Sperm renewal. Video: "What you need to know about improving sperm quality." Ways to obtain a normal percentage of semen

The rate of recovery of seminal fluid depends on many factors. It is important to decide what you want to know - how long does it take for the volume or quantity and quality of sperm to be restored? After all, these are completely different concepts.

How long does it take for sperm to recover: answers to questions

The male body produces millions of “tadpoles” every day, unlike women, who are born with a certain number of eggs. The sperm regeneration cycle is 74 days, so this needs to be taken into account when trying to get pregnant.

As we said above, you need to decide what exactly you want to know. Are you directly interested in the volume of ejaculate or its quality? The volume is restored very quickly, within 2-3 days from the moment of the last act . Remember that sperm make up less than 2% of semen volume.

How long does it take for sperm to recover? When it comes to the quality and quantity of sperm, things are not that simple. . It will take 2.5 months for complete recovery. The full course of formation of “tadpoles” takes about 74 days. That is why doctors recommend undergoing a repeat analysis (spermogram) no earlier than two months later.

During one ejaculation, on average, 250 million sperm are released. An average of 1,500 “tadpoles” are formed per second. Thus, to obtain 250 million it will take 166666.6 seconds, which is approximately 2 days.

The testicles are the repository of the tadpoles, and it is here that sperm are continuously formed.

If you are interested in the question of how quickly sperm is restored between sexual acts, in this case there is no specific answer. Why? This indicator varies greatly among men even of the same age group, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

For example, on average, for 18-year-old guys this figure is 15-20 minutes, for men aged 60-70 years - about 20 hours. Moreover, the average for all men is about 30 minutes.

What are the dangers of ejaculating too often?

The more often you ejaculate, the worse the sperm quality. Its volume and viscosity decreases, and there are much fewer sperm in it. That is why doctors recommend that planning couples limit themselves to sexual intercourse once every 2-3 days.

What factors influence the volume and quality of ejaculate?

If you want to improve your sperm quality and volume, you need to take care of your health. A balanced diet, taking a vitamin-mineral complex and giving up bad habits have a positive effect on sperm. Also remember to exercise regularly.

How long does it take for sperm to recover?
If we are talking about recovery between sexual acts, 30-60 minutes is enough, but its volume will be much less than during the first act. If you are interested in the composition of sperm (or rather, its quality), complete renewal occurs in 2.5 months.

One of the indicators of the health of the body and the ability to reproduce offspring is the condition of the sperm. In this regard, when analyzing a spermogram, not only the number and shape of sperm are taken into account, but also the chemical composition of the seminal fluid. Sperm renewal, like the birth of new male reproductive cells, helps maintain men's ability to conceive. Therefore, for those couples who want to increase the possibility of fertilization, it is important to know how many days it takes for the seminal fluid to be restored and the sperm composition to be renewed.

The mechanism of new sperm formation

After puberty in men, spermatozoa are constantly formed in the testicular tubules, which then enter the epididymis and accumulate there. Male reproductive cells can be actively restored and renewed only at a temperature three degrees below the average body temperature, therefore the testicles are placed outside the body and covered with the scrotum, which determines the thermoregulation of these organs.

How often is sperm renewed? The process itself, during which sperm from the original cells mature into cells with a full set of chromosomes, takes 74 days. If, after the formation of sperm and their accumulation in the epididymis, three ejaculations occur, then these organs remain empty. It takes three days to fill them with new germ cells. In the absence of sexual intercourse, sperm are destroyed, and the resulting substances are absorbed by the testicles.

Thus, complete recovery of sperm in many men occurs after three months, so if X-ray exposure or other negative factors have occurred, it is better to wait until 74 days have passed before planning a pregnancy.

Negative factors

There are quite a large number of factors that negatively affect the quality of sperm and the process of its renewal, so if they arise, you should wait until the sperm composition is renewed.

Harmful working conditions have a negative impact on sperm quality.

Negative factors include:

  1. Medicines (antibiotics, antihistamines, hormonals, anti-asthma).
  2. X-ray exposure. If such an effect on a man’s body was carried out once, then it is enough to wait three months for the sperm to recover.
  3. Harmful working conditions.
  4. Vibrations.
  5. Carrying out paint and varnish work and professions related to chemical compounds used in everyday life.

To a somewhat lesser extent, the process of sperm renewal and sperm formation is influenced by such factors as a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, psycho-emotional stress, frequent visits to saunas and taking hot baths, poor-quality food, genital injuries, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, hormonal disorders.

In addition, it is believed that a man’s prolonged use of a computer and a sedentary lifestyle also negatively affect sperm recovery and sperm renewal. In the first case, the body is exposed to negative radiation for almost the whole day, and in the second, the blood flow to the genitals and the formation of new germ cells are disrupted.

How can you change your condition for the better?

In order to help sperm recover quickly, you must use the following methods:

  • Active lifestyle.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • Drug treatment.

Medicines are prescribed to men if slow sperm turnover is associated with inflammatory diseases or sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, therapy should be carried out for hormonal disorders leading to an imbalance between the production of testosterone and estrogen. In case of obstruction of the vas deferens or injury to the testicles, surgery may be necessary.

Proper nutrition aimed at updating the composition of sperm involves excluding fried and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages from the diet. It is recommended to increase your intake of vegetables, herbs, shellfish, beans and lentils. Fresh tomatoes most actively help sperm renew themselves. They can be eaten in a salad with parsley, dressed with olive oil, almost every day.

Thus, the sperm recovery process is quite complex and lasts for 72 days. In this regard, to increase the likelihood of conception, men should avoid factors that negatively affect spermatogenesis and pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle.

For the birth of a healthy child, the quality of sperm plays an important role, because even in a healthy man, germ cells can be damaged under the influence of various factors. It is important to know how many days it takes for sperm to be renewed, because this significantly increases the parents’ chances of having a healthy baby.

Sperm parameters

From the school biology course it is known that sperm take an active part in the process of fertilization of the egg. They are the main element thanks to which a new life can be born.

However, the meeting of the male reproductive cell with the egg does not always occur successfully and this depends on the quality of the sperm. It is for this reason that it is important for men to monitor the condition of their seminal fluid, but not everyone does this. The quality of male reproductive cells has a significant impact on a man’s health, and the progression of various diseases in his body increases the risk of conceiving an unhealthy child. Sperm is an important component that is involved in the birth of a new life, so it must be of good quality. How many days the sperm is restored plays an important role and helps to choose the most suitable time for conception.

Features of germ cell restoration

Many future couples are planning pregnancy and preparing for it with all responsibility. It is for this reason that many potential parents are concerned with the question of how long it takes for the seminal fluid to be restored and what obstacles may arise during this process. Before pregnancy, you should completely change your lifestyle and give up those habits that have a detrimental effect on the condition of sperm. After all, for successful conception and pregnancy, only high-quality and healthy male reproductive cells are needed.

Proper and nutritious nutrition, which includes:

A special diet should not contain foods that contain various preservatives and dyes. In addition, it is possible to quickly restore the quality of sperm thanks to special vitamin complexes that are designed specifically for the stronger sex.

Experts say that carrying a mobile phone in close proximity to a man’s genitals can negatively affect the condition of sperm. In addition, alcoholic drinks and smoking have a negative impact on the quality of sperm, because such habits significantly reduce the number of sperm capable of fertilization.

The quality of sperm is quickly restored during sports and exercise, so men should start going to the gym and also not give up walking in the fresh air. Physical exercises are recommended to be carried out in nature, which significantly improves blood circulation in the body and restores reproductive cells.

Experts say that increasing the ambient temperature and taking thermal baths have a negative effect on the condition of sperm. It is for this reason that when planning a child, a man will have to refuse to visit baths, saunas and hot baths. In addition, it is recommended to avoid wearing tight panties and swimming trunks, which pinch the testicles and impair their ventilation.

Sperm restoration may be required if a man has taken pills for a common headache. This is explained by the fact that the state of male germ cells is negatively affected by:

  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal agents;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-asthma drugs.

In addition, if a man wants to get pregnant, he should avoid various stressful situations and emotional stress. All this negatively affects the condition of sperm and after some time their mandatory restoration will be required.

It is important to remember that complete restoration of the quality of male reproductive cells occurs within three months, so this is important to take into account when planning pregnancy. If a man has undergone X-ray irradiation, it is recommended to postpone pregnancy planning. This is due to the fact that this is the time required for sperm recovery to occur.

What helps you get pregnant?

Pregnancy is the main event in the life of married couples, however, it often takes too long to wait for its onset. It is for this reason that potential parents resort to folk recipes that improve the quality of sperm in a few days and speed up the process of conception.

To restore ovarian function, it is recommended to use linden blossom and brew tea from it. It is possible to restore the quality of sperm and increase the mobility of male germ cells thanks to a tincture of carrot seeds. Folic acid has a positive effect on the condition of the organs of the reproductive system, and it is for this reason that experts prescribe its intake several months before planning a pregnancy.

A large amount of this acid is contained:

It is believed that the position does not have any effect on conceiving a child, however, many experts recommend “fixing” the result obtained after sexual intercourse. In this case, the woman should lie on her back and slightly raise her legs. In this state, it is necessary to lie down for several minutes, which will be enough for active sperm to reach the uterine cavity and tubes.

Pregnancy is a crucial event in the life of young parents, and it must necessarily end in the birth of a healthy baby. It is for this reason that it is important to approach its planning with full responsibility and take into account such factors as sperm renewal.

Eva.Ru > Conception > Other > Sperm renewal.

Q&A “Conception > Other”. Question: “Sperm renewal. "

Here's my question: If male sperm matures in 72 days, then how do you know the beginning of such a cycle? It turns out that this update does not occur constantly. So there are periods when there are a lot of sperm and they are stronger? or am I mistaken?

I read everywhere that sperm mature in 72 days. This means that some are overripe and die, but others ripen. So it’s not the case that after 72 days, they are all corpses and new ones begin to mature.

Within 72 days, sperm is completely renewed. Those. If, for example, a man took antibiotics, then after 72 days there will be no more of them left, and so the process of sperm renewal is ongoing. Naturally, immediately after the “eruption” the sperm is a little worse, again after 10 days of abstinence they begin to die slightly - the quantity and concentration increases, but the number of living ones also decreases and the number of pathological forms increases.

Exactly, exactly. Here I quote “Testicles can be compared to

conveyor, as they work without interruption. Everyone's activities

The sperm-producing seminiferous tubule does not stop even for a minute.

The huge conveyor line tirelessly moves forward without smoke breaks, breaks for

lunch and overnight downtime. When the finished product leaves the line, some of the remaining

behind the cells is halfway, and the other is just beginning to live. On each

stages of development, a specific rhythm and speed of movement are observed, which

You can neither slow down nor speed up. The formation of a germ cell takes a long time

time, about 72 days. At the end of the production process, not all of them are

in perfect shape. Some lack a flagellum, others have an underdeveloped head,

still others are deformed. This was to be expected with such a massive mass production

production. Several million ill-built, unformed

sperm do not reduce a man's ability to fertilize. "

I don't know if this will clear anything up:

“Spermatogenesis is a complex process in which primitive germ cells, or spermatogonia, divide, reproducing similar stem cells, or give rise to daughter cells that further differentiate into spermatocytes. Further division of spermatocytes gives rise to cell lineages that eventually differentiate into spermatids and further into spermatozoa. Differentiation involves condensation of the nucleus, formation of the acrosome, loss of most of the cytoplasm, formation of the tail, and the movement of mitochondria into the middle part of the sperm, which becomes the "engine room" of the cell that powers the tail. A group of germinal epithelial cells simultaneously entering the processes of spermatogenesis is called generation. Cells of the same generation are at the same stage of development. There are six stages of development of germ cell epthelium. The development of sperm from the first stage to the sixth is one cycle. In humans, the duration of each cycle is approximately 16 days, and the transformation from early spermatogonia to mature sperm takes 4.6 cycles. Thus, the duration of spermatogenesis in humans is about 74 days.”

Yoyo, that’s what I asked: my husband had a toothache - he got so drunk on analgin, he couldn’t stand it

And you write that

> Within 72 days, sperm is completely renewed. Those. e

> if, for example, a man took antibiotics, then after 7

> 2 days they won’t be there anymore,

does this mean we should abstain for the next 72 days? And

How do analgesics and antibiotics affect the quality of sperm? Do they kill them completely or can they be deformed, and this will result in unhealthy offspring, God forbid?

there is no need to abstain, it’s just that if antibiotics somehow affected ready-semi-ready sperm, then they will either lose mobility or shape, and if they are deformed in some way, then there is very little chance that they will be able to reach the egg and penetrate it. But not everyone is deformed. But new ones (which are constantly being formed) will be ready in 72 days, and then there will be more chances.

Everywhere they write about three months of contraception after taking antibiotics. But I think we need to look at the specific antibiotic that your husband took.

corticosteroids and other hormonal drugs

medications prescribed for stomach or intestinal ulcers

sleeping pills and sedatives"

Yosh, practice refutes theory, that’s for sure! My husband’s relatives killed chlamydia with tetracycline for a month, and in the next cycle after taking antibiotics, after 5 years of infertility treatment, they succeeded. The girl is already big, her health is fine.

Now I looked in “Reproductive Endocrinology”, 1998 edition. There, only two drugs that lead to male infertility are specifically indicated: furadonin and sulfasalazine. Sulfasalazine belongs to both the group of sulfonamides and the group of salicylates. It turns out that to be on the safe side, you should be wary of drugs such as sulgin, sulfadimethoxine, streptocide, norsulfazole, etazol, phthalazole, and, probably, aspirin in large quantities.

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Sperm renewal

The question is about sperm, or rather, about the harmful effects on them and the timing of pregnancy planning..

There are very contradictory data on the Internet about the timing of sperm renewal - from “do not drink alcohol, etc. for 72 days” to “after 3 days the sperm is as good as new.”

What is it really like?

Is it really impossible for a husband to drink vodka for 3 months?

Please write specifically the substances, factors (among the most common ones, about which questions most often arise) that do/do not affect the hereditary material of sperm, so that you have an idea of ​​what you don’t have to worry about, in order to dispel some myths.. For example, alcohol , antibiotics of categories B, C (according to the classification of drugs for safety of use in pregnant women).

You write: “The human spermatogenesis cycle lasts about 74 days.”

Let’s say today there was some kind of “harmful” effect on sperm (alcohol, drugs, I don’t know what else, a bath?). A person has sex, well, even every other day, is it really possible that after 74 days there will still be “spoiled” sperm left?

I just can’t understand, please explain about 74 days.

Where can I go with my illness?

How long does it take for sperm to recover?

By nature, a man is given the ability to become a father. Moreover, this feature of men has nothing to do with their desire. The result of the meeting of sperm and egg is fertilization, which, it seems, should occur inevitably and quite naturally. But no, the desired conception does not happen for a long time. Because not everything is as simple as it really seems.

The possibility of successful conception is determined by many factors, which include the quality of seminal fluid (or sperm) released during ejaculation during sexual intercourse. But the amount of sperm is not such a significant (about 4 ml at the end of one sexual intercourse) parameter for fertilization.

Therefore, the question of how to quickly restore sperm count is very relevant for those men who are suspected of infertility. A spermogram is an analysis of the fertility (the ability to reproduce viable offspring) of male sperm, which is preferably taken when planning a pregnancy for a married couple; it helps to identify possible problems in the reproductive system of the future father.

Sperm examination

Obtain material for research through masturbation. This is the method recommended by WHO for several reasons. It is not possible to collect sperm in a regular condom due to the presence of lubricants on it, which have a detrimental effect on sperm. In some situations, a married couple may be allowed to use special condoms that do not have lubricants. Interrupted sexual intercourse is also not allowed: cells of vaginal origin may enter the semen fluid. The volume of collected sperm is very important to obtain more reliable data. It is also worth remembering that the first batch of ejaculate is the richest in sperm.

Before the test date, it is recommended to abstain for 3 to 5 days. This period is considered optimal due to the fact that with less, there is a decrease in sperm volume and an underestimation of the number of sperm in its structure, and with more, activity decreases and the number of abnormal sperm increases. It is important to properly prepare for a spermogram: two weeks before it, you need to completely eliminate alcohol and limit the intake of nicotine and coffee.

What you should know about sperm quality

Factors that negatively affect sperm quality

  1. Ill-conceived diet and nutrition itself.
  2. Presence of bad habits (drugs, alcohol, smoking).
  3. Unfavorable environmental factors.
  4. Low degree of physical activity.
  5. Wearing trousers and underwear that are too tight, made of dense fabrics, which restrict freedom of movement and overheat the genitals.
  6. Presence of diseases (primarily hormonal).

So, it was decided to become a father. You need quality sperm. What can be done in this case to improve its quality? In other words, what measures need to be planned for immediate sperm recovery?

Healthy eating should be given priority in practice, not in words. Sperm fluid is well able to be restored under the influence of products that include vitamins B, C, E.

The qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm are well influenced by foods rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements (pork and chicken meat, fish and seafood, fruits and nuts.

A very important chemical element for the health of a potential dad is zinc. Its dietary sources are pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, nuts, honey, green tea. From celery and parsley, the body can replenish calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Healthy foods for producing active and viable sperm include fresh vegetables and fruits.

It will be good if you plan to take vitamin preparations in combination. What certainly will not help quickly restore sperm are various harmful products: preservatives and dyes, as well as toxic substances contained in plastic packaging of products, which, if stored improperly, can penetrate into the product and then into the man’s body.

Sperm recovers well from regular physical activity. Therefore, plan some kind of physical activity for yourself: running, swimming in the pool, sports training on a home exercise machine or working out in the gym. Ideal conditions for obtaining such a load on the body are with a large amount of fresh air (that is, outside). Properly organized blood circulation will increase the chances of accidental conception. Even when you are at your workplace in a stuffy office environment, try to look for a reason to get up from your chair more often (preferably every hour): bend over, squat, climb the stairs.

It is highly advisable to critically evaluate your own wardrobe regarding trousers and underwear, i.e. all clothing that is worn exclusively on the legs. The testicles are a separate organ outside the body to create the best temperature regime (it should be 2° lower than body temperature) necessary for sperm formation. Therefore, we leave loose-fitting panties, and throw away other fashionable and tight models. By the way, it is the latter that can provoke such a diagnosis as male infertility, as well as factors such as spending a long time in a car seat or under a hot shower (in a hot bath).

Men with chronic illnesses should get advice about how the medications they are taking may affect their fertility. The most common headache pill can significantly worsen spermatogenesis. But antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines and anti-asthma drugs can play a special role in the fact that sperm is not restored.

Of particular note are medications containing the male hormone testosterone. Often such drugs are prescribed to improve spermatogenesis. Attention! Taking them can cause the effect of pharmacological castration. It is explained by the fact that in the brain, when the level of male hormone in the blood increases, a signal is generated to transmit to the endocrine and sex glands to stop its production. The concentration of the male hormone in the male gonads for complete sperm formation must be several times higher than its concentration in the blood, but this is impossible to achieve with the help of pills.

And less stress. Remember that complete sperm recovery is possible after 3 months.

How to prepare.

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The birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every person. And such a seemingly natural process requires thoughtful preparation. Women's health and the environment, poor-quality food, contaminated water, stress, bad habits - all this can negatively affect the birth of a child. This is why preparation is required, which should preferably begin 2-3 months before planning a pregnancy. Usually women take this process more responsibly, while men take it lightly. But conceiving a healthy child requires preparation from both partners.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to check your health, visit doctors, including a dentist, treat chronic diseases, check for infections and begin conceiving against the backdrop of complete health of both partners. Here the woman’s health will indeed be somewhat more important. Since eggs, unlike sperm, are not renewed throughout life and can be influenced by hereditary factors. Sperm renewal occurs on average every 70 days.

an obstacle to the desired pregnancy.

It is advisable to spend less time watching TV and the computer, since electromagnetic radiation from technology also affects the hereditary factor. Scientists have already proven this.

Soy should be limited as it interferes with conception. But you need to consume more raw seeds and nuts. You should limit caffeine-containing drinks; it is better to switch to green tea. Moderation is good in nutrition. Ovulation is adversely affected by both overeating and undereating, strict diets, and weight loss.

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • vitamins A and E (aevit):
  • vitamin B12;
  • trace elements: zinc, iron, iodine.

Men should pay attention to their underwear. After all, sperm mature at a temperature that is lower than the general body temperature. Wearing tight clothing (swimming trunks, trousers), especially made of synthetic materials, leads to the fact that the temperature in the scrotum area increases significantly, so that sperm cannot even survive. Therefore, in order for sperm to be alive and full, you need to switch to loose clothing made from natural materials.

Sperm renewal

The process of conception is quite complex, and the most important factor for success is the good quality of the man’s ejaculate. Any disturbance in the body or lifestyle can lead to the process of spermatogenesis being disrupted, and the sperm in the eculate will be immobile, irregular in shape, or in small quantities.

To solve the problem of male factor infertility, it is necessary to improve the quality of sperm. To understand how the treatment works, it is recommended to first understand how sperm are renewed and how long recovery takes.


The process of spermatogenesis occurs in a man’s body constantly, from the moment of puberty. Sperm are formed in the tubules, which move to the appendages of the testicles and remain there until ejaculation. Sperm mature at a special temperature, which is several degrees lower than the temperature of the whole body.

It should be noted that sperm mature over a long period of time, as long as 74 days. This process is called spermatogenesis. Before becoming sperm, germ cells develop for 2.5 months, and if there is a failure at the stage of spermatogenesis, this will lead to a bad spermogram.

Sperm accumulate in the epididymis for 3 days. It is after three days that there will be a sufficient number of sperm in the ejaculate for successful conception.


Many patients are interested in how sperm are renewed, and how to restore sperm if, according to the results of a spermogram, a man is practically infertile.

First of all, it is worth noting those factors that lead to deterioration in sperm quality in order to eliminate them:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • varicocele;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • genital injuries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs;
  • taking certain medications.

Only a urologist can accurately identify the cause of impaired spermatogenesis, so you should definitely consult with a specialist.


How long it takes for the spermogram to be updated depends on the duration of spermatogenesis, that is, it will be possible to see the result sooner than after 74 days. And in order to renew sperm and improve its quality, you need to undergo proper treatment all this time, and also follow the following recommendations:

  • exercise;
  • Healthy food;
  • cure all pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • avoid stress and heavy physical activity;
  • have sex at least 2 times a week, preferably every 3 days;
  • if possible, you need to give up medications and agents that impair spermatogenesis; you should definitely consult a doctor on this issue.

Thus, sperm are renewed in most cases if the patient has undergone adequate treatment and follows all the doctor’s instructions. If the quality of the spermogram does not improve, then the patient may be offered infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies, such as insemination and IVF.


Sexual constitution and infertility

Author: A.I. Novikov, V.V. Mikhailichenko, V. V. Yarman

Is infertility a death sentence? or How I became a mother

Author: Ekaterina Istratova


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  • consultation with a fertility specialist of the highest category – rubles;
  • consultation with an embryologist – rubles;
  • “IVF” program - several rubles (the price depends on the range of services and the age of the patient);
  • insemination – hundreds of rubles (price depends on the donor);
  • cryopreservation – bran;
  • comprehensive examination of sperm – rubles.

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  • Cryopreservation of sperm rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of oocytes/embryos.
  • Spermogram in rubles.
  • Hormonal therapy - from 100 rubles.
  • Storage of biomaterial - from 1300 rubles.

Where and how long do sperm mature? How is sperm produced?

A man’s ability to conceive is determined by three points: the formation of sperm and their maturation, movement and ability to penetrate the egg for fertilization.

Spermatogenesis is the scientific name for the process of male cell development. It is one of the most important factors in male fertility.

How is sperm produced?

The generation of germ cells occurs in the male body from the beginning of puberty to the end of life. For this reason, men are capable of fertilization throughout their lives, unlike women.

Where and how is sperm formed?

Sperm are produced in the testicles, which are filled with seminiferous tubules. It is here that they are produced in huge quantities without breaks or weekends. Sperm maturation consists of the following stages:

The inner surface of the seminiferous tubules is represented by 2 parts: luminal and adluminal. The luminal part contains Sertoli cells and spermatogonia (male germ cells from which the seminal filaments are formed), primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatids.

Spermatogonia go through several stages of mitotic division. They are divided into 2 types: A and B. In total, there are approximately 1 billion spermatogonia in one testicle. Some type A cells are divided by mitosis and ensure a constant number of spermatogonia, and the other part turns into type B cells, which also divide by mitosis, but then transform into primary spermatocytes begin to divide by meiosis.

After the first division, 2 secondary spermatocytes containing a haploid set of chromosomes are obtained, and after the second division, 4 spermatids with the same chromosome set are formed.

It is precisely this set of chromosomes (haploid or 23 chromosomes) that is needed so that when a sperm joins an egg, 23 pairs of chromosomes are obtained (diploid set).

Then the spermatids change shape: first they become round, then elongated, and the head and tail of the future sperm are formed. This process is called spermiogenesis.

And also during this period, an acrosome is formed in the area of ​​the head of the future sperm, which contains special enzymes designed to dissolve the shell of the egg so that the sperm can penetrate it.

After spermiogenesis, through the testicular network, spermatozoa with a flow of fluid enter the epididymis, they travel this path in a week, and there the livelies are already waiting in the wings. If a man does not have sex, then the accumulation of sperm occurs in the area of ​​the tail of the epididymis, where they exist for several more weeks. If during this time the “old” sperm do not ejaculate, then they are destroyed; this process is called phagocytosis.

How long does it take for sperm to mature?

The maturation period for sperm is about 70–74 days. During this time, the sperm are completely renewed, and the formed sperm are “stored” in the man’s body for about 1 month.

Outside the body, sperm can survive up to a day, taking into account external conditions. When sperm enters the vagina, it lasts only a few hours, since the vagina has an acidic environment, not an alkaline one, but after passing through all the barriers and reaching the cervix, the life of the sperm can last up to a week.

How many sperm are produced in the male body?

A healthy man with constant sexual intercourse can produce about 250 million sperm every day. But only 12% of them are suitable for fertilization, since 75% die, and 50% of the survivors usually have defects.

Spermatogenesis is controlled by gonadotropins produced by the pituitary gland and steroid hormones produced by the testicles.

The level of hormones produced in the male body is almost constant. The body of a healthy adult male produces an average of 2–5 ml of sperm during ejaculation. 1 ml can contain from 15 to 120 million sperm.

Factors influencing the process of sperm formation

In order to stimulate the recovery process, it is necessary to take into account factors that can negatively affect spermatogenesis. These factors can be divided into external and internal.

External factors influencing spermatogenesis:

  • Ecology. Lead, mercury, ammonia, carbon monoxide, cadmium, arsenic and some other substances pose a particular danger to the formation of germ cells.

Internal factors are various endocrine disorders, renal or liver failure, inguinal hernias and some other diseases.

Useful video

Development of male germ cells - spermatogenesis

Today, there is a noticeable decline in male fertility throughout the world. At the moment, almost half of the cases of the absence of children in a married couple are the result of male infertility. This is why maintaining reproductive health is so important. And for this it is necessary to take into account the factors influencing spermatogenesis.

I still don’t understand... where do they come from in the testicles? From the spine? From the heart? From the brain? From blood?

Stepan, seminal fluid appears through the work of six male organs: epididymis, prostate gland, urethra, seminal vesicles and Cooper’s glands, but is formed directly in the testicles. Secretion of spermatozoa occurs in the convoluted canals of the testicles, maturation of sperm occurs there, the canal of the testicle flows into the canal of the epididymis, from which spermatozoa enter the vas deferens. The ejaculatory flow is directed down to the wall of the pelvis, approaches the bottom of the urinary system, it is from the semen of the excretory flow that sperm comes out during ejaculation.

Interesting article. Only I still didn’t understand. As far as I know, sperm can live for several days and, given the opportunity, a woman can become pregnant. The gynecologist told me so. It also happens that even if sperm gets in by accident, a woman can also become pregnant.

I work on a shift basis, from three to six months. The work is hellish, constant stress and physical fatigue. In general, during this time you completely abstract from any thoughts about sex. The question, in fact, is this: during such periods in the body, does spermatogenesis stop? Simple, real, the desire doesn’t even arise. But it’s worth returning home... Three times a day. Is this how the body compensates? And one more thing: is this regime very harmful to the body?

Alexander, good evening to you!

It's normal to not feel like having sex while working. And then the body compensates for everything. The body itself adapts to your schedule and lifestyle. Whether such a regime is harmful or not, everything is individual. You can take tests for verification, undergo a medical examination, purely for yourself.

The body does not compensate for anything. It’s just that during significant overloads of the body, the hormone cortisone, which is produced in the adrenal glands, turning into hydrocortisol, inhibits testosterone. Testosterone is a steroid hormone in our body, which, with the assistance of another hormone, gonadotropic, produced by the pituitary gland (part of the brain) promotes spermatogenesis - the production of sperm. That is, under excessive loads, the amount of testosterone, as mentioned above, is reduced, therefore spermatogenesis also decreases. Because a significantly reduced level of testosterone is in unequal quantities with the pituitary hormone. When you come home, your hormonal levels return to normal from rest, and here you are three times a day. And the answer to your second question. Such loads can lead to the fact that your reproductive cells, due to such a strong effect of hydrocortisol, are inhibited earlier than the biologically prescribed time. Do you need it? Change jobs.

Is it true that arousal affects sperm production? They say that with prolonged arousal and the inability to ejaculate, the balls begin to ache and feel as if they are turning to stone.

I don’t know about turning to stone, but they really hurt. An aching feeling of discomfort in the groin and feverish nervousness throughout the body. It can be relieved either by banal sex or by heavy physical exertion.

In general, long-term abstinence, IMHO, is not beneficial, but the body adapts. Let's put it this way: if you can't get what you want, look for substitutes... I meant work.

My opinion is that arousal increases the number of sperm produced and the so-called live ones.

In general, men who abstain for a long time complain of aching pain in the groin and pain. You just need to make love more often and everything will be fine without discomfort and pain.

Hello, I had such a case that I got excited, but the girl refused, so not only did my stomach hurt, but my lower abdomen ached specifically as if my liver hurt very badly. And when I don’t have sex for a long time, I have erotic dreams and in the end, to put it simply, you cum .

I agree with Alexey that if you have sex every day, then there will be no sperm in the composition at all? Or so that they are completely renewed by 74 days of abstinence after the last contact?

Sperm are formed daily in the male body. A day is the period during which sperm mature and are accordingly renewed in the body. During ejaculation, only about 1% of the total sperm supply is released. At this point, the vas deferens and seminal vesicles are emptied. After an hour, these reserves are replenished by approximately 70%, and after 3 days by 100%. Therefore, during daily sexual intercourse, sperm will be present in the ejaculate, and their number will depend on the rate of filling of the empty reservoirs.

You say in 3 days it will become 100%, but then what about the rear maturation? So this sperm for three days is absolutely rubbish?

After ejaculation, the vas deferens and seminal vesicles are emptied. As a result of this, the gonads begin to work hard and replenish their reserves. The recovery process refers to the time it takes for mature sperm to completely fill the empty reservoirs.

After how many days and in what ways can sperm be restored? If you are planning to become a father, then you will probably have a natural question: “How to quickly recover after ejaculation?” Not only the quality, but also the quantity of sperm plays a huge role in conception. The common belief that a single, fastest sperm can fertilize an egg is a myth. Even the highest fertility does not guarantee successful conception the first time.

For fertilization, you need as many active, healthy sperm as possible, which will weaken the protection of the egg and allow the “same” sperm to ensure conception. Therefore, for couples planning a pregnancy, the rapid recovery of sperm after ejaculation is an important procedure that allows you to use the days of ovulation with maximum benefit.

Life mode

If you need to restore your semen supply, you will have to change many habits that may negatively affect the production of ejaculate. To restore seed activity it is necessary:

  • Avoid fast food, fatty, fried and spicy foods. The quality and quantity of sperm are greatly influenced by foods rich in proteins.
  • Give up any bad habits: smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of the rapid restoration of sperm reserves.
  • Spend more time walking.
  • Play sports, walk more.
  • Do not wear too tight, dense synthetic underwear.
  • Go through a full medical examination: if you have any diseases, doctors will help you choose medications or vitamins.

If you are planning to have a child, then you need to give up bad habits at least a year in advance. Typically, sperm are completely renewed within 72 hours, but it is almost impossible to say how long it will take for them to recover in each individual case.

Harmful substances can take a very long time to leave the body. Therefore, responsible parents planning healthy offspring need to take care of this in advance. A smoker who quits is still a smoker, and the huge amount of tar and toxic substances can cause developmental delays in a child.

What should be in the diet

Scientific research has proven that in the vast majority of cases, male infertility can be caused by insufficient sperm count. To restore its supply, you need to include in your diet foods that will help you get in shape in the shortest period of time:

  1. Ginseng. In Asian countries, this root is widely used to strengthen masculinity. Ginseng effectively restores semen supply and even helps get rid of erectile dysfunction.
  2. Garlic. Large amounts of allicin increase sperm production.
  3. White chicken meat. Source of animal protein, zinc and vitamin B6, which increase sperm count.
  4. Corn. Contains plant arginine, which increases the number of healthy sperm and increases the motility of germ cells.
  5. Blueberry. Vitamin C contained in berries increases sperm motility.
  6. Almond. Vitamin E also increases sperm count, and specific fats promote the production of the male hormone testosterone, increasing libido.
  7. Oysters. Amino acids activate the production of male sex hormones. In addition, oysters are a natural aphrodisiac.

The body of an adult male contains up to 10 grams of sperm. After ejaculation in a healthy man, the supply of semen is restored to 70 percent of normal within an hour, but the full volume is restored only on the third day.

When playing sports, sperm production increases.

Ways to obtain a normal percentage of semen

You can quickly restore the normal percentage of semen by eating additional minerals and vitamins, as well as through regular physical activity. In addition, the recovery process is greatly influenced by the echoes of bad habits. Smoking leaves traces in the body for up to a year; systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages greatly wears out the body.

Full recovery may take one to two years. Only after this period can a man who quit drinking and smoking become the father of a full-fledged healthy child. Anyone who quit smoking a few days/weeks/months ago should understand that normal functioning of the body will take at least a year to be restored. Therefore, if you are planning to become a father, you need to quit cigarettes and alcohol as quickly as possible.

How to quickly restore sperm to a normal amount and increase the maximum number of healthy sperm in its composition? To do this you need to take a complex of vitamins. Zinc, calcium, phosphorus and potassium are ideal for restoring semen reserves. Therefore, the future father’s diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables.

Insufficient sperm count can lead to infertility.

Another way to quickly restore your semen supply is through regular physical activity. Swimming or running are best. They will normalize blood circulation in the body and ensure normal sperm production. As a result of regular physical activity, male fertility increases, which has a beneficial effect on conception.

For those who plan to become a father in the near future, visiting the sauna is highly discouraged. After a bath or steam room, the amount of sperm decreases, sperm activity drops and is restored only on the third day. Many people say that the “steam room effect” can last longer. Therefore, if this or in the coming days you plan to have sexual intercourse with the goal of conception, it is better to avoid going to the bathhouse or sauna.

Limited limit?

There is an opinion among many men that their supply of active semen is limited, and the more ejaculations they had at a young age, the higher the likelihood of losing fertility and becoming infertile. This opinion was expressed in 1894 by O. Efferetz, who somehow calculated the number of ejaculations and even named their exact number - 5400. Any manifestation of sexual activity will ultimately lead to exhaustion of the limit, infertility and impotence. Therefore, even in the last century, masturbation and nocturnal emissions were talked about as a loss of a precious supply of sperm.

To quickly restore sperm, you need to eat right.

In fact, the seed is regularly reproduced by the sex glands and has no limit. When ejaculation occurs, the sperm supply is immediately replenished. Each new ejaculation becomes a stimulus to enhance the function of the gonads. Therefore, full sexual activity is necessary for men's health.

Stagnation and abstinence lead to nocturnal emissions, and prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse and masturbation can lead to decreased libido. After a long period of abstinence, it is quite difficult to recover, but as soon as a man returns to regular sexual activity, the functioning of the reproductive system is restored.

Efferetz's theory could have arisen on the basis of physiological processes: with regular sexual intercourse during the day, already in the third ejaculation there will be no active sperm. It will take at least 72 hours to restore the seed supply.

Therefore, to quickly restore sperm reserves, it is necessary to have no more than two sexual intercourses per night, consume more vitamins and protein, and do not forget about physical activity. In this case, the reproductive system will work normally, allowing you to enjoy life. And the activity of normal sperm guarantees the conception of a full-fledged healthy child.

Couples interested in having a child often come across very conflicting information. Somewhere they write that sperm mature in three days, and somewhere they say that it takes almost three months to restore seminal fluid. What should we focus on, should we really have sex once every three months? In fact, you just need to figure out how often sperm is renewed.

Features of spermatogenesis

The initial stage of sperm formation is the development of spermogony. This is a male reproductive cell that gradually divides, turning into a spermatocyte. When the chromosome set is divided, a spermatid is formed. This sex cell no longer divides, but, gradually maturing, turns into a sperm.

Sperm renewal occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testicle. It is here that the initial germ cells mature into sperm when there is sufficient testosterone production. To fully mature, the live bait must enter the epididymis. To do this, they travel a long way along the seminiferous tubules.

Sperm are stored in the epididymis until ejaculation occurs, when they are released into the vas deferens. Or until they become completely old (without ejaculation) and collapse. The destroyed sperm are absorbed into the testicle.

Sperm renewal period

It takes at least two months for sperm to form. Then it takes another two weeks to reach the epididymis. It turns out that sperm formation takes about 73-75 days.

“In standby mode,” mature sperm can remain near the entrance to the vas deferens for 14-16 days. After two weeks, the sperm are renewed, a new batch of live ones arrives, and the aged sperm disintegrate under the influence of spermatophages.

Why is the lifespan of sperm so short? Nature has made sure that a person always has fresh genetic material ready, which he can pass on to his offspring. The “fresher” the live bait is, the more active and viable they are.

Is it possible to completely “empty” the testicles? Yes, it is enough for a man to ejaculate three times a day and he must expect the arrival of new genetic material. No, there will be ejaculations, and the man will experience an orgasm, but you need to take into account how quickly the sperm is renewed. It will take three days for a man’s body to restore the normal amount of lifeblood.

Within 72 hours, new sperm will arrive from the epididymis, as well as sperm from the seminal ducts. If a man has sex during this period, there will be very few sperm in his seminal fluid. It will be especially visible how liquid the sperm has become, watery, even transparent.

What affects spermatogenesis?

When planning a pregnancy, you must take into account how often sperm is renewed. After all, it is the quality of the seminal fluid that determines how quickly conception occurs, how easy the pregnancy will be, and whether the child will be born healthy.

When do you need to clarify how quickly sperm are renewed? If there is an assumption that a man’s sperm is negatively affected by external factors. It is undesirable to become pregnant if:

Work associated with toxic substances, for example, in paint and varnish production, also negatively affects the composition of seminal fluid. All toxins are absorbed into the blood, causing general poisoning of the body. If a man wants to conceive a healthy child, it is advisable to take at least two months off from work and spend it in the fresh air, at sea or in the countryside.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, lack of a long-term erection are not a death sentence for a man’s sex life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man gain a stable erection for sex, but they all have their own disadvantages and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

How quickly do germ cells regenerate?

The sperm renewal cycle consists of several stages: the formation of the genetic nucleus and the maturation of sperm. It is at the stage of nuclear division that the quality of the genetic material is determined. Vulnerable spermogonia are easily susceptible to mutations and chromosomal abnormalities caused by toxins and alcohol. The division stage lasts approximately 4 weeks.

Some men mistakenly believe that it is enough to adhere to a healthy lifestyle for a month to get healthy offspring. In fact, the process of sperm restoration is constant. One part of the sperm is still dividing, and the second is already maturing, the third is preparing to leave. Even after completely “emptying” the testicles, a man does not lose the ability to conceive. It’s just that the percentage of live creatures in the seminal fluid is decreasing.

If in the first period of sperm formation toxins affect genetics, then in the second - directly on the very structure of the living creatures. Under negative conditions, atypical sperm may appear: with two heads, without a tail, or with an incorrectly attached tail. If there are more pathologically formed sperm than normal, a man’s fertility is significantly reduced.

How does sperm renewal affect pregnancy?

How long does it take for sperm to be renewed after ejaculation? A young man can begin a new sexual intercourse literally 10 minutes after the previous one, and he can again ejaculate in full. With age, these abilities decrease and it’s not just a matter of endurance. The number of sperm produced decreases and sperm volume decreases.

Previously, it was believed that for successful conception it was necessary to have sex once every four days - every three days on the fourth. This time is enough for the restoration of normal sperm concentration to occur. But later medical research showed that this was wrong.

Sperm regeneration is a constant process. And, if a man takes breaks from sexual intercourse, too many “old” damaged sperm accumulate in the appendages. As a result, young and healthy sperm cannot enter the vas deferens.

Considering how sperm are renewed, it is possible to build an optimal scheme for conception.

  • Actively have sex during a woman’s fertile period – during expected ovulation, every other day, or every day.
  • Do not take long breaks in sexual contacts; even during menstruation, a man needs to ejaculate once every two or three days, for example, through masturbation, getting an orgasm.
  • Do not have sex more than once a day. This leads to a significant dilution of the sperm and a decrease in the concentration of active sperm in it.

By correctly determining the sperm recovery time and adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you can quickly achieve pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.