The cat's eyes are festering, what should I do? The kitten's eyes are festering, how to treat it? A short course in practical ophthalmology for cat owners

Today, quite a lot of people are asking the question of eye suppuration in pets, including cats, or the occurrence of other similar symptoms.

It is worth understanding that quite often the conjunctival cavity secretes purulent or mucous exudate in case of any inflammatory disease of the animal’s eyes. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of mucous discharge and purulence of the eyes in cats, which is almost impossible to do on your own. Therefore, you should contact a specialist.

What to do if your cat's eyes are festering?

There can be many reasons for cat eyes to fester, however, this is mainly due to pathogenic microorganisms.
Purulent discharge from the eyes of an animal can occur due to the fact that the conjunctival cavity is oversaturated with pathogenic microorganisms. The waste products (toxins) released by microbes lead to the expansion of the pores in the walls of each blood vessel, resulting in the release of immune blood cells and the liquid part (leukocytes and plasma) through the eye, and the formation of mucous or purulent exudate occurs.

Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the eyes if the eyelids, conjunctiva or eyeball are injured. As a result of the proliferation of such microbes, purulent discharge is formed.

Trauma to the eyes of a pet is fraught with insidiousness, since if an infection gets into the eyes it will not be possible to detect it immediately, and it will begin to manifest itself after a week or even a month. Almost any such untreated infection can lead to the development of intraocular inflammation, and because of this, vision loss or eye loss may occur. In this regard, in case of eye injuries, even if they do not seem serious at first glance, you should consult a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Causes of eye suppuration in cats and kittens

Festering eyes in cats can be caused by various reasons, including due to injury to the eyes during games or fights with other cats before the infection was introduced. If a domestic cat was exposed to the disease, then this could very well be due to alkali or some kind of detergent getting into the eye; it could also be due to an ordinary draft, etc. When eye infection in kittens occurs, the cause can also be any of the above. It is worth taking into account that suppuration of the eyes of an animal can begin due to conjunctivitis. Often a small amount of pus collects in the corners of the animal's eyes after a long period of sleep. This usually occurs with a mild cold and quite often goes away on its own without the animal experiencing any discomfort. The breeds most susceptible to small discharge after sleep are those with flattened faces. If there is constant and abundant discharge of pus from the eyes of kittens or adult cats, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. An experienced specialist is quite capable of determining the cause of eye suppuration in cats or kittens, and the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of the most effective treatment.

If it is not possible to visit a specialist, you can try to help the cat yourself. If the discharge from the eyes is not purulent, and the pet behaves as usual, you can simply limit yourself to regular hygiene procedures.

For such purposes, you need to use cotton swabs with a special lotion; simple boiled water, cooled to room temperature, is also suitable.

If there is frequent discharge, you should be concerned, as this means the animal suffers from allergies, conjunctivitis, keratitis or another disease.

The cat's eyes are watering | Caring for your kitten's eyes

Determining the cause of the disease is possible due to the nature of the discharge:

- Thick discharge with a yellow or greenish tint indicates an infectious disease that could be caused by a fungus, bacteria or other diseases, and the eyelids may stick together.
— An allergic reaction caused by exposure to household dust, chemicals, pollen and other irritants leads to the formation of clear and watery discharge.

The disease could also occur as a result of mechanical damage to the eye (dust, grains of sand, careless care procedures).

Features of treatment and care

The most correct decision when discharge begins from a cat’s eyes is to visit a veterinarian, who should conduct a clinical examination (usually this comes down to a microanalysis of the conjunctival wash) and accurately determine the cause.

If there is noticeable redness of the cat's eyes or sudden formation of discharge, it becomes necessary to provide the animal with first aid. To do this, you need to carefully rinse your pet's eyes using a twisted, tight cotton band (the use of cotton swabs in this case is impossible). This tourniquet is soaked in the solution and then squeezed directly onto the eye. If the eyelids are stuck together, it is necessary to moisten their surface. These manipulations should be repeated until the animal’s eyelids and eyeballs are completely cleansed. Using a cotton swab, remove any foreign objects from the cat's eye. To carry out the eye wash procedure, it is better to call an assistant, as you will have to hold the animal tightly.

The cat's eyes should be washed with a special solution, for which you can use antibacterial agents: furatsilin 0.02%, boric acid (two teaspoons in half a glass of water), chamomile decoction, etc. After the cat's eyes have been washed, one percent tetracycline ophthalmic ointment should be applied under the eyelids.

When caring for a cat, do not touch the eyeballs and eyelids of the animal with dry swabs, as this can cause injury. Changing tampons during rinsing should be as frequent as possible. The solution can only be used warm. Eye drops should be instilled from above, holding the pipette a couple of centimeters from the cat's eyes. Before using the ointment, it must be heated, this will allow it to be distributed more evenly. Eye rinsing can be performed not only during treatment, but also as a preventive measure.

It is necessary to remember that curing the inflammatory process on your own is impossible, so you should not let the situation get worse, but it is better to immediately consult a veterinarian.

The dog/cat's eyes are watery. Main reasons

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The kitten's body is too weak to fully resist diseases. And if a kitten’s eyes fester, you need to immediately ask yourself what to do, how to treat it, why this happens. Let's understand all the possible situations that lead to suppuration in the eyes of a small cat, and ways to solve the situation.

Kittens that were recently born are weak and susceptible to various diseases. Because of this, sometimes the kitten’s eyes become very purulent; the discharge can be so profuse that the baby’s eyes don’t even open.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this condition, as well as eye diseases, and it is not always possible to find out why the kitten is suffering:

  • virus;
  • draft;
  • speck in the eye.

All these are possible irritants that can cause the eyes of a small kitten to fester. One of the common causes of exudate is conjunctivitis. Among other things, a kitten can injure its eye while playing or conflicting with another pet. At first it may be a simple wound, which then becomes infected.

Little animals are very curious creatures, they strive to stick their nose somewhere. Sometimes the nose ends up in the wrong place and household chemicals, detergent, etc. get into the animal’s eyes. If the kitten's eyes are festering and sneezing, check the place where he sleeps; the cause of complications may be a cold due to a draft.

The kitten's eyes become purulent and swollen due to a disease called blepharitis. The disease occurs as a result of chemical, thermal, traumatic effects on the eyelids. The danger is not the damage itself, but the viruses, microbes and pathogenic fungi that infect the affected area. Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) is another disease that causes a kitten’s eyes to fester and become swollen.

If the discharge is profuse and constant, the kitten should be shown to a veterinarian. The specialist will determine the root cause that caused the suppuration of the organ of vision and prescribe appropriate therapy.


The symptoms of purulent discharge, as well as the kitten’s health condition, depend on the cause that caused the appearance of the ichor. Let's look at the main reasons why kittens develop problems and symptoms associated with each specific type of damage:

  1. Bruised eyelids. If the baby bruises the eyelid, then upon examination you can see a bruise, and adjacent tissues may be crushed. In severe cases, necrosis occurs.
  2. Wounds of the eyelids, in which the integrity of the kitten’s skin may be compromised, bleeding and pain may occur.
  3. Blepharitis. The first symptom of blepharitis is redness of the eyelids. If a kitten's eyes are red and festering, this is also one of the signs of illness. In the process of scratching, the pet introduces purulent microflora into the eye: streptococci and staphylococci. Swelling during illness is another symptom.
  4. Purulent conjunctivitis. Most often, the disease affects both eyes. The kitten looks sick, depressed, and may have a fever. At first, the purulent discharge is liquid, but as the disease progresses, it gradually thickens. The conjunctiva swells and may even protrude beyond the eyes.
  5. Follicular conjunctivitis. The disease is characterized by damage to the lymph nodes located inside the third eyelid. There is discharge from the conjunctival sac. There is photophobia and pain. The eyelids look swollen. Often the kitten’s eyes do not open and fester, because the ichor sticks together the eyelashes and forms crusts that prevent the opening of the eyelids. The pus irritates the skin around the eyes, which leads to inflammation, dermatitis and eczema develop, and hair loss around the affected area.

Eye Treatment Basics

At the initial stage of any disease that causes the appearance of exudate, the kitten experiences virtually no discomfort. As a rule, there is no harm to health. The problems start later. Pathogenic microorganisms develop, the amount of pus increases. The discharge begins to irritate the mucous membranes and skin around the eyes. If your pet is left untreated, the possibility of vision loss increases many times over.

Therefore, when a small kitten’s eyes fester, what to do, how and how to treat it are the first questions that the owner of the animal must decide. Let's start with first aid - rinsing. To wash your baby's eyes, make a chamomile decoction, wash off the accumulated ichor and rinse the inflamed eyeball. If you have other pets at home, repeat this procedure with them for preventive purposes.

If rinsing does not help, then it is better not to continue self-treatment. Take your baby to the veterinarian, only he can tell you exactly what needs to be done next. Agree, why think about why a kitten’s eyes are festering, how to treat a sick animal, when there are people qualified to solve these issues. Yes, veterinary services cost money, but here it’s up to you to decide what’s more important – the baby’s health or an unplanned waste of money from the family budget.


Treatment of purulent discharge is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathological process. Further treatment measures depend on how correctly it is established. Treatment for purulent eyes in a kitten also depends on the causes of the pathology:

  1. If the cause is a bruise, the injured area is cleaned with a gauze swab soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The same applies to wounds of the eyelids.
  2. If the problem is blepharitis, they look for and remove the cause. It is worth knowing that blepharitis in a kitten can occur due to a lack of vitamins, so if the doctor has diagnosed it, it is necessary to provide the pet with a balanced diet with vitamin supplements.
  3. When a kitten has snot and purulent eyes due to a cold, the doctor prescribes eye drops and antibiotics. It is important to provide your pet with comfortable living conditions. The baby's crib should be dry and warm, and there should be no drafts in its location. Adding vitamins to your pet's diet will be an additional benefit for the baby's health.
  4. If the kitten's eyes cannot open due to pus, the exudate crusts are softened before removal. Vaseline oil is used for this purpose. The softened crusts are removed, and the area around the eyes is treated with hydrogen peroxide. The eyes themselves are washed with nitrofural, also known as furatsilin. After treatment, eye drops are instilled or ointment is applied.

Some kitten diseases cause not only discharge from the eyes, but also pain. In such cases, the veterinarian prescribes novocaine with an antibiotic, which is injected into the conjunctival sac.

If the disease is advanced, the bacteria have time to take root firmly in the deep layers of the eye. In this case, the doctor prescribes general antibiotic therapy.

For purulent or phlegmonous conjunctivitis, general and local therapy is used. The course of treatment includes periodic washing of the eyes with boric acid - 3%, and their subsequent treatment with syntomycin ointment or any other eye emulsion with antibiotics. In this case, novocaine blockade with an antibiotic is also used. In addition to the pronounced “freezing” effect, the procedure is useful in general therapeutic terms. Antibiotics can also be administered intramuscularly. In addition, your veterinarian may recommend oral sulfonamides.

How to treat

Here we will look at the means that are commonly used to wash, wipe, and apply drops to a kitten’s eyes if there is purulent discharge in them. Here is a list of the most commonly used medications:

  • drops "Bars";
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • “Diamond Eyes” drops;
  • multifunctional drops "Iris";
  • “Anandin – drops with an antiviral effect;
  • eye drops "Lakrikan" - for non-viral inflammations;
  • "Tsiprovet" in tablets or drops for the treatment of inflammation caused by bacteria.

Most often, the instructions for use indicate the optimal dosage of the medicine, but on average, if a one-month-old kitten has festering eyes, one drop of the drug three times a day is enough for the baby; older pets are instilled with 2 or 3 drops of the prescribed drug.

The medicine is instilled as follows: the lower eyelid is slightly retracted and the drug is applied to the mucous membrane. Make sure that the product does not leak out; for more reliable instillation, the animal’s head can be raised so that the eyes look up.

As improvised means, you will need cotton swabs and a special lotion. But if there is no lotion, you can use chilled boiled water.

Treatment at home

As already mentioned, when a kitten’s eyes fester, it must be taken to the clinic. If the doctor does not find any serious pathologies, the animal can be treated at home. For these purposes, rinsing with a decoction of chamomile and calendula is used. You can also use furatsilin or cornegel to wash the eyes, which restores the cornea of ​​the eyes and relieves discomfort.

How to put drops in a kitten's eyes

A small pet must be handled carefully, and before washing the kitten’s festering eyes, you need to figure out how to hold the animal so as not to injure or frighten it.

Place your baby on his back with his face pointing up. If the kitten's eyes do not open, soak the eyelids with chamomile infusion or boiled water. After this, remove the pus and only then instill the medicine.

On average, therapy lasts about a week, but much depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and its nature.

Remember, self-medication should be used only in one-time cases of purulent discharge. If ichor is constantly secreted, abundantly, and there are other symptoms of a dangerous pathology, use the services of a specialist. As an example, with conjunctivitis, a kitten should be examined for chlamydia. Another examination is needed to find out how tolerant the pet is to antibiotics.

Among other things, the veterinarian knows exactly what treatment to prescribe in each individual case, which greatly increases the chances of successfully resolving the situation and, as a result, the kitten maintains full vision and health.

What to do if your eyes fester with a runny nose

If a kitten has a runny nose and festering eyes, this does not mean that this will all end. After all, such deadly diseases for a young body as calicivirus and viral rhinotracheitis begin with a runny nose. Therefore, timely diagnosis in this case is an important factor.

A runny nose may also be of an allergic nature or indicate bronchial asthma. Each individual situation requires a specific approach to treatment, which is why diagnosis is a priority here too.

As soon as you see that your kitten’s eyes and nose are festering, consult a doctor. Each animal is a small individual, and if your neighbor’s cat got away with a slight illness after a runny nose, this is not evidence that everything will go well for you. Do not forget that we are talking about a baby with weak immunity.

Purulent discharge of a cold nature is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators. Much attention is paid to preventive measures - eliminating possible drafts and hypothermia of the pet.

Why do a kitten's purulent eyes swell up?

There are several possible reasons for the described symptoms:

  • allergy;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • calicivirus infection;
  • herpes virus infection, etc.

To find out what infection has affected the kitten, a PRC diagnosis will be required, and only after the diagnosis has been clarified can treatment of the animal begin. You should also consider factors such as:

  • time of last deworming;
  • time of the last vaccination of the animal, type of vaccine;
  • what additional vitamins were used to strengthen the body.

Please note that feeding a kitten with economy class food is not recommended. And we are talking about any product: both wet and dry food. It has been proven that consumption of these products by a pet provokes gastrointestinal diseases, which leads to the development of infections affecting the eyes.


Let's move on to preventive tips to help prevent eye infection in kittens:

As you can see, these are simple recommendations available to every owner of a small creature. But, despite the apparent simplicity, following these recommendations allows you to rid your kitten not only of purulent eyes, but also preserves the overall health of the pet for many years.

You can also ask questions to our site's in-house veterinarian, who will answer them as quickly as possible in the comment box below.

  • My cat gave birth to 7 kittens for the first time, only one survived. The kitten has a problem with his eyes, he cannot open them on his own, during the day I wash them with tea or water. In the morning they are closed again due to pus, the pus comes out thick and a lot, the eyelids and the eyes themselves are red. I won’t take my kitten to the veterinarian; we live in the village and we can’t afford expensive medications and veterinary care. Tell me the cheapest means to help the baby.

  • Hello. A kitten (3 months old, Don Sphynx)'s eye began to fester severely, they prescribed "iris" drops, rinses and enterosgel (they thought it was an allergy), later two eyes began to fester, according to the results of a general analysis, leukocytes and soybeans were elevated, the kitten was constantly sneezing, eyes festering much less, cheerful, playful. What could it be? What tests should I take? The kitten was wormed.

  • Good night. The kitten was diagnosed with conjunctevitis (one eye was red). They prescribed rinsing with metronidazole and dripping Tobrex and Floxal 3 times a day. 10 days. After 7 days everything became fine, but we continued to drip as prescribed. And when they stopped a day later, the kitten’s eye festered (there was no pus before). We will be able to see a doctor only in 4 days. How bad is it? I read that drops should not be dripped for a long time. Can we rinse with tea until we get to the vet?

  • Hello, I took a kitten from the clinic, one eye has festered, the doctor said to give the antibiotic chemomycin azithromycin once a day 0.5 and tetracycline ointment 4 times a day, today is already the fifth day of the antibiotic but nothing has changed, the kitten began to sneeze often, what should I do? the doctor can't go

  • My cat has 2 kittens, they are a month old. About a week ago, one eye of the cat began to fester, then the other. Now they are swollen and watery. Kittens have one eye each. We have a private house, the kittens are in the extension to the house and in the kitchen, there are sometimes drafts there, and the summer is hot. I don’t know if it’s because of the drafts, maybe the cat has worms... I gave her Koneverm, but she didn’t eat it. There are still fleas, we can’t remove them, it’s a private house... What should I do? I feel sorry for the kittens and the cat...

Knowing why a kitten has purulent discharge in the corners of its eyes, the owner will be able to provide first aid to his pet in a timely manner. If an animal squints one eye or they are watery and painful, this can be either a symptom of serious illness or a consequence of poor hygiene.

First aid for inflammation

A variant of the norm for a cat is the presence of a small amount of non-purulent discharge of a transparent or cloudy milky shade in the inner corners of the eye. They appear for no particular reason and are not a consequence of the disease. Discharge may accumulate after the animal sleeps or walks. The alarm should be sounded if they become yellowish or greenish, then this can be regarded as a symptom of the disease.

If the animal has noticed discharge that is not typical for the norm, the eyes are inflamed and hurt, the kitten requires urgent help, regardless of the cause of the symptom. It is more correct to immediately contact a veterinarian, but the owner must be able to provide first aid to the animal. Such measures will alleviate his condition and relieve inflammation in minor illnesses.

It is necessary to rinse the animal's eyes to free them from accumulations of pus. The cat will struggle, so you need to immediately wrap it in a towel or hold its paws with your hands. Ideally, the process is performed by two people.

If a kitten's eyes are festered, you cannot clean them with dry cotton wool or a cotton swab, as this will harm the inflamed organ. You need to prepare a soft cloth or cotton pads and a medicinal composition for washing the eyes.

Antibacterial agents are chosen for treatment: 0.02% furatsilin solution, an aqueous solution of boric acid, or special eye drops from a pet store. Under no circumstances should you use alcohol solutions, even those very diluted with water! This will not only provoke a new wave of discharge, but also damage the inflamed eye. You can prepare your own medicinal formulations:

  1. 1. Saline solution. For 1 liter of distilled or pure boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir the resulting liquid thoroughly and boil. Before treating the kitten's eyes, it is cooled to a temperature that is pleasant to the hand. This solution can be used for any type of discharge, except for allergic reactions.
  2. 2. A weak infusion of a medicinal plant. To make it, take 2 tablespoons of sage or St. John's wort, pour boiling water over it (it is better to use distilled water) and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, filter through gauze, and a second time through cotton wool, dilute with water to obtain 0.5 liters of liquid. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. This weak medicinal infusion is also used for allergies.
  3. 3. As a last resort, weak black or green tea is suitable for rinsing. The caffeine it contains has an anti-inflammatory effect and can ease the kitten's condition.

How to wash an animal's eyes

If the kitten's eyes are very acidic, before using the antibacterial agent, you need to drop warm water on them, wiping the discharge with a soft cloth or moistened cotton pad. The pet must be secured in a position comfortable for the owner - on its side, if two people are involved in the treatment, or between the knees, after swaddling it in a towel, if this has to be done alone.

The medicine or solution is heated to body temperature and dripped into the eyes with a pipette, trying to get a drop into the corner of the eye, or wiped with a generously moistened cotton pad until they are completely free of pus. After each wipe, the disc should be replaced with a clean one! To maintain hygiene, you should not wipe your left and right eyes using liquid from the same container. It is best to immediately prepare two saucers and pour the medicine into them.

If you don’t have a pipette at hand, you can roll a clean piece of cotton wool into a very tight rope (so that the fibers don’t come out) or a cotton pad and use it to drip into your eyes, soaking it in the solution and squeezing it out. The pipette or tourniquet should be kept at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the animal’s head so as not to accidentally damage the eye.

If the cat is bothered by a speck that causes his eyes to fester, first rinse it, and if it does not come out, take it out, rinsing it towards the nearest corner with a cotton swab generously moistened with an antibacterial solution.

After any manipulation, a pea of ​​tetracycline ointment is placed under the upper eyelid or a medicine is instilled.

How to apply ointment correctly

Tetracycline ointment is preheated in your hands so that it does not frighten the kitten with a cold touch. It is more convenient to turn the animal on its side and hold it in this state. It is impossible to cope with this process alone, since one person must hold the kitten, and the other must manipulate the eye.

The ointment is placed under the lower eyelid, so you need to very carefully and gently pull it off with your fingers (your hands should also be warm), put the tetracycline peas inside the eyelid with a finger of the other hand or a spatula.

Cover the eye with the ointment and lightly massage it for a minute without causing pain to the kitten. After this, carefully remove the remaining ointment remaining on the eyelid and near the eye with a disk.

Drug treatment for various symptoms

If the kitten does not just have an inflamed eye, but shows certain symptoms of the disease, then after providing first aid it is necessary to adjust the treatment. In severe cases, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The doctor will diagnose the cause of the discharge and prescribe the medications necessary in this case:

  • For swelling and yellow purulent discharge, Hydrocortisone is instilled into the eye in combination with novocaine to relieve pain. Treatment of severe cases is supplemented with antibiotics, for example, gentamicin drops 0.5% - they do not irritate the eyes.
  • The consequences of the injury are treated with Levomitecin, which the kitten will need to drink, adding the medicine to water or mixing with broth, as well as Albucid, which relieves swelling and has an anti-inflammatory effect - it is instilled into the damaged eye. This therapy quickly relieves swelling in the kitten. Drops Bars and Iris have similar properties and help treat the cause of discharge from the eyes. Solcoseryl gel heals wounds on mucous membranes well. It is placed under the eyelid.
  • If a cat squints one eye, there is noticeable discharge on it, it must be washed and treated with a solution, then drops with Levomythecin should be placed in both eyes for prevention, because the infection easily spreads to a neighboring organ.
  • If high photosensitivity is manifested in combination with profuse discharge from the eyes, the kitten must be placed in a dark room and ensure rest. In this case, it is possible to use drops with atropine, as well as Iris with an antibiotic. Cefazolin may also be good in this case.
  • Sometimes discharge from a kitten's eyes appears due to an allergic reaction. It is necessary to change your diet or determine what allergen is causing your eyes to water. If you can establish the cause, it will be enough to wash off the discharge; new ones should not appear.

After treating the kitten with the medicine, you must hold it in your hands for some time so that it does not rub off the composition with its paw.

Any treatment procedures are repeated 2-3 times a day for at least three days. Even if there is improvement and there is much less discharge, manipulations must be continued to avoid relapse.

If you have the slightest doubt about treatment, you should limit yourself to first aid - the wrong selection of medications can lead to blindness of the animal.

Prevention of eye diseases

To keep your kitten healthy and happy, you need to carefully monitor his eyes. Following simple preventive measures will not cause discomfort to either the animal or the owner, but will save time and effort on treatment:

It is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the diet with the parameters of the kitten, its breed and physical activity. You shouldn't feed him from the table.

Inflammation of the eyes is a common symptom in small kittens. A problem detected in time will help you avoid major health problems, and proper help will stop the development of the disease even at home. The life of a pet primarily depends on its owner.

Why do kittens have festering eyes and how to deal with it? This will be discussed in this article.

Why can a kitten's eyes fester?

It is normal for a kitten to have a small amount of clear or slightly cloudy discharge in the inner corners of the eyes. They usually appear after the baby has slept.

Greenish or yellow discharge from a kitten's eyes may be one of the symptoms of diseases such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • blockage of tear ducts;
  • herpes;
  • turning of the eyelids.

The purulent discharge often causes a kitten's eyelids to stick together, preventing him from opening his eyes.

The cause of inflammation can also be an allergy, a foreign body, or an eye injury.

If a kitten develops purulent discharge, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, a number of serious complications may develop.

First aid for a kitten with festering eyes

You should not get carried away with self-medication! The causes of eye infection in a kitten can be different, so in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to show your pet to a veterinarian. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to treat a kitten if its eyes fester?

The veterinarian prescribes treatment only after the cause of the kitten’s eyes has been determined.

If this is a consequence of conjunctivitis, then special ointments and drops are prescribed, which were mentioned above. This treatment is most often sufficient to relieve inflammation and the kitten recovers quickly.

For blepharitis, in addition to local remedies, it may be necessary to use systemic medications. We must not forget that these diseases affect both eyes of the animal, so even if one of them seems healthy, it still needs to be treated.

If the cause of the appearance of pus is the ingress of foreign bodies or the eye has been injured, then it is necessary to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of gauze in the solution and apply it to the kitten’s eye. The procedure is quite painful for the animal, so it is necessary to first securely fix it in a stationary position. If the pain is too severe, you can use anesthesia, for example, novocaine.

Treatment is carried out in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. All manipulations must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the eyes of the little patient. In addition to antiseptic treatment, the administration of antibacterial drugs is indicated to eliminate pathogenic microflora.

The eyes may fester due to an infectious disease. The likelihood of such a development is especially high if the kitten is not vaccinated. Therefore, if, in addition to pus in the eyes, the animal sneezes or develops a fever, it is necessary to first exclude these diseases. Lack of timely treatment in this case can lead to the development of complications and even the death of the animal.

It is possible that the cause of the eye infection was a common cold. It can be treated well and quickly, but if measures are not taken in time, complications may develop, which will greatly complicate subsequent treatment of the disease.

To strengthen the immune defense and prevent relapses, the use of immunostimulating agents and multivitamins is indicated.

Due to the fact that the younger generation of four-legged pets has a weakened immune system, some difficulties may arise. If a kitten's eyes are festering, below we will tell you how to treat this disease. At home, rinsing, instilling a special solution and applying ointment are carried out. Please share your results in the comments to pass on your experience to other readers.

The kitten's eyes are festering - first aid (before a trip to the veterinarian)

It is necessary to understand that pus appears in the eyes for a reason. This may indicate a serious pathology. Therefore, after providing first aid, try to get to the veterinarian as soon as possible, especially if the situation worsens.

If conjunctivitis becomes a problem, then rinsing is carried out 5 times a day. We will tell you below how to wash a kitten’s eyes from pus. So, at home you need to use:

  • strong brew on black tea leaves;
  • furatsilin solution with a concentration of 0.02%;
  • solution of potassium permanganate (faded pinkish);
  • solution of 10 ml. boric acid and 130 ml. water;
  • decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage.

The liquid products listed should be at or near room temperature.

Washing technique:

1. If your pet does not allow himself to be controlled and scratches, wrap him in a soft towel and place him on your lap. Place your baby on his side to make it easier for you to put drops in his eyes.

2. If a kitten’s eyes are festering, and you already know how to treat the disease at home, first put a drop of warm water on each eye in turn. Wipe with a wet cosmetic sponge to remove any stubborn discharge.

3. Make sure the solution you choose is at room temperature. Take 2 bowls, pour the solution into the first for the left eye, into the second - for the right (for hygiene purposes).

4. Take a pipette and draw the product into it. Place a drop in the corner of your left eye and immediately wipe with a cotton pad soaked in the same mixture. Then throw away the dirty sponge, take a new one and soak it in the solution. Place some drops into the corner of your left eye again and wipe with the disc. Repeat the steps until the pus stops coming out.

5. Then proceed to treat the right eye, pipetting the composition from the corresponding (second) bowl. First, drop the product into a corner, let the baby blink, and wipe the eyelids with a wet sponge. Continue instillation in the same way until pus stops oozing from the right eye.


During the instillation process, do not bring the pipette too close to the eye so as not to injure the kitten. Wiping with a sponge is carried out from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.

The kitten's eyes are festering - treatment

If a kitten's eyes are festered, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian after providing first aid. The doctor will diagnose the disease and tell you how to treat it at home.

To prevent the infection from reaching a serious stage, the veterinarian can prescribe drops:

  • "Diamond Eyes";
  • "Neoconjunctivitis";
  • "Iris";
  • “Albucid” (an effervescent product, the kitten may kick during the instillation process).

An ointment is also prescribed in addition. Usually drops with ointment are used in combination; we will describe the procedure step by step.

How to apply drops and ointment

If you are faced with the fact that a kitten’s eyes are festering, how to treat such troubles, the veterinarian should tell you. After purchasing medications, proceed with the procedure at home so that your pet gets better quickly.

Step #1. Drops

1. Use cotton wool to remove excess deposits from your pet’s eyes. It is recommended to moisten it in chamomile decoction in advance. Do not press your fingers on your eyes when wiping. Make smooth movements towards your nose.

2. After this, with extreme caution, lift the cat’s eyelid and administer the required number of drops indicated in the instructions. Now the eyelid can be lowered. The kitten must blink for the medicine to spread.

3. Immediately remove excess solution with a paper napkin. Repeat the procedure with the second eye. Manipulations should be carried out even if there is no infection. This way you will prevent a contagious disease that can be transmitted to the second eye.

Step #2. Ointment

1. Since the kitten’s eyes are festered, tetracycline ointment should be administered after the drops. What to do: the product should be used at home for up to 10 days, twice a day.

2. Place the animal on its side and make its head look up. Exactly the same as in the first case, lift the eyelid and apply a little ointment under it.

3. Cover your baby's eye and lightly massage the eyelid. Repeat the procedure with the second eye.

If your kitten's eyes are festering, you should definitely visit a specialist. The veterinarian will tell you how to treat the animal. Purchase the necessary medications and start using them at home according to the instructions.