Rubrophytosis of feet, nails, smooth skin and hands. Rubrophytia: treatment, causes and symptoms of mycosis

Inguinal rubrophytosis is a cutaneous infection, which is of fungal origin, is caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton rubrum. This is a fairly common type of mycosis (a disease caused by fungi), which affects about a third of the population. It is often called a “family disease” because the rate of spread to other family members is very high. It can be infected from a carrier through clothing, touch, household items, etc.

Inguinal rubrophytosis is the closest relative of the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum, but unlike it, in laboratory studies, when placed in a nutrient medium (Petri dishes with Sabouraud Agar), Trichophyton rubrum produces a red pigment. When examined, the fungus has a rounded oblong shape, and pseudomycelium (threads of elongated cells) is formed from many chains of these microorganisms.

Males are most susceptible to this disease, localized in the folds of the groin area, scrotum and anus, but it often occurs in women in the area of ​​the inframammary folds. The lowest percentage of rubromycosis is observed in children, but with the onset of puberty the risk of infection increases sharply.

Create good conditions for the growth of fungal colonies can be easily: excessive sweating, preference for tight, tight clothing, including underwear, decreased immunity, diabetes, obesity, as well as regular high humidity in the living area. In severe forms of infection, foci of infection are observed between the fingers, on the nail beds, buttock folds, pubic area and popliteal areas.

Rubromycosis groin area manifests itself in two forms: erythematosquamous and follicular nodular.

  • The erythematosquamous stage is determined by red spots that appear on the surface of the skin. They have irregular shape, clearly visible edges, discontinuous border. On the surface of the inflamed areas, some compactions and bubbles filled with liquid (vesicles) can be distinguished.
  • The follicular nodular stage occurs in the absence of treatment of the first form of rubrophytosis. At this stage, the infection penetrates deep inside and spreads to other areas of the body, such as the forearm, buttocks, feet, hands and lower legs. Visually, this stage is very deceptive and can present itself as symptoms of vasculitis and erythema nodosum, and if the lesion affects the skin of the face, complicated rubrophytosis is often mistaken for lupus erythematosus.

The disease brings terrible discomfort to the patient, causing itching, discomfort when walking and painful sensations upon contact with clothing. If left untreated, the spots begin to grow rapidly and spread to other areas, and the surface of the affected area becomes crusty and begins to fester.

Sometimes at the first stage of the disease there may be no symptoms, but the process of fungal reproduction does not stop. Often patients do not even suspect that they are carriers of this infection and ignore the itching, attributing it to normal irritation. The longer you wait to visit a doctor, the more difficult it will be to get rid of rubrophytia.

If the areas between the fingers are affected, a burning sensation appears on the lesions and detachment occurs upper layers epidermis, the skin cracks. And if the disease spreads to the nails, then the plates become noticeably thicker and acquire a yellow tint. IN in rare cases the opposite happens: the nail becomes thinner and is gradually rejected. The extreme toes are most often affected by inguinal rubromycosis.


To diagnose inguinal rubrophytosis, simply detect characteristic symptoms few. You need to urgently visit a dermatologist. During the examination, the doctor will have to find out: lifestyle features, the presence of other skin diseases, the intensity and time of the first complications. All this together will help make a diagnosis. An important and indispensable part of the diagnosis is scraping a sample from the damaged area.

The scraping determines the type and extent of the disease and also excludes other diseases. Since inguinal rubrophytosis looks similar to eczema, psoriasis, candidiasis, erythrasrm, it is necessary to finally make sure what the doctor is dealing with. Without analysis, it is impossible to determine between epidermophytosis and rubrophytosis, but this is determined by the deposition of a red pigment, which is identified as red trichophyton.
Only based on the results of the scraping and its examination, the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.


Treatment of rubrophytia comes down to taking antifungal drugs. The selection of medications is carried out exclusively by a dermatologist and is selected depending on the degree of damage and the stage of the disease. If the patient has an initial or average degree severity, then he is prescribed such remedies as:

  1. clotrimazole.
  2. Sulfuric ointment.
  3. mycoseptin.
  4. econosol.
  5. mycofungin.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines that relieve burning and itching - Tavegil, Suprastin and others.
If the patient is diagnosed severe form course of the disease, then before starting to take antifungal drugs it is necessary to get rid of the inflammation of the infected areas, because last stage inguinal rubrophytosis itself implies the presence of an acute inflammatory process. The affected areas are dried with lotions containing a solution of resarcin or silver nitrate or Mikozolon ointment. If there are pustular growths, an additional course of antibiotics is prescribed. If the disease has spread to the nails, then the entire plate is removed, the nail bed is treated with brilliant green, and only after that treatment is prescribed.

An integral step in getting rid of rubromycosis is disinfection of things used by the patient in order to avoid reinfection and spread to other family members. The preventive course also includes taking antihistamines and vitamin therapy to improve immunity.

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe treatment for yourself, since only a specialist doctor can identify a certain stage of the disease. IN otherwise the patient runs the risk of not taking enough effective drugs and transform the infection into a more severe form. In addition, the unjustified risk of infecting surrounding people with rubromycosis is extremely high, since these fungi are considered one of the fastest spreading.


The main measure that can protect you from infection with inguinal rubrophytosis is following the rules of personal hygiene and maintaining healthy image life. Personal items, including towels and clothing, should be clearly distributed and not allowed to be used by other family members. Likewise, you should not borrow other people’s things, since you cannot be 100% sure of the cleanliness of even the closest person.

If you are predisposed to excessive sweating, then you need to fight it:

  • exclude fatty and heavy foods, which the body spends a lot of energy digesting;
  • give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • take a shower immediately after training;
  • limit physical activity.

You should also behave carefully in public places where there is elevated temperature and humidity, such as swimming pools, saunas, etc. Make it a habit not to sit on any seating without personal bedding and wash all clothing, including shoes, thoroughly.
If you discover inguinal rubrophytosis in a family member, then first of all you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist, and then disinfect all things that the patient came into contact with, even a few days before the first signs of infection were detected.

Bed linen, clothing, and personal hygiene items must be boiled and treated with a disinfectant solution. After completing these procedures, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about taking preventive medications for all family members and people with whom the patient has had contact.

Rubromycosis of smooth skin is an infectious disease caused by a fungus of the genus trichophytes. Most often, large folds of the skin are affected, axillary region, gluteal, arms and some areas of the body. In itself, it is particularly contagious and requires increased attention. It is transmitted both from direct contact with an infected person and through personal hygiene items.



The rash can occur anywhere on the body. On smooth skin, lesions have different shapes. On the lower leg, spots form on the extensor surface, externally resembling rings or arcs. The color of the rash is most often reddish, in running forms may look blue.

Vellus hair is most often affected. They begin to look dull and discolored. They break quickly upon contact with clothing. Externally, the disease may resemble eczema or lupus erythematosus early stages, but only for the untrained eye. A qualified dermatologist will find the differences even without tests.

Common locations of lesions are the face, thighs, buttocks, and legs. In some cases, the surface of the spots may be covered with scales and blisters. Almost always there is intense itching and burning in the affected areas.

Photo of rubromycosis of smooth skin

Diagnosis with other diseases

Very often, rubromycosis of smooth skin can be confused with the following diseases:

  • Erythema nodosum. The lesion occurs on the arms, torso, and thighs. The knots are dense, the size is slightly smaller chicken egg. On palpation there is strong pain. Externally, the skin color becomes bluish, and after a while it peels off.
  • Cutaneous tuberculosis. Occurs on the thighs, buttocks, formation is noted subcutaneous tissue the size of a small Walnut. At any time, the nodes can be pulled together, and in their place there are indentations. The disease always lasts a long time; after healing, a smooth scar remains.

On initial stage Only an experienced dermatologist can distinguish them. The only differences are in the localization of the rashes.


Rubromycosis of smooth skin takes a long time to treat; therapy should be comprehensive and correspond to the stage of development of the disease:

  1. If the disease affects not only smooth skin, but hair and nails, experts prescribe Lamisil or Orungal.
  2. Whenever severe swelling or an inflammatory process with weeping, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation. The patient should be completely at rest and apply lotions with Burov's liquid.
  3. Large bubbles need to be disinfected; alcohol is used for this. You cannot pierce them yourself; this can only be done by the attending physician.
  4. Cut off the stratum corneum on the skin once a day using special scissors.
  5. After inflammatory process subsides, the patient should use fungicidal ointments or solutions, for example, mycoseptin, uncedin.
  6. Treat the peeling stratum corneum with ointment or varnish with a keratolytic substance. It is also necessary to treat such areas of the skin with iodine or sulfur ointment.
  7. Treat the affected palms and soles one at a time.

Rubromycosis of smooth skin, which occurs in severe form, is treated in a hospital or outpatient setting. The patient is lubricated with lactic-salicylic collodion on the affected areas. From the very beginning of treatment, it is necessary to treat sore spots with fungicidal agents. Nizoral and Griseofulvin are taken orally, but only if there are no contraindications.

Treatment of rubromycosis is a long and difficult process, the effectiveness of therapy will depend primarily on how timely the patient turned to medical institution. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, monitor your hygiene and avoid contact with sick people.

– dermatomycosis, affecting the skin of the feet, hands, inguinal-femoral folds and other areas. Manifestations of rubromycosis include hyperemia, dryness, hyperkeratosis, cracking, and mealy peeling of skin areas. Damage to the nail plates is characterized by their thickening, increased fragility, development of subungual hyperkeratosis. Diagnosis of rubromycosis is carried out by a dermatologist-mycologist based on external examination and results laboratory research (bacteriological culture, scraping on pathogenic fungi). Therapy for rubromycosis includes treatment of affected skin and nails, oral administration of antifungal drugs

General information

Rubromycosis of the body affects the intergluteal folds, the skin under the mammary glands, in people with overweight body and excessive sweating affects any natural folds of the skin. The lesions are infiltrated, their surface is yellowish-red or brown, peeling is noted from the center to the periphery. An intermittent scalloped ridge with the presence of papules and crusts makes it possible to differentiate rubromycosis of the body from candidal infection and from microbial eczema. Important diagnostic sign is the absence of maceration, which is observed with candidiasis and the absence of polymorphism of elements as with eczema.

Diagnosis of rubromycosis

Clinical manifestations of rubromycosis, despite mimicry of others skin diseases, are very specific, so a careful examination of the patient allows us to diagnose accurate diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis, carry out cytological examination pathological material. To identify the exact type of pathogen, culture and culture are performed, which also helps determine its sensitivity to drugs. Differential diagnosis should be carried out with psoriasis, microbial eczema, skin tuberculosis, and, if the facial skin is affected, lupus erythematosus.

Treatment and prevention of rubromycosis

If swelling and weeping of the affected skin comes first, then it is necessary to use local soothing and cooling gels and lotions. Normalization of intestinal function and treatment of systemic diseases occupy important place in the treatment of rubromycosis. When manifested allergic reactions, including inhaled fungal spores, it is necessary to prescribe desensitizing drugs and drugs that reduce the production of histamine - loratadine, fexofenadine and others.

After the inflammatory process subsides, keratolytic drugs are prescribed to detach the thickened epidermis, otherwise antifungal ointments will be ineffective. Soap and soda baths and branches using a scalpel or scissors allow you to maximally clean the surface of horny masses. If patients feel pain when walking, then it is necessary to use crutches, since in this case the bandage with aggressive keratolytic substances does not slip onto unaffected skin.

After detachment of thickened skin, treatment of the skin and nails of the affected areas with antifungal drugs is included in the treatment of rubromycosis. Treatment with ointments containing oxiconazole and terbinafine lasts from 1 to 6 months, after which a break is necessary and, if necessary, continuation of therapy. For a general course of treatment, the same drugs are prescribed orally, in tablet forms.

For rubromycosis of smooth skin, epidermal detachment is not required, and therapy is started immediately antifungal ointments and drugs for oral administration. It is recommended to follow a diet with a predominance of protein foods and foods rich in vitamins A and E to improve skin regeneration. Treatment concomitant diseases carried out in the background. When treating rubromycosis of nails, antifungal patches and nail polishes are used, preparations that include an ointment, a patch and a nail scraper. In some cases it is required surgical removal nail plate.

The treatment process for rubromycosis is long, and therefore the patient is required to be patient and fully comply with the medications, since irregular intake of tablets and irregular local treatment only develop resistance in the causative agent of rubromycosis to medicinal substances. Daily change of underwear and bed linen and washing it with the addition of soda and double ironing helps destroy rubromycosis spores and prevent re-infection. A patient with rubromycosis must have individual items everyday life and avoid direct contact with healthy people.

Prevention of rubromycosis is given Special attention due to the prevalence of this disease among the urban population. Employees of baths, saunas, sports complexes and swimming pools. And, if you visit such establishments, then a preventive examination by a dermatologist should be mandatory, since long-term carriage of rubromycosis without clinical manifestations. Individual bath accessories and refusal to wear clothes together within the family reduces the risk of intra-family outbreaks of rubromycosis and other

Rubrophytosis (rubromycosis, rubrophytosis, mycosis caused by red trichophyton) is a chronic infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Trichophytes, characterized by a frequent recurrent course affecting mainly the skin and nail plates of the feet and hands, less commonly skin on the torso and limbs in the area of ​​large folds (gluteal, axillary).

The disease is quite widespread in the countries of the Far East (Russia: Amur region, Yakutia, Khabarovsk region, Magadan region, Kamchatka region, Sakhalin region, Chukotka autonomous region; Indonesia, China, Cambodia, Mongolia, Korea, Thailand, Japan) and South-East Asia(India, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka). After the Second World War, rubrofitia spread to the countries of Europe and America.

Only people suffer from rubrophytosis. Age and gender do not affect the incidence rate.

A number of factors contribute to the development of rubrophytosis:

exogenous (factors from environment, which affect the outer skin):

  • Increased sweating of the skin;
  • Excessive dryness of the skin;
  • Frequent trauma to the skin;
  • Calluses and dropsy on the skin of the feet;
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (walking barefoot in public baths, gyms, showers, wearing someone else's shoes).

endogenous (factors that lead to a decrease in the body’s resistance to various infections, due to the characteristics of the organism itself):

  • Endocrinological diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • Metabolic disorders (obesity);
  • Patients with HIV infection, AIDS;
  • Cancer patients;
  • Persons undergoing organ transplantation;
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, hormones;
  • Chronic diseases internal organs.

Treatment of the disease takes quite a long time, since the process is chronic with frequent relapses. The prognosis for the disease is favorable.

Causes of Rubrophytia

The causative agent of the disease is Trichophyton rubrum. The disease is transmitted from person to person in the presence of exogenous and endogenous factors infection.

Infection occurs through direct contact with a patient with rubrophytosis, and through his personal belongings (towel, washcloth, pumice stone, nail file, scissors). Less commonly, infection can occur when visiting a swimming pool, showers, or baths.

Classification of Rubrophytia

By localization infectious process highlight:

  • Rubrophytosis of hands and feet.
  • Rubrophytosis of smooth skin.
  • Rubrophytosis of large folds.
  • Rubrophytosis of the nail plates.
  • Generalized (widespread) rubrophytosis.

Symptoms of Rubrophytia

The incubation period has not been precisely established. The onset of development of the disease depends on the amount of pathogen that gets on the skin and on the condition immune system body.

Foot lesions

The skin on the plantar surface of the foot becomes a deep red color. The stratum corneum of the skin thickens, becomes rough, and fine striations begin to be clearly visible. The skin becomes dry, and whitish peeling appears in the folds. The lesions cover the entire plantar surface, lateral surface and dorsum of the feet, folds between the toes, and nail plates.

There are 3 types of damage to the nail plates due to rubrophytosis:

  • Normotrophic type - spots and stripes appear on the lateral surfaces of the nails white-yellow color, the entire nail gradually changes color.
  • Hypertrophic type - the color of the nail plates becomes brownish-gray. Nails suddenly thicken, lose their shine, become dull and brittle. In some cases, nail destruction may occur, starting from the lateral surface. Often patients with this type of lesion experience pain when walking.
  • Onycholytic type - the affected part of the nail becomes brownish-gray in color and is torn away from the nail bed, subsequently the nail is completely separated from the nail bed.

Hand lesions

The palms and nail plates are most often affected. The changes are similar to rubrophytosis of the feet, only the peeling is slightly less pronounced.

Damage to smooth skin

Foci of rubrophytia are most often found on the skin of the thighs, buttocks and legs. The disease begins with the appearance of spots of rounded outlines of a pink-red color and a bluish tint. The spots are sharply demarcated from healthy skin. The surface of the lesions is covered with whitish scales. At the periphery of the spots, a small roller covered with bubbles and crusts forms. The spots are prone to rapid growth and merging with each other, after some time without treatment they can affect quite large areas of the skin. Vellus hair can also be involved in the damage process, which is accompanied by loss of shine and increased hair fragility.

Damage to large folds (inguinofemoral, axillary)

The lesions are similar to rubrophytia of smooth skin. Distinguished by the appearance severe itching and the fact that the inflammatory process does not spread beyond the area of ​​the folds.

Diagnosis of Rubrophytia

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Blood glucose.
  • Biochemical studies (total and direct bilirubin, total protein and its fractions, transaminase levels - ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, thymol test, urea, creatinine).
  • Specific research:
    • microscopic examination of skin scales, nail plates taken from the lesion - detection of fungal mycelium in them.
    • cultural research - when a fungus is grown on a nutrient medium, colonies are formed that begin to secrete a bright red secretion.

Treatment of Rubrophytia

Treatment consists of two stages:

Preparatory stage

Removal of horny layers and scales in the area of ​​rubrophytosis. For this purpose, keratolytic agents are used:

  • Detachment according to Arisvich - an ointment containing 12 g is applied to the lesions for two days salicylic acid, 6g lactic acid and 82g petroleum jelly.
  • lactic-salicylic colloid – 10g lactic acid, 10g salicylic acid, 80g colloid. The lesions are lubricated twice a day for 6–8 days, after which baths with soap and soda solution are prescribed; the skin from the lesions, which begins to peel off, is removed with pumice.

Direct treatment

For the treatment of rubrophytosis of the skin, hands and feet, antifungal (antimycotic) drugs are prescribed local action: lamisil, mycosolone, clotrimazole, mycopolitside, nitrofungin, mycoseptin, Castellani liquids.

Treatment of rubrophytosis of the nail plates requires the use of antifungal drugs systemic action, that is, orally in the form of tablets.

  • Lamisil 250 mg 1 time per day for 6 – 12 weeks for the treatment of rubrophytia on the nails of the fingers, 12 – 30 weeks for the treatment of the nail plates of the toes. Local treatment is not carried out.
  • Orungal 400 mg once a day for 7 days, then the course is repeated after 3 weeks. To localize the fungus on the nail plates of the hands, the course of treatment is repeated 1 time, for localization on the nail plates of the feet - 2 times. Local treatment is not required.
  • griseofulvin - prescribed 6 - 8 tablets per day every day for 1 month, then 6 - 8 tablets every other day for 1 month, and then 2 times a week until the nail is completely replaced by a healthy one. The drug is combined with local treatment.
  • Nizoral (ketoconazole) 200 mg once a day. The course of treatment is 6 – 8 months. The drug is combined with local treatment.

Local treatment for rubrophytosis consists of removing the affected nail plate. There are different removal methods:

  • surgical removal;
  • removal by applying patches that dissolve the nail plate, for example ureplast (20g urea, 5g wax, 10g water, 20g lanolin, 45g lead plaster). This drug is applied for two days. The nail plate is completely dissolved, and the exposed nail bed is subsequently treated with antifungal agents (Lamisil, clotrimazole, nitrofungin, Castellani liquids).

Complications of Rubrophytia

  • cosmetic defects on the skin;
  • long-lasting nail lesions.

Prevention of Rubrophytia

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • preventive examinations of persons who are predisposed to rubrophytosis;
  • timely detection and adequate treatment sick;
  • regular cleaning and disinfection of public showers, baths, swimming pools, use a solution of 1 - 2% bleach;
  • health education work among the population.

Rubrophytia, or rubromycosis, is one of the types of dermatomycosis that affects the hands, feet and inguinal-femoral folds. This is the most common form of mycosis. The first signs of it are roughening of the skin, dryness and floury peeling.

According to statistics, 60−90% of all fungal infections of the feet are rubromycosis. Only a dermatologist-mycologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Features of the disease

The causative agent of this dermatological disease is a fungus Trichophyton rubrum. It provokes infection of the skin of large folds, hands and feet. It is rare, but infection of long and vellus hair still occurs. This fungus has the following varieties:

  • mushroom;
  • fluffy;
  • velvet.

The most aggressive form is the mushroom form; it usually affects the skin of the feet.

Infection options

Like any other fungus, you can get infected with this species in a bathhouse, shower stall, beach cabin or in the gym locker room. If you walk in these places without shoes, the risk of infection increases several times. Infection can also occur due to wearing someone else's shoes or failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

The incubation period of the fungus has not been established. From the moment of infection until a person notices obvious symptoms, a fairly long period of time may pass. Because of this, the cause of infection often remains unidentified, and this, in turn, contributes to the fact that the disease spreads more and more. A person infected with a fungus can pose a threat to others without knowing it.

At-risk groups

The risk group includes people with problems of internal organs, dermatological diseases or pathologies endocrine system. The following are susceptible to fungal infection:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people with impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • those who suffer from increased sweating, including palms or feet;
  • people who are overweight.

Clinical forms of the disease

There are several clinical forms such a disease. They are:

Symptoms and areas affected

The disease has different areas localization, so its symptoms may appear in different parts body, depending on which area was affected.

Foot pathology

People who have this type of disease experience dry, red and flaky skin on their feet. The first signs of such a problem begin to appear in the interdigital folds, and only then the fungus spreads throughout the sole. If the fungus has affected the feet, symptoms such as:

  • dry skin;
  • redness;
  • formation of compactions;
  • floury peeling.

In natural skin grooves, peeling is more pronounced. Sometimes single rashes may appear. Another symptom of this disease is itching of the skin.

Children may experience this specific symptom, like getting wet, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

If therapy is not started in a timely manner, the lesions gradually spread to the back of the feet and toes. In advanced cases, the fungus begins to infect the nail plate and gradually spreads to other areas of the skin.

Nail damage

Rubromycosis on nails, as an independent phenomenon, occurs extremely rarely. Often, nail damage is a consequence untimely treatment similar foot disease.

This mycotic lesion covers all legs at the same time. Symptoms of rubrophytia on nails are as follows:

  • formation of yellow-gray or gray-white stripes on the nail plates;
  • thickening of the nail;
  • the nail plate becomes very brittle and can crumble badly.

This disease occurs in several stages. Each stage has its own distinctive features. They are:

If treatment is not started in time, the disease will progress to atrophic form, and this will lead to complete destruction of the nail plate.

Often, the disease on the fingers develops through self-infection through the affected feet. The symptoms are the same as those of rubromycosis of the feet, but they are not as severe, since a person usually washes his hands more often than his feet.

Rubromycosis of the groin area

This area is particularly sensitive. Symptoms of damage to the groin area are:

  1. Small red spots may appear in the groin, their size is no more than 1 cm. After some time, these spots begin to appear on other areas of the skin, gradually moving to the thighs. It is rare for the fungus to affect the genitals, but such an outcome is possible.
  2. The larger the spots become, the more itchy they become.
  3. Over time, small blisters may form on the red spots. Walking may cause severe discomfort.

If treatment is not started, the disease can spread throughout the skin and reach the genitals.

Children's rubrophytia

This disease most often occurs in children from 7 to 15 years old, mainly girls. The feet and hands are most often affected. The peculiarity of the disease in children is that it proceeds sluggishly, the keratinization of the skin is mild. Blistering rashes are possible; they complicate the diagnosis and making the correct diagnosis.

Never diagnose yourself, always contact qualified specialist. To correctly establish a diagnosis and select treatment, a specialist will need:

  • sowing;
  • cytological examination;
  • cultural examination.

You also need to carry out differential diagnosis , since the symptoms of rubrophytosis resemble the manifestations of diseases such as:

Only after receiving the results of these examinations can a specialist select the correct treatment.

Carrying out therapy

Rubrophytosis is treated with the antimycotic griseofulvin.. The dosage is selected individually based on general condition the patient and his body weight. Usually the doctor prescribes 4-6 tablets per day. The therapeutic course can last from 6 to 12 months.

During the first month of therapy, the drug should be taken daily, then in the same dose, but every other day, after which - after two days, without changing daily dose, and so on until full recovery. If rubromycosis manifests itself in a generalized form, then a second course of therapy may be necessary. It should be carried out two weeks after the end of the main course of treatment. During re-appointment, the antimycotic is taken every other day for a month.

In the process of treating a generalized form of the disease, a specialist may prescribe parallel intake of vitamins E and A, aloe and pyrogenal injections in order to increase general immunity body.

Therapy for such a disease involves the use of not only antimycotic drugs in the form of tablets, but also outdoor medicines to eliminate rubromycosis. Treatment is aimed at detaching the thick keratinized layer of the epidermis.

To exfoliate the skin on the soles and palms, Arievich's ointment is applied under a bandage to the affected areas. The ointment consists of the following components:

  • salicylic acid - 4 g;
  • lactic acid - 2 g;
  • Vaseline - 24 g.

All components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area as a compress; it must be kept for a day. Next, the compress should be removed and a layer of Vaseline should be applied for another day.

If the ointment is used in a child under 7 years of age, then the concentration of the components used must be reduced by 2 times.

If the lesion is severe, it may be necessary to remove all nail plates. After their removal, the skin should be treated with antifungal drugs.

Antifungal varnishes

Special antifungal varnishes for nails It is recommended to use for rubrophytosis. Treatment with this remedy provides positive effect on the condition of the nail plate in most patients.

Such antifungal varnishes are often used after detachment of the skin layer of the foot or hand.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of fungus, you should follow all the rules of personal hygiene, periodically disinfect bedding and underwear, and also monitor the cleanliness of shoes and clothes.

After a shower or bath, dry your fingers thoroughly, leaving no moisture between them. In the bathhouse and sports locker room, use only your own shoes, never go into in public places barefoot.

After treatment for rubrophytia, a person remains under the supervision of a doctor for another year, so it is necessary to undergo follow-up examinations every three months.