should under no circumstances be prescribed in high potencies. If you see symptoms that are extremely painful for the patient and think that Sulfur is needed, go to the 30th or 200th potency. But do not try to stop morning diarrhea with Sulfur, which often occurs with pulmonary tuberculosis. Do not try to eliminate the night sweats characteristic of the later stages, even if the symptoms seem to indicate Sulfur; in fact, this medicine is contraindicated in this case. A drug that may be dangerous should not even be discussed as a possible prescription, even if the symptoms are similar.

The need for Sulfur may arise in old cases of syphilis, when psoric symptoms come to the fore. Sulfur is rarely indicated when predominant syphilitic symptoms, but if they have been suppressed by mercury, the manifestations of the disease have become blurred, indefinite, then in these cases Sulfur will act as an antidote to mercury and the symptoms will return to their original state, which can be clearly seen. The great harm that allopaths bring is that they want to completely control all the functions of the body; they seem to be ashamed of the manifestations of human nature; whereas Homeopathy bases its action on what is inherent in human nature, it seeks to eliminate the action of allopathic drugs that control the reactions of the body and release suppressed diseases. It is true that many patients do not turn to homeopathy because they do not want to see their syphilitic eruptions again; they do not want to show obvious evidence of past indiscretions; and homeopathy does just that. Under the influence of proper homeopathic treatment, those conditions that are initially characteristic of a given organism will appear. Sulfur brings symptoms to the surface so they can be seen. This medicine is a universal antidote. It is often indicated in cases of the effects of suppressed eruptions from hypothermia or due to the use of drugs. This is a great medicine for bringing to the surface what has been kept under control could not come out, so you will see Sulfur in the list of remedies indicated for suppressing eruptions or anything else by medicine. Even in cases where acute rashes were suppressed. Sulfur may be a suitable remedy. In suppressed gonorrhea, Sulfur often allows the discharge and the state that was suppressed to return. Suppressed symptoms must return, or cure will be impossible.

Since the time of Hahnemann and in accordance with his recommendations, Sulfur must be thought of when there are not enough symptoms to choose from. the right medicine, in a latent state of psoric symptoms. In such a situation, Sulfur was prescribed with such success that those who were accustomed to routine prescriptions learned the fact. When a seemingly obvious (outwardly) remedy does not help, and there are no symptoms that would indicate a more suitable remedy, Sulfur actually acts so deeply on the body that after that the same drugs work better. This has been verified by experience. You will encounter situations where a medicine, seemingly chosen correctly, does not lead to a cure, then you carefully analyze, select a more indicated remedy, then the next one, and so on with the same result. You will begin to wonder why this is so, and you will see that, although your case does not completely indicate Sulfur, the prescription of this remedy exactly corresponds to the underlying condition (most often this condition is psora), which will allow other remedies to work better. This is an observation confirmed by Hahnemann and all the old masters. Such tactics are justified only in the case of a lack of symptoms, if, after a careful analysis of the case, it is necessary to decide what to do when it is necessary to get to what lies at the basis of the existing symptoms, to the state on which the constitutions of all people are built. This tactic is based on knowledge and observation. We know that such symptom-free cases are based on one of the latent conditions - psora, syphilis or sycosis. If it is known to be syphilis, we will choose the primary drug from the antisyphilitic drug class. If it is known that it is sycosis, we will choose the main anti-sycotic medicine. Sulfur is the main drug in the list of remedies for psora; therefore, if it is known that the underlying pathology is psora, Sulfur will clarify the hidden case and, even if this prescription does not bring a positive therapeutic effect, will give an opportunity to manifest true symptoms. What Sulfur is to psora, Mercurius is to syphilis, and Thuja to sycosis.

In the coal mining areas of Pennsylvania, those who work in or live near the mines often need Sulfur. It is known that coal does not consist of sulfur, although sulfur is present in it in sufficient quantities; but people in contact with coal often need Sulfur. People who grind kaolin and various substances used in the production of porcelain, as well as stonecutters, often need Calcarea and Silicea, but coal miners usually need Sulfur. They are like typical Sulfur patients; they have a characteristic appearance, and even if their local symptoms indicate other remedies, they will not act until you give them a dose of Sulfur, after which they immediately become better. It is believed that the reason for this lies in the high sulfur content of coal. We can theorize on this subject as much as we like, but we must not get into the habit of routinely using high potencies as an antidote to material doses. Use this method only as a last resort. If there are no symptoms at all that would indicate a remedy, then you can experiment, but this is justified only in the hands of an experienced doctor who will not use this approach when necessary and not necessary. He knows enough to prescribe the medicine correctly when possible. Such a doctor will be based on symptoms as long as these symptoms exist.

In an inflammatory process, Sulfur often has a purple tint to the inflamed area; dilatation of veins Measles, if the rash is purple, often requires Sulfur. This is a great measles medicine. Even if Pulsatilla and Sulfur are prescribed routinely, with occasional Aconitum napellus and Euphrasia, this disease can be treated well. Sulfur is especially indicated in cases of measles, when the skin has a dark, purple tint, and the rash does not appear. This purple color can be observed everywhere, in different conditions: with erysipelas, sore throat, often on the forearms, legs and face.

Sulfur often cures the severe effects of vaccination. Here the remedy competes with Thuja and Malandrinum.

In the mental state, which reveals the inner essence of a person, we see that Sulfur affects primarily emotions, a sense of affection, the ability to love, causing pronounced selfishness. It never occurs to the patient to think about others; he thinks only about what he needs and what he wants. All his thoughts are occupied with himself. Selfishness permeates him through and through. He has absolutely no sense of gratitude.

Another significant sign is a tendency to philosophical delirium. The patient becomes fixated on studying abstruse and abstract things, is engaged in the occult, in what is beyond the realm of reality; begins to do various things for which he has neither knowledge nor training; he is drawn to everything strange and unusual. Sulfur cures the obsessive urge to think about abstract subjects, turning them over in the head in an attempt to get to the bottom of the universal truth. This medicine helped one patient who did nothing but spend all day thinking about the root cause of all things. In the end, she got to God in her thoughts, and from then on she only asked: “Who created God?” She sat in the corner all the time, fiddling with buttons and pondering the insoluble question: “Who created God?” Another patient could not pass by any handicraft, asking every time who did it. She did not rest until she found the author of this thing, then asked who his father was; after which she would sit down and begin to wonder who he was, whether he was Irish or not, and so on. All this is Sulfur. This is an obsessive desire for fruitless thinking, without the desire to get an answer. It is not a philosophy in which there is a definite basis which can be developed by successive reflections on real objects; This is a fanatical philosophy that is not built on anything and has no meaning. Sulfur has an aversion to orderly pursuits, to real, systematic work. The Sulfur patient is a "brilliant inventor." If some thought gets stuck in his head, he can no longer get rid of it. He thinks and thinks about the same thing until he accidentally stumbles upon something, and this is often how inventions arise. This is the Sulfur patient. He is often overlooked, but he considers himself great; he despises education, well-read people and their knowledge, wondering why no one understands that he is superior to all of them combined with their education.

The patient may also develop depression with a religious overtone, and his thoughts are not chained to the rational foundations of religion, but are absorbed in stupid ideas about himself. He prays all the time, without stopping for a minute, and does not leave his room, from where bitter groans can be heard. He believes that with his sins he has blocked his path to salvation.

The patient who needs Sulfur is often in a state of dullness and confusion, unable to concentrate, unable to concentrate. He is unable to make an effort to think about one thing, constantly jumping thoughts from one to another. He wakes up in the morning with a dull, heavy head and dizziness. Dizziness in the open air. In the fresh air, a runny nose begins with a feeling of heaviness in the head and dullness, with confusion of thoughts.

In books you can often find the following phrase: “It is foolish to rejoice and be proud; considers himself the owner of beautiful things; He even considers torn rags beautiful.” This condition occurs in mentally ill people, as well as in those who have no other mental disorders, except for one delusional idea.

The Sulfur patient has an aversion to work. He can sit and do nothing, leaving his wife to exhaust herself taking care of him; in his opinion, she is no longer good for anything anyway. These are amazingly thick-skinned people. The Sulfur patient is completely devoid of refinement and punctuality. Arsenicum album is the epitome of punctuality and these two remedies represent two opposite extremes. Arsenicum album strives to keep clothes in order and clean, wants everything to be in its place, all the pictures hung evenly on the wall, wants everything to be perfect; hence the Arsenicum patient is called "the man who carries a gold-headed cane." The Sulfur patient is completely opposite in this regard.

“Aversion to everything - work, pleasure, conversation or movement; lethargy of mind and body." “Satiation with life; seeks to relax the mind and body.” “Disgust for life; desire to die." “Too lazy to rise, too unhappy to live.” “Terror of washing (in children).” Indeed, they scream loudly when they are taken to wash themselves. The Sulfur patient avoids water and gets cold after bathing.

Regarding drug relationships, Sulfur should not be given immediately before Lycopodium. There are three successive remedies: Sulfur, Calcarea, Lycopodium. First Sulfur, then Calcarea carbonica, and then Lycopodium, then Sulfur again, as this medicine follows Lycopodium well. Sulfur and Arsenicum album are also related. Very often, after a patient has been on Sulfur for some time, you may feel the need to give Arsenicum album for a while and then return to Sulfur. Sulfur follows most acute medicines well.

The Sulfur patient suffers greatly from vertigo. If he goes out into the fresh air or stands anywhere for some time, faintness occurs. In the morning, after waking up, there is a feeling of dullness in the head, and upon standing up, the patient feels dizzy. The patient feels dull, tired, not rested after sleep, and “his head is spinning.” It takes some time for the body to establish balance. Slowly recovering from sleep. Here we also see aggravation from sleep and standing.

Many head symptoms. The Sulfur patient suffers from migraines; congestive headaches, with sensation high tide blood with lethargy, combined with nausea and vomiting. A migraine attack that occurs once a week or once every two weeks; Worsening every seven days is especially typical. Most Sunday headaches in working men are cured by Sulfur. Make a note of this. Sunday is the only day of the week when the patient does not work, so he sleeps late and gets up with pain that covers the whole head, with dullness and congestion. On the remaining days of the week, being busy and active does not allow headaches to develop. Other patients experience migraines every seven to ten days, with nausea and vomiting of bile. Also headache may last two or three days; congestive headache. Headache with nausea but no vomiting, or headache with vomiting of bile. The headache is aggravated by bending forward, usually relieved by a warm room and by warm applications; intensified by light, so the patient wants to close his eyes and be in the dark; worse from shaking and after eating. The whole head is painful, the eyes are red, there is often watery eyes, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes headaches occur in those who constantly suffer from the sensation extreme heat at the top of the head; The top of my head burns and burns, I want to put something cold on it. Such headaches, combined with a feeling of heat, are often relieved by cold, but may also be relieved by a warm room. The head seems dull, sometimes the patient cannot think at all. Any movement increases the pain; it also gets worse after eating and drinking, from drinking cold drinks, better from hot drinks. With a headache, the face becomes flushed with blood; bright red face. Headaches in people with a red face, in people with a dirty skin tone or sallow complexion, signs of venous congestion on the face; bloodshot eyes and face; the face is puffy, with a venous pattern. Sulfur is good for those who get up in the morning with a headache, dizziness and a red face; to those who can say: “If I get up in the morning with a feeling of fullness in my face, and at the same time my face and eyes are red, I already know that I will definitely have a headache during the day.” Before a headache occurs, flashes, sparks, and colored spots appear before the eyes. Sparks, flickering, zigzags foretell the onset of a headache. One of my Sulfur patients with headaches described a strange figure appearing before the eyes: diamond-shaped, oblique, with sawtooth teeth on the upper side and dotted inside. Sometimes this figure is shown on one side, sometimes on the other, but at the same time it is equally clearly visible with both eyes at the same time. The upper jagged side is covered with flashes of light, the lower one becomes very dark, the whole thing shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Similar visions occur whenever the patient experiences an upset stomach. Sometimes they appear in the morning after eating, sometimes around noon and also after eating. They also occur if the patient wants to eat in the evening, and eating is delayed. Such zigzags very often occur against the background of a feeling of hunger and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. We observe a similar condition, the same zigzags and flashes in the eyes before the appearance of headache in Natrum muriaticum and Psorinum. Visual disorders are harbingers of headaches. Such zigzags, flashes, sparks, stars and strange figures appear before the eyes periodically and can persist for about an hour. This causes a strong pulsation in the head. Morning and afternoon headaches. In addition, as I already said, headaches can begin after dinner and get worse at night, making it difficult to sleep.

There is unbearable itching on the scalp; constant itching; itching from the warmth of the bed. The itching is worse from the warmth of the bed, but also from cold. Itchy rash; scaly, wet and dry; vesicles, pimples, pustules and boils, any rash on the scalp. There is a lot of dandruff on the scalp, and hair loss is noted. Slow closure of fontanelles. “Weeping, foul-smelling eruptions on the top of the head, filled with pus, which dry out to form honey-like crusts. Ringworm on the head." "Weeping, offensive eruptions with thick pus, yellow crusts, discharge of blood and burning." Hair is dry, falling out, etc.

The remedy has many symptoms which formerly would have been called scrofulous, but which we now know are symptoms of psora. Tendency to affect the eyes with every cold. Discharge of mucus and pus from the eyes. Ulceration and thickening of the eyelids, turning of the eyelids outward or inward, loss of eyelashes; redness and irritation. In fact the phrase " eye symptoms in a Sulfur patient" means any eye disease. Sulfur is characterized by the severity of eye symptoms. A combination of eye symptoms with rashes on the face and head, with itching of the skin, especially from the warmth of the bed. The symptoms of catarrhal inflammation of the eyes are aggravated by washing. When washing worsens not only the condition of the eyes, but also the condition of the patient as a whole, when he cannot bear to wash, and there is itching, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, the patient suffers from chronic migraines and a feeling of heat in the crown - in this case, any eye symptoms will be cured by Sulfur. Sulfur cures cataracts and iritis, inflammatory processes and clouding of the lens, all types of " visual hallucinations", accompanying headaches. “Flashes before the eyes” (I have already spoken about them), “small dark spots; black spots and dots; black flies floating right in front of the eyes; the light of the lamp is surrounded by a halo,” etc. These visions can take the most bizarre shapes, but they are all present in the Sulfur constitution. “Burning heat in the eyes, pinching pain.” Any cold settles in the eyes, that is, the patient’s eye symptoms arise or intensify with each cold.

The ears are prone to catarrhal inflammation. From what we have said about the general symptoms, you know that catarrhal inflammations are very characteristic of Sulfur in general. There is not a single mucous membrane on which catarrhal inflammation does not occur with abundant, sometimes purulent, sometimes bloody discharge. Eyes and ears are no exception. Catarrhal inflammation continues until complete deafness. Thickening of the mucous membranes and eardrum. All types of tinnitus that intensify simultaneously with hearing loss, up to its complete loss. When organic changes appear and deafness develops, which cannot be cured, but you can cure the patient himself. If he asks you if you can cure his deafness, you can never give a definite answer in advance. Many painful problems are localized in the middle ear, which you are unable to examine, and therefore cannot determine in advance what the extent of organic changes is. All you can say is that if you manage to treat the patient properly, then everything will become clear by itself. If the organic changes were not significant, then the deafness will go away after the patient is cured. If the internal part has been destroyed, if there is dry atrophic catarrh of the middle ear, recovery can hardly be expected. In this case, the middle ear is destroyed; those parts of it with the help of which sound was perceived are atrophied and do not function. Then you can only talk to the patient about the prospects for his own cure. Don't try to think about how to heal the organ. Avoid this thought as much as possible and try not to give in to the patient’s demands to rid him of an organ disease, since only the patient himself can get sick. Think as much as possible about the patient and as little as possible about the name of his illness, about the diseased organ. And if the patient asks you: “Doctor, can you restore my hearing?” - answer: “First we need to cure you. It is you who must be cured." Make the patient healthy, and then you can think about what should be done to improve hearing. If you start thinking like this, you will retain right attitude to the patient. If you talk only about the ear, the patient will harass you with this ear. He will always ask: “When will you start treating my ear? When will I finally hear better? First, realize that you need to treat the patient as a whole. Remember the patient first and let him know that. If a person is being treated by a homeopath, he should not think about going to an ear specialist. The disease of the entire body must be cured. Ear disease cannot be considered without connection with the constitutional condition of the patient as a whole. Sulfur has " frequent sensation stuffiness in the ears, especially when eating or blowing your nose.” "Tinnitus." Various types of inflammation. Discharge from the ears. Please note that I am not saying that Sulfur is a cure for the ears. Many times you will cure patients of so-called “local diseases” if you select a medicine for the patient as a whole, but local symptoms will never lead you to the right medicine. If you begin to select a remedy only on the basis of ear symptoms or prolapse of the uterus, you may not even think about Sulfur, when the patient needs it; but, having prescribed it, you will be surprised how quickly the condition of the organs improves after the patient’s constitution returns to normal. If a doctor begins to select medications based on the presence of pain in one or another part of the body, he will fail. He will look for a medicine that would absolutely correspond to some particular pain in a certain place in the patient. You must think about the patient as a whole and not waste time on pain that is not of great importance. Forget about them if you want, but look for a cure for the patient. If the drug has such pain - good, no - and it’s not necessary. Don't worry about minor symptoms. You may not even notice the most prominent key symptom if you are treating a patient. This particular pain may be the only complaint, but if it has been present for a long time, it may disappear in last resort. Under such circumstances, the patient will constantly demand that you get rid of the pain, but if you understand the essence of what is happening, you will not expect the pain to disappear in the first place from the very beginning; you will make a mistake if you hope for a different result. You need to know for sure: the symptoms that appeared last are the first to go away. Sometimes it is necessary to support the patient by telling him: “This symptom cannot be cured immediately; the symptoms that do not bother you very much will disappear first.” And the patient will respect you all his life, because you told the truth, you simply demonstrated your knowledge of what is happening and will happen to the patient. Success in our business can only be achieved honestly.

Sulfur has an extremely unpleasant catarrh of the nose. "Smell from the nose, like old catarrh." The nose of the Sulfur patient is so affected and the catarrhal inflammation is so severe that the smells make the patient sick. The patient thinks that he smells the smell coming from his own nose, and thinks that those around him also smell it. This smell of old catarrh or some unpleasant things causes nausea. The patient suffers from a runny nose; constant sneezing, nasal congestion. We read about a runny nose: “liquid, like water, dripping from the nose.” All nasal discharge is acrid and burning.

This is the state of Sulfur. Every time such a patient catches a cold, he develops a runny nose. He cannot swim without health consequences, or go into the cold warmed up - this is always followed by a cold with a runny nose. Every change in weather is accompanied by a new attack of runny nose. I have seen many elderly people who were in the habit of taking large quantities of sulfur every spring “to cleanse the body”; for the remainder of the year they suffered from runny noses and other manifestations of Sulfur. If you meet someone who likes to take sulfur, you will be able to see a good picture of Sulfur, which is very interesting for a homeopath. There are also nosebleeds, dry sores and crusts in the nose.

I have already described in detail the typical face of the Sulfur patient. Do not forget about venous stasis, dirty skin color, red spots, painful appearance, false plethora. The complexion can vary from pale to red, and the face changes color easily; rush of blood to the face from excitement, in a warm room, from the slightest stimulus, especially in the morning. Rashes on the face.

Periodic neuralgia, very intense, especially on the right side of the face. Prolonged and tedious right-sided neuralgia. Persistent neuralgia in those who live in malarial climates when medications short acting, such as Belladonna and Nux vomica, prescribed for neuralgia, brought only short-term relief. If, after examining the case as a whole, you find that it is Sulfur, this medicine will lead to a complete cure of the neuralgia.

Sulfur cures erysipelas of the face. Sulfur is characterized by damage predominantly to the right half and the skin above the right ear, with significant swelling of the right ear, inflammation spreads slowly, there is a stagnant process, the skin has an intense purple color. The patient stinks and looks dirty no matter how much he washes; the skin is wrinkled, shriveled, similar to dried meat. Sulfur is not suitable in those cases which develop quickly and proceed rapidly, with vesicles and huge bubbles; this medicine is more suitable for those cases when first a speckled, dirty-red spot appears on the face, at some distance from it another, then another and another; then they merge, and after about a week we see severe, congestive erysipelas; veins appear swollen; the patient gradually falls into an unconscious state. Sulfur acts wonderfully in such cases, which develop slowly, as if the vital force is so weak that it is not capable of violent manifestations; gradual development of congestive erysipelas. In cases of Arsenicum, Apis mellifica or Rhus toxicodendron, inflammation develops quickly. At the same time, Arsenicum album and Apis mellifica are characterized by a burning sensation, as if from fire, and Rhus is characterized by blisters in inflamed areas.

Sometimes the whole face of a Sulfur patient is covered with plaques of a weeping, scaly, itchy eczematous rash. Milky scab on the scalp and ears, with oozing, thick yellow crusts raised above the skin, with severe itching, which is worse in the warmth of the bed. The child is sleeping, throwing off the blanket. If the itchy parts of the body are covered with a blanket, then as soon as they warm up, the itching will intensify. This rash occurs in combination with eye diseases, catarrh of the eyes and nose.

The Sulfur patient has thick crusts on the lips, the lips are peeling, cracking; cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth. Saliva flows from the mouth, leaving red streaks. Rash on the lower part of the face with itching and burning. Herpetic eruptions around the mouth. In all these formations, under the influence of saliva flowing from the mouth, burning and irritation intensify. Swelling of the lymph nodes and glands under the lower jaw. Swelling and suppuration of the submandibular glands; swelling of the parotid glands. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

The Sulfur constitution is characterized by loosening of the teeth; The gums peel off from the teeth, bleed, and burn. Tooth decay. General painful condition in the mouth and on the tongue. Bad breath, taste on the tongue. Ulceration of the oral mucosa, burning sensation in the ulcers. Burning and stinging pain in the aphthae. White spots on the oral mucosa. Sulfur is a very valuable medicine for stomatitis in newborns, as well as for stomatitis in nursing mothers. The remedy also has deep phagedenic ulcers that eat away the tissue on the inner surface of the cheeks. Characteristic small nodules on the tongue and mucous membranes of the cheeks, in places of contact with diseased teeth. When such nodules form on the edge of the tongue, they are so painful that the patient cannot speak and is unable to swallow anything. The patient is forced to eat only those foods that can be eaten without moving the tongue. Sometimes these nodules cover the entire tongue, then this condition is called malignant, even if the nodules themselves are completely benign.

Sulfur is excellent for chronic inflammation of the throat, provided the symptoms coincide. There is a general tendency towards catarrhal inflammation in older Sulfur patients, and the throat symptoms are only part of this general tendency. Catarrhal inflammation progressing to ulceration. The tonsils are enlarged, acquire a purple hue, which persists for weeks and months, the throat is always inflamed and painful; but the medicine also has acute inflammation of the throat. This medicine helps especially well with inflammation of the tonsils with suppuration, when the inflamed areas are purple, venous, and not bright red. Sulfur is generally characterized by a purplish, dirty tint. Often the throat experiences burning, stabbing, raw, pinching pain, inflammation and difficulty swallowing. Cures diphtheria.

In discussing the general symptoms I have already given ample attention to appetite, desires and aversions. Sulfur patients often suffer from indigestion; these are people who cannot digest almost anything. They are forced to be content with the simplest food; they can no longer digest ordinary food. The stomach area is sensitive to touch, combined with a feeling of hunger and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach shortly before the time of eating. The Sulfur patient cannot go long without food; he develops lightheadedness and weakness. Severe heaviness in the stomach after eating, even if you have eaten a small piece, after eating meat or heavy food. In addition, this patient is often in pain. These stomach pains are described as a burning sensation, severe rawness; terrible feeling; rawness and pain in the stomach. The patient may describe these sensations as follows: “Stomach pain after eating. Heaviness in the stomach after eating,” etc. The stomach of Sulfur is weakened, it digests food slowly. Sour or bilious vomiting due to indigestion. Sour taste in the mouth due to regurgitation of acid from the stomach.

The liver brings many problems to the patient. It is enlarged and thickened, and is a source of severe, pressing pain and discomfort. In combination with congestion of the liver, characteristic symptoms appear in the stomach, and if they are constantly present, they intensify. Jaundice occurs, a feeling of fullness or fullness in the liver, dull, It's a dull pain in it. The patient is predisposed to the formation of stones in gallbladder; periodically occurring tearing pain in the bile duct area, accompanied by a sharp increase in the severity of jaundice. The Sulfur liver patient may have chronic jaundice which waxes and wanes. If the patient catches a cold, it settles in the liver; any cold, any bathing, any change in weather increases the liver symptoms, while other symptoms decrease. Attacks of bilious vomiting, attacks of so-called “bilious headaches”. Sometimes the stool is black like tar, sometimes green and thick, sometimes white. The nature of the stool is variable and changes depending on the enlargement or reduction of the liver; predisposition to the formation of gallstones.

The patient suffers from severe bloating; rumbling in the stomach; abdominal pain. It is difficult for the patient to stand, as the abdominal organs sag downwards with the feeling that they are about to fall out. Rawness, soreness, distension and burning, with diarrhea; chronic diarrhea; then more serious problems may develop, including tuberculosis of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Mesenteric lymph nodes undergo tuberculous infiltration. Night itching with rashes on the abdomen, worsening itching in the warmth of the bed. Herpes on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen with a tendency to spread to shingles.

This patient is prone to flatulence. He has severe belching, severe bloating, rumbling and passing gas. He may have attacks of colic without passing gas; gases cannot escape. Severe attacks of colic, cutting, tearing pains that do not decrease in any position; burning and pinching pain throughout the abdomen, soreness in the intestines. Catarrhal inflammation of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Vomit is sour and causes a burning sensation in the mouth; the stool is acrid and causes rawness in the anus. Loose stools that cause burning; strong burning sensation when moist gases pass out. The patient has a frequent urge to defecate, but only a little liquid or gas is passed. a small amount liquid that burns like hot coals, causing irritation in the anus.

The stool is watery, yellow, thin, mucous, green, bloody, irritating. The stool is fetid, with a sickening odor that permeates the whole room; “the smell of the stool haunts the patient, as if he were soiled with his own excrement.”

Diarrhea most often occurs in the morning and usually ends no later than noon. He gets the patient out of bed in the morning immediately after the patient wakes up and starts tossing and turning; the patient feels the urge to have a bowel movement and must hurry so as not to miss the bowel movement; It takes a lot of effort for him to hold the feces until he reaches the toilet. Morning is the most characteristic time for Sulfur diarrhea, but it can begin any time after midnight, from midnight to noon. It is extremely rare that Sulfur can be expected to help with daytime diarrhea. Sulfur may sometimes have increased diarrhea in the evening, but this is rather an exception; It is morning diarrhea that responds most well to the effects of Sulfur.

Sulfur is a wonderful remedy for cholera and the diarrhea that occurs during a cholera epidemic, provided it begins in the morning. It is also a very valuable remedy for dysentery; when there is stool in the form of bloody mucus with constant tenesmus. As with Mercurius, the patient cannot get off the toilet for a long time because of the feeling that the urge will never end. This is the typical condition of Mercurius - mucous stools with a feeling that the urge will never end. Sulfur often helps in such conditions after Mercurius has failed. In cases where Mercurius has been erroneously prescribed, the natural next remedy is Sulfur. In dysentery, with severe tenesmus, stools in the form of pure blood, combined with a strong urge to urinate, Mercurius corrosivus will bring the fastest relief. If the tenesmus is not so strong, and there is no urge to urinate or it is much weaker, it is better to prescribe Mercurius solubilis. These remedies are very similar to Sulfur for dysentery, but are more frequently indicated. Naturally, in Sulfur patients this remedy will also be best for dysentery.

Hemorrhoids, external and internal nodes; large clusters with rawness, pain when touched, burning, nodes bleed, burning pain when passing loose stools.

Manifestations from the outside urinary tract, Bladder and the male genital organs together form a very important group of Sulfur symptoms. Catarrhal inflammation of the bladder, constant urge to urinate, burning and pinching pain during it. Urine, when passing through the urethra, seems to burn it; this burning is so strong that it persists long after urination. The medicine is indicated for persons with poor health, elderly scientists, old philosophers leading a sedentary lifestyle, with prostatic hypertrophy, who have a burning sensation in the urethra during the passage of urine and after it; discharge from the urethra, similar to gonorrheal, but actually caused by chronic catarrhal inflammation. Mucus in the urine, sometimes pus. The medicine is indicated in cases of chronic mucopurulent urethritis, in persons with a weakened constitution, when the usual medications and drugs for gonorrhea, especially those corresponding to the nature of the discharge, bring only temporary relief; if the patient himself is a Sulfur patient. Such a patient suffered from gonorrhea, he was treated by prescribing medications based on the current discharge, as a result of which he developed catarrhal inflammation of the urethra; with burning in the urethra; with swollen, red, distended urethral meatus; discharge only in the form of a few drops; however, they are quite enough to stain the laundry; this condition continues for many weeks, sometimes years; such discharges can be cured by allowing potentized Sulfur to act for a sufficiently long time.

Sulfur can cure patients with sugar in urine who are in the early stages of diabetes. Sulfur cures bedwetting. The medicine helps with diseases that occur due to colds. In some patients, any hypothermia results in a “cold” bladder. This resembles Dulcamara, and in cases where Dulcamara no longer helps or if it helped only in the early stages, Sulfur is a good follow-up remedy. Urine causes a constant burning sensation, frequent urges; after urination, a burning, stinging, pinching pain persists in the urethra for a long time.

Many rashes on the genitals. Itching in genitals, worse from warmth of bed; heavy sweating and cold genitals. Men experience impotence; the patient's sexual desire remains very strong, but he cannot maintain a sufficient erection for a long time; or he experiences premature ejaculation - soon after the start of sexual intercourse or even before it. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the head of the penis and on the foreskin. Herpetic eruptions under the foreskin with itching and burning. The patient suffers greatly due to an itchy rash on the genitals. The foreskin narrows and does not move back, inflammatory phimosis; thickening or narrowing of the foreskin. Inflammatory phimosis can be treated with medication if it is due to a potentially treatable condition. Congenital phimosis cannot be cured with medications. The genitals are extremely fetid, which is felt by both the patient and the doctor who examines him. The patient is unclean; if you don’t force him, he won’t wash himself; As a result, ordinary dirt accumulates in the perineum. Discharge of prostate secretion during defecation.

In the female genital organs, we observe infertility. Menstruation comes irregularly and the slightest adverse effect can suppress it. Bleeding during menstruation; uterine bleeding; prolonged uterine bleeding.

For miscarriage you can use Belladonna, which corresponds directly to the acute condition, the process of miscarriage itself; or you can use Apis mellifica and Sabina, which can be indicated in the early stages, they either stop the process, or delay it for a while, or hasten the expulsion of the fetus; but the bleeding may resume again, bringing with it many problems. In many such cases we cannot do anything until we have given the patient Sulfur. This medicine is especially necessary when the symptoms are erased. Once Belladonna has been prescribed, it is often necessary to supplement its action with a dose of Sulfur. Subsequent administration of Sulfur is often necessary after Sabina, which corresponds to the most profuse, gushing bleeding in miscarriage. For long-term, recurrent bleeding, i.e., in a chronic condition, and not at the stage of acute gushing bleeding, not at the first, most violent stage, there are two most often indicated medications: Sulfur and Psorinum. Bleeding occurs again and again, despite the prescription of conventional medications, in which the symptoms of the pelvic organs are most pronounced. Many times we have encountered the fact that in acute cases the symptoms of the bleeding itself and the symptoms of the pelvic organs become very noticeable, relegating the others to the background; we see heavy bleeding, a stream of hot blood, etc.; wherein significant symptoms very little; but at other times you will be able to find a woman in a calmer state and she will be able to tell you about other manifestations, after a few days more are revealed more symptoms, as the bleeding becomes permanent. The situation with measles develops completely differently. You cannot understand a chronic condition until the patient has recovered from measles, scarlet fever, or chicken pox, which are acute miasms, while the bleeding is part of the patient's constitutional condition; it is not an independent miasm; therefore, if it comes on violently, it may be best to give a short-acting remedy, such as Belladonna or even Aconitum napellus; but then consider the constitutional condition, as the action of Belladonna or Aconitum napellus will most likely need to be supplemented by the subsequent administration of another remedy, most commonly Sulfur. Acute medicine is necessary only to eliminate the acute process; it must be supplemented with a related constitutional remedy.

Women who need Sulfur often suffer greatly from hot flushes similar to those that occur during menopause, and here Sulfur competes with Lachesis and Sepia. Sulfur and Sepia are indicated for the most severe cases of dysmenorrhea in both girls and older women. Many severe conditions that arise with the onset of menstruation and persist for a long time due to the fact that Sulfur cannot be prescribed to a woman. If you select a medicine only based on the characteristics of pain, sensitivity of the uterus or the nature of the discharge, i.e., based on local, pelvic symptoms, you will make a mistake. You must treat the patient even if the pelvic symptoms do not correspond to the general symptoms. If the general symptoms are those of Sulfur, then this remedy will cure dysmenorrhea even if the pelvic symptoms do not fit into its picture. General symptoms are always primary; you need to focus on them first.

Sulfur has severe burning and painful itching in the vagina. Horrible stench from the genitals. Copious and offensive sweat around the genitals, spreading down the inner thighs and up the abdomen. The patient has such a strong stench that the smell makes her sick; this smell is very real, it is not a figment of her imagination. Do not forget about the increased sensitivity of these patients to odors. Leucorrhoea profuse, fetid, burning, sticky; whitish or yellow; foul-smelling, corrosive, causing itching and irritation.

Severe nausea during pregnancy; nausea in the early stages of pregnancy. In women who need to be prescribed Sulfur, this medicine will eliminate nausea and make it easier to endure childbirth, during which they will not suffer from prolonged painful contractions; uterine contractions will be effective and not very painful. In such cases, women will feel pain only when the fetal head passes through. Childbirth is known to be painful, but it will be relatively easier if the woman is protected by a constitutional remedy. Sulfur is indicated for those women who suffer terribly during labor when it is prolonged. Tormenting postpartum contractions uterus. The medicine also helps with breast engorgement.

Next we will consider the septic condition, with purulent lochia or its suppression. You may encounter a situation where, on the third day after birth, chills occur, lochia disappears, the woman’s temperature rises sharply, and she becomes covered in sweat. If you lift the blanket, you will feel like hot steam is emanating from your body, so you will reflexively withdraw your hand. The patient is in a stupor and has pain throughout her entire abdomen. Now you understand what suppression of lochia is: this means that you have a case of puerperal fever, puerperal sepsis. Look carefully for indications for Sulfur instead of going through Aconitum napellus. Belladonna, Bryonia, Opium, etc. With these remedies you will fail in most cases, while Sulfur exactly corresponds to this condition, and has helped many times in cases of puerperal fever. If it is only milk fever, and the problem is in the mammary glands, and there is only an acute fever, short-acting medicines, even Aconitum napellus, will help you well, but in the case of septicemia, only Sulfur can get to its roots. If the patient has a burning sensation in the feet, a feeling of hunger in the stomach, aggravation at night with complete exhaustion, while inside the body there is a sensation of hot steam rising upward, or hot flashes following one another, you should prescribe Sulfur. On the other hand, if in such a case hot sweats and other general symptoms are combined with attacks of chills, which quickly follow one another and seem to never end, you will not do without Lycopodium, which affects the body as deeply as Sulfur. If the condition is constantly interspersed with mild chills with not very strong trembling of the whole body, if the pulse does not correspond to the temperature, Pyrogenium should be prescribed. For purplish skin, with cold sweat covering the whole body, remitting or intermittent fever, with thirst only during the chill, with a red complexion during it, you should prescribe Ferrum, as this picture corresponds only to this remedy. If one side of the body is hot and the other cold, the patient is tearful, afraid of everything, trembling with fear, nervous, anxious, prescribe Pulsatilla, which also has sepsis in its pathogenesis, this medicine can cope with such a condition.

Sulfur is good for post-operative fever when it occurs in the form of hot flashes, with sweat rising from the body like hot steam.

In such septic conditions, which deeply affect the body, often from the very beginning to the end, the patient will need only Sulfur. In the early stages of a septic condition a number of symptoms of Bryonia may still be observed, but Bryonia will not cope with such a case. Remember that in a septic condition, improvement must be achieved within the first twenty-four hours; it cannot be allowed to develop, and if you have first tried to soften it with Bryonia, the time for giving Sulfur may be lost. Start straight away with Sulfur. If you then find that Sulfur has been wrongly prescribed and does not control the course of the disease, this remedy nevertheless always simplifies the picture, never spoils it, and only brings benefit. It provides a good basis for subsequent treatment. Sulfur gets to the core pathological condition and simplifies it; and even if symptoms from the psyche and nervous system remain, the severity of the septic condition, that which represented the greatest danger, has already been overcome, and the remaining symptoms in most cases are already very simple. In cases where the symptoms are not clear enough to prescribe another medicine, you need to start with Sulfur.

Sulfur is very characterized by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath from the slightest physical effort, from which the patient breaks out in sweat and becomes completely exhausted; asthmatic breathing and a lot of wheezing in the chest. Any cold settles in the chest or nose. Moreover, in both cases the catarrhal state continues for a very long time; it seems that it will never end; constant catarrhal inflammation. “Every cold ends in asthma” is a symptom of Dulcamara, but very often after an attack some symptoms remain, forcing the doctor to select a deep-acting medicine. When Dulcamara has done its work, it is time for Sulfur to complement its action. Dulcamara has a similar relationship with Calcarea carbonica.

The nose, bronchi and lungs are favorite place for the development of Sulfur symptoms. The patient develops pneumonia in the hepatic stage; in this advanced stage the threatening symptoms can be overcome with Bryonia, but the patient does not feel better, although he should be getting better; he sweats profusely all over his body, is exhausted, and has a strange feeling that “something is wrong; some kind of heaviness"; labored breathing; hot flashes, although there is no severe fever; sometimes there is an alternation of chilliness with hot flashes. From such patients one often hears: “It’s like a stone inside me, doctor. I can't get rid of it." On careful examination you find hepatization, that is, it is the turn of medicines such as Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Sulfur, and Sulfur plays a leading role among them. If for early symptoms the action of Bryonia or Aconitum napellus is quite sufficient, but during hepatization the condition is too advanced for these medicines to help. If the hepatitis is limited to a small area, it will develop into a chronic condition, but Sulfur will eliminate this too. If this is bilateral pneumonia or hepatitis affects a significant part of the lung, and the prescribed medications do not help, then the condition begins to rapidly develop towards fatal outcome , while suddenly at one, two or three o'clock in the morning the patient becomes ill, the nose becomes pointed, the lips turn pale, a Hippocratic mask appears on the face, it becomes covered with cold sweat, the patient is so weak that he cannot even move and only shakes his head slightly restlessly . If you are not called urgently to the patient and you do not give him a dose of Arsenicum album, he will die. You give Arsenicum and the patient gets better, but Arsenicum cannot remove the inflammatory changes. And although this remedy cannot cure hepatization of the lung, it stimulates the vital force; it warms the patient and gives him the feeling that he is feeling better; but remember: if you do not prescribe a suitable medicine within 24 hours after Arsenicum album, the patient will die. In these cases, you do not need to wait long for the effect of the prescribed medication. As soon as the patient gets better and the reactivity reaches its peak, give the patient Sulfur, which is an antidote and a natural follow-up remedy, and in a day the patient will say: “I am much better.” Everything will be exactly as I just described to you. Sometimes you will find that Phosphorus needs to be given after Arsenicum. If such a patient, who has become better after Arsenicum, begins to have a fever, high heat with burning thirst, and he cannot drink enough ice water, then Phosphorus will be the next remedy, and this remedy will work here as in the other case of Sulfur. You should try to avoid such cases in your practice, since it is your duty to prevent the development of such a neglected condition; if the patient, even in this state, has enough strength to survive after a correctly prescribed medicine, he will even have enough strength to allow you to stop the development of the disease at the very beginning. But let us return to the hepatic patient we described, who felt better, recovered and got out of bed. Nevertheless, he continues to have a cough, and six months or a year after the illness he will say: “Doctor, since my lungs were bad, I have never felt completely healthy. The doctor said it was pneumonia." He will tell you about the rusty sputum and the small details of the course of pneumonia; that's all you need to know. Since then, the patient has had a chronic cough and is shivering all the time. This is not a tuberculous condition, but only a fibrinous infiltration remaining after hepatization, from which the body cannot free itself. If you leave everything as it is, this condition will develop into catarrhal consumption, chronic bronchitis with asthma and other diseases, from which the patient may ultimately die. Very often all these symptoms correspond to Sulfur; this medicine has the ability to clear the lungs of everything left in them after pneumonia.

Sulfur cures bronchitis. When the symptoms correspond to it, the medicine cures asthmatic bronchitis. Sulfur has a violent cough that shakes the whole body; it seems that the head may come off; headache when coughing; head shakes when coughing. Hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage; All these conditions threaten the development of tuberculosis, although there are still few tuberculosis nodes in the lungs, they are just beginning to form. Patients with weakened, compromised health, emaciated subjects with tuberculous heredity, with a feeling of emptiness and hunger in the stomach, heat in the crown and aggravation from the warmth of the bed. These people would feel much better if a profuse rash broke out on their skin; but they have no rashes; there is no relief; the disease proceeds internally and gradually weakens such a person. In such a situation, Sulfur draws the patient out of his consumptive state, restores health, or, when the condition has progressed too far, postpones the onset of the disease for many years. serious problems with health. Now let's see what Sulfur can do for advanced tuberculosis. We have already talked a lot about the possibility of its use in similar condition. The medicine increases suppuration, causing small foci of pneumonia at the site of tuberculous nodules, which are removed along with the pus. Sulfur will throw out any cell that is not performing its functions from the body.

A striking symptom of Sulfur from the back is pain in it when getting up from a sitting position, which forces the patient to walk bent over, only after walking a little he can slowly straighten up. Most often this is pain in the lumbosacral region.

The limbs are covered with a rash. Rash on the back of the hands and between the fingers, sometimes on the palms; vesicular and scaly rash with itching; pustules, boils and small abscesses; uneven spots of erysipelas on the limbs; skin looks dirty. Itching of the skin from the warmth of the bed. Thickening of the joints. Rheumatic lesions; severe stiffness in the joints; Tension of the tendons in the popliteal fossa; Tension of tendons of a rheumatic and gouty nature. Spasms in the legs and soles of the feet. Burning of soles of feet in bed; the patient sticks his feet out from under the blanket to cool them. Spasms, burning and itching in the soles. Sometimes the soles are cold, sometimes there is a burning sensation in them, these conditions alternate. Discomfort in the whole body with coldness of the extremities, but in bed there is a burning sensation in them, forcing the patient to stick them out from under the blanket. The patient is subject to the formation of calluses, from which he suffers all the time, with burning and stinging pain in them from the warmth of the bed.

The skin of the Sulfur patient ulcerates and suppurates easily; a splinter under the skin can lead to the formation of an ulcer; wounds heal slowly and fester. The slightest prick with a needle leads to suppuration, as in Hepar sulphuris calcareum.

Sulfur has too many different eruptions to mention. They can be anything, but they are united by a number of characteristic symptoms: burning, stinging pain, itching and worsening from the warmth of the bed. Rough, unhealthy skin. The face is covered with comedones, blackheads, pimples and pustules. Sulfur has many boils and abscesses in any part of the body, scaly, vesicular eruptions, etc. Sulfur can have any variety of these, accompanied by burning and stinging pain.

Sulfur (according to Grangeorge)

Sulfur (I suffer)

The importance of this mineral is striking when you hear the complaints of patients. This is one of the most important medicines in homeopathy, and often the treatment ends with several doses of Sulfur. In these individuals, it is often possible to eliminate skin diseases - eczema, boils, and various dermatoses. However, Sulfur is a centrifugal medicine, which forces out even more strongly what must appear on the skin for the body to function normally. This sometimes explains the initial exacerbation skin disease after taking this drug, which is recommended to be taken in a very high dilution (for example, one dose of 30 CH, diluted in 1 liter of Evian mineral water: drink a glass every morning, stop in case of exacerbation).

How to take Sulfur? On Earth, a person is placed between two sources of energy, energy, heat: the Sun is in the sky, fire is in the center of the Earth. Sulfur is the Sun inside a person. The Sulfur individual believes in the mother Sun, which is within him. He is convinced that he has the truth within himself and does “fi” to the outside world and other people. At heart, Sulfur is an egoist, but, however, he remains a cheerful person. You need to use what is at hand. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Sulfur deeply affects the Ego and helps the individual to open up to the outer world. The Sulfur child throws all his illness outward, becoming covered, for example, with eczema, while everything is normal inside. These are children who do not like to wash themselves and prefer to walk around looking torn, especially since they are afraid of the heat and throw off the blanket. They have a pronounced thirst and love for gastronomic products, fatty foods, meat and sweets. Eating without cake is a spoiled holiday, they do not tolerate physical exertion well, especially if it is hot and cannot stand for long. You often see them leaning against a tree or wall.

Physically, Sulfur can cure many diseases and affect all organs. For example, this is a good medicine for recurrent sore throats, otitis media, asthma, and chronic diarrhea. Sulfur's mother arrives late for her appointment and on a different day than her scheduled appointment. She settles down with her children in the waiting room, feeding them cookies, which they crumble all over the place, much to the nurse's displeasure. The patient's card is almost always forgotten at home, and when, fortunately, they bring it, it is all smeared with chocolate. Her home is always a big mess, in which, however, she feels great.

An anti-conformist, frontier, Sulfur loves, above all, guests, fun, but if this does not work out, then he becomes grumpy and scandalous. Let us note, finally, that Sulfur individuals often suffer from helminthiases and do not tolerate vaccinations well (Thuja, Silicea).

Sophie has congenital rubella with developing glaucoma. The intraocular pressure is too high and she has to be operated on every month. Vision, however, is impaired due to bilateral cataracts, and the left eye is almost blind.

I examine her at 5.5 months for nasopharyngitis. A child who has already undergone five operations and spends a lot of time in the hospital for various examinations, lies completely calm on my examination table, allows himself to be examined and babbles something. She feels great. This is all the more surprising since children of this age (from 5 to 18 months) often scream when they are examined. A child of 9 months who endures the examination laughing is often a Sulfur (or Phosphorus) child.

Under the influence of Sulfur, intraocular pressure stops increasing. At 6 months no surgery was required. Subsequently, everything returns to normal, even the cataracts decrease and the child’s vision returns a little.

Katrin, 23, weak from her first pregnancy, falls ill the following summer during a heat wave. Streptococcal erythema nodosum appears. Her legs swell and hurt, and she finds herself rooted to the bed. She is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for a whole month before she gets back on her feet. The doctor then gives her injections of long-acting penicillin every 3 weeks for 3 or maybe 5 years in order to avoid relapse.

After 3 months, Katrin feels well and does not consider it necessary to continue this painful and annoying treatment. But alas! One morning everything resumes like the first time. My legs are swollen, sore, and stiff. Arriving to examine the child, I put 3 balls of Sulfur 7CH in her mouth, since she has all the symptoms of this medicine: a cheerful character, calmness, red cheeks, intense thirst, love of sweets... That same evening the incredible happens: I find her on her feet, everything resolved within a day, doctor, and now I feel completely fit.” 15 years have passed since this disease has not recurred.


Sulfur, S. In homeopathy, a sublimate of sulfur or carefully purified sulfur color is used.

The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing.
Introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann.

Effect on the body.

The effect of sulfur in the body is manifested on the skin, mucous membranes, venous system of the liver, as well as on the activity of the central system.
On the skin, sulfur produces rashes of the most varied morphological nature from papules to vesicles and boils. A characteristic feature of the rash is itching, which brings pleasure from scratching.
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and urinary organs is characterized by a burning sensation and the release of an acrid secretion that irritates the skin in the area of ​​the outlet openings.
Stagnation of blood in the area of ​​the portal vein of the liver, provoked by sulfur, leads to the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities.
Sulfur is a deep-acting agent that directly affects protein metabolism in organism. In this regard, sulfur has a lot of points of application, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of almost all diseases, especially chronic ones.

Indications for use

1. Headaches in the temporal areas of a pressing nature, accompanied by a feeling of fullness and heaviness.

2. Neurasthenia, characterized by depression, general weakness and sleep disturbance (waking up from 2 to 5 am).

3. Chronic rhinitis with severe dryness of the mucous membrane and redness of the skin of the nose.

4. Polyps of the nasal passages.

5. Adenoids.

6. Pharyngitis with severe dryness, redness of the pharynx, accompanied by burning pain.

7. Bronchitis, accompanied by a dry cough with scanty, difficult to separate serous sputum.

8. Bronchial asthma that occurred after treatment of a skin disease, when the rash was suppressed. Choking occurs at night and is accompanied by strong heart palpitations. Attacks alternate with skin rashes or exacerbations of joint pathology.

9. Pneumonia focal and lobar on initial stages. Sulfur is prescribed to prevent exudate from turning purulent.

10. Exudative pleurisy, accompanied by severe shortness of breath, dry cough to hemoptysis, pain in the projection of the lower lobe of the lung (usually on the left), rising to the level of the angle of the scapula.

11. Chronic purulent otitis media. Accompanied by tinnitus.

12. Blepharitis with redness of the eyelids, burning pain, dry conjunctiva.

13. Barley.

14. Chronic gastritis, accompanied by pain, belching sour or with the smell of rotten eggs, lack of appetite or, conversely, severe hunger around 11 o’clock in the morning. The tongue is covered with a white or gray coating, the tip of the tongue is free from plaque and is red. Intolerance to alcohol, milk and flour, the need for sweet foods, which can cause heartburn and nausea.

15. Colitis, accompanied by constipation with an ineffective urge to stool, especially if there are hemorrhoids and a burning sensation in the anus. After drinking alcohol - painless diarrhea at 5-7 o'clock in the morning, getting the patient out of bed.

16. Hemorrhoids with burning pain and maceration of the skin in the anal area.

17. Gout. Damage to the knees and ankle joints with sharp tearing pains, rigidity. Typical burning sensation in the soles.

18. Rheumatoid arthritis with morning stiffness of the joints, burning shooting and tearing pains, aggravated by the warmth of the bed.

20. Furunculosis, carbuncles.

21. Eczema, accompanied by dry papular and vesicular rashes with intense itching, scratching brings pleasure, the itching can calm down after scratching, and intensify from contact with water. Exacerbation of the process in winter.

22. Atopic dermatitis outside the exudation phase.

23. Chronic urticaria, accompanied by itching blisters, turning into a burning sensation.

24. Neurodermatitis.

25. Chronic cystitis and urethritis, accompanied by an urgent urge, frequent urination, accompanied by a burning sensation that remains after urine output. Purulent discharge from the urethral canal.

26. Endometritis with burning, irritating discharge.

27. Menopause in women with a rush of blood to the head, chest with shortness of breath, increased blood pressure.

28. Wet dreams

29. Impotence.

Constitutional type

The constitutional type of sulfur corresponds to a person of average height, normosthenic build, with well-developed muscles, often plump rather than thin. Such a person has a peculiar skin that gives the impression of being dirty, with multiple acne or rashes, hair is oily and looks unwashed. Typically, a patient of the sulfur type is “hot”, which forces him to dress too lightly even at low ambient temperatures, and walks without a hat. Despite this, patients with the sulfur type are very sensitive to cold.
The skin in the area of ​​natural openings (eyelids, perioral area, ears, urethral outlet) has a bright red color, as it is constantly irritated by a natural secretion that has caustic properties.
The sulfur type is characterized by skin rashes of a predominantly papular nature, but there may also be vesicles accompanied by itching, which is soothed by scratching, but aggravated by contact with water. This fact forces the patient to avoid spirit and other water procedures.
Characteristic symptoms: hunger, which always appears around 11 o’clock in the afternoon; unpleasant smell of sweat; morning diarrhea, lifting the patient out of bed around 6-7 am; burning in the soles.
The main distinguishing features of the psyche are egocentrism, indifference to others, and irritability. Despite this, sulfur can be a good conversationalist and companion, as he loves to drink, joke, and has a cheerful, gentle disposition.
Another distinctive feature of sulfurs is indifference to the events of everyday life, a philosophical character. Sulfur likes to rant on abstract philosophical topics.
Menstruation is late, scanty, dark blood, irritating the skin of the external genitalia. Menstruation is preceded by headache.


Worse from alcohol, sweet foods, standing, warm bed, overheating, damp weather, bathing, contact with water, about 11 o'clock in the afternoon.
Better by movement, during dry, warm weather.

The predominant side is left.


It is used in a wide range of dilutions from 3xtr to 30. High dilutions are used for reactivation, using the medicine once twice a week. The use of sulfur requires great attention and caution due to its ability to quickly cause drug-induced exacerbation of the disease.

Sulfur is a sulfur preparation prepared according to homeopathic principles and has a high affinity for the skin, bone tissue, and mucous membranes. Affects autonomic nervous regulation. It resonates with the body, transmits information that gives impetus to changes in tissues towards normalization. Has a modifying effect on protein structures, affects their functional organization. In experiments, changes in the conformational characteristics of protein molecules and their transition to a higher energy level are observed. The protective effect of Sulfur in relation to protein structures has been proven. Sulfur has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect, and has antibacterial activity. It is a reactogenic agent, that is, it increases the body's sensitivity to the effects of other drugs.

Indications for use

- laryngitis of various etiologies, incl. loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of the vocal cords.

Mode of application

The ointment is used for a course of up to 10 days. Lubricate the affected areas in the evening, before bedtime. Granules and drops are prescribed mainly in dilutions C3, C6, C12. The doctor selects the potency of the drug individually. In the 30th dilution the drug is indicated as a reactogenic agent. Sulfur can be prescribed once a week or a month. The treatment regimen depends on the type of pathology and the patient’s condition.

Side effects

At the moment, there is no information about the side effects of the drug. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Possible allergic reactions.


Sulfur is not recommended for use in the presence of severe weeping. The drug is contraindicated for pulmonary tuberculosis, hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations, conditions that can become dangerous when opening abscesses and suppurations.

Sulfur during pregnancy

Sulfur is approved for use if indicated by a pregnant woman. It is able to alleviate the condition of intoxication in pregnant women and prolonged contractions.

Drug interactions

At the moment, there is no information on the interaction of the drug with other drugs.

Taking homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment with other medicines.


Cases of overdose have not been reported to date.

Release form

For external use, Sulfur is available in the form of an ointment (packed in 25 g). Sulfur is produced in granules (potency D6, D12, D30, C3 and higher) and drops with potency D3, C3, C6 and higher.


The shelf life of drops, granules is 5 years, ointment is 2 years. For storage, you must choose a dark, dry place that is not exposed to electromagnetic radiation.


Sulfur contains purified sulfur in various concentrations. The excipients of the granules are sugar, the drops are purified water, purified medical alcohol.