Physiotherapy methods. Modern methods of physiotherapy in Russia, Europe, USA and Israel

Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine (clinical). Studying therapeutic effect natural, artificially created natural factors on human body. Represents the specialty of rehabilitation and physical medicine. Eliminates various deviations. Promotes mobility, function, quality of life through examination, prognosis, diagnosis, as well as physical interventions. Develops methods and uses them for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Explores practical applications. It is, in turn, divided into hydrotherapy, massage, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, etc. Physiotherapy is practically safe and very effective.

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    Why is physiotherapy necessary?

    Designed for the prevention and rehabilitation of disorders nervous system, musculoskeletal system, internal organs. Helps disabled and injured people recover. Used in the treatment of diseases of muscles, joints, bones, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    A method that uses the healing effects of natural physical factors (without the use of chemical drugs) on the body. List of these factors:

    • Light.
    • Warm.
    • Ultrasound.
    • Laser.
    • A magnetic field.
    • Electric field.

    Role of therapy:

    • Needed to restore physical abilities, health and stamina needed in Everyday life, labor productivity, sports, various hobbies.
    • Used to prevent various diseases and improve the health of the body.
    • Required before childbirth.
    • Recommended before sporting events.

    A properly selected complex helps to minimize the risk of side effects from the “chemical” drugs used.

    Physiotherapy is the only relatively safe method that can cure conditions that are not always treatable traditional therapy. Physiotherapists use their knowledge and skills to improve a number of factors related to human body systems.

    Such as:

    • Respiratory: asthma, chronic obstruction lungs, cystic fibrosis.
    • Musculoskeletal: back pain, sports injury, arthritis, whiplash.
    • Cardiovascular: heart disease (chronic). Recovery after a heart attack.

    Can be combined with other medicinal products. The methods are combined:

    • They are used in the form of general or local procedures.
    • In continuous as well as pulsed mode.
    • In the form of external or internal actions.

    When is it prescribed?

    It is prescribed in almost all cases (from a disease more serious than ARVI, to a disease that has become chronic form). The decision on the need for therapy is made by the attending physician. He selects the required procedure and duration.

    Selection in progress individual program for the treatment of diseases:

    • Urological.
    • Gynecological inflammatory.
    • Pathologies of internal organs.

    Effect on the body

    Physiotherapy with proper treatment and selected program:

    • Positively affects the body and human health.
    • Eliminates inflammatory processes.
    • Accelerates healing.
    • Improves blood flow in a problem area.
    • Helps stimulate muscle growth.
    • Strengthens the cardiovascular and central nervous system, activates the immune system.
    • Reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease.
    • Improves sharing nutrients.
    • Promotes the flow of oxygen.
    • Helps eliminate painful sensations.


    It is impossible to undergo physiotherapy with these contraindications:

    • Malignant tumor.
    • Leukemia, myeloid leukemia.
    • Cachexic conditions.
    • Stage 3 of hypertension.
    • Impaired blood clotting.
    • Atherosclerotic lesion of the arteries of the head.
    • Decompensated cardiovascular pathologies.
    • Seriously ill patients.
    • Hectic fever.
    • Active form of tuberculosis, convulsions, psychosomatic disorders, epileptic seizures.
    • Pregnancy and lactation period.
    • Disease of the endocrine system.


    A number of advantages over other types of treatment:

    1. 1. You can influence problem area(does not harm health).
    2. 2. Immunity increases.
    3. 3. There are no side effects.
    4. 4. Don't a large number of contraindications.
    5. 5. B chronic stage the risk of exacerbation of the disease is reduced.
    6. 6. It turns out positive action on the state of the body.
    7. 7. Availability, painlessness, ease of procedures.
    8. 8. Maintaining performance.
    9. 9. Decreased autonomic reactions.


    Modern science explores a vast number of types of energy. A natural factor of physical origin is the main component for many procedures.

    With its help, key physiotherapy procedures are identified:

    1. 1. Mechanical vibrations: ultrasound, vibration therapy.
    2. 2. Electrical magnetic oscillations of the optical range: visible, infrared, ultraviolet, laser radiation.
    3. 3. Using electric field: ultra-high-frequency procedure, infit therapy, franklinization.
    4. 4. Air environment (modified, special): aeroionotherapy, climatotherapy, barotherapy, inhalation therapy.
    5. 5. Use of drugs on the patient's skin: ozokerite, therapeutic mud, clay, sand, paraffin.
    6. 6. Consumption of fresh, artificially created, natural waters: balneotherapy, hydrotherapy.
    7. 7. Use of electric fields: terahertz, decimeter, centimeter, extremely high frequency therapy.
    8. 8. Use of magnetic fields: inductothermy and magnetotherapy.
    9. 9. Application of different optionselectricity: medications with electrophoresis, galvanization procedures, ultratonotherapy, electrical analgesia, diadynamometry, electrosleep.
    10. 10. Combined procedures: magnetic laser therapy, inductothermoelectrophoresis, vacuum-darsonvalization, etc.


    The types of procedures for each client are selected individually. Based on:

    Magnetic therapy

    A natural phenomenon procedure based on the use of specific magnetic fields. Used to treat pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.

    A rarely used method. The treatment is carried out using two inductors with different poles (a magnetic field is created between them, stimulating blood circulation, as well as accelerating tissue regeneration).

    Based clinical trials, magnetotherapy should be used to treat osteoporosis, used to treat damaged tissues and bone fractures. Used in orthopedics and sports.

    The problem is low efficiency. It takes more time to recover. Used in cases where other methods of treatment are contraindicated.

    Shock wave

    A multidisciplinary device is used, necessary in:

    • Orthopedics. For treatment: tendons, muscles, joints.
    • Physiotherapy. To stimulate bone healing.
    • Sports medicine. For instant pain relief.
    • Urology. For crushing stones.

    It affects the sore spot with acoustic wave impacts, thereby:

    1. 1. Leads to irritation of nerve endings and blood flow.
    2. 2. Microcirculation in blood vessels increases.
    3. 3. The flow of nutrients is improved, which significantly affects tissue regeneration and the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

    This is the best therapy for faster and better recovery, treating various symptoms caused by different types of pain, without the need for painkillers.

    Laser therapy

    Laser therapy is a therapy that uses wavelengths of light to coordinate with cells and speed up the healing process.

    Necessary for patients suffering from the following diseases:

    • Spicy.
    • Subacute.
    • Chronic.


    • Eliminate pain syndrome.
    • Relieve swelling.
    • Reduce vascular contractions.
    • Increase efficiency.

    Helium-neon lasers are used in treatment. The procedure lasts fifteen minutes. Does not cause inconvenience or discomfort. The laser amplifies impulses (bioelectric) in tissues. Has a positive effect on blood flow and cell restoration.

    As a result:

    • The overall tone of the treated areas increases.
    • The functionality and performance of muscles and joints increases.
    • The pain goes away and the inflammation is relieved.


    Treatment occurs water procedures using mineral waters. These are various baths, showers, pools, including hot and cold water. Combines with mud procedures. Besides mineral water used by patients. Used for people with a wide range of different diseases.

    Serious pathologies:

    • Anxiety.
    • Insomnia.
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • Stroke.
    • Acne.
    • Psoriasis.
    • Dermatitis.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Depression.
    • Arthritis.
    • Osteoarthritis.

    Minerals penetrate through the skin deep into the body. Annoying nerve endings, thereby improving blood circulation and nutrient supply. Relaxes muscles. For greater effect, apply applications to the required location.


The main goal of physiotherapy is to improve metabolic processes, microcirculation in tissues, as well as stimulate reparative processes, that is, accelerate wound healing. In addition, physiotherapy also has an analgesic effect, and also relieves muscle tension and at the same time allows you to increase the tone of weakened muscles. Physiotherapy is one of the most important components of rehabilitation for almost all diseases, but especially in the treatment of diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy is based on the influence of natural and physical factors on body tissues, such as heat, cold, ultrasound, electric current of various frequencies, magnetic field, laser, etc.

Among the main methods of physiotherapy that are used at the rehabilitation stage, one can note such as electromyostimulation, phono- and electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin applications, ultrasound, magnetic therapy and others.


Electromyostimulation is the effect on muscles of alternating electric current of weak strength and voltage. Electromyostimulation causes deep muscle contractions, strengthens muscles, improves their tone. An interesting fact is that an electromyostimulator can force a muscle to work at 100% of its contractility, while voluntary muscle contractility is only 30% of its potential. During the rehabilitation phase after spinal surgery, such strengthening of the muscular corset around the spine plays an important role in stabilization spinal column. Electromyostimulation allows you to relax muscles in case of overstrain, and in addition, it allows you to remove fat deposits, affecting primarily the areas that most need it. Electromyostimulation allows you to increase blood and lymph circulation in the area of ​​the stimulated muscles of the spine or abdomen, improves the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste and toxins, while lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles, which causes characteristic pain after exercise.

There are contraindications to the use of myostimulation: aversion to electrical impulses; cardiovascular diseases, thyroid gland; pregnancy; periods of menstruation; epilepsy; use of pacemakers; inflammation and tumors of various stages.


Another popular method of physical therapy is electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is a method local administration medicinal substances into tissue using direct current. This method has an advantage over traditional use medicinal substances, since the drug in this case goes directly to the right place, with virtually no systemic effect on the entire body, therefore, the risk of its side effects is much reduced. The method itself is painless and has virtually no special contraindications. In electrophoresis, a plate of the electrophoresis machine is placed on the area where the doctor wants to inject the drug, and another plate is placed on the opposite side. A cloth soaked in the preparation is placed under the plate. Under the influence of a direct electric current, the drug molecules begin to be transported deeper.

Advantages of electrophoresis compared to other treatment methods

  • When using the electrophoresis method, the drug retains its specific effect in the body and does not have a general effect. toxic effect on the body.
  • With the help of electrophoresis, it is possible to introduce several medicinal substances at once into any area of ​​the patient’s body of any size and location.
  • With electrophoresis, a so-called drug depot is created in the thickness of the skin, which can have an effect for much longer (up to 3 weeks).
  • With electrophoresis, the drug is slowly eliminated from the body and provides a prolonged effect.
  • Electrophoresis does not affect the normal functioning of the tissue in the injection area.
  • Electrophoresis allows you to dose the amount of drug administered by changing the size of the electrode, the concentration of the solution, the current strength, or simply the duration of exposure.


Phonophoresis is essentially similar to electrophoresis, but ultrasound is used instead of electric current to administer the drug. The mechanism of phonophoresis is based on the effect on tissue of mechanical vibrations with a frequency of over 16 kHz (and this is ultrasound). They provide a kind of micromassage to the cells, penetrating up to 6 cm. Under the influence of phonophoresis, cellular metabolism, lymphatic drainage and local blood circulation are activated. Ultrasound improves healing and repair processes, reduces the severity of edema, and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The active substances penetrating during phonophoresis, as well as during electrophoresis, accumulate, forming a “skin depot”, from which they gradually enter the blood.

UHF therapy

UHF therapy is probably one of the most common methods of physiotherapy. UHF therapy refers to the electrotherapy method. It is based on the effect of ultra electric field pulses on the patient’s tissue. high frequency(UHF). UHF therapy usually uses an ultra-high frequency of 40.68 MHz. Mechanism of action magnetic field with UHF therapy is similar to the mechanism of action of inductothermy. Under the influence of UHF, heat arises in tissues due to eddy currents. The effect of UHF therapy is associated with increased local blood circulation in tissues, an increase in the number of leukocytes that stimulate the formation of collateral vessels, prolonged hyperemia, and accelerated conduction of impulses along nerve fiber, increasing the regulatory function of the nervous system, etc. UHF also has a pronounced analgesic and regenerating effect on the patient’s tissue.

Paraffin treatment

Paraffin applications are another popular method thermal effects on the patient's tissue. Paraffin applications have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, improve lymph and blood circulation in tissues, activate metabolic processes, restore the conductivity of nerve impulses and relieve muscle spasms. Paraffin applications found wide application in rehabilitation and conservative treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system and degenerative diseases of the spine. Paraffin treatment has a number of contraindications - hypertonic disease II-III stages, benign and malignant tumors, spicy inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, endocrine diseases and bleeding tendency.

Paraffin has a high heat capacity, due to which it can retain heat for a long time and release it, having a pronounced warming effect on fabrics. When using paraffin applications, tissue overheating does not occur, since when it hardens, a paraffin film is formed on the surface of the skin, the temperature of which quickly drops to the temperature of the skin. An air layer between this film and the skin protects the skin and underlying tissues from the hot layers of paraffin. For medical purposes, special white paraffin is used. Hot paraffin is applied only to dry skin. Paraffin warms up in an hour to 60-80° and becomes liquid. After this, it is allowed to cool a little, to approximately a temperature of 55-60°, and then they take an ordinary flat brush and apply several layers of paraffin to the sore spot, also covering neighboring, healthy areas. The thickness of the paraffin layer after application is on average 1-2 cm. The paraffin quickly hardens, forming a dense solid layer. Waxed paper or oilcloth is placed on top of the frozen paraffin to reliably cover the entire area of ​​the paraffin, after which it is covered with a terry towel or other cloth.

The duration of paraffin applications is 30-60 minutes, after which the paraffin is removed with a wooden spatula. In general, paraffin applications are carried out every other day or daily, usually in the evening, one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

Detensor therapy

Detensor therapy is a modern method of physiotherapy, which is used both in the complex of conservative treatment of spinal diseases and at the stage of rehabilitation after operations and spinal injuries. Detensor therapy is a gentle traction and unloading of the spine. This method is currently used to correct disorders in the vertebral area, eliminate back pain, as well as improve the function of internal organs, stimulate microcirculation in tissues and improve metabolic processes in intervertebral discs. Detensor therapy, like many other physiotherapeutic methods, improves lymphatic drainage in tissues, microcirculation and restores the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system. The essence of the detensor therapy method is quite simple and consists in stretching the spine under the influence of the patient’s own body weight. This system was developed by Dr. Kurt Kienlein in Germany back in 1980. Since then, this method of physiotherapy has been successfully used in rehabilitation and conservative treatment of the spine and is characterized by a lasting positive effect. Spinal traction during detensor therapy occurs under relaxation conditions in combination with the functional position of the spine, taking into account its physiological bends. This is possible using a special design of the detensor therapy traction system.

Detensor therapy is indicated for acute and chronic degenerative diseases of the spine, herniated intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis and radiculitis, spinal curvature (with scoliosis, for example), in complex treatment compression fractures, and most importantly - in the process of rehabilitation after traumatic injuries.

Shock wave therapy

Shock wave therapy (SWT) is one of the most current methods physiotherapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine, the effectiveness of which is achieved in almost 90% of cases. This method has found wide application mainly in conservative therapy degenerative-dystrophic changes in musculoskeletal tissue. Let us note that the number of people with degenerative diseases of the spine and joints is increasing every year, both in our country and abroad. An important step The solution to this problem was the discovery in Europe of the method of extracorporeal shock wave therapy. According to its effectiveness conservative method shock wave therapy can even be compared to surgical treatment. Its main advantage over operational methods is the absence of complications, the risk of which always accompanies surgical methods treatment, since UVT is a completely non-invasive method.

The essence of the shock wave therapy method is the impact of a sound (acoustic) wave, which transfers energy to the problem area. The penetration depth of such an acoustic wave can reach 7 cm. Shock wave therapy has a stimulating effect on the processes of regeneration and repair. UVT also has a fairly quick and effective analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms and tension, improves the trophism of the tissues of the spine and around the joints, loosens calcareous deposits and areas of fibrosis in the tissues of the spine and joints, and also increases the production of collagen, and in addition, accelerates metabolism in the tissues , where the acoustic wave is directed.

SWT is currently widely used in the treatment of conditions such as: rehabilitation after spinal surgery for injuries (vertebral fractures) or degenerative diseases (osteochondrosis, herniated discs, etc.), pain in the shoulder (tendenitis, “collision” syndrome), epicondylitis (so-called “tennis” elbow), exostosis of the joints of small joints in 1 tbsp. arthrosis, pain in the palm of the wrist, bursitis with pain in the hip, pain in the groin, pain in the kneecap(knee tendinopathy), pain in the hamstring area, achillodynia (inflammation of the bursa under the Achilles tendon behind the heel tubercle), heel spurs, trigger points, salt deposits in the joints, consequences of bone and joint fractures, sports injuries.

The main areas of application of UVT are orthopedics, traumatology, rehabilitation medicine and sports medicine.

Shock wave therapy is contraindicated if there are large blood vessels in the problem area, coagulation disorders (increased bleeding), pregnancy, infectious diseases and malignant or benign tumors.

The main course of UVT consists on average of 3 - 5 sessions, with an interval of 5 to 10 days. The UVT procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes.

Laser therapy

One of the leading places in modern rehabilitation medicine, as well as in the conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, is occupied by laser therapy. As you know, a laser is polarized light. As a result of laser exposure to tissue, self-regulation mechanisms are activated and the natural forces of the body are mobilized. The effect of laser therapy is to eliminate pain, swelling in tissues, have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the immune system, have an anti-allergenic effect, and have a reparative effect (i.e., improve healing processes). Laser therapy also stimulates metabolic processes for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints. Laser therapy has found wide application in the treatment of a huge range of diseases: from pathologies of the skin and subcutaneous fat to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, as well as the nervous system, endocrine pathology and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, laser therapy is characterized by significant effectiveness and gives a positive effect in most cases.

Laser therapy is indicated for: degenerative diseases of the spine (intervertebral hernia, disc protrusion, osteochondrosis, radiculitis), diseases of the joints and bone tissue(epicondylitis humerus, bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis, joint contractures), diseases and injuries of ligaments and joints, muscle diseases (myositis), tendon diseases (tendonitis), post-traumatic diseases.

Laser therapy allows in many cases to reduce the time of conservative treatment and prevents the transition of the acute stage of the disease to the chronic stage. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of laser therapy is quite high, and there are practically no side effects or complications, which makes this method a reliable and affordable direction in physiotherapy.

Currently, the following types are used in rehabilitation after spinal injuries and surgeries: laser radiation: infrared and red. Infrared radiation is different in that it penetrates deeper into the tissue, while red radiation is more suitable for treating superficial areas. In addition, laser therapy can be either continuous or pulsed. This or that type of laser and the mode of its use are chosen by the physiotherapist. In addition, the laser is also used in combination with other methods of physiotherapy, for example, with magnetotherapy or laser radiation on acupuncture points.


Magnetotherapy is a long-known and widely popular method of physiotherapy, which is used both in the conservative treatment of various diseases and in the process of rehabilitation after spinal surgery and musculoskeletal system. The magnetic field has a system-wide healing effect on the entire body, activating the so-called compensatory-adaptive mechanisms and internal reserves of the patient’s body. Magnetic therapy helps improve blood supply to the brain and spinal cord, saturation of the heart myocardium with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, blood sugar levels, immunity, and the function of internal organs. Devices for magnetic therapy latest generation make it possible to create a magnetic field frequency similar to the frequency of the patient’s biorhythms, which has a positive overall effect on the therapeutic effect of magnetic therapy.

  Natural factors were used for medicinal purposes (especially hydrotherapy and sun therapy) in countries Ancient East, Greece and Rome. Physical factors have influenced man throughout his evolution; therefore, physiotherapeutic procedures have a more physiological effect on the body than many medications.
  Physiotherapeutic procedures cause both nonspecific and specific responses of the body. The latter are determined by the characteristics of the active factor and the pathological process and provide the main therapeutic effect. The choice of factor, its dose and method of application, as well as a combination of several factors is determined by the form and stage of the disease and the condition of the body. The variety of factors and techniques used in physiotherapy determines the possibilities of individualized effects on the body and targeted influence on pathological process without negative side effect.
  Physiotherapy is one of the safest treatments available today.

  Additional element of treatment; It is extremely rare to alleviate the patient’s condition with the help of physiotherapy alone. Most often, physiotherapy is used as an addition to the main method of treatment, and it happens that the doctor prescribes it either out of despair, or on the principle “the more procedures, the better.”
  Therefore, I will briefly talk only about those physiotherapy procedures that are most actively used in the treatment of spinal diseases these days or that are the most useful from my point of view.

Laser therapy (Laser therapy)

  Laser therapy is a relatively new treatment method that has become widespread. Laser devices are now available, probably, in any hospital and clinic. Moreover, many patients, having read advertising articles about the benefits of laser therapy, buy laser devices For home use. Unfortunately, most patients remain dissatisfied with the result of laser therapy, having not received the 100% cure promised by advertising. Here again we are faced with a situation where expectations exceed the capabilities of the method. Sometimes a person expects results that laser therapy cannot provide in principle.

  To understand what can be achieved with laser therapy, you need to know how it affects the patient’s body.

  Laser therapy is the use for medicinal purposes of a special intensified light beam consisting of ultraviolet, infrared and red radiation spectra. It is believed that laser exposure has an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic effect and stimulates metabolism. Taking into account these properties of laser radiation, two laser therapy techniques have been developed:
  local impact directly on sore joints and damaged parts of the spine;
Laser irradiation of the ulnar vein area.

  The first technique used (together with other methods of therapy) for the treatment of true osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, glenohumeral periarthritis, ulnar epicondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, various arthrosis, in complex therapy disc herniation and for treating inflamed joints in patients with psoriatic arthritis.

  The second technique used in complex therapy of ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic or rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that when a laser emitter inserted into a vein or placed on the area of ​​a vein irradiates the blood passing through the vein, the properties of this blood change, as a result of which the immunity of the sick person is increased and his metabolism is normalized. In reality, such an effect helps about half of the sick. The course of treatment usually consists of 15 sessions.

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  Laser therapy is a good and fairly safe method of treatment (in the absence of contraindications), but still cannot be expected to cure serious illness laser alone. Laser therapy is precisely an additional method of treatment as part of complex therapy.

  Contraindications to the use of laser are tumor diseases, blood diseases, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, infectious diseases, exhaustion, bleeding, myocardial infarction, stroke, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, hypertensive crisis.


  B last years To treat joint diseases, special cryogenic installations began to be used, affecting the body with ultra-low temperatures.

  There are two main methods of cryotherapy: dry cryotherapy (exposure to ultra-low temperature air, in particular the use of a cryosauna) and liquid cryotherapy- exposure of the affected joint or area of ​​the back to a jet of liquid nitrogen under pressure. According to my observations, in diseases cervical spine spine and joints, liquid cryotherapy is much more effective than dry cold.

  By influencing the affected joint or area of ​​the back with a jet of liquid nitrogen, you can achieve a pronounced response from the body: increased blood circulation and improved metabolism, reduced swelling of the joint, relieved muscle spasm and decreased pain. The course of treatment includes 10-12 procedures performed daily or every other day.

  Especially good effect therapy liquid nitrogen gives for acute and chronic painful spasms of the back muscles, arthrosis of the shoulder and knee joints, ankylosing spondylitis and a little less strong - with a herniated disc and rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. This, according to my observations, is one of the best physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of the listed diseases.

  In addition, exposing liquid nitrogen to collar area, it is possible to normalize the increased arterial pressure and ease breathing in case of bronchitis or bronchial asthma (with the exception of cold asthma).

  In addition, when used correctly, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen has almost no contraindications and can be used to treat elderly, debilitated patients. It cannot be used only for Raynaud's syndrome, some arrhythmias and immediately immediately after a heart attack or stroke. But cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is not subject to many contraindications to other methods of physiotherapy: cryotherapy can be used even by those who have benign oncological diseases(such as fibroids, mastopathy, etc.) and diseases of the thyroid gland (in particular, nodes).

  Unlike cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, dry cryotherapy (cryosauna) has less local impact on individual inflamed joints. The area of ​​application of cryosaunas is mainly those joint diseases, for which it is required overall impact on the whole body: it is rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis with total damage to all joints or with damage to a very large group of joints.

Electromyostimulation of muscles

  Electromyostimulation is an effect on muscles using pulsed currents of various frequencies. The procedure helps restore muscle contractility and strength, as well as stimulate and revitalize damaged nerves. It makes sense to use electromyostimulation for general muscle hypotonicity, osteoporosis and during the recovery period after spinal surgery.

  In general, you need to understand that although in general electromyostimulation has a good effect on the spine, it is still more “gymnastics for the lazy” - the device “pumps” the muscles, and the person lies and rests. At the same time, the patient will naturally not be able to obtain the degree of muscle loading that gymnastics itself can give the patient. So it’s good to use electromyostimulation as an addition to gymnastics, but not instead of it. In addition, electrical muscle stimulation has serious contraindications: rheumatic, oncological and acute infectious diseases, bleeding, myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombophlebitis, hypertensive crisis. In addition, electrical muscle stimulation thoracic spine can cause interruptions in the activity of the heart: arrhythmia and tachycardia.


  Magnetic field treatment (magnetic therapy) is based on well-known physical laws. When a conductor (blood) moves in a non-uniform magnetic field or fixed structures (muscles, nerves) come under the influence of a magnetic field, so-called ring currents are formed in them. This phenomenon is used for non-contact electrical stimulation of muscles, improving blood circulation and metabolism in certain areas of tissue. It is believed that exposure to a magnetic field leads to a decrease in tissue swelling and inflammation.

  Magnetic therapy is used in the complex treatment of arthrosis large joints, arthrosis of intervertebral joints, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, Forestier's disease and Scheuermann's disease. Some authors suggest using magnetic therapy in the treatment of disc herniation, but experience shows that such treatment often leads to increased swelling of the nerve and increased radicular pain. From my observations I note that when chronic diseases the back method rarely lives up to expectations.

  Contraindications to magnetic therapy are oncological diseases, tendency to bleeding, acute heart attack myocardium and stroke, pregnancy, inflammatory diseases with increased body temperature, significantly reduced blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, as well as local suppuration until they are opened surgically.

Drug electrophoresis

  The method is based on the ability of an electric current to conduct various medicinal substances through the skin into the body. When performing electrophoresis, a damp gauze cloth moistened with medicinal solution a certain concentration. Electrodes are placed on top of the napkins, to which a weak electric current is applied. Under the influence of electricity, medicinal substances begin to actively penetrate through the skin to the diseased joint or damaged part of the spine.

  As a result, the body area treated with electrophoresis receives a double therapeutic effect: both from electrical impulses and from drugs administered in this way.

  Medicinal electrophoresis is actively used in complex therapy in the treatment of disc herniation, arthrosis of intervertebral joints, true osteochondrosis, acute muscle spasm, arthrosis of large joints, as well as for the treatment of ulnar epicondylitis, glenohumeral periarthritis. In this case, novocaine, analgin and lidase are usually applied to the joints using electrophoresis, and to inflamed ones neck muscles or a damaged segment of the spine - diphenhydramine, novocaine, karipazim and magnesia.

  Contraindications to electrophoresis are oncological diseases, myocardial infarction, pregnancy, stroke, inflammatory diseases with increased body temperature, sharply increased blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, bleeding, local suppuration.

Thermal treatment (ozokerite therapy, paraffin therapy, mud therapy)

  For thermal effects on the body, substances are used that can retain heat for a long time, slowly and gradually releasing it to the patient’s body: paraffin (a product of petroleum distillation), ozokerite (mountain wax), therapeutic mud (silt, peat, pseudo-volcanic). In addition to the temperature effect, such coolants also have an effect on the patient’s body. chemical exposure: during the procedure, biologically active substances and inorganic salts penetrate into the body through the skin, helping to improve metabolism and blood circulation.

  Thermal treatment makes sense to use for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis of the spinal joints, chronic stiffness of the back muscles, Scheuermann's disease, Forestier's disease and ankylosing spondylitis (beyond exacerbation, when blood counts are normal), arthrosis of the joints, ulnar epicondylitis, glenohumeral periarthritis, as well as with a calm course of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

  Contraindications to heat therapy are acute inflammatory diseases, cancer, blood diseases, inflammatory diseases kidneys, bleeding, purulent lesions body, hepatitis.

  From options heat treatment detailed description deserve healing mud. Unlike paraffin and ozokerite therapy, therapeutic mud can be used at home, fortunately there is now a sufficient supply in pharmacies big choice mud preparations.

  The main method of mud therapy is application, when mud is applied to the affected area of ​​the back. healing mud a certain temperature. Here is the method for preparing such an application: the healing mud is diluted with water and heated to a temperature of 60 °C. Then the hot mud is mixed with unheated mud, achieving a temperature of 38-42 ° C, and a 2-3 cm thick layer is applied to the affected area of ​​the back. The mud mixture is covered with compress paper or oilcloth and a blanket on top. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes. The procedures are carried out every other day, the course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

I considered only part of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, mentioning those that are most often used for diseases of the spine. For those of you who want to learn more about physical therapy, just go to a medical book store and select the appropriate literature. For example, physiotherapeutic procedures are described in great detail in A. A. Ushakov’s book “Guide to Practical Physiotherapy.”

Attention! the information on the site is not medical diagnosis, or a guide to action and is intended for informational purposes only.

The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases using various physical factors is called physiotherapy. Hardware physiotherapy or electrotherapy are procedures that are prescribed to patients with therapeutic effect and are used with factors such as electrical, sound, light, high frequency, etc. The use of physiotherapeutic methods helps patients recover after operations, after severe injuries, as well as in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Physiotherapy. Kinds

Medicine does not stand still, it is constantly moving forward. Today there are many types of physical therapy. A physiotherapist prescribes this or that method after studying the patient’s medical history in detail. After all, physiotherapy is actively used in almost all areas of medicine.

There are such types of physiotherapy:

Blood purification therapy;


Ultrasound therapy;

Light therapy;



Laser therapy.


This is a physiotherapeutic method used for medicinal purposes using dosed electric current and magnetic fields. There are special devices that can simulate various types electrical influence.

Galvanization. This method of electrotherapy is necessary so that the medicine, in combination with a constant electric current, penetrates the tissue faster. Thanks to galvanization, medicinal substances have a high pharmacological activity and prolonged action. There are practically no side effects.

Darsonvalization. By influencing the body with alternating pulsed currents of high frequency, pain is reduced, spasms are relieved, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases, and wounds heal. This type of electrotherapy is also prescribed for hypertension, insomnia, neuroses, etc. In dermatology it is used for various skin defects.

Diathermy. This method uses low-voltage, but high-power currents. Due to this effect, the temperature of the skin and organs located underneath it rises. Blood begins to actively flow to them, which leads to improved blood circulation, increased metabolism, and increased immunity. Diathermy is indicated for inflammation, allergies, pain and spasms.

UHF. Electromagnetic and microwave fields act on the body, strengthening the body’s own protective properties and stimulating the restoration of affected organs. This therapy restores the electromagnetic field of the body, and the diseased cells return healthy condition. The type of physiotherapy a physiotherapist prescribes it if the body is exhausted and the person often gets sick.

Amplipulse. This is a method of physiotherapy in which the body is exposed to currents of low voltage and low frequency with intervals between impulses. The increased action of the currents seems to be replaced by a decline. These pulses can be delivered at different frequencies. They can be single or consist of a series of pushes. Amplimpulse is used in medicine for so-called electrosleep and has an inhibitory effect. But it can also cause, on the contrary, a stimulating effect – electrical myostimulation. Electroanalgesia is the use of an amplipulse for an analgesic effect.

Blood cleansing therapy

Ozone therapy. Due to the fact that ozone is dangerous for the lungs, ozone therapy is carried out using a special device - an ozonizer. If it is necessary to introduce oxygen into the blood vessels, it is mixed with a special saline solution or with the patient’s blood. This method of physiotherapy is actively used in wound healing, viral diseases, to improve immunity.

Plasmapheresis. A certain amount of blood is isolated from the human body, sent to a hemocontainer, and in a special plasmapheresis apparatus, the blood is divided into red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and then returned back to the body. This is done for medicinal or donor purposes. Russian legislation the amount of blood taken from the donor is clearly defined. There is a special “Law on Donation” in the constitution.

Simply put, plasmapheresis is blood purification. And this method is widely used in medicine. It is used to treat almost all organs and systems. Ultrasound therapy. This type of treatment is based on the effect of ultrasonic waves on the human body for medicinal purposes.

Phonophoresis. By applying ultrasound in combination with therapeutic agents to the patient’s skin, it is possible to achieve an amazing effect. This method is used in cosmetology to rejuvenate, cleanse and moisturize the skin. Ultrasonic vibrations, penetrating 4-5 cm into the skin, provide a kind of micro massage to the cells and ensure the activation of cellular metabolism, improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

Light therapy

It is used by exposing the patient's body to light rays such as ultraviolet, quartz and infrared lamps, as well as light with a full range of radiation. Light therapy is very effective in treating depression and aids recovery circadian rhythm(biological clock).

KUF is shortwave ultraviolet radiation, used in medicine to irradiate mucous membranes and blood cells. Ultraviolet in certain quantities has a positive effect on the patient’s body and is indicated for diseases such as: purulent inflammation, endocarditis, ischemic diseases heart, gastritis, psoriasis, diabetes etc.


This method is based on the effect of a static magnetic field (EMF) on the human body, the source of which is a permanent magnet. Of course, devices that generate a magnetic field have nothing in common with an ordinary magnet, but they are called electromagnetic because they generate EMF.


Inhalations are widely used in physiotherapy. This is the introduction medicines due to patients inhaling gas or vapor. Relaxing in the forest or at sea, people receive natural inhalations. They breathe clean, moist air from the sea and forest. Artificial inhalation is considered to be the inhalation of steam using special devices - inhalers. This type of treatment is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and tracheitis. But you can also provide system effect the whole body, for example inhalation anesthesia.

Laser therapy

This is the effect of a low-intensity laser on the affected areas of organs and tissues. Under the influence of a laser, biochemical processes are accelerated, the permeability of cell membranes improves, and oxygen reaches tissues better. All this leads to rapid recovery functions of damaged pelvic organs. Physiotherapy is a fairly young field of medicine, it is actively developing. Therefore, many types of physical therapy that are in the process of development will be actively used in the future. These methods have long proven their effectiveness, they are safe and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

In recent years, combined methods of physiotherapy have been increasingly used, when 2 or 3 physical factors act simultaneously and are applied to the same area of ​​the body in the form of one procedure.

Most often, in combined physiotherapy, factors of unidirectional synergistic action are used, the similar influence of which is summed up or potentiated by each other.

As a result, there is an increase therapeutic effect when prescribing smaller doses - less intense physiotherapeutic effects compared to the use of each physical factor separately.

The combined use of physical factors is well tolerated by patients, increases the effectiveness of treatment, and helps reduce adverse reactions from the physiological systems of the body. These methods include simultaneous use two types of electrical energy, different types radiation, electrical and mud therapy, various water and balneological effects and other combinations of various physical factors with each other. Along with this, physiotherapy often uses the simultaneous use of physical factors and medicinal substances, which can be classified as combined physical and pharmacological effects. We will present a description of only some combined physiotherapeutic methods.

Galvanoinductotherm is a therapeutic method of simultaneous exposure of the patient to direct electric current and alternating high-frequency (13.56 MHz) or ultra-high-frequency 27.12 MHz, 40.68 MHz electromagnetic field. The source of direct electric current is galvanizing devices, most often “Potok-1”. A high-frequency alternating magnetic field is obtained using the IKV-4 apparatus (Fig. 400, 401, 402).

Rice. 400. Metal part of the active electrode for galvanoinductothermy

Rice. 401. Location of electrodes and inductor-disk during galvanoinductothermy

Rice. 402. Arrangement of electrodes, oilcloth and inductor-cable during galvanoinductothermy

Ultrahigh-frequency magnetic field - from UHF therapy devices: “UHF-30”, “UHF-66”, “Ekran-1”, “Ekran-2”, using a resonant inductor with a tuned kongur, the so-called eddy current electrode (“EVT- eleven"). Depending on the power of the UHF device, a resonant inductor of a certain diameter is selected for the procedure (to avoid overheating): from a device with a power of 30 W - 6 cm, 40 W - 9 cm, 70-80 W - 14 cm, 90-100 W - 16 cm The resonant inductor is connected to the upper sockets of the device.

Diadynamoniductothermy and diadynamophoresis-inductothermy are a method of combined effects on the body of diadynamic currents and inductothermy, as well as a combination of these two factors and a medicinal substance. Diadynamic therapy and inductothermy devices are used.

To carry out the procedure, plate electrodes with some features are used (see galvanoinductothermy), placing them on the patient’s body, as in diadynamic therapy, moistened with tap water or a 1-2% solution of medicinal substances. At potent drugs use solutions of lower concentrations or a single dose of medication.

The inductor-disk is placed above the “active” electrode of the diadishamic therapy device with virtually no gap, affecting the chest or abdominal area. The inductor cable is used for diseases of the limbs. At the locations of the electrode around the circumference of the limb, an oilcloth and a towel are placed to create a gap (up to 1 cm).

When carrying out a combined procedure, first turn on the inductothermy device, after 1-2 minutes - the diadynamic therapy device. turn off the devices in the reverse order. With inductothermy, the intensity of the thermal sensation and the position of the power control knob are taken into account, the strength of the diadynamic current is selected according to the patient’s sensations in the form of painless but pronounced vibration.

The type of diadynamic current is selected accordingly general principles diadynamic therapy taking into account the diagnosis, form of the disease, its clinical course and individual characteristics of the patient. The duration of the procedure is from 4-5 to 0-15 minutes, carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed per course.

Combined mud therapy methods

The concept of combined mud therapy includes simultaneous exposure of the body to mud or its constituent components and another physical factor applied to the same area of ​​the body during one procedure.

Amplipulse mud therapy

Two electrodes, connected on different sides by terminals of the Amplipulse apparatus, are placed on two mud applications 3-4 cm thick at a temperature of 38-40 ° C, which are placed in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

Sinusoidal modulated currents are used in rectified or alternating mode, respectively in mode II and I. In case of severe pain, SMT is influenced by the following parameters: mode I, type works III and IV - 5-6 minutes with each type of current, with a modulation frequency of 100-150 Hz, depth of 25-50%, duration of bursts in a period of 2-3 s. The current strength is increased until a pronounced but painless vibration appears. The total duration of the procedure is 10-12 minutes, which is carried out daily or every other day. 10-12 procedures are prescribed per course.


A multi-layer napkin 2-2.5 cm thick is impregnated with a molten paraffin-ozokerite mixture (1:1). Then it is cooled to a temperature of 40-45 ° C, covered on both sides with plastic film and labeled. The napkin is stored in the closet.

Before the procedure, the paraffin-ozokerite cloth is heated in a thermostat or under a heat lamp to a temperature of 40 °C. When it becomes warm and elastic, it is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus, having previously removed the film.

A light-thermal bath or other source of infrared or visible light radiation is installed above the paraffin-ozokerite cloth. The exposure time is 20-30 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the paraffin-ozokerite napkin is removed, covered again with marked plastic film and stored until the next procedure.

Each side is used 4-5 times, so 1 multi-layer individual napkin is used for the entire course of treatment for 1 patient. The course includes 8-10 procedures, carried out daily, every other day or 2 days in a row with a break day. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for 30-40 minutes.


The mixture is prepared at the rate of 3 parts paraffin and 1 part naftalan oil, then it is heated to 57-60 ° C in paraffin heaters installed in a fume hood. A mixture of temperature 50-55 °C is applied to the skin in several layers with a flat brush 0.5 cm thick. A light-thermal irradiator is installed above the application. The exposure time is 15-30 minutes.

The larger the area, the shorter the duration of the procedure. A course of treatment includes 10-12 procedures, which are carried out every other day or 2 days in a row with a day of rest. After the procedure, it is recommended to stay indoors for 30-40 minutes, especially in the cold season. The used paraffin-naphthalam mixture can be reused after sterilization in a paraffin heater at a temperature of 100 °C for 15 minutes. Before use, 15-20% of fresh mixture is added to the sterilized mixture to restore the plastic properties of chemical and biological activity.

Transrectal phonophoresis of drugs

To carry out the procedure, devices “UZT-3.07”, “UZT-1.08” with rectal emitters are used.

The patient is placed on the couch on the right side with the legs pulled up to the stomach, having previously emptied the intestines.

The procedure is carried out by a doctor or qualified nurse urology department. The mucous membrane of the rectum at the location of the prostate gland is lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment. A rectal emitter is inserted into the rectum under finger control and its emitting surface is placed at the level of the prostate gland; a labile sounding technique is used, lightly pressing the emitter against the intestinal mucosa above the prostate gland.

The pulse mode is used, the pulse duration is 10 ms, the ultrasound intensity is 0.3-0.4 W/cm2, the exposure time is 5 minutes. The course of treatment includes 8-10 procedures performed daily. This technique uses 0.1 g of 2.5% hydrocortisone ointment. For chronic nonspecific prostatitis, an antibiotic emulsion is used, which is injected into the rectum through a catheter in an amount of 10 ml. The rest of the procedure is carried out similarly to that described above. Antibiotics are selected depending on the sensitivity of the microflora to them. When preparing emulsin, it is necessary that 1 ml contain 25 mg (25,000 units) of antibiotic. A single dose of 10 ml corresponds to 25,000 units of antibiotic.

Combined effects of sinusoidal modulated currents and ultrasound are a relatively new method of physiotherapy. It is carried out using “SAU-1” (“Amplipulse-Ultrasound Link”) - a connecting device between the “Amplipulse-4” and “Ultrasound-1.01” devices.

“SAU-1” is connected to the “Ultrazvuk-1.01” apparatus. Then a wire with an ultrasonic emitter is connected to this bundle on one side, and an electrode holder in the form of a “paw” from one of the wires of the Ampli-Pulse-4 device is inserted into the same bundle on the side. An electrode of the required area is connected to another wire. Thus, to carry out the procedure there is an ultrasonic emitter and an electrode of sinusoadally modulated currents.

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.